Thinking About A New Year

Hey, Sweet Things! I’ve been praying for you this very day. I’ve especially been praying for those of you who’ve commented about how much you want to do the Scripture memory but you’re scared of failing. First of all, I pray that God is going to give you a glimpse of what your brilliant little mind is capable of doing when doused in His Word. Second, if you spend the year meditating on 24 verses, I pray that you’ll realize that you cannot fail. It will produce a harvest whether or not you get each Scripture down word for word. The captivated mind that tears down strongholds is what we’re after. Keep that before you. Pray for a supernatural unction to internalize Scripture then thank God for it in advance. He makes a way for us to obey what He wills for us to do.

Now, on to something that I keep pondering this morning. Like many of you, I’m a thinker. Years don’t come to ends or beginnings without me getting caught up in what’s behind or in front of me. That’s good if it leads to change. That’s bad if it leads to dread. We’ve all heard this definition of insanity: doing the same thing the same way and expecting something different. Yet, for the most part,  we live life in that maddening loop. One of the things God has taught me along the way is to try to hear from Him about one area at a time that He’s pinpointing for change. Much more than that is too overwhelming. Anyway, He’s a God who’s into process with the lives of His children. We need look no further than Philippians 1:6 for proof of that. What He may begin in an instant He may complete over a lifetime. Instead of making a list of resolutions for 2011 that are broken by the time they’re spoken, is there simply one thing about us we really wish to change? I could think of a dozen things I’d like to change but this is the one I think God is pinpointing as our joint effort for the top of 2011: a mental loop I tend to get into when I get offended or hurt by someone I love. I have come to believe that my first minute’s reaction is what determines the cycle of the next (usually miserable) two days. So, here’s my specific prayer for the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

My Dearest Abba Father,

I’ve lived long enough to know that any 12-month period of time on Planet Earth winds a pathway through thicket and thorns. It’s just too long a period of time not to get hurt or offended. I also know that You have tucked many joys in the oncoming year and I don’t want to miss them because I can’t quit obsessing over what’s hard. You’ve gone to measurable lengths in the last year to show me how the enemy of my soul operates in one specific area: he can’t block You from blessing Your children so he tries to block Your children from enjoying it. I do not want him to cheat me of reaping from anything rich You send my way this year. Even the treasures hidden in darkness. As this year ends and a new one begins, I am so thankful that I have Your Spirit without limit in my life and that, with You, change in a long pattern really is possible. You’ve done it before in my life. Come do it again. I am asking You in particular, Abba Father, to run to my aid in that first moment when an opportunity for offense happens and urge me by Your Holy Spirit to head into a thought-loop that spirals upward rather than downward. Simply put, help me to get over things fast. Honestly, Lord, sometimes I just make life harder than it has to be. Some things that wound me aren’t even about me. Help me to see where I’m jumping into somebody else’s loop and to quit getting hung by my own. I choose joy in resting this petition at Your feet, Lord, and I refuse self-condemnation or fruitless regret. You never would have brought this to the forefront and called for it in prayer if You didn’t have something good in mind. You began this work. Now come and take it to the next level. I’m excited about it, Lord, and see a glimpse of liberty on the horizon. Thank You, Father.

If you also want to post a prayer about ONE THING you’re asking God to do in you toward a more victorious 2011, feel free. There’s something about writing it down in a public place that makes it memorable. A record you can go back and read can be a beautiful thing. Try to resist wallowing and writhing in these  public requests. It’s Satan who tries to make prayer a dreaded exercise in self-loathing. In God’s economy, even when our prayers are mostly pleas of repentance, they lead us to relief.

Hey, Siestas, let’s not respond to each other’s comments this time. By all means, let’s pray for each other but let’s leave the response space to God.

I’m honored to walk with you into 2011, dear sisters. We’re getting closer to the 1st! Hold your head up or you might miss your new beginning!


