Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 Registration & Launch!

Welcome, everybody! We are ecstatic that you are joining us for Bible study this summer! Please read the following instructions quickly but carefully then watch the video. On each of our summer Bible study posts, I’ll always write out the interactives just in case you can’t get the video to work. OK, Sisters! Here goes!

BEFORE LEAVING A COMMENT: PLEASE READ ALL WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS AND WATCH THE VIDEO IF AT ALL POSSIBLE . ALL COMMENTS ARE MEANT TO BE IN RESPONSE TO TODAY’S INTERACTIVES. Your comment today is particularly important because it also serves as your registration for the summer experience.

UNLIKE PREVIOUS YEARS, WE ARE ASKING FOR EVERYONE PARTICIPATING TO LEAVE A COMMENT RATHER THAN THE GROUP LEADER LEAVING ONE ON BEHALF OF ALL. It tended to be too confusing. Your comment to each of the 4 blog posts this summer is your interaction with us here in our blog community.  (I know some of this seems redundant but we get lots of questions about these kinds of details so we’re just trying to make sure we’ve covered as much as possible.)

If you are in a SMALL GROUP: you will share your responses to all of the interactives with one another in your gathering. Then, when you come back to make your comment to this post, you will choose one of the questions to answer here. You can answer more if you desire but we are only “requiring” you to respond to one.

If you are GOING SOLO: please respond succinctly to each of the interactives. The whole community will in effect become your group and sharing your answers will be part of the activity and accountability. It will make the summer experience immensely richer for you.

ALL PARTICIPANTS identify yourselves in your comments to this post by: First Name, city, state, and country if not the USA and whether you are participating with a small group or going solo, then respond to your interactives. Here’s a sample comment for our summer Bible study to give you a paradigm:

Cheryl, Shreveport, LA/small group: #3 … (her response to the third question will be written here. Note that she is participating in a small group so, since she’s already answered each of the questions in her gathering, she only needs to respond to one here. If she’d gone solo, she’d answer all of them here.)

 1.    A fun one: What title to a popular song – from any decade you wish – best captures you right now? (It can be serious or ridiculous.)

 2.    Write one sentence describing something about your present season – your right-here-and-now – that makes it unique. Life changes constantly. What is distinct about this particular season?

 3.    In one sentence, what is one thing you wish your sisters in Christ would know about you sooner that often doesn’t come out in your relationships till later?  Complete this sentence: “I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I…”

 4.    *Optional: Make a one-sentence comment regarding anything in the video devotional that resonated with you.

OK, Sisters! Have Weeks One and Two of Gideon completed by our next gathering in two weeks on June 25th! We are so happy to have you here and to serve you. 

Summer Gideon Study 2013 from LPV on Vimeo.


1,845 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 Registration & Launch!”

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  1. 1101
    Crissy says:

    Crissy, Nashville, TN, solo
    1. This is the Day
    2. Running after my children 🙂
    3. That they have a friend for life even if they move away which
    most have 🙁
    4. Plucked, prepared, and store – fruit

  2. 1102
    Brooke says:

    Brooke, French Lick, IN, solo
    1. Praise Him in this Storm
    2.Working full time/missing my kids’ summer/hating it/God put me here/looking for His reason/Gulf vacation NEXT WEEK/loving it!
    3.I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I want a deep, true friendship. not just to be an acquaintance.
    4. Devo spoke to me in a way that reminds me to be faithful to HIS word. Not quit on it, put HIM and HIS word first this summer!

  3. 1103
    Angelica Young says:

    Angelica, Conover, NC (soon-to-be Houston, TX)/solo

    1. “Give Me Faith” by Elevation Church

    2. I’m following God’s call to leave all that I have become here in NC and move to Houston.

    3. I wish my sisters-in-Christ knew sooner than later that while I seem strong and independent, I am in need of their friendships to hold me up.

  4. 1104
    DeeDee Myers says:

    DeeDee in Tallahassee, FL, small group
    4. I am used to ignoring or rushing through summer getting ready for the fall, but this year I want to slow down, look at my life through God’s eyes, and let Him ripen, pluck, prepare, or store in me whatever He wants.

  5. 1105
    Suey says:

    great interactive questions Bethy!
    1)God is not dead, He is surely alive and He is living on the inside roaring like a lion!Newsboys

    2)unconditional love..i got a dog for my hubby and me

    3)I pray for my friends/family regularly and secretly


  6. 1106
    Rose Kozar says:

    Rose, Buffalo, N.Y./solo
    1. Can’t Buy Me Love
    2. God has led me to leave a high paying job, last day is June 21 & got a new puppy
    3. I came to Christ as an adult and I often feel like I don’t fit in.
    4. I feel hopeful after hearing Beth’s message that I will see fruit!

