So Long Insecurity Group Discussion Week Five!

Hey, Girls! You are doing such a fabulous job with your group discussion. I’ve especially loved watching you respond to one another. You really are such a tremendous and unique community of women. I’m honored to journey with you here. Let’s continue hearing from all those who have been active from the beginning but let’s also hear from more of you out there who are watching and reading but haven’t really jumped in here and participated. I promise you that when we wrap this thing up, you will be far more satisfied with the experience if you personally invested in it.

We are reaching the halfway point in our journey and have arrived at a place of utmost importance in our pursuit of wholeness. Your assignment this week is based on only one chapter of the book: CHAPTER 9. As you will soon discover, it is not a chapter you just read. It’s a chapter you actually do. A chapter you actually pray. Please take it seriously. Everything ahead of us hinges on this experience. It is placed at this point in the journey prior to the prescriptive and practical phase of the book so that the way is cleared and our dignity restored enough to move forward. It will help place us in a posture God can bless with the rich kind of confidence He wants for His people and activate the power we have within us to think and FEEL differently. That’s essentially where the remainder of the book heads.

Here are your very simple assignments this week:
1. Do (don’t just read but actually do) Chapter Nine. In your comment to this post, simply reflect back on your time with God and share anything specific that you received from it.

2. Go to last Saturday’s post (3/6/10) and look at all the verses in the comment section. You will find a wellspring! Pick five Scriptures that speak most powerfully to you right now – five that you feel like you need the most – and write them on the inside of the back cover of the book. (This should be a lot less intimidating than what I asked you to write inside the front cover at the beginning of our journey!)

And that’s it for this week! I want the prayer journey to stand by itself and clear the way for mighty works ahead. We have some of our most eye-opening moments in the second half so stay with it, Girls!

Since we only have one chapter this week, this is a great time for many of us to play catch-up!

I am packing this very moment and about to head to Toronto for our first 2010 Living Proof Live. We can’t wait to see a God-show in Canada! Come on, Canadian Sisters! We’ve got plenty of room for you!

I love all of you very much.


588 Responses to “So Long Insecurity Group Discussion Week Five!”

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  1. 101
    Casey says:

    praying for great travel for you!!

  2. 102
    Sandy says:

    Durant, Ok

    I listened to Chapter 9 while driving, but sometime in the next few days, while on Spring Break, I will spend a block of time praying that prayer that God gave to Beth's heart to write for all of us, like so many others have said. It is so awesome (and sad at the same time) how we can all feel like it's our very own prayer.

    Beth, I thought Saturday was just so amazing! Thank you so much for that post amd to all who shared verses! I will come back with my 5 favorites.

    Just have to share this, too:

    Last night was that last session at church to watch the Me, Myself and Lies video.
    As we were sharing,and heard that the leader did not have a study to begin next and all were wanting to continue meeting, and then the leader said,
    "Beth Moore has a new book.", and all of a sudden I was sharing my excitement with them, and now I will begin leading the group on March 24. I am excited!. . .Please pray for me to lead it with the security that only God can give.

    Also, Beth, you have been on my list for Thankful Thursdays and mentioned on my blog many times!
    Thank you for all you do!

  3. 103
    Valerie says:

    Dear God, I believe you! I really and honestly do. This is so amazing to me. You have promised me that you will make all my good dreams come true and more. I have the faith and the trust to give up my control entirely to You. What a profound relief. DONT STOP UNTIL YOU'VE MADE A MIRACLE OF ME!!!!!!! I love You πŸ™‚

    Portland, OR

  4. 104
    Pam says:

    I woke up last night about 4:30 and could not go back to sleep. I read the prayer chapter outload as I am the only one living here so am free to make noise at night. After reading it I went back to bed and had such a peace. I will read though it at a slower pace and write as I go.I did say outload a lot of things to God that I need to ge out some of them ugly things I'd done years and years ago. At first it was like telling your parents something bad you had done. Well I realize that God already knew all that stuff way before I ever done it even before He created me, and he made me and loves me anyway so just gave it all over to him. He already knows I don't have to be ashamed or afraid to tell Him anything. He just wants us to say it outload to Him and receive his grace and mercy and His amazing love.
    It IS good for the heart to be strengthened by grace. Hebrews 13:9
    Praise you God

    I will do the verses the rest of the week and re read the prayer as well .

    Campbellsburg, In
    Single (widow)

    I had my last chemo treatment yesterday. Yippie !!! done with that.. Will start radation in a couple weeks. I am so thankful to have God holding my right hand through this.. Looking forward to walking through this part with Him

  5. 105
    liz says:

    Atlanta, Georgia

    I got up in the middle of the night to do this prayer. All has been quiet! So many things resonated with me in this prayer. One was,"I cannot put a human in charge of my security without setting him or her up for certain failure. Help me to stop using a person as my mirror and start seeing myself as You alone see me." Wow, I didn't even realize that I was doing that until I read it. I do expect others to affirm to me that I am pretty, loved, and wanted. If others, especially my husband, don't show it I don't feel it. I know now that I must stop looking for my reflection in their mirror, but start looking at my reflection in the mirror of God's Word. This book seems to be written for me. I'm constantly amazed that there are others like me out there! I intend to live out my prayer everyday!

  6. 106
    Nancy B says:

    I did chapter nine on March 1. I spent time with the Lord in a way I haven't in a long time. It made me realize how exhausting this insecurity thing has been all my life. At 51 it is time to GIVE IT UP! God recently led me to apply for a promotion within our company and then paved the way. I start a new phase of my career on April 12 in a new office surrounded by new people after nearly 21 years in the same office! He is taking me on this new adventure and there is no place in my life for insecurity! Did I mention that I usually HATE CHANGE? Thank you Beth for writing this book — I know it is just what God wants me to be doing right now!

    Goree, TX

  7. 107
    Joy says:

    I just read chapter 9 and if I could pick one verse to describe it, it would have to be Isaiah 42:9.

    How can I make this whole thing sinks down in my heart deep enough to stick? I'm so afraid that three weeks from now I will put this on a shelf and think it was good but meant for another day.

    I'm putting my hand on my heart and not letting any words escape. Lord, please find good soil in me!

    Louisville, KY

  8. 108
    Marie says:

    I just finished my prayer and I felt that Beth said it much better than I ever could. I did stop at points and elaborate on things in an effort to make it more personal and make it my own. There were even some issues I didn't expect to find but that I truly needed to address, such as my self-centeredness. I really struggle in that area but I never really connected it to my insecurity. I hope to learn more about that. I look forward to seeing how God is going to transform my heart and show me what His intentions were when He created me. I LOVE that I have this book to help me because I want to help my daughter every step of the way on her journey. And not only her, but my boys also. I see seeds of insecurity in their little lives already. It's amazing that they could already (at ages 7 and 4) be having insecurity issues. They have a home where both parents love them, each other and the Lord. We even homeschool, so they haven't been subjected to any peer teasing (except maybe by their oldest brother). My second son does have some learning differences and I've seen lately, that it's causing him to lose confidence in himself. I do intended to keep that from taking root in his precious heart and mind.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we continue thru this book together.
    married w/children
    Marie, VA

  9. 109
    Brenda says:

    Just got my book and jumping into the study. This morning I finished chapter 5. The tears are still flowing from the last page of the chapter….I've sat in the Dr. Office with my 29 year old daughter….I've held her hand through chemotherapy…the words Melissa offered hit my soul with unstoppable emotion…He knows it's scary to be us. He really knows.
    I'm working my way through the book and hope to catch up with the group this week.
    Broken Arrow, OK

  10. 110
    Denise says:

    I plan on doing chapter 9 during nap time today. And I just have to tell you Beth, that I am speaking at our women's retreat tonight and my topic is Hope in Christ, but also I am weaving throughout my struggle with insecurity. (and my stomach is in knots by the way) Way back when I was asked to speak, I knew that this was what I was supposed to speak about…and then your book came out…Godincidence for sure! I had just finished Me Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild and am now reading your book and also doing Lysa Terkeurst's study Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study girl…God is really working on me! And don't you know this past week in Lysa's book, she says this about insecurity, " It's ok that I'm insecure if it prompts me to rely upon God more fully. When I try to live life only relying on myself, any insecurity seems like a disadvantage. But when I operate with God's love, I ask Him to show me how to use my insecurities to my advantage rather than my disadvantage. My insecurities can actually help me if I allow God to use them to make me more sensitive and discerning towards the insecurities of others." In a way that freed my from the fear of never getting rid of all of this insecurity…because I have to be somewhat insecure so I can rely on God fully…and I also must seek out others who are insecure and help them with what I am learning.

    So, thank you for your book and your encouragement. God does have a sense of humor…my biggest insecurities are about my looks and don't you know,this week I have a huge zit on my forehead, I am bloated and the new hair serum I bought yesterday has made my hair not smooth, but greasy! LOL!

    If anyone reads this, I would appreciate prayer for the women who will be at Mineral Baptist Church this evening, that hearts will be softened towards eachother as well as God…for those church faces to come off and for God to be glorified through it all!

    For such a time as this~

  11. 111
    Anonymous says:

    To reinforce the five scriptures I selected after Chapter 9, it helps me if I pick a few hymns with lyrics that parallel the chosen text, i.e., "How Firm a Foundation" and "I Know Whom I Have Believed".

    (I really have to focus to do this after yesterday's television broadcast, because I keep hearing Carlton the Elvis Impersonator singing "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" to Beth)!


