Thinking About A New Year

Hey, Sweet Things! I’ve been praying for you this very day. I’ve especially been praying for those of you who’ve commented about how much you want to do the Scripture memory but you’re scared of failing. First of all, I pray that God is going to give you a glimpse of what your brilliant little mind is capable of doing when doused in His Word. Second, if you spend the year meditating on 24 verses, I pray that you’ll realize that you cannot fail. It will produce a harvest whether or not you get each Scripture down word for word. The captivated mind that tears down strongholds is what we’re after. Keep that before you. Pray for a supernatural unction to internalize Scripture then thank God for it in advance. He makes a way for us to obey what He wills for us to do.

Now, on to something that I keep pondering this morning. Like many of you, I’m a thinker. Years don’t come to ends or beginnings without me getting caught up in what’s behind or in front of me. That’s good if it leads to change. That’s bad if it leads to dread. We’ve all heard this definition of insanity: doing the same thing the same way and expecting something different. Yet, for the most part,  we live life in that maddening loop. One of the things God has taught me along the way is to try to hear from Him about one area at a time that He’s pinpointing for change. Much more than that is too overwhelming. Anyway, He’s a God who’s into process with the lives of His children. We need look no further than Philippians 1:6 for proof of that. What He may begin in an instant He may complete over a lifetime. Instead of making a list of resolutions for 2011 that are broken by the time they’re spoken, is there simply one thing about us we really wish to change? I could think of a dozen things I’d like to change but this is the one I think God is pinpointing as our joint effort for the top of 2011: a mental loop I tend to get into when I get offended or hurt by someone I love. I have come to believe that my first minute’s reaction is what determines the cycle of the next (usually miserable) two days. So, here’s my specific prayer for the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

My Dearest Abba Father,

I’ve lived long enough to know that any 12-month period of time on Planet Earth winds a pathway through thicket and thorns. It’s just too long a period of time not to get hurt or offended. I also know that You have tucked many joys in the oncoming year and I don’t want to miss them because I can’t quit obsessing over what’s hard. You’ve gone to measurable lengths in the last year to show me how the enemy of my soul operates in one specific area: he can’t block You from blessing Your children so he tries to block Your children from enjoying it. I do not want him to cheat me of reaping from anything rich You send my way this year. Even the treasures hidden in darkness. As this year ends and a new one begins, I am so thankful that I have Your Spirit without limit in my life and that, with You, change in a long pattern really is possible. You’ve done it before in my life. Come do it again. I am asking You in particular, Abba Father, to run to my aid in that first moment when an opportunity for offense happens and urge me by Your Holy Spirit to head into a thought-loop that spirals upward rather than downward. Simply put, help me to get over things fast. Honestly, Lord, sometimes I just make life harder than it has to be. Some things that wound me aren’t even about me. Help me to see where I’m jumping into somebody else’s loop and to quit getting hung by my own. I choose joy in resting this petition at Your feet, Lord, and I refuse self-condemnation or fruitless regret. You never would have brought this to the forefront and called for it in prayer if You didn’t have something good in mind. You began this work. Now come and take it to the next level. I’m excited about it, Lord, and see a glimpse of liberty on the horizon. Thank You, Father.

If you also want to post a prayer about ONE THING you’re asking God to do in you toward a more victorious 2011, feel free. There’s something about writing it down in a public place that makes it memorable. A record you can go back and read can be a beautiful thing. Try to resist wallowing and writhing in these  public requests. It’s Satan who tries to make prayer a dreaded exercise in self-loathing. In God’s economy, even when our prayers are mostly pleas of repentance, they lead us to relief.

Hey, Siestas, let’s not respond to each other’s comments this time. By all means, let’s pray for each other but let’s leave the response space to God.

I’m honored to walk with you into 2011, dear sisters. We’re getting closer to the 1st! Hold your head up or you might miss your new beginning!


805 Responses to “Thinking About A New Year”

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  1. 301
    Mandi says:

    I am praying that I would be delivered from the strong holds in my life. I am praying that God can see the person in my heart that I want to be, but I am struggling with lettting go. I pray that he heals my relationship with the most amazing guy that I have ever met. I pray that he will protect my daughter from all the struggles that she is going through. ( Her Dad and I have fought a nasty custody battle for the last almost 2 years). I want her to live for God and I always pray that she will know the greatest loves of all.