  7. 1107
    Lisa DiRenzo says:

    Lisa DiRenzo, Youngstown, Ohio-Solo

    1. You Never let go -Matt Redman

    2. Pregnant and due Sept. 9th and praying for healing of minor health issues on my baby.

    3. I wish for my sisters in Christ knew that I struggle with fear and anxiety even though you wouldn’t know it.

    4. I want to know my fruit.

  8. 1108
    Vangie says:

    Vangie, Atlanta, GA, solo

    1. Are You Lonesome Tonight

    2. I am transitioning from seminary to a part-time writing/consulting ministry.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ would know that I am often times uncomfortable in my own skin.

    4. I feel like the “ripening” is something I am resisting for some reason.

  9. 1109
    Lola, Nashville,TN says:

    Song: My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion,

    In this current season of life I am realizing that my son needs me more now than he has in the past; not physically, but emotionally, and I must be intentional about building his esteem, confidence, and understanding of his identity in Christ.

    I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I really don’t have many close christian friends, and I long to.

    The thing that most impacted me from the video was the picture of the bananas; What a great visual to help reinforce that I personally have “fruit” that I can claim for this season of harvest.

  10. 1110
    Bobbie Lutz says:

    College Station, TX

    1. “I Want To Live Like That” Sidewalk Prophets

    2. My present season is searching for answers and knowing WHEN to listen to that little voice in my head!

    3. I Wish that my sisters in Christ knew that I am struggling with questions and that I am working to focus on Jesus and His teachings.

    4. I pray that God will open my eyes to RECOGNIZE the Fruit that He wants me to pick this summer.

  11. 1111
    LynnD says:

    1. “Carry Me”
    2. This present season is unique because my youngest just graduated from high school, so I am soon to have an empty nest. 🙁
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ understood that being a pastor’s wife doesn’t mean I am perfect or that my children are perfect either.
    4. Don’t give up on the call the Lord gave me over ten years ago, he will harvest it.

  12. 1112
    Donna says:


    1. Restless – Switchfoot

    2. A season that is busy, crazy, and pulling me in many directions.

    3. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

    4.It challenges me to think of there being fruit in my life ripe and ready to pick that I haven’t seen.

  13. 1113
    Paula says:

    Paula, Lake St. Louis, Solo.
    1. “I Will Survive”
    2. Bailed a child out of jail.
    3. . . . pray furiously for them.
    4. I’m ready to be smacked in the head with a banana but please hold back on the watermelons.

  14. 1114
    Ann says:

    1. Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
    2. This is a season of change for me as my husband passed away 3 months ago after a long and challenging illness.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew now much I learn from them when they open themselves up.

  15. 1115
    Paula Hale says:

    Paula, Brownwood, Texas, small group
    1. Life’s Highways (Steve Wariner)
    2. God is into new things and restoring old things both in my heart and in the process of some major DIY remodeling projects in our home.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I try to BE friends, but don’t know how to HAVE friends.
    4. God impressed upon me that I need to learn about harvest and to get busy with the actions and work involved in harvest. Planting seeds is only one step!

  16. 1116
    Barb says:

    Barb, Prescott Valley, AZ – Solo
    1. “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen [no, really Barb!]
    2. A new awareness of old wounds: a cleansing & healing time & a focus to create new trees-all brought on by a recent family gathering for my Mom’s 80th & the book “Living Beyond Your Feelings” by Joyce Meyer.
    3. That I am desperately seeking a real prayer partner(s).
    4. Praying that God will open my eyes to understand & see what He has brought to fruit before the enemy can ravage it.

  17. 1117
    Lori Alana says:

    Lori Alana, Escondido, CA, solo

    1. Alive by Natalie Grant
    2. My husband, 2 teenage sons and I (and 14 more teenagers plus 4 more leaders) leave for a mission trip to Haiti in 10 days.
    3. ??
    4. The video encouraged me greatly!! I have felt called to missions since I was 15 and have prayed that we could go as a family. I would say our Haiti trip is that fruit and I pluck it and I SHOUT thanks to God for it!!! 🙂

  18. 1118
    Cindy Cannon says:

    1. Girls just wanna have fun – Cyndi Lauper
    2. My husband just recently started a new position, he is traveling, something we have never experienced as a family.
    3.I wish my sisters in Christ knew I am a blunt person, I try to watch my words, but some people take me the wrong way.
    4.Wow, are my eyes open to ripe fruit that needs to be harvest!

  19. 1119
    Paula Flemmons, Collierville, TN - Solo says:

    1. Great is thy Faithfulness
    3. I would like for other women to know I too am a work in progress…widow of four years….nest emptied of children about the same time…I have relocated…new home…looking for new career…have done the best I could in every avenue of my life in each season…I am not competition ever…I am your sister….here to support…love…grow with you…..I say all of this…with regard to every area of my life.

