Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 Registration & Launch!

Welcome, everybody! We are ecstatic that you are joining us for Bible study this summer! Please read the following instructions quickly but carefully then watch the video. On each of our summer Bible study posts, I’ll always write out the interactives just in case you can’t get the video to work. OK, Sisters! Here goes!

BEFORE LEAVING A COMMENT: PLEASE READ ALL WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS AND WATCH THE VIDEO IF AT ALL POSSIBLE . ALL COMMENTS ARE MEANT TO BE IN RESPONSE TO TODAY’S INTERACTIVES. Your comment today is particularly important because it also serves as your registration for the summer experience.

UNLIKE PREVIOUS YEARS, WE ARE ASKING FOR EVERYONE PARTICIPATING TO LEAVE A COMMENT RATHER THAN THE GROUP LEADER LEAVING ONE ON BEHALF OF ALL. It tended to be too confusing. Your comment to each of the 4 blog posts this summer is your interaction with us here in our blog community.  (I know some of this seems redundant but we get lots of questions about these kinds of details so we’re just trying to make sure we’ve covered as much as possible.)

If you are in a SMALL GROUP: you will share your responses to all of the interactives with one another in your gathering. Then, when you come back to make your comment to this post, you will choose one of the questions to answer here. You can answer more if you desire but we are only “requiring” you to respond to one.

If you are GOING SOLO: please respond succinctly to each of the interactives. The whole community will in effect become your group and sharing your answers will be part of the activity and accountability. It will make the summer experience immensely richer for you.

ALL PARTICIPANTS identify yourselves in your comments to this post by: First Name, city, state, and country if not the USA and whether you are participating with a small group or going solo, then respond to your interactives. Here’s a sample comment for our summer Bible study to give you a paradigm:

Cheryl, Shreveport, LA/small group: #3 … (her response to the third question will be written here. Note that she is participating in a small group so, since she’s already answered each of the questions in her gathering, she only needs to respond to one here. If she’d gone solo, she’d answer all of them here.)

 1.    A fun one: What title to a popular song – from any decade you wish – best captures you right now? (It can be serious or ridiculous.)

 2.    Write one sentence describing something about your present season – your right-here-and-now – that makes it unique. Life changes constantly. What is distinct about this particular season?

 3.    In one sentence, what is one thing you wish your sisters in Christ would know about you sooner that often doesn’t come out in your relationships till later?  Complete this sentence: “I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I…”

 4.    *Optional: Make a one-sentence comment regarding anything in the video devotional that resonated with you.

OK, Sisters! Have Weeks One and Two of Gideon completed by our next gathering in two weeks on June 25th! We are so happy to have you here and to serve you. 

Summer Gideon Study 2013 from LPV on Vimeo.


1,845 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study 2013 Registration & Launch!”

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  1. 851
    Jessica says:

    Houghton/ Small Group

    1. “Hello My Name Is” – Matthew West

  2. 852
    Kathy says:

    Kathy, Clayton, GA – Solo

    #1 – Unredeemed by Selah

    #2 – Learning contentment in my singleness because my engagement ended a year ago, I’ve endured the betrayal of two close girlfriends and I’ve felt so alone this past year. It’s hard being alone and I want to honor the Lord while I wait on Him.

    #3 – I wish my sisters in Christ knew that although I’m strong for others when they are facing a trial, I would love to have someone who would be there for me too.

    #4 – Confession + Repentance = Restoration.

  3. 853
    Marianne McIntyre says:

    Marianne; Carrollton, TX;Solo
    1- It is Well With My Soul – Horatio Spafford
    2- I am grateful for everyday, and in awe of God and the miracles He can make everyday.
    3- I would like my sisters to know that I received a transplant after years of waiting and being so sick. God was with me then, as He is today.
    4- Summer fruit, may I enjoy what God has for me.

  4. 854
    Bethany Scott says:

    Bethany, Chandler, TX; Solo

    1. “For Your Splendor” by Christy Nockels

    2. Moving in two weeks back to where I grew up…new job for my husband, new church. Lots of GOOD change.

    3. I wish that my sisters in Christ knew that I don’t have it all together. Just covered in grace.

    4. Galations 6:9-10 has been rolling around in my head for weeks. I am so ready to harvest some fruit in a few particular areas. I don’t want to miss it!!