  2. 302
    Kelly S. says:

    I praise You, for you are the Eternal God. You change times and seasons. Open my eyes to what You are doing in this season and give me grace to follow. You made me, You created me, now give me the sense to follow Your commands! Your word for 2011 is HOPE. Im not even sure what it all means, but I know You are my portion, my cup and You hold my lot. So Im asking for more of Your Holy Spirit, work in the long pattern of sin I keep going back to. Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not for selfish gain. Give me a submissive, obdient heart and may I love You more. You are the God of hope! fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    For Your Glory, You are Worthy,
    In Jesus Name

  3. 303
    Erin says:

    Dear Father,
    I pray that You will help me to love people the way that You would have me to. Help me to put others best interest in my heart as I serve them or anyone else You would have me to serve. Also, please help me to better know how to receive love. You knoe how I struggle with that. You have already led me to the start of this path and I thank you for that. I thank You for what You are going to do with this.
    Your Daughter,

  4. 304
    Pam Whitehead says:

    Father, I Love you sooo very much!As I start this new year w/my husband of 31 years with you now lead me to the adventures you have for me and my family. My joy and peace are in you alone. My husband, family, friends…. have always been icing on the cake you have blessed me with. I know my purpose is to make you known, train others, and encourage others in their walk with you. To share you with those who have never heard your name or even only partly. Continue our mission in the trailor park the way you would have it to go even if you call me to do something else next. Help me to memorize these 24 scriptures that I had already decided to do before my husband went home to you on Dec. 20th. I Trust you. Your timing is Always perfect. You are Enough.ALL PRAISE TO YOU!! In Jesus Powerful Name.

  5. 305
    Carla says:

    Dear Father,
    When I’m lonely this year, please help me to find joy by going to you then finding something productive to do rather than pout and waste time in my self pity.

  6. 306
    Kathy G says:

    Oh, God, how marvelous you are! I wish there was room here to list all the answered prayers just in the last month. Granted, you put me in a place where all I could do was pray and trust you – thank you! My prayer today is that I will remember your power and love and I will never again try to work from my own strength. Thank you for this valley, you have walked with me, comforted me, lifted me and mine up and carried us on your shoulders to victory! Amen!

  7. 307
    Sharon says:

    Lord Jesus, help me to finish what I start. I have been a person that will begin something great then not finish it. I just give up. This year help me to complete the 24 memory verses and to actually remember them. My mind is too easily distracted by other family members. Help me to stay focused on the mission before me–24 scripture verses committed to memory. That is a big task for this old brain. I know You are there for me and You are faithful to Your Word. I love you Jesus!!

  8. 308

    Thank you for this prayer Beth. You could have been praying it just for me because I have those same issues. I am not making resolutions this year but am praying to live Micah 6:8
    “He has shown you O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Thanks not only for your blog but you Bible Studies which God has used to bring me and my sisters in Christ closer to Him!

  9. 309
    Kerry says:

    Is there a way to receive comments through email? I was thinking there used to be a button you could click on that would send you a daily digest of everyone’s comments but I can’t find it. Am I imagining it?

    • 309.1
      KMac says:

      Hi Kerry, yes at the very end of a post you will see an option to input your email address to receive ALL comments on that particular post. (An SSMT post could receive thousands of comments!)

      Also, from the Blog home page you have these two choices (
      RECEIVE FEED VIA EMAIL: This option will send you an email when there is a new post on the Blog.
      SUBSCRIBE TO THIS FEED: This option will add a section to your internet home page.

  10. 310
    Kerry says:

    Sorry – I see the button now. But I signed up for this previously and only got Beth’s post, not everyone’s comments. Am I doing something wrong?

  11. 311
    Michele says:

    Dear God, You know my heart. Calm my anxious heart and pour your spirit into me. I love you Lord and know that apart from you I cannot do anything! Help me to abide in you and only you in 2011.

    In the precious name of Jesus, Amen

  12. 312
    Nell says:

    Lord, I just pray that you’ll instill a spirit of Godly discipline within me and help me to stay consistent with it. I want to be an example to my girls and model the things I’m trying to teach them, but mostly, I just want to be a workman for You who isn’t ashamed. I love you.