  12. 112
    Beth says:

    Denise, I am praying for you! I still get nervous, too. May God reveal Himself through your precious heart!

  13. 113
    Pam Houston says:

    I closed myself up in our guest room, just me and God and SLI…and I chewed, pondered and prayed…I layed there upon the bed and reflected at every facet of life hindered by insecurity the prayer of deliverance addressed. I consider this to be the most comprehesive and life changing prayer to be said in faith believing to our God of deliverances. He's my God of deliverance! I thought I was secure until I read this book and prayed this prayer through until evey facet of insecurity was addressed and dealt with at the altar and I believe and I receive a life-changing deliverance from that stronghold that I had not recognized before. This morning in my scripts the LORD gave me this powerful word as a type of benediction: "So is my Word that goes out of My mouth. It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose whereunto I send it." Amen! So be it, LORD Jesus…(Is. 55:11) Talk about a life-changing moment, God bless you "Mama Siesta" for this important work as you partnered with the Holy Spirit and "us" on your mind and heart.

    Pam H.
    Buena Park, CA

  14. 114
    Beth says:

    Pam, I am so thankful for that last chemo treatment! May God forbid a single cancerous cell to return.

    Brenda, you tore at my heart with your words about holding your daughter's hand while she goes through her treatment. Our daughters must be about the same age. I pray that God will command all things concerning her to come back into order and wholeness and that He will reveal Himself to her as Healer. You are so loved here.

    Faithful God, we cry out to You. Heal, O Healer!

  15. 115
    Anonymous says:

    When I started reading Chapter 9 I was home alone and had the time to DO Chapter 9. I needed that time with God. I felt a release from my insecurities. I just pray that God continues to show me where I am not secure so I won't let it seep back up.


  16. 116
    Anonymous says:

    I am responding as annonamous on this assignment. I feel as if the Lord spoke to me so much through chapter 9 during the section about loss. 15 years ago I had an abortion. I am walking with the Lord now and God has chose to bless me so richly with a beautiful family. But I had never really felt as if I deserved the right to morn that loss. Yesterday when I got to that part I felt as if the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart that it was okay to morn. We had a rich time. I feel as if God is bringing healing to this part of my life. Thank you so much.

  17. 117
    Anonymous says:

    I'm new to this blog, and just had to share what happened when I came to chapter 9. I was visiting a friend out of state (and out of my time zone) and threw SLI into my suitcase at the last minute. I read a chapter every night because I wasn't quite ready to go to sleep. When I came to this chapter, I was able to cry/pray through the entire thing in a room alone with the door shut, with everyone else in the house dead asleep! No dogs, no kids, no hubby to worry about. God is so good! I was able to get to the bottom of what drives me to seek attention all of the time. I was the oldest of many, and I was expected to be responsible for my younger siblings. My mom didn't have the emotional time or energy to give me and I have spent a lifetime trying to to make up for that. WOW!

    This trip was not planned, just spur of the moment (I thought). But the real purpose was for me to start the healing process for this gaping hole in my childhood. How great is our God!!!?


  18. 118
    Cindy Childers says:

    Cindy Childers
    Newton Tony, England

    Oh Beth I just love you. Thank you for being bold in your love for Christ and persistent in your pursuit of Him… that you've dared to go to the ends of the earth and LIFE with Him to see how remarkable He is and to share what beautiful things you've learned about our Father. You are a testimony of His love and an ENCOURAGER to us girls that also live to seek His face and rest in His presence!

    1. This week two things have just dug in deep with me. The first one is something that I just can't get out of my mind from last week. You said on page 159, "We are wise to note that all people have God-given dignity even if they don't yet have eternal life through Jesus Christ." I have just had that statement tugging on my heart constantly. I think it has just about set me free! I have often struggled with this issue of "Wow, I'm saved and I'm working out my salvation daily and trying to live a life that is pleasing to our Lord and gosh, that person's not a Christian, that must be why they act so ugly or why they hurt me and others – whether they mean to or not." HOW SELF-RIGHTEOUS! As if my faith in Christ makes me any better than the lost. No, it just makes me BLESSED!!!
    But you know what, that statement, caused me to realize how wonderful, how special, how indispensable EACH person that God created is to Him. And that by in His perfect love, He created each one of us, that we too should accept with gratefulness the ability and gift and pleasure of loving everybody – both the saved and the lost.
    The second piece that really moved me this week is when you wrote (pg 172) "You (God) mean to increase the praise that comes to You because of my life." Are we the luckiest, and blessed saved people on this earth or what!?! I just love that our lives can cause ourselves and others to praise you more because of what they see you doing in our lives. Oh HALLELUJAH to that!! I love you so much LORD!

  19. 119
    simplebeauty says:

    nearly 30's

    Well first off I have to confess that I was steaming through this book like a lady who has just had a four shot latte. Beth your comments last week about just reading the book but coming up empty struck home. So I back tracked to the chapter we were on and stopped reading ahead. It has made such a difference :O)

    I can feel the almighty hand of God working in my life! I haven't laughed this hard at work or well in life in almost ten years! At first I thought just how much coffee have I been drinking lately. But then about Wednesday of this week I realized that God was moving in my life in depths I can not begin to explain. I'm not scared to just be me. I love being who he has made me to be! I'm not afraid to stand firm, I'm not afraid that people won't like me because I know God LOVES ME!! I can laugh and be giddy and enjoy this life that God has given me!

    Okay onto the homework. Well I read this chapter and on Feb 26th. I wrote the date in the book. Praise the Lord that I've come back and read it again. BECAUSE I CAN SEE THAT GOD IS ANSWERING MY PRAYERS! I was reading it just this morning before I got ready for my day. And the words I was praying were just coming to life before my eyes. The Holy Spirit was right there with me going, "see…see…see God does hear you sweet heart! He loves you and He wants to HEAL YOU!! Look at what he has already been setting you free from!"

    Thank you God!! Truly truly thank you!!

  20. 120
    Lali T says:

    These sentences from Ch. 9 made a huge impact on me: "Help me to realize that it's pointless to demand that others love me more or love me better. Real affection cannot be coerced. I cannot put a human in charge of my security without setting him or her up for certain failure. Help me to stop using a person as my mirror and start seeing myself as You alone see me." WOW! I want to be in that place of totally resting in the security that God's love is all I need. And then the love I get from people is just overflow. Seems like I remember something along those lines from "Breaking Free" the week that we studied the woman at the well. Amazing stuff.
    Beaconsfield, QC

  21. 121
    Anonymous says:

    Denise, I loved what you said about the quote from the author – about it being ok to be insecure, if you lean on God…because I have this question that keeps coming back into my mind: Is insecurity sinful? I have answered: Yes, when I am not remembering that I am who HE says I am.

  22. 122
    Christy says:

    Just in case any of you need a good laugh this morning, I thought I would share what just happened to me. (I'll post my homework later, but just had to share this.)

    Okay, so you know we've been talking about the verse that reminds us that we are clothed in strength and dignity? Well I just had a real-life application of that verse…

    My husband was leaving for an important meeting — on his way to sign the paperwork for a really exciting new job venture. I noticed him walking through the back yard, which didn't make sense. He should have already been gone. Then he came back inside and told me that his car was stuck in the mud (in our yard) and he would have to take my car instead. The only problem with that is he has quite a drive to get to this meeting, will be there most of the day, and then has to drive home. I am home with our two kids, and the car seats are in my car.

    Not wanting to be stranded all day with a stuck car and two children, I had to think fast. My husband joked, "You wanna put on your shoes and come outside and push?" He laughed.

    I thought, "What the heck." I put on my shoes, pulled up my jeans as high as I could (can't somebody please design a pair of jeans that doesn't slide down in the back???) and went outside.

    There were muddy ruts everywhere. My man was seriously stuck, ladies. He parks on an incline, which meant that if I really was going to push him, I not only had to push the weight of the car, but had to push it UPHILL. Okay, Honey, here goes nothing.

    Yall, I swear, I pushed that car out of the mud with my own hands! He got about half way out, and then put on the brakes, stopping the car, to tell me he couldn't believe I actually pushed him out of the mud. NOOOOOO! Don't stop! You'll get stuck again. I had to get him to focus, take his foot off the brake, and then I pushed again until he and his stuck car were out of the yard and onto the driveway.

    She is CLOTHED with STRENGTH and dignity. Or for the 21st century, "Honey, will you put on your shoes (clothed) and push my car out of the mud? (Strength.)

    Now that, my friends, is real-life application.
    Hope you enjoy hearing about my morning as much as I enjoyed sharing with you all.

    Much love,
    Age: 35
    Macon, GA

  23. 123
    Anonymous says:

    "Sow for yourselves righteousness,
    reap the fruit of unfailing love,
    and break up your unplowed ground;
    for it is time to seek the Lord,
    until he comes
    and showers righteousness on you."
    (Hosea 10:12)

    The Lord has showed me this morning that we must do our part so that the Lord can do his. We must break up the "unplowed ground." This means that we are responsible to prepare the soil of our hearts so that the seed that is planted might bear much fruit. The Lord is the Lord of the harvest, but he cannot produce a harvest in ground is not broken of its hardness.

    So, the questions the Lord has been asking me are, "What roots do you need to dig up? Will you break up that hard ground so that my Spirit can come in and do his work in your heart?" For me, the root sins are unbelief and pride. My insecurity comes from a root of unbelief.

