My Soul Knows

Hey, my beloved sisters! I have you on my mind right now, wondering how you are and what God is presently sowing into your path. I’ve been writing to you steadily through Children of the Day but today I found myself longing for real-time interaction. I’ve been thinking about a verse that I’ve known and loved a very long time. I like it in almost any version but it’s by far the most gorgeous in the King James.


I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    Marvelous are Your works,
    And that my soul knows very well.

     Psalm 139:14 NKJV

It’s the last line that I love so much. Life is hard and all our unanswered questions and unsolvable mysteries can make us feel like we’re getting sucked further and further into a black hole. We can come to the conclusion that there is really very little that we can know and, for the most part, we earthlings are victims of gravity, the soles of our feet stuck to the dirt and growing more callous by the day. Depression runs particularly rampant this time of year and darkness can be even darker for children of light. We know it’s not where we belong but we don’t always know how to crack the door to the sunshine.

We’re going to give that a shot today.

My challenge to you in the midst of all our questions is to behold what we each – individually, not corporately – really do know all the way into the dark folds of our souls. Here’s the 2-part assignment:


1. Complete this sentence: Right now I don’t have any idea… (pick only one thing, the thing that you find most confusing right now or most removed from your knowledgeable reach).


2. But these things my soul knows very well: (Write 5 things you know – really, really know – even in the black of night, even when you don’t feel well, even amid your thousands of other questions. Don’t just come up with 5 things by rote because you know they’re the right things to say and they’d be the top 5 priority pieces of information for people of our faith. What 5 things make the most difference to you right now in your circumstances?? What does your soul know very well? 5 things, Sweet Things. Don’t copy anybody else’s answers. Don’t even read anyone else’s list until you leave your comment. This is not about their relationship with your God. This is about yours. In a world of wondering, what do you know, Sister? Resist being predictable. Think about it. Don’t say it if you don’t know it to your core. For instance, don’t say, “I know God loves me” if the truth is that you doubt it every single day. Say what you know.


And those things will bridge your faith over to what you don’t.


I love you so much.


506 Responses to “My Soul Knows”

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  1. 401
    Ebony says:

    1. What is the purpose to life?

    1. I have experienced miracles from God 1st hand.
    2. I’ve been blessed beyond what I deserve.
    3. God is real despite all of the unbelievers around me.
    4. God is for ALL of us.
    5. If I could not call on the name of Jesus I would have no hope.

  2. 402
    amybhill says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how things are going to go down on Sunday night.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1) If for some reason I didn’t go through with this, I would be flat-out disobeying the Lord.
    2) God went out of His way to reassure me that He sees me & He is WITH me (even if it was over a year ago- it definitely happened).
    3) I would be a sorry, sad, very-broken version of myself if the Lord Jesus hadn’t scooped me up in His grace.
    4) ALL things work together for good for those who love the Lord and have been called according to His purpose. My soul does know this.
    5) So many beautiful times, in so many creative ways, God has whispered to the depths of my soul that I am loved and I was created for this to the glory of God.

  3. 403
    Jill E. says:

    Right now I have no idea why God permits addictions to continue to wreak havoc in the lives of believers and their families.

    These things my soul knows very well:
    1. Jesus loves me.
    2. God sent Jesus to save me.
    3. My husband is my best friend.
    4. My children love me and like spending time with me.
    5. God will never leave me or forsake me.

  4. 404
    Laura says:

    I don’t know if my son is going to turn to Jesus.
    What I do know:
    Jesus is my Lord and Savior
    He never leaves me
    He loves me
    He wants the best for me
    All things work to the good for those that love the Lord.

  5. 405
    Linda says:

    1. Right now I don’t have any idea… why God placed me within a specific group at a specific time and specific location during many years of my life

    2. But these things my soul knows very well:

    1-God is always at work
    2-I will reach a goal if my mind is “stayed on Thee”
    3-My marriage will last until death do us part
    4-Self-help is crouching at the door
    5-God has allowed a pattern to be repeated in my life so that I will grow in that area and overcome on this side of heaven. This I do indeed know full well and have proof in the form of observeable growth in this area.

  6. 406
    Brianna says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea…whether or not I will be able to have a healthy child in the future, and not keep miscarrying.

    But I know…
    1. That there is a God
    2. That Jesus died for my sins
    3. That if I seek God I will find Him
    4. I am loved
    5. My story does not end here

  7. 407
    Debbie, Jacksonville says:

    Right now I’m not sure how we’ll fare financially after retirement.

    But these things my soul knoweth right well:
    1. I know I belong to Him.
    2. I know I’ll see my parents again.
    3. I know he will give me faith when I ask for it.
    4. I know he’s guiding my career and giving me unearned favor.
    5. I know he has given me the desires of my heart.

  8. 408
    Mary Jane says:

    Right now I have no idea what stability my job has or what my future looks like for work within the next 5 years.

    But these things my soul knows very well…

    1) God is in control. No matter what, nothing takes Him by surprise.

    2) He will take care of me. I must do my part, but He is for me, not against me.

