Gloriously Good Friday

My Dear Siestas,

There is simply no time on the annual calendar more precious and profound to us in Christendom than this. I was reflecting a moment ago how rarely we could land on a day or a weekend that most of us were having the same kinds of thoughts. Even Christmas has our attentions strewn among many things but Good Friday, for all of us who follow hard after Jesus Christ, only one.

I told the Lord a little while ago that I supposed, if we really fathomed the depth of Christ’s sufferings and the heights of our redemption because of it, we surely would not be able to lift our faces from the floor. The reality is, we can’t comprehend it. But we can well sit and reflect. We can well glance back over our pasts just long enough to realize afresh what God did for us on Good Friday so many years ago. We can well plead for Him to break through all of our distractions and self absorptions and make Jesus the dearer to us. We can well ask that we would allow our circumstances to make us the nearer to Him.  We can well picture every challenge in our lives, every difficulty, every loss, every sickness,  every sin, every defeat, and every heartbreak as the soil beneath Christ’s Cross, left beyond choice but to move that it might be planted in the depths with a victorious thud.

“And even though you were dead in your transgressions and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, He nevertheless made you alive with Him, having forgiven ALL your transgressions. He has destroyed what was against us, a certificate of indebtedness expressed in decrees opposed to us. He has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. Disarming the rulers and authorities, He has made a public disgrace of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”  Colossians 2:13-15 NET

The power of the Cross has taken our disgrace and publically heaped it on our enemy.

I told Amanda yesterday that I could not think of a sweeter and more powerful way for us to observe Good Friday on this blog than to invite you to share your own story (in short form please) of your salvation. We have learned so much about one another through various journeys here but this will be the first time we’ve actually given our testimonies of salvation. When did you receive Christ as your personal Savior? How old were you and what were the circumstances leading up to your decision?

I cannot convey how much these testimonies will increase my appreciation of the power of the Cross this day. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

Blessed Good Friday, my dear sisters.



678 Responses to “Gloriously Good Friday”

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  1. 151
    Steph H. says:

    Kneeling on the kitchen floor with my mother at my side, I accepted Christ at the age of 5. Blessed beyond words to have been raised in a family faith. It wasn’t until my early thirties, however, that I learned what it means to be delivered from my own self-righteousness and despair. He has taught me (and I am slowly learning it) how to walk daily in the Spirit, how to lean on Him and let Him do the sanctifying. Oh how I praise His holy name, especially today as I seek to honour what He did for me so long ago. Thank You Jesus!!

  2. 152
    SCG says:

    I did not go to church until high school. My parents did not go with me. My dad taught me the Lord’s prayer as a child, but my parents did not live out faith by any means. I was surrounded by drunkenness, drug abuse, physical and emotional abuse–you name it. I half joke that any sin/crime you can think up, someone in my family has done. I always felt like an alien in my own family. I could never figure out why I was so different from my parents and why my desires to live uprightly were in such contrast to the choices and desires of my immediate and extended family. I came to Christ when I was 15. Now I know that He called me and I was set apart and protected all those years. I’m still praying that my family members will soon have their own salvation stories to share and I will wait upon the Lord for that. Praise be to Jesus for his saving grace. Hallelujah! He’s given me the peace that I never had before.

  3. 153

    I was raised in church my whole life. When I first heard about Jesus and a personal relationship with Him, I prayed the prayer of salvation. I have to admit, at that time it was more for “Fire Insurance” because I really didn’t understand the sacrifice He made for me.

    I then went through life fully aware of the Lord – and lived my life like h-e-double hockey sticks. I was not surrendered to anybody’s will but my own.

    One week my little country church in San Marcos, Texas, where I went to college had a revival. I heard this sermon: “He is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all!” That preached and I gave myself over to the Lordship of Christ Jesus. I was re-baptized then. Not that I think God ever got it wrong the first time. It is His prevening grace that goes before me all of the time. But I wanted to be fully submerged and made new.

    I went through the rest of college doing okay but still such a slave to sin and this world!!! I WANTED to be Holy and righteous, but the truth of the matter was it was an INCREDIBLE struggle for me! I walked many years with one foot in the church and with Jesus and the other living in the world and making a huge mess of things.

    Then, about 5 years ago, the Lord called my Mother home to Heaven! UGH! I so wrestled with God for a miraculous healing! I prayed HIS WORD back to Him! By HIS stripes my mom is healed. No weapon formed against her will prosper! Greater is He that is in my mom than he that is in the world! Pray! Pray! Pray!! Fast! Fast! Fast!! Stand and Believe!!! NOTHING WORKED!!!

    To my shame I told God that this relationship really wasn’t working for me and I was throwing in the towel. In my hour of darkest need, He was nowhere to be found! That night as I lay weeping in my bed, the machines that helped my mom breathe unplugged, crying out to my God in my desperation, I heard these words very loudly, clearly and distinctly:
    “Roxanne, I am God all by myself!” I have never left you nor forsaken you. I even called you on the phone.” Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of a phone call I had received earlier in the day from a long ago friend who had no idea what I was going through. Her words to me were this after I answered that call, “Roxanne, this is Linda. God told me to call you.” I never heard that. I had fresh meat to unload my stuff on and boy did I dump it on her!

    After the Holy Spirit reminded me of God’s goodness and love for me, I cried and repented and told God how terribly sorry I was for disrespecting Him and being so blinded by grief that I couldn’t see His hand at work. I asked Him to forgive me and I told Him I would never again doubt Him as long as He lendeth me breath. He is sovereign. His ways are higher. His thoughts are higher. I know that no matter what I go through or any of you go through, God knows best! He does not sit on His Heavenly Throne and say at the end of the day, “Oops! I missed that one!”

    My mom passed into His loving arms less than two hours after that conversation. I must say that my life has never been the same. I no longer walk with a foot in the world! I am completely SOLD OUT for Christ! He got my full attention through that ordeal!
    I am now in ministry for Him teaching Bible Study and being the Director of Women’s Ministry at my church. WHO WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT THAT!?!!!??!