    I encourage you to consider the truth that the Lord's word cannot produce fruit in ground that is not broken up and where the thorns are not removed. This is the hard work of the workmen. But if we do our part, the Lord will surely come and shower righteousness on us. He will care for us like a farmer cares for his crops. He will see to it that our needs are met. And in due time, he will bring about a harvest of righteousness and peace – far beyond anything we could ask or imagine. I don't know about you, but I think the hard work MUST be worth it!

  24. 124
    Pam says:

    Thanks Beth I am so thankful too for all the support my God has put around me. He shows up in the most amazing ways.

    Brenda, You daughter is in my prayers as well.

    Pam Houston, That verse Is. 55:11 does wonders to my heart too. I just love it. It resonated with me a few weeks ago and I just keep going back to it.I have been reading a book by Don Gossett and E.W.Kenyon called the Power of your Words and he talks about that very thing a lot in the book. A little section says
    May your confidence in the Word be strengthened to make you know "that no Word from God is void of power" or can go by default. There isn't power in all the universe to void one statement of the fact in this Word. He said "I watch over my Word to perform it" And again Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be put to shame." Your confidence is in that unbroken, living Word, and you hold fast to your confession in the face of every assault of the enemy. Amen !! So be it Lord Jesus.

    One last thing there is a young lady at work, her sister ( 19 yrs old) is getting ready to have surgery, a hysterectomy next week her name is Savanah, cancer in her uterus, there is lots of concern with some other health issues as well. I told her I would pray for her sister and ask you to join me in lifting up this young lady.,
    I love this blog
    I am a secure in the Lord Jesus Christ

    Campbellsburg, In.
    Single ( widow)

  25. 125
    Ginnie says:

    I just finished Chapter 9 and let me just say WOW, what an awesome time the Lord and I spent together this morning. Through tears I confessed my unbelief in His power and His love for me. If I only realized how valuable I am, my insatiable need for affirmation from the world would be quieted. I cannot continue to put humans in charge of my security without setting them up for certain failure. Lord, help me to stop using others as a mirror and start seeing myself as Christ sees me. Grant me the power to claim back my dignity (that I surrendered) and hang onto it through your might, your strength and your power.

  26. 126
    Tara is: says:

    I have come to a realization since DOING my homework yesterday. I've known that God has forgiven me…washed away my sins…but I waver when it comes to my husband. So afraid that one day he will become fed up with the person I was, (our relationship started off with drama to say the least!) and decide that even though he said he forgave me, he really doesn't. Then he'll leave me and I'll be alone and I'll deserve to be alone. We had a long talk last night about insecurities and my sadness over past mistakes and my fears that he will hate me one day…again he tells me he forgave me and that I need to move on and get strong. This time, I hear God telling me, "stop stewing on this. I forgive you, he forgives you and ultimately I hold your marriage. I will restore any fissures. It is my will for this marriage to last." I have been an open book with my husband, to the point of detriment, (every time I feel a twinge I confess it to him as if I need his salvation) and I have finally realized that I need to be an open book only to my Father in heaven. If I will "call" Him 10 times a day to tell him when I feel like running away from my children, crying, screaming, etc. I will A) get the forgiveness and restoration that I truly cannot get from my husband, (though he would give it to me if it were humanly possible!) and B) not stress my poor husband out with fleeting worries and feelings. My insecurities have made me a walking time bomb and my family picks up the pieces. NOT ANYMORE! God will pick up the pieces and present me new and clean to Himself and to those who love me here on earth. I have the feeling my prayer life is going to get a whole lot busier! LOL

  27. 127
    Anonymous says:

    I've been reading the book, and I have a question. What does a secure woman look like? What characteristics does she have that are different from a woman who has insecurity?


  28. 128
    Becky says:

    Brentwood TN
    What a chapter. I have to admit I'm not interest in just 'reading' this myself, I need/want to ditch insecurity for good. BUT being a perosn of fear I'm a littel shakey on this. I've never associated fear with insecurity before. daugh!
    I'm glad to learn it's God's will for me to have my dignity and security restored, so I'm cashing in on that request.
    Did my private time with God on this as suggested…was good, Not good was learning that insecurity will be on me again in my life, BUT now I have the tool to deal with it.
    BETH–doing this, I'm afraid I will be hit with even more fear and anxioty as I deal with all of this. I'm just coming off a season of mjr fear/anxioty issue I'm afraid I am asking for more here, this has me distracted. Oh I want freedom from my insecurities, I want FREEDOM period. Fear has me gripped around the throat to much to go diggin' thru the trash to get to the roots of this garbage, I'm afraid of what's back there. BUT I have confessed to the LORD these issues and the sin of fear and anxity not letting Him be bigger than my fear, for working so hard to control it, I know better than that! I must let Him control it. I had to confess and ask forgivness for my self-absorption, self-loathing, and pride, for my small faith, unbleif and not trusting the LORD. Oooach! Again,I know better than that. What in the World have I let in? SIN. The evil ones tricks…not trusing in GOD alone, unbelief, Insecurity, fear, anxioty and lack of faith. Now is that a good receipe for garbage soup or what?
    I'm so thatnkful that I have joined this blog of siestas, y'all have been very helful,lets me know I'm not alone in this battle. I'm thankful for you Beth, for being a Bible teacher that is real, and teaches me about my Jesus. Thank you sweetie.
    The Sat. of Bible verses whoa baaaaby! that was for me, I needed that soooo much, I was sitting here at my computer with pen in hand. oh that was good!
    Everybody, I'm hangin' in there with y'all.

  29. 129
    Andrea R says:

    WOW! That is the only words I have for chapter 9. What an amazing prayer. I cried so much at times I couldn't read but at the same time I kept plugging through it because I wanted to give it all to God and be set free. I've never read anything so dead on. Beth that WAS God not you, but you knew that πŸ™‚

    God has been speaking "confidence" to me in the past year but I couldn't figure out why I didn't have it anymore. I've been in a terrible pit. I kept trying to memorize scripture about having confidence but I wasn't connecting with it. Little did I know the root was insecurity and I have to deal with that first.

    I am my own worst enemy. My battle is in my mind and right before I was going to read chapter 9 last night I watched you Beth on Life Today talking about "A Beautiful Mind". Want to talk about a prompt before my reading, wow! I think I need to get my hands on that series to continue the work of de-junking my mind.

    Siestas, we can be confident without being perfect. We can live in victory, not perfection, to quote Beth. She nailed it on the head during the program when she said we need to constantly be in prayer and in His Word! God has been vigorously prompting me to do this for the past year or more, and I know he has, and I've been trying in little bits when I have time. You know the demands, a husband, 3 kids, etc. Well that's not working for me. God has confirmed this to me more times then I can count these past few weeks. I need to be armed! Thank you for the 3/6/10 post. Memorize Scripture Siestas and if you have trouble at least meditate on them! (also Beth's words, grin)

    So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
    You need to persevere so that when
    you have done the will of God,
    you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36


  30. 130
    Anonymous says:

    I spent a huge portion of my marriage trying to coerce real affection from my spouse. I've spent years trying to do or be who he wanted, instead of just being who God made me to be. NO matter what I have tried it never worked. You can't make someone love you. You can't demand their affections. I changed so much about myself I lost track of who I really am. Through this study I am finding my way back to the woman God made me to be a woman clothed in strength and dignity.


  31. 131
    momuv7 says:

    First off, I pray for a special blessing for anonymous at 9:19 am on 3/12.

    I came into Chapter 9 somewhat in a rush. Today 3/12, was my last quiet day before my college-age kids come home for Spring Break. I realized that if I needed to read aloud, I needed to get it done before they were here. (Otherwise, they may think Mom has lost it talking to herself…LOL)
    I felt rushed and feared I wouldn't feel the impact of the prayer. But God is ever-faithful. From the moment I started praying, I felt God speaking directly to me. So with tears in my eyes, God met me where I was.

    Amazing love, how can it be??
    Help me Lord, to stop using people as my mirror and start seeing myself as YOU ALONE see me.

    Trenton, OH

  32. 132
    Anonymous says:

    FROM IN SECURE to SECURE IN CHRIST!!!! At our group on Monday nights, we began with chapter one and the awareness that we are IN SECURE…and now we are becoming SECURE IN Christ. Also, in our group of 10 women, the one thing we all have in common is a desire to be SECURE IN our IDENTITY in Christ. God Bless you Beth, and thank you for the book!!

    Beth Craig

  33. 133
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Beth,
    I know you won't see this because you are in Toronto, but I saw you on Life Today talking about A Beautiful Mind.
    I am stuck. Have been forever, as long as I can remember. You are so right. Everyday, every circumstance, I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like I can't handle any more. I feel like if I don't calm down I will explode and no one will be able to put me back together again.
    I fear everything. I fear life itself. After counselling for abuse (it started when I was 3, the abuse)I was told I was living off high anxiety. High School was a nightmare. I was ugly and scared. But worse yet is the everyday NOW. Will your audio on A Beautiful Mind be available in book form? It is all I can afford.
    When I think I am getting better I am attacked again and again. I know this sounds like garble but I need the enemy to step away from me. Just cause I might die…Rebecca

  34. 134
    Anonymous says:

    40's and married

    I am thankful for the reminder that I do not need to hide ANYTHING from God, that He is the Ultimate Safe Place. He will treaat my confidences with exactly the right amount of compassion and understanding. His love for me and compassion for me never changes, no matter the yuck I find myself in. AND He is the one who is able to fix every bit of it.