    Todays message spoke to me because I feel like I have been through the rains (spring)…I am in my summer as described. I have felt as though I have nothing left to give and yet need purpose. I am believing that my fruit is about to ripen…and I will harvest…I will not leave for the buzzards….and I will give the Glory to God…shouting. Amen.

  20. 1120
    Drew says:

    1. These are Days by Natalie Merchant

  21. 1121
    Jennie says:

    Jennie -Mt. Joy, PA/small group

    #2- My husband and I are expecting our first child this October. This
    Is definitely a new season of life for us as we ate also in the process of buying
    a house. I have finished my nine year career as a first grade teacher to be a stay
    At home mom. Huge change but thankful for our little blessing:)

  22. 1122
    Jeri May says:

    Jeri, Draper UT- very small group (just two of us with possibility of third friend joining after she returns from BSF training class in SA)-
    1. Songs- living on a prayer, God is in control, and God is God alone
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew how much I love singing for the Lord and I wish I was better at it!
    4. We decided we were definitely in the right Summer Bible study after watching Beth’s video and then downloading Priscilla’s video and watching it, too!

  23. 1123
    Jennifer says:

    Jennifer, Houston, TX/small group
    2. I am a peacekeeper

  24. 1124
    Ashley Sullens says:

    Ashley Sullens
    Kings Mountain, NC

    1. Trust & Obey

    2. Stepping out in faith, trusting God when I can’t see two steps in front of me, believing God.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I’m doing life afraid.

  25. 1125
    Katrina, Fairbanks, AK, small group says:

    1. Every Good Thing

  26. 1126
    Marcia says:

    Marcia Fox, Pembroke NH Solo
    1 Need You now

    2 Moving forward letting go of the past, hurts, mistakes and forgiving believing in God for the future

    3 I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I love to dance. hehehe! 🙂
    4.Pluck, Prepare, and Store: I am praying God will open my eyes to my ripen fruit.

  27. 1127
    Shelly says:

    Shelly, Pierceton, IN #3 – I cannot just walk in and share my deeper feelings. I need to spend time with you on the fluff of live before I feel comfortable sharing what is more precious to me.

  28. 1128
    Catherine Morningstar says:

    Catherine Morningstar, Collierville, TN
    1) I’m Letting Go
    2) New season, less than a yr ago, by myself, moved 2000 miles from Fresno CA to Collierville TN. I’m in a season of letting go and trusting Jesus, been the best year of my life!
    3) I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I am a loyal prayer warrior.

  29. 1129
    Rhonda says:


    1. We are the broken – Matthew West
    2. Turning 40 in a little over a month
    3. That I know what it is to fight the enemy in the deep parts of our hearts & minds, and I am proof of God’s grace & victory. ( You don’t usually start with that:))

  30. 1130
    Traci says:

    Traci, Daytona Beach, FL – Solo

    1. “I Will Praise You In This Storm” Casting Crowns

    2. This season of my life has brought heatlh struggles that have shaken me.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I’m desperately wanting to connect with other Christian women and that I often get my feelings hurt when I feel I’m left out.

  31. 1131
    Carolyn says:

    Carolyn ~ Upland, California ~ small group
    1. Anticipation!

  32. 1132
    Linda Duff says:

    Linda, Spring, Texas -Solo

    1.) I Am Persuaded

    2.) Empty nest for 8 days.

    3.) I wish my sisters in Christ knew I talk on auto pilot and sometimes you just have to bop me on the head.

    4.) Dear GOD, help me reach where you’re directing me. I feel you.

  33. 1133
    Donna B. says:

    Donna, Okemos, MI/solo:

    #1 – “Better than I Use to Be” by Tim McGraw

    #2 – I’m retired while my husband is still working, so am enjoying trying many different activities that I never had the time for when I was working and we were raising our family.

    #3 – Although I appear very outgoing and “loud”, I am actually a bit shy which sometimes can come across as aloofness.

  34. 1134
    Susannah says:

    Susannah, Tucson, Arizona (solo)
    1. All Your Life – The Band Perry
    2. This present season is unique because I am beginning to feel a new uneasiness/insecurity about my 13-year marriage.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew… not sure how to complete this sentence since I’m pretty much an open book.

  35. 1135
    Carrie Woolley says:

    Carrie, Charlottesville, VA/small group

    1. I honestly couldn’t think of a song.

    2. Have toddler, will travel!

    3. My Love Languages are quality time and words of affirmation. If you don’t spend time with me, I don’t think you care.

    4. I need God’s living water in this dry season of my life!

  36. 1136
    Melissa says:

    I’m living temporarily in Vancouver, Canada (7 months left on my assignment) Also meeting weekly with Women’s Bible Cafe for this study 🙂

    1. Didn’t want a sad song but it’s all that comes to mind… Travis “Why does it always rain on me” or “Come thou Fount”
    2. I’ve been a little isolated in my assignment in Vancouver and found myself getting distant from God. My season right now is a kinda reintroduction to my creator. It was a surprise to realize we’d grown apart and it’s a struggle to commit my time to get to know Him again.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I like to be a girl even though I work in Law Enforcement. 😉
    4. I was particularly impacted by the part of the devotion where you talked about not focusing on the ineffectiveness of a sowing season, but remembering past fruit and blessings to hold me over until the harvest season returns.

