Let’s Talk About Bible Study!

I started this post out by typing, “Good Monday morning, ladies!”, but then I realized it was Martin Luther King day, so instead I’ll say, “Happy Martin Luther King day, friends!”

I imagine many of you are at home enjoying some snuggles with your little ones who are out of school, or maybe you’re a teacher who is loving spending a Monday at home as opposed to at school, or maybe, just maybe, you’re like those of us at Living Proof and you made the typical drive to work this morning. Either way, I hope your morning has started out peacefully and wonderfully! A few weeks ago our fearless leader reminded us that working is not a curse! Working is a good thing. So if you’re fighting thoughts of envy today, remember it’s a blessing to be working. Work with some excellence today, despite the way you feel!

Anyway, I completely sidetracked. Typical.

We are in full Tuesday night Bible study mode around here! I promise we’ll try not to wear you out talking about it, but I think it’s safe to say it’s high priority around here, and we joyfully get to serve. But, it got me thinking about you! I know for a fact many of you also started your Spring Bible study here recently and I’d love to hear what you’re digging into this semester. Plus, posts like these always benefit the reader that is looking for a study to do but just needs an idea or two.

So, let’s make our comments easy peasy. I’ll start:

Name: Lindsee

City: Houston, TX

Bible Study: I am participating in the Tuesday night Bible study, Children of the Day, but I am also taking a group of high school girls through Believing God written by our Siesta Mama, Beth Moore. 

What are you most looking forward to? I am looking forward to watching these young girls learn the five statement pledge of faith and also being reminded of them myself. Praying we would all believe God for immeasurably more this year!

Your turn! No pressure to answer each of the questions, but it adds a little spice, doesn’t it? However, for sure add the Bible study and who it’s by so that if someone is interested in that particular study, they won’t have any problem finding it!

Oh, and I couldn’t log off without sharing a glorious picture with you all from Tuesday evening. I can take zero credit for this picture because someone actually texted it to me after Bible study that night, but I thought it was too fun not to share. Thank you for praying for our first evening! Praise God alone for a room full of ladies studying 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. You would not waste a prayer on our Beth as she concentrates on all things involving this study!

We love y’all so very much.


348 Responses to “Let’s Talk About Bible Study!”

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  1. 151
    jami says:

    Shelby, NC
    Bible Study/Book – I am meeting with about 10 other ladies at one of their offices every Monday night and we are reading through Phillip Keller’s “A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm”. I have read it several times and been blessed beyond measure learning what David meant, being a shepherd, as he wrote Psalm 23 and what an amazing Good Shepherd our Heavenly Father is. We have only gotten to “The Lord is my Shepherd”, and that alone has blown us away. The creator of the universe, the almighty God is MY shepherd. We studied and discussed that our first week and ended our time with communion thanking Him for the price He paid so that we could be His sheep.
    My prayer is that each of us grow to know Him in an even deeper, sweeter way through this study.

  2. 152
    Joy Freeman says:

    We will begin THE LAW OF LOVE by Beth Moore in February.

  3. 153
    Mary says:

    Mary from Hartville, Ohio

    I am on my TENTH time to facilitate the Breaking Free Bible study and will soon be starting the ELEVENTH – the largest group was 7 but quite often it is one-on-one. God used the study tremendously in my life and has put a burden on my heart to see other women find freedom in Christ. Isaiah 61:1!

  4. 154
    Karin Allison says:

    Karin Allison
    Prospect, PA

    We’re finishing up a study of “Calm My Anxious Heart” by Linda Dillow and next month are poised to dig into Beth Moore’s DVD course of “Living Beyond Yourself”, a study of the fruit of the Spirit. 🙂
    Blessings and thanks to you!

  5. 155
    Tammy Elrod says:

    My husband and I are doing the Daniel bible study by siesta Mama! We are really enjoying watching the videos together and we each have our own approach to the bible study during the week. I have found that I like to sit down and do all of the days at one time which has been great!

    Tammy Elrod
    Mechanicsville, VA

  6. 156
    Michele says:

    Michele, Pearland, TX

    Studying I & II Thessalonians with Beth Moore “Children of the Day”

    Lindsee, I saw you last week in the fellowship hall and had this urge to shout out across the room, “L-I-N-D-S-E-E-E-E-E,” as if we were long lost friends. I feel like I know you! See you tonight.

