My Soul Knows

Hey, my beloved sisters! I have you on my mind right now, wondering how you are and what God is presently sowing into your path. I’ve been writing to you steadily through Children of the Day but today I found myself longing for real-time interaction. I’ve been thinking about a verse that I’ve known and loved a very long time. I like it in almost any version but it’s by far the most gorgeous in the King James.


I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Ā Ā Ā  Marvelous are Your works,
Ā Ā Ā  And that my soul knows very well.

Ā Ā Ā Ā  Psalm 139:14 NKJV

It’s the last line that I love so much. Life is hard and all our unanswered questions and unsolvable mysteries can make us feel like we’re getting sucked further and further into a black hole. We can come to the conclusion that there is really very little that we can know and, for the most part, we earthlings are victims of gravity, the soles of our feet stuck to the dirt and growing more callous by the day. Depression runs particularly rampant this time of year and darkness can be even darker for children of light. We know it’s not where we belong but we don’t always know how to crack the door to the sunshine.

We’re going to give that a shot today.

My challenge to you in the midst of all our questions is to behold what we each – individually, not corporately – really do know all the way into the dark folds of our souls. Here’s the 2-part assignment:


1. Complete this sentence: Right now I don’t have any idea… (pick only one thing, the thing that you find most confusing right now or most removed from your knowledgeable reach).


2. But these things my soul knows very well: (Write 5 things you know – really, really know – even in the black of night, even when you don’t feel well, even amid your thousands of other questions. Don’t just come up with 5 things by rote because you know they’re the right things to say and they’d be the top 5 priority pieces of information for people of our faith. What 5 things make the most difference to you right now in your circumstances?? What does your soul know very well? 5 things, Sweet Things. Don’t copy anybody else’s answers. Don’t even read anyone else’s list until you leave your comment. This is not about their relationship with your God. This is about yours. In a world of wondering, what do you know, Sister? Resist being predictable. Think about it. Don’t say it if you don’t know it to your core. For instance, don’t say, “I know God loves me” if the truth is that you doubt it every single day. Say what you know.


And those things will bridge your faith over to what you don’t.


I love you so much.


506 Responses to “My Soul Knows”

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  1. 101
    Connie says:

    Right now I don’t know how to discern the help my disabled son needs with his current health and anxiety issues.

    I do know that:
    1. God is aware of my son’s needs.
    2. He loves him.
    3. He is with us.
    4. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
    5. God has helped me care for my son for the past 29 years and He will continue to help me because He is faithful. When I have asked for wisdom He has given it to me.

  2. 102
    Texas in the Mountains says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if my boys will return to their first love.
    “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. My Jesus has revealed himself to me in such an intimate way. He longs to have that intimacy with them.
    2. My Abba loves me. His love won’t leave me. It won’t leave them.
    3. My faithfulness (or lack of) does not influence His faithfulness.
    4. God desires that no one perish. No, not one.
    5. He will not give up pursuing them.

    • 102.1
      Sondra says:

      This brought tears to my eyes. I have four sons between the ages of 19 and 24. One of them brings me to my knees, snotty nose to the floor, crying out Psalm 18 all over him – daily. I know very well that your entry was for my encouragement. Thank you.

  3. 103
    Angie says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea where to step…

    But these things I know very well…
    1- He knows where I am
    2- He keeps His Word(even when I doubt)
    3- He raised up some really messed up people just
    like me and used them to accomplish major things.
    4- He Loves, He Loves, He Loves me.
    5- He knows what the next step is…

  4. 104
    sharon says:

    Right now I dont have any idea what God is trying to lead me to do next in life..maybe go back to work in my profession or continue to be home with the kids afterschool and before or something else entirely? ..But my soul does know very well 1.I was created for intimacy with the living God! Wow! 2. I will always have his love šŸ™‚ 3.he wont relent till Im allll his every ounce in his adventure. 4. Jesus is all I need..if hes all I have, Ill be ok. 5 in being simply in love with him, he simplifies everything else. And these things MAKE me. (big smile).

  5. 105
    Lindsey says:

    Right now I donā€™t have any idea why my best friend abruptly cut me out of her life.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God wants me to choose life over death.
    2. God rewards those who seek Him.
    3. God can use what seems tragic for good.
    4. God sees real value in me.
    5. God loves and values her too.

  6. 106
    Jackie UK says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea of what the last stage of my life will look like and how long I have left with my husband.