    3) God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What a comfort in a world that is continually changing.

    4) His Word is my compass. I must read it, study it, memorize it, depend on it.

    5) This world is not the end! Hallelujah! Eternal life is secured for me by the precious blood of my Savior, Jesus Christ!

  9. 409
    melissa says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea when (or if) this season of grief, loss and hopefulness/hopelessness will be over.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. There is nothing worse than losing God.
    2. I will never lose Him; He promised.
    3. God is greater than my disappointment.
    4. I need Jesus!
    5. My help comes from the LORD.

  10. 410
    Helen Wall says:

    I don’t have any idea how my family situation will ever be able to work out for good.

    But this I do know:
    God is greater than my circumstances!!
    God loves my children way more than I do!!!
    My soul can rest in His love and peace!!!
    God’s ability is not limited to my ability to understand!!!!
    God is always with me and He is faithful!!

  11. 411
    Kim says:

    1. God answers my prayers, sometimes immediately and sometimes not!
    2. He made me just the way He wanted to and He loves me.
    3. His Spirit communicates with me through nature and songs and of course, His Word.
    4. I will meet Jesus face-to-face in Heaven some day.
    5. My husband and kids are gifts from God and they love me.

  12. 412
    Brenda J says:

    Brenda – Hendersonville TN
    Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
    They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
    I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him. Lam 3:22-24 NIV

  13. 413
    Robin says:

    ROBIN: Orange City, Iowa Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV

  14. 414
    Nicole Hudnall says:

    Nicole Hudnall, Lynchburg, VA
    So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. (Galatians 6:9 NLT)

  15. 415
    Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, SC says:

    Eph 2:8-9. KJV

    For by grace you have been saved through faith,
    and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
    Not of works, lest anyone should boast.

  16. 416
    DaWanna Landry says:

    DaWanna Landry
    Orange, Texas

    But the time is coming -indeed it’s here now-when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.

    John 4:23 NLT

  17. 417
    Janice says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why I have let my marriage be unhealthy for so many years, and what will happen as I try to make important changes.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. If I had not cried out to God almost 10 years ago and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior, I would not be able to handle my life now.
    2. I need to trust God, and trust Him completely…he has already shown he is worthy of my trust by the miracles he has performed in my life already.
    3. My husband is a child of God as well, and God hurts when he continues to turn away from Him. I need to continue praying for Him daily.
    4. I have been damaged by many (all) of the items in “So Long Insecurity”, but by the grace of God, I am starting to “…clothe myself in strength and dignity”
    5. My relationship with the Lord is the most important thing in my life, and I will not forsake it…God can repair, heal, and create new where previously broken!

  18. 418
    Nell George says:

    Nell, Gallatin
    Psalm 46:10 ESV
    “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

  19. 419
    Diane says:

    Diane – Roswell, GA

    Romans 8:18(ESV)
    “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

  20. 420
    Sheralyn W. says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why God allowed my best friend, my boyfriend, and my Mom to leave me all in the same month in 3 very different ways.

    But these things my soul knows very well;

    1) God has not left me for one second- even though I am barely able to acknowledge his existence.
    2) My huge heart is made in the image of God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.
    3) I am forgiven.
    4) Some day these unknowns will make sense. My blurry vision will be made clear and I will look back and understand how God shaped and formed every decision for good- not destruction.
    5) He will not abandon my soul to the grave. He won’t just leave me when I need him the most. He will not kick me while I’m down and the only breath I’ll lose will be in the face of His glory shining on my broken self.

    and another for good measure;
    6) HE IS GOOD.

  21. 421
    Christine Lefferdink says:

    It is very early morning and I have been crying out to God. Right now I don’t have any idea how to fix our blended family. But these things my soul knows very well: 1. God loves me. 2. God loves our blended family(we have been a family for 30 years). 3. God brought us together. 4. God has forgiven us when we didn’t always do things right. 5. God has come to rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated.

  22. 422
    Donna, Miami, FL says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what the future holds for my husband and I as we approach retirement. But I DO know that:
    1. God is who He says He is.
    2. God can do what He says He can do.
    3. I am who God says I am.
    4. I can do all things through Christ.
    5. God’s Word is alive and active in me.
    Therefore, claiming these statements gives me the confidence that our future is in His hands.

  23. 423
    Bonnie says:

    Bonnie, Alexandria, LA

    2 Cor.1:21 NLT

    “It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ, He has commissioned us,”

  24. 424
    Lindsey Burton says:

    1)Right now I don’t have any idea…Why I lack confidence and motivation when I all I have to do is ask.

    2)But these things my soul knows very well…
    1-No matter how much I think I can’t see Him, God works in my life everyday
    2- God brought my loving christian husband to me to change my life!
    3-God will not let me go on my days of resistance
    4-If I fall He will always pick me up when I ask
    5-My life over 4 years ago filled with sin and anguish was never the life I was supposed to live!!!