  13. 313
    Tanya Hoffman says:

    I pray Lord Jesus that this year you would give me an abundance of patience with my children. Help me to stop and listen to them more instead of running to the next household chore that needs to be done. Help me Lord to remember that my most important task is the beautiful little people you have entrusted to me.

  14. 314
    christy says:

    Sweet precious Jesus,
    Take this year ahead & carve out more time for me & you. I have allowed life to be so busy that I don’t spend enough personal time with you. Raising four kids is hard, I am trying to be healthy so I exercise at least four times a week. I’m involved in Bible Study but it’s not enough & I here you calling me to draw closer. Please forgive me for not giving you the time you desire, revive my soul with a fresh fire of the anointing of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.

  15. 315
    Becky says:

    I’m scared too death about having kids. You know my heart and I’m thankful for that because sometimes words just aren’t there. We’ve talked about this so many times, but I’m needing you to prepare me and change my heart and my selfishness and my attitude. Please do your will and do your timing. Open our eyes to you and your plan for us and our future children. Please calm my heart and help me to just follow you, Lord. Thank you for being soverign. I love you, Lord.

  16. 316
    Laurie says:

    Father of the Universe and Abba, Papa. I come before you in and by the blood of Christ. Thank you for this privilege. As we head in to a new year, I ask Father that you would empower me by Your Holy Spirit to measure myself against what Your Word says. As I encounter, circumstances, people and even myself, I pray that I would not use them or me as a plumb line, but, that You and Your Word would be the measuring rod. I pray, with Paul, that through all things because I am in Christ,I would learn to be content. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

  17. 317

    Dear Lord,

    I pray this coming year that you help me to cultivate a grateful heart. I want to stop thinking about all that I don’t have but look at what I do. Dear Lord..please help me to see the beauty you have placed in my life. Please don’t let me miss it. I want you God and I want to sink deeply into your word and obey you. Thank you for life!

  18. 318
    Michele says:

    Father, I have such an intense desire for the joy and laughter that feels lacking that I know it must be from you. Fill my home with joy that I crave from you. Surprise us with joy in places we’d never think to look.

  19. 319
    Donna Garvin says:

    Thank you Beth for sharing your prayer. Being hurt & offended is one of my biggest issues and, if you will permit me, make your prayer mine. I pray for much dicipline in my Scripture memorization this coming year. I don’t memorize well and tend to get discouraged. I also pray to be more diciplined in how I treat “God’s temple” this coming year. All these things I place at the foot of your throne, Father God and watch as You will do much more than I can ask or dream.

  20. 320
    Becky Bell says:

    Thank you for giving this idea. I have to say my request is the same as yours, Beth. Even recently, I’ve found myself hurting over something that’s totally understandable on both sides and yet I keep wishing it weren’t an issue. I’d like to say “Amen Lord!” to your prayer and also ask “Lord, may it be hard to offend me!”.
    I’ve been remembering lately part of a verse (couldn’t find it to save me!) that says about Jesus something like “He never once considered His own pleasure”. If anyone else knows where it is, please let me know…
    Love and prayers for you,

  21. 321
    Barbara Head says:

    God Almighty, Please forgive me of jealousy and the sin of comparison. I wasn’t going to make this a public prayer until you put it on my heart to be honest, with myself and others. In John 16:33 You have said “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace…” I want Your peace, Lord, I want Your peace. I will not give into those thoughts in my mind of feeling sorry for myself. It not only makes me “mind-ill” but also physically ill also. Let me praise You more and more each day and put aside all earthy comparison. I love you, Jesus, and want only You. Amen!!!

  22. 322
    Julie Hodges says:

    Here I am LORD, mold me, use me, and send me, I surrender all that I am to You alone. Please continue to help me become the woman that You created me to be.
    I love You and trust in all that You are!

  23. 323
    Kaci says:

    Faithful Father,
    I cannot remember a time when I didn’t struggle with my weight and the physical and emotional tolls that come with it. It has been a life long battle and I am ready to be victorious. I know that I need to become a healthy woman so You can use me to Your full potential. As a new mom, I know that you want me to be healthy for Austin and my husband. You want the best for me. It’s time I start wanting the best for me, too. Please help me to persevere and remember that every step counts. Let’s do this thing.

