Thinking About A New Year

Hey, Sweet Things! I’ve been praying for you this very day. I’ve especially been praying for those of you who’ve commented about how much you want to do the Scripture memory but you’re scared of failing. First of all, I pray that God is going to give you a glimpse of what your brilliant little mind is capable of doing when doused in His Word. Second, if you spend the year meditating on 24 verses, I pray that you’ll realize that you cannot fail. It will produce a harvest whether or not you get each Scripture down word for word. The captivated mind that tears down strongholds is what we’re after. Keep that before you. Pray for a supernatural unction to internalize Scripture then thank God for it in advance. He makes a way for us to obey what He wills for us to do.

Now, on to something that I keep pondering this morning. Like many of you, I’m a thinker. Years don’t come to ends or beginnings without me getting caught up in what’s behind or in front of me. That’s good if it leads to change. That’s bad if it leads to dread. We’ve all heard this definition of insanity: doing the same thing the same way and expecting something different. Yet, for the most part,  we live life in that maddening loop. One of the things God has taught me along the way is to try to hear from Him about one area at a time that He’s pinpointing for change. Much more than that is too overwhelming. Anyway, He’s a God who’s into process with the lives of His children. We need look no further than Philippians 1:6 for proof of that. What He may begin in an instant He may complete over a lifetime. Instead of making a list of resolutions for 2011 that are broken by the time they’re spoken, is there simply one thing about us we really wish to change? I could think of a dozen things I’d like to change but this is the one I think God is pinpointing as our joint effort for the top of 2011: a mental loop I tend to get into when I get offended or hurt by someone I love. I have come to believe that my first minute’s reaction is what determines the cycle of the next (usually miserable) two days. So, here’s my specific prayer for the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

My Dearest Abba Father,

I’ve lived long enough to know that any 12-month period of time on Planet Earth winds a pathway through thicket and thorns. It’s just too long a period of time not to get hurt or offended. I also know that You have tucked many joys in the oncoming year and I don’t want to miss them because I can’t quit obsessing over what’s hard. You’ve gone to measurable lengths in the last year to show me how the enemy of my soul operates in one specific area: he can’t block You from blessing Your children so he tries to block Your children from enjoying it. I do not want him to cheat me of reaping from anything rich You send my way this year. Even the treasures hidden in darkness. As this year ends and a new one begins, I am so thankful that I have Your Spirit without limit in my life and that, with You, change in a long pattern really is possible. You’ve done it before in my life. Come do it again. I am asking You in particular, Abba Father, to run to my aid in that first moment when an opportunity for offense happens and urge me by Your Holy Spirit to head into a thought-loop that spirals upward rather than downward. Simply put, help me to get over things fast. Honestly, Lord, sometimes I just make life harder than it has to be. Some things that wound me aren’t even about me. Help me to see where I’m jumping into somebody else’s loop and to quit getting hung by my own. I choose joy in resting this petition at Your feet, Lord, and I refuse self-condemnation or fruitless regret. You never would have brought this to the forefront and called for it in prayer if You didn’t have something good in mind. You began this work. Now come and take it to the next level. I’m excited about it, Lord, and see a glimpse of liberty on the horizon. Thank You, Father.

If you also want to post a prayer about ONE THING you’re asking God to do in you toward a more victorious 2011, feel free. There’s something about writing it down in a public place that makes it memorable. A record you can go back and read can be a beautiful thing. Try to resist wallowing and writhing in these  public requests. It’s Satan who tries to make prayer a dreaded exercise in self-loathing. In God’s economy, even when our prayers are mostly pleas of repentance, they lead us to relief.

Hey, Siestas, let’s not respond to each other’s comments this time. By all means, let’s pray for each other but let’s leave the response space to God.

I’m honored to walk with you into 2011, dear sisters. We’re getting closer to the 1st! Hold your head up or you might miss your new beginning!


805 Responses to “Thinking About A New Year”

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  1. 201
    Leanne says:

    Many many things come to mind, but one sticks out in particular: I don’t want to cry at every disappointment, offense, or frustration. I want to save those for when I really need a good cry. I want to be a Big girl in ’11, hehe.

  2. 202
    Kristin says:

    Lord, help me to be more of who I am supposed to be according to your plan. I love You so much. Thank you, Father.

