Jones Family Update

Howdy, Siestas! I feel like I should introduce myself again because it’s been so long since I’ve written. Our summer was b-u-s-y but wonderful. Curtis preached at a Bible study gathering called Metro and at a few churches in our area, I led the Ruth study with some blogging girlfriends, we hosted out of town family members, went to Galveston a couple of times, and did lots of swimming and playing with the kids. Tomorrow Jackson and Annabeth will start pre-k and mother’s day out, so I suppose summer is coming to an end for us. Our normal Wednesday church schedule picks back up tonight and I can’t wait to see all the fellowship supper crowd. We have been missing everyone! Jackson gets to join the kids choir as of tonight. I think he is going to love it.

I have a little story to tell you that will explain my recent absence here on the blog. One day in June I was trying to get some work done and I went into the dining room (away from the kids) so I could concentrate. A few minutes later Jackson came running over to me and said, “Annabeth is on the TV!” What in the world? I ran in the living room to find my 16-month-old walking on the console behind the flatscreen and about to dive off into a pile of toys. Needless to say, I was horrified. I brought my laptop back in the living room and tried to finish whatever I was doing. A few minutes later I looked down and saw Annabeth sitting on our golden retriever’s back. All she needed was a saddle and she had her own little pony. I was horrified again! Beckham is a very patient dog and he loves the kids, but that was not okay. I was bit in the face by our family dog as a child and I know better than to trust any animal completely. This happened three feet away from me and I didn’t see it because of my computer screen.

I knew my days of working at home were coming to an end. I either needed to return to the office or stop working. Not only was it becoming unsafe for my children, but I constantly felt frustrated and discouraged as an employee and as a mother. I’m sure many of you can relate to how I was feeling. It was maddening because the world tells women we can have it all – career, romance, family, friends, leisure, and a peaceful home  – but the truth is we are all making sacrifices in one or more of these areas in order to carry the others. I felt like my entire family was revolving around me and my needs, when what my soul really longed for was to have the time and energy to serve them.

After many conversations with Curtis, a long heart-to-heart with my mom, and lots of prayers shot up to God in desperate moments, we decided that I would take a step back from my job at LPM for the next year. I have 12 months left with my son before he begins kindergarten and I want to make the most of that time. Next fall we will reevaluate our situation.

I confess I was really nervous to talk to my mom about this. It can be complicated when family members work together. But in my heart I kept hearing my mom say, “No amount of success in ministry can make up for failure at home.” My mom has kept to that after all these years and I’ve benefitted from it in countless ways. Now it was time for me to decide on my own. Would I choose what was best for my family? I could not have imagined how graciously my mom  would respond to my cries for help. She was 100% mom and 0% boss in that moment. She told me that when she’d kept the kids the weekend before, she’d sensed that this was coming.

Once Curtis, Mom and I were on the same page, I felt a flood of relief and joy. For about three hours. Then the seriousness of walking away from my job of 8 years came crashing over me. Satan told me the disgusting lie that I wouldn’t be important anymore. As if I should need to be important anyway! I was pretty emotional – swinging from extreme happiness and relief to sadness – for a few weeks. In fact, during that time I wrote two other versions of this post that I deemed too melodramatic to publish.

It’s been two months since the decision was made and a little less time since I handed over my administrative responsibilities to my co-worker, Kimberly McMahon/KMac. She is an awesome lady and I’m very thankful for the gifts God has given her.

Our family is definitely enjoying the harvest from this change. I feel a lot more peace. And that’s a pretty big deal! My relationship with Jackson has improved dramatically. He needed me to say yes more. I’ve been cooking, which my husband appreciates. I will say, though, that motherhood is hard any way you slice it! Can I get an amen? Did this make my life perfect? Uh, no. Did I magically become Supermom? I wish. But do I like motherhood more? Yes. Definitely.

Mom has invited me to keep writing here whenever I have something to share and I look forward to doing that. I will finally have some alone time now that Annabeth is starting mother’s day out and Jackson will be inPre-K. Praise the Lord!

