My Two Favorite Authors Together!

Ladies, I have some very cool news. My two favorite authors are joining up for a “Heart of Texas” book tour on Friday and Saturday. Would you like to guess who they are?

One is our very own Siesta Mama, who will be signing copies of So Long Insecurity. Woo hoo!

The other author is…

…Drum roll please…

Francine Rivers!

Eeeeek! Can you believe it?!?!

I screamed like a little girl when I heard the news.

Mrs. Rivers will be signing copies of Her Mother’s Hope, which just released this week.

Here are the details in case you’re interested in coming to one of the book signings.

Friday, March 19

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
1430 Lake Plaza Place
Southlake, TX 76092
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Barnes & Noble
7700 West Northwest Highway
Dallas, Texas 75225
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

Saturday, March 20

10:00 AM โ€“ 12:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
12850 Memorial Drive
Houston, Texas 77024
*You won’t need a ticket, but the B&N employee I spoke to recommended getting there when the store opens at 9 AM.

2:00 PM โ€“ 4:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
The Woodlands Mall
1201 Lake Woodlands Drive, #3008
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
*You can either get a wristband at the store in advance or call them and have one reserved in your name. (You can pick it up tomorrow or in the store on Saturday.) The wristbands will have a group number that will indicate when you get in line.

Melissa and I will be at one of the book signings in Houston. (Probably the early one.) We hope to get to meet some of you!

And finally, what’s your favorite Francine Rivers book? Mine’s the Mark of the Lion series. I wish I could read it all over again for the first time.


312 Responses to “My Two Favorite Authors Together!”

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  1. 201
    Suzanne in RI says:

    I just love all of Francine Rivers fiction. And I totally agree with FuzzyTop, I was also frustrated with "Angel" in Redeeming Love. I think Leota's Garden was my favorite.

  2. 202
    Missy says:

    Jealous!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Two of my favorite people!!! So wish I could be there!

  3. 203
    Linda in Tenn. says:

    "Redeeming Love", hands down, is my favorite Francine Rivers book. It impacted my life in such a positive way that I gifted it to friends one Christmas.

  4. 204
    Barbra says:

    Eeeekkk! I would've screamed like a little girl too! Francine Rivers is one of my all time favs! And although, God used "Redeeming Love" to restore me to Himself after a traumatic time in my life, I'd have to say that my MOST favorite is the Mark of the Lion series. Really, I love them all!! I got to hear her speak at a nearby conference center several years ago. She's got such a neat testimony. I even wrote her an email one time, telling her that I think someone ought to write a Biblical fiction account of the life of Daniel and I think she is the perfect one to do it! (I'm pretty sure I wrote that when I was doing your mom's Daniel study!) So, maybe if you think its a good idea too, you could mention the idea to Francine again for me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have fun!

    Barb in Oxford, PA

  5. 205
    Julie says:

    Oh! How I wished I lived in Texas! My two absolute favorite authors together in the same place! What a beautiful thing! I pray God blesses both of you. Thank you for allowing God to use you and bless us with your studies and stories, they have both touched my life more than you'll ever know.

  6. 206
    sylvia says:

    My favorite is the Mark of the Lion series and I have loaned my copies out several times. Hope to re-read them one day.

  7. 207
    bigsis says:

    I LOVE…LOVE…LOVED! The Mark of the Lion Series!! I have to admit that I have not read "Redeeming Love"….yet. I just picked up "A Lineage of Grace" which I have read several ladies' comments on the various stories within (ie. Rahab and Bathsheba) so I can't wait to find time to pick it up and begin!!
    Sorry that I live more than a hop, skip and a jump away or you would find me in one of those lines! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kathy in St.Louis, MO

  8. 208
    Marc and Charity says:

    Wish I'd known earlier i could have planned to go to Southlake! Oh well.

    My fav is Mark of the Lion seires. Loved it! I want to read Sin Eater as I've heard there is some Welsh history in it.

  9. 209
    Kristin says:

    Can they hop a on a plane and come to California's Central Valley?? I am even willing to pick them up at the airport! =)

    My favorite Francine Rivers is hands down, the Mark of the Lion Series as well. 'A Voice in the Wind' was my favorite. In trilogy work I always tend to love the first installments!!