    He is my GOD!! He is my KING!! HE IS MY LORD!!!
    My relationship with Jesus is not dependent upon anybody else’s relationship. It is called a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST for a reason.

    He is Risen! He is Alive! He is WELL ABLE!! Oh, PRAISE HIM and let us exalt His name together!!

    Happy Easter!

  4. 154
    Barb says:

    I was 4 or 5 when I asked Jesus into my heart. My Mom tells the story that she had just given my sister & I an object lesson demonstrating how Jesus blood washes away our sins , when we invite Him into our hearts. I grew up in a Baptist church. I have re-dedicated my life many times! A camp, co-counselor’s testimony opened my eyes to the power of prayer & using the name of Jesus to rebuke the enemy. As an adult, I joined the Seventh-Day Adventists for a season & raised my children that way, sticking with the biblical teachings. I have always found Easter to be a powerful time & I especially enjoy belting out the songs about Jesus rising from the grave!!! But I have been in & out of one pit after another, not understanding the life-changing power I had access to. Only in the last couple of years, have I started becoming aware of the real power of the Savior in my life. Beth, your witness has been a large impetus of that revelation – releasing grudges & opening my eyes. I have felt His arms around me. I have come to understand that He really loves me. He has pulled me out of a bottomless pit that I didn’t know I was in! I still slip, but Beth, you have given actual tools, demonstrated steps to take, doorknobs to turn, & truths to empower. Thank you for being so real & holding up Jesus, so He can draw us to Him!!!!!

  5. 155
    Crystal says:

    I was 16. I was sitting in the auditorium at my high school because friends of mine had started this thing called “United” – a group that met on Thursday mornings to worship God and pray before school started. I had no idea what was going on and only went because of my friends, but God really started to work on my heart. I was so broken, so in need of my Savior, and I finally gave Him my life because I couldn’t do it on my own anymore. I hadn’t grown up in church, my parents were divorced and I was being bounced around every other weekend with my sister for mandatory visits. I didn’t know who I could trust, was afraid to open my heart, and was so bitter and anger. I never had anyone pray a salvation prayer with me, or mentor me through my first days, weeks, months, etc. – so it wasn’t easy. I kept asking over and over again for forgiveness because I wasn’t sure I’d “done it the right way.” I didn’t know that I was supposed to even tell anyone that I had this new relationship with God! Praise God for His goodness, grace, and mercy. He put friends in my life that encouraged me and helped me to develop my relationship with Jesus. One of those friends is now my husband, and partner in ministry 🙂 God is good!

  6. 156
    Erica says:

    I am a preacher’s kid. I’m a preacher’s grandkid. I’m a preacher’s great-grandkid. And so on. Church isn’t where we go. It’s what we do. I don’t remmeber ever NOT being saved. My mom said she led me in the “sinner’s prayer” around 2 years old and would ask me “Erica, do you want the Holy Spirit?” I’m told I dutifully nodded. I never rejected the Lord. I never really rebelled the way lots of teenagers and young adults do. But I was comfortable with God. I was comfortable having him at church and even discussed at home. A lot. But not necessarily “in my back pocket.” Then I turned 21. And decided to end my very public engagement. And oh, the hurt. And then, after 20 years of knowing Jesus, I met him as MY savior. MY. SAVIOR. Not my parents’ or our congregation’s Lord. Mine. He came and swooped me up leading me in HIS path of righteousness for HIS name’s sake. Only by Him sisters, did I make it through that time. I was so hurt because I hurt someone so badly. But I needed to love HIM before I could be whole to love someone else. As soon as I gave my heart to him completely he led me to the person he was saving for me all along. I married my wonderful husband in 2005 at the age of 23 when I finally had the capacity to love him. Because my heart was finally complete. Thank you Jesus! And yes, now, I ask my 2 year old daughter aaallllll the time if she loves Jesus and wants him to live in her heart…
    **side proud mama note: at our Good Friday service today my sweet girl told lots of people that “Jesus got those boo boos on that cross because he loves us sooooo much.” Yes, baby girl. He sure does.

  7. 157
    jenn says:

    I grew up in a legalistic church and thought I knew God. Through a move from Columbus, Ohio to Coatesville, Pennsylvania, I couldn’t find a “good church” in my denominational affiliation. I was on a mission to find a few when I found 1 I liked, but then found out I was pregnant again. Knowing my grandparents were still alive and that I’d have to baptize her I just stuck around where I was. Because I was so depressed, I started working and met a woman who went to a church I constantly drove by wondering if that was the place I was supposed to go. I finally did get there and was saved that November night in 2005. That part of my journey coincided with reading Secrets of the Vine and I realized it was all a relentless pursuit by God to draw me back to Him. When I look back at the entire journey, I am floored at how the pieces of the puzzle all fit together. When I went to buy my first Bible, He lead me straight to you and David: 90 Days to A Heart Like His. Because our “histories” have more similarities than either of us would care to admit or remember, He showed me through you how drastically my life could change and be redeemed. I know you hear this all the time, but you have no idea how you have been used in my life……no idea what-so-ever.

  8. 158
    Edna says:

    I grew up going to church, but not understanding what Christ and the cross had to do with ME. In college I was exposed to these Weird People who kept asking me if I was saved, and saying that I needed to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I was all “oh, just everyone believe what they want, it’s all good” and “well, some the Bible seems a little hard to swallow”. I was involved in a campus ministry and never stopped going to church, because I always believed in God. Well, my junior year, some people from Campus Crusade for Christ (whom my friends and I had mocked) came & shared at the ministry I was involved with, and this one girl, Katie, shared C.S. Lewis famous idea that there is no middle ground with Jesus–He’s either a liar, lunatic, or Lord. Well. I had to think through that, and realized the truth of it, and did end up praying for God to come into my heart. . . it was a rocky road in that I wasn’t discipled and I had tremendous struggle over whether I had done it right or believed “enough”. It’s only in the last 5 years, through God breaking through to my hard heart somejpw, with love and regular time with Him, that I have gotten a glimpse of the wonder of my salvation and my Savior’s love. May all of us grow in that this year!