I know that many of you reading this are desperate for your situation – whatever that may be – to change. Please know that when you cry out to the Lord, He hears you! He knows what you are going through. He is your Shepherd and He cares for you. Pray, pray, pray. First Peter 5:7-8 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (NIV) I am asking God to show you His love, power and care right now.

Siestas, thank you for loving my family and for supporting us. We love you very much.




441 Responses to “Jones Family Update”

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  1. 351
    Donna Benjamin says:

    Obviously you have many siestas here who stand behind you in your decision to stay at home with those precious children of yours. It is so encouraging for me to read through some of the posts!
    The rewards of staying at home are there, just not as easy to see as when you have a career outside the home. There’s no real monetary reward, but the eternal reward is so much greater. There’s no real chance to earn “employee of the month” unless of course, you count the little sloppy peanut butter & jelly kisses and hugs you get from the kiddos. Not to mention those sweet home-made cards, pictures, play-dough vases, etc. given to you on all the special holidays…like Mother’s Day for instance, or even on a regular day, just because. This is definitely a season of change for you, and I stand with all the other siestas in congratulating you for making the difficult yet best decision for your family!
    In His Love,
    Donna B.

  2. 352
    Joann Brothers says:

    God has given you wisdom beyond your years to choose the best. I pray God’s peace and joy for you in this time of your life.

  3. 353
    Nikki says:

    So excited for this new season Amanda! I prayed for years for the opportunity to be at home more with my kids. My two oldest were raised in my office, literally. I worked for my in-laws and they never understood why I wanted more time with my kids. They didn’t feel it was fair for me to not put my 40-50 hours into the family business if everyone else in the family was doing the same.

    God is faithful. God is good. Eight years and three more children later, I’m only working 2 days a week with the hope of being at home full time next year. What a refreshing feeling to know that I can’t do it all and that’s o.k.!

    Much love to you and your family!

  4. 354
    Karene says:

    Amanda, I was exactly in your place when my second child (also a daughter) was a little younger than Annabeth. My Amy was not like her brother. She didn’t like to nap, and I would often find her climbing up on the kitchen table or the bookshelf.

    She is now 15, and I have never regretted putting my family before my very satisfying part-time freelance career and my income. It did help that my husband made enough to cover the bills, but we have always lived paycheck. It’s been worth it though! And I loved having the time to volunteer at the kids’ school. It even worked into a part-time job for three years. (It did help that I discovered MOPS, MOMS Club, and Mother’s Day Out during the pre-school years, just so I could have some social interaction with other women.)

    Just this week, Amy wrote an English essay about how she always has known she has been loved and cherished, and how I have always been there for her and had time for her. It made my heart melt.

    Now my oldest is off to college, and Amy is a sophomore in high school. And I feel more freedom to pursue a master’s degree (starting with only one class). Enjoy these precious years, Amanda. It’s so true what “they” say: these years FLY by!!! And if you’ve invested into your kids during their early years, you’ll enjoy so much more your relationship with them during their teen years.

    Okay, this is way too long. Will miss hearing from you as often but support you 100%!

  5. 355
    Rosie says:

    Amanda, You are blessed just by having that choice to make. God knew you would make a terrific mom. Enjoy every moment with them, and remember you are the most important person in their lives. Take in every smile, thier laughter all the silly little things they do, so 18 years from now and you are in a empty house you just close your eyes. There they are smiling and laughing and you without any regrets.

    Blessing to you,

  6. 356
    Judy says:

    This is a area that concern all Mom. Do I work at a office, do I work from home or do I stay home. You are blessed to have a option and a husband to support you. So many do not and we forget how hard it is on them when in thier hearts they would like to be at home with their childern. I worked at home with my son until he was 4 and ready for school. Which was hard road wtih just one child but I considered myself blessed to have had the option. You will be blessed with the path you have decided to go down. Take time to update the post to keep us updated on how your family is doing.

