My Sister Gay’s Final Installment: Jesus Saves

First Installment: Meet My Sister

Second Installment: The Functioning Years

Third Installment: The Maelstrom

Fourth Installment: Like Sunlight Burning at Midnight

Fifth Installment: Stepping Out On the Water

Sixth Installment: A Different Street

With a heart spilling over with affection and wonder, I hand you joyfully to my beloved sister, Gay, for her final installment in this powerful series. Don’t worry. I don’t believe this will be the last time you ever hear from her on this blog. I’ll get her to chime in here and there if she feels the leadership of God. But, still, this is a tender moment, watching her wrap up this gorgeous streaming testimony of Christ’s unfathomable grace. That same grace also saved and delivered me. Saved and delivered you, if you’ve let Him. If you do not know Jesus yet and you have never received the gift of His life offered for you on the Cross – a gift you cannot earn or deserve or be born into – and the power of His resurrection that strips us from our grave clothes and covers us in robes of righteousness, do not wait another day. Today is the day of your salvation. Get down on your knees, lift your face toward Heaven and express to God in your own words that, by faith, you willingly and earnestly receive His glorious Gift and desire to be saved, to turn from your own destructive way, and to follow Him. Believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. And, Child, YOU WILL BE SAVED. And nothing – I do mean nothing – will ever be able to take eternal life from you.

My beloved big sister, I will let you take it from here. Words fail me to express my appreciation. We are changed by what Christ has done through you here. He alone will be able to give you a precise account of the lives altered. “My brothers (and my SISTERS), if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” James 5:19-20  You, Gay, have been this “WHOEVER” to so many.


And, now, from her pen…

Hi Sisters!

My life is so sweet today both on the outside and on the inside.  Much has improved since I walked off the concrete.  Improved would be an understatement.  Wildly improved, exorbitantly improved, inconceivably improved would be far more expressive.  Gregg was right when he said that we cannot fathom the dreams and plans that God has for us.  Paul knew it too when he wrote his first letter to the Corinthians.  God might have told him about it but my guess is that he had experienced it after he fell to the ground on the dusty Road to Damascus.

“However, as it is written:

What no eye has seen,

what no ear has heard,

and what no human mind has conceived

the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” 

1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV

 When I got here in mid-April of 2009, all I asked for was sobriety and a roof over my head.  I’ve said many times to many people, “Sobriety is the best gift I’ve ever been given in my life and if it’s the only one I ever get, ITS ENOUGH!!”  And it would have been enough, Ladies.  Quality sobriety has brought great abundance into my life:  trustworthiness, integrity, self-respect, meaningful relationships with my children and siblings, employment, housing, improved health, the ability to feel, etc.  I am so grateful for it that I sometimes burst into tears and I always, ALWAYS thank God for another day sober in my every prayer.  I am still very clear that it comes first, that the devil is not very creative and that He hasn’t forgotten how to tempt me and lie to me in the same old ways.  So I keep it first on my priority list, always.  I never become complacent to the fact that I have the disease of alcoholism.  It’s in my brain and all I have to do is tip that celebratory drink and the beast will come forth just like it did the last time.  It doesn’t have to prove that to me again.  (Step 1, by the way.)

However, sobriety is not all I got!  I have gotten, first and foremost, a continually healing and fully restored FAMILY.  Although Tut and I did not reconcile marriage-wise, our relationship today is one of acceptance, trust and solid teamwork where the boys are concerned.  We are today – and will forever be – very dear to one other.  I know, I know, we girls like a Cinderella story but really, don’t fret. I’ve got my Prince!

The two little boys in Sugar Land?  They are just WONDERFUL!! The three of us are wound so tight that they sometimes wish I would pop free.  Not happening!!  They’re not getting rid of me, not any time soon anyway.   Zach is now 26 years old, a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design with a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Effects and has been gainfully employed since 3 weeks after graduation in 2008 as a 3D Render Artist.  He is the best person I have ever known and never loses sight of his God-given purpose for this season of his life which is to take care of Josh.  He has laid his life down for his brother and their souls are knit together as one.  They will have that for a lifetime, long after Tut and I are called Home.  God so wonderfully works all things together for good for those who love Him. 