  35. 135
    Lisa B says:

    To Anonymous march 11, 5:52PM

    I am praying for you right now!
    Don't you give up! The prize is
    yet to be had! You WILL receive
    freedom! The enemy will try to
    do everything to keep you from it,
    but don't you stop calling out to
    God, moment by moment. He hears
    you, and He is faithful and WILL
    finish what He has started in you.
    I've been there, done that! You post as often as you need for us
    to lift you up! God hears our cries, and He longs for us to be
    Eph 3:16-20
    I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you, My
    dear sister, with POWER through His
    Spirit in your inner being, so that
    Christ may dwell in your heart through faith. And I pray that you,
    being rooted and established in love, may have POWER, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to KNOW this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness(and freedom) of God.
    throughout ALL generations, for ever and ever! Amen!
    You hold on sister! He's got you
    covered! And don't you forget it!
    HE WILL SET YOU FREE! Live in it!
    You have His power in you!
    Love to you, siesta,

  36. 136
    Cheryl Barker says:

    Beth, I just "did" Chapter 9, and all I can say is "wow". So much of your prayer expressed exactly what I needed to express for myself, especially pg. 167 — how God knows us and all of our complexities and how I can't even figure myself out much of the time and how much I need His insight.

    As I prayed through the part on 166 about God searching the deepest recesses of my heart, I added "Lord, I don't even understand why I struggle with the things in the deepest recesses of my heart." And then I heard Him whisper, "The enemy… the enemy…"

    At another point He met me at a point of deepest need and whispered, "I love you, Cheryl."

    I'm still crying when I think of how He ministers to us and loves us, and I'm also blown away at how He gave you the words that so accurately expressed the cries of my heart. All of the prayer, of course, did not apply directly to me, but I know those parts hit the nail on the head for other women. God is amazing, and I praise Him for how He gave you these words to share with us! Thank you!!

  37. 137
    Cheryl Barker says:

    Forgot to give my info


  38. 138
    cammom477 says:

    Euless, TX

    1. Do (don't just read but actually do) Chapter Nine. In your comment to this post, simply reflect back on your time with God and share anything specific that you received from it.

    I read chapter nine awhile ago and the gifts that I have received from God have been 100 fold of what I expected. I have grown as a writer and a communicator. My spiritual life has grown and I can feel the energy around me. I have the opportunity to explore who I am and my worth. It has improved those relationships that have been serving me and have helped me end relationships that have been depriving me of God's loving energy and life. The timing of these discussions are a gift from God.

    I will be selecting my 5, but there's one I want to share: 29 Jeremiah 11

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. β€œThey are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the lord.

  39. 139
    singinginthedesert says:

    Albuquerque, NM
    Beth and LPM staff my prayers go with you as you travel and minister in Toronto. May Jesus be glorified and may His healing power infuse and empower those who attend and those who serve. I haven't yet read Chapter 9, but I will. At the same time that I am engaging in this on-line study with my fellow Siestas, I am also watching you, Beth, on Life Today with James and Betty Robison this week and going through your teaching DVD series "A Beautiful Mind". So many of the scenarios you are covering in your newest book have also been expounded on in these teachings. I highly recommend anyone who is seeking more of Jesus' loving embrace and healing power to get this series. I have so many areas of brokenness that Jesus is restoring, I didn't want to keep His restoration to myself, because we are the Body of Christ to the world, "when I am weak, then He is strong." Be en"courage"d and know He desires to give us a hope and a future, and God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND. (emphasis mine) We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS (and we will conquer the strongholds of the lies we have known and replace them with the truth of God's Holy Word!

  40. 140
    evydeb57 says:

    Roll Call

    Virginia Beach, VA

    (this is my 1st post, but have been lurking.)

  41. 141
    Anonymous says:


    Like a latent allergy that exposes itself after a physical trauma, all my insecurities were full blown after I experienced a great betrayal 4 1/2 years ago. I came to the realization today that God and I have dealt with many facets of my insecurity and He has healed many of them (i.e., perfectionsim, fear) in these past years.

    Did I peg the overarching theme as insecurity? Not until I started reading this book. When I prayed through the prayer in Chapter 9, I was able to praise God for much of the healing and setting free He has already done. Still, if there was any insecurity left, anything that I was holding to, I believe God uprooted it.

  42. 142
    Anonymous says:

    Since I write a lot on here, I decided to make a blog to share more thoughts, if anyone is interested… I see a few of you have posted yours on here, and I have been able to visit some of those and enjoy reading your stories so much!

    My blog is

    Feel free to leave your insights on there, too, if you want! πŸ™‚

  43. 143
    Lesley says:

    What a wonderful prayer time with the Lord. He is so good isn't He!!! It is amazing to me that I have never really taken my insecurities to God in prayer. I just always assumed they would be a part of me. He met me this morning and I felt lighter in my spirit today. I also looked at other women in a different light.

    Thanks Beth for inviting me into this time with my Savior.

  44. 144
    DeepSouthSiesta says:

    I have a question and am putting it at the top of my comments, hoping you'll see it. How does one "get over" or "get out of" or deal with financial insecurity? I can deal with/handle/tame/get rid of all other types of insecurities (physical, mental, emotional, etc), but just can't seem to clear the financial hurdle. Can you address this at some point?

    I did this chapter over the weekend when I carved out some blessed quiet time, and just lived in it as much as I could for several days. Tuesday, we ran errands – paying one overdue bill that we had not had money for, and still really didn't have, but had a cutoff notice, so we robbed Peter to pay Paul. I was feeling really down, and then, your words, yelled into my brain: "It is God's will for you to have your dignity and security restored."

    I immediately thanked God for that reminder, and asked Him to help me believe it.

    "Neither God nor you have anything to gain by your persistent insecurity." So true, so powerful.

    Thank you for this incredible chapter, and for the precious, powerful, life-changing prayer. I'll pray it often.

  45. 145
    Jen says:

    I started reading chapter 9 before I realized there was an assignment. When I saw what I was going to have to do (get really REAL with God) I stopped. I panicked. The book sat untouched for 4 days. I was afraid of failing. I was afraid of not being able to mean or believe everything that the words in the prayer stated. I was afraid that maybe I was the one person who couldn't be delivered from insecurity.

    Every day that went by I felt a tug at my heart to get quiet with God and do this thing. Every day I pushed it aside out of fear or insecurity. Finally, today as my daughter napped I said, "Ok, God – We are going to do this and I really need you to reveal some things to me." Well, He did. I cried and was just so encouraged by this prayer. By the way the words seemed meant just for me. I felt peaceful and safe in God's loving arms as we worked through some hard issues together. I am happy to say that God has restored my dignity!!! I am prayerful that I can hang on to it with God.


  46. 146
    Anonymous says:

    I cannot get through the entire prayer yet. Every time I start, the tears well up so much I cannot see and by the time they stop falling my eyes are nearly swollen shut. There is such a longing in my heart to be rid of my insecurity. My husband of 7 years has cheated on me with 6 different women and his addiction to pornography is still lingering. Only God can raise me out of this. I am so stuck in fear and insecurity. I want my God-given dignity back! I want my savior and Lord's love to be what matters most to me. I want to rest in the security only He can provide. Please heal me Jesus.

    South Carolina

  47. 147
    lisa says:

    well, I haven't done ch 9 yet but had such a fall out today here in my house due to my insecurity that I just want to quit. I hate the trap. I hate the damage. Horrible. Please pray guys. I know it will take quite a bit to get the chapter done.
    thanks for your lifting me up.
    Cogan Station, PA
    married in my 50s

  48. 148
    lilytaylor says:

    Welcome to Toronto Beth!
    I am so excited take part in the worship here in Toronto!! Yay! thanks for coming…We've watched your videos in women's bible studies for at least 4 yrs and now we get to be a part of the 'before and after'!! (Please don't mind our crazy hair…it's rainy this wknd and no amount of hairspray will help!)
    Lily Taylor from RAC in Toronto!

  49. 149
    amybhill says:

    Just finished praying the prayer out loud about 30 minutes ago. It is so cool because God is showing me (through this book) how far we have already come. I see so much of myself in these pages – but a lot of it is my former self/my younger self. I remember those painful times well, but God has faithfully delivered me from so many of those insecurities. So this book has, in many ways, fueled in me a deeper appreciation for God's saving work in my life, as well as greater compassion for those still in the fight against insecurity.

    My prayer consisted of much time asking God to shine lights on areas of insecurity where I still struggle, even unaware. I know of one particular area where I still struggle, and I offered that to Him as well.

    I also broke down and cried with thanksgiving for the people God has used to demonstrate His love to me. People that saw me as He sees me – even before I was able to see myself through His eyes… My husband: he really loves me. Not that he's perfect, but he treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I can't believe I ever accepted less. And you, Beth, although we've never met, I cry my eyes out every time I pray for you. You have no idea the extent to which God has used your ministry in my life. God used you to turn me from a christian into a disciple. He and I have our own private way of studying together each day (apart from your studies and your books) but there are so many times you are sitting there in our circle. I can't wait to see you get your crowns and lay them at His feet. You are living proof, and now, so am I.

    Love you and your daughters (and my siestas) <3

  50. 150
    lisa says:

    I just finished reading a bunch of the verses from March6th. I posted about an hour ago that I was so discouraged and hated the insecurity trap. I got to a post that anonymous quoted in Deut. 2:3…"you have circled this mountain here loong enough…now turn north…" heading on out of this desert land, circling around the same old stuff and heading north, outta here from insecurity to freedom!!!
    Lisa again
    from cogan Station pa
    married in my 50's

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So Long Insecurity Group Discussion Week Five!