  7. 357
    Jaime says:

    Amanda – Thanks for sharing your heart and reminding us to humble ourselves before Him, the only one who gives true wisdom and peace. I gave up a very part time job this June but have done this job for 7 years. When people ask why the only real answer I have is I just want to be mom. Jugging all the other stuff was also effecting what I could do at home.
    Thanks again Jaime

  8. 358
    Amy says:

    Good for you, Amanda! The rewards of being able to focus more on your family are more than worth it. I recently quit my (part time) job after 7 years… this summer my kids and I had the MOST FUN ever! A few days ago we went blackberry picking and then came home and made a cobbler. (when I was working I never picked or baked anything.) I went for a bike ride to the park with my 8 year old son and on the way home he said I was “really good” at being a mom! My husband appreciates me being home too. Be blessed in your Godly decision. There is a time for everything and a season to stay home and devote yourself to your husband and kiddos. May abundant peace and grace be yours in Christ Jesus 2 Peter 1:2

  9. 359
    Lee Ann says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey and struggle with this decision. I have always said “there is sacrifice no matter what” in regard to the work / don’t work. I needed the reminder today. Even with teenagers, I must not put ministry above my family. Thank you for blessing me with your transparency. Enjoy these days (and the ones home alone too!!!)

  10. 360
    Holly says:

    Amanda, thank you for sharing this. I am at a cross roads in my life as well…I work full time, my daughter is 4 and starting preschool in 1 week, we are busy with church (volunteering right now, but my hubby will looking for a FT pastor position). My heart so longs to be at home. I think I glamourize it a bit, I know it is hard work being a FT stay at home, but my heart is continually drawn to do this. I have a hard time between wanting to be at home, yet having things that my job affords us to have. I know that we will have to make a decision soon – what is best for our child/family, even if we have to give up this or that. Thank you for using yourself as an example, because I needed to hear that! I will have to commit time in prayer to really know what is in our future.

  11. 361

    Amanda –

    We all have seasons in life. And this is what the Lord has called you to in THIS season. There are so many lies that we are fed as women, and the one you stated about having it all is probably the most prominent and most damagaing… to ourselves and everyone around us. Thank you for being sensitive to the Lord’s leading and for sharing your struggle over it. It’s not easy. But as I can say from my own experience and the experience of several friends, the Lord’s blessing will be upon you for your obedience.


  12. 362
    Jessica says:

    Amanda, we totally release you to do whatever God is telling you to do. You are a shining example of what it looks like to follow Him through every season, my friend.


  13. 363
    Cherie says:

    I believe this is my first time actually writing a comment. The amount of comments listed are sometimes my undoing. I mean really – who’s going to read the 400th comment?? And who actually cares about the thought of a young mom? Needless to say, I felt compelled to write about Amanda’s strength and courage to serve her family.

    With a little background information I feel that it would be easy to understand why I am finally compelled to leave behind my comments.

    I am under thirty, with two kids (6 and under), a wonderful husband, a worker bee for my church and the LORD with the desire to return to school. I long to go for my Masters of Divinity. After a six year hiatus from college – I finally submitted an application – while wrestling with self-doubt and multiple naysayers. Needless to say I was accepted. Whew! Who knew!

    Now, with less than two weeks to add ANOTHER plate to my very busy life I’ve felt nothing but anxiety and shame. I feel my very soul crumbling. I am but one person. I love the LORD. I love my family. I work to pay to bills, but am unfulfilled and desire more. In order to do more, I know that obtaining my degree would allow for more. More flexibility. More fulfillment. More time with my family. More time with HIM. More time to fulfill my church responsibilities. Or at least that’s what I believe since I have no idea what the future holds.

    Yet, my family needs me NOW. My daughter needs me. My church needs me. And to be quite frank, we all need my job. Where does that leave me? Does that mean I resign to leave my desires on the shelf? Doesn’t the Lord give us the desires of our heart? I know that this is something He’s instilled in me – I wish I could be satisfied with where I am, but I’m not. I’m grateful, but not satisfied.

    It’s a hard choice. To not be the woman who has it ALL. I mean really can we have it ALL without feeling a constant feeling of imbalance and lack. Nothing receives our full attention… Even now, nothing fits in my crazy schedule. If I had to be honest, nothing I currently have on my plate can be taken off. Soo, I guess that leaves adding nothing else. *sigh*

    Amanda, I commend you for taking a stand. And I pray for all the best.

