My Dear Siestas,
There is simply no time on the annual calendar more precious and profound to us in Christendom than this. I was reflecting a moment ago how rarely we could land on a day or a weekend that most of us were having the same kinds of thoughts. Even Christmas has our attentions strewn among many things but Good Friday, for all of us who follow hard after Jesus Christ, only one.
I told the Lord a little while ago that I supposed, if we really fathomed the depth of Christ’s sufferings and the heights of our redemption because of it, we surely would not be able to lift our faces from the floor. The reality is, we can’t comprehend it. But we can well sit and reflect. We can well glance back over our pasts just long enough to realize afresh what God did for us on Good Friday so many years ago. We can well plead for Him to break through all of our distractions and self absorptions and make Jesus the dearer to us. We can well ask that we would allow our circumstances to make us the nearer to Him. We can well picture every challenge in our lives, every difficulty, every loss, every sickness, every sin, every defeat, and every heartbreak as the soil beneath Christ’s Cross, left beyond choice but to move that it might be planted in the depths with a victorious thud.
“And even though you were dead in your transgressions and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, He nevertheless made you alive with Him, having forgiven ALL your transgressions. He has destroyed what was against us, a certificate of indebtedness expressed in decrees opposed to us. He has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. Disarming the rulers and authorities, He has made a public disgrace of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:13-15 NET
The power of the Cross has taken our disgrace and publically heaped it on our enemy.
I told Amanda yesterday that I could not think of a sweeter and more powerful way for us to observe Good Friday on this blog than to invite you to share your own story (in short form please) of your salvation. We have learned so much about one another through various journeys here but this will be the first time we’ve actually given our testimonies of salvation. When did you receive Christ as your personal Savior? How old were you and what were the circumstances leading up to your decision?
I cannot convey how much these testimonies will increase my appreciation of the power of the Cross this day. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
Blessed Good Friday, my dear sisters.
Tags: Easter
I was 19 years old. I had a particular fondness for my college history professor–I just couldn’t be around her enough. (I later realized that I was drawn to her love of Christ.) One day I walked up to her after class and said “Do you know that I am learning about the same things in your World Civ class that I’m learning about in my New Testament class?” At that point she invited me to church and about a week later, I gave my life to Christ in her office. It was a beautiful thing!
Prayers and blessings,
I stayed with my grandparents a lot growing up, we were all very close. There are so many vivid memories of her and my Grandaddy kneeling by their bed holding hands and praying. They did this every night of their 52 years together.
I guess I was around 10 or 11. I asked my grandmother one day why she read her Bible all the time, asked her about Heaven and Jesus, and after she shared with me I told her I wanted to have Jesus in my heart too. So we knelt right there in front of her recliner and she led me in prayer. I remember it like it was yesterday.
I wanted to read some of the testimonies, but can’t see anyone else’s comments. help please.
I was brought up in a christian home. Both my parents were very active in the small Baptist church in a small southern town. I was 8 years old, while attending a revival, I walked forward to receive Christ as my savior. I was 37 when my husband moved out and left me with two young children saying,”I don’t love you anymore”.It was then that the Lord moved in my heart saying “I love you. I will never leave you”. That began my personal relationship with my Abba,father. After remaining single for 30 years I can say that the Lord became my husband , Father, Lord and praise Him, King of Kings in my life.
( this is only the second time I have responded on this websight)
I was 32 years old and working as a nurse’s aide. I made a wonderful friendship with a R.N. who had a zeal that I didn’t understand. She took me under her wing in my job and in my spiritual walk, too. I knew she had something that I wanted. She talked openly about Jesus and what He meant to her. She told me I needed to know what I believed and why I believed it, because we are all held accountable for what we do. Over the next year, she gave me a Bible and many books that lead me to Christ. I went on to be a R.N. too. We still work together in the same hospital and talk several times a week about what God is doing in our lives. We have a special bond that few people have. That bond is Jesus.
Mary Jane Smith
I accepted Jesus as my Savior on Easter Sunday when I was five and a half years old. I can still remember the flannel graph pictures of the three crosses. Even though I was young I was so sad that Jesus had to die in my place. Resurrection Day is my absolute favorite day of the year. He is risen! Happy Easter everyone.