805 Responses to “Thinking About A New Year”

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  1. 151
    bj says:

    Lord Jesus –

    I thank you for bringing light to my immediate response of always turning to others in times of joy, sorrow, fear, confusion, anger, etc. Particularly, in this, I turn to boys to respond to whatever need I have, which only continues to foster my unhealthy reliance on the response of others to even out my emotions. I pray ultimate absolute reliance on you and you alone. Please, Lord, Open my eyes to the times I look past you and look to Man to fix whatever it is that needs fixing, or to share in whatever emotion it is that I’m experiencing. I choose to put my hope, my trust, my love in you. Please be faithful to your word in promising that your strength is made perfect in my weakness, for in this I am so very weak. Come and bring your peace.

    Thank you.

  2. 152
    kendal says:

    I praise you for what you’ve done in my life over the last five years. you and you alone have brought me from the pit of living with an eating disorder. but i jump back in sometimes. i’ve stayed out of the pit for months at a time, but never a whole year. i pray, Lord, that 2011 will be FREE!

  3. 153
    Kelly Powell... I Am Resolved says:

    I am sitting just a few short days away from a new year! Lord, you told me very clearly, nearly two months ago that some people’s lives are dependant on my obedience. And Lord, with you, and because of You, I feel perfectly equipped to take responsibility for that! Lord, I am sitting on the edge of my seat with Missions on my mind! Lord, I want to see souls like you see souls! I want urgency like you have urgency! I want to be driven by You and for You! Lord, I. Am. Yours. May all that I know, all that I’m taught, all that I memorize, all that I hear from You, be used this year for salvation of souls. Glorify Your Name by bringing pepople to Your feet to live in victory! That’s where I want to stay in 2011! At Your feet Lord.
    I Love You,

  4. 154
    Erin says:

    Dear Heavenly Father in 2011 I pray that I yield my heart to you. To hear you clearly. Thank you that with the Holy Spirit I have all the energy,discipline and knowledge needed to live in your will. In Your Son, my Savior’s Name Jesus

  5. 155
    Selina says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, I want to tell you how I thank you for your sweet mercy. You have brought me a long way since this time last year and I truly praise you for that and so much more. Father I know that I have failed you at times during this year and I thank you for your forgiveness. Father as the new year approaches, I pray that you will help me to be a more obedient child. No matter how far out of my comfort zone you may lead, I want to be obedient. I ask that you will enable me to truly give all my cares to you and not lay them down at your feet only to pick them back up again. I trust you Father and know that you can and will do only what is best for me. There is much upon my heart this night and only you can truly know the depth of it. Oh Father! I praise you as I sit here. The tears I shed as I feel the touch of your Holy Spirit. You are an awesome God!! Father I want others to see your greatness . Allow me to be a channel through which someone else will come to know you and be able to feel you this way. Father I cannot leave here without asking you to please be merciful to my dear daddy. I pray he’ll accept you before its too late. I love him Lord. Go with me now as I embark upon the coming year and strengthen me in ways unimaginable. In the sweet and holy name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

  6. 156
    Cheri says:

    Oh, Sovereign LORD, I hear you calling me to be content. To count my many blessings and be satisfied with where you have placed me in life just now. So often I think life would be more fulfilling if I had a bigger house or didn’t have to work or if I just had this next new thing…Jesus, I know you are more than satisfying. It is Satan’s lies that tell me that I need more. The only thing I need more of is you Jesus; bring it on! I love you Lord, you are all that I need. Amen

  7. 157

    Dear Father,
    Only you could teach me a lesson so many times
    in one day…stop focusing on what’s been taken from me,
    and understand that it doesnt
    Out weigh what you’ve given me.
    That is what I am on my knees asking you to keep
    from being apart of this next year Lord…Help me Remember
    that you are God in every moment of everyday,
    and that you still do miracles even when others around me
    don’t see it.
    I pray Father, that you continue helping me put
    the puzzle pieces back together…even if I am not comfortable
    with how it fits. I believe you will help me
    understand the WHY as your spiritual timeline
    for my life is so much more important than
    what I see with my own eyes.
    Help me to live for the moment you’ve given me,
    and let the past visit, but remind me it doesnt live
    in my life.
    And lastly, remind me daily how much you love me,
    I can tell you I am sure out of all this I’ve asked,
    That is what I desire most.
    I love you, too Lord:)

    In Jesus

  8. 158
    Gabbt says:

    So much to give over to him that I am holding. Mostly, I pray for him to calm the anxiety about my future. My children, the health of my dear hubby, job uncertainty, and just plain worrying for nothing.