  24. 324
    Kelly says:

    Thank you Lord for grabbing my hand and pulling me out of a pit, a very painful pit that held me captive for a long time. You called and I listened. I pray that You will show me how to serve You best and I will think beyond myself. I pray to always be thankful for all you have blessed me with. Lord, please also help my family find You and grow their faith. You Lord are my strength and hope! Amen!

  25. 325
    jan says:

    Love you Beth! Bod Bless You! JAnF

  26. 326
    Mary Anne says:

    Dear Heavenly Father! Thank you for your mercy!! Thank you for the grace and strength to press on when times are hard. Thank you for hearing my prayers and answering them!! Thank you for your everlasting love!! My prayer today is just to thank you! You are all knowing!! Everything you do for me is to better my relationship with you! You give me showers of blessings daily and everyday I wake up is a gift from you!! I thank you Lord for opening my eyes to this blog community and the role they have taken in my walk with you!! I pray you bless Beth and everyone in this community! I pray you be with those that are sick and in need of healing. I pray you be with the loved ones who are caring for their sick. I pray you give them strength and comfort during this time. I ask that you forgive me for my sins. I love you Lord with all that I am!! I ask these things in the sweet name of Jesus! Thank you for hearing and answering this prayer! Amen

  27. 327
    Living4Him says:

    Father God, I am praying for faith that moves mountains in 2011…especially when I don’t understand Your marvelous plan. Amen

  28. 328
    Lynn says:

    Dear Lord, I feel you leading me to hide your word in my heart so I might not sin against you. The more I meditate on your word the more I hope to believe you and completely trust you; laying all of my burdens at your feet. Thank you for loving me so well and allowing me to sense your presence so often.

  29. 329
    bamagirl says:

    Dear Jesus
    Please place your mighty hedge of protection around me and my children. This is so scarey for me to post my feelngs and life happenings but I need prayers. You have been so faithful even though because of the circumstances were so nasty and deep that its just now I can see it clearly how you worked. The enemy fought you hard this year but you of course overcame him. His enticement to my spouse devastated my life and my childrens, my finances and friendships, but though a mighty ugly bloody war You were victorious. I ask you keep me focused on you and your power to keep the enemy away from my children and me in your name. Priscilla and Beth said there are promises and treasures in your word, YOUR instruction manual for us, your hand written letters to us,oh Jesus help us all find those. Draw us to you and your word like a little girl running to their father. Place a burning desire in my heart for your truths, for I am sinking. Forgive me for looking to others to fix my heart. And Jesus bless our Momma Siesta as she continues to pour herself into you so she can pour you into us. You are the One and Only just as she quotes and you have told us over and over again through out your word. I love you so much my sweet Jesus, My Yeshua

  30. 330
    Kim says:


    I thank you for your faithfulness over this past year. I pray that this year will be a year that I can be free from the past. I pray that you will make all things new. I pray that you will redeem, transform, renew and restore. I am so very thankful for all you have done and for what you are going to do. I love you, Father.


  31. 331
    Shanna Rainey says:

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR MAN! My twelve year anniversary is Jan.2nd and I LOVE to hear you talk about your Man. You will never know how God has used your words to help me become a better wife. (I watch Duck Commanders too with my Man). 😉
    Petal, MS

  32. 332
    Sallye says:

    Father God, Your Word tells me that You have delivered me from the power of darkness and that You conveyed me into the kingdom of the Son of Your Love. Father show me how to live as a kingdom kid and not as a waif outside the walls. Teach me Father God, how to look forward to my Bridegoom and not backward to my bondage. Oh Father, in the wilderness, You have carried me as a man carries his son in all the way that I went until I came to this place. Please keep carrying me as I learn to serve You and not self. Father the desire of my heart is to be that bondservant that says I do not want to go out free I love my Master, to cry out as Jesus did not my will but Your will be done.

    Hear our hearts O God of Jacob, bind us to You, strengthen us, be our shield and rear guard. Draw us in as we strive to walk confidently in to 2011 as Women of God, who’s faith and strength is centered wholly on You.

    In Jesus name

  33. 333
    Sarah says:

    Dear Father,
    I pray that you would grant me security in who you made me, completing my every insufficiency with yourself.