  5. 855
    Nellwynb says:

    1. I Want to Ride My Bicycle/Fat Bottomed Girls (Queen)
    2. Living in a small RV with too many adult kids and way too many animals (dog, 3 cats, snake).
    3. That I’m compassionate and I care, even though I struggle with showing emotions as being weak.

  6. 856
    Ally says:

    Ally, Houston, TX.
    1. I Am Changing- Dreamgirls
    2. For the first time in my life, I have no idea what’s coming up next.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I am not as strong as I seem to be.
    4. Yes, ripening! That the fruit in my life would be as obvious as Sara’s bananas.

  7. 857
    AJ says:

    1. “The Clockwise Witness”

    2. Moving Forward. With job, location, health, and from past. 🙂

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I…” am committed and excited to be serving them/with them and fellowshipping with them.

    4.Time to get plucking and storing that fruit you have been sowing ! 🙂

  8. 858
    Nellwyn says:

    Nellwyn Slidell, LA, USA solo

    1. I Want to Ride My Bicycle/Fat Bottomed Girls (Queen)

    2. Living in a small RV with too many adult kids and way too many animals (dog, 3 cats, snake).

    3. That I’m compassionate and I care, even though I struggle with showing emotions as being weak.

    4. If I am in a dry season, is there something I need to confess and repent of?

  9. 859
    Wanda says:

    Wanda , New Leonox, Il, solo
    #1 High Hopes, it’s an old one about the ant.
    #2 Full of love even for those that get on my last nerve :).
    #3. That I have worn a lot of hats during my life.
    #4 oh wow, the ripened fruit and the remembering how good, how gracious, how amazing, the God I serve.

  10. 860
    Megan says:

    Megan, Bloomington In/ small group
    #1. Hope Now- Addison Road
    #2. This is a very unique time in my life, a long time dream and prayer has been answered, but life doesn’t stop with it’s own twists and turns, ups and downs and disappointments.

  11. 861
    Alice Hinckley says:

    Alice, Dallas, TX/Online group–#1: The first song that came to mind is one I haven’t heard in a long time and just love it. Life Will Never Be the Same! The lyrics remind me that we are constantly learning & growing and life is changing. Am going to find it on iTunes & listen again.

  12. 862
    Valerie says:

    Valerie, Clinton, Me / Solo:

    1. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Looking Up) by Nichole Nordeman

    2. God is teaching me about relational living.

    3. …behind the goofy, outgoing personality, I’m actually quite serious!

    4. The idea of praying for eyes to see our ripened fruit…

  13. 863
    Jackie says:

    Jackie/Boynton Beach, FL/ solo
    1.Oceans ~ Hillsong

    2.100% Surrender & Trust in God ~I cant make sense of my circumstances, or even fix them, because of that, sitting still and learning to trust God that HE is doing something, even though it looks contrary.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that although I find joy and strength in the Lord despite having survived Cancer, and going through an unwanted divorce & now being a single mom.,but sometimes I need prayer for continued strength and to persevere.

    4.would love to see my labor ripen into fruit in my life, that I can see or come to pass this summer to move forward.

  14. 864
    Stacy says:

    Stacy, Bowie MD / solo
    1. “She’s a Maniac” from Flashdance
    2. “Baby boy” just graduated high school. Now both sons are in college…what do I do now? I’ve been a full-time mom all these years.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I have been wounded & hurt by people in church that I trusted and have become less trusting of church-folk 
    4. Dry season…………………exactly where I am right now!

  15. 865
    Linda Francia says:

    Linda, mobile, AL, Solo
    1. Jesus Take the Wheel
    2. I am currently in a season of change as my youngest started college last year and I am trying to be there for my parents and in-laws as they get older.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I do not have it all together and my stand offishness is really insecurity
    4. God open my eyes to see the ripened fruit all around me and to give you the praise and glory for it.