  10. 210
    Kathy B says:

    Oh how we all wish we were Texans today. We'll get over it come summer ๐Ÿ™‚ Your mom is my favorite non-fiction author and Francine Rivers is my favorite fiction author. What a Team! My favorite book of all time (besides God's Word, of course) is The Last Sin Eater. I literally sobbed like a baby the first time I read it. Have purchased it more times than I can tell, because I keep giving it away. Profoundly spoke to my heart. Actually considered asking my husband for a quick ticket to Texas. Now, calm down, Kathy and quit acting like a groupie ๐Ÿ™‚
    Blessings to Texas today!

  11. 211
    Deb says:

    Deb, 50's Montezuma, NC
    Definitely "Redeeming Love" It was passed around to several ladies in the area.

  12. 212
    Beverly Parrish says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I could CRY! I am a Houstonian living in Mississippi and can NOT believe I won't be there for this! I LOVE the Mark of the Lion series! Actually, I love everything I have ever read by Francine Rivers–I think she is the finest fiction writer of our time.

  13. 213
    Missknitsalot says:

    A favorite Francine Rivers Book? Not possible. Each was my favorite for many different reasons.

    Thats like asking which was your favorite Beth Moore Bible study? Again… totally not possible. God used each and every one for different seasons of my life.

    I love both these ladies and their tremendous talent to share Gods character and his goodness through their books.

    Wish I lived in Houston!


  14. 214
    April says:

    I just got F.R.'s new book this week but haven't gotten to read it yet … I am so excited!!!! The Mark of the Lion series is my favorite – maybe fav. fiction of all… but all her books are so good!
    I wish I could be there!

  15. 215
    Lynn says:

    "Redemming Love" is my favorite. I haven't read "The Mark of the Lion", I will try that next.
    Have Fun.

  16. 216
    Amanda J says:

    Mark of the Lion was literally faith changing for me….she is THE BEST!!!

  17. 217
    Delta Dawn says:

    So hard to choose between "Redeeming Love" and "The Last Sin Eater."

    What a blessing those two are!

  18. 218
    Rachael says:

    That is very exciting! I'm beginning to wish I lived in Texas instead of Ohio! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Francine Rivers. The 'Mark of the Lion' trilogy is my absolute favorite. Once I read those books, I find myself constantly comparing all other books I read to them!!

  19. 219
    Mimeriffic Girl says:

    I just came from the book signing at the B & N in Southlake, TX! It was so precious! It was truly eye-opening to say that Ms. Beth really looked at people & saw them, not just past them among the crowd of people there – I didn't expect that! There truly was a genuine sense of her joy in being there, her love for people, and her burning commitment to Him. One really precious moment was when Beth stopped to hug a friend in the signing line, and then stooped down to hug the cutest little girl with a full bag of potatoe chips in one hand, & her arm around Beth with the other.
    That's called having your cake & eating too, knowing that pie is on the way! I was so blessed to meet Beth today after all the years of doing her Bible Studies, watching Life Today, and listening to the radio program when it was airing. available. As another lady in line said today, "I met Beth, and we've made a coffee date for when we get to Heaven to chat, and hang out with our God!" Count me in sister!

  20. 220
    Sheryl says:

    Definitely my two favorite authors. Can't be there, but I'd love to.
    My favorite Francine Rivers book is definitely "Redeeming Love"!!!
    Pray that I allow God to love people through me like He required and equipped Hosea to love. 'Cause if it wasn't for the Lord's love to me I'd be a broken mess.

  21. 221
    BillsGirl says:

    Hallejues! Hallejues! A new Francine Rivers book… My favorite is "Redeeming Love." I couldn't put it down. At the time I read it my girlfriends and I had cast it for a movie. I've changed my leading actors now, tho… I now propose Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin for the leads.

    Very exciting that these two wonderful ladies will be together. Bummed that I live all the way up in MSP.

  22. 222
    Faran says:

    Hands down Redeeming Love. I cried like a baby because I felt like Angel. I had just started a season of understanding Jesus' deep love for me and really feeling it for the first time. This book put powerful words and emotions to what Jesus had already started in my heart.

    Wish I was in Texas for the book signings!

  23. 223
    The Bucks; Joey, Katy, and Hayden says:

    Mine is "Redeeming Love." I wasn't a big ready but I challenged myself to read that book. I did and ever since then I love reading!!!

  24. 224
    Sandy says:

    I LOVED the Mark of the Lion Series and Redeeming Love. I too, wish that I could read them over for the first time. I have bought Redeeming Love and given it to a few friends.