Josh is 17 years old and in his senior year of high school.  I don’t know which one of us has enjoyed his senior year more, him or me.  I’ve spent this entire school year with him soaking up every single minute trying to make up for years lost.  I know that our days together are numbered now that he is becoming a man.  There have been many miracle moments between a redeemed mother and a once abandoned child where I have so wished to press the pause button to freeze them in time yet a moment longer.  He has grown so much inside and out, come out of his shell, become Josh apart from the rest of us.  I have fallen head over heels in love with him as with his brother.  One especially thrilling moment was during opening night of this year’s high school musical, The Wizard of Oz, on January 28th.  I sat perched on about the 5th row of Rogers Auditorium as the curtain opened on Kansas.  Josh had been cast as the Cowardly Lion just two months before.  Although some of my family members have quite a stage presence, I certainly didn’t know Josh was one of them.  I was impressed out of my mind that he had learned his lines.  All of them!  When he sprung onto the stage in all of his Cowardly Glory I squealed with laughter, cried for reasons unknown and cheered out loud all at the same time.  I had seen him grow over the weeks but I was, in no way, prepared for fully Josh.  He was confident, accomplished, ironically COURAGEOUS, adorable, funny and oh so entertaining.  He was fully himself, fully Josh, fully alive.  He stole the show and it took my breath away.  I sat in awe during those miracle moments with my hands clasped at my chin whispering “Thank You, God” over and over again.  I realized that God had not only healed me but that He was healing my son as well.  Josh’s performance that night was brilliant with the absolute highlight being his delightfully humorous delivery of the song King of the Forest.  How appropriate is that?  Applause please!!!

One quick note:  I haven’t had to preach to my children or grovel over my past mistakes.  I have simply had to stay sober, be present and fully engaged, and shine the Light.  God so masterfully takes care of the rest.

I also got the best job on the face of the planet, handpicked just for me.  I work at Mercy Street!  You knew that already.  At around one year sober, I just so happened to be making my way through the still buzzing Mercy Street hallway that I had come to call home.  I rarely got an opportunity to have a personal conversation with Gregg Taylor, most beloved, most popular “street” pastor.  He most often has a captivated audience.  But somehow (we all know how) I did this particular night.  I was looking for a job, uh … an office job, and Mercy Street just so happened to have had their Administrative Assistant’s position come available that very week.  Now, you might think that was mere coincidence but I have come to believe that coincidence is simply God’s way of remaining anonymous.  That job was mine!  I knew it from the minute Gregg spoke it and I cried all the way through the service that night.  God meant for me to be employed at Mercy Street where I could most effectively carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers and to anyone who might have lost hope.  I heard Beth say during the Esther series that our destinies cannot be severed from our histories.  I was so perfectly placed at Mercy Street not despite where I had been but BECAUSE of where I had been, and where I had been delivered from.

When I got to New Hope 35 months ago today I looked long and hard at the steps hanging on the wall and my eyes rested on the words “a power greater than ourselves.”  I was a weakling when I got there.  I was beaten up, burned out and practically in a fetal position.  The cat was a power greater than me!  I didn’t need a power greater than myself — I needed a power greater than King Alcohol.  I needed the biggest, baddest power of them all!  I needed a great power with extraordinary muscle, strength and COURAGE.  I needed the King of the Forest.  I needed the King of the Universe.  I needed the King of Kings…

“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”  Jeremiah 32:17

… so I set out to find Him through His way for my life that day and each day since.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.”  Jeremiah 29:13-14 NIV

On the 20th day of next month I will have 3 full years of sobriety.  Wow!!  None of us humans, especially anyone who knew me before sobriety, would have ever dreamed I would have YEARS of sobriety.  The fact that I am walking through this life, taking care of business, parenting, working, paying bills, doing laundry, laughing, crying (and everything in between) SOBER after a lifetime of drinking is, well … a flat-out miracle from God!