    But these things my soul knows very well.
    1. God has never left me. He has been there through the years even when things I have said and done must have broken His heart.
    2. God has been very patient with me guiding my steps until I have listened and finally acted.
    3.When the time has been right He has stepped in and taken charge and although at the time it has felt like my world collapsed I had to rely totally on Him and my life is so much better as a result.
    4. He has always provided what I have needed, in His time not mine.
    5.Looking back I see His hand all over my life. He has promised in His word to be there until the end. I know He will not leave me even if I don’t always hear Him clearly.

  7. 107
    Pam Pruijs says:

    1. I don’t know why my husband has betrayed and abandoned me.
    2. I KNOW my God is the God of the impossible.
    I KNOW my God can make beauty from ashes.
    I KNOW God wants what’s BEST for me.
    I KNOW God is good ALL the time.
    I KNOW God is with me ALWAYS and is faithful and true.

  8. 108
    Marrissa says:

    Right now I have no idea why I’m struggling in my walk with The Lord.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. I can call out to Abba and he will hear me
    2. Because I believe who Jesus is, I have been adopted into the Lords family.
    3. People may disappoint me, but The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever and He all never disappoint me.
    4. Just because I don’t always “feel” the presence of God in my life doesn’t mean He has abandoned me. He is with me. Always.
    5. My fate is sealed.

  9. 109
    Kathy says:

    Right now, I don’t know what the future will hold. My husband presented me with divorce papers two weeks ago. I don’t really know how to act right now. I know full well the underlying source of this darkness – satan.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God is Sovereign.
    2. God works ALL things for our good.
    3. God is in control.
    4. I can trust Him.
    5. God will take care of us-His grace IS sufficient for my children and for me.

    (I would appreciate your prayers for my family.)

  10. 110
    Lesley says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea how God is going to accomplish what I believe He has given me to do, but as I’ve stepped out in faith and done “my part” I’m resting in Him and being still to see His glory revealed and waiting for His Spirit to move.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. My God is real, living, alive, breathing afresh
    2. My God is faithful to do what He promises
    3. My God is good even when life doesn’t make sense
    4. My God will provide for all of my needs….period
    5. My God scandalously loves me

    To me – it doesn’t matter what else happens in this life, as long as “I set the Lord always before me and keep Him at my right hand – I WILL NOT BE MOVED!” Psalm 16:8 xx

  11. 111
    Kailyn Scarborough says:

    Today I have no idea how much longer I can tolerate this pain.
    My soul and spirit knows mu God is real and He loves loves me. 2 I amam not alone. 3 I family and friends that love me. 4 Mu Mon in perfect place when it stays on Him. 5 It pays to pray.

  12. 112
    Janet says:

    I do not know why my dog is in pain and shaking but
    1. I know my Redeemer lives!
    2.I know my sins are forgiven.
    3.I know one day I will see Jesus face to Face.
    4.I know that I am a Child of The Most High God.
    5. I can trust in His Word and who He says I am.

  13. 113
    Jody says:

    I don’t think you will ever know how much this post ministered to my very wounded soul today. Been the victim of severe hurt at the hand of other Christian folks, who sadly prefer to sit behind a computer screen and slam another rather than respectfully address issues. I’m trying to stand firm for Truth, yet my soul is pretty bruised and bloodied right now. I opened this page not even expecting a new post bc it was Saturday and all, but just to maybe find some encouragement from older posts and this post reduced me to tears, straight up. Thank you, and I’m off to write down my answers to these questions to go back to over and over if I have to.

  14. 114
    Jan says:

    Since my divorce, I don’t know if I am capable to love or to allow myself to be loved again!

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1) I have the most amazing girlfriends in God. (Smile)
    2) I love my God more deeply each day! (Tears)
    3) I am perfectly complete in Christ!
    4) God knows what is best for me.
    5) I know God will do abundantly more than all I ask or can even imagine!!

  15. 115
    Denise says:

    !. I don’t understand why evil men are allowed to prosper and continue their reign of evil.

    !. I know that God is in control.
    2. I know that God loves me.
    3. I know that God never leaves me.
    4. I know that His presence comforts me and holds up my head when I feel like falling down and giving up.
    5. I know that no matter what comes my way, God is with me.

  16. 116
    Amy S says:

    I don’t understand why evil gets to raise it’s ugly head against those who are bought with the blood of Jesus, when there is no proof this side of heaven that God is being glorified in it.