  3. 203
    Teresa Henry says:

    I would like to change many things but if I could just pick one it would be that I would be able to end talking words of hate over myself. I speak them outloud with out even knowing it…”you are so stupid” is one. “I can’t believe how dumb I am.” I know these are lies. But I have done it all of my life (and heard it most of my life). It keeps me from stepping out and doing more for God.

  4. 204
    Heather B says:

    Oh Father, You alone know the desire of my heart. You alone know how I have longed for total victory in one particular area, but have never quite reached my potential. Let this be the year and the season where I see victory become a reality and bear much fruit to Your great glory! I pray, Lord, that You would turn the grief and mourning of previous failure into great joy, greater commitment, responsibility and love for others in my sphere of influence. I trust You and I thank You for the work You are doing in me. In the victorious name of my Lord Jesus. Amen.

  5. 205
    Myrna says:

    Oh Father, I feel You wanting me to truly be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I pray, Lord, that You help me bring every thought into captivity..that the enemy will no longer have victory over speaking lies to me and filling me with fear, doubt, and dread.
    Thank you for your faithfulness!
    In Jesus’ name,

  6. 206
    Amanda says:

    For 2011, I am praying for a closer and even more personal, intimate, and faithful (on my part) relationship with my Heavenly Father and a deeper relationship with my husband and children.

  7. 207
    Glenda says:

    Dear Lord, thanks for shinning your light on my steps even when I think you aren’t there. I have been searching for you and now I realize you have been right there. I love you.
    Help me to not be easily offended and quick to apologize for any perceived offenses.
    In Jesus name Amen.

  8. 208
    Teresa says:


    Beth spoke my thoughts not thirty minutes before I sat down to the computer. I would not have said them as well, but they were my exact thoughts and plea…Help me to forgive quickly and not spend those miserable days. Help me to heal hurts and not allow hurts to hang on. And in 2011 I would love to let fear go. It seems to move from one area to another.
    More than ever I need you.

  9. 209
    Sarah says:

    Heavenly Father,
    There have been times that I thought I heard your voice in a promise to me. I was wrong! This has caused me to doubt my “feelings” when I think I may be being led to do something. Please make Your voice very clear to me so that it will leave no doubt in my mind.


  10. 210
    Sue says:


    Thank you for the blessing of last year. This year Jesus please help me stop my recurring sin and hand it over to you. Let me learn to forgive those who think I have not changed, or know you and your word. Lord please help me with all the pent up anger, worry, temper, and unkind thoughts I have of some people. Lord you have taught me so much in the past year, please keep teaching me. Let me learn to love and know you all over again. I ask this please that you keep your mighty hand on my husband this year and watch over his health, and please let him come to know you as his Lord. I thank you in advance for these things.


  11. 211
    Kathy says:

    To rest in you with quietness and trust daily and actually witness the freedom and victory promised.

  12. 212
    Marita says:

    Dear Heavenly Father:
    As 2010 comes to an end and a new year begins, you and I have have been through some amazing times, some so-so times, and even a tragedy or two. I just want to thank you Father, for the good times, the bad times and the incredible blessings received through these times.

    Lord you know that my tendancey is to constanstly be planning for the next. My prayer and hope from this time on is to live in the present. To be open and aware of my surroundings, the people, and the needs in my present. To be thankful and give praise to you for the blessings in the present. May I live in the here and now and not worry about the there and later.

    I Love You and Praise You. Amen

  13. 213
    Mary Watkins says:

    I want to fall in love with Jesus.

  14. 214
    leigh says:

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for leading and guiding me through a very difficult year with many drastic changes in circumstances. Help me to study your Word daily and hide it in my heart. Renew passion in my heart for You and help me to respond to your leading in the details of my life.
    In Your most holy and precious name, Jesus.

  15. 215
    Wanda says:

    Due to lots of things going on I did not get to finish last time. I have to say it is worth it even if you can’t finish. God has used the scriptures I did memorize in a mighty way and He is still using them. I did finsih 6 months and oh my goodness. God is so good and so faithful. My prayer is to finish this year.

    Wanda Houston, Tx

  16. 216
    sara says:

    thank you Lord for who you are and what you are going to show me in this next year and I seek to slow down and listen to you!

  17. 217
    Erika says:

    I’m excited to see God’s continual deliverance in our lives, and the joy of trusting and obeying.
    I have been really blessed by this blog and studying James which I always turn to in times of uncertainty.
    So excited to memorize scripture with you all.