  7. 157
    Sheila Bragg says:

    Sheila – Guyton, GA

    Taking an online Precepts Study: Cookies on the Lower Shelf, Part II.
    Als taking a ladies’ Bible study at church “True Womanhood 101.”

    I am looking forward to enjoying my new grandson and seeing what the Lord does in all of our lives this year.

  8. 158
    Janie says:

    What a blessing to live close enough to participate in the Children of the Day in person!! Bringing my daughter and her friend and a few others tonight – can’t wait for powerful worship and inspired teaching. Beth’s excitement for the Word bubbles over to us all. She is so energetic I have to rest for half an hour afterwards visiting with my sisters (and letting the traffic clear out. We have also discovered Kelly Minter studies and are currently in Nehemiah.

  9. 159
    sandra conway says:

    i wanted so much to be apart of children of the day i was hoping for an outline so i could follow along with you and study. Im in seattle so there is no way i can attend sad

  10. 160
    DEB says:

    Ladies I am trying to pick a study for couples ages 60 plus. would you please please help me by suggesting some you have done in a couples atmosphere. My all time favorite is Experiencing God.Thanks for your help.

  11. 161
    Michelle says:

    Michelle, Watkinsville~Georgia

    Romans (Beth Moore)

    Faithful, Abundant, True ~ Three lives going Deeper Still
    (Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore)

  12. 162
    Amy says:

    Name: Amy

    City: Washington, DC

    Bible Study: I am participating in the James study with one of my churches small groups on Wednesday evenings! The study is also by our Siesta Mama, Beth Moore.

    I am looking forward to getting more in depth with the Word. I love learning about His Word and how to be more like Him. Call it an obsession!I pray my eyes are opened and my heart is ready for learning, discovering, and most of all good, godly change!

  13. 163
    Jennifer says:

    Jennifer – Fredericton, NB, Canada

    Esther – It’s Tough Being a Woman (Beth Moore!) 🙂

    We are starting our third week and I am most looking forward to digging in deep and learning more about God’s amazing destiny for me.

  14. 164
    Ganise says:

    Location : Ottawa, Canada.

    Church: Hope Assembly.

    Bible study in the book of Genesis.

    Looking forward to diving into another book of the Bible. We’ve been in Genesis for about a year. Bless our souls.

  15. 165
    Angie Williams says:

    Hampton, TN
    Bible Study: I am doing my own little Bible study on Thessolonians on Tuesday nights to coinside with the Houston study. of course it i snothing like Mrs. Beth’s study but I am trying anyway. Also, I am going to facilitate Beth’s and Melissa’s Deutronomy study at my church beginning on February 2.

    What are you most looking forward to? One of my favorite things beside diving into God’s Word, if the fellowship I which I get to be involved. I get so excited.

  16. 166
    Ashlie McDonald says:

    Ashlie McDonald, Salt Lake City, UT

    I just started Beth’s Living Beyond Yourself:Exploring the fruit of the Spirit.

    This study has been on my heart for a few years now, so I am extra excited to dig deep and learn about these fruits. A few days ago I would not have been able to tell you what the fruits of the Spirit were, but today I can recite Galatians 5:22-23. I am excited to take this journey with my best friend that lives in San Angelo and to really do some supernatural growing in those 9 areas.

    Thanks so much and God bless, siestas!

  17. 167
    Rhonda says:

    A self-written bible study on I Thessalonians – we are on chapter 3 this week. Imagine how super excited I was that Beth was doing the same one. There are about 35 women signed up for it – I send out the lesson each week – and then we connect on-line with additional questions and comments.

    • 167.1
      Lisa Martin says:

      I would love to join an online study if yours is available to “outsiders”. I have been unable to find anything locally…I’m in AL.

      • Judy says:

        Sister, if your will contact your local Southern Baptist Association they may tell you who has checked out the kits that go along with most of the Bible studies. I pray that you find a group of ladies to explore the scriptures with — I have found that a group of 6-8 is always helpful. I’ll be praying that you are able to join a group.

      • Rhonda says:

        Lisa – sure thing – my email address is Rhondamiller5044@yahoo.com – Email me and I’ll send the first lessons.

  18. 168
    Susan says:

    One of the biggest blessings of living in Houston is the opportunity to attend Beth’s Bible studies live on Tuesday nights. I’m looking forward to whatever God has for me through the study of 1 and 2 Thess.