  9. 159
    Lauren says:

    Father, as You lead me into a brand new year, I thank You that You are really my One Thing. You’re really it. Be my vision, Lord. I want to return to the “simplicity and purity of devotion” to You. Specifically, Lord, there HAS been one thing that’s sort of risen above the others recently that I believe You’re wanting to deal with in me. It’s the area of truthfulness. I’ve seen afresh (and with pain) recently just how much deception has had a foothold and a stronghold in my life. I’m ashamed of it, Lord. And I can see the beginnings of hiding things, lying about things at a young age. And oh, what consequences. What painful, painful consequences for me and for others. You dealt with me on this issue many years ago, and I repented and wanted to change and I did change and I did grow. But somehow in recent years I’ve seen a resurgence of this tendency to hide, to bend the truth, or to outright lie about some things. You’ve already been dealing with me on this, and You’ve set me free from much over these past few years, but LORD, in a focused way, I pray You’d just root out whatever needs to be rooted out in me in this area this year. Do what you need to do. “What You’re after is TRUTH from the inside-out. Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.” (Ps. 51:6 MSG) In those moments, Lord, where my fears and insecurities are triggered and I’m tempted to be anything less than fully truthful and honest…God, meet me in those moments and help me to be slow to speak and quick to remember Your love and presence and acceptance. Yes, Lord. Enter. And conceive a new, true life in me. To the glory of Your Name. Thank You, Father. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  10. 160
    Ola says:

    Dear Lord,
    I want to overcome fear and doubt in my life this coming year.
    I want to know and understand the companionship of the Holy Spirit
    I want to walk in love and get over things fast -stop holding grudges.

    I pray in Jesus name, Amen. Thank You Lord

  11. 161
    Cindy says:

    Father God,

    I leave this year of sadness and heartbreak behind. Help me look to you to be my portion. Your plans for me are good. Help me see that. Help me know that when I feel despair creeping in. You love me as unlovely as I can be. You are the sustainer of life. I love you Lord.

  12. 162
    Suzette Mizell says:

    Lord I ask for the desire and ability to change myself instead of trying to change those around me.

  13. 163

    Lord I want to live for You and I do echo Beth prayer I have a tendency to let things bother me and then it sends me downward instead of upward Lord help me to look to You when my mom angers me Lord help me to keep my mouth shut so I won’t say anything I will regret, Lord sometimes I get so upset with my momI know she has alot of health problems but sometimes I get fustrated with her and upset with her so Lord help me to be more understanding and not take to heart when she hurts my feelings.
    Lord help me to look to You and your word and help us to have a life of fruit in 2011. Lord when negativity come into my life thru another turn down thru a job or family or friends I pray that you Lord would help me to keep my eyes on You and to trust You Lord with all out come in my life. Thank You Jesus and the grace and the mercy You show me help me to show that to others.
    Thank You for loving me and thank You for your servant Beth and for all she does for us seista’s .
    This I ask in Your Name Jesus Amen
    Thanks Beth for being real with us.

  14. 164
    Kelly says:

    Father God and my Beloved Jesus, how I need you! You have told me that if I seek you with all of my heart, I will find you. That is because you have never left me. Holy Spirit, you are within me at all times. Jesus you are by my side at all times, and God you are all around me at all times. There has never been and never will be at time that you are not with me. Before I was even born, you, the Three Personal God wrote my name in the Book of Life, and before I left my Mother’s womb, you affixed your seal to me. Even in my darkest of dark times, you counted my tears, and you grieved more than I did over my pain and my own grief for you love me more than I can comprehend.

