My Soul Knows

Hey, my beloved sisters! I have you on my mind right now, wondering how you are and what God is presently sowing into your path. I’ve been writing to you steadily through Children of the Day but today I found myself longing for real-time interaction. I’ve been thinking about a verse that I’ve known and loved a very long time. I like it in almost any version but it’s by far the most gorgeous in the King James.


I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    Marvelous are Your works,
    And that my soul knows very well.

     Psalm 139:14 NKJV

It’s the last line that I love so much. Life is hard and all our unanswered questions and unsolvable mysteries can make us feel like we’re getting sucked further and further into a black hole. We can come to the conclusion that there is really very little that we can know and, for the most part, we earthlings are victims of gravity, the soles of our feet stuck to the dirt and growing more callous by the day. Depression runs particularly rampant this time of year and darkness can be even darker for children of light. We know it’s not where we belong but we don’t always know how to crack the door to the sunshine.

We’re going to give that a shot today.

My challenge to you in the midst of all our questions is to behold what we each – individually, not corporately – really do know all the way into the dark folds of our souls. Here’s the 2-part assignment:


1. Complete this sentence: Right now I don’t have any idea… (pick only one thing, the thing that you find most confusing right now or most removed from your knowledgeable reach).


2. But these things my soul knows very well: (Write 5 things you know – really, really know – even in the black of night, even when you don’t feel well, even amid your thousands of other questions. Don’t just come up with 5 things by rote because you know they’re the right things to say and they’d be the top 5 priority pieces of information for people of our faith. What 5 things make the most difference to you right now in your circumstances?? What does your soul know very well? 5 things, Sweet Things. Don’t copy anybody else’s answers. Don’t even read anyone else’s list until you leave your comment. This is not about their relationship with your God. This is about yours. In a world of wondering, what do you know, Sister? Resist being predictable. Think about it. Don’t say it if you don’t know it to your core. For instance, don’t say, “I know God loves me” if the truth is that you doubt it every single day. Say what you know.


And those things will bridge your faith over to what you don’t.


I love you so much.


506 Responses to “My Soul Knows”

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  1. 301
    Diane says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea . . . if I am parenting correctly. Dealing with a stubborn child and confused about whether I am handling the challenges correctly.

    But these things I know:
    1. God is the Creator of this universe and is the Supreme power in it.
    2. Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins.
    3. God is faithful and loves me, even though I often don’t understand why, and will never abandon me.
    4. I was created for a purpose in this particular generation and I need to keep trying to fulfill that calling with the help of the Holy Spirit.
    5. I will enjoy eternal life in heaven.

  2. 302
    Sue Hardy says:

    Right now I totally do not understand what is happening to my husband.
    1. God loves me.
    2. I belong to Him.
    3. My husband belongs to Him.
    4. God is in control.
    5. His grace is more than enough.

  3. 303
    Velma says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea my purpose because life has turned out so different than I planned.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    God is God.
    His love will never go away.
    God loves me even when I don’t feel it or want to even know it.
    God is all I really need–I know this but sometimes don’t feel it.
    He is the lover of my soul.

  4. 304
    Audrey says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea (or at least it’s a little gray) about the extent of women in ministry leader roles, but my soul knows very well that God is always good, His Word is perfect, God is shaping me daily to look more like Jesus, one day I will see His face, ALL. IS. GRACE!!!!

    Love to you! May you have a blessed and refreshing thanks-giving week!

    • 304.1
      Kim says:

      I am with you Audrey. This has been a big question for me specifically women counseling or teaching men. It seems like it happened in scripture but then it is rebuked. Very confusing.

  5. 305
    Kristina says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how God will pull us out financially.

    5 Things I am sure of:

    1. God is real
    2. The Word is Life
    3. With God there is always mercy
    4. With God there is always hope
    5. Jesus will reach down the deepest pit to rescue us

  6. 306
    Maria Cristina Bruschi says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if the battery of medical tests I am undergoing now will mean something very serious or cancerous.

    But my sould knows very well that…
    1) God has chosen me as His child. I am His.
    2) God’s will WILL BE DONE. Always. Period.
    3) He doesn’t look for perfection in me. He loves me in all my fallacies. I rest in that assurance.
    4) He has forgiven me! any major illness will not be the death of me!
    5) He holds me in the palm of His Hands!!!