    I know for sure:
    1. That God still answers prayer(he just healed my daughter of pneumonia, leaving no doubt it was Him that did it)
    2. God’s word is true
    3. I truly believe He loves me
    4. That God has been more patient with me and my worries and fears than I ever deserved.
    5. He isn’t finished with me yet(Praise Him for that)

  17. 117
    ginger says:

    Right now, I have no idea if I have ever been enjoyed or valued, or experienced healthy love.

    But these things I know very well:

    1. That I saw another sunrise this morning so I have another day to do what needs to be done.
    2. That He has brought me this far and He will not leave me unfinished.
    3. That He is the one faithful constant in my life and that I am His.
    4. That people disappoint and hurt each other
    5. That I am truly in process in learning His love and the fullness of it, I am learning He is trustworthy

  18. 118
    Jennifer Jones Mosher says:

    Right now I have no idea how we are going to manage sorting through 43 years (and more, some inherited from a house built in 1835) of belongings to move my 80-year-old mother to live very near us. Sentimental packrat savers all, it is a big task, and the family is aware that this is probably her last holiday season in the family home.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1. Lots of Questions (above-sorry, but I couldn’t help noticing when there was only one comment) and many others have far more pressing concerns, and God is going to get them through their difficulties, so why should we worry?

    2. This will meet a need and preclude the far sadder task of sorting it all after Mama dies.

    3. Ebenezer! “Thus far the Lord has led me”

    4. God can and does work all things together for the good of those who love Him.

    5. My family loves one another very much, and we are going to do what we can for one another.

  19. 119
    Bunny says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea if I’m ever going to hear His voice again.
    But I know that I now trust him to ordain every circumstance and experience of my life. I know that no matter what happens today that He is with me whether I hear His voice or not. I know that He feeds me truth and that I like truth and to tell the truth. I know that he calls me to kindness. I know there is more than life here on earth- that someday I will see His beautiful face and everything will be complete.

  20. 120
    Kathy says:

    I don’t know where our next church home will be when we move December 3 and what God has waiting for us in the town we are moving to.

    I do know:

    1. That God is with me.
    2. That God is the answer whenever there is a question.
    3. That God’s saving grace and sustaining grace are priceless.
    4. That I have been blessed by God with sisters-in-Christ who are the best of friends and I will miss them terribly when I move in December.
    5. That after almost 39 years of marriage I consider the love my husband has for me a priceless gift and I love him more and more every day. Grateful!

  21. 121
    Beverly says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea when/if my health will get better. I’m having blood clot issues.

    But these things I know very well:
    1) God is in charge and completely sovereign over my health.
    2) I should have died a long time again but God left me here for a purpose.
    3) When my time does come, I am going to Heaven to be with Jesus.
    4) I have the best husband in the world and a beautiful daughter who both love Jesus as much as I do.
    5) One day there will be no more suffering.

  22. 122
    Jan says:

    1. Right now I donā€™t have any idea how I can possibly be a positive influence over a step grandchild who I didnā€™t even know till a few years ago and now am co-parenting with my husband and her maternal grandmother. There are lots of issues, and she is starting puberty! What happened to our empty nest?
    2.But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 Somehow, someway, I will walk down this path, because it is the right thing to do. And someday, I will look back and see Godā€™s hand all in it.
    2.My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12: 9. I learn this daily!
    3.For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8: 15. God is my Abba Father; I can crawl up into his arms with all of my fears, worry, and anxiety and bear it all.
    4.No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9. I am earnestly, anxiously, and longingly looking forward to Heaven!
    5.The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17. God saved ME. He delights in ME! His love is a balm over ME when my flesh is screaming out. He REJOICES WITH SINGING Over ME! My God SINGS over Me!

    Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving, Mama Beth. PS, I loved the post you did at Thanksgiving last year showing how to make gravy. Lots of recipes sharedā€¦.siestaā€™s, I have used some of those recipes ļŠ

  23. 123
    Becky says:

    Right now I have no idea how my prayers will be answered for my daughter who suffers from depression and who is far from the Lord.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God is very present in trouble. Even in shameful situations that are hard to talk about. I know He is very here.
    2. God can do whatever He wants with my prayers. It scares me and comforts me at the same time.
    3. God’s peace is truly unexplainable. Peace has come to me even though my circumstances haven’t changed. I know this because I can sleep soundly and smile big.
    4. Life is hard.
    5. I can face things I never thought I would be able to. Jesus makes that a reality.