  9. 159
    Jackie D says:

    My aunt Marsha had invited me to a Palm Sunday service. Actually, she had been inviting me to a lot of things so I finally gave in to shut her up…lol. It was ten years ago this year so this Easter is very special to me. At the time I was 31 and really floundering – feeling like I wasn’t really living. That day the pastor said that God did not expect us to be perfect but would meet us where we were. It was such a relief to me. I had this idea that I had to get all my stuff together before God would accept me. The last ten years have been a rollercoaster but I know that God is with me and will never leave me. Tonight I’m taking two of my rowdy co-workers to church and I’m so excited about it. and so are they!

  10. 160
    conwaymom says:

    At the age of 33 – a major crisis came into my life. My marriage was falling apart. While I loved my husband dearly, life and all that comes with it had threatened to tear apart what little bit remained. Having attended church my whole life – I was completely lost. I knew in my heart that I was saved but was convinced my husband wasn’t. Asked every acquaintance, friend and even strangers to pray for our marriage. Little did I know that the change that had occurred in me was simply an outward one. I had never truly had an inward change of the heart. Not sure I ever understood it up to that point. All I know was that I was a rule keeper and a bit of a do and don’ter – trying to fix everyone in my life but myself.

    But God…

    Are there any greater words in the Bible? I’m sure there are – but He came to me in my broken heart and broken marriage and one Sunday morning while staying home with my sick baby girl, while watching “church” on T.V – God began to open my eyes to the beauty and wonder of a relationship. One in which my Savior had already paid my sin debt and all i had to do was accept and believe by faith. I did.

    One month later – my sweet husband who had never sat foot in a church while growing up came to know the Lord and was baptized that very day.

    Grateful doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. Utterly and completely amazed. It even goes past amazement – I love Him. He is worthy of whatever I have and I am eternally grateful that He paid a ransom for one like me. Thank you Jesus.

  11. 161
    Lori says:

    After childhood molestation,my parents divorcing,having a severly handicapped child at the age of 17, my own divorce,adultery,remarriage and being ready for a second divorce at the age of 25 I decided to try the God thing. A friend invited us to church. I got right into a Precepts Bible Study. I’ll never forget Kay Arthur telling me I was no longer a slave to sin but a slave to righteousness (Romans 6) That was 22 years ago!!! God has brought full redemption. What satan tried to use against me, God uses for me everyday as I minister to women in need. I would not change a thing in my ugly past because it made me absolutely crazy about Jesus! By the way…that handicapped child (he’s now 30) is one of the biggest blessings in our lives! He throws that head back and makes a joyful noise every Sunday morning and every Sunday morning I cry and thank God for the privilege of caring for a gift like Jeffrey!

  12. 162
    Annie says:

    On Easter day 1980 (30 years ago wow!), at 17 I first heard the gospel message and gave my life to Jesus. I was a broken, hurting, angry teenager living in a foster home when the Lord reached down to save me. My older sister who had previously gotten saved, invited me to a funky little surfer church in Laguna Beach, CA while I was on a visit to see her. I was completely overwhelmed by the Spirit of God and while weeping and counting the cost turned my life over to our wonderful Savior…How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!!!! I am still so AMAZED that He calls me HIS child!!!Praise Him!

  13. 163
    fuzzytop says:

    I wasn’t raised in a Christian home, but during High School, I started attending a Lutheran church and youth group activities with my then-boyfriend. I went through confirmation classes and thought I was a Christian. Fast-forward 9 years. As a newly wed, my husband (no, not the same guy) and I started looking for a church, and started attending First Baptist Church in Chandler, AZ. Much to my surprise, one day during the altar call I was just overwhelmed with the need to respond, and so I did. That was the day I truly accepted Christ. For me, the emotions I felt as I walked down that aisle and prayed were the deepest I have ever felt – relief, gratitude, and yet such a sense of longing.


  14. 164
    Debbie M says:

    When I was in Catholic school, I had so many questions. Where is God? What does He think about us? Is there more to this than just mass? Why do we ask Mary for something instead of going straight to the Lord?(Yeah, I got slapped by a nun for that question.) Questions were NOT a good thing back in the 70s. I can see now that God Himself placed those questions in my heart as He was drawing me to Himself.

    When I was 14, a girl asked me to church. I was so disturbed because these people were having a good time…I was not sure you were supposed to have a good time in church…isn’t that wrong? Why were people smiling while they were singing? When the pastor gave the invitation, I almost ran to the altar! Jesus set me free that day…a burden of guilt and works was lifted and my 14 year old heart had a taste of true love and I have never gotten over it.

    My relatives were not exactly thrilled…I was told by a great aunt that NO ONE in my family, not grandparents, great grandparents or great greats, had EVER been “saved”! Which, as I think about it…makes the fact that only the Lord, Himself, draws us…because never in my life had I been exposed to the offering of a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus.

    What a perfect day, Good Friday, to remember His hand on my life…and how that one walk down an aisle changed the destiny of generations…children…grandchildren…all committed to a saving and personal Christ.

  15. 165
    Kristi Walker says:

    I was saved when I was 8 years old. I truly believed, even then, that I needed Jesus. I became aware of what salvation actually meant to me on a very personal level when I was in my late teens/early twenties. I became broken and contrite in my early/mid twenties after my divorce and began to earnestly seek Him in my late twenties through the present. The more I know Him, the more I want to know. I can’t say I’ve always loved Jesus, but I can say that He’s always loved me and mean it with all my heart. I’m so grateful for His patience and absolute holiness. Only He and I know exactly where I’d be without the cross. (ok…crying!)

    My most recent moment of absolute love for Jesus (you know that feeling I’m talking about? the one where you just want to crumble at His feet and wash them with your own tears?) was just last week. I was lying in bed, with a heavy heart about something I needed to repent from. I’m talking about full-on, hard core repentance. It was just making my heart feel like lead and I couldn’t take it. So, I was picturing Him and His forgiveness. (yep, I have some kind of imagination, girls!) Forgiveness straight from Him and how He is ABLE! And ya’ll I suddenly had this frantic urge to read Psalm 51…and for the life of me I couldn’t remember what that Psalm was about!! Not ONE precious verse would flip up in my mental rolodex! And God knows good and well I’m one of THOSE people. I HAVE to know!!