    Oh my Father God, Beloved Jesus and Holy Spirit, let me see, sense, feel your presence more than ever before, greater and greater each and every day. Empty those things within me that are not of you, and fill me with you, Jesus. Transform me, my God Father, my Beloved Jesus and use me and my life to glorify you. With my limited finite human mind, I cannot imagine how you can use me and how I can possibly glorify you. Thank you God, that you know the plans and purposes you have for me, and that all I need to do is believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the perfect sinless lamb that died for my sins and saved me from eternal damnation – and saves me each and every day from myself. You take care of the rest.

    Let your favor be my shield. Let your Word be my passion, buried within my heart and ever present within my mind and forever on my tongue. Above all else, let me know you Father God and Jesus.

    In the precious, powerful, saving name of Jesus, I ask these things.

  15. 165
    Jerrianne says:

    My 46 year old sister-in-law died suddenly in June. The holidays were difficult. I want to help my mother and father-in-law, husband, kids and myself get through the grief. We know for sure she is with God. Life is not the same without her.

  16. 166
    Suzanne in RI says:

    Lord, help me to make better food choices. Help me to stuff myself with you Word and not empty calories. May I always receive the food I eat with thanksgiving. Isaiah 55:2

  17. 167
    Carolyn says:

    Do I want to love and minister to others? Yes. The one thing that I want the Lord to work out in me in 2011 is that I would love and minister no matter what the cost is to me personally. My selfish heart don’t want it to cost me. Lord, help me lay down my idols of comfort and ease.

  18. 168
    Allison C. Lee says:

    Keep my thoughts captive.
    Alive in You,

  19. 169
    Dianne says:

    Father God, I pray that you will fill me the restraint needed in my marriage so that I will show honor to my husband out of respect for you. Lord, help me to guard my words for my family. As I am restraining from saying all the nasty things I want to say to all of them, fill me with your love so the need for saying “uglies” goes away. In the Precious Name of Jesus.

  20. 170
    candie says:

    My prayer for 2011 is to not be afraid, to trust and keep moving…following Him where he may lead.

  21. 171
    karensk says:

    Lord, help me step out into more of the things You’ve called me to do….help me overcome passivity, fear (of the unknown, of offending someone, of making a mistake), and the desire to remain in my little comfort zone. I can’t continue to live this way! I know it ultimately comes down to trusting You in new ways. Help me trust You more, Lord.

  22. 172
    Beth says:

    Dear Father, I can look through almost every,if now all, Bible studies I have done over the past 12-13 years and the same dadgum theme keeps popping up.I just don’t trust you to do something about my obscession with food. I cycle through good days and bad days and it all still boils down to self control and total dependency on you. When I have had seasons of victory, it was because my focus was on You. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I need you to help me to understand through your word the victory that is mine not because of anything I can do but because of the battle you have already fought on my behalf. Only You can fight this. I pray for not so much the willpower that I need but the supernatural self control that comes from walking in the Spirit and belief in your word. I have tried it my way for a very long time. Help me in my unbelief Father, that you totally have my back and what you have in store for me is better than anything I can imagine. I thank you that I am surrounded by people who love me unconditionally. The pressure comes from within and never from the expectations of others for me to be different. Father, I know you love me no matter how big or small. Help me Father to find the root of my defeat in this area and I pray you would squash it and help me get totally focused so I can be rid of these chains once and for all. And Father, on those mornings when I just can’t stand the thought of going to the gym, I pray for supernational strenght to get my rear up and take care of business. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

  23. 173
    Lina says:

    Father, it is time for me to put aside my own consuming self-interest. Guide me, Lord, as I step even further out in service to You. Consume me, Father, and show me Your glory!

  24. 174
    Stasi says:

    My Dear Lord, If I have to single out just 1 prayer request for 2011, let it be this; release me from feeling “trapped.” Family, money, weight, job, and on and on.. comes down to this. Free me Lord, not from my family and needs, but from the chains of my emotions.