I was baptised when I was 8 as most in the Baptist church but I didn’t take it seriously. I quit going when I turned 18. I did begin to take it seriously when I was being told I may not be able to have a child which we wanted with all our hearts. God was gracious to let me bargain with Him. I promised if I could have one, I would raise her in the faith. Little did I know He was going to raise my husband and I as well. I can’t say an exact day and time, there really wasn’t an “AH HA” moment, just a gradual growing in so many ways. We didn’t get back into church until our daughter was about 6 months old. Yes, I kept my promise to Him and He has blessed me beyond my imagination. Our daughter is 22 yrs old now and the biggest blessing in our lives for sure. I am doing Here and , There and Then study (we are awed by it)and I am so blessed to say I have a personal revelation every day, if I look for it.
I was 18 years old when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. During the previous months, I had been involved with an activity at my high school, and I was very sad when it ended. One of the adults involved with the program shared his faith with the students, and God planted a seed in my heart through that. In March 2004, I became a Christian. I’ve had difficulties since then, but I’m growing in my faith more and more now.
I was 13 when I asked Jesus into my heart after a revival knowing there was an emptiness in my heart. I was raised in a conservative home which I’m grateful for but I think my focus was more on being good then really having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Then when I was 31 God really spoke to me about His grace and that He is the one who has completed the work. I can actually know that I’m saved. I am bought with a price. Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me.
thanks Beth for this opportunity to share.
I grew up in the Baptist church. In college, drifted away from God. Searching, through other religions, other beliefs…which of course always left me searching. Wrong turns, marraige, divorce, heartache, frustration, still searching. Until God in his infinite plan, put me in a place of His choosing, to receive Jesus as my Saviour at the age of 36. Through a neighbor, a small church I saw Jesus. Now, years later in a very large church here in Houston,but yet in a small village of friends with the same goal. To sing His praises, to glorify God through song, to show others Jesus through the ministry of music. Thank you God for your unspeakable gift.
Aren’t we all searching until we finally find Him? This siesta is searching no more. Praise His Holy Name!
I received Christ at a summer revival meeting when I WAS 12 years old. He called me to step out from the pew and walk down the aisle. I didn’t want to and I held on to the back of the pew but the pull was so strong in my chest that I could not resist. Praise God that He knows everything.
The next 6 years were idyllic because I came from a Christian environment but when my father’s death happened everything changed. I took the wide gate and put God on the back burner. Forty-three years later He got my attention again and I have not stopped following Him. In fact I can’t get enough. My journey is insatiable. I am so grateful to my Lord for His grace beyond measure for such a wretched sinner as I.
I was 27,angry and bitter,divorced and remarried-2 children. It was a Good Friday evening service in an upstairs duplex of a start up church, when I realized Jesus was who He said He was and I was full of sin. I fell in repentance and Jesus became my Lord. It has been 33 years of His unconditional love to me. I am now a grandma of teenagers, still married after 33+ years and I love Jesus more than I ever dreamt I could.
I grew up in a Christian home. My dad was saved when my older brother died as an infant. My preschool teacher shared the plan of salvation using a little booklet with a black page (which stood for my sin), a red page (which stood for the blood of Christ), and a white page (which stood for how Jesus could take my sin away and make me pure). It was at that time when I knew I had sin in my life and that I needed forgiveness found in Christ alone. I asked Him to be my Savior and was baptized soon after. I remember my grandmother making me a beautiful little white dress to be baptized in. That was the beginning of my realtionship with the Lord. However, I really allowed Him to be the Lord of my life at the age of 23. I struggled for several years with whether I became a Christian at the age of 5 or 23. The enemy really drove me crazy over it. I knew without a doubt that I was Christian and finally just asked my husband who was a minister to baptize me again in front of the church where we were serving. Looking back, I really believe that I was saved when I was young.
My heart is filled with love for my Savior this weekend as I think about all He endured for me. Thanks eveyone for sharing. I have loved reading your comments.
I was in 8th grade and came to Christ at a Disciple Now conference that a friend had invited me to. I remember hearing about inviting Jesus into your heart and I had never heard that growing up in the Episcopal church. It was very powerful and the Lord graciously showed Himself to me and my twin sister that weekend. Happy Easter to all of you Siestas!