  7. 307
    Jill Tracy says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea…how to handle a family member and their actions…what to say, how to cope, etc.

    But My soul knows very well that
    1) I am desperately trying
    2) It’s possible that this situation will never end
    3) God loves me without a doubt
    4) I need HIM…I comprehend this so much more now than ever
    5) Covered by God’s grace…always

  8. 308
    Valerie says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what is going to happen to one of the youth in our church.
    But my soul knows very well:
    that scripture memory has healed broken places and deepened my faith in a noticeable way.
    God allows His children to explore and think through their lives and try new things. Through it all, HE directs the path if the child is listening.
    Anxiety in my life has lessened over the last few years.
    I feel God working deep in my inner man and I love it.
    My husband was meant for me and I for him and I love that man.

  9. 309
    Karlys says:

    After all these decades, years since their deaths, I still have no idea about my parents’salvation.

    1. HE died for my sins.
    2. I am a walking miracle because of HIM and HIS Love.
    3. HE has given me a hunger for HIS Word.
    4. HE continues to feed me.
    5. My husband loves me because HE continues to give us what we need to fall back in love.

  10. 310
    Jenn says:

    Right now, I don’t have any idea how to create the family and upbringing that I want for my daughter.

    But I know with all my soul that…
    1. God is in control and no one else.
    2. God’s ways are higher than my ways and his plans far better than my plans.
    3. In this life my daughter will have trouble, as much as that breaks my heart. But I can take heart, because Jesus has overome the world.
    4. Jesus is good and His love endures forever.
    5. Even when I completely mess up that doesn’t stop God’s plans from succeeding.

    • 310.1
      Tanya says:

      Does your daughter have Jesus. Yes. Rest in that. The upbringing and life arrangments are fun. But the love at home regardless of what it is is where “it’s” at…and Jesus will carry her in the trouble. I rest in this for mine as well. Trust me I hear your heart here. Rest. He has your baby. She follows you be he has her. And think of how He has had you. Dearly beloved…. Restr

  11. 311
    Brenda J says:

    Brenda – Hendersonville TN
    I have no idea how I will survive my current working environment.
    I know: my Father provides all my needs; He uses the worst of circumstances for my good; no circumstance will last indefinitely; He is present even when I don’t “feel” like He is; I MUST seek Him.

  12. 312
    Nikki says:

    Right now, I have no idea what’s going on with my dad’s health. He’s been sick for several weeks and so far, the doctors are unsure. We’re waiting on more test results.

    But I do know this:
    1-God is sovereign. This situation did not surprise Him, nor is it something He can’t control.
    2-I am His child and so is my dad.
    3-I know there are a few people who I can count on to pray with me thru this time, and I’m so very thankful for them. Praying friends are priceless.
    4-Doctors are great, but my God can heal. And if He chooses not to, He will walk this path with us.
    5-John 14 is a special chapter to me – trying to have faith with a troubled heart is tough, but He’s reminding me not just daily, but with each minute, that He can provide His peace in place of my troubles.

  13. 313
    Sarah in Alaska says:

    Right now.. I have no earthly idea how to mend relationships with my parents.

    But my soul knows these things very well..
    • That God will always provide a way out.
    • That I have people around me that love me.
    • That even in the midst of my sorrow, He is there.
    • That He will provide for me (even when I worry!)
    • That His grace is sufficient to cover me.

  14. 314
    Cory Anna says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea…
    Why I am in a season of tears and suffering, and when this discomfort will end or I’ll see a reversal of destiny.

    But these things my soul knows very well…
    1. God has kept track of my every tear and aching pain.
    (Ps. 56)
    2. He is using this for His glory, His strength is carrying me. (Is. 61, 2 Corinthians 12:10)
    3. Even in my sadness, I can rejoice. He is ever lifting me. (Psalm 3:3-4)
    4. My tears will harvest shouts of joy, they are cleansing (Ps. 126)
    5. God is refining me in His fire so that I may know He is my Sovereign Lord. (Zech. 13:9)

  15. 315
    Elisabeth says:

    1.) Right now I don’t have any idea what my future holds.
    2.) But these things my souls knows well:
    1.God is who He says He is.
    2.God can do what He says He can do.
    3.I am who God says I am.
    4. I can do all things through Christ.
    5. God’s Word is alive and active in me.