  25. 175
    Kathleen says:

    Dear Father in heaven, I pray you give me guidance in a weak spot that I have and feel you want me to get stronger in. I’m not sure how this is going to happen because right now it is so out of control but I feel you are leading me to get this mess back on the right track. Thank you for opening my eyes and giving me the nudge I need to once again be happy. I completely trust you and know 2011 will be a very blessed year!
    I love you so much Jesus that at time I just want to weep from the shear pain of it! Amen

  26. 176
    Jackie Tabor says:

    Holy Father,

    The end of 2010 brings many many thanks for your unbelievable love, mercy, and goodness in my tiny existence in Your universe. Oh how you are so intimately involved in my life. I love you.

    You know the shock when I read Beth’s prayer for 2011 as taking offense easily is what I just told Heath I hoped You will change in me in 2011. Oh how I have learned that I’m not the one to do the changing….not even in myself. If it doesn’t come from You, Father, it won’t work for me. Please continue to change my children’s heritage by slowly and surely removing ancient sin in my life and replacing it with Your goodness. You alone are my Master. Thank you a million times for where you’ve brought me already. “…..Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18:39 NIV

  27. 177
    Amanda says:

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you that your love is new every morning and your compassion NEVER fails. Thank you for Beth’s and all the women in this post honesty. Lord you know how much I “can” obsess over things or people in my life, every day is a choice. But I also see how you have left this “thorn” as a way to keep my attached closely to you and your word, which is the ONLY way I stop obsessing. I thank you for each of these women and their hearts on this blog because I don’t feel alone in my happiness, joy, or in my struggles. I find all those things represented here. Women don’t like to be alone, I’m glad we have something positive in this internet to share “togetherness.” I pray for greater rest in YOU as I TRUST you in the days ahead; there will be even greater peace. I pray for my nephew’s healing from seizures, and my brother to start his job soon; a reversal of destinies Father, as Beth taught me in Esther. I pray for greater love for all whom I influence in my world. Most of all, I love you daddy!!! You are my ALL in ALL.
    Amanda 🙂

  28. 178
    Tammy Elrod says:


    Help me to conquer my weight problem this year. In the interest of being healthy and growing old with my family, not in the interest of aesthetics.



  29. 179
    Michelle says:

    My Dear Jesus-

    You know how I struggle with the discipline of daily getting in to the Word. I WANT to hunger and thirst for Your Word more than physical food and water!! I want to take to heart what my husband says: “before you put 1 foot on the floor put 2 feet in the Kingdom.” He does this day and day out. Why don’t I do that?? PLEASE, PLEASE, in Jesus Name let 2011 be the year that demolishes my old habits and focuses on You and Your Word. Give me the desire and motivation to memorize Scripture that You give me. Scripture that will change me forever. I don’t want to be the same on December 29, 2011! You will do it, thank you for being so patient with me. I love you so much!!!!!

  30. 180
    Kim M. says:

    Praying that I will give God everything…especially control of my finances. That is the ONE area I continually struggle with. I need to let it go.

    I am so looking forward to getting into His word and committing it to memory…CAN’T WAIT!

  31. 181
    Nicole says:

    Dear Jesus,

    Please release me from this anxiety and fear that has had a stronghold on me for the last 2 years. Beth said it perfectly- the enemy is stealing my joy! I want it back! I can’t remember a lot of the last 2 years of my marriage, or time with my kids because of this fog of obsession and fear I have been stumbling through life with. I want to be free to enjoy the life you have blessed me with- we have but an instant and I want to remember every minute of it!

    In Your precious name,

  32. 182
    Lyndsay says:

    Dear Jesus,
    Thank you so much for all you’ve done in my family and me personally this year. I see how far you’ve brought us, and even though I get mired in insecurity, I know you’re not done with me yet. My request for this year is that you would help me not to get offended so quickly, especially at my husband. I know that love does not get offended easily, and I want to give him that love. I know that it’s my insecurity that makes me answer that way. Lord, please help me to not get offended, and until I get to that place, help me to not answer in a way that starts an argument for no reason. I love you/Lyndsay

  33. 183
    Ronda says:

    Father, thank you for your grace and for loving me. Help me to want to live your Word as much as I enjoy studying it. Father draw my precious husband to you so that we may make this walk Home together. Lord, clear my old mind in order that I may be able to memorize your Word, I want to make this journey. I praise you for You are worthy of all my praise. In Jesus name, Amen

  34. 184
    Eileen says:

    Dear Lord,

    Thank you so much for another year spent with You and even in my low times, I thank You for always listening! I pray for growth with You, Lord, knowing you better and serving, Lord. Serving seems to be big on my heart right now! Please, Father, allow me to serve You and my fellow human kind that we might lift You up and make You happy!!