  25. 225
    Maggie says:

    Isn't it wonderful how God uses both Beth and Francine to minister to women through their writing? Different genres but the same message of the redemptive love of Christ. Powerful women, powerful stories.

    So glad you posted this, Amanda!

  26. 226
    Anonymous says:

    Redeeming Love!

  27. 227
    Constance says:

    Thank you for the heads up! I got to meet Siesta Mama this morning at Southlake. Ever gracious, I thought I was going to squeal when she gave me a hug!

    Connie Hopkins (denim duster and pink paisley shirt)
    Denton Texas

  28. 228
    Constance says:

    Mimeriffic girl! I was standing right behind that darlin little girl you talked about! What aprecious moment!
    Connie Hopkins
    Denton texas

  29. 229
    Anonymous says:

    Redeeming Love. I have never heard of Mark of the Lion. I really need to get out more…


    Mpls, MN

  30. 230
    Anonymous says:

    "Mark of the Lion" series DEFINATELY. I so relate to your comment about wishing you could read them all again "for the first time." As I was reading, I'd find myself praying for a heart like Hadasah's ๐Ÿ™‚ "Redeeming Love" would have to be next. That book made its rounds to almost all the women in my life.

    Won't be able to make the book signing – rats! I'll be out of town.

    love you guys,
    Deer Park, TX

  31. 231
    ForHisGlory says:

    Hello sweet living proof peeps, I had a tough day! I was supposed to get up to the B&N with my kids to see ya and do the signing thing, but kid issues have kept me from the fun! I just want you to know how much I love you guys! I also thought some JD Chippery Sugar cookies would have been a fun treat, but alas….life happened! I hope your day was wonderful and you got some one on one time with some amazing people that encouraged you and anyone you were with!

    Tiffany Morse

  32. 232
    cara joy says:

    My two very favorite authors too!! How exciting!! I've been waiting and waiting for Francine to come out with a new book.

    I can't decide between the two, Redeeming Love and the Mark of the Lion Series are my top two novels ever. I bawled the first time I read Redeeming Love and of course at the end of Echo in the Darkness. Hadassah IS so inspiring, how real and humble she is, her amazing obdedience. I want to be like her! I want to go reread these books right now! How I could sense God's Presence and character between the lines on the pages of each book..AMAZING. God used her writing, along with Beth's to touch so many.

    Hope everyone has a blast! And Beth, I'll pray your hand, I can imagine mine would want to break off after signing so much! I don't know how you do it!


  33. 233
    Anonymous says:

    Aaahhh that will be sooo fun for you and Melissa. Enjoy honey. I have had 2 books signed by authours I truly love, your momma being one of them.
    I am an author myself, and believe me, It is fun to not only do a book signing, but to have one signed by the author.
    Have fun with your sister.

  34. 234
    robin says:

    Mark of the Lion Series for sure!!!


  35. 235
    partialemptynester says:

    I just arrived home from meeting Beth and Francine Rivers at B&N! Too fun! I hope they are having as much fun hanging out together as the rest of us had hanging out in line…so many siestas in one room, it was like some kind of reunion, seriously! All of us sharing which Francine Rivers books are our favorites, which Beth Moore Bible studies have been our favorites…all too, too fun! The rule was supposed to be that we could not walk around to the back of the table to take pictures with Beth…well, that precious Beth came around to our side of the table to take pictures with us! Love that sweet sister!!! She is even more precious in person than she is on tape, if you can even imagine that being possible! One siesta in line said that she just wanted to pick Beth up and give her a great, big hug! Sweet sentiment, but I'm so glad she was able to restrain herself! Can't wait to give out one of my signed copies of SLI and Her Mother's Hope as a 1st prize at pokeeno Tuesday night, the girls are going to squeal in delight!!

  36. 236
    Sarah says:

    I wanted to tell everyone reading SLI that there is a great podcast of Christy Nockels speaking at Breakaway Ministries in College Station. The audience was college age women, but I'm not in that catagory and it was water for my soul. I recommend anyone listen to it and especially those reading SLI.

    You can find it on iTunes>podcasts>Breakaway Ministires>Women's Breakaway. It's from Feb. 2007…so good AND it's FREEEE. And there is even a shout-out to Siesta Mama on it!

    God is on the throne! I am (you are) precious! I am (you are) not my own! I (You) have fullness in Christ! I am (You were) created by Him and for Him! I look to a God and receive from a God who is MORE than enough for me!!!!!!!!!!