I try to imagine sometimes what exactly happened in the heavens that night under the bridge.  In my limited mind’s eye, I see Almighty God in the image of man sitting at a grand oak desk drumming His holy fingers across the surface among dozens of beautiful, INCONCEIVABLE plans, drawings and designs.  He’s waiting, whistling and waiting, drumming and waiting, patiently but not nervously waiting.  He’s known it was coming since the foundation of the world but I like to think that He gets a hint of sweet satisfaction in being the Boss and whispering, “Hurry up, Gay, we’re waiting!”  I think that even before the aching, desperate cry of “God, please help me” fully crossed my lips He had already leapt from desk to chariot and, with a loud trumpet sound, shouted to His angel armies, “She’s ready!  Go get her!!”  He knew, even though I didn’t know, that I had surrendered and that I would be willing to lay down my own failed plans and follow the ones He had custom drawn for me, just for ME.  Upon His great command, the armies must have flown across the heavens in all of His Amazing Glory to the intersection of Sabo Road and the Sam Houston Tollway where the first appointed angel stepped through the veil as Tut in the flesh.  Or maybe the first appointed was Zach who, knowing where I was, had asked his father to go fetch me for fear I would die that very night.  Or maybe the first appointed was Jerry who had gotten us from Galveston to Houston in the first place that rainy Spring in 2009.  Who knows?  Only One.  All I know is that they were all appointed. 

I did not do this by myself, Sweet Sisters.  An ARMY of “angels” wrapped in human skin have helped me and were strategically placed in my life by Almighty God Himself.  There is no amount of white space for me to list them all and some names I don’t even remember if I ever knew them at all.  From the street to New Hope to The Women’s Home to Mercy Street to Living Proof — from Southeast Houston to Pasadena to Montrose to Sugar Land — from a power greater than myself to Jesus, the One and Only.  They were and are everywhere if we only open our eyes to see, our hands to receive and our hearts to feel.  I don’t believe that any two of us cross paths by mistake or mere coincidence.  I believe that the positive, negative and seemingly insignificant people, places and situations add value to our lives based on how we respond to them and learn from them.  Its all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?  If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change — being transformed by the renewing of our minds.  I only hope to have the most honorable assignment of being divinely appointed by Almighty God Himself to reach out to a friend in need, a fellow sojourner, a perfect stranger, a ragamuffin, the hurt, the lost, the seeking.  Here am I, Lord.  Please send me.

I stepped out on my back porch the other morning and in more of a casual talk with God rather than a prayer I cried, “Oh thank You, oh thank You, God, for not letting me die before I got this, before I got You, this sweet relationship, this rollercoaster of a ride, this ebb and flow of faith, trust and sheer awe that leaves me begging for MORE.  I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this.  It would have been such a shame to have missed this.  Thank You for saving me so that I could experience this … experience You.  You are the Love of my life.  You are the Great Love of my life.  And I am Yours.”

I know today despite my shortcomings, failures and imperfections that to Him I am Beautiful, I am Redeemed and I am Loved.  I have been seized by the Power of a Great Affection.  I have been Saved.  I have been Forgiven.  I have been raised from the dead to walk in New Life.  I have been Resurrected.  Wow!  It just doesn’t get any better than that, does it?  Not in this life. 

I have a CD of Travis Cottrell in my car that I like to listen to LOUD.  Track 9 is an old hymn with a new and wildly improved sound.  The ending words have never once failed to bring on the tears.  They go like this:

The redeemed will sing forever,

The redeemed will sing forever,

The redeemed will sing forever

Jesus Saves.

Amen and Amen. 