    I-M. B-E-L-I-E-V-I-N-G. G-O-D.

    • 315.1
      Deborah says:

      Love the 5 statement pledge of Believing GOD! Thank you for the reminder and TRUTH! Glad we can know these 5!!!!

  16. 316
    Jessica says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what is next for me.

    But these things my soul knows very well…

    He talks to me.
    He’s proud of me.
    He knows me.
    I will not quit.
    The enemy will not win.

  17. 317
    Kate says:

    Right now, I have no idea why life is so painful…

    But these things my soul knows very well,

    1. Jesus is still with me and I am still with Him.
    2. Praying is better than worrying.
    3. Hoping in God is better for my soul than giving up hope.
    4. He is always able…but because he is God, He works out his purposes without consulting me!
    5. He is always more interested in my character and making me more like Jesus, than making life easy for me.

  18. 318
    Lauren says:

    Right now I have no idea how God will bring me through a mountain of grad sch. work & work from my job, especially when peace seems so absent and panic and stress so present.
    But my soul knows very well:
    -God saved the world through a messed up family line
    -My righteousness, my okayness, lies in what he has done & He said, “IT IS FINISHED”
    -He is the Prince of Peace
    -He will never leave me nor forsake me
    -It is all about HIM, JESUS

  19. 319
    Mary G. says:

    Am I allowed to respond a second time? If I’m breaking a rule please forgive me… I do not know if the growth found on a routine screening is cancer. I meet with the surgeon next week Tuesday.

    1. I know God is still on the throne.

    2. I know Jesus loves me

    3. I know He holds me in this most fearful time and can give me the peace that passes all understanding.

    4. I know He will not leave me or forsake me.

    5.I know my sisters at LPM will pray for me. Grin.

    • 319.1
      Kim says:

      Mary G.,
      I am glad you posted twice. I just learned something very special about faith by this post. The unknown and known. And I just see how your faith (the known) is so much bigger than your unknown. At least 5X bigger, right? God bless you! –Kim

  20. 320
    Ginnie says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how I will ease the ache in my heart for my daddy who passed away two weeks ago. Getting through the holidays with out him is going to be hard.

    But my soul knows very well:
    1. That God is faithful
    2. That God hears me crying out as my soul aches for my earthly daddy.
    3. That God has prepared a place for me where one day I will see my daddy.
    4. That God has placed within my life individuals who will walk through this valley with me and hold me as I cry.

  21. 321
    LJ says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if my husband is saved.

    But I know very well:
    1. I am redeemed and going to heaven
    2. My life is a miracle that God fixed
    3. I love my husband and he loves me
    4. I am blessed beyond what I thought possible
    5. God is in charge and trustworthy;

  22. 322
    Brooke says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what direction our church is going. Many of the “workers” are leaving. They want MORE than this church is providing. Me TOO! But I don’t feel God telling me to give up on this place and His people.
    But my soul knows very well
    1. God knows how this will turn out.
    2. He is HERE
    3. He is living in no matter where I am, He is with me.
    4. He is not done with our church. Even if some men are.
    5. He turn all things into good.

  23. 323
    L Chapman says:

    1.) My God is TRUSTWORTHY!!
    2.) My God inhabits/sits down on/dwells on the praise of His people.
    3.) I love that He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
    4.) He is a warrior and fights for me!
    5.) What Satan means for evil, my God will use for good!

  24. 324
    Colima says:

    My husband died suddenly at 37 years old 8 months ago and he had been having an affair that I didn’t know about. I get awful emails from people, I feel like I am being punished for loving my husband. My soul will never understand these things.

    I have been trying to think of things my soul does know and it’s hard because my life is upside down right now.

    1. God loves me even when I can’t feel it.
    2. I can turn to God’s word when other people’s hate consumes my thoughts.
    3. I don’t have to sink to their level, I can let God hold me up.
    4. God’s grace is for me, my husband and them.
    5. If I can forgive them then I know God already has.

    please pray for me if you have time.