    That sounds like so much fun! I can't make it…I live too far away…and, the inside of my book is covered with what I am expecting God to do…Beth that was such a cool challenge!

  37. 237
    Christine Murray says:

    My sister in law has been telling me for 2 years to read Redeeming Love. I haven't read any of Mrs. Rivers' books yet, but I plan to go out tomorrow and buy Redeeming Love to start with. From what everyone's saying, I expect to be "hooked." -and I'm looking forward to it!!!

  38. 238
    Christine Murray says:

    And thanks, Sarah, for the podcast info! I intend to do download it tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. 239
    Tammy says:

    I started with The Mark of the Lion Series and loved her writing so much, I had to read her other books too, Redeeming Love, and Scarlet Thread were excellent reads also! I will be reading her newest soon!!!

    I am planning on going to the simulcast on April 24th of your mom on So Long Insecurities…Can't Wait!!!

    Blessings to you Terrific Texas Ladies

    Tammy, in SD

  40. 240
    KaTie says:

    Just got to meet Beth and Francine at B&N in Dallas! What a treat! Beth looks so good even in person! I thought she just had good lighting and makeup and that is why she looks so good on TV but no, that's what she looks like in real life too! Beth was such a pro! And a real trooper. That was a LOT of people to give such personal attention to. Great job! It was a delightful experience.

  41. 241
    Karey says:

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! My daughter and I feel so blessed to be so close to the Woodlands location… we can't wait to be there!

  42. 242
    Tepi Warrior Princess says:

    Dear Siestas,
    It has been quite a while since I have been on. On March 1, God blessed us with the birth of our baby girl, Alicia Charis.She is perfect and the most beautiful person I have ever seen!I just wanted to ask you prayer warriors for prayers for our family. Please pray for our adjustment, our breastfeeding, and that the Holy Spirit will guide us in all things as we raise this little girl. Today I am feeling very weary and worn. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
    Abilene, TX

  43. 243
    Emmy says:

    Redeeming Love and The Atonement Child

    I haven't read The Mark of the Lion series… maybe I should go get it tonight! : )

  44. 244
    Julie says:

    Loved Mark of the Lion too!! If you love those you would also love The Chronicles of the Kings series by Lynn Austin!

  45. 245
    Georgia's blog says:

    Redeeming Love my ALLTIME favorite!!!

  46. 246
    Sandra says:

    I knew I didn't type the title right. Redeeming Love is the one I love. I knew it had something to do with love! That is my menopausal mind speaking! Forgive me. I will have to read the Mark of the Lion series now.
    Sandra Kearns

  47. 247
    The Hows says:

    beth moore and francine rivers are seriously my two favorite authors, too! crazy! AR is too far, but we're on spring break so maybe i can convince my husband to take a trip to TX! i seriously go to bookstores and go straight to the M section and the R section to look at their books even though i've read most of them! my favorite francine rivers books is the "lineage of grace" series. i read them one by one when they were novellas and now they've compiled them into one book!

  48. 248
    Cynthia says:

    I have to agree the Mark of the Lion series!

  49. 249
    W. says:

    Beth, may the Lord bless you deeply and richly today! I came to the B&N today in Dallas and just watched. I watched you hug every lady, look them in the eye, and somehow interacted with each of them as if you had been friends for years. You said yes to countless pictures, stood on your feet the whole time, and it wasn't even the first book signing of the day … you were in Houston just hours earlier. Thank you!
    Thank you for the way you choose to love and serve! The Lord is using you in countless lives! The old Ray Boltz song, Thank You, seems very fitting. May your heart be full tonight and may your sleep be refreshing as I know you will get up and do it all over again tomorrow.


  50. 250
    Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Tepi! You've probably heard this at least one hundred times if you've heard it once, but try to rest when Alicia Charis rests and cherish these moments because they are fleeting. I'll be happy to pray for your sweet family and if I didn't live in another state, I'd offer to babysit so you could get a good nap.

    Now, to answer your question, Amanda, The Scarlet Thread and Atonement Child are two of my favorites. I hope you Moore girls enjoy your visit this weekend.

    Blessings to all of you,
    Patti Hayes
    Lutz, Florida

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My Two Favorite Authors Together!

Ladies, I have some very cool news. My two favorite authors are joining up for a “Heart of Texas” book tour on Friday and Saturday. Would you like to guess who they are?

One is our very own Siesta Mama, who will be signing copies of So Long Insecurity. Woo hoo!

The other author is…

…Drum roll please…

Francine Rivers!