  14. 364
    Laurel says:

    Thank you Amanda. It’s so nice to hear your story, and so many other Mommies too. So comforting to know we’re not alone in our frustrations and struggles. It is my daily (sometimes hourly) prayer that God will make a way for me to spend more time with my daughter…no matter what, I trust Him! Praying many blessings for you and your family!

  15. 365
    Sarah says:

    I feel for you and am glad you were able to make this decision. I am in a similar situation in that I work from home for my husband while I am also a full time mom. It’s tough. Every day I am torn between getting things done for work and spending time with my kids. Unfortunately work wins most of the time. I too am desparate for the situation to change. What I wouldn’t give to be “only” a stay at home mom! But until we can afford to hire someone to do my (currently unpaid) job, here I am plugging away just hoping that someday things will change and I won’t screw up my mommy job too much in the meantime.

  16. 366
    Kim Feth says:

    Amen! And a great decision. Don’t let Satan steal your joy or your family. Remember, Satan came to steal, kill, and destro

  17. 367
    Carolina Cheesehead says:


    Sounds like you have made a wise decision! After home schooling 3 boys for 4 years with a baby (who is now 4) I’ve decided I can’t do it all either and have finally submitted to help available at our local schools.

    These kinds of decisions are hard and since our God is so individualized vs. cookie cutter the answer is different for all of us. Keeps us ever dependent on Him and I so agree with you that He cares for each of us deeply and will guide and we must follow even when it looks different from how he guided those around us.

    I do hope you’ll keep us posted because I adore your posts! So funny and down to earth and just real. You inspire me in many ways. I guess if I don’t hear from ya here I shall have to come out of the closet over at Baby Bangs 🙂

    You have a precious family! Wow is it really just 12 months left with our 4 yr olds till kindergarten? Where did it go?


  18. 368
    Carolina Cheesehead says:


    I will say, though, that motherhood is hard any way you slice it! Can I get an amen?

    I will def. amen that! Hardest job I’ve ever done. Makes my pre-kids professional life look like a piece of fluffy whipped stawberry cake!

  19. 369
    Diane says:

    Good for you. It is hard to try to give your family what it needs and “work” as well. I think you are making the right decision to step back, at least for a while. Our culture and current economic expectations make it very difficult for a women not to have a paid job. I am your mom’s age and alternately both worked outside the home part time and stayed at home as my three kids were growing up. I don’t regret staying home with my kids most of the time. Relationships are more always important than money. Still, those of us who like to check this blog will miss your posts. God bless you.

  20. 370
    Wendy S says:

    I breath a sigh of relief followed by an AMEN! I have four boys ranging in age between 2 and 6. The youngest is most adorable but quite at an age where he would be happy to empty out every cupboard and scale every counter. Meanwhile, the older ones are working through the latest injustice! God is definitely bringing about a work of patience and self sacrifice in my life. It is not easy. I fully understand the struggle to give up parts of your life to fully parent children. I am also glad that you are able keep in touch with us. God’s blessings

  21. 371
    Lisa says:

    I’ve never commented on here before, but I had to thank you for your post. I have a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old (girl, boy, respectively). I’m a college professor, but recently moved into an administrative position in my college. College professor = good, flexible job for a mom. Administrator = not so much. God’s been working on me for a while about stepping back and making my family more important than work. My husband works full time in ministry too. Your post gave me a boost of encouragement and the comfort of knowing another young mom had a similar struggle to mine. I spoke with my boss today about stepping down and it went really well. Thanks for not only making your decision, but being willing to share it. You are a blessing!

  22. 372
    MIssy says:

    Thank you for sharing that word of encouragement. Because of bad decisions and a large amount of debt I am forced to work FT outside the home. The time with my babies (1 and 2) is quickly passing me by. I often think that there is no hope and no way out of this situation and I will never be able to stay home with my babies. It’s overwhelming to care for 2 toddlers and work fulltime and take care of everything else. I constantly feel like a failure both at work and at home. I’m going to post this scripture and read it every day and believe that God can work a miracle in our lives. If anything just give me the strength to endure.

  23. 373
    Emily says:

    Thank you for this post. I could say a lot more, but that pretty much sums it up. Thank you!