    I literally jumped out of bed, scare my husband slam to pieces in the process and mumble something to him about, “I’ve got to read my Bible…right now…I’ve got to get my Bible…I’m fine…I’ll be back..” So, of course, he follows me to the kitchen where I’m reading and bawling.

    Because He lives, I can face tomorrow…because He lives!!!

  16. 166
    Michele says:

    The wordless book made it all clear to me at age 8: black page + red page = white-as-snow page. So grateful!

  17. 167
    Katherine says:

    I was a junior in highschool and just started going to church. Didn’t grow up in a christian family. Dad grew up catholic and mom grew up jewish. The youth pastor and his wife poured their lives and christ into mine and loved me as their own. I was struggling with depression, suicide thoughts and an ugly eating disorder. Long story short, God put amazing Christian people in my life who loved me. Went to a billy graham crusade and was changed forever. Now I have 5 years of recovery AND MY DAD CALLED MY SISTER THIS WEEK AND TOLD HER THAT HE BELIEVES IN JESUS NOW!!!!!!! praise thet Lord. We have been praying for my family like crazy and it is soooo good to see God’s faithfulness when he told me in the midst of my Eating disorder laying in the hospital bed that if I just hang on to Him he will show me how it will glorify him. So I did, wasn’t easy at all, the hardest thing i have ever done in my 24 years of life but ALL WORTH IT GIRLS!!! God is good! please pray for him and my mom…praying that he is able to love on her now.

  18. 168
    Judy Pauley says:

    It was Holloween night, I had just turned four, my mom and I were saying our nightly prayers. She asked me if I wanted to ask Jesus in my heart, and I did. I became aware of a relationship with Christ in my teen years, and I am still learning, and growing.

  19. 169
    Heather says:

    I accepted Christ as a teenager. I grew up in a dysfunctional, emotionally manipulative/abusive home. Though, in grace, I believe the heart behind my family’s motivations was that I would have a better life than them, I was left empty inside, looking for love in all the wrong places, pleading in prayer to God (who was unknown to me at the time) to be rescued, and daring to hope that a better life was possible and could exist. In the height of my high school perfectionism academically and athletically, I broke my leg, which broke my heart and my dreams, and God put a seed in my heart to go to church to look for answers. So, I did and I met him…not instantly…but over time through His people and His Word. And, you know what, almost immediately afterward, my mom and brother started attending church with me…a few years later, my grandparents joined us…and now a few decades later, my dad has joined in, too…isn’t God good! A better, wonderful life in Him is now mine…and has and is coming upon those I love, too!

  20. 170
    Martha Helen says:

    I remember loving God from my earliest years. My parents were believers and raised me in the things of the Lord. I vividly remember sharing Jesus with a young jewish girl in kindergarten (and getting in deep trouble for it with her parents) but my heart was full of awe and love for Him. And I remember swinging on the swingset in our yard and singing my heart out to any poor soul in the neighborhood who might listen about the Gospel. I was the kind of kid who always played out in the woods around our house, exploring and playing imaginary games of frontier woman in the wild west.. and one day I was out playing as usual and I remember just being overcome with a sense of His presence and my sinfulness. I remember kneeling behind this brush trailer we had in our driveway and confessing in tears my need for a Savior and asking Him into my heart. I was probably 8 or 10 I think. I may have received Jesus earlier when I was too young to remember, but I remember that occasion. My real walk with God didn’t begin until I was about 18 though and since then He has become more and more my everything. I have never loved Him so much as I do right now and this Good Friday is more special to me, the Gospel more real to me, and His Word more life to me than ever before. Praising Him today for His faithfulness that drew me and that has kept me!

    Asheville, NC

  21. 171
    Amanda says:

    Oh the Lord is so good to me! I am currently 29 and this all happened when I was 21. I spent my entire teenage years drinking, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes. Nasty stuff. I battled depression, tried to commit suicide, then spent a couple years in and out of the psychiatric ward because my parents didn’t know what to do with me. When I was 20, out of nowhere, I felt a strong urge to quit the drinking and drugs, then soon quit smoking, all of this cold turkey with no help. I felt like I needed to clean up my language so stopped swearing. And then in walked Jesus Christ! I went with my mom to a Christmas eve service and felt a strong urge to return and start going to church. I walked into that church by myself the week after New Years. I was an extremely shy, anxious person and never did ANYTHING new by myself but the urge to be there was so powerful. I heard all about Jesus over the next weeks and by spring I was a Christian! I gave my life to Christ by myself in my living room while reading the Bible. I dove in headfirst and have never looked back! He started cleaning me up before I even gave myself to Him and He has guided me ever since. I am now married with a sweet baby girl and no real baggage to speak of despite all I went through when I was younger. PRAISE JESUS!!!

    • 171.1
      Julie says:

      What an amazing story orchestrated by an amazing God. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    • 171.2
      Kelly says:

      Thank you so much for your story! our story could easily be my 17 year old daughter’s story. And today I needed to hear a story of hope! You gave me hope for today! God is so good! ((Her name is Holly if you have the inclination to pray for her.))

  22. 172
    Laura says:

    At 9 years old I committed to following Jesus during an invitation at a Billy Graham Crusade. 25 years later…the knowledge from my head collided with my heart and NOW I understand grace so deeply within my soul. When I got in touch with my depravity I needed a Savior.