I accepted the Lord when I was 12 years old and spending the summer with my grandmother. She took me to church with her that summer ever Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday evening. I heard the Gospel message and knew that I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart. So on the last Sunday night I was with her, she asked if I wanted to accept Christ. We sat down near the front of her Baptist church that night, and the minute the pastor gave the invitation I walked forward. It was a precious moment that I will never forget! My hunger for the Lord has only grown over these many years. I agree with the girl above who quoted the words from a beautiful song, “Dance with me, O Lover of my soul, to the song of all songs.”
This is not my personal testimony of salvation but I believe it will become a part of someone’s because of my nephew’s testimony:
As I sit here in the wee small hours of the night I realize it is Easter morning, before dawn, this Easter we are waiting for some
resurrection power of sorts for my nephew, he is 27. Today his family was told that there was nothing more the doctors could do for him, he is now on life support after a second failed bone marrow transplant. His body is filled with a super bug and he no longer has any white blood cells to fight with. The family must choose to remove the support if there no change in his condition within the next 24 hours
This situation reminds me of Gethsemane and the battle Jesus waged with His will and the Father’s.
We want so desperately for our will to be God’s will too. Oh how wonderful to know Jesus understands our struggle, and that God really does get the final say!
Julie, I’m so sorry to hear this.
Thanks so much Amanda, Josh went to be with Jesus at 5:05 tonight.While we were standing around his bed, one of my memory verses from last year came to mind “In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered me by setting me free” It just made more sense to me, and it was a perfect gift to me from God.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m thankful that God brought you that verse to comfort you!
I was 11. Went to church with my parents, who had been invited to church by a co-worker of my dad’s. I thought it was Easter, mom said it was another Sunday.
In the middle of the sermon, the brave pastor stepped down from his pulpit and walked up the center isle of the church to the end of the row where our family sat. He looked at my parents and asked if we would like to accept Jesus as our Savior!!! All four of us stood up, my mom and dad, 36 years old, me 11 and my brother 16, and all repeated the sinners prayer!
And that day changed our lives, and the lives of my mom’s 10 sisters, who all subsequently accepted Jesus, from her sharing with them.
I now think of all the cousins, and nieces and nephews, and yes, finally my grandparents,….who all accepted Jesus, because of a pastor’s brave and outrageous act to stop his sermon and offer us the greatest gift….
40 years later…. and Jesus is still our dear savior and I am still in need of his forgiveness and redemption through the cross.
February 20, 2010
I wonder if anyone can give an exact date and I’m blessed that I can. I had always thought I had found God, but I was not truly saved until that day. It has been the start of a wonderful literary journey for me that I hope to reflect on February 20, 2011.
For the previous 3 years I have been trying to find God, I figured if I just attended church then I would be “OK.” I have gone through years and years of addictions of all kinds (substances, alcohol, and bad relationships with men). I had an arrogance because I worked and made good money. Yet from my younger years into my 20’s, I never had a true, loving relationship with God. I had been going to church, but not studying the word. The quest then started for a new spiritual home. Then I came to Gateway Church ( I attended service on February 20 and I was truly home. I got up and sang and cried a lot. When they asked if people needed healing – – and wanted to be saved – – that was me. I’m standing up, walking out there a single mom, pregnant again wondering what I was doing. But it was feeling God’s light within me and all around me that I just knew what I was meant to do. I asked God to let me in. I put my head in Jesus’ lap and told him I can’t go on much more without you. That same afternoon, I prayed and meditated in quiet. I then could feel myself almost inside of myself – – like I was in another place. It felt like I was looking up through a window and seeing nothing but light. That feeling stays with me always, because I know my path is to serve God’s will.
I was eleven years old at a revival at my church. When I heard the preacher tell how a person can be saved and go to heaven I believed that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave. I remember being so joyful that I could not sleep that night. I also remember trying to treat my family as nice as I could, and this, I’m sorry to say didn’t last as long as it should have. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I began reading the Bible outside of church. In my thirties I also learned the importance of making Jesus the Lord of my life.
1976. Age 13. My parents never attended church with me but friends would take me often. One young man who was a high school senior took special interest in me & kind-of ‘adopted’ me as a kid sister. He invited me to go along with his youth group to a special youth event, and when I went down during the invitation, he followed & prayed with me. I accepted Christ, gave Him my heart and was saved but it wasn’t until 1997 at age 34 that I came to understand fully surrendering all of my life. Finally understanding that Jesus wants every detail of every moment of every day was so freeing and wonderful! I know it may sound odd, but somehow I had not understood that before and with little discipleship I floundered for a long time trying to live in my own strength. I had no idea of the power available to me from the Holy Spirit for daily life. How thankful I am that the Lord never forsakes us – he is always there patiently loving- even when we stumble & get ourselves into a pit (which I did). At just the right time, He lifted me out of the pit. He has redeemed every moment, every sin and the victorious life I have now blows my mind every day. Jesus is everything to me!