Dear Sisters,

I thank you for letting me share with you my story or, better yet, Christ’s story weaved into mine.  It has been one of the greatest privileges of my new life.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for each and every comment and word of encouragement.  This divine assignment has been quite a challenge and I needed you all to charge me on.  You became like my angel army in this endeavor.  Isn’t that so cool?  I have watched you minister to each other and pray for each other and pray for ME.  I’ve experience many miracle moments sitting at this computer, reading and typing and trying my best to let God speak to you through my mumbling and fumbling to express the Inexpressible.  Our testimonies have much power, don’t they?  People love to hear that Jesus still saves even today.  We love to see tangible evidence of it too.  We love to see living proof!  Thanks Beth, for giving us this beautiful venue and for giving me an opportunity that would have only lived in my dreams.  You’re the best!  I’m pretty sure that I’ll never be the same after this experience.

And again, thank You, oh thank You, my sweet Jesus for loving me and showering me with Amazing Grace.  I love you with all my heart.  I am Yours always.  All of me. 

Loved you are,



348 Responses to “My Sister Gay’s Final Installment: Jesus Saves”

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  1. 1
    Sondra says:

    Dear Gay,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful love story with our Lord. I come from a damaged, alcoholic family and wish my father could have experienced the freedom and love you feel. He was saved before he died but I don’t think he ever truly understood the freeing love of Jesus. I pray that God will continue to use you in His ministry at Mercy House. And, we will give HIM all the GLORY.

  2. 2
    Rachel Goode says:

    Thank You God, that the best witness to your love is not the person who lived perfectly, but the person who was lost without You and is now made whole by Your extravagant love.

    Thank You Gay, for being courageous to share your brokenness so we could also share in your redemption and Redeemer.

  3. 3
    Marie says:


    The tears pool in my eyes and I really have no words. I just feel the love of Jesus pouring through your words and into my heart. On days like today, when it’s so hard to wait and I want to throw in the towel, the encouragement and grace of one who has fought the fight and come out the other side mean more to me than I can possibly express.

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

    I love you!


  4. 4
    Robin Ford says:

    Wow!! My first response is Wow!! Thank you, Gay, for being so transparent. I was riveted reading all seven installments of your incredible testimony. You are an excellent writer and God has GREAT PLANS for you as you continue to share your story. I look forward, with great anticipation, to hear and see more of how God will use you.

  5. 5
    Kayla Moore says:

    Thank You!

  6. 6
    Lacie says:

    WOW! How great is our God!
    Your story has left me just speechless & in awe of what He can do.
    Thank you for sharing so honestly.

  7. 7
    Kate says:

    I have waited impatiently for this (and every) installment and cried my eyes out from the beginning to the end. Thank you for so beautifully telling your story, for refusing the shame and accepting the grace. You are a GREAT writer and I do hope you will continue to share here and elsewhere.
    1 When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion,
    we were like those who dreamed.
    2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
    our tongues with songs of joy.
    Then it was said among the nations,
    “The LORD has done great things for them.”
    3 The LORD has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.


  8. 8
    Nikki Brungard says:

    Loved you are right back, sister!

    Praising His name for His kindness to you!

  9. 9
    Michele says:

    So very, very blessed by your story, Gay. While I may not struggle with alcohol, I most definitely have my own struggles of which the principles can be applied to me. Thank you!

  10. 10
    Joan says:

    Dear Gay,

    My heart is so full after reading this final post. I cannot imagine your years of drinking and pain, but I sure know your love of our Father in heaven. It pours out of every word you write. Your spirit is beautiful! When you wrote…”If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change-being transformed by the renewing of our minds'” was my defining moment. I want what you have! I am asking the Lord to transform me so that my heart and mind will change the way I look at things. Our Jesus has used you today, to help me! Thank you.

  11. 11
    Tracie T says:

    All words fail me apart from Thank You. What a blessing.

  12. 12
    Kay Martin says:

    Gay, What a blessing your testimony has been! What an encouragement to so many who have given up hope on loved ones. May God continue to bless you and your family!!

  13. 13
    jane gray says:

    Gay…DO NOT stop writng ,please.

    God bless you BIG!