    • 324.1
      Jackie UK says:

      I am praying for you right now Colima.
      Love Jackie

    • 324.2
      Deborah says:

      Father, I lift our sister Colima up to you this morning, asking that you wrap your arms of love around her. You, oh Lord, are now her Husband, Advocate, Healer, and Savior. Shield her from mean-spirited comments; erect a wall of protection around her that she might not be troubled by naysayers. Bless her, Lord, with strength for each day, with a light heart, and with immeasurable joy despite the losses and hurts she has suffered in the last eight months. Though she will never understand fully the whys of her situation, please grant her help in this time of sorrow, confusion, and need. May she sing beneath the shadow of your wings, Oh, Most High. I pray these things for Colima in the blessed name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    • 324.3
      Paula says:


      I am praying for you. I lost my husband 10 weeks ago at age 60. We had been married 38 years. He also died suddenly of a heart attack. You deserve to mourn for your husband without nasty people’s comments. I pray for comfort for you.


    • 324.4

      I am lifting you up today sister. Peace for the moment…Jesus be as near as her very breath.

    • 324.5
      Kim says:


      Hugs to you. I lost my husband over 12 years ago. He had hurt me very deeply at times in our marriage and it was difficult to understand how I grieved his loss so much and was also very angry at him all at the same time. I do understand how difficult these mixed emotions can be. At times I absolutely love and miss him and other times I am so mad at him I can’t think straight. I don’t think people truly understand how unconditional love works. I loved him unconditionally, doesn’t mean I always liked what he did AT ALL! I know God forgave him and I did, too. I imagine how difficult it is for you to grieve your loss if your support team thinks you are better off for your loss. I always tell people what we lose is the HOPE we had for our relationship, our marriage, and our families. But we gain the good memories. We think on these things. We choose these things to remember about our loved one. I pray God will give you that one person who understands and can hold your hand through this journey and that he will bring you into a future that keeps your heart and soul full. “God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past.” ECC 5:20.

      • Colima says:

        Kim, you hit the nail on the head! I am mourning my husband who despite his mistakes was a wonderful man who I love deeply still. I am also mourning the hope of our future together that I had prayed and believed so hard for. Thank you all for taking the time to pray for me. Truly.

    • 324.6
      Sherry says:

      Dear Father, please be very near to Colima at this difficult time. Let her feel your love for her deeply, and let her be convinced that you are with her always. Let her cast every care upon you, Lord Jesus, knowing how very much you care for her.

    • 324.7
      Deborah says:

      Wow, how sad. I care. Praying for you…for forgiveness and love to prevail and for healing and hope and HIS WORD and presence to enfold and hold you up and trumph feelings and circumstances.

  25. 325
    Dawn says:

    Right now,I don’t know how both my family and husband’s family can ever heal from the passing of our parents death. both families are struggling to get along with each other, where use to be so easy.

    My soul know’s this:
    1. My God can heal the broken.
    2. My God WILL snatch me up, because I’m His.
    3. He will send us Peace.
    4. He is and faithful and true.
    5. He is my Rock and I cling to Him.

  26. 326
    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea where my life is going…

    But these things my soul knows very well…
    1.God loves me completely.
    2.I need a daily dose of Bible study.
    3.God has a plan for me that is good.
    4.This is only a phase.
    5.I am being refined/purified during this time.

  27. 327
    Cathy says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how I’m going to get out of the financial mess I’ve managed to get myself in by bad choices. I have been struggling with an addiction and can’t seem to overcome it.

    But I do know this:

    1. God will never give me more than I enough.
    2. God has a plan – I seem to hear it ALL the time.
    3. I know I must let go of the past…
    4. I know that I do not want to remain single the rest of my life.
    5. I know that I love my children and grandchild so much and want the best for them.

  28. 328
    Nicole Klement says:

    Right not I don’t have any idea when I will get to move back home and be close to my family.

    But my soul knows very well:

    1) God is my best friend, my king, my everything!
    2) God knows the desires of my heart.
    3) God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
    4) He will never leave my side.
    5) He makes beauty from my ashes.

  29. 329
    Jen says:

    Right now I have no idea how to do it all: be a good mother, loving wife, good housekeeper, effective budget keeper, diligent student of the Word, whole person apart from my family, friends and ministry.