  35. 185
    Sandra says:

    Dear Lord, I look forward to a new year of scripture memory with you in 2011. Lord, I have felt you speak to me about how my money is not mine but Yours. I want to start the year meditating on scripture that is about money. Of course, the first 10th of my paychecks is Yours but, Lord please show me where I need to give above and beyond that to others with a joyful heart. How I need a joyful heart and I will be looking for the joy that comes from only You. I can not receive much if I don’t give much. May I be obedient and trust You even more this next year in the financial area of my life. Thank you for blessing me and my family and I look forward to the next year in working with you in blessing others. Amen

  36. 186
    Momma Foster says:


    Please, Lord, help me to care about your opinion more than others. My fear of man has hindered me in so many ways. You have freed me from “impossible” strongholds before, and I know you can do it again. And You have made progress in me, but please continue this good work to completion! Help me STOP and give it to you when I start on the downward spiral of overthinking a passing comment–or even a straightforward one. And please, help me with my doubts that have been plaguing me so much this past year. May I move into a year of renewed faith and love for you, my Savior. My Jesus. Yes, let me LOVE you again with my whole heart.

  37. 187
    Cathy says:

    I am praying that in 2011 I will think, do, and say only for Jesus. MY AUDIENCE OF ONE ! No more people please’n!

  38. 188
    Heidi Morris says:

    Dear Lord,

    Let this year be the year I grow in submission to my husband, with a gentle and respectful spirit. Let my life become a homeward orientation that glorifies you and that my children will see and be blessed by. Help me to be patient and content with the plans you have for me.

    I love you so much Lord! Thank you for rescuing me!

    Your princess, and bride,


  39. 189
  40. 190
    kim says:

    Oh Father,the “one thing” I long for this year is for many salvations and for signs and wonders to follow me in a greater degree as I press in to lay hold of why You laid hold of me.(Phil 3)Your servant’s knees are knocking together as I walk through the doors I believe only YOU could have opened in the public schools,mission fields,children’s ministry and my personal life.I ask for you to confirm Your presence in both my life and in the lives of those You put in my path with life changing miracles only for Your glory.(2Cor12)I am in for the Adventure and am counting on the thought that You get a kick out of Your daughter stepping out of her comfort zone and taking leaps of FAITH!May Your presence be with me!

  41. 191
    Jen Potter says:

    God, this year I ask that you would help me to rest in you. That you would help me to see your hand behind all that goes on, to trust in you and rely on your strength. As we bring our first baby into this world I pray that you would give me supernatural strength and wisdom to be the women you have created me to be. I also ask that you would make in me a clean heart, on free of judgment and criticism towards myself or others. That I would be thankful every day and meditate upon noble, pure and noteworthy things. I give this year to you God and ask that you would lead the way. That your name would be written all over.
    In the powerful name of Jesus, would you have victory in my life.

  42. 192

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Oh what I pray and desire right now, during this very sad and confusing time is to really know You and understand You (Jeremiah 9:24)…How I want to really have Thy will be done. That is all I want this year to know whatever happens that I am walking in Your will. I pray Psalm 143:10 (Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.)
    Oh how I pray Father for You to keep me on level ground, Your level ground so that my emotions don’t allow despair to grow and hope to fade, trusting in You that no matter how this all turns out, I can smile at the future because it is Your will and that somehow You may be glorified.
    Thank You Father for Your great love and mercy.

    In Jesus name I pray,
    Oh how I love You so.