I am late to the party and it is adready Resurrection Sunday but wanted to join in anyway!
I was around 4 years old when the “Jesus movement” became huge in US. My mom had always had a deep love of God but became Born Again around that time. She shared Him with me. She would play the cassette tape of Godspell over and over again for me and I fell in love with Him through the music. I can still remember watching the movie version of the play, sitting on the beige couch, and crying at the Crucifixion scene. In my tiny little heart I understood that He did that for me. I fell completely in love with Him that night and gave Him my heart forever.
It would be decades later that I had actually studied the Word enough to know what bad theology was in Godspell! But I marvel at the fact that even a lousy play (with some terrific music!) could cause a little girl to fall head over heals in love with Him! But that is what He used to call me.
I was thirty when I began to discover this God of ours in the Word. I so wish I had known Him that way before…but He used what would work with me and never let me go!
Today I get to celebrate my life in Him…Risen indeed! He also has given me the privilege of celebrating my birthday today. Oh that He would let me share this day! God bless girls!
I was 7 and in Children’s Church when I realized my need for a Savior. I talked to my mom and she took me to the preacher. I remember sitting in his office on his lap. He was holding a big Bible in his huge hands and sharing the gospel with me. Later that day, after the Sunday evening service, I walked the aisle and prayed to accept Jesus in my heart!
CHRIST IS RISEN! All my best to Sweet Beth and her beautiful family and all you lovely Siestas on this most Holy of Days!
I was raised in church from the time I was born. When I was about 8 I felt like I was under conviction to ask Jesus in my heart. I talked to my pastor and ask Jesus in my heart and was baptized. This is at the point where most people say they had peace the rest of their lives in this area. But I can’t say that. I never drifted far away or had a wild life but never peace about my salvation. So when I was in my early twenties we had a service at church where several leaders admitted they were uncertain. They were telling my story. So I went down during invitation and talked with the pastor. He had told a story of a man kneeling and putting a stake in the ground and saying this stake would serve to remind him of the place where he nailed down his salvation. He can go back to this moment if he doubted again.
I had a peace that night that has never gone away. I have had seasons of my life where I didn’t follow Christ as close as I should but I never had any doubts of salvation. I have total peace that I am. I won’t know this side of Heaven if I was saved at 8 or in my 20’s.
I was raised in church, my dad was a pastor, and on June 8, 1994, when I was 8-years-old, I first put my faith in Jesus. God’s redemption has never felt more close or beautiful than this past year though. For about 18 months I ran from God as hard and fast as I possibly could. I wanted nothing to do with Him because of some things He allowed in my life. But back in August He woke me up to the HUGE pit I had dug for myself. Literally in a 24 hr period God did a U-turn on my actions (my desires are still being worked on) and He has not allowed me to go back to that pit sense! Our God truly is a God of redemption and lift! What a God we serve!
I was in VBS, I don’t remember the exact age. At 20 I accepted him again as my Christ but at 35 I accepted him as the Lord of my life.
I know you want our stories of salvation but now I have a much needed prayer request. First of all praise God! He is risen!!!! Please be IN prayer as my Dad goes for a bypass tomorrow morning (as far as we know unless they have an emergency). Please pray for God to surround that hospital with peace, wisdom for the doctors and nurses and anyone involved, peace that surpasses all understanding for Dad and all of us. Please pray for a very quick recovery. Praise God! He is alive!!!!
Praying he’s recovering well!
and today…reflecting on our own salvation…we can celebrate our risen LORD!
He is RISEN!
He is RISEN indeed!
O Praise Him!