Hey, Girls! You are doing such a fabulous job with your group discussion. I’ve especially loved watching you respond to one another. You really are such a tremendous and unique community of women. I’m honored to journey with you here. Let’s continue hearing from all those who have been active from the beginning but let’s also hear from more of you out there who are watching and reading but haven’t really jumped in here and participated. I promise you that when we wrap this thing up, you will be far more satisfied with the experience if you personally invested in it.

We are reaching the halfway point in our journey and have arrived at a place of utmost importance in our pursuit of wholeness. Your assignment this week is based on only one chapter of the book: CHAPTER 9. As you will soon discover, it is not a chapter you just read. It’s a chapter you actually do. A chapter you actually pray. Please take it seriously. Everything ahead of us hinges on this experience. It is placed at this point in the journey prior to the prescriptive and practical phase of the book so that the way is cleared and our dignity restored enough to move forward. It will help place us in a posture God can bless with the rich kind of confidence He wants for His people and activate the power we have within us to think and FEEL differently. That’s essentially where the remainder of the book heads.

Here are your very simple assignments this week:
1. Do (don’t just read but actually do) Chapter Nine. In your comment to this post, simply reflect back on your time with God and share anything specific that you received from it.

2. Go to last Saturday’s post (3/6/10) and look at all the verses in the comment section. You will find a wellspring! Pick five Scriptures that speak most powerfully to you right now – five that you feel like you need the most – and write them on the inside of the back cover of the book. (This should be a lot less intimidating than what I asked you to write inside the front cover at the beginning of our journey!)

And that’s it for this week! I want the prayer journey to stand by itself and clear the way for mighty works ahead. We have some of our most eye-opening moments in the second half so stay with it, Girls!

Since we only have one chapter this week, this is a great time for many of us to play catch-up!

I am packing this very moment and about to head to Toronto for our first 2010 Living Proof Live. We can’t wait to see a God-show in Canada! Come on, Canadian Sisters! We’ve got plenty of room for you!

I love all of you very much.


560 Responses to “So Long Insecurity Group Discussion Week Five!”

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  1. 151
    Casey says:

    praying for great travel for you!!

  2. 152
    Sandy says:

    Durant, Ok

    I listened to Chapter 9 while driving, but sometime in the next few days, while on Spring Break, I will spend a block of time praying that prayer that God gave to Beth's heart to write for all of us, like so many others have said. It is so awesome (and sad at the same time) how we can all feel like it's our very own prayer.

    Beth, I thought Saturday was just so amazing! Thank you so much for that post amd to all who shared verses! I will come back with my 5 favorites.

    Just have to share this, too:

    Last night was that last session at church to watch the Me, Myself and Lies video.
    As we were sharing,and heard that the leader did not have a study to begin next and all were wanting to continue meeting, and then the leader said,
    "Beth Moore has a new book.", and all of a sudden I was sharing my excitement with them, and now I will begin leading the group on March 24. I am excited!. . .Please pray for me to lead it with the security that only God can give.

    Also, Beth, you have been on my list for Thankful Thursdays and mentioned on my blog many times!
    Thank you for all you do!

  3. 153
    Valerie says:

    Dear God, I believe you! I really and honestly do. This is so amazing to me. You have promised me that you will make all my good dreams come true and more. I have the faith and the trust to give up my control entirely to You. What a profound relief. DONT STOP UNTIL YOU'VE MADE A MIRACLE OF ME!!!!!!! I love You πŸ™‚

    Portland, OR

  4. 154
    Pam says:

    I woke up last night about 4:30 and could not go back to sleep. I read the prayer chapter outload as I am the only one living here so am free to make noise at night. After reading it I went back to bed and had such a peace. I will read though it at a slower pace and write as I go.I did say outload a lot of things to God that I need to ge out some of them ugly things I'd done years and years ago. At first it was like telling your parents something bad you had done. Well I realize that God already knew all that stuff way before I ever done it even before He created me, and he made me and loves me anyway so just gave it all over to him. He already knows I don't have to be ashamed or afraid to tell Him anything. He just wants us to say it outload to Him and receive his grace and mercy and His amazing love.
    It IS good for the heart to be strengthened by grace. Hebrews 13:9
    Praise you God

    I will do the verses the rest of the week and re read the prayer as well .

    Campbellsburg, In
    Single (widow)

    I had my last chemo treatment yesterday. Yippie !!! done with that.. Will start radation in a couple weeks. I am so thankful to have God holding my right hand through this.. Looking forward to walking through this part with Him

  5. 155
    liz says:

    Atlanta, Georgia

    I got up in the middle of the night to do this prayer. All has been quiet! So many things resonated with me in this prayer. One was,"I cannot put a human in charge of my security without setting him or her up for certain failure. Help me to stop using a person as my mirror and start seeing myself as You alone see me." Wow, I didn't even realize that I was doing that until I read it. I do expect others to affirm to me that I am pretty, loved, and wanted. If others, especially my husband, don't show it I don't feel it. I know now that I must stop looking for my reflection in their mirror, but start looking at my reflection in the mirror of God's Word. This book seems to be written for me. I'm constantly amazed that there are others like me out there! I intend to live out my prayer everyday!

  6. 156
    Nancy B says:

    I did chapter nine on March 1. I spent time with the Lord in a way I haven't in a long time. It made me realize how exhausting this insecurity thing has been all my life. At 51 it is time to GIVE IT UP! God recently led me to apply for a promotion within our company and then paved the way. I start a new phase of my career on April 12 in a new office surrounded by new people after nearly 21 years in the same office! He is taking me on this new adventure and there is no place in my life for insecurity! Did I mention that I usually HATE CHANGE? Thank you Beth for writing this book — I know it is just what God wants me to be doing right now!

    Goree, TX

  7. 157
    Joy says:

    I just read chapter 9 and if I could pick one verse to describe it, it would have to be Isaiah 42:9.

    How can I make this whole thing sinks down in my heart deep enough to stick? I'm so afraid that three weeks from now I will put this on a shelf and think it was good but meant for another day.

    I'm putting my hand on my heart and not letting any words escape. Lord, please find good soil in me!

    Louisville, KY

  8. 158
    Marie says:

    I just finished my prayer and I felt that Beth said it much better than I ever could. I did stop at points and elaborate on things in an effort to make it more personal and make it my own. There were even some issues I didn't expect to find but that I truly needed to address, such as my self-centeredness. I really struggle in that area but I never really connected it to my insecurity. I hope to learn more about that. I look forward to seeing how God is going to transform my heart and show me what His intentions were when He created me. I LOVE that I have this book to help me because I want to help my daughter every step of the way on her journey. And not only her, but my boys also. I see seeds of insecurity in their little lives already. It's amazing that they could already (at ages 7 and 4) be having insecurity issues. They have a home where both parents love them, each other and the Lord. We even homeschool, so they haven't been subjected to any peer teasing (except maybe by their oldest brother). My second son does have some learning differences and I've seen lately, that it's causing him to lose confidence in himself. I do intended to keep that from taking root in his precious heart and mind.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we continue thru this book together.
    married w/children
    Marie, VA

  9. 159
    Brenda says:

    Just got my book and jumping into the study. This morning I finished chapter 5. The tears are still flowing from the last page of the chapter….I've sat in the Dr. Office with my 29 year old daughter….I've held her hand through chemotherapy…the words Melissa offered hit my soul with unstoppable emotion…He knows it's scary to be us. He really knows.
    I'm working my way through the book and hope to catch up with the group this week.
    Broken Arrow, OK

  10. 160
    Denise says:

    I plan on doing chapter 9 during nap time today. And I just have to tell you Beth, that I am speaking at our women's retreat tonight and my topic is Hope in Christ, but also I am weaving throughout my struggle with insecurity. (and my stomach is in knots by the way) Way back when I was asked to speak, I knew that this was what I was supposed to speak about…and then your book came out…Godincidence for sure! I had just finished Me Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild and am now reading your book and also doing Lysa Terkeurst's study Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study girl…God is really working on me! And don't you know this past week in Lysa's book, she says this about insecurity, " It's ok that I'm insecure if it prompts me to rely upon God more fully. When I try to live life only relying on myself, any insecurity seems like a disadvantage. But when I operate with God's love, I ask Him to show me how to use my insecurities to my advantage rather than my disadvantage. My insecurities can actually help me if I allow God to use them to make me more sensitive and discerning towards the insecurities of others." In a way that freed my from the fear of never getting rid of all of this insecurity…because I have to be somewhat insecure so I can rely on God fully…and I also must seek out others who are insecure and help them with what I am learning.

    So, thank you for your book and your encouragement. God does have a sense of humor…my biggest insecurities are about my looks and don't you know,this week I have a huge zit on my forehead, I am bloated and the new hair serum I bought yesterday has made my hair not smooth, but greasy! LOL!

    If anyone reads this, I would appreciate prayer for the women who will be at Mineral Baptist Church this evening, that hearts will be softened towards eachother as well as God…for those church faces to come off and for God to be glorified through it all!

    For such a time as this~

  11. 161
    Anonymous says:

    To reinforce the five scriptures I selected after Chapter 9, it helps me if I pick a few hymns with lyrics that parallel the chosen text, i.e., "How Firm a Foundation" and "I Know Whom I Have Believed".

    (I really have to focus to do this after yesterday's television broadcast, because I keep hearing Carlton the Elvis Impersonator singing "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" to Beth)!