    Beth…are you having a Seista gathering in Grand Rapids in May. I looooooooove you…my telescope to God:)

  23. 173
    Joybreaks says:

    I went to a James Robison Crusade at age 12, (back in the 70’s) and I went up to receive Christ. There was a sweet volunteer there and she had the most beautiful blue eyes that I’ve ever seen. She gave me some literature and took my name, address, etc. She sent me a letter letting me know that she is there for me during my walk with Christ. I backslid in my teens and when I was 21, I had a radical conversion in my living room, just me and Jesus. I was so lost before that night. I took my dad’s bible out of his car, (which I was borrowing) and took it into the house. I started reading somewhere in Psalms and then read out loud. (Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the Word of God) I heard myself speak the word, got down on my knees and said something like, “I don’t know anything about anything, but I know my way is not working. I yield to You.” I felt a warm oil start at my head and went down to my feet. I was so clean! I walked around the house for four days, asking God to show me a Christian that will teach me more. I remembered a young man that I dated briefly four years before, but I dropped him like a hot potato because he was a Christian and I was not. Long story longer, we were married and now we have five beautiful children. After the birth of my daughter 9 years ago, I found that letter! (remember the letter?) This lady’s name and phone number were on the letter and I thought, “Could it be?” We are talking 26 years later! She was there, and we talked for hours that day! She is 86 years old and she is one of my mentors to this day! When I met her again face to face, those beautiful blue eyes were still there. That’s my salvation experience in a nutshell. Bless you, Beth, and thanks for asking!


    • 173.1
      Joyce Watson says:

      I enjoyed reading your testimony. I lived in Mississippi when the James Robinson Crusade came through our town also. Shortly after I became a Christian I was selected to help be a counselor and got an opportunity to lead a young boy to Christ.
      Your story was really need especially since you meet up with your mentor after all those years.

  24. 174

    Thank you sweet seista mama for the post I needed to hear this today
    I recieved Jesus in Sept 2001 at 43yrs old the circumstances leading up to that were alot of depression in my life wanting to not live anymore and did not care how I could end my life at that point in my life I was seeing a christian counselor, we had a session that day and I told her I needed to have Jesus in my life. God had been persuing me for about 10 months or longer. Living a life of pure sin I started having some issues with anexity and the Lord was dealing with me. So at our counseling session she lead me to the Lord and I thank her because if it was not for the Lord dealing with me and making my heart sensitive I probably would have ended up in a world of a mess.
    As Psalm 103:4 Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion. Thank You Jesus

  25. 175

    I remember one Sunday morning, when I was 6 years old, my Mom was sick and could not go to church with us. She was in bed. I guess she would be about her early thirties. I think she must have been doing some intense studying at church, learning about God and His Word, at the time… I told her that I would pray for her to get better when I went to church that morning. I remember her telling me something to the effect, that I could pray for her, but that God could not really hear me because I didn’t have Jesus in my heart yet. (Seriously, this is a heavy duty concept for an adult to discuss, talk about freakin’ out!!! I freaked out!!!) God can’t hear me?! I can’t really talk to Him?! My little six year old mind screamed, “We gotta get this taken care of!” I took this totally seriously and went forward that Sunday morning. The Holy Spirit can help the smallest of minds comprehend such great and awesome things about God. I LOVE that about Him. Not that I totally understood at the time the whole concept of ‘not being able to commmunicate with God beacause I didn’t have a realtionship with Him, yet’, but I have seen countless children grasp onto something that even adults struggle to understand. God is so beautiful that way. He loves us. Who we are, right then. He doesn’t loves us when we’re big and have gone to school or when we get married, or when we turn a certain age or …HOW ABOUT THIS ONE?…”But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 !!

    Ok, so that’s when I first ‘met’ My Saviour, but that’s not the end. I have loved God my entire life, but I have not loved Him with all my entire life. There were quite a few years wandering and rebelling. I guess it kinda came to a head my Sophomore year in High School. God arranged many situations that brought the rest of a change about, but the first thing He did was show me how embarrassing it was for one of HIS children to live like I was. He did this using a movie. No, not one of those witnessing, proclaiming truth movies you might see at a youth group outreach, but a Hollywood movie. A movie with worldly people and worldly concepts, but one that stuck in my mind. Dead Poets Society. Have you ever seen it? I am totally NOT telling you to go watch it, (it is pretty worldly), but let me tell you what happened to me. I watched this. I related to this movie. I saw students love their teacher so much, that they risked getting kicked out of their big ‘ol private school, because they stood up for him. Stood up for what was right. Even in the face of disappointing their parents, not caring what others thought about them, and even losing their “standing” in life. God overwhelmed me. He said directly to my heart, “If those kids can stand up for that man, their teacher, the way they did, why can’t you do at the least the same for Me?” We had company that night, that we watched this movie. I lost it. Right in front of the company. I was told to leave the room. I went to the bathroom. And just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed…uncontrollably. I am sure, everyone in the living room thought I had lost it, but…I had. I was such a sorry excuse for one of His children. I was not a testimony to how awesome and powerful He was, I looked just like everyone else in the world and sometimes behaved as badly (if not worse) and talked as badly (if not worse)! How humiliating that is to realize!! What an embarrassment I must have been to my Father (heavenly Father, not to mention my earthly parents!) But God is so good. He is right there. Right after a “spanking” (shall we say) to lovingly take His child and tell them that He loves them and will help them. He resolved in me, what it meant to really love Him and to live for Him, that day. Seriously, the best example of proof, of how God drastically changed my life right then is my year books. I am not sure I’ll let you, but you should read my Sophomore year yearbook and my Junior year yearbook. Even my piers (who didn’t even know God) KNEW something drastically changed in me…they wrote that!! Praise be to God…I have never looked back!! Yep, there have been some really rough times. Times when you really feel like giving up, but God always reminds me of who I was and who I am and Who HE is!! Can’t live without Him. Can’t breathe without Him. (Can’t get outta bed without Him!) Wouldn’t have it any other way.

  26. 176
    Ann says:

    It will be 37 years ago in November that I met Jesus. I had 3 young children then. That year first my mother’s mother passed away in January. Then my Dad suddenly died in his sleep at 59 years old in March. Then my Grandma who helped raise me fell and was put into the hospital she then passed away in October. They were the only stable ones in my life which had been so upside down. When my last Grandma was in the hospital and didn’t know me, I ran into the restroom sobbing. A couple who had been her neighbors since I was born came and knocked on the door and said come with us into the chapel. The each held my hands and prayed for me. I had never heard anyone talk to Jesus like that before…and they cried with me. I started reading the Bible then. When Grandma passed away, for the first time I wasn’t traumatized by death…seeing her body etc. The next month I went to a Christian Women’s club luncheon with a friend, the speaker sang the theme from Love Story (my favorite movie at the time)…and then he spoke of God’s love. I gave my heart to Jesus that day and He changed me and has been faithful through the ups and downs of life. And Beth, thank you for having us do this today…I needed to remember God’s faithfulness and what He has done for me.

