Nothing Much To Say But Hi from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.
Nothing Much To Say But Hi
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Siesta Mamma, I so needed to hear that word today! It’s a dark season, but God is going out of His way to remind me that He is always here. That soothes the raw places of my soul like nothing else.
Oh, and I love the glasses! I may just have to get me a pair like that.
Love you, too, Miss Beth.
Enjoy your weekend.
Love, Taylor
I’m thinking those look like cute “Prayer Pants” to me….just saying that when you’re down on your knees you’d look awfully cute and well protected!
well, that was just about hilarious! except the scripture. which was awesome.
Beth, that was TOO FUNNY! Loved it. How did you do that without cracking up and with a straight face, no less?
Thank you for that and the scripture. Needed a laugh and the word.
What a fun surprise! I really like the fact that you have your own little studio—now you can drop in on us more often!
Love the glasses,too! You’re absolutely “FUN”!!! You made my day!
Your look bugtiful in those glasses!! It is amazing to me that it gets 115 degrees there!! What is it going to be like for SSMT in January!! This Michigan Siesta would surely fry like a broken egg on hot cement if it ever came close to that temp here!! Have a wonderful week.
Love Stacie
I thought at first that the padded knees on the overalls were for praying.
You are such a blessing Beth!! I always come with expectancy to the blog, and you never fail to deliver. Good word from God AND the sight of your delightful glasses.
Bible study buddies and I walked 3 miles this morning and then we got a doughnut.
Just had to say HI! too. Beth, you are so sweet. Thanks for the smile and the WORD.
Sending much love!
TOO FUNny… I’m LOL! whoopy cushion, big glasses… LOVE IT! Thanks for the encouraging Word from Hebrews.
Hi Beth, Love those glasses…you are too funny!! I recall you telling a story about glasses that you have from your grandmother (I think), are those the ones?? You are so much fun, so encouraging…and a huge blessing. Thank you for sharing the scripture with us…your siesta in Christ!
oh my goodness! at first i thought the glasses were real and i was trying not to laugh and then i realized they were a joke and cracked up! i was feeling sorry for you having to wear such thick lenses!!!
needed that word today and that laugh – thank you as always!
you are so dear to me!
SO, the glasses, the “cushion”…just gave me a good laugh! Thank you…
And the Hebrews passage…timely.
Looking forward to DS next weekend!
You’re so sweet!!! God blessed you with so much…including a sense of humor!!! Would you…could you…visit me at Jeremiah 29:11 and leave a comment? Join my little link-up!! PLEASE!!!
Beth – what a great way to start the weekend! You absolutely just tickle me to pieces. So fun and so sweet that you said hey to Siestaville in such a fun way.
Love you so,
P.S. I had supper tonight with Gov. Sonny & Mrs. Mary and we talked about you…and it was all good!
xoxoxoxoxo from Michigan!
oh i love you bethie!
love it! thank you so much for saying “hi”….. it was nice to “see” you. (those glasses are too much!)
Hahahaha! Did I inadvertently send you my glass?! Your humor has got to be one of the gifts of the spirit. You bless me!!! :o)
Thanks for the laugh this evening! I’m glad to be part of such a nutty bunch!
I loved that all that nonsense made complete sense to all of us!
Thank you for the laugh, and thank you for the WORD! I needed that!
Love you Mama Beth!
Heather in Lewiston
Seista MAMA, You make me laugh out loud so hard. I was watching this with my children and they just loved the glasses. How is it you know about National Doughnut Day?! HUMMMMMMM!!!!! A little hard to come by fresh doughnuts here in Hawaii but now thanks to you I must go on a scavenger hunt. Thanks! Love visitiing with you and starting the weekend out with a huge laugh!!!!
Love you,
grin…smile…giggle…LOL….what?…really?….nice (nodding head in approval of fushia overalls ;0)…hmmmm…ahhh, the word of God…smile.
Thanks Siesta Mama…you are the best! Loved the overalls. Not long ago you had a jacket on that one of our siestas had sent you and I loved it. You mentioned you would talk more about it later…anything new on that? I love it here in Siestaville! Good stuff…just plain ole good stuff! Luv ya!
Thanks to Kimberly for the taping and for all your sweet staff members. Little things sometimes have a mighty ripple!
Never a dull moment in Siestaville! Thanks for making me smile! What a hoot!!!
I thought you were making that donut day thing up. Not saying I’m a skeptic, but… ok, I am. So I wikipediaed it. Did you know?
According to Wikipedia National Donut Day began as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army in 1938. It’s held every year on the first Friday of June, in honor of the female volunteers of World War I who served donuts to soldiers behind the front lines.
I feel that it would be unpatriotic not to partake in a sweet treat! I better hurry, though, because national donut day is almost over! Thanks for your happy message. today!