  12. 162
    Beth says:

    Denise, I am praying for you! I still get nervous, too. May God reveal Himself through your precious heart!

  13. 163
    Pam Houston says:

    I closed myself up in our guest room, just me and God and SLI…and I chewed, pondered and prayed…I layed there upon the bed and reflected at every facet of life hindered by insecurity the prayer of deliverance addressed. I consider this to be the most comprehesive and life changing prayer to be said in faith believing to our God of deliverances. He's my God of deliverance! I thought I was secure until I read this book and prayed this prayer through until evey facet of insecurity was addressed and dealt with at the altar and I believe and I receive a life-changing deliverance from that stronghold that I had not recognized before. This morning in my scripts the LORD gave me this powerful word as a type of benediction: "So is my Word that goes out of My mouth. It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose whereunto I send it." Amen! So be it, LORD Jesus…(Is. 55:11) Talk about a life-changing moment, God bless you "Mama Siesta" for this important work as you partnered with the Holy Spirit and "us" on your mind and heart.

    Pam H.
    Buena Park, CA

  14. 164
    Beth says:

    Pam, I am so thankful for that last chemo treatment! May God forbid a single cancerous cell to return.

    Brenda, you tore at my heart with your words about holding your daughter's hand while she goes through her treatment. Our daughters must be about the same age. I pray that God will command all things concerning her to come back into order and wholeness and that He will reveal Himself to her as Healer. You are so loved here.

    Faithful God, we cry out to You. Heal, O Healer!

  15. 165
    Anonymous says:

    When I started reading Chapter 9 I was home alone and had the time to DO Chapter 9. I needed that time with God. I felt a release from my insecurities. I just pray that God continues to show me where I am not secure so I won't let it seep back up.


  16. 166
    Anonymous says:

    I am responding as annonamous on this assignment. I feel as if the Lord spoke to me so much through chapter 9 during the section about loss. 15 years ago I had an abortion. I am walking with the Lord now and God has chose to bless me so richly with a beautiful family. But I had never really felt as if I deserved the right to morn that loss. Yesterday when I got to that part I felt as if the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart that it was okay to morn. We had a rich time. I feel as if God is bringing healing to this part of my life. Thank you so much.

  17. 167
    Anonymous says:

    I'm new to this blog, and just had to share what happened when I came to chapter 9. I was visiting a friend out of state (and out of my time zone) and threw SLI into my suitcase at the last minute. I read a chapter every night because I wasn't quite ready to go to sleep. When I came to this chapter, I was able to cry/pray through the entire thing in a room alone with the door shut, with everyone else in the house dead asleep! No dogs, no kids, no hubby to worry about. God is so good! I was able to get to the bottom of what drives me to seek attention all of the time. I was the oldest of many, and I was expected to be responsible for my younger siblings. My mom didn't have the emotional time or energy to give me and I have spent a lifetime trying to to make up for that. WOW!

    This trip was not planned, just spur of the moment (I thought). But the real purpose was for me to start the healing process for this gaping hole in my childhood. How great is our God!!!?


  18. 168
    Cindy Childers says:

    Cindy Childers
    Newton Tony, England

    Oh Beth I just love you. Thank you for being bold in your love for Christ and persistent in your pursuit of Him… that you've dared to go to the ends of the earth and LIFE with Him to see how remarkable He is and to share what beautiful things you've learned about our Father. You are a testimony of His love and an ENCOURAGER to us girls that also live to seek His face and rest in His presence!

    1. This week two things have just dug in deep with me. The first one is something that I just can't get out of my mind from last week. You said on page 159, "We are wise to note that all people have God-given dignity even if they don't yet have eternal life through Jesus Christ." I have just had that statement tugging on my heart constantly. I think it has just about set me free! I have often struggled with this issue of "Wow, I'm saved and I'm working out my salvation daily and trying to live a life that is pleasing to our Lord and gosh, that person's not a Christian, that must be why they act so ugly or why they hurt me and others – whether they mean to or not." HOW SELF-RIGHTEOUS! As if my faith in Christ makes me any better than the lost. No, it just makes me BLESSED!!!
    But you know what, that statement, caused me to realize how wonderful, how special, how indispensable EACH person that God created is to Him. And that by in His perfect love, He created each one of us, that we too should accept with gratefulness the ability and gift and pleasure of loving everybody – both the saved and the lost.
    The second piece that really moved me this week is when you wrote (pg 172) "You (God) mean to increase the praise that comes to You because of my life." Are we the luckiest, and blessed saved people on this earth or what!?! I just love that our lives can cause ourselves and others to praise you more because of what they see you doing in our lives. Oh HALLELUJAH to that!! I love you so much LORD!

  19. 169
    simplebeauty says:

    nearly 30's

    Well first off I have to confess that I was steaming through this book like a lady who has just had a four shot latte. Beth your comments last week about just reading the book but coming up empty struck home. So I back tracked to the chapter we were on and stopped reading ahead. It has made such a difference :O)

    I can feel the almighty hand of God working in my life! I haven't laughed this hard at work or well in life in almost ten years! At first I thought just how much coffee have I been drinking lately. But then about Wednesday of this week I realized that God was moving in my life in depths I can not begin to explain. I'm not scared to just be me. I love being who he has made me to be! I'm not afraid to stand firm, I'm not afraid that people won't like me because I know God LOVES ME!! I can laugh and be giddy and enjoy this life that God has given me!

    Okay onto the homework. Well I read this chapter and on Feb 26th. I wrote the date in the book. Praise the Lord that I've come back and read it again. BECAUSE I CAN SEE THAT GOD IS ANSWERING MY PRAYERS! I was reading it just this morning before I got ready for my day. And the words I was praying were just coming to life before my eyes. The Holy Spirit was right there with me going, "see…see…see God does hear you sweet heart! He loves you and He wants to HEAL YOU!! Look at what he has already been setting you free from!"

    Thank you God!! Truly truly thank you!!

  20. 170
    Lali T says:

    These sentences from Ch. 9 made a huge impact on me: "Help me to realize that it's pointless to demand that others love me more or love me better. Real affection cannot be coerced. I cannot put a human in charge of my security without setting him or her up for certain failure. Help me to stop using a person as my mirror and start seeing myself as You alone see me." WOW! I want to be in that place of totally resting in the security that God's love is all I need. And then the love I get from people is just overflow. Seems like I remember something along those lines from "Breaking Free" the week that we studied the woman at the well. Amazing stuff.
    Beaconsfield, QC

  21. 171
    Anonymous says:

    Denise, I loved what you said about the quote from the author – about it being ok to be insecure, if you lean on God…because I have this question that keeps coming back into my mind: Is insecurity sinful? I have answered: Yes, when I am not remembering that I am who HE says I am.

  22. 172
    Christy says:

    Just in case any of you need a good laugh this morning, I thought I would share what just happened to me. (I'll post my homework later, but just had to share this.)

    Okay, so you know we've been talking about the verse that reminds us that we are clothed in strength and dignity? Well I just had a real-life application of that verse…

    My husband was leaving for an important meeting — on his way to sign the paperwork for a really exciting new job venture. I noticed him walking through the back yard, which didn't make sense. He should have already been gone. Then he came back inside and told me that his car was stuck in the mud (in our yard) and he would have to take my car instead. The only problem with that is he has quite a drive to get to this meeting, will be there most of the day, and then has to drive home. I am home with our two kids, and the car seats are in my car.

    Not wanting to be stranded all day with a stuck car and two children, I had to think fast. My husband joked, "You wanna put on your shoes and come outside and push?" He laughed.

    I thought, "What the heck." I put on my shoes, pulled up my jeans as high as I could (can't somebody please design a pair of jeans that doesn't slide down in the back???) and went outside.

    There were muddy ruts everywhere. My man was seriously stuck, ladies. He parks on an incline, which meant that if I really was going to push him, I not only had to push the weight of the car, but had to push it UPHILL. Okay, Honey, here goes nothing.

    Yall, I swear, I pushed that car out of the mud with my own hands! He got about half way out, and then put on the brakes, stopping the car, to tell me he couldn't believe I actually pushed him out of the mud. NOOOOOO! Don't stop! You'll get stuck again. I had to get him to focus, take his foot off the brake, and then I pushed again until he and his stuck car were out of the yard and onto the driveway.

    She is CLOTHED with STRENGTH and dignity. Or for the 21st century, "Honey, will you put on your shoes (clothed) and push my car out of the mud? (Strength.)

    Now that, my friends, is real-life application.
    Hope you enjoy hearing about my morning as much as I enjoyed sharing with you all.

    Much love,
    Age: 35
    Macon, GA

  23. 173
    Anonymous says:

    "Sow for yourselves righteousness,
    reap the fruit of unfailing love,
    and break up your unplowed ground;
    for it is time to seek the Lord,
    until he comes
    and showers righteousness on you."
    (Hosea 10:12)

    The Lord has showed me this morning that we must do our part so that the Lord can do his. We must break up the "unplowed ground." This means that we are responsible to prepare the soil of our hearts so that the seed that is planted might bear much fruit. The Lord is the Lord of the harvest, but he cannot produce a harvest in ground is not broken of its hardness.

    So, the questions the Lord has been asking me are, "What roots do you need to dig up? Will you break up that hard ground so that my Spirit can come in and do his work in your heart?" For me, the root sins are unbelief and pride. My insecurity comes from a root of unbelief.