  24. 124
    Janette says:

    How to reach people who have shut me out
    I do know:
    The sun comes up every morning
    Just when I think a consuming thought the phone rings a friend calls he reaches out to me
    He puts the words in my mouth to help someone
    He brings someone into my day or moment that I am able to give something to whether it be time, a smile, laughter or an understanding look
    He gives me help to understand and the desire to know

  25. 125
    Karin says:

    I know I am dust and more desperately wicked than I could ever acknowledge.
    I know that God knows.
    I know that He is good.
    I know He saves.
    I know He is real.

  26. 126
    Michelle says:

    Right now, I don’t have any idea how my son will pass 10th grade.
    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. God has a plan for his life.
    2. I need to let him make mistakes so he can learn from them.
    3. He is God’s before he is mine.
    4. He is learning other life lessons although he may not be learning academics.
    5. He is healthy and loving and loved.

  27. 127
    Maria says:

    Right now I have no idea if my son, who has learning disabilities, is going to be able to find work to support his life.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1) God is an on-time God
    2) My son loves Jesus very much and has great faith in Him
    3) God has never allowed my son to go without provision
    4) God’s eye is always on my son and protects his life every day
    5) I know I can trust my God in this situation

  28. 128
    Hannah says:

    Right now, I don’t have any idea how God will continue to use the terrible, accidental drowning of my preacher’s 25 year old son in a river.

    But this I know right well:
    1 God WILL be glorified (and already has)
    2 God heals
    3 fear not for God is with you
    4 God is still love
    5 God won’t test beyond what we’re able

  29. 129
    Julie says:

    Right now I donā€™t have any idea if I will ever be well enough to live a “functional” life.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1. God is a miracle-working God and could heal me in an instant, He may choose to improve my health through modern medicine, or He may not. He is still a GOOD GOD-all the time.

    2. God has a plan and a purpose for my life for such a time as this and is well able to fulfill it with my being bedridden.

    3. My God has supplied and will supply ALL my needs – financially, physically, emotionally, and most importantly – spiritually – according to His riches in glory.

    4. God has never once and never will leave me or forsake me – no matter what my emotions try to tell me.

    5. I would not trade these years of sexual abuse or now physical illness for the intimate relationship it has brought me to have with my Redeemer, Jesus. ONLY GOD.

  30. 130
    Ann Berends says:

    No idea why God allows suffering.

    But I know:
    1. I am a broken, terrible sinner.
    2. Grace is real.
    3. The good I do and feel and see comes from the Holy Spirit in me.
    4. My children will be okay.
    5. The unconditional love of my dogs is one way God loves me.

  31. 131
    Angela says:

    Right now I don’t know how my daughters surgery on Dec 5 will go. But these things my soul knows very well
    1. God will watch over my daughter.
    2. God is the only one who loves my daughter more than I do.
    3. God has been faithful to watch over my daughter so many times in the past.
    4. No matter what God is still good and worthy of praise.
    5. God will get me through this because I can’t deal with it on my own.

  32. 132
    Kristy says:

    Right now I have no idea how we will ever overcome the financial chaos we are currently experiencing.

    What I know:

    1 God in a miraculous way restored my marriage 10 years ago. It was a bigger mess than this.

    2 In the midst of this storm our marriage has good fruit.

    3 I know that I have no idea why God is allowing my husband who is the most faithful person I know to endure these pressures.

    4 I know my faith even after God doing a great work is not what it should be.

    5 I know that ….

  33. 133
    Melissa May says:

    Right now I have no idea how God is going to redeem this. But my soul knows very well 1) I still want Jesus. 2) God will rescue, repair and REDEEM. 3) I don’t have to understand. 4) I will see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living. 5) weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. JOY COMES.

  34. 134
    Pam Murray says:

    I do not understand why weather is bad preventing some folks to come to a special celebration but there is purpose in all.

    1. I know Jesus loves me

    2. Today after eight years of divorce, at age 63, the Lord has brought a wonderful man in my life and we will be married.

    3. I am blessed with a wonderful Church family.

    4. I am blessed with a wonderful biological family.

    5. My beloved and I are blessed with the best friends ever.

  35. 135
    Michele says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why we had to lose our My.

    BUT, these things my soul knows very well:

    1.) What happens DOES NOT change who God is
    (Just because I don’t understand, or because prayers seem like they were not answered…God is STILL Who He says He is)

    2.) I love Him even if I have no answers

    3.) We live in a fallen world and my sin helped cause that – life hurts this side of heaven and it was not originally meant to be this way.

    4.)God is my Daddy who loves me and sacrificed more than I could ever imagine (although, maybe I understand a bit of what that feels like)

    5.)I HAVE to keep TRUSTING HIM.

    plus 1.) People NEED HIM. NEED HIM. They are trying to go through life with no Hope at all. Help me remember.