  27. 177
    Siesta OC says:

    Interesting a lot of women gave thier hearts to CHRIST – at age 7 !!!!!!!!!!!! I’m just saying!

  28. 178
    Ivy Morrison says:

    I grew up in a Baptist Church and when I was 7 years old one Sunday morning in January they were taking communion. My parents told me I was not to take communion yet – that it was for when I was saved and understood what it meant. I told them after church that day that I wanted to get saved so I could take communion with them. They talked to me for a long time and asked me a lot of questions to make sure I understood what it truly meant to do this – to accept Chist as my Saviour. They agreed I did understand and so the following week I met with the Pastor and he quickly asked me a few questions too and they all decided yes I fully understood and wanted to do this. They all led me in my prayer of salvation and on February 7th, 1993 I was baptized to confess to my whole church the decision I’d made. I have lived for Him ever since and my family has always been deeply involved in church. Now I am married and my husband and I are youth pastors at the Lone Star Cowboy Church in Montgomery Texas! And having a blast doing it!

  29. 179
    Kristi says:

    It was May 3, 1992. I was not raised in church but went to church with a group of my friends in middle school. They told me I needed to “go down front and get saved!” I did not know exactly what that meant but I did it anyway. I filled out a card and never prayed or anything but for all I knew I was saved. Well…back to 1992…I was dating a youth minister (that is a story in itself having not been raised in church) and we were having a revival at church. Our church had two services at the time. We went to the first service and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was not saved but did nothing about it at invitation time. My minister boyfriend had to go to both services so I went along with him to the second service. The Lord knows I have a hard head so he graciously gave me another chance! I sat there like a deer in headlights the whole service knowing what I had to do at the end of the service. The enemy kept telling me I could not go forward…what would all the youth that I helped lead think of me! Right as that first key hit on the piano I shot down front…got on my knees…and prayed over and over and over….save me of my sins…save me of my sins. I was baptized a week later (on Mother’s Day) and my minister boyfriend asked me to marry him on May 29th!! Happy Easter sweet Beth…Love you bunches!

  30. 180
    Jan says:

    At the age of seven, I responded to an altar call during my church’s summer Vacation Bible School. I remember walking to the front of our church basement in front of everybody. My family was a be-in-church-every-time-the-doors-are-open kind of family, so VBS wasn’t my first introduction to the gospel. In fact, my earliest memory is of my mom (now living in heaven) reading Hurlbut’s Stories of the Bible and singing hymns like Rock of Ages and In the Garden to me when I was very small. Not a dramatic testimony, but real nonetheless!

  31. 181
    pilgrim says:


    • 181.1
      jackie says:

      I too have been the woman with the past and the pain. I can so relate to your testimony! How awesome is it that God chose us?

  32. 182
    Jenny Smith says:

    I was 21 when I accepted Christ. Small Baptist church revival, bless their hearts, they didn’t quite know what to do with me. I had so much sin, very small town.

    They told me at the end to read the book of John. I went the next day to the Walden Bookstore to buy a Bible. They had so many, I picked the Rainbow Study Bible. As I drove home I decided to stop by the house of the lady who had invited me. I asked her if I had the right kind of Bible.

    She opened door and started studying the Bible with me. I was a mess, I can vividly recall once I had really blown it, and she said, “you made it longer this time”. She always pointed me to Jesus, and His word, while she showed His love and compassion in person.

    It has been 17 years this March. He has been so faithful!

  33. 183
    Lynn says:

    My family was very active in church when I was young, it was just part of me. As I grew up and matured in my faith, I had several times in the desert as I grieved the loss of my 16-yr-old brother when I was 9, and my father when I was 19. The loss of my brother shutdown my folks and we (I have two other siblings)watched my Dad slow down, contract cancer, and die over a period of 10 years. He just could not deal with the loss of his son.

    I drove myself to excel from the time I was 9 till about 40…how exhausting. Valedictorian, Engineering school (first class of females from my college), fast path in Corporate America, etc., etc. I’m amazed my husband was able to reach me as I was running as fast and as hard as I could from that dragon, GRIEF, snapping at my back. There is something about turning 40. It was 40 for me, Beth, not 50 (I’ve just started your updated Breaking Free). I was so tired, so empty inside, and I finally admitted to myself that I was NOT happy. I knew I was fighting for my life and turned to face the dragon…Hospice grief counseling, further counseling, and questioning everything about my life EXCEPT being a mother. God had given me my kids as my lifeline and to begin healing me. As I slowed down and hit rock bottom, I found myself one day in February, 1990, pacing around the house not sure what to do. I wondered if I was going insane. I finally stopped and closed myself inside a closet to try to calm myself, to no avail. As I finally turned to the Lord crying for help and admitting I could not go on by myself, I was surrounded by such a bright light that I was blinded. AMAZING PEACE filled me and I barely made it back to my bedroom before I fell asleep and slept two full days. I treasure the precious peace I feel deep in my soul and thank the Lord every day for saving me and for loving the anxious little girl inside of me so much that she is now calm. Amen

  34. 184
    Marcia says:

    When I was growing up, my family always went to church and I don’t remember a time in my childhood when I didn’t believe in Jesus. It wasn’t until high school, though, when I got involved in Young Life, that I really came to understand my relationship with Jesus on a more personal level. When I was 15, at Young Life camp, one of our YL leaders prayed with me as I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. I’ve had highs and lows in my faith journey, but God continues to pursue me and I’ve made many recommitments to Him along the way. I’ve just completed my 2nd Beth Moore study and I’m so grateful for these studies. They’ve helped me really appreciate the Bible and see how I can draw closer to God through the study of His Word – wow!! This Good Friday has a whole new meaning to me now. Thank you, Jesus!!