  37. 1137
    cathy-charlottesville says:

    Cathy, Charlottesville VA, solo, song: ‘ant can’t move a rubber tree plant…’.Present season-very heavy rainy spring- in all aspects exhausted. I care very deeply for others and pray what I hear their hearts cry forward to Father. Just finished working in my garden- so plucking and preparing and store for later (Jer 40:10) spoke vividly to me. I had just done that very thing. Now, praying that in a spiritual sense for me and you, in due time we will summer over our stored sowings.

  38. 1138
    Rachelle says:

    1–All Shook Up 🙂
    2–Almost empty nest/hot flashes/caring for sick/etc.
    3–I am in a season of frazzled nerves, please be nice. 🙂
    4–God’s time is perfect!! “Summer!” Perfect word at a perfect time for me!! Watching for the fruit!

  39. 1139
    Amy says:

    Amy, Bradenton, FL/solo

    1. Hello, My Name Is by Matthew West

    2. More resources and time to do whatever I want or The Lord directs and have no idea which direction I’m to go but looking for and beginning to see God’s fingerprints.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I don’t have it as together as they think I do.

  40. 1140
    Erin says:


    1. Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns
    2. Desert time-waiting on God
    3. That I love Jesus so much and want to bless Him and others
    4. I was struck by Beth’s question “what are you holding onto?” referencing Psalm 32

  41. 1141
    Anita says:

    #2 Season of change-menopause–I feel like my body is betraying me

    #4 Great video

  42. 1142
    Anita says:

    Anita/Alabama/small group

  43. 1143
    Kristen says:

    1. Three Little Birds – Bob Marley (Don’t worry, about a thing, ’cause every little thing is gonna be alright).

    2. Death of my step father, several co-workers and another dear family member, youngest child started driving, helping my mom process grief and get settled into living alone. Grief, loss, death, change…and joy

    3. I think I’m pretty much and open book and blabbermouth, you’ll know everything 5 min after we meet.

    4. I’m looking for the banana with my name on it!

  44. 1144
    Mary Anne Peters says:

    Mary Anne, Osler, Sk, Canada
    Small group
    2. I’m going through a season in life with growing up kids. A daughter who isn’t living for God, and a son who is breaking my heart with his bad choices. And I’m seeing God be absolutely amazing in how He sustains me and teaches me. As much as I hate this season, it is shaping who I am in beautiful ways. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, and yet in some weird way I feel blessed that God would care about me enough to press me to the end of myself and allow Him to be all I need.

  45. 1145
    Robbyn, Frisco, TX/solo says:

    1. Worn by Tenth Avenue North

    2. This fall my oldest will be a Senior, my oldest son starts high school, my middle daughter starts middle school, my youngest daughter 4th grade, and my baby starts 1st grade.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that with five kids I am constantly surrounded by people but often times feel completely alone.

    4. My responses seem down and negative but after some very difficult times, seeming heavy with heartache, God is restoring me and rebuilding me with his great grace and mercy. Joy is coming!

  46. 1146
    Jessica velez says:

    Jessica, Woodland Park, NJ/ solo
    1. favorite song would be How He Loves Us
    2. This Present season what’s unique in my life after 9 years i am expecting a baby
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that when meeting new people, I open my heart to them
    4. For this summer i need to be prepared and stored

  47. 1147
    Carolyn says:

    Carolyn,Rocksprings, TX, Solo
    1. Just as I am
    2. Closer to God, my Father, than I ever have been
    3. …how many miracles God has provided in my life over the past 3 year.

  48. 1148
    Tracy, Westland, MI/Solo says:

    1. “Stayin Alive”
    2. Health issues and a busy season of change in my ministry leadership role at church.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I am really a fun person to be with once you get to know me.
    4. That God is abundant in His mercy and care for me; even when I fail – for this, I am deeply thankful and praise Him.

  49. 1149
    Cheryl says:

    Cheryl, Houston, TX; small group:#2 loss of both of my parents in the last 4 months

  50. 1150
    Abbey says:

    My name is Abbey. I am from Murdock, Nebraska (which is close to Lincoln) I am doing this study with my momma.

    Song that describes this season: Ready or Not by britt Nicole and lecrae. Listen to it…it should be everyones theme song. 🙂

    My answer is to question two “Write one sentence about the season of your life”: I am lonely but being reminded that Christ is always by my side even if I do not feel it. 🙂

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