  25. 425
    Jennifer Worrell says:

    Jennifer, Fort Worth

    Right now I don’t have any idea…why the past couple of years have been such torment.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God knows. He knows the details of my life.
    2. That I am an overcomer. I am not a victim.
    3. That none of it was to kill me, but it was to strengthen me.
    4. That I can (and will) win.
    5. That I cannot live without the Word of God.

  26. 426
    Jeanne says:

    1.I know He has the words of Life
    2.I see His glory out my picture window
    3.I know I can call him Daddy
    4.I know His word imparts truth
    5.I know that without Him I can do nothing of eternal value.

  27. 427
    Cindy says:

    Right now I just don’t know how to communicate/relate to my teenage daughter (she’s 17 and a senior in high school).

    1. I do know that God loves both of us greatly and deeply!
    2. I do know that my God is with me all the time.
    3. I do know that Holy Spirit will give me wisdom and understanding, along with peace and hope.
    4. I do know that my daughter is a good young lady and things could be much worse.
    5. I do know that God is in control.

    I need help to really give her totally over to God and seek Him first and always. He is so very good!

    Thank you for asking us to do this “exercise.” God bless you!

  28. 428
    Melissa says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how I will find health in my finances and pay off my debt.
    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God is bigger than my mistakes, failures, and sins.
    2. God is not giving up on me.
    3. God provides the strength to walk through the consequences of my actions.
    4. My future can be different than my past.
    5. God has plans and purposes that are better than mine.

  29. 429
    Zara says:

    Right now, I don’t have any idea if he likes me, but…

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God will never leave me nor forsake me.
    2. I have friends who love me through difficulty.
    3. My family is a huge blessing (and support!)
    4. Jesus is enough for today.
    5. Today is my focus, not tomorrow.

  30. 430
    Joelle says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why… depression came back.
    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. My God pursues me
    2. My God tells me the truth even when it hurts
    3. My God will help me with his righteous right hand
    4. My God visibly answers at least some of my prayers. Sometimes His “no” or “wait” are too hard.
    5. My God sometimes stoops down and gives me spirital hugs
    and wows me and that is amazing and I wish I could have it every minute of every day.

  31. 431
    ML says:

    Right now, I dont have any idea how to feel consistently happy.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God is good.
    2. He led us to move here.
    3. He has a purpose for my life.
    4. My husband loves me.
    5. Spring comes after winter.

  32. 432
    Denna Gordon says:

    Looking for a list of new “good” books for Christmas. Please send out your favorites that your have been reading.Thanks for your help.

  33. 433
    Shauna says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why God won’t give me a child/children.

    But these things my soul knows very well…
    1. I am here and I have a purpose.
    2. God performs miracles everyday.
    3. I am never going to stop having faith that God will fulfill my destiny.
    4, God is on the throne and always will be.
    5. I’m going to be ok no matter what even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

  34. 434
    Terry says:

    Right now I don’t know what the next day will hold or sometimes how to take one more step. We lost our home and most of our belongings in a tornado November 17.
    Five things I know to the very core of my being:
    1. God is always, only good.
    2. He has never ceased to be faithful, not for one second.
    3. He carries and sustains me when I literally have no strength left of my own.
    4. Speaking the name of Jesus, breathing it in and out chases away panic and fear.
    5. I believe with everything in me that God will continue to hold and carry us and abundantly meet our physical, emotional and spiritual need. He is always enough!

  35. 435
    Sharon Kepley says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what God has planned for my next career step. (lost my job in Sept.)

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1. God is always there for me, even though I may not reach out to Him at all times.
    2. God continually places people/friends/acquaintances in my path for spiritual support.
    3. I know I have to have complete faith and belief in God to receive His blessings.
    4. I know I need to make some major changes in my life.
    5. I can not achieve my goals in life without a daily walk with God.

  36. 436
    christine says:

    Right now I have no idea how my marriage will survive

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1. I am cherished by my God.
    2. He feels my hurt.
    3. God has put people in my life I can depend on, who support me in all things. Friends and family I can call on to pray.
    4. God is chasing my husband and, in His time, He will open eyes and heart.
    5. In His perfect plan, this 12th month will turn the year around! Amen

  37. 437
    Ciara says:

    I don’t know if the relationships in my life will be restored and reconciled and if regret will leave me soon.

    But these things my soul knows well:
    1. I should have been dead multiple times, The Lord has saved my physical life multiple times.
    2. Jesus understands and emphathizes with my weaknesses.
    3. I can not do anything right without Christ.
    4. God has never and will never leave me.
    5. He loves me too much to keep me this way

  38. 438
    Kimberly says:

    Right now I have no idea how to fully unglue myself from the trappings of my past–dealing with two episodes of sexual abuse and a mother who practically abandoned me.

    But these things my soul is getting to know very well:

    1. I know that I know that I know that the Lord will NEVER leave me or forsake me.

    2. I am learning more and more each moment how much the Lord truly does love me.

    3. I know that I went through what I went through for a purpose–that though the enemy would intend to harm me, good will come out of this.

    4. I know that the Lord has broke some serious chains from my past and will continue to do so if I keep trusting Him and walk in obedience.

    5. My soul knows that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!!

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