  19. 169
    Lisa C says:

    Lisa C
    Dallas, Texas
    Tuesday night bible study at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas Campus
    Missing Pieces by Jennifer Rothschild
    Not only and I excited to learn from a new-to-me author, I just switched church campuses so I am looking forward to studying with women I worship with on Sunday mornings

  20. 170
    Luann says:


    Grand Junction CO

    A bible study on Ruth (and 1 Thess i think) a older gal puts together herself. and possibly finishing up A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place by BM.

    Looking forward to the actual study of the Word, what our Lord has for me to learn and doing life with these women.

  21. 171
    Kailah. S says:

    Atlanta, GA

    I’m participating in a Bible study with about a dozen other undergrad girls at my school–perhaps leading a couple of weeks as well! We’re going through “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” by Beth. I am so looking forward to digging into the Word with such a focus on Biblical history, and I am definitely excited about building such rare Christ-centered community on a very spiritually dead campus. But I know this is going to shine a magnificent light here as we come together and really magnify His name as He enables us. So grateful!

  22. 172
    Carol says:

    Name: Carol

    City: Kansas City

    Bible Study: I am co-leading a ladies bible study in my home beginning tonight. We will be studying Kelly Minter’s Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break.
    What are you most looking forward to? This group of ladies has been together for quite a while and has been on break since Fall. I am looking forward to seeing my bible study sisters and the new ladies the Lord leads to us and what the Holy Spirit has in store for each one us.

  23. 173
    Leticia says:

    Las Vegas Nevada

    Ruth: Loss, Love and Legacy by Kelly Minter. I am doing this study with my ladies church group.

    Also I am reading: A woman and Her God By Beth Moore and many other lovely and wise women.I am reading this book as part of my psychology/Christian counseling curriculum. Oh, and I love it all!!!

  24. 174
    Judy says:

    New Life Church, Renton Washington
    I will be co-leading DAVID, seeking a heart like his, by Beth Moore and Wednesday evenings and I look forward to watching women grow in Gods word as we as women become seekers after God’s own heart.

  25. 175
    Maria Gutierrez says:


    Richland, WA

    “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young and I’m also reading “1,000 Gifts” by Ann Voskamp

    This momma hasn’t had time to do an in-depth study for 4-5 years. SIGH! What I am learning/looking forward to is letting go of worry, anxiety, stress and learning to make myself less and trust God more. To live, moment by moment, Eucharisteo living. Always giving thanks, even in the roughest moments.

  26. 176
    Jane says:

    Jane, Houston, TX

    I am attending the LPM Tuesday night bible study, Children of teh Day, as well as working through Solo by Eugene H. Peterson. I look forward to seeing how many ways all parts of Scripture can apply to my daily life.

  27. 177
    debb.can says:

    We started David in the fall. Im really enjoying it. A couple of weeks ago picked up the reading bk as well. And my devotions have been in Sammuel also.
    Looking forward to what God has for me to learn and apply.

  28. 178
    Stacey says:

    Houston, TX – Usually I facility a bible study in my home (we’ve done “Jonah” – Priscilla Shirer, “When Life is Hard” – James MacDonald, “Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul” – John & Stasi Eldredge, “Me, Myself & Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover” – Jennifer Rothschild, “Victory in Spiritual Warfare” – Tony Evans – BTW, all of these are GREAT studies!) but his semester in addition to Tuesday Night’s live with Beth, I am taking a classed entitled: “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” http://www.perspectives.org. We start week two tomorrow night and I’m pumped. It is a VERY in depth study of God’s word, “…a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.” All I can say is WOW, DEEP, THOUGHT PROVOKING! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me and for those taking the class alongside me.

  29. 179
    Karlys says:

    Karlys, La Place, LA
    Angela Thomas’ Brave
    I am looking forward to growing even more in my faith, my trust in HIM. I want to be brave, courageous, giving HIM the glory. I want more of HIM.

  30. 180
    Fran says:

    Right now I am going through the Multiply Movement material by Francis Chan and David Platt. I went to their conference back in November and their challenge is to go through this material with at least one person this year, so I’m going through it first and it’s wonderful for disciple-making!
    Also, I will begin facilitating Priscilla Shirer’s study of Jonah next week. Really looking forward to diving deeper into this well-known Bible story and learning lessons from his life that I can apply to mine.

  31. 181
    Natalie Dawes says:

    Natalie Dawes

    Calgary, AB, Canada

    I am leading my small group ladies through Priscilla Shirer’s “Discerning the Voice of God” study.

    I am looking forward to learning to hear the voice of my Father clearly, to obeying without hesitation, and to knowing our Lord even more intimately. That is my prayer for all nine ladies in our study.