  35. 185
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Grew up in a Godly home. Accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was in 4th grade. Started wrestling with what it meant for Jesus to be Lord of my life halfway through college during a year long Gospel of Mark manuscript Bible study – led on my college campus by Inter-Varsity (bless their ever loving hearts!).

    Making Jesus Lord of my head and heart changed everything – it made me appreciate Him in so many new ways as my Savior — and it also opened the next season of my life wherein I really fell in love with Him as not just the Lord and Savior of my life but the Lover of my Soul.

    I’m always gripped with John 14:8-9 where Jesus and Philip have an exchange. Philip wants Jesus to show them, “the Father and that will be enough for us.” And Jesus comes back with what I think is a haunting, sad, sobering question: “Don’t you know Me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?”

    I want to make sure I have a love for Jesus that is thankful He is enough – He is more than enough for me. I always will want to know and love Him more – but He is all I need: in the interior of my head and heart. I don’t want Him to have to ask me this question. I want to be able to say to Him – “By Your grace, I know You. I know You as Savior, as Lord, as Lover, as Friend. You always have been and always will be enough for me.”

  36. 186
    Gayle Scott says:

    I was 14 and the Children of God came to Houston. One of my friends cousin had gotten involved with them and we were sent to find him. We found him (they were camped at Bear Creek Park)and he led me to the Lord.Can’t remember his name but I profoundly remember praying and asking the Holy Spirit to enter my life, and what it felt like when He did. I went home and my Mom was emptying the washing machine by the back door. She looked at me and asked what I had been doing. I told her, and she said “well, you just need to keep that to yourself.” I didn’t, and haven’t and through Young Life, BSF, your many studies, many authors, some favorite online pastors, my church and precious Christian friends it has been quite a journey…lots of valleys, a few cliffs and more than my share of mountaintops. I don’t know what I would have done for the past 42 years without Him.

  37. 187
    Sara says:

    I grew up Catholic and did not know what it was like to have a relationship with Christ. Into young adulthood I did not believe and thought that religion was something that people made up to explain everything that they could not explain (boy was I wrong!) When I was 24 years a friend of mine’s 8 year son gave me an invitation to attend his church next Sunday. I couldn’t say no to a child and that was the beginning of God going to work on me. Boy was I a goner!! Within 6 months I was attending church regularly, prayed the prayer of salvation, and was baptized. This was the beginning of the most exciting, overwhelming, glorious, and loving journey of my life…Thank the Lord it never has to end!

  38. 188
    Brenda says:

    I was raised as a pk (preacher’s kid), but I sort of took the whole Jesus thing for granted pretty much my whole life, until some friends I had grown up with and had gone to camp were talking about Jesus in a way that I didn’t relate to. I was 17, and we were making a “one way Jesus” float for a parade with a big chicken-wire hand with the index finger pointing up as was popular in the late 70’s. I began to ask them questions, which continued the entire summer. At a church conference later that summer, I finally submitted and allowed the Holy Spirit to take control of me. While I was a believer for sure as a younger girl, I truly felt alive in Christ on that evening in August of 1978. A year or so later, as a college freshman, I was blessed to be able to see Keith Green in concert both in Madison and Milwaukee and recommitted myself to live for the Lord. It has been a sweet, awesome, incredible journey ever since.

  39. 189
    Elisabeth says:

    Modesto, Ca
    late 20s

    I grew up in a church-going family with massive generational bondage. So I didn’t “get” God’s love for ME. I went to church out of legalistic duty. In 1997, I was an eigth grader who’d been totally beat up by the enemy & I was tired of life. I was hopeless & felt like a complete failure & wanted to end it all. Then at summer camp I caught a glimpse of God loving me & cried out for Jesus I’ve always known to personally infiltrate me & save me from the life I’d obtained. This started a journey of learning about God & who He REALLY is, despite what I’d been taught. It was slow & high school was harsh. I continually lived in bondage. But grew gradually just the same. At 19 yrs of age I attended a 1 yr Bible school where I realized things weren’t right & I needed help desperately. I began to cry out for help & healing & restoration. Two yrs ago at 25 yrs of age I just screamed out for healthiness so much one night I kept threw up from the passion I sought it with. The next day, someone handed me my first Beth Moore book. And it’s just been an un-believable journey and the wildest ride of getting freed-up & becoming ME. He has made ne a completely new being & I am falling more & more in love. I’m now in ministry with high schoolers & want to do it full time. I love life! It’s mind-blowing! Love u Queen Beth!
    -Princess Beth:)

  40. 190
    3GirlsMom says:

    It was 1979. I was 5. I climbed up in my dad’s lap and said, “Daddy, I want to be a Christian.” He prayed with me and I accepted Christ.
    Then I asked for a puppy. So we walked next door to my neighbor’s new litter and I picked out a puppy.
    That’s all I remember about that day.
    However, in August of 2008, my life changed when I started living the life that I had pretended to live for 31 years. I am so glad He never gave up on me. Praise Him for His faithfulness!

  41. 191
    Nikki says:

    July 15, 2007 was the day Jesus changed my life forever. Though I had grown up around church and knew about God, I didn’t personally know God. In and after college, I drifted…ran…far from God. I decided to take control of my own life. Needless to say, that flopped! I eventually became quite depressed and began drinking. I was alone, without purpose, and far from God. My cousin began inviting me to his church (nearly an hour from my apartment). I kept avoiding his invitations but somehow I felt God pursuing me. I finally gave in and went, deciding it was the “one last shot” I was willing to give (How grateful I am that God didn’t give up on me!). I walked in the door of a wonderful church…bawled my silly head off all the way through worship (hello, Holy Spirit!), and responded to a call to Christ at the end of service. I was baptized a few months later. Jesus has radically changed my life. My friends often hear me say, “Jesus does wonders.” I’m nothing like the girl I used to be…and am now a work in progress in His hands. Praise His name for His grace, mercy, and love. I am now weeks away from graduating from a two year ministry training program, am working at the same church, and am head over heels in love with our Savior. Praise His name!!!