  18. 218

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    Father I thank you for who you are and for keeping me with your unfailing love for another year. I thank you Lord for the hard lessons this year because they brought me to REVELATION and an answer that I need more than life itself. Lord, last year on December 25, 2009 I prayer for you to make it a heart like yours but I now know why that prayer was so difficult. I wanted to give you my heart but I kept trying over and over again to fill places in my life with people and things that were only meant to be filled by you. Lord, my prayer and my petition as we start the year 2011, is that in everything I do, you would be first. Father, I choose to let you into places that need healing, places I need direction, in business, in family and every single crevasse, crack and area of my life. Lord, please help me to see when I am letting something else besides YOU fill a place that was only meant to be filled by YOU! Father, please help me to look to you and never become offended or harden my heart because I may not like all that is going on! Please keep me from taking a path that the enemy may have set out for me and allow me to stop, listen, obey and heed correction and allow you back into where you are suppose to be! Please, hold my hand, fill my heart, whisper in my ear, speak to my heart, fill my soul and wrap your arms around me and keep reminding me that you ARE ALL I NEED!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOUR OF MY SOUL, THE GIVER OF LIFE and MY ALL IN ALL!!!! Thank you in advance for the good work that you will do in my life in the year to come, I am grateful to be able to serve you.

    Love your daughter,

  19. 219
    Casey says:

    Abba Father,

    You have blessed me beyond measure with a godly man who has loved me for almost 15 years and walks this life by my side. You know how much we long for a child and how crushed and heartbroken I get every month that it does not happen.

    Father please help me this coming year to be grateful and content with the man you have given me and not pin my happiness to whether or not we conceive a child. Please help me to remember that our intimate life is about more than trying to have a baby. Help me to be the wife my husband deserves.

    I need you for this Father. I have tried over and over in my own power and have failed over and over. Insanity for sure. I need a victory here Father.

    In your Precious Name,

    Your Daughter Casey

  20. 220
    JW says:

    I pray that I’ll find my confidence and self-esteem that I lost because of a relationship. I pray that in 2011 I will stop avoiding mirrors and when I do look into a mirror the self-hating thoughts will be gone.

  21. 221
    Lyli says:

    This year I would really like to work on getting into a regular exercise habit as I seem to always focus on the mental, spiritual, and social, but totally ignore the responsibility of being a good steward of this body you have allowed me to dwell in. Lord, I really need help in this area as I would much rather read my Bible, read a good book or chat on the phone with a dear friend than get off my butt in order to work up a sweat. Please forgive me for being such a slacker to do what I know You are asking me to do. I am praying and asking you to help me to be obedient faithfully in this area as I know that it is a stronghold that I must yield to You and work against as Paul outlined in I Cor 9:27. I don’t want to be a castaway. I want to be a diligent, vibrant disciple of my beloved Jesus — He was so willing to make the difficult choices that did not necessarily align with His personal comfort and pleasure. May the Spirit help me to have this fruit in the year ahead for Your glory. Amen.

  22. 222
    nancy says:

    Gracious Heavenly Father,
    You have shown me so much these last few years that I never knew about myself or the world around me. You’ve taken this broken vessel and turned me into something beautiful. Only You can do such things! Thank you! Please continue to reveal yourself to me each and everyday that I might know you more intimately. Lead me every step of the way as I commit myself to serving you in ministry this coming year. Teach me to number my days so that I may gain a heart of wisdom. I love You forever! Amen.

  23. 223
    Lori, Love2Praise says:

    Thank you Beth for your prayer. What really moved me was the part when you said some of the things that wound me aren’t even about me. How true that is. This is where God has been speaking to me. God has been showing me in many ways that “this is not always about you”! Sometimes people we love dearly hurt us but it isn’t always “about” us. I have had to step back and let God be as “big” as He is because the issues I have been facing are about the ones I love and their relationship with the Lord. Sometimes I mean well but I keep getting in the way.