  16. 866
    Tracie says:

    Tracie, Huntsville, AL, solo
    1. Redeemed
    2. I’m in Grad School
    3. I wish that my sisters in Christ knew that I need their friendship.
    4. I’ll be on the lookout for my “banana.” 🙂

  17. 867

    Adrienne, Valdosta, GA, solo

    1) Staying Alive
    2) mom to a 5th grader, a 2 year old, and a baby who turned 1 TODAY
    3) I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I really need help and prayer for wisdom in raising my children, particularly our son
    4) the birds of prey (the enemy) will grab the fruit if we’re not watchful

  18. 868
    Cindy Borody says:

    Cindy, Kalamazoo, MI./solo
    1. First tune that popped in my head Man,I Feel Like A Woman/Shania Twain.
    2. Present Season – Caught in the Sandwich Generation, taking care of elderly parents and adult children situations.
    3. I wish my sister’s in Christ knew that I don’t have any idea what I am doing sometime!

  19. 869
    Rinday says:

    1.) Dancin’ on my Own by Robyn

    2.) This is a season of new beginning for me. I am a veterinarian and starting a new job; also adding holistic medicine to the hospital I am working for; exciting yet scary time:)

    3.) I wish my sisters in Christ knew how vulnerable I am in friendships.. I love to have heart to hearts & give sweet gifts.. I had a friend once who didn’t like this & broke my heart.. I’m still recovering from that!

    4.) I am a new “summer” of my life’s work. I am hoping to be humbled and to learn and to gain confidence through Christ in my profession and to start bearing some fruit for all the time and effort I have sown! The past few years I was down in spirit and in depression and in essence had “given up” but He is lifting up my head again!

  20. 870
    Stephanie Wayman says:

    Stephanie; Soon to be Houston, TX; Solo

    1. Stand by Rascal Flatts
    2. My season is “the next step” and “take care of your boys”. Stay-at-home mom to a 9 month old, moving across the country to a city in which we have no connections/ friends/ family, for my husband’s job.
    3. I wish my sister’s in Christ knew that I miss the daily connection with Christian women that I don’t get staying at home with my little one.
    4. I need to jump up and down and shout, “Thank you God that we are done with residency and bless us through fellowship.”

  21. 871

    1. Joy will come Desperation Band

    2. I am in a season of Growth

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I do everything afraid

    4. That we can get dried out in the summer if we are not careful

  22. 872
    Carol says:

    Carol, Wilsonville, OR (solo)
    1. Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi
    2. 3 weeks away from taking my “Chosen” 15 year old to visit her home country for the first time since adoption…and taking our 6 & 4 year olds along for the adventure. (Gideon will be with me.)
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I, although a “fighter,” love unrelenting!

  23. 873
    Karen says:

    Karen, Silver Creek, GA-solo

    1. “This is the Stuff” by Francesca Battistelli (There should be a line in there somewhere about dropping your iPhone in your protein shake!)

    2. I am a taxi cab driver for my 14, 12, and 9 year old and I am savoring every moment before the oldest gets her learner’s permit in less than a month!

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I may look like I have it all together, but I really don’t because I have issues just like everyone else–celiac disease, depression, weight issues, and plenty of insecurities, just to name a few.

    4. I so want to be faithful to His Word this summer!

  24. 874
    Denise says:

    1. Not Enough Time by INXS

    2. I am in a job I do no like and want to do something that helps others all while spending more time with my children.

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I struggle with anxiety.

    4. This is the season for me if I am open to receiving, plucking, preparing, and storing my summer fruits.

  25. 875
    Krystal says:

    Krystal, Taylors SC, solo
    #1- “For Your Splendor” by Christy Nockels
    #2- My husband is preparing to begin his own business
    #3- That I have a hard time making time/carving time out to keep up a relationship/friendship, but desire it at the same time 🙂
    #4- Remembering/Praying not to miss all the ways God is producing fruit from the gracious work He does through me and in me

  26. 876
    Kay says:

    1. “The House that Built Me” Miranda Lambert
    2. Life is hard. I’m 51, divorced for 2 years, my son lives 2 states away with his dad, finances are non-existent and I am blessed. Learning that everyday!
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew I am here and that while I may appear a day late and a dollar short…I’m usually just late.
    4. Looking for my BIG God to do a BIG miracle in me!

  27. 877
    Cathy, High Point, NC, solo says:

    1. Livin’ On A Prayer
    2. Seeking deeper relationship with Christ.
    3. I wish my sisters knew that I’m not nearly as strong on the inside as I appear on the outside.