  36. 136
    Joanna says:

    This is, without a doubt, one of the darkest, most difficult seasons of my life,for too many reasons to list. But, with tears running down my face, this is what I know:
    God loves me and nothing can change that.
    God is faithful.
    God will, eventually, work all of this out for my good.
    I am accepted by Him, and no demon in hell can convince me otherwise.
    I will get through this and overcome, because He has.

  37. 137
    Judy says:

    Dear Beth, I think you must be thinking overtime today! And what hard questions to answer! I normally shy away from answering questions you put out as everybody else’s answers are so much better than mine, but these spoke to me and I’m going to give it a shot!

    Right now I have no idea how to deal with a person who has just entered my life that has a huge history of abuse– physical, sexual and emotional OR what my calling is. I think in someway the two things are connected. My childhood was totally different from this gals, a new sister in Christ, and while I have a hard time understanding some things, the one thing I do know for sure is that God has arranged for this to happen and that we are in each other’s presence for a reason. Maybe mine is just to listen and to show her that she is not just loveable, but loved. I am so unqualified in so many ways (meaning I don’t have a therapy degree or any such things) and have found myself searching for answers in my own strength, trying to figure out how to help her and her children, being concerned of interfering too much, and all that goes with it UNTIL I clearly felt the Lord speaking into my soul to just show her what a loving mother looks like, that it doesn’t matter if I know the ins and outs of how to be a therapist or even how to be a mentor to someone, but to just show her what family looks like. He truly calmed my soul down and has brought true peace to me as I love on this gal. There are so many things that can confuse or disorient a newbie, and I feel that God keeps asking me to just speak His truth to her, to keep pointing her to what God’s word really says, especially about His love, and what ‘family’ is.

    I think I might have mixed your two questions together, so in answer to the second part:

    My soul knows that:

    Walking in my own strength never works, but that I need God. Just as simple as that–I need Him in every moment and every hour

    God has blessed my marriage–that when He saved me 8 years ago He restored my husband as well.

    God has divinely placed me in this time, in this house, in this city & community, and in my congregation for HIS purposes.

    Even when I stumble, Jesus picks me up.

    I’m not perfect and that’s okay, because Jesus is, and boy does He still have a lot of work to do!

    Thank you, Beth, for all that you do and who you are in Christ. Looking forward to seeing you at the SSMT!

    May you be blessed during this week of Thanksgiving in so many ways.

  38. 138
    Jamee Miller says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea why God hasn’t yet answered the prayer for the emotional healing of loved ones.

    But these things my soul knows well…
    1. God’s plans and timing ARE perfect.
    2. God cares about the details.
    3. God listens…and hears.
    4. God can be trusted with everything in my life…including those I hold most dear.
    5. God. Is. Faithful.

  39. 139
    kari schmitt says:

    Right now I have no idea how Jeff and I will get past the awkwardness/distance that has crept into our marriage.

    1. I know that God has fixed far greater problems in my life before and He will do it again if I allow Him to do it.

    2. I know that God gave me Jeff as a gift, He wants our marriage to be solid and enjoyable.

    3. I know that God loves family.

    4. I know that God does things in His own time.

    5. I know that if I open my eyes to the ways God is working in my marriage I will see it. He is already doing His work.

  40. 140
    kathy says:

    Right now I don’t have any idea what my children’s futures hold. There is so much uncertainty in this area and it causes a lot of sleepless nights.

    But these things my soul knows very well:
    1. Joy is always there if I look for it.
    2. God is much more kind towards me than I realize a lot of times.
    3. God likes to see my dreams come true.
    4. God rescued me.

    5. God really likes me alot.

  41. 141
    Heidi says:

    Right now I do not know how to best parent my ADHD child and be a gentle wife amidst all the chaos that occurs in life.
    But I do know this:
    1. The LORD is Good! His Promises to always make a straight path when I seek Him earnestly. And so I will pull myself out of bed each am with only 4-5 hours sleep each day and seek His Word. Because I am desperate for His Love!
    2. My Father loves me, my children, my husband, and my family. His Grace and Mercy is new each day. And so I will relish in His Grace and humbly submit to His Mercy each am. I will also try to extend that same grace and mercy to those that have hurt me, intentionally or unintentionally.
    3. My God will provide…financially, emotionally, and physically. I have seen Him provide in ways I cannot explain and I will trust in Him, giving Him control of it all.
    4. My LORD is near. He is behind, with, and before me. And so I will lean into Him when my fears and insecurities begin to envelop me.
    5. His Joy is abundant and I have His Joy, even when I don’t feel it. His Spirit is living and breathing in me. And so when I see others joy, I will not be envious as His Joy is enough for me!