  32. 182
    Donna says:

    I started in November with a group of ladies doing Beth’s latest study on the Law. But got sidetracked with family and illness and money woes. We hope to have a new class at the church soon. Our church is an “older congregation” it’s difficult to get a lot of these ladies out when it’s cold with snow on the ground. We’ll start another class the end of Feb. or first of March. Please say a prayer for our church as it is goes through a most difficult time.

  33. 183
    Holly says:

    Missouri City, Texas
    7th year of Bible Study Fellowship — studying GENESIS.
    Also, teaching 4 and 5 year olds — GENESIS

  34. 184
    Kathy Wilshire says:

    I am doing a Sunday evening Bible study called :Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation by Mary Jo Sharp with a group of approximately 15 ladies from FBC Mansfield.
    I am looking forward to better learning how to have an intelligent, non-threatening conversation with people of other faiths.

  35. 185
    Judy from Clarks Hill says:

    Judy Grieve
    Clarks Hill SC
    I am in a small group using Companions In Christ on Mondays, Wednesdays I co-lead Disciples II. And I am doing the Good Morning Girls study of Luke with a friend via email.

    Lindsee, You are the web person so I just wanted to share my disappointment with the new iPhone app. When it loaded it completely wiped out the 2011 siesta app and all those Bible verses were gone as well as the 2012 verses that I had memorized.

    I continued to use the 2011 app in 2012 to keep memorizing verses. I was VERY sad to see that all gone. I loved the app, seeing the verses quickly and easily. It was a sad, sad day. So I am looking for another way to save my verses as I realize now that this app is not meant for my personal memory use but for the group at large. Any suggestions?

    • 185.1
      Lindsee says:

      Judy, I am so sorry that happened and I wish I knew what to tell you. The only thing that comes to mind is if you backed up your phone (using your iTunes on your computer), you should have all of them stored somewhere. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t use the app last time to its full potential, so this is not my area of expertise! Again, I’m so sorry. If I was aware that an update would wipe out the previous year, I would have most definitely given a heads up.

    • 185.2
      Susan C. says:

      Hi Judy,

      What about using the “Notes” app on the iPhone (comes standard or “Voice Memos” and record yourself speaking the verse. That’s actually how I memorize and in the car sitting in traffic I play it back over & over & over and eventually I’m able to say it aloud with myself!

      All the best to you!

      Susan C.

    • 185.3
      Sandy Bowers says:

      I’m so sorry that happened. I haven’t used the iPhone app because I have an iPod Touch. I downloaded VerseByHeart from the app store, a free download. Then I copy my verse from Bible Gateway and paste it into the app. There are three drills to help you learn the verses. I don’t know if it’s like the SSMT app, but it works for me. Hope that helps Siesta!

    • 185.4
      Steph says:

      Judy, look in your apps and see if the old app (2011) is still listed but not activated. It might have replaced it but not really delete it.

  36. 186
    Lisa McKee says:

    our Wednesday morning Bible study is finishing Hinds Feet on High Places and February we will study James by Beth Moore. sooo exciting !!!

  37. 187
    Julie says:

    Julie, Alliance, NE. I am participating in Beth’s “Daniel” Bible study along with 13 other wonderful ladies at 6:30 a.m. every Wednesday morning. Highlight of the week!

  38. 188
    Diane says:

    Diane, Roswell, GA – My ladies group at church just started The Patriarchs for a second time. Those of us who loved it so much the first time (about six years ago) are excited about going through it again and getting a fresh word. We are also excited about sharing it with our sisters who weren’t with us the first time around!

  39. 189
    Lisa D. says:

    Lisa D.

    Alpharetta, GA

    Study: James, by Beth Moore

    What I look forward to most: just basking in the knowledge and experience of this precious group of ladies where God has placed me. My mom passed last February and God has placed me in a group where the majority of the women are close to my Mama’s age! He is so sweet to meet my needs in this way!

  40. 190

    Julie Dinsmore
    Las Vegas, NV
    Bible study: currently on hiatus for an upcoming surgery but doing a personal study on Moses – which is blowing my mind 🙂
    Looking forward to: being fully recovered, sharpening of the vision God has given me and a deeper understanding of my calling and next steps, finishing my book

    PS – is there any way of webcasting Beth’s Tuesday night Bible studies? Would love to be a part – esp since I’ll be stuck at home the next few months. 🙂

  41. 191
    Kelly Collett says:

    A group of ladies from various churches in the Buckhannon, WV area,started a new Bible study last night. We are doing “The Law of Love – Lessons from the pages of Deuteronomy”. It’s a Beth Moore Lecture Study.