  14. 14
    Patsy Harris says:

    Encouraging, courageous and memorable. The kind of heart I’ve come to admire, respect and love from both of the “Green” girls. Thank you Gay and Beth for your love for us, but mostly for your love for God. I am forever changed because of the God I’ve come to know better through you both.

    Forever grateful to you and our Father,


  15. 15
    Kate says:

    Thank you! Thank you for sharing your story. Tears are streaming and I’m so happy, yet sad that this was the last post. 🙂 I have waited for and loved each installment. Your story gives me hope. My precious sister is an alcoholic. So many emotions are wrapped up in that statement, but I’m lingering here after reading this with hope. I wish I could express in words how thankful I am, but words fail me. So… Thank you, Gay. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Abba for redeeming this life. Praying for more stories like yours!

  16. 16
    Andi says:

    Tears of praise and joy are streaming down my face. Thank you Gay, for sharing your story with us. Praising God today with you!

  17. 17
    Molly says:

    Well to say I love this whole thing, would be an understatement.

    IT is that ebb and flow of faith, and HE remains the same.

    HOW AWESOME is our Savior!

    JESUS – thank you Thank you always and ever thank you!

  18. 18
    Kathy says:

    Gay, again well written and powerful- thank you thank YOU for sharing your journey of hope and inspiration. You are a reflection of the power and glory of Jesus Christ- During my dark days, you have brought much light – Blessings to you and yours

  19. 19
    Susan says:


  20. 20
    Gramma Sandy says:

    Amen & Amen!

    Thanks be to God for his grace and your testimony. Thank you for being willing to share what Godhas done for you. Many will come to Him because of you!

    YEAAA God! & Gay!

    Love ya Siesta Sister!

  21. 21
    Sharon says:

    Oh, I hate that this is the last “installment” of your story…I check frequently to see if the next one has been posted! Your story is so encouraging to so many of us who have alcoholics in our family. God is able!! Thank you for your humility and transparency! I can’t wait to read your book! 😉

  22. 22
    Marie says:

    Thank you Gay for sharing your heart and journey. It gives me a glimmer of hope for the mess I’m in. God is silent in my life. But I’m not giving up.

  23. 23
    Kimberly Mason says:

    I have so enjoyed reading your story! thank you for having the courage to share! you are a blessing! just yesterday a friend of mine who is now sober and drug free told me of her friend “A” who is stuggling and is in desperate need of freedom from drug and alcohol bondage. she has been through so much not even including the addictions. please say a prayer for her. i pray God would keep her on your heart to pray for her. i’m just guessing God has given you a special anointing in prayer over the subject. i am praying for her and we are hoping my friend can talk her into getting some help. it is a very bad situation. thank you for your prayers! i’m proud of you! love in Christ! kimberly

    oh and 1 more thing my friend told me yesterday that when she was still struggling with addiction that she felt that was the one sin that God could not forgive! WHAT A LIE FROM THE ENEMY!!! I’m so grateful that God forgives ALL sins and no one is too deep in the pit of sin to be rescued and freed by a loving God who sent His Son to die for it all! Thank you Jesus! Just thought that someone might need to hear that today! It just never gets old – does it!!!! 🙂

  24. 24
    Dana says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your testimony! I praise God for all He has done and will continue to do, for “I am confident that He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it..” Phil. 1:6. I have family members who I have been praying for many years now. Your story is such a sip of refreshment in what oftentimes feels like a dry and weary land of waiting.

  25. 25
    Living4Him says:

    Thank you for sharing….such a blessing and I know so many others will also be blessed…can’t wait to point them to your words and to Him.

  26. 26
    Liz says:

    What an awesome, amazing, inspiring story of a Great God and His Redeeming Love that is big enough to cover and save anyone who is brave enough to let Him have their lives. Thank you for sharing this!!

  27. 27
    kendal says:

    i know i have said this at least five other times, but, gay, your story has made me GLAD. i am so glad you shared. the single most important reason people should share on blogs is to bring glory to god by pointing others to him. and you have done it. thank you.