  34. 334
    shelly says:


    You fully know that I have done and at times still do what BJ above does, that turn to others before I turn to you. Please heal me from that behavior as well. My main prayer is that you help me become the woman you want me to be. My desire is to become as close to the Proverbs 31 woman that is applicable to todays times. Also find out if it is the medicine that has been changed that has made me soo tired lately. I cannot seem to function under this tiredness. Maybe it is also me too. Help me discern which it is and the doctor to call back today.

  35. 335
    Bev says:

    Father God,
    Thank you for all you have done and continue to do in my life. You are my everything- Healer, Savior, Comforter, Provider,Father,Counselor,Friend. Father, as I plunge in to this new year, please give me the ability to stop worrying. Help me to trust completely in You for everything, with no fear. Your Word tells me to “Fear not…” (Isaiah 41:10) and “do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34). Help me to trust in You and Your Word completely. I love you, and I ask in the precious name of Jesus.

  36. 336
    Barbara says:


    You know my heart! I praise you for your grace for you know I am a sinner with unclean thoughts and selfishness. I want to praise you right now for teaching me that you are my great provider this year. Even though my legs are still shaking for all you have brought us through. You have held us still in the middle of the storm. I am asking you to help me to lay down worry which keeps my mind in bondage and causes me to walk in fear. Fear of what is going to happen next, fear of what people will say or think, fear of my children not living in your will on and on it goes.
    Please, give me understanding of your word. Help me to memorize and retain your word. Help me to praise you wherever I go and be sensitive to your voice! I want to be obedient when you speak. I love you so much and desire to grow strong in you and for your love to flow freely from me. Fill me with your discernment and gentleness that you could help me to develop relationships that need a touch from you. For your glory LORD!

  37. 337

    Dear Precious Lord,

    In your name alone my prayer for 2011 is for courage and perserverance, to do the things you have set before me for Your glory. I am in awe of you and I need you alone. Please be victorious over my fears and anxiety today and forever. Let me see you, hear you, and know that you are leading.

  38. 338
    julie says:

    Father, as I look back over this year, I can just be grateful for your sustaining power and presence in my life. Although it was a rough ride in many ways your word was my anchor, it has been my only encouragement.
    You have shown me where some real fear has bound me up and I am so grateful that together we can work on that. So as I begin this new year, I just want to anticipate the victory of some “regained” promised land.
    Establish a focused mind, so I can absorb your word and walk it out in obedience.

  39. 339
    Wendy says:

    Father God,
    My prayer for 2011 is that you would help me know that I know that I know that you LOVE me and WANT to bless me. I hear it, I believe the people who say it, my head knows it, but my heart doesn’t. I read a comment on this very blog once that said, “It’s difficult for me to see God as a Father who loves me no matter what and isn’t looking for some specific action from me that I have to guess at.” I wrote it down because it struck me so much! I even have a hard time being grateful for my blessings because I’m afraid they’re only temporary 
 that if I don’t do or say or think the right things, you’ll take them away. Or that maybe they aren’t really from you 
 that you allowed them to happen but that you didn’t really give them and so again they’re only temporary. Please help me break this. It’s not from You; it’s from satan and it’s damaging and no good comes from it. My memory verses for 2011 will be about your love for me and your blessings for me. Do a big work with this, God! It will make me a better mother and wife and friend, and I’m sure I can’t even imagine how you will use me when this is not a stumbling block for me any more!

    Thank you.
    I love you.

  40. 340
    Chrystie says:

    Lord, I thank you for this year of wrestling, breaking, and humbling. I thank you for teaching me more about myself, more about you, and more about the gospel of grace in the face of Jesus Christ. Lord, I am beginning to see the fruit of peace that has come from this past year. I praise you for your tenderness with me, your faithfulness, and your steadfast commitment to me. This coming year, Lord, I pray you grow me in bold humility. May I walk with boldness, that is firmly rooted in confidence in you, in your goodness, in your faithfulness, in assurance of salvation, and in the truths of the gospel. But may I also walk in humility that recognizes I am who I am and where I am only by your grace and mercy, and that by you, through you, and to you are all things. Lord, make me your humble servant. May I never try to take an ounce of your glory for myself. You alone are worthy Lord.