    The first night was awesome and I’m so excited to continue. My hope for this study is to find my purpose while here on Planet Earth.

  42. 192
    Dawn says:

    Name: Dawn

    City: Menomonee Falls, WI

    Bible Study: I am starting a study at our new church in February doing Beth’s James study and also have been doing Bible Study Fellowship since September studying Genesis.

    What are you most looking forward to? It will be busy with both studies, but I am super excited to be in God’s Word. I’m excited to be doing a study at our new church for the opportunity to meet new women and study the Word together 🙂

  43. 193
    Betsy Roberts says:

    Betsy Roberts

    Antwerp, Ohio

    Study: Believing God too!

    Looking forward to … Well, a friend came up to me on Sunday and said that God told her to pray that I would quite wading in the “shallow end” and dive into the “deep” end of God’s Word. So, I guess with this study I’m looking forward to learning how to swim in the deep end!!

  44. 194
    Delta Ryan says:

    I’m Delta from Florida and we are starting “7” bible study by Jen Hatmaker

  45. 195
    Meredith says:

    Collierville TN

    I’m doing Community Bible Study. The study of Acts.. I’m looking forward to seeing how this transforms my life as I am traversing a new community and new group of people similar to the mission of Paul. I think it is amazing that as I moved here I was in the middle of the 90 day devotional book on Paul using the book of Acts and then the local CBS was choosing Acts for their study. I am so grateful to the connections God makes for us.

  46. 196
    Jeanne Dimon says:

    Wednesday Night Women’s Bible Study – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Women of the Old Testament.
    We study a different woman each week. WE just finished Delilah, this week we are doing Ruth and Naomi.

    PS – I would love to be able to watch a webcast/simulcast of Beth’s Tuesday Night Bible studies??

    My church uploads our WBS to the church’s web page.
    Since you are a ministry, you could charge a small fee weekly, or have someone pay for the whole series?

    • 196.1
      Alison says:

      I think Lindsee just passed out. But I LOVE the idea! 😀

    • 196.2
      Sandy Bowers says:

      Hope it’s OK to answer this one….if I understand correctly, this Tuesday night series is actually going to be a new Bible Study available when they are finished, and edited, and made ready for publication. I think that’s why they can’t livestream or make it available now.

      Correct me if I’m wrong Lindsee!

  47. 197
    Connie Beer says:

    Nehemiah by Kelly Minter.

    • 197.1
      Sherry says:

      Cleveland, TN
      Our ladies’ Bible study is beginning tonight with a 5-week study of One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
      On Monday nights we have a Bible study in our home usually taking a chapter a week. This time we’re studying the book of James. I have taken Beth’s study of James with our ladies’ group, and my husband and I both took a course on James offered at Lee University here in Cleveland. They have a wonderful program for senior citizens, offering 2 courses per semester for $25.00! This course used a workbook written by the teacher, Dr. William Simmons. We really enjoyed it and are using things we learned there as well as from Beth’s study as we study James together.

    • 197.2
      Tina Harrell says:

      I loved that one! Did it with a girlfriend over the summer!

    • 197.3
      Brittany Kay says:

      I loved this study and highly recommend it!

  48. 198
    Brenda says:

    We are doing Malachi by Lisa Harper, just started last week! The subtitle of the study book is “A Love That Never Lets Go.” Since Malachi is a book I am quite unfamiliar with, I am looking forward to how God shows His love through this last book of the Old Testament.

  49. 199
    Kristi says:

    Pensacola, FL: Perdido Bay UMC

    Tuesday mornings: Kelly Minter’s “Nehemiah”
    Wednesday nights: “For Women Only” by Shaunti Feldhahn

    Our Tuesday morning group has been meeting for four years with different women cycling through, mostly due to the large number of military families in our congregation.

    Our Wednesday night group just started in Sept 2012!

    Both groups have a variety of ages (20s – 70s) and there are ~20 women in each group.

  50. 200
    Nancy says:

    Our Tuesday morning group ran out of Beth Moore studies-and all of us have repeated at least one. So, we are doing Walking By Faith by Jennifer Rothschild. I am really enjoying her songs as well as the teaching. I used one of the verses she teaches with (HEB 11:l) as my memory verse last week.

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