    What I do know:
    1. Every good and perfect gift is from the Father.
    2. God will help me.
    3. God has a good plan for my life.
    4. God created me, and what He made is good.
    5. God created time, and there are seasons.

  30. 330
    Ashley says:

    Right now I have no idea how God will expand our family but I’m believing He can do what He says He can do.

    1. I am saved by grace.
    2. With God all things are possible
    3. God is who he says he is
    4. I have a Heavenly Father that loves me more than I can fathom.
    5. I can do all things through Christ.

  31. 331
    Katie says:

    Right now I don’t have I don’t have the big family I always dreamed of & no answers as to why that is, and no desire to ever let that go.

    But I do have two healthy wonderful sons that I don’t deserve, a faithful husband of 16 years, a growing peace that maybe I don’t always know what I need, a little less jealousy of big families than I had five years ago, or one, and new appreciation of the freedom Christ might have for my future, with or without any daughters.

  32. 332
    Heather G says:

    Right now I have no idea if my heart’s desire for my marriage will ever come to pass.

    But what I know in my soul is that NO MATTER WHAT, my God will never leave me. And NO MATTER WHAT, I am His daughter. And NO MATTER WHAT, Jesus is always praying for me. And NO MATTER WHAT, even if it doesn’t come to pass, God stands ready to be my provider and my strength and my shield. And NO MATTER WHAT, HE’ll always show me a way.

  33. 333
    Tanya says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how to handle a situation with my teenage daughter, or even why she has chosen this path.
    But I do know:
    1. God loves her more than I do.
    2. God will guide and discipline her as He sees fit.
    3. God is omniscient and knows every detail of our lives.
    4. God hears my prayers.
    5. God wants a relationship with us.

  34. 334
    catelynw says:

    Right now I have no idea my real passion in life.

    But my soul knows very well…
    1. God has always brought me through it.
    2. There are people who suffer great than I.
    3. I am put on earth to be a teacher.
    4. God has provided.
    5. God has a plan.

  35. 335
    Cary says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how God is going to work in my job loss effective 01/31 and what door he will open even if there is no door at this time.

    But these things my soul knows very well
    1. God is good even in the hardest times
    2. God always shows up, even if I am in a heap on the ground.
    3. God counts faith as righteousness so despite my usual trying to figure things out, make my own plan etc. I am trusting God this time !
    4. He loves me despite my behavior
    5. Despite the messes I have made, I know in my soul He still has a plan for me and I WILL walk in it !

  36. 336
    Diana says:

    Wow. Just reading through some of these responses has been very sobering. It’s a good thing that God is in control and that He wants what is best for us.

  37. 337
    Margaret says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what the future holds…
    But my soul knows very well, that:
    His plans are to prosper us, and not to harm us
    No eyes have seen, no ears have heard, the plans He has
    Nothing is impossible for Him
    I am his and
    He loves me!

  38. 338
    kathy white says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if our son will be completely set free in this life

    But my soul knows very well:

    1. That God’s love covers a multitude of sins
    2. That the enemy has to flee at the sound of His great Name…JESUS….
    3. That He is the defender of the weak
    4. That this too is from Him
    5. That my relationship with Him would never had grown closer without this trial

  39. 339
    Tanya says:

    The assignment should be flipped dear Beth. But I will try.

    1. I don’t know at all why finding a place among the living where I belong is so hard.

    2a. I know that the only hope I have that has ever meant anything solid is the word of God. I really mean that. I learned the ‘memory verses’ and stuff and it didn’t do much to help but when I have learned the word and not just the memory verses I have gained a great confidence.

    2b. I know that I will be provided for. I can tell of miracles by which the Lord took care of me.

    2c. I know that I am ‘saved’– its nice to know when you grew up pretty sure you could sin yourself out of the love of God. Absolutely certain of it in fact

    2d. I know that ‘it is not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord.’ And I know that sometimes there is no rational way to explain what that means in real life…it’s a gut thing that you see the results of afterwords or maybe not at all but your spirit will confirm it

    Is four good enough? They are solid…and have carried me.