  24. 374
    M says:

    I’ll be praying 4 u. I know that’s hard but God will bless you for your sacrifice. Please pray for me & my family. I have one more year with my son before he’s off to college or the marines(which he’s pretty much set his mind on). God bless you!

  25. 375
    mimi says:

    …wondering why she calls other women siestas. Siesta is Mexican for an afternoon nap!

  26. 376
    Jennifer says:

    Wow how this so relates to what I went through yesterday! I quit a job where I worked for my family and made $52,000 a year to stay at home with my two month old and seven year old while my husband runs his own business. He has been doing well at it but there is always that worry of hard times to come. My husband also read your post and he laughed at the cooking dinner part because that is what he asks of me as a stay at home mom and to do laundry . Then he will be a happy camper. 🙂 I am hoping to help him with his business more and help that prosper. Funny how I had so much anxiety and fear yesterday and my mom woke up to find this post and knew she had to share it with me. Thank you for sharing.

    Washington State

  27. 377
    CJ says:

    OK Amanda, here is my tidbit for you (from Priscilla Shirer…from another speaker she heard!!).

    Your comment was…..”the world tells women we can have it all – career, romance, family, friends, leisure, and a peaceful home.”

    Priscilla’s response (and many others’ response as well)
    We, as women can have it “all”, BUT not at the same time.

    You can be a successful wife and mommy right now and sometime in the future return to being a successful career woman. Your ministry IS your children (and their friends’ mommies)! They are only little once and this is your (and Curt’s) time to develop the foundation they will need for a lifetime on this earth (and eternity in Heaven). Yes, it is that important that your ministry at this time is these little ones.

    My mom stayed home with us. We are 45, 42 and 38….I can’t tell you how many conversations we have about life that goes back to the “early years” when mom was at home with us. She played with us, she provided love to us, she provided life’s necessities for us, she sheltered us AND now that we are older, we do the same for our families! It is a critical time for forming the very foundation that will allow these little ones to thrive just as you and Melissa do today.

    I can understand missing the work atmosphere, but hang in there. Life is WAY too short not to take advantage of the ministry the Lord has given you at this time in life.

    Love those little ones!! They are too cute and too precious not to.

  28. 378
    Lynda says:


    You made the right decision. I had to do the same thing almost 9 years ago for the very same reasons. I had several good cries with my mom and prayers to God about quitting a fufilling job I had for 9 years. No regrets!The way I look at material possessions and career status now versus then is so different. People matter more than these any day of the week! God has blessed me over the last 9 years as a mother, wife and church member in ways that I could’ve never imagined. You go girlfriend. Hang in there!


  29. 379
    Melissa says:

    Amanda- If I lived anywhere near you I would drive to your place and hug you.
    I am a Mom of three. I have an 8 year old boy, 6 year old girl and a soon to be 3 year old girl. I have been struggling for MONTHS now on quitting my job. I work 30 hours a week (one day in the office and the rest from home). I feel overly blessed that I have been able to do this for the past 9 years but the amount of stress that comes over me is unbearable at times. I question myself all the time…I have a great set up…but I feel like I can’t give 100% of my focus to my children. I only have two years left with my baby until she heads off to school. And don’t want to look back and regret not giving it 100% of me. The other side of me is scared silly about the money. I hate putting that stress on my husband and giving up my wants (like Starbucks or a new pair of shoes). I guess wants aren’t needs.And will I have a job to go back to? I do want to find something I am passionate about one day…but for now, it is being a great Mom and wife.
    Thank you soooo much for sharing this. It really has brought light to my situation.

  30. 380
    Deb Weaver says:

    Amanda, I’m proud of you for discerning God’s direction. 21 years ago, I made a similar decision because I am not a good juggler and I didn’t want my kids to be what fell from my overwhelmed arms! I’ve worked part-time on and off since then. My children, my husband, and I have all benefitted from these decisions. It’s not been easy, but making family a priority is a honorable and important choice. Savor these fleeting moments! I look forward to your posts when you are able to share with us.