  42. 192
    edifier1 says:

    During college, my boyfriend took me to meet his minister. Over the course of a few months, I began studying the bible with him in great detail. The Bible became relevant and applicable to my life. You see, although I had grown up in the church, I had never delved into the Word like I did then, and I had never seen how it dealt with me personally. Well, enter Jesus; I knew of Him, but I did not know Him. My friend’s minister introduced me to my Lord and Savior in such a profound way that I was affected by the encounter. On January 9, 1991, I cried all the way down into the water, and I proclaimed Jesus Christ as the Son of God and my personal Redeemer. When I came up out of the water, I knew I was new and alive for the first time. And guess what – I heard a choir of angels. Actually, I heard the pure sound of children singing, as I was baptized during a lock-in at a university church. It was beautiful!

  43. 193
    heather vanhanxleden says:

    well I was 20 years old and attending Lancaster Bible College. I had just transfered into the Spring semester and there was a missions conference. And it was awesome. I went to the stairwell of my dorm one night that week in January 1994 and the Lord literally removed my blinders! I was saved! I grew up in church always thinking I was saved…but I know at that moment this was the real deal. My life has never been the same. I get tearful just thinking of how wonderful it was-that moment in time. Praise to our wonderful Father!

  44. 194
    Sandy says:

    Beth, What a great idea for this post!

    I was 7 years old when I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart. I was passing notes in church that night. My Dad promised me a spanking when I got home. After giving me the spanking, he sat me in his lap and read to me from Romans. Then, he and I went and knelt down by my bed and I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my heart. Then, I called my pastor. I was baptized the next Sunday.
    I rededicated my life many times. I did have several good youth pastors, Sunday School teachers, and G A leaders, but I just wasn’t discipled enough. When I was in high school, I thought I wasn’t saved. I was baptized again. Later, I decided that I was actually saved when I was 7, but I just didn’t grow in my walk with Jesus. Now, I have a burden to try to help disciple others.

  45. 195
    Katie says:

    It was Good Friday of 1997 that God started working in my heart. My family had just recently started attending church and I was a Junior in high school. I remember going to a Good Friday service and leaving so broken about my sin and what Christ had borne on the cross for ME. That evening I remember at the front of the church the cross was draped in a black cloth. I came back the following Sunday morning and that cross was covered with beautiful, bright flowers and I heard of how Christ rose from the dead and if I entrusted the safe keeping of my soul to Him, I too, would be raised with Him. Hallelujah! What a Savior! It was a rough road for a while following that and I don’t think I was truly assured of my salvation until years later when I started attending a church that was preaching the gospel more clearly, but since then, as Beth would say, “It has been a wild ride.”

  46. 196
    Anne says:

    These are great stories. As a worker in our church’s children’s ministry, I’m particularly thrilled by the stories of those who came to Jesus as children.

    I accepted Jesus at church on a Sunday night at the age of five. The next day I broke out with chicken pox. It was my first clue that following Jesus wasn’t going to be a bed of roses. Looking back, I realize that there was no conviction or any particular feeling of the Spirit. I asked Jesus to be my Savior because I knew you were supposed to – that you couldn’t go to heaven otherwise. I wondered later if such a conversion “counts.” I am convinced now that it counts with God. Jesus accepts little children however they come.

    God did put me in a position later where I had to confirm that choice. I was really struggling with doubts shortly before my 18th birthday, and God brought me to a point on that day where I made a decision (as an adult) to seek God’s presence regardless of the cost. And it cost a lot. God stripped away all my personal ambitions for how I would serve Him, and quite a few illusions about my personal goodness. AND He made me wait for several years before giving me a new vision to follow. Mr. Beaver was right about the Lion; He’s not safe, but He’s good.

  47. 197
    RACHEL says:


  48. 198
    Rockin' My Freedom says:

    1979…Wow, to do the math means I’ve been a believer for 31 years. –My former brother-n-law used to tell me stories of what heaven would be like; I was about 9 at the time. They were my favorite stories. I accepted Jesus in “big church” at one of our worship evenings. 25 years later, long after his divorce from my sister, I saw him at their son’s wedding. I was in charge of driving him around and got to share with him my very fond memories of how he was the one who led me to Christ.

    Oh the memory of accepting Christ..knowing full well…He has accepted (every part of) me.


  49. 199
    Denise says:

    Raised in domestic violent home. Mom and Dad took me to church whenever the mood struck, then we would come home and they would physically fight. I was very confused about God, but had two grandmothers who loved Jesus and served Him with all their heart. Also, had some aunts and uncles who loved the Lord. At age 12, I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me when I was at my grandmother’s house, reading one of her books about a missionary, David Livingston. I was amazed at his story. Then parents divorced when I was 12, and both remarried right away. I went into rebellion and self-destruction for many years. Finally, at age 32, married with two children, a home and a good job, it seemed like things were all in place for me to be satisfied, right? No, I was empty and dead. Life had no meaning. One morning the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me in the parking lot before going into work. I told the Lord I needed Him to save me, and boy did He ever! It’s been 27 years since that day, and it’s been a wonderful journey — sometimes difficult — with Him, but I am a new creature in Christ. Oh praise the One who paid my debt, Who brings to life back from the dead! He has ransomed me, and all to Him I owe! I love you, Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus!
    (It took all three of them to save me! I am a living breathing miracle of the power of God in one mess of a life.)

  50. 200
    Heidi says:

    When I was eight years old, I journeyed with my best friend on the red, white and blue Baptist school bus that drove though our neighborhood every Sunday. Our parents didn’t accompany us. We were Catholic, but they had no trouble allowing us to go. I heard the gospel clearly presented and answered the alter call to receive this wonderful Jesus as my Savior. I proceeded to do this for the next few weeks, assuming that it just couldn’t be that easy…surely I needed to do something to earn Heaven. Although life dealt me some terrible blows and I walked head long away from God in my teen years, He never let me go! He brought me back in an instant and captured my unsaved husband to boot. I love Him passionately. Praise His Redeeming Name!!

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