I accepted Christ when I was 8 years old in a small southern town, where we attended church several x’s/week. My walk with Christ has waxed & waned over my 66 years, and I just might be on Plan C, D or E by now, but I have no memory of NOT believing in Him. Naturally, my faith was tested as I entered college and “the world” and out from under my sheltered environ. At the point of being in a shaky marriage with 2 little girls to rear (30’s), I began Bible Study Fellowship & from there Precepts Bible studies and now Beth’s studies. I made the cognizant decision back then that – yes, I DO believe God’s Word is true and I want to know what’s in it in order to know HIM. I believe that is the turning point in most people’s lives; first, we decide what we believe about Jesus and then we can cruise along as baby, nominal Christians, or we can grow in the knowledge of His Word as we come to understand that that’s where the truth lies. “The world’s” truth is so elusive and changeable, but THANK GOD for His unchangeable truth and His love that is poured out for us in scripture! It is life to me.
I was 34 years old, at a Christmas play with my future husband’s family… they ended the play with explaining how I could ask Jesus into my heart and I did! I was just coming out of living with a man for 10 years that was a tumultuous relationship going nowhere… the Lord sent my future husband and his sweet family to gently show me a new and beautiful plan for my life.. I’m now 52 and can’t imagine life back on the old path.. HE IS RISEN!!!
I was 8. In the backseat of my Daddys car. A pit-stop on a long journey. Encouraged by my Ma. I commited to pleasing Him.
I have never stopped trying
I grew up in church all of my life. I was probably around 8 years old, when my SS teacher presented a lesson on Jesus’ death, resurrection, and His great love for us. I knew enough to know I wasn’t “good” all the time and I needed a Savior. I prayed to receive Christ that day. Truly though it would be years later on my trip to the Holy Land where I was baptized in the Jordan River and stood in the very place where His cross had been for me, that it nailed me to His cross for good and always. I will NEVER forget it. Since then Jesus and I have been “working out” my Salvation and His purpose for my life. I love Him SO much and am learning to trust Him period! Praise Him for ALL He’s done!!!!
After having my 2nd child, I started going to therapy for my PPD. The therapist recommended that I join a bible study group. My husband and I occasionally went to church, but that was the extent of my relationship with Christ. Shortly after my therapist’s recommendation, I noticed in the church bulletin that they were starting a women’s bible study group and would be doing Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself. I joined. I’m still shocked that I did. I didn’t even own a bible. I bought the study book, a bible, and a cute little tote bag to take to bible study. By the end of that study I had surrendered to Christ. That was only 3 short years ago, and now I’m leading bible studies at my church and workplace. God is amazing!
I was baptized as a baby in the Catholic church. I have always believed in God, but had a very lukewarm approach to my faith. I had let the outside world take over my life. I was never taught that I could have a personal relationship with the Creator, he seemed so remote to me. Then I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and that changed everything. In 2001 my life changed drastically and I ran to our Lord and held on tight, I knew in my soul, that I would never make it through without my strong tower and refuge. The very first Bible study I was invited to was “Breaking Free” by you Miss Beth. What a blessing, I will be forever grateful to my friend Marci, who invited me to participate and to you Miss Beth, for writing the study. My husband is in the Air Force and we move A LOT. I did my first Bible study in Colorado Springs, CO and then we moved to Vandenberg AFB in CA, 2003. I continued my pursuit of the Lord and did many more studies of the scriptures. God was so good to me, I wrote my testimony there and gave it to my Pastor to read because I knew God wanted me to write it down, I was trying to be obedient. I got a phone call sometime after he read it and was asked to read it at church, at all 3 services, to the congregation. The message that day was on Hope, very appropriate because my hope is in the Lord and his Word. On April, 24th 2005 I was baptized as an adult, on my BIRTHDAY!!! God is so GOOD!! Our children followed suit the next month and got baptized in May and it was their choice and we were very proud of them. As I reflect on what He did for me on Good Friday, I am humbled beyond words and will be grateful for what He did for a wretch like me. I was blind, but now I see, was lost, but now am found. PTL!
andrea porter
MT, 40’s, married
I am replying to my own post, it did make it, how come I still doubt Him? Once again He comes through, He is amazing and I love Him so…
Andrea Porter MT 40’s happily married.