Who knew?! Thanks for the information and research Jackie! I love it … donuts are obviously pure ministry. Happy Saturday!
Dear Mrs. Beth,
Hi to you!! It is always good to “chat” with you
I NEED ADVICE FROM MOMMAS!!! I thought this group of precious women would be able to help me out. I have a little girl who is 4 yrs. old and she is absolutely everthing that is adorable and precious!! Lately I have noticed she is already getting bullied by other little girls. I hear little girls saying really mean things to her and she just stands there and takes it. My heart is HURTING for her like I never thought possible. How do I teach her to stand up for herself without being ugly? She obviously doesn’t have the personality to be aggressive or assertive, but I don’t want to see her get bullied. I am praying over her daily, and thought this post might be a way for other mommas to give me advice and guidance on this subject!!!
Hi Katie, Oh, I do feel your hurting heart! This is a big one … not only for your daughter but for you too. Be assured the Lord is taking your prayers to His heart … you are being heard and He will deliver and He will heal. I would pray with your daughter. I would talk to her about why people are mean (jealous, angry, selfish, or may not be happy in their families). I would teach my daughter to pray for those who mistreat you. I would suggest walking away and finding better friends, if possible. If this is happening at school, I would definitely talk to the classroom teacher. I would reassure my daughter that Jesus loves her and she is so special and cherished to Him. Then I would pray scripture, and seek the Lord’s will. The Lord will look upon my affliction and repay with good (2 Samuel 16:2). Read 1 Peter 2:20-23 and talk about what Jesus did when words were spoken against Him. We can trust Him. He will release the oppressed, save the righteous, and contend with those who contend with us. He will deliver (Ps. 34:15, 17b). He will only put up with that bullying for as long as He will put up with someone poking the apple of His eye. Don’t despair … blessing is going to come from this if we walk in obedience and trust. Praying for you today. May the Lord speak His words of comfort over you and guide you in all wisdom and understanding. And now, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 NKJV HE WILL DO IT! You are in the perfect position for a miracle … show us Your glory, Lord, in Your saving name.
Beth, Toronto
Dear Katie, I echo what Beth in Toronto said so eloquently. Sounds like it could have been written by our own Siesta Mama Beth! I am praying right now for you and your precious daughter.
Thank you so much for your kind and sweet words! I guess I am just shocked to hear such mean and ugly words come out of the mouths of girls who are 4 and 5 yrs. old. I let my little girl go play with our neighbor who has a daughter who is almost 6 yrs. old. When I looked out my window into my neighbor’s back yard, I could see my daughter crying and struggling to get off the playground fort while the other little girl stood a few feet back watching her while holding the step stool out of the way. Since that event, I have told my daughter she can’t play with our neighbor’s little girl because she doesn’t play kindly. I encourage my little girl to say “that isn’t nice” or “I don’t like it when you say that”. Oh, I am already dreading what is ahead in this area of her life since it is starting at age 4!! Thank you for praying for me and encouraging me with scripture. I am certainly on my knees about my little girl!!
Katie and Karene … you two have encouraged my heart. Thank you! Just wanted to jump back on Katie, and let you know I am still praying and will pray for you and your daughter this week! The Lord is up to something good, even though it seems so unimaginable right now in the midst of the pain!
Beth, Toronto
I’m not a momma, but I am praying for your lovely little girl. I know what it’s like to be bullied, and I also know what it’s like for God to take that and turn it into a compassionate heart. Lifting you up!
Dear Katie and Precious one,
Read your post and felt I needed to reply but being somewhat new to Siestaville I did not realize I oculd put a reply right under your post, so my reply is way at the end like Page 6. Anyway, from one who raised special needs kids who had their share of problems and from one who was the brunt of alot when I was young, I have alot of experience with this, for what it is worth, from a complete stranger, I hear your worry and pain, especially can I hear your little one. Read my post and know others have been there and with God’s great love and mercy your little one will get through this and so will you. It will not be easy but lean on the Lord always! From one who knows! Betty M
…but Siesta Mama, what big eyes you have. All the better to see you with my dear!
Thanks Beth for your sense of humor; you DO know that laughter is the best medicine (that is, next to His word–the greatest healing balm).
Hi Beth, So nice to meet you. You are just too funny! You touched my heart with this video. I am approaching my last week in your Stepping Up series. I am so touched by your enthusiasm and
Hey Siesta Mama! I don’t usually comment, but today just really want to say thanks for saying “HI” to us all today! I always love your video posts most of all. And those glasses – love ’em! Can’t believe I missed out on donut day. Better run out tomorrow morning and have at least two to make up for missing out today. Three isn’t too many, right? I am nursing a baby…two for me, one for him?