  31. 381
    donna says:

    You have made a good choice, I a grandmother for the first time had a decision to make when my son, starting his own dental practice and my daughter inlaw who worked out of town moved to our town. After working for 35 years I quit my job and kept my new grandson, boy was I in for an adjustment. I felt like all I had worked for was for nothing. But the love from my grandson and being there for my son to help him get his start has made it all worth it. Somedays I still have some moments of forgetting who I am.

  32. 382
    Wendy Jenkins says:

    You will not regret this decision! It’s a toughie but so rewarding. God bless you for setting your priorities by His Word.

  33. 383
    Lynn Hyman says:

    I just know God will bless this decision!!! I left my U.S. Naval career behind when my son was 5 months old. I felt like I had “lost” my identity for a couple of years (I can be a pretty slow learner.) I wasn’t even a Christian yet, but I knew God was changing my heart towards mothering and being a wife, etc. That was 28 years ago, and I’ve NEVER regretted the decision. That decision took a lot of courage on your part. Praise God, enjoy this new season in time, and be sure to “protect” this time you’ll have for family. The world will try to barge in every place it can and steal what God is trying to bless you with. I look forward to your blogs when you can! Thanks for your honest!

  34. 384
    aussie monica says:

    that’s wonderful for you and your family, Amanda. I wish I could do the same!

  35. 385

    As I’ve seen your children grow – I laugh at their antics as if I was somehow part of your family. Your family has captured my heart. You have a very important job to do at home, Amanda. I will await the day that they both proclaim their love of Jesus and can only imagine the great work that they will do for our Lord! God bless you and may you continue to have peace with your decision.

  36. 386
    Mary Hensel says:

    Thank you for posting this. I was just in Richmond learning from your Mom and wanted to send a message to her, and saw this from you. It was just what I needed to read. I love when the young teach the old. (I am old enough to be your mother:)) I have been the director of a homeless shelter and I love my job, but with the economy and budget cuts here in Virginia, we are having some terrible financial issues.
    My board of directors have been working hard to find a way to keep our doors open.
    Each time I prayed and my womens group prayed we did not feel that God wanted the shelter to close. I kept hearing “what about all the people?”, and knew God had a plan, but still had no idea what it was. Then I was offered another job. Was that from God? or was Satan testing me?
    I felt that same feeling of God’s grace and joy when the board agreed to let me resign, take the new job, become a board member and spend time writing grants for the shelter. The people will still have shelter, we have a chance to have money coming in for the shelter and the new director has the fire and love for the homeless that is needed to do a wonderful job.
    Stepping out in faith can be hard, especially when it is leaving one calling for another. Thanks for sharing your story and reinforcing for me that season’s change and we have to be willing to listen to what God is asking of us.
    Bless you,
    Mary Lee

  37. 387
    Charlene says:

    Amanda, I love your name, it is shared by my precious daughter.
    I am new at this blog reading and writting but wanted to thank you for your honesty as you came to the decision to stay home with your children. Although my situation is a little different I too am in the process of making a similar decision to stay home from the work world. I know that as I seek the Lord in this decision he will give me the peace I need. My precious husband and I come before him daily asking for his guidance and I just wanted to thank you, I believe the Lord has used your journey to help me in mine. Thank you again.

  38. 388
    Ruth says:

    You are wise to take this extra year off with your kids. I delayed starting nursing school until my “baby” was halfway through kindergarten, and it was a God-inspired move (I was impatient to start, but God showed me I needed to be home an extra year). I was able to participate in so many school and extracurricular events with both of my kids at school and enjoyed them so much during that time.

    Of course, God couldn’t leave it there; even once school started, I was able to attend all the “biggies”: my younger daughter’s graduation from kindergarten, my older daughter’s school play, and various other can’t-miss events that “happened to” fall on days when I was not in school.

    I’m not saying that everyone has to delay; if God is leading you to do something, ask Him for guidance about the timing and go with what He tells you. For me, I was financially able to stay home the extra year and knew I needed to. Also, don’t get discouraged if your schedule isn’t working out neatly; believe me, I do miss things. It’s easy to think that difficulty means it’s not God’s will, but that can be a lie from Satan to keep you from doing God’s will! Just keep praying and do what God is calling you to do. Amanda, enjoy this time with your little ones, and don’t let anyone tell you it’s not important, least of all yourself! 🙂

  39. 389
    Vicki says:

    Wow! I really needed to read that! Thank you for sharing your heart! God Bless!