I am sure I began to accept Christ at 8 when baptized in my Christian church. I joke that was Christ was there but it was a little like where’s Waldo? I knew I was searching just not exactly what to do or what? I was very happy and content most of the time until at 19, after avoiding and planning against sin fell into a time of which I was and am ashamed … shortly after my mother died of cancer, I was 19 and an only child… and began to turn and hold onto Jesus for dear life. I prayed with my baton twirling teacher to rededicate my life and started going to a wonderful Baptist church in our city. On the day of my mom’s funeral OSU called and asked me if I wanted to come and twirl for the band. I had tried out 2 years previously and wasn’t called and ended up in Russellville, Arkansas on a twirling scholarship. (I love the chiastic props and could show you some tricks) I went onto Oklahoma State University where I was the featured twirler and a Jesus Freak. I got it. He became the center of my life and I lived enthusiastically and sometimes very immaturely for Him. The journey continues…. My daughter talked me into giving your Bible studies a chance. When I went to the first one I said … I am not watching a video with all these live people here who could share with each other..And she said… MOTHER…GIVE IT A CHANCE! now I have done 12-13 studies, 2 conferences, Stillwater and OKC and met you last weekend in Dallas Barnes and Noble… and have learned so much.(I did want to ask you if you were doing too much, I was one that gave you the children’s book) but indeed I have so much to learn. Thanks for this community and I thank God for the family of God and His Body. Sorry this is so long.. wanted to write more… I pray He is Glorified in my life.
In September of 1979 at the age of 22, I came to know Christ as my Savior and Lord. I was taking pilot lessons and my instructor was a Christian. Through the many hours of flight instruction she told me about her faith and invited me to church. After a time I came to understand that I, even I, could have a personal relationship with God, that he knew me better than anyone and loved me in spite of it. He truly has become my everything. Oh Praise His Holy Name.
Well Beth, I’m embarrassed to admit it but until this morning Easter Sunday, I’ve been playing Church and playing Christian. I’ve even shared my faith and people have asked Jesus in their heart. But this morning after hearing the Easter story the 46th time at least I finally truly gave my heart to Christ. I dont want to be a Sunday Christian. I want to study not just read my Bible. I want to fall down on my face and worship not just play church. I need you and all the siestas to pray for me because I’m super scared of failing again. Thank you for your love for each of us and if you have any “good words” for me I’d love them.
Praise the Lord! Write down this date in the front of your Bible so when Satan tries to make you doubt your salvation you can say it out loud and tell him to get behind you. You can even write out your feelings of love for Jesus so you never forget how you felt when you truly gave your heart to Him.
Don’t be embarrassed, be so very thankful you saw the true light!
I’m rejoicing with you!
Thank you so much Pam. I cant believe how wonderful this feels! I’m still slipping but boy its easier to get back on the path now that I know that I know that i know Thanks again for your encouragement, Denise
I think I have always belonged to Jesus. I was raised in a pastor’s family by an abusively mean mom and an absent father and then sexually abused by a pastor as a teen. All in the name of God. So many times I have said to myself, “All right, that’s it. If this is Christianity I am walking away” and so many times Jesus whispered to my spirit, “That is not what I am like. This is what I am like” and He kept me. I have always been His but often from a distance and slowly He is helping me fall in love with Him. I have watched Beth and one other teacher who were crazy about Jesus and I have prayed that He would birth in my heart that same sort of love – and He is! I still struggle sometimes because so many of my concepts of God have been warped by my parents and that pastor and sometimes drawing near to God makes me cringe because He gets mixed up in my mind with those people from my past. But He is patient and holds on to me and lets me have my space when I need it and draws near when I am able to accept it and I do love Him . . .
I was age 11 alone in my room and was sick of yet another round with my mother. She was never the especially mothering type. I remember thinking that God ahd put on my heart I was his and he loved me. I had been in church throughout the years with friends and knew the basic concepts of salvation. However, I didn’t relly get the whole relationship until I was in my 20’s. God truly set me apart. I can see that when I look back at the mess I came out of…untouched….well mostly. I am dealing with the rest in So long insecurity!
The cross. It is with me every day and my life has BECOME the very fruit of this TREE…this glorious tree of life.
I met Jesus on a cool summer night in Leakey Texas at a Baptist youth camp…it had only been a month after my only brother died of an aneuryism and I was so open to know where he was living now…I was so ripe…I had so many heartfelt deep questions….the camp pastor answered those questions…one by one….and the WIND blew….and that night I told the Lord that He would have to help me to like reading the bible b/c I didn’t understand it…it made no sense to me….and that was the first miracle he gave me….I call it receiving my ‘super decoder ring’….b/c it all came into focus and MADE SENSE…it was miraculous and not only did He give me spiritual eyes to see but He gave me a understanding heart to receive….and He has been my teacher ever since.