  28. 28
    Michele says:

    Oh Gaye – what a beautiful end to such an engaging and riveting story. Your sharing has blessed my life and I am the better and stronger for your having shared. May God continue to richly bless you and I pray this is not the end of the power of your sharing.

    Thank you for opening your heart.

  29. 29
    cindy says:

    Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony! It needs to be compiled into a short book IMHO. thanks! cindy

  30. 30
    Another Beth says:

    THANK YOU JESUS for helping Gay, Tut, Zach and The Lion find their way Home. ; )

  31. 31
    rachel says:

    Beautiful Gay….simply beautiful….can wait until you publish your story in the form of a book! Hint, hint!

  32. 32
    Tatia Cook says:

    Hi, Gay! Just had to tell you that my cheeks are hurting from all of the grinnin’ I’ve been doing while reading this part of your story 🙂 I’ll bet you were grinnin’ while you typed this one, because I can hear it in your voice!

    May God continue to show off through your life, sweet sister. I hope we get to see some more of it. “Do it Lord, do it Lord, Do it Lord we are praying, Do it Lord, do it that Your glory may be seen” – AMEN!

  33. 33
    heather says:

    Glory to God!

    Loved when you said, “The ebb and flo of faith.” That is where I am presently finding myself.

    Thank you for sharing you story with us.

  34. 34
    Laurie says:

    Our precious Lord had this story of your life written before the foundations of the world. Your life, your story, your sister’s ordained ministry are His, and He is using you to give hope to us. My own beautiful, talented, sweet daughter is at the beginning of her sobriety journey. I pray that she will connect with your heart through your words, and that she will turn over her struggle to our Higher Power, Merciful Lord Jesus. Thank you for your courage and humility. God bless you and keep you in your walk. May He continue to be glorified in your life. Glory!

  35. 35
    KK says:

    “She’s ready” “Go get her” – that just slayed me! What a beautiful thought. Well done Gay, I am speechless by how good our God is. I love your thankful, worshipful heart as a result.

  36. 36
    amybhill says:

    i adore you. i’m telling one mom’s story (in other words, my testimony) this thursday at a mom’s time out group at my church. after mentioning acts Acts 17:26-27, i am going to quote you, ” I don’t believe that any two of us cross paths by mistake or mere coincidence. I believe that the positive, negative and seemingly insignificant people, places and situations add value to our lives based on how we respond to them and learn from them.” its about real people living this thing out in real life. i praise God for your story SO FAR… but i have a feeling He isn’t finished with you yet! so much love to you, amy 🙂

  37. 37
    Dee Lane says:

    What a blessing to hear your story. We ALL need to hear of God’s saving grace. I’ve heard many stories like yours and every time I cry tears of joy. You, Gay, are a blessing and will be a blessing to many in the years to come. Thanks for your courage and love!

  38. 38
    Becky says:


    Your mind’s eye description of what happened in the heavenly realm the night of your rescue was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I don’t say that lightly-I really mean it. Oh, how we all want to be rescued from something-be it alcoholism or drug abuse or eating issues or fear or control or pride or unforgiveness-and yet we cling to those things while God is waiting patiently for us to relinquish our grip and fall into His arms. And as you so eloquently said…He knows that we’ve relinquished that control even before we do. Amazing.

    I was also touched by your saying that your relationships are being restored simply by living authentically before others. Only God can do the healing anyway. Constant apologies would be rooted in pride. I think that is a powerful message.

    I am so proud of you. I will continue to think of you and pray for you often.

  39. 39
    Cathy says:

    Gay, you are filled with God’s love and healing and it is so refreshing to hear. Thank you for telling us about your love story with Jesus, and not leaving out the hard parts. So glad you let Christ’s healing and love into your life. Keep letting it grow!