    I encourage you to consider the truth that the Lord's word cannot produce fruit in ground that is not broken up and where the thorns are not removed. This is the hard work of the workmen. But if we do our part, the Lord will surely come and shower righteousness on us. He will care for us like a farmer cares for his crops. He will see to it that our needs are met. And in due time, he will bring about a harvest of righteousness and peace – far beyond anything we could ask or imagine. I don't know about you, but I think the hard work MUST be worth it!

  24. 174
    Pam says:

    Thanks Beth I am so thankful too for all the support my God has put around me. He shows up in the most amazing ways.

    Brenda, You daughter is in my prayers as well.

    Pam Houston, That verse Is. 55:11 does wonders to my heart too. I just love it. It resonated with me a few weeks ago and I just keep going back to it.I have been reading a book by Don Gossett and E.W.Kenyon called the Power of your Words and he talks about that very thing a lot in the book. A little section says
    May your confidence in the Word be strengthened to make you know "that no Word from God is void of power" or can go by default. There isn't power in all the universe to void one statement of the fact in this Word. He said "I watch over my Word to perform it" And again Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be put to shame." Your confidence is in that unbroken, living Word, and you hold fast to your confession in the face of every assault of the enemy. Amen !! So be it Lord Jesus.

    One last thing there is a young lady at work, her sister ( 19 yrs old) is getting ready to have surgery, a hysterectomy next week her name is Savanah, cancer in her uterus, there is lots of concern with some other health issues as well. I told her I would pray for her sister and ask you to join me in lifting up this young lady.,
    I love this blog
    I am a secure in the Lord Jesus Christ

    Campbellsburg, In.
    Single ( widow)

  25. 175
    Ginnie says:

    I just finished Chapter 9 and let me just say WOW, what an awesome time the Lord and I spent together this morning. Through tears I confessed my unbelief in His power and His love for me. If I only realized how valuable I am, my insatiable need for affirmation from the world would be quieted. I cannot continue to put humans in charge of my security without setting them up for certain failure. Lord, help me to stop using others as a mirror and start seeing myself as Christ sees me. Grant me the power to claim back my dignity (that I surrendered) and hang onto it through your might, your strength and your power.

  26. 176
    Tara is: says:

    I have come to a realization since DOING my homework yesterday. I've known that God has forgiven me…washed away my sins…but I waver when it comes to my husband. So afraid that one day he will become fed up with the person I was, (our relationship started off with drama to say the least!) and decide that even though he said he forgave me, he really doesn't. Then he'll leave me and I'll be alone and I'll deserve to be alone. We had a long talk last night about insecurities and my sadness over past mistakes and my fears that he will hate me one day…again he tells me he forgave me and that I need to move on and get strong. This time, I hear God telling me, "stop stewing on this. I forgive you, he forgives you and ultimately I hold your marriage. I will restore any fissures. It is my will for this marriage to last." I have been an open book with my husband, to the point of detriment, (every time I feel a twinge I confess it to him as if I need his salvation) and I have finally realized that I need to be an open book only to my Father in heaven. If I will "call" Him 10 times a day to tell him when I feel like running away from my children, crying, screaming, etc. I will A) get the forgiveness and restoration that I truly cannot get from my husband, (though he would give it to me if it were humanly possible!) and B) not stress my poor husband out with fleeting worries and feelings. My insecurities have made me a walking time bomb and my family picks up the pieces. NOT ANYMORE! God will pick up the pieces and present me new and clean to Himself and to those who love me here on earth. I have the feeling my prayer life is going to get a whole lot busier! LOL

  27. 177
    Anonymous says:

    I've been reading the book, and I have a question. What does a secure woman look like? What characteristics does she have that are different from a woman who has insecurity?


  28. 178
    Becky says:

    Brentwood TN
    What a chapter. I have to admit I'm not interest in just 'reading' this myself, I need/want to ditch insecurity for good. BUT being a perosn of fear I'm a littel shakey on this. I've never associated fear with insecurity before. daugh!
    I'm glad to learn it's God's will for me to have my dignity and security restored, so I'm cashing in on that request.
    Did my private time with God on this as suggested…was good, Not good was learning that insecurity will be on me again in my life, BUT now I have the tool to deal with it.
    BETH–doing this, I'm afraid I will be hit with even more fear and anxioty as I deal with all of this. I'm just coming off a season of mjr fear/anxioty issue I'm afraid I am asking for more here, this has me distracted. Oh I want freedom from my insecurities, I want FREEDOM period. Fear has me gripped around the throat to much to go diggin' thru the trash to get to the roots of this garbage, I'm afraid of what's back there. BUT I have confessed to the LORD these issues and the sin of fear and anxity not letting Him be bigger than my fear, for working so hard to control it, I know better than that! I must let Him control it. I had to confess and ask forgivness for my self-absorption, self-loathing, and pride, for my small faith, unbleif and not trusting the LORD. Oooach! Again,I know better than that. What in the World have I let in? SIN. The evil ones tricks…not trusing in GOD alone, unbelief, Insecurity, fear, anxioty and lack of faith. Now is that a good receipe for garbage soup or what?
    I'm so thatnkful that I have joined this blog of siestas, y'all have been very helful,lets me know I'm not alone in this battle. I'm thankful for you Beth, for being a Bible teacher that is real, and teaches me about my Jesus. Thank you sweetie.
    The Sat. of Bible verses whoa baaaaby! that was for me, I needed that soooo much, I was sitting here at my computer with pen in hand. oh that was good!
    Everybody, I'm hangin' in there with y'all.

  29. 179
    Andrea R says:

    WOW! That is the only words I have for chapter 9. What an amazing prayer. I cried so much at times I couldn't read but at the same time I kept plugging through it because I wanted to give it all to God and be set free. I've never read anything so dead on. Beth that WAS God not you, but you knew that πŸ™‚

    God has been speaking "confidence" to me in the past year but I couldn't figure out why I didn't have it anymore. I've been in a terrible pit. I kept trying to memorize scripture about having confidence but I wasn't connecting with it. Little did I know the root was insecurity and I have to deal with that first.

    I am my own worst enemy. My battle is in my mind and right before I was going to read chapter 9 last night I watched you Beth on Life Today talking about "A Beautiful Mind". Want to talk about a prompt before my reading, wow! I think I need to get my hands on that series to continue the work of de-junking my mind.

    Siestas, we can be confident without being perfect. We can live in victory, not perfection, to quote Beth. She nailed it on the head during the program when she said we need to constantly be in prayer and in His Word! God has been vigorously prompting me to do this for the past year or more, and I know he has, and I've been trying in little bits when I have time. You know the demands, a husband, 3 kids, etc. Well that's not working for me. God has confirmed this to me more times then I can count these past few weeks. I need to be armed! Thank you for the 3/6/10 post. Memorize Scripture Siestas and if you have trouble at least meditate on them! (also Beth's words, grin)

    So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
    You need to persevere so that when
    you have done the will of God,
    you will receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36


  30. 180
    Anonymous says:

    I spent a huge portion of my marriage trying to coerce real affection from my spouse. I've spent years trying to do or be who he wanted, instead of just being who God made me to be. NO matter what I have tried it never worked. You can't make someone love you. You can't demand their affections. I changed so much about myself I lost track of who I really am. Through this study I am finding my way back to the woman God made me to be a woman clothed in strength and dignity.


  31. 181
    momuv7 says:

    First off, I pray for a special blessing for anonymous at 9:19 am on 3/12.

    I came into Chapter 9 somewhat in a rush. Today 3/12, was my last quiet day before my college-age kids come home for Spring Break. I realized that if I needed to read aloud, I needed to get it done before they were here. (Otherwise, they may think Mom has lost it talking to herself…LOL)
    I felt rushed and feared I wouldn't feel the impact of the prayer. But God is ever-faithful. From the moment I started praying, I felt God speaking directly to me. So with tears in my eyes, God met me where I was.

    Amazing love, how can it be??
    Help me Lord, to stop using people as my mirror and start seeing myself as YOU ALONE see me.

    Trenton, OH

  32. 182
    Anonymous says:

    FROM IN SECURE to SECURE IN CHRIST!!!! At our group on Monday nights, we began with chapter one and the awareness that we are IN SECURE…and now we are becoming SECURE IN Christ. Also, in our group of 10 women, the one thing we all have in common is a desire to be SECURE IN our IDENTITY in Christ. God Bless you Beth, and thank you for the book!!

    Beth Craig

  33. 183
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Beth,
    I know you won't see this because you are in Toronto, but I saw you on Life Today talking about A Beautiful Mind.
    I am stuck. Have been forever, as long as I can remember. You are so right. Everyday, every circumstance, I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like I can't handle any more. I feel like if I don't calm down I will explode and no one will be able to put me back together again.
    I fear everything. I fear life itself. After counselling for abuse (it started when I was 3, the abuse)I was told I was living off high anxiety. High School was a nightmare. I was ugly and scared. But worse yet is the everyday NOW. Will your audio on A Beautiful Mind be available in book form? It is all I can afford.
    When I think I am getting better I am attacked again and again. I know this sounds like garble but I need the enemy to step away from me. Just cause I might die…Rebecca

  34. 184
    Anonymous says:

    40's and married

    I am thankful for the reminder that I do not need to hide ANYTHING from God, that He is the Ultimate Safe Place. He will treaat my confidences with exactly the right amount of compassion and understanding. His love for me and compassion for me never changes, no matter the yuck I find myself in. AND He is the one who is able to fix every bit of it.