What a walk me and the Lord have been on….
Looking back I now see that precious time as my regeneration…(for in the past I would have called that my ‘born again’ experience but I now have come to understand that it is the cross that is used to nurture the inward man and grow the seed of Christ until the old man dies and the NEW MAN comes forth).
There was a time so precious in my life where the Lord was allowing the circumstances of life (the cross) to KILL the old adamic woman within me… to such an extent where I could actually FEEL the weight of that cross on my back (literal back pain)….and this was allowed so that I might understand just a little of what my Lord went through…of truly sharing in His sufferings…where I can NOW say ‘I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me..’
The journey continues… the INWARD JOURNEY…and I now am learning TO REST…of understanding that my Father is Sovereign…that I can DO NOTHING without Him…of truly learning ‘not my will but yours be done’.
The glorious thing is that He is doing it all within me…I can’t even take credit for what I am learning…I am His workmanship and He is doing all the work.
Praise the Lord that He has taught me that I don’t have to ‘DO’ anything but just ‘BE’.
What a Saviour…What a Lord!
All praise to His most glorious name….Yahshua Ha Massiach….Jesus THE CHRIST!
My nutshell story of salvation
Where: At a vacation bible school that a childhood friend of mine invited me to; my family didn’t go to church
Attire: I remember clearly what I was wearing (grin). A black espirit top and a black, white, and red plaid skort (bless me).
When: I was 9 years old.
Who: The Spirit moved in this 9-year old’s heart with such power, in such tenderness, that I wanted to sob. I remember holding myself up by gripping the pew in front of me and placing all my weight on it.
Why: It was the first clear time I had heard the Gospel and the name of Jesus proclaimed. Unnamed feelings of self-hatred and rejection played havoc on my young thought-life. I would never be the same…praise to my Redeeming God.
This Friday, an ugly cry followed my reading of Isaiah 53 – ‘He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him…we esteemed him not.’ I never realized at age 9 how beautiful He would become to me. Come and be esteemed in my life Jesus. You are beautiful to me.
Good Friday was a busy day for us as we prepared for a Tenebrae Service Friday night, so I am just now getting to sit down and post what I wanted to say 2 days ago… I “joined the church” and was baptized when I was 9 years old, but realized years later that I had not accepted Jesus as my savior at that time. I had such unrest in my spirit well into adulthood, and really came under conviction about it. Then a sermon really struck me about my baptism being “out of order” – I had been baptized, then accepted Jesus later. I knew this was exactly what I had done. Yet, I did nothing about it and it wore on me for many more years. Little did I know that my husband had felt the same thing during the same sermon. Many times I tried to get the courage to tell him, because I thought he was so much more spiritual than I was, but I never did. During these years, we served in many leadership roles in our church, and he preached there occasionally and did pulpit supply in the area, when his work schedule permitted.
One day by chance, we’d both come home for lunch, a day when I had told myself, “this is it; I’m telling him today.” However, he told me he had to tell me something. I tried to go first, but he wouldn’t let me. Then he told me that he knew that he had been baptized before he was saved and the Holy Spirit had been prompting him to make things right and FOLLOW Him in believer’s baptism. (In our denomination, we believe that baptism doesn’t save us, only Jesus can do that, but we follow His example by being baptized in an act of obedience.) After some discussion, he asked me what I wanted to tell him which was amazingly the same thing he’d just described.
By this time we had relocated to a new city and so had the pastor who had preached that convicting sermon years before, but we were only an hour and a half apart. I thought we should drive up there some weekend and have him baptize us, but the Holy Spirit kept leading my husband another direction. A good friend of ours who knew of our decisions pastored a church close to our home. He called one Saturday morning and said that in connection with another event going on in his church, their baptistry was full if we’d like to stop by. We instantly knew this was the day. He baptized my husband and then my husband baptized me which had been my desire for years. I cannot tell you the joy and relief to be out from under the sin of disobedience.
My sister, a friend and I were playing church in a neighbors backyard. My older sister was the pastor, our friend the songleader and that left me to be the congregation. When Chris gave the invitation I came forward and asked Jesus to come into my heart. My parents were unsure about how real it was at first but couldn’t deny it when they saw the change in me and my insistence that I had given my heart to Him. Many, many years later I am so greatful to a God who would open my heart at such a young age and choose to love me in spite of all the times I would fail Him.