    Lord help me to trust in your ways and your timing. Help me to make myself small so that you can work big. Above all help me to forgive those who I love the most, and who hurt me the most. Help me to understand that we are all broken vessels, healed by your touch but will never reach perfection until we meet you in heaven. Thank you for all you are doing and will do in this coming year. I pray that I will see the wonder in all that you do and give you all the Glory. Amen


  24. 224
    Dawn says:

    Dear Father,

    You never cease to amaze me. I had someone disappointment me this evening. Promised something, now backing out. Then I come home and read a new blog from Beth, talking about what God has led her to work on letting God change in her. And I know without a doubt this is meant for me. Just because someone has dissapointed me, or hurt me and it leaves me miserable for days at a time. My world should not depend so much on others and my expectations, but should depend on obtaining living water from you. Father, forgive me for allowing others to be more important in my thought process then you. Thank you Father, for loving me anyway. Father, I know my second thing you want me to hand over to you is my health. At 350 lbs I’m always tired. I’m not being able to be the wife, mother of 6, or pastor’s wife you would have me to be because of being unhealthy. I know this will be an up and down journey Father, but I am committing it to you.
    Thank you Father, for the many blessings you have given me and my family this year.

  25. 225
    Joyce says:

    I pray that in 2011 I finally feel your love that everyone
    else seems to feel.

  26. 226
    KansasGirl says:

    Oh, dear Lord,
    I praise and thank you for the remarkable changes you have made in my life especially during these past 18 months. Thank you for the closeness I have experienced in my walk with you. Please continue to bring our relationship to deeper levels even more in 2011. Jesus, I confess that my mouth often causes me to sin. I desire that this year I would control my tongue (and even more so the thoughts in my head before my mouth even speaks!) I pray that I would not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful, for building others up, according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29.) May I become more and more the Godly woman you desire me to be. I love you!

  27. 227
    Wendy says:

    I too have been thinking and praying about this already and have determined that to memorize and LIVE out 1 Corinthians 13 is to be my very breath this upcoming year! Then, when I read your post and prayer….WOW! That is exactly the “feet” that I need to put to the scripture! God continually amazes me over and over and over again!! HE IS SUPREME!!

  28. 228
    Rebecca says:

    Father God, please help me rise above this depression and panic attacks that run my life.

  29. 229
    Brandi says:

    I pray that I can complete the tasks You place on my heart. I pray to not give up before it is complete. I went 9 months of this year reading the Bible daily so that I could read it through and yet, I missed the last 3 months. I want to complete the Scripture Memory Verse challenge with Beth and the Siesta’s. Help me Lord, not to get discouraged by the Enemy and walk forward in your LIGHT. Thank You.

  30. 230
    Diana says:

    For 2011 I pray for a zeal for life. I so don’t have that right now. Tired of living without friends (bullied greatly in school & it still affects my emotions & ways of thinking) or having my side of the family near by. My beloved son has distance himself from his family because of some issues with his wife (which I thought were resolved. He has chosen not to forgive). I miss him a lot. I know I have a healing ministry but deal with health issues myself. If people don’t like to be around me, then how can one minister? I have a month left from the Break Free Series. Believing for change in the new year.

  31. 231
    Robyn Cooper says:

    My All-Sufficient Father~
    This past year has been full. Beginning in January when my brother died; the birth of a new Granddaughter only days later; our 29-year-old daughter & 2 grandchildren moving into our home in September, with the divorce becoming final even this very day. Lord, I need your manna for every day. I know that You are All I need. I pray that I can find balance between my at-home job; raising my 1 & 4 year old grandchildren while their mother returns to school; being a good Mom to my adult daughters; resist bitterness in every situation; be the best helpmate, spouse & friend to my senior pastor husband. Keep my eyes on You. Do not let me look ahead of the needs of the day I am living. Your faithfulness is promised to me. I just want to live in You. Everything else will be taken care of. Just keep my eyes on You. In my precious Savior’s Name~Amen

  32. 232
    April says:

    My prayer for 2011 is that I will finally let go of the stronghold that has consumed my life for so long, I’m not even sure how long. I’ve finally realized I have an overly obsessive thinking pattern, I dwell on things and process it and reprocess it. And I’m never satisfied with the outcome no matter what it is. It’s something I’ll never ever be able to control, but somehow I think if I keep rehashing it I’ll find a way. It consumes every part of my life! It’s affecting my family, my friends, my ability to be a good mother and wife. And it’s nearly driving me crazy!

    You saved me Lord in 2006 when I became pregnant and knew my life had to change, and in 2010 I haven’t kept my part. I am so looking forward to 2011 – where I intend on growing so close to You, I’m looking forward to memorizing scripture which I’ve never done before and getting myself back into bible study which I love! Lord please help me to stay disciplined and content. Never let me forget that I have a purpose in the situation I am in, for if I wasn’t meant to be here, You would have chosen someone else. I do have a purpose in this. Remind me that the only standards I am living up to are Yours, not man. Help me remember that the only acceptance I need is from you, because I forget that very easily.