  41. 341
    Cheryl says:

    Dear Lord
    You have asked me to live by faith and it’s hard. I know I am such a planner and I rejoice that you made me resourceful and able to implement plans. But I am unable to take risks until the outcome is visible. In that way I know that miss some of the joys of life and in some cases the wonderful opportunities you have in store with me. So I commit to trust you Lord and have faith in you. I give you my life and hold onto your hand as we go into 2011 together. Hold my hand and guide my path. Love you so

  42. 342
    Tammie says:

    Lord, I pray that the minute an anxious thought enters my head that I will turn it immediately over to you. I know you hold me in the palm of your hand and I want to trust in you completely in 2011. I worry and am anxious about things that are totally ridiculous. Calm my anxious thoughts Lord and let my mind be filled with things from You!

  43. 343
    Sandra Harvey says:


    I am just as Beth described and I want to change this coming year. I don’t let things go like I should I am better than I was at the beginning of this year and for that I am thankful. I want to enjoy my life and those around me, and stop isolating myself from fear of failure because of past mistakes and future mistakes. I want to live! STOP CARING SO MUCH WHAT PEOPLE THINKS AND BE A GOD PLEASER!!! Give me the verses that you desire for me to memorize that will bring the change in my life that is needed. I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU! YOU ARE MY HEARTS DELIGHT.


  44. 344
    Katie says:

    Lord Jesus,

    This year, give me back everything that was stolen from me the past few years. Heal me mentally and emotionally through your Word. I desire to cooperate with you in my healing. Whatever it takes. Fill me with Your JOY and PEACE. May this year be sweet fellowship with You on a daily basis. Thank you for Your tender lovingkindness and for unexpected blessings.

  45. 345
    fuzzytop says:


    Thank you so much for all you have done for me this year; so much anger and distrust has been healed! I can see where I have come from, and my prayer for 2011 is for a winnowing in my heart. Father, continue to change my heart to align with yours. Weed out the desires for things which are not meant for me, and grow and strengthen my passion for those things which You do want for me. Father help me to remember that my security is in You, and nothing else, least of all myself, and let me never forget how much I am loved.

    In the precious name of Jesus,

  46. 346
    Jenilee says:

    I am praying that I will be able to surrender the losses of my past, live in the present, and trust God with my future and my dreams. It is time to let some stuff go.

  47. 347

    In 2011, I’m praying for victory over my problem with anger and my struggle with my weight. I’m also praying for healing for my mother who has Alzheimer’s at age 68.

  48. 348
    teresa says:

    thank You, Jesus…thank You…

    With many tears I thank You. For You alone know that every word of Beth’s prayer could have come from my own heart. This is the number one area of bondage in my life and I’m tired of the enemy stealing my joy. I pray for victory in this area, I pray that I may taste and see Your mighty work in this area.
    In the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!

  49. 349
    Amy says:

    Dear Lord, please help me to get over thinking that I have You figured out. I have prayed the same prayer for almost 15 years now and I have been praying, for awhile, like it’s a waste of time. Like I know that you hear me, but that You’re not going to change anything. Father, forgive me for putting myself in Your place…for trying to put You in a box and tie a pretty bow on top and call it “faith”. I want a fresh dose, Lord. A fresh dose of You. Nothing compares to it. Stretch my heart and my mind in ways that I can’t even imagine in the next year. And whether you answer that prayer, or not, I pray I will be different this time next year because of You alone. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

  50. 350
    LadyJ81 says:

    Dearest Jesus,

    Here I am, once again, on the threshold of a new year. As i still stand in awe of every false pretense shattered, every bondage broken, and every dark thought diminished by the light of your word, i pray for one thing. To Be unveiled. In your Words You say, “that whenever anyone turns to the Lord the Veil is taken away. Now where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 1Corithians 3:16-17 . It is my prayer i ask of you, that you would unveil my eyes to see You as you Truly Are, by Your words, by Worship, and willing servantude. How precious is this life. how indescribable the gift you have given me. To walk in freedom, to serve in love, to speak in truth. May i be unveiled…that others would see Christ in me, more than anything else i could dare perform on my own. Open my eyes to see the unknown. the Unknown that you Know. i see myself in a crowd of people who too are pressing in to see You. I only hope that for one second our glances would exchange for a moment in eternity – that you would find me here. waiting for you. that i would somehow captivate your heart. As i press through the crowds i hope that i will reach You. Come find me. Rescue me, and unveil my heart and life to forever shine your glory. Amen. ~From Lindsay, ON Canada

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