Hi Siestas! I’m mainly a lurker here, but am so thankful for this community. Can I ask you all to please pray for my Mom? My side of the family all lives in MO (we live in NC) and I just got a call from one of my sisters that Mom is being taken to the hospital by ambulance. She is a believer. She is only 61 but is possibly having a stroke. I’m also looking at flights to get home. Please pray for my family here (6 children, though 2 will be going back to college in the morning) and husband as I will be away. Please pray friends! Thank you so much ladies for your prayer!
God Bless!
Ronda, I’m praying that your mom is okay and that you were able to get home to see her. Please let us know how she’s doing.
Raised in Minnesota, I came from a good Lutheran family and grew up attending Sunday School and church pretty regularly. In seventh grade, all students began a three year preparation for confirmation. We learned so many good scriptures (in the form of creeds, responsive readings and hymns) that still serve me well to this day. In ninth grade, in front of the entire congregation and your closest relatives, we confirmed our faith and became a member of the church. I had such a hungry heart to live for Jesus, but had never really heard “the salvation message.” I believe I would have dedicated my life to the Lord that day if I had understood what that meant.
At the same time that I was “confirming my faith,” my older brother was walking through a rebellious faze that was very difficult for our family. About 2 years later, he found the Lord and was completely transformed before our eyes. He began to share the gospel with me and outwardly I acted like I had it all together, but inwardly, the Holy Spirit began convicting me and drawing me each and every day. When I was a freshman in college I was home for Christmas and gave my life to the Lord while visiting an evangelistic church with a friend. It was not an emotional experience, but more an acknowledgement that I needed forgiveness and a “day” where I turned my life in the direction of Jesus, to obey and follow where He would choose to lead me. He has been so faithful and loving and never let me down. I can now look back and see His gentle hand drawing me–even as a child. God is so wonderful that He sought me and never gave up.
Lindale, TX
I hope Melissa was able to go back to the church with the palm leaves if she was not able to come home. And without a headache this year! Happy Easter to all.
Well, I was about 16 yrs old when I accepted Christ into my heart..while at church camp. I am sad to say that I strayed away many times on and off over the years being that I am 40 now…but I never remember a time in my life that I did not feel Jesus with matter what wrong choices I had been making. I owe much to my parents for telling of Jesus and also my Grandma who has Dementia now. She prayed me back for years during my 20’s. Funny…my Gran remembers nothing really now…but knows her bible and sings her hymns…Happy Easter Gram…you made such a difference in my life.
I was 8 years old when I asked Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior at summer Vacation Bible School. I remember that day as well as if it were yesterday (I am now 55). I seriously thought about it the day before, but was too afraid to walk down that isle. By the next day the draw of the Savior on the heart of this child was so strong no one could have kept me out of it. My life has had many ups and downs, circumstances have come my way that I would have never thought possible, but God has been faithful through it all, and remains faithful still,
I was 14. We were having revival services at our church, the speaker was Ron Comfort. (Always thot that was a cool name for a minister!) Well, the last night of services, Mr. Comfort preached a stirring message on the death of Christ, what He went thro for me. I remember specifically the phrase “Up for air. Down because of pain!” A desciption of Christ’s agony on the cross before He died. I remember thinking how incredible it was that He suffered for me. For me!! Wow. I accepted Jesus as my Savior that night.
There have been many trials and heartaches since that night in 1975, but today I can say I’m truly Living Free in the Light of my Precious Lord! Thank you, God, for saving my soul.
I was 4 yrs old and I remember sitting on my bed asking my mom questions about what Heaven and Hell were and who went where. She answered and wanted to go to Heaven so I invited Jesus in my heart. Fast forward a few years, my parents divorced and my mom wouldn’t let me do anything and being the all knowing teenager I was I decided I wanted to live my life my way and I didn’t need her all God telling me what I needed to do. Thank goodness He didn’t turn His back on me. I made many bad decisions and hit the bottom. I was living with relatives, sent a Christian school my sophomore year and I remember my Bible teacher sitting down at lunch. He pulls out a booklet “Four Spiritual Laws” and shares with me about a personal rel. with Christ. That is when I realize God is never left me but I needed to get back into fellowship with Him. I am so thankful that teacher didn’t assume that the kids who came to Christian HS were already Christians. My husband and I work in full time ministry to college students. I give God all the glory!