  40. 390
    rehana says:

    Hi Amanda

    Oh my I can so relate. After working with/for my husband for almost 11 years-we have decided that I need an extended sabbatical. I thought I was all fine with this and was actually looking forward to my “rest-year” of doing as little as possible and just serving my family (hubby and 3Kids) and spending some more time in the Lord’s Presence.

    Then last night I hit a wall-anxiety, fear, sadness, worry. I know that God is faithful and that if I remain in the True Vine, my fruits will bring Him glory and I would have served my purpose. SO pray for me as I pray for you.

    Lots of love
    Rehana de Villiers
    Cape Town
    South Africa

  41. 391
    Stephanie says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. I always wondered how you got so much done at home with 2 kids. I work PT from home and mine don’t let me get anything done unless they’re sleeping! I always thought you were Wonder Woman! Now I know that you still are, but a real life one! Thanks for always sharing about the struggles of real life with toddlers and making us moms feel like we’re not alone in this crazy world! I hope this time is a peaceful one, in which the Lord blesses you for your obedience. (I know He will!)
    Thank you for all you do!

  42. 392
    amy says:

    Dear Amanda,
    I can so identify with you! I have a Kindergartener and a precious 8 month old. I have served at our church and been a BSF children’s leader for 3 years. I am taking this year off. I have felt guilty about it, but your post just reaffirmed God’s leading in my choice. I too, just want to be there when Lily Kate comes home from Kindergarten, and sit and play in the floor with baby Jack. I know this a season,and I want to be the best mommy I can be for them. Thanks for sharing.

  43. 393

    You have done the right thing. I have often butted against this same thing only my work has been volunteer. I regret the times I placed other’s needs before my familys’. It gets somewhat easier as you continue to put your family first and much more peaceful in your soul! Way to go!

  44. 394
    Kim says:

    Amanda, You will not regret what you have decided to do. They grow so fast. I remember people telling me that when my children were small. I had such a hard time believing them in some s. I was so overwhelmed at time with 3, 3 years and under. Then six years later having one more. Looking back I am so glad I was at home with them. Even though it gets hard at times and it seems like no one notices anything you do. Remember they do notice and you will see glimpses of this in the years to come when they are older.

  45. 395
    RaeLeen Bustin says:

    Dear Amanda,
    You will never know how much I appreciate your post. I gave 24 years of hard work (living in Haiti), and lost my marriage. It’s not worth it. Your honesty and sincere desire to obey Christ is what we Siesta’s appreciate so much about you. As I ‘walk’ through the pain of being a single mom and newly divorced your reminder about prayer prayer prayer was an enouragement to me. I love you Siesta!

  46. 396
    Pam Erselius says:

    I am so proud of you for making a difficult, humble, wise, and glorious decision.

  47. 397

    I am so trying to figure out how I missed this post. Oh I totally get this. It was SO hard for me yesterday (after 3 months of going back and forth) to just swap from Tuesday night bible studies to Tues mornings…I felt like I would let everyone down and I had to really refocus that my ultimate calling was to my family in this season. This was total confirmation on a number of things that the Lord is already doing.

  48. 398

    Hey Amanda,

    The Lord has blessed your decision, that was a agonizing decision. Thankyou for the encouragement and these scriptures. The Lord bless you Amanda:)

  49. 399
    Groovewoman says:

    This post was meant for you to write & for me to read. I have my own business (Scentsy) and I work from home. All the while trying to raise my 3 year old son. Needless to say, I feel like I ‘work’ more than 8 hours a day on my business & yet there are days I don’t feel like I get anything done with having to stop and take care of my VERY ENERGETIC 3 year old. All the while my duties as a housewife & mother seem to get pushed to the back burner. It’s so very frustrating!!! I haven’t figured out how to find that ‘Balance’ yet. So you’re post was VERY encouraging to know that I am not alone & it’s a reminder to me that my family comes first!
    Congratulations on being Blessed with a year of family time. You have the BEST Boss/Mom EVER!!!
    Much Love,
    Hollie Rayburn

  50. 400

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