  40. 340
    sue says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea whether my husband will be cured of cancer, but these things my soul knows very well:
    GOD has led us through this
    GOD will bring us to the other side
    GOD will help others through our pain and suffering
    GOD will not leave us or forsake us
    GOD, when HE does bring us through this, will give us something to smile about on the other side.

  41. 341
    fuzzytop says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if my Dad or siblings will ever be saved.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1) God, and only God, can change people’s hearts.
    2) Life is hard. So stinking hard.
    3) I am saved, and nothing can ever take me out of His hand.
    4) He loves me with an unconditional love that I cannot comprehend.
    5) God’s will and plans WILL be accomplished.

  42. 342
    Deb says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea… of what to do about my mom, an 87 year old widow who is lonely, depressed, and fearful as well as living 1,500 miles away from me.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    She IS capable of being alone.

    She is NOT alone; God is with her.

    I don’t need to worry/stress about this or anything else: Do not worry about what you shall eat or drink or wear for if God cares for the sparrows, will He not also care for you? . . . Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be known unto God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (My paraphrasing!)

    If Mom struggles more, I am only two hours from an airport and can go to her within a day.

    My husband and family will support me in all ways, even if taking care of Mom disrupts our holiday plans.

  43. 343
    Joy Cravens says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea….how I will pay for my next car.

    1. I don’t need a car right now.
    2. I have never missed a meal.
    3. God IS my Provider.
    4. God is so good to me.
    5. God is giggling at me right now – I’m so glad he is patient with me.

    Thank you Beth. This was just the exercise I needed.

  44. 344
    Rachel says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how to deal with the grief of losing my brother to war when mixed with my family’s already overwhelming dysfunction.

    But my soul knows very well…
    1) My God is faithful when I don’t see it
    2) This did not catch God off guard
    3) My husband and child are my most important job right now
    4) I have a heavenly Abba that is ALWAYS present when my earthly parents are detached
    5) I might never have answers

  45. 345
    Kay says:

    Muscle Shoals, AL

    Right now I’m unsure of what the future holds for our family (these are good opportunities).

    But this I know:
    He hears me.
    We will provide wisdom for my husband.
    God’s plan is better than any future I can imagine.
    As we surrender, He will lead.
    Nothing can separate me/us from His love.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Beth! I am so grateful for you!

  46. 346
    Suzy E. says:

    Right now, I don’t know how my son & his wife and kids are going to make it. (No job, no prospects – lots of stuff going wrong in their lives.)

    1. I KNOW that God is faithful to his promises.
    2. I KNOW that His word is true.
    3. I KNOW that He will never leave them or forsake them.
    4. I KNOW that He loves them more than I ever could.
    5. I KNOW that I can trust Him with my kids, just like I can trust myself to Him.

  47. 347
    Kelly says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea: what the future holds for my son

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    God has a plan
    His plan is best
    His word does not return void
    He loves my son much more than I do, even though that is hard to imagine.
    My hope is in Him!

  48. 348
    Barbara Head says:

    Right now I don’t have ANY idea what 2014 will bring or for that matter what tomorrow will bring. But these things I know VERY WELL: l. I cannot undo the done. 2. I am a complete control freak! 3. I pray everyday to NOT be a control freak and still cannot get it right. 4. I have a lot of life experiences, but… 5. I am not done learning.

  49. 349
    Paula S says:

    Right now I have no idea why God chose to take my beloved Allen at this point in my life.

    But my soul knows very well:
    1) When my life seems the blackest I can call on God and he will hold me and fill my soul with hope.
    2) That God shows me everyday something to be thankful for.
    3) That someday I will see my beloved and will know the reason he had to go.
    4) That God provides me with loving christian friends who are there at the drop of a hat.
    5) That God wants me to continue to hold my head up and that through this hurt I am a witness to someone else.

  50. 350
    Liza says:

    Right now I don’t know if the situation we are in will ever improve.
    But I know that…
    1. God is FOR us.
    2. God has provided a good friend/counselor that is trying to help us.
    3. He belongs to the Lord.
    4. God is at work no matter what his emotions may be at any given moment.
    5. God cares about our pain.

    • 350.1
      Heather G says:

      I don’t know what this situation is, but your response applied to me and it encouraged my soul. And I’m gonna right it in my journal along with my “I Knows” 🙂

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