  28. 878
    April says:

    April, Minneapolis, MN/small group,
    #1 – Here Comes the Sun

  29. 879
    Celestina says:

    Celestina from Midland, Texas
    Small group
    #1 Song: Inky Dinky Doo. We have a newborn and we sing this song to her.

  30. 880
    Tonyia says:

    Tonyia/Clemson, SC; Solo

    1. Remember When – Alan Jackson – Seems like everything is changing

    2. My present season includes, struggling with things we shouldn’t be, children all grown up and moving on, and finally, have I lost my desire and faith?

    3. I wish my sisters in Christ new that I was struggling and not as content and happy as I seem.

  31. 881
    Kristi Schales says:

    1) Living On A Prayer
    2)Season: Summer-Drought — it’s the driest I have ever been spiritually. Distinct- I used to be on fire, circumstances drenched my flame and have and a really hard time reigniting it.
    3) I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I am fiercely loyal, love deeply but seem standoffish due to many wounds in that past. It is NOTHING to due with them personally.
    4) the end- your summer season still comes. You have not had your last summer…caused much weeping! Thank you Father for your promises!

  32. 882
    Nicole Smith says:

    Nicole, Portland, OR, small group. #2: I’m following His will & lead with complete abandon, not knowing where He’s leading me or what the end result will be, but trusting Him greater than I’ve ever been pushed to trust Him before…all with a smile on my face and a trembling beneath, but holding onto the truth that HE IS FOR MY GOOD.

  33. 883
    Angie says:

    Angie, Canton GA, small group

    1. Psalms 18 – Citizens
    2. Transition
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I struggle as a wife and a mom.
    4. It is a season of being still and knowing that I need to just listen to him

  34. 884
    fuzzytop says:

    Jasper, TN
    In a group with Sarah and Linda. This will be the 5th Siesta Summer Bible Study the three of us have done together! Praise Jesus!

    #1 – “Feeling Good” by Michael Buble

    #2 – I’m looking forward to a road trip we are taking this summer, from TN to OR and back.

    #3 – That being open and vulnerable is really difficult for me.

    #4 – I need to be waiting expectantly for ripening fruit…

    Love and hugs,

  35. 885
    Susie P. says:

    Susie/Carmel, IN/solo
    #1 “Somewhere Down the Road” by Amy Grant
    #2 I am at a crossroads in my life with many unanswered questions.
    #3 I wish that my sisters in Christ knew that I am painfully shy and I feel very awkward in new social settings.
    #4 I am craving some summer fruit–literally and figuratively!

  36. 886
    Sarah Carroll says:

    1. Change Change Change

    2. I’m a 52 year old, divorced mom (8 yrs) of 5 great kids, (2 oldest graduated from college, next 2 in college) with only a 13 yr old at home 50% of the time, trying to discover what my purpose is at this point in my life. (Can we say empty nest to a degree?)

    3. I wish my sisters knew that I love to laugh, have fun, and enjoy life.

    4. It’s amazing how God works everything together. Just having gone through the Great Banquet, to starting my first ever small group study, to being alone for the summer and wondering and asking God daily what it is HE wants me to do and what HE wants me to know and WHO HE wants me to be with, to watching this video and reading this blog and realizing I’m more than ready and willing and so excited for SUMMER!!!

  37. 887
    Monica says:

    Monica, Hicksville, NY., Small group

    1) “Mama said they’d be days like these”.. still unsure if that’s the title..ha
    2) Empty nest/ Thinking about going back to Nursing school
    3) How much I value true Godly friendships & how hard it is for me to make them.
    4) Waiting & watching for the fruit. I had a dream the night before I watched this video. In my dream I was praying Psalm 34:8 w/someone. It was so encouraging to me & confirmation when I watched this video. I want the spiritual sensitivity to hear Gods call, obey Him completely, & make wise choices w/ tomorrow in mind. I don’t want the enemy robbing/spoiling my fruit.

  38. 888
    Paddy says:

    Paddy Plattsburgh NY

    1. Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Byrds (based on Ecclesiastes 3)
    2. Walking in serenity
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew how much I love their different perspectives when we share in Bible study.