  40. 40
    Missy says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to tell us your story over all these weeks!! I have been touched to the core, and I’m praising God with you for the living proof of the miracles He can do! I’m so, so, so happy for you that you are 3 years sober and experiencing restoration with your family and with everything! It teaches me not to take any single day and all it’s miracles for granted! I looked forward to your “installments” weekly and hope to hear from you again. We love you! 🙂

  41. 41
    Tara Serene says:

    I would love to have a picture of that amazing thought of God, sitting at a desk, drawing up plans of your/my life. And waiting. What a thought. He has a purpose, a plan, planned out beforehand. Thank you. That made me cry.

  42. 42
    Amy says:

    Thank you, Gaye. I need some tissues at this point, but I am so thankful for your testimony. I know you take in each moment of gratitude someone shares in these comments, and I hope you do. YOU are making a difference people’s lives. God is using you to touch many hearts, minds, and souls. Mine especially. While I have never battled with alchohol, I have battled with another addiction which has lead me down an unhealthy slope. I would replace mine with your words concerning alchohol and I would see myself through your testimony. I was and still am encouraged. Thank you! I’m ready to make the change myself!

  43. 43
    Gretchen says:

    Dear Gay,

    I have no words. Praise God, praise God, PRAISE GOD.

    Blessings to you, Sister,


  44. 44
    Lisa says:

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with us. I just came this weekend from the wedding of my sweet cousin. Her mom died of alcoholism several years ago. Despite my joy at her wedding, my heart ached that her mother was missing the day. She would have loved every minute of it. I pray that through your story, Jesus will reach many, many lives where hope seems gone. He is able! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  45. 45
    Janice Spainhour says:

    Thank you, very precious sister. I have a sister named Gay too, only she added an “e” to her name as a teenager. We began “MERCY TRIUMPHS” together last Saturday and I heard about your story from our group leader. I was compelled to come home, go to the blog and read them all. I kept looking for #7, and finally realized it wasn’t posted yet. When I got home tonight, I looked for it…and was so excited to see it just posted! I have been so “moved” by your story. Please continue writing, God has given you that gift. Your have poured your heart out to us, and WHAT A WITNESS to the awesome power and amazing love of God!!! 20 years ago, I lost my marriage to addictions, and alcoholism runs through our family like water. (Oh, and God has redeemed each of my 3 children, too!) Your message has lifted my spirit, encouraged me and given me hope beyond hope. I knew it was there, but somehow coming from you made it so real…I thank God for your ministry in such a time as this. MERCY TRIUMPHS!!!!!

  46. 46
    Sister Lynn says:

    Dear Gay,

    Thank you so much for the courage and joy you showed in sharing your story!

    Many many blessings – love, s. Lynn

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    Rachel says:

    Wow. What an amazing story of grace and redemption! I haven’t commented yet but I have read every installment. Your story has been very eye opening for me. I’ve never personally known anyone dealing with this issue and hearing this story has unlocked a new compassion in me. I guess I always assumed people with a drinking problem were happy doing what they were doing or they would make more of an effort to change. I didn’t realize just how deeply Satan can use it to drag someone down, even when they don’t WANT it to be that way. Thank you so much for sharing your story and helping me to understand more about it. I know I will never look at this disease the same way again! Praise God for His love and mercy!

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    Maria says:

    Thank you sweet sister for sharing what our Prince has and does so well…RESCUE! He is our one and only Prince! Forever grateful for what he has done through you and blessed us so!! Keep on keeping on Gay!! We love you and look forward to hear from you again!!


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    Kim Feth says:

    Thank you for finishing your story. Please know that you are treasured and valued in this blog community.
    Kim Feth
    Apex, NC

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    Jean says:

    Wow – wow – wow. What an encouragement your posts have been. What a story of redemption. It’s never too late! So happy that you have restored relationships with your family. Now I want to go back and read all of your posts from the beginning to this. What an incredible story and testimony. Thank you so much for being so transparent and for sharing! Looking forward to hearing from you again…or maybe seeing you at the Siesta Celebration in 2014! 🙂

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