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Beth, So nice to meet you. You are just too funny! You touched my heart with this video. I am approaching my last week in your Stepping Up series. I am so touched by your enthusiasm and I can’t begin to tell you how much you have helped me to realize it’s great to be excited for Christ! Thanks to you I am on a new legal of intimacy with God and feel so blessed that I found the courage to “step up”. Have to go, one foot on Psalm 133. Love to you!
I can not wait till next Friday and Saturday. Amazing things are going to happen in Kentucky! God bless!
Hey Beth – I thought of you today as my college daughter and I were out buying chocolate.
If you have not been to Chocolate Pizazz here in Houston, you must go. They have chocolate with popcorn, chocolate potato chips, and much more but they also have chocolate covered MOON PIES. On a stick. Thought of you immediately. Would have sent you one but it would have melted in this heat by the time I got to the car. You must go. It is about 2 exits west of church. (I’m a Houston Tuesday night home girl). Love the glasses. Who would have thought your eyes could get any bigger. Love you.
HILARIOUS!! Love the glasses! How cute and practical are those overalls…just adorable…pink and padded!
Oh goodness, whoopie cushions!! My husband cannot get enough of them. He is a dentist and brings those things to work and plays pranks on his staff. I have had many whoopie cushion pranks pulled on me, too. Thankfully, he hasn’t stooped to the level of playing pranks on his patients yet. Let’s pray he doesn’t get any ideas! My husband always says he knows God has a sense of humor or He wouldn’t have created gas!
Happy weekend and Happy National Donut Day!!! 
Hi to you Beth!! I just love you so much too!! This made my night!! It has been a very challenging week so this was a great surprise to hear from you!! Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face!! I thank God for you!!
I am praying mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance!! ( I’m practicing my memory verse!!). I am praying that for all of us!!
CRACKED UP and nearly woke the whole house up. Needed that, thank you.
Oh Beth, that was so cute. You made me laugh. I sure enjoy reading all your posts and seeing your videos. Have the most awesome weekend watching those vegetables grow…
You are one funny lady and I love you!
Thanks for the giggle Mama Beth! I so love your spirit. On June 1st it was a balmy 45 degrees here in Washington. Maybe you could send some of that Texas heat up this way! We sure would appreciate it.
Have a wonderful weekend! We love you!
I’m an Idaho gal, so I completely sympathize with your need for some sun!
Oh, Beth! I love your ministry all the time, but I so loved your willingness to just be silly in front of us today! Thank you for that good word. Do you know how God uses you in my life? I don’t have time to write it all down! Let me just say I’m so thankful for you and LPM. Blessings like crazy to all of you today!
You’re a hoot
My little 25 month old was pretty sure the white decorative vase in the background was whipped cream and she wanted to eat it!
On a little different note, I live overseas but we are going to be in the states for the month of December. I wanted SO BADLY to plan our vacation around around the SSMT Celebration but circumstances didn’t allow for it this time. My heart was sick when I saw that counter – you’ll have to post a long video re-cap for those of us who can’t make it so we can at least live vicariously. God is using SSMT in a big way in this siesta’s heart – thanks for the challenge of doing it and the accountability to follow through.
Hi Beth,
You are so funny! I love your sense of humor. Thanks for caring so much. This siesta blog is such and encouragement to me. I also thank you for your wisdom in the word that you share with us it is always what I need on the day that I get to read the blog.
Love and Prayers,
I love you darling…
You are too fun!! Love ya!
Siesta Mama…you are the greatest!
I sit here early Sat. AM with my 2 furry children at my feet, sipping my Oolong tea and I open the blog to see you sitting there with those glasses and I look at my “children” and say “She is hilarious!”
Thank you so much for checking in with us. The Scripture was perfect, of course, because I am acting in direct obedience to something the Lord laid on my heart last year when I went to LPL in Tampa, FL. I will be fulfilling it this next weekend by going to see my niece graduate high school amongst the rejection of my family. I know God will bless our time, HE is so good.
Love you,
Louisville, KY
You are sooooo much fun!! I love this community and thank God for each of you!
Enjoy your weekend!
Love you,
I just needed that this morning. A smile and a GOOD Word. Thank you! Now, I need to go get my house cleaned up cause my hubby’s shaving his head for St. Baldrick’s Foundation this morning and I have absolutely NO idea how many people are coming over…ahhh!!!! Love you too, Beth & siestas!
It’s Saturday morning here. I am drinking coffee looking though eamil to find my favorite email, LPM Blog! My husband walked by as I was watching, and said, “Is that Beth More…she looks different”. ” Its the glasses, baby, just the glasses”.
Ooohhhh, wish you all could come over to my house and have a donut, I’d make the coffee to go along with it. I’m looking at our pond as I listen to you read from Hebrews. How great the Father’s love is for us. That is He has prepated all things for us,… even before we knew Him. I’m going to meditate on that one today.
Love you, Girls
May I use your glasses to proof my next comment? Good grief!