  39. 889
    Dawn, Ridgeville, SC, Solo says:

    1. Plumb, “Need You Now”
    2. Grief
    4. How easy it is to forget how good God is to us.

  40. 890
    D'Edra Jefferson says:

    D’Edra, Canyon, Texas, going solo.
    1)My title song would be “City on our Knees”
    2) My present season involves me finding out what path God is showing me to follow
    3) I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I would love to be more of a leader.

  41. 891
    Cecile says:

    Cecile Cadyville NY

    1. 10,000 reasons by Matt Redman

    2. Accepting change

    3. …that I love how I get multiplied applications of our Bible study because of our personal reflections as we share in group.

  42. 892
    Kari says:

    Kari, Chelan, WA/solo:
    1. Real Me – Natalie Grant
    2. Unique about this season … I am expectant, but plagued by fear of disappointment.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I … fear that at the end of my life, I will be filled with regrets and believe I missed the life that He prepared for me.
    4. “Be watching carefully for something to ripen” … especially pertaining to my four young children.

  43. 893
    Sara says:

    Sara, Clinton, SC, solo
    1. My Name Is
    2. My husband and I are getting out of debt slowly, but surely.
    3. I wish my sisters in Christ knew how much I love spending time with them. The more we invest in Christian relationships the less alone we are and the easier it is to fight the enemy, because we are not fighting alone.

  44. 894
    Lauren says:

    Lauren, Dedham, MA/Solo

    1) Hungry, Falling on my Ksnees, by Kathryn Scott
    2) Waiting–waiting on the Lord to speak, waiting to see how my son adjusts to kindergarten in the fall, waiting to find out if/when my husband will be promoted and if/when we are moving as a result…
    3) I wish my sisters in Christ could know that as much as God has blessed me (and He has!) that doesn’t mean I’m perfect, or that my life is perfect. I struggle just like they do!
    4) I’m ready to see some summer fruit!

  45. 895
    Rachelle says:

    Rachelle, McAlister,NM/solo

    1.”I Want to Live Like That” Sidewalk Prophets

    2.Mama to all teens, one in college, I sense God is transitioning me into a new ministry!

    3.“I wish my sisters in Christ knew that I…” appear to have the perfect life but I’ve been through a lot and I need friends in which I can confide but it will take time.

    4.God has had Gideon in my face since April this year. I am ready, ready for the fruit to come forth!

  46. 896
    Caitlin says:

    Caitlin, Mt. Pleasant, SC – doing Bible study w/ Mom

    1. There are two song titles (one Christian and one secular) that seem to sum up my life right now, and they are actually somewhat tied together. The first is “Be Still and Know” by Steven Curtis Chapman – learning to remember who God is and that he’s in control, so there’s no need to fear. The second is “Change” by Taylor Swift 🙂 – after a few years of predictability, there are a lot of new things (both now and in the near future) taking shape in my life and the lives of people close to me.

  47. 897
    Peg says:

    1) “God Loves Me” – I’ve gone through many trials and tribulations. This little song reassures me that I’m not alone.
    2) This is a unique season in my live because I’m dealing with severe health problems of a loved one.
    3) I want my sisters in Christ to know how difficult it is for me to fellowship. I am very insecure, until I know you well, and have trouble trusting other.
    4) The Vimeo was a reminder that if we don’t see our fruit to ask God for recognition of it. We can ask God to open ours eyes and then we should “shout” our praise to our awesome God. God wants something, in us, to ripen, be plucked and sowed to others. Our fruit should shine so others may see.

  48. 898
    Virginia says:

    I am going single, and with a workbook. I hope I can still get the blessing from this study.

  49. 899
    Jamie, Oklahoma says:

    1, Worn by Tenth Avenue
    2. This is a tired season where my husband and I are worn from caring for others.
    3. Others think I am full of energy, and get a lot done all the time but I just wish they knew I am just absolutely exhausted.
    4. I like the introduction video and will be ever watchful this summer for fruit that has been sown maybe even long ago, to ripen so I can praise God for it.

  50. 900
    Jess says:

    Jess, Houghton, NY
    Small Group

    #2—I am currently transitioning to staying at home full-time with my three kids (4 yrs., 2 yrs., 3 weeks) and am praying that this will be a good fit for my family.

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