  42. 142
    Beth says:

    I don’t know what my future holds – ministry wise and career wise. God is calling me to the wilderness.

    BUT . . . These things my soul knows VERY well in its depths:

    My loving God will give me every thing I need and more.

    The sun will continue to come up each morning even when I can’t see or feel it because MY GOD is faithful.

    All 54 yrs of my life He has orchestrated my steps in ways that have taken my breath away and He won’t stop until He calls me home because He is unchanging.

    I am precious in His sight and He calls me His daughter, His child. I have climbed into His lap many times to be held and comforted and I am confident I can climb up again when I hit the dark patches ahead. We all know they will come from time to time and I when they do, I know whom I can go to.

    I don’t have to be afraid of anything because I KNOW my God is by my side and is with me in the fire. I can trust Him to stay with me when others would leave.

  43. 143
    Laura says:

    Right now I want to know why the wicked, the TRULY wicked, aren’t removed from lives of believers.

    My soul KNOWS these things:
    1. I am always in the palm of God’s hand.
    2. The Lord does not move.
    3. The Lord’s mind does not change with the wind.
    4. The Lord is slow to anger and compassionate.
    5. Loving my Lord, my family and those around me is better than giving up any day.

  44. 144
    Rena says:

    1. Right now I don’t know why I am still struggling with the things I am and why God hasn’t healed me yet.

    2. But these things my soul knows very well…
    1) God is real. He is alive and present.
    2) God is good, and His heart toward me is good.
    3) He sees me, and He knows my pain and struggles.
    4) He is able to heal and bring wholeness to lives.
    5) He has never, at any point, left me or abandoned me (even when I feel alone).

  45. 145
    Tara says:

    Right now I donā€™t have any idea why my parents continue to have such huge set backs in restoring their marriage…
    But these things my soul knows very well
    1) that when God paints a rainbow across the sky it’s my own personal love note from Him
    2) that God has never quit chasing me
    3) that I am HUGELY blessed with my husband & our two girls
    4) that God has called me to serve my family by taking care of our home (even on those days I’ve worked all day & don’t feel like doing another thing)
    5) my Lord & Savior has NEVER failed me

  46. 146
    Amber says:

    I don’t know if I, my family, my business, will ever experience financial freedom.

    What my soul knows very well are these things:

    1-That I would not have survived my past, or even be alive today if He hadn’t saved me.

    2-That He has never given up on me & He is not done with me yet.

    3-That He led me, with great intention, to LPM and a few other blogs to help me find my way back to an intimate relationship with Him.

    4-That I am FORGIVEN.

    5-That He listens when I cry out to Him, although I do not always understand the answer.

  47. 147

    I struggle with knowing what God wants me to do with my life for His Kingdom. What do I do now?

    1) Jesus saved me from sin, bought me with the sacrifice of His life on Earth, so I am holy and blameless in God’s sight (as in Eph 1:4).
    2) God hears every prayer and answers every prayer in His own way and in His own time. God provides our every need.
    3) I will die, and I will go to Heaven to be with Jesus.
    4) Here on Earth, we all will have many problems, disasters even, but God is with us every step of the way through them.
    5) God still performs miracles!!

  48. 148
    Marcia says:

    1.when am I hearing/sensing God’s direction and not listening only my own wish or want.

    2.5 things- a. I always have a choice. b. God speaks in a variety of ways. c. The world and everything in it was created by God. d. Emotions are fickle. e. I can speak to Jesus any time
    any where.

  49. 149

    Right now I don’t have any idea:

    when we’ll be free from my cancer debt and repaid for all that was lost.

    But these things my soul knows very well:

    1) I know that God is for me.
    2) His grace is sufficient.
    3) His timing is perfect.
    4) I am His daughter.
    5) He has a bigger plan than I can see.

  50. 150
    Kristin says:

    Right now I donā€™t have any idea how I have gotten so far away from God. My priorities have shifted since I’ve returned to work and day-to-day stuff has taken over.

    I know:
    1) The Bible is full of God’s words spoken through people.
    2) The Holy Spirit is alive in me.
    3) God didn’t move from me, I moved from him.
    4) He stands waiting for me every moment of every day.
    5) My life is better when I spend time with Him.

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