  43. 193
    Heisfaithful says:

    Lord, it’s so easy to spend time with you in the mornings…to pour out my heart to you, read your Word, take communion, be in your presence and feel refreshed. Yet, as the day stretches on, I feel like I lose you somewhere along the way. I don’t want to just start the day with you. I want to dwell in you as you dwell in me. I pray that you take every moment of my life captive to your will. I want to feel your presence, to be aware of you dwelling in me as I am hid in you. I don’t want to lose a moment of life apart from you. I want to know what it means to live in the fullness of your presence every waking and sleeping moment. I want to breath you, think you, feel you, speak you, just be absolutely consumed by you. Take my days and take my nights. Be my all consuming passion. My single prayer is that you would be my all consuming passion. Thank you, Jesus, for you alone are worthy of such devotion. I worship you. Be glorified in my life.
    By the mighty, saving name of my Jesus, Amen.

  44. 194
    Lacie says:

    I need daily grace to take every thought captive. If it’s not of the Holy Spirit, I don’t want it!

  45. 195
    Kara says:

    Lord, I feel rough around the edges. It seems so many relationships have ended w/ people being offended by me. I don’t want to offend people and I don’t know what I can do to stop this cycle. I want to feel more feminine. I can’t tell if I’m just being who you made me to be or if there is something wrong with me. You know I have no family so rejection by people hurts. Why are people so easily offenses? It seems the tight line one must have to walk in order not to cause offense seems so narrow that it isn’t humanly possible. Or maybe people are seeing something in me that I just can’t see in myself. Love always believes. Please send some people into my life that just bless me w/ the benefit of doubt. Not doubt that my motives are twisted but the benefit of doubt that even if I make a bad mistake that they would doubt that’s who I really am. Am help me to walk more gracefully in life so no matter what the accusation is that my conscience will be refined and clear.

  46. 196
    Rebecca in Ohio says:

    Grace. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” I want to be more gracious toward those I love.

  47. 197
    Kimberly says:

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    I pray that You would show me how I can and am to trust in You and those whom You put into my life in this new year ahead. I thank You for revealing to me, through Beth’s teaching and others at church, that I haven’t trusted You and made You Lord in my life. It’s a scary thing to face, as I have told many people, for the fact that my whole life thus far screams that I should not nor cannot trust anyone. However, I know that with You all things are possible, and so I pray that my trust and faith in You would abound tremendously. I also pray that You would give me wisdom as to whether or not I should go to Mercy Ministries as as result of this revelation of untrust. I thank You for Beth, for Life Today, and for this group of Siestas. I pray that you would all have us “Moving Forward” as the song we sing at church says:

    Moving Forward

    I’m not going back
    I’m moving ahead
    Here to declare to You my past is over
    In You all things are made new
    Surrendered my life to Christ
    I’m moving moving forward

    Verse 1
    What a moment You have brought me to
    Such a freedom I have found in You
    And You’re the Healer who makes all things new

    Verse 2
    You have risen with all power in Your hands
    You have given me a second chance
    Hallelujah hallelujah

    Lord Jesus, help us all to move forward this coming year!!

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    Hannah from New Mexico says:

    Dear Father and Lord Jesus Christ,

    I’m so excited for 2011, because I know you’re going to do for me more of what you’ve been doing to help me be more sane and happy. This year I want to have more faith. I want you to help me believe better – everything you say about you, everything you say about me, and everything you say about everyone else. I want to always be ready to combat lies before they even have the chance to life a finger!

    Please, Father, I know you will do so much more this year than I can even imagine. Thank you so much!! And thank you for all of these women who encourage me because I know I’m not alone in my pursuit of you!

    I love you <3
    In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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    Traci Winter says:

    Dear Lord,
    I praise you for your loving mercy. I have faced many trials over the past year, from my poor health and the health of my family and loved ones, to the many losses of both dear friends and family members. Lord although this year has been painful I know you gave it to me in order to help me grow in faith in you. I pray that 2011 will be less painful but as developmental as 2010 has been.
    In your great and wonderful name I pray

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    Tanya R says:

    You must have been watching me recently since your prayer for the new year echos what i’ve been wrestling with lately. Since you don’t mind that we borrow your memory verses, I hope you don’t mind if I borrow your prayer!

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