  35. 185
    Lisa B says:

    To Anonymous march 11, 5:52PM

    I am praying for you right now!
    Don't you give up! The prize is
    yet to be had! You WILL receive
    freedom! The enemy will try to
    do everything to keep you from it,
    but don't you stop calling out to
    God, moment by moment. He hears
    you, and He is faithful and WILL
    finish what He has started in you.
    I've been there, done that! You post as often as you need for us
    to lift you up! God hears our cries, and He longs for us to be
    Eph 3:16-20
    I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you, My
    dear sister, with POWER through His
    Spirit in your inner being, so that
    Christ may dwell in your heart through faith. And I pray that you,
    being rooted and established in love, may have POWER, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to KNOW this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness(and freedom) of God.
    throughout ALL generations, for ever and ever! Amen!
    You hold on sister! He's got you
    covered! And don't you forget it!
    HE WILL SET YOU FREE! Live in it!
    You have His power in you!
    Love to you, siesta,

  36. 186
    Cheryl Barker says:

    Beth, I just "did" Chapter 9, and all I can say is "wow". So much of your prayer expressed exactly what I needed to express for myself, especially pg. 167 — how God knows us and all of our complexities and how I can't even figure myself out much of the time and how much I need His insight.

    As I prayed through the part on 166 about God searching the deepest recesses of my heart, I added "Lord, I don't even understand why I struggle with the things in the deepest recesses of my heart." And then I heard Him whisper, "The enemy… the enemy…"

    At another point He met me at a point of deepest need and whispered, "I love you, Cheryl."

    I'm still crying when I think of how He ministers to us and loves us, and I'm also blown away at how He gave you the words that so accurately expressed the cries of my heart. All of the prayer, of course, did not apply directly to me, but I know those parts hit the nail on the head for other women. God is amazing, and I praise Him for how He gave you these words to share with us! Thank you!!

  37. 187
    Cheryl Barker says:

    Forgot to give my info


  38. 188
    cammom477 says:

    Euless, TX

    1. Do (don't just read but actually do) Chapter Nine. In your comment to this post, simply reflect back on your time with God and share anything specific that you received from it.

    I read chapter nine awhile ago and the gifts that I have received from God have been 100 fold of what I expected. I have grown as a writer and a communicator. My spiritual life has grown and I can feel the energy around me. I have the opportunity to explore who I am and my worth. It has improved those relationships that have been serving me and have helped me end relationships that have been depriving me of God's loving energy and life. The timing of these discussions are a gift from God.

    I will be selecting my 5, but there's one I want to share: 29 Jeremiah 11

    For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. β€œThey are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the lord.

  39. 189
    singinginthedesert says:

    Albuquerque, NM
    Beth and LPM staff my prayers go with you as you travel and minister in Toronto. May Jesus be glorified and may His healing power infuse and empower those who attend and those who serve. I haven't yet read Chapter 9, but I will. At the same time that I am engaging in this on-line study with my fellow Siestas, I am also watching you, Beth, on Life Today with James and Betty Robison this week and going through your teaching DVD series "A Beautiful Mind". So many of the scenarios you are covering in your newest book have also been expounded on in these teachings. I highly recommend anyone who is seeking more of Jesus' loving embrace and healing power to get this series. I have so many areas of brokenness that Jesus is restoring, I didn't want to keep His restoration to myself, because we are the Body of Christ to the world, "when I am weak, then He is strong." Be en"courage"d and know He desires to give us a hope and a future, and God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND. (emphasis mine) We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS (and we will conquer the strongholds of the lies we have known and replace them with the truth of God's Holy Word!

  40. 190
    evydeb57 says:

    Roll Call

    Virginia Beach, VA

    (this is my 1st post, but have been lurking.)

  41. 191
    Anonymous says:


    Like a latent allergy that exposes itself after a physical trauma, all my insecurities were full blown after I experienced a great betrayal 4 1/2 years ago. I came to the realization today that God and I have dealt with many facets of my insecurity and He has healed many of them (i.e., perfectionsim, fear) in these past years.

    Did I peg the overarching theme as insecurity? Not until I started reading this book. When I prayed through the prayer in Chapter 9, I was able to praise God for much of the healing and setting free He has already done. Still, if there was any insecurity left, anything that I was holding to, I believe God uprooted it.

  42. 192
    Anonymous says:

    Since I write a lot on here, I decided to make a blog to share more thoughts, if anyone is interested… I see a few of you have posted yours on here, and I have been able to visit some of those and enjoy reading your stories so much!

    My blog is

    Feel free to leave your insights on there, too, if you want! πŸ™‚

  43. 193
    Lesley says:

    What a wonderful prayer time with the Lord. He is so good isn't He!!! It is amazing to me that I have never really taken my insecurities to God in prayer. I just always assumed they would be a part of me. He met me this morning and I felt lighter in my spirit today. I also looked at other women in a different light.

    Thanks Beth for inviting me into this time with my Savior.

  44. 194
    DeepSouthSiesta says:

    I have a question and am putting it at the top of my comments, hoping you'll see it. How does one "get over" or "get out of" or deal with financial insecurity? I can deal with/handle/tame/get rid of all other types of insecurities (physical, mental, emotional, etc), but just can't seem to clear the financial hurdle. Can you address this at some point?

    I did this chapter over the weekend when I carved out some blessed quiet time, and just lived in it as much as I could for several days. Tuesday, we ran errands – paying one overdue bill that we had not had money for, and still really didn't have, but had a cutoff notice, so we robbed Peter to pay Paul. I was feeling really down, and then, your words, yelled into my brain: "It is God's will for you to have your dignity and security restored."

    I immediately thanked God for that reminder, and asked Him to help me believe it.

    "Neither God nor you have anything to gain by your persistent insecurity." So true, so powerful.

    Thank you for this incredible chapter, and for the precious, powerful, life-changing prayer. I'll pray it often.

  45. 195
    Jen says:

    I started reading chapter 9 before I realized there was an assignment. When I saw what I was going to have to do (get really REAL with God) I stopped. I panicked. The book sat untouched for 4 days. I was afraid of failing. I was afraid of not being able to mean or believe everything that the words in the prayer stated. I was afraid that maybe I was the one person who couldn't be delivered from insecurity.

    Every day that went by I felt a tug at my heart to get quiet with God and do this thing. Every day I pushed it aside out of fear or insecurity. Finally, today as my daughter napped I said, "Ok, God – We are going to do this and I really need you to reveal some things to me." Well, He did. I cried and was just so encouraged by this prayer. By the way the words seemed meant just for me. I felt peaceful and safe in God's loving arms as we worked through some hard issues together. I am happy to say that God has restored my dignity!!! I am prayerful that I can hang on to it with God.


  46. 196
    Anonymous says:

    I cannot get through the entire prayer yet. Every time I start, the tears well up so much I cannot see and by the time they stop falling my eyes are nearly swollen shut. There is such a longing in my heart to be rid of my insecurity. My husband of 7 years has cheated on me with 6 different women and his addiction to pornography is still lingering. Only God can raise me out of this. I am so stuck in fear and insecurity. I want my God-given dignity back! I want my savior and Lord's love to be what matters most to me. I want to rest in the security only He can provide. Please heal me Jesus.

    South Carolina

  47. 197
    lisa says:

    well, I haven't done ch 9 yet but had such a fall out today here in my house due to my insecurity that I just want to quit. I hate the trap. I hate the damage. Horrible. Please pray guys. I know it will take quite a bit to get the chapter done.
    thanks for your lifting me up.
    Cogan Station, PA
    married in my 50s

  48. 198
    lilytaylor says:

    Welcome to Toronto Beth!
    I am so excited take part in the worship here in Toronto!! Yay! thanks for coming…We've watched your videos in women's bible studies for at least 4 yrs and now we get to be a part of the 'before and after'!! (Please don't mind our crazy hair…it's rainy this wknd and no amount of hairspray will help!)
    Lily Taylor from RAC in Toronto!

  49. 199
    amybhill says:

    Just finished praying the prayer out loud about 30 minutes ago. It is so cool because God is showing me (through this book) how far we have already come. I see so much of myself in these pages – but a lot of it is my former self/my younger self. I remember those painful times well, but God has faithfully delivered me from so many of those insecurities. So this book has, in many ways, fueled in me a deeper appreciation for God's saving work in my life, as well as greater compassion for those still in the fight against insecurity.

    My prayer consisted of much time asking God to shine lights on areas of insecurity where I still struggle, even unaware. I know of one particular area where I still struggle, and I offered that to Him as well.

    I also broke down and cried with thanksgiving for the people God has used to demonstrate His love to me. People that saw me as He sees me – even before I was able to see myself through His eyes… My husband: he really loves me. Not that he's perfect, but he treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I can't believe I ever accepted less. And you, Beth, although we've never met, I cry my eyes out every time I pray for you. You have no idea the extent to which God has used your ministry in my life. God used you to turn me from a christian into a disciple. He and I have our own private way of studying together each day (apart from your studies and your books) but there are so many times you are sitting there in our circle. I can't wait to see you get your crowns and lay them at His feet. You are living proof, and now, so am I.

    Love you and your daughters (and my siestas) <3

  50. 200
    lisa says:

    I just finished reading a bunch of the verses from March6th. I posted about an hour ago that I was so discouraged and hated the insecurity trap. I got to a post that anonymous quoted in Deut. 2:3…"you have circled this mountain here loong enough…now turn north…" heading on out of this desert land, circling around the same old stuff and heading north, outta here from insecurity to freedom!!!
    Lisa again
    from cogan Station pa
    married in my 50's

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