    Thank you Lord in advance for what You are going to do in this upcoming year! I’m ready for whatever You have in store!

  33. 233
    AnnaRuth says:


    Simply calling you by that Name is so very precious to me. We’ve come so far this year in my understanding and acceptance of what it means for You to be my true Father. Thank You…a million times, thank You.

    Father, I am desiring for 2011 to be a year of action in my life. Lord, you have worked so very hard to open my eyes to truths and to show me the path to complete and lasting freedom in the areas where I so desperately need it. Lord, I am praying that where 2010 was a much-needed year for resting and recuperating, 2011 will be a year for GETTING THE JOB DONE!! Lord, I refuse to waste this life that you have given me sitting, bound up in chains. I want to live! I want to live the abundant life that You have created me for!

    I can feel it, Lord…this is going to be a banner year for You and I!!!

    I love You madly.

  34. 234
    Lauren says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, As we begin this new year together, first let me say how grateful I am for all of the blessings you’ve bestowed in 2010. You have drawn me close to you and even in rough times I have felt the sweet comfort of Your Spirit. I have laughed and cried in victory knowing that I am Your adopted Child. I know that I have stumbled, and just as Caleb makes me angry and sad sometimes with His tantrums, I have done the same to You, but You forgive me and love me regardless.
    As looking toward the next year, I have one word in mind that encompasses all of my hopes and dreams. It is the word “resolution”. To most during this time of year, resolution is something to work toward, a goal that we are determined to reach, and I have many of these. Lose weight, become healthier, read my Bible all the way through, etc. etc. But Beth asked us to focus on one that we can keep, and my resolution for 2011 is to bring more resolution to my life. Just as a digital camera can focus in on a pic and bring even the smallest details to focus, I want to have a higher resolution with You. I want to know you intimately, and feel You close to me always. I want to use Your light to focus my life “picture”, so that all the shadows will be gone and the picture will be crisp and clean. And I want my resolution to result in a photo that You, like a proud Daddy, would carry around in Your wallet and say, “Look at this one… She’s mine”. Thank You, Father! In Your wonderful Son’s name, Amen =)

  35. 235
    Andi says:

    My precious Father…

    I have spent too many years living a life that is focused only on me and my desires. I pray that you would break me free from the chains of self-absorption and show how to love others. Give me a heart full of true humility and compassion for others. Fill me with Your love and teach me how to truly love others. In the past weeks, You’ve shown me the need for change. Now make it real for me. I know that you have a place you have set aside for me to serve You by serving and loving others- I pray You will reveal it to me. I am tired of spending all my time sitting in front of a television; show me where I can best use the gifts You’ve given me to serve and glorify You! I thank you in advance for the work You will do and the amazing plans You have for me in 2011.
    In Jesus’ blessed name, Amen.

  36. 236
    Shelly says:

    The ONE thing I ask of God is for the wisdom and strength to WAIT on Him. Waiting and being joyous, waiting and being fruitful, waiting and being thankful. Waiting and walking in righteousness. Wait. Don’t plan, scheme, figure out, etc.. To literally be still and know..and WAIT. God has vividly and completely asked me to WAIT on Him regarding the breakup of my 17 year abusive marriage. With kids in tow being separated, but waiting. So many times I think I need to move on major decisions just to decide and GO in faith! But to hear the LORD say, “no, wait.” is agony at times if I look at the calendar. Waiting on God’s Timing. That could mean a year (already been that), another year or even five years (gasp!). Oh Father, help me to wait and be still. In your name Jesus, Amen.

    Shelly in Fl

  37. 237
    Rochelle says:

    My Dearest Abba,
    My heart wants more than anything to walk this year side by side with you, so I pray for Wisdom to know your voice!

    My love,

  38. 238
    Sue says:

    Lord, I ask You to enable me to look for, find and experience the joy you have for me every day of 2011. Thanking You in advance,
    Your loving daughter,

  39. 239
    Jayme says:

    Lord I come to you with open heart and mind and embrace what you have in store for me for 2011. I pray that 2011 leads me to find peace from incessant worry, and hope to find the strength to let go of my perfectionism, knowing that I am perfectly yours for eternity. I love you with all that I am Lord!

  40. 240
    Barb D says:

    Father, I am so afraid that this time next year I will still be asking for this same thing that I ask for year after year (wishin and whinin)…consistent belief and faith in you and boldness (outside of my circle of Christian friends) to explain the reason for my belief. In Jesus name I pray you haven’t given up on me. Amen

  41. 241
    texatheart says:

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    During this year, help me to totally surender to you. I want to hold nothing back. I have time after time, given this or that to you, but then take them back to handle them the way I want them handled. God, I know you know what is the best for me and as Jeremiah clearly states that you know the plans you have for me. They are plans to give me hope and a future. So as I end 2010, take my 2011 and bless it as you would. I give it to you. Take my plans, my hopes, and my future move and use it to bring you glory. I love you now, but I want to love you even more in 2011.


  42. 242

    Please help me to love loving you no matter how I feel, and please forgive me for walking away from you when I feel angry because I should know the enemy’s tricks by now. If he can isolate and separate, then it’s easier for him to trick us and tear us down; in our families and in our churches.
    Please continue to help me to come to you when I get hurt no matter how I’m feeling because I can tell you anything and you won’t get upset with me.
    Please forgive me when I sulk. Sometimes I feel so tired, but I know it’s the enemy trying to rob me of the joy and the victory that’s already mine.
    Please forgive me when I’m selfish and I want to build up walls and run away because it hurts too much; because not everything’s about me and my comfort.
    Please give me stregth when I feel tired and weak, please give me peace when I’m anxious or afraid, and please help me get back to loving you. I don’t care what it costs or how hard it is…I just want you because I miss you and I just want your love to come fill the big, empty, hollow spot that’s left in my heart because that hurts most of all.


  43. 243
    Julie says:

    Dear Papa,

    I love you so much! I pray this year I grow deeper in relationship with you, continuing to grow in wisdom and understanding. My relationship with you IS my greatest treasure. I pray for your strength and guidance and your continued blessing on my life and on that of my family.

    Knowing you is my greatest joy. May I serve you well.

    Your Loving Daughter….. Julie

  44. 244
    Peggy says:

    Lord, Beth nailed it for me. I try not to take offense with loved ones, but I can’t help myself — my mind always finds enough reason to think with dysfunction. I need your intervention. My goodness, I find fault with my best friend of 40 years! How can that be? Let me hear your reason only. I, too, am tired of going round and round the same old mountain. May I hear your voice first and more clearly. I have two daughters-in-law and I don’t want to make the same mistakes as my step mother-in-law and my mother-in-law made with me. I want to be more like Jesus. (Is that too dangerous a prayer to pray?)

  45. 245
    Colorado Girl says:

    Funny you should mention others and the ways they can make us take that turn to the ugly. Just got a letter this afternoon from a long time friend who truly did offend me several months back. She was writing to say she was sorry for whatever might have come between us…and the last four hours have been spent figuring out how to respond…and now it just goes to Daddy…
    …so Father, I ask that you mend this relationship by allowing me the power to forgive and to truly forget…not that I even really cared any more until she brought it up again today. Daddy, allow me to live each day with no regrets, and no thoughts of how the past should have been changed, or how the future should play out. Teach me to love with no expectations for a return on that love. Do not allow the enemy to have even one tiny hold on the person you are daily choosing for me to be. Give me strength to stand firm in your word (as I plant it in my heart!) and joy in knowing that you have planned and carried out, and will continue to plan and carry out, every THING for my good and your Glory! Because you love me so…

  46. 246
    jackie05 says:

    Sweet Jesus, this year i commit to fall deeper in love with Your Word. I pray to love it and treasure and read it, outside of a formal set of pages in a workbook. may it become the food i can not live without.

  47. 247
    Johanna says:

    Let go of whatever I can live without and live with only what I need with the goal of glorifying Jesus and His Kingdom.

  48. 248
    Kristi B. says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you for the chastening you have bestowed unto me. For I know that you only chasten those you love. I pray that in this new year I yield to the correction you bring. In particular related to the jealousy I can tend to have towards certain people. It is only a henderance and I know this. Losen the bondage it brings. I love you so much and thank you now for what you are going to do.

  49. 249
    Lori says:

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Thank you for saving me and loving me. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Lord, I’ve been walking with you for 6 years and yet I still allow my life to be controlled by fear. Please forgive me. Lord, in 2011 please take control of this area and teach me what it means to live truly free. In Jesus’ name I pray.

  50. 250
    Jennifer says:

    I can sum up my prayer in just a few words: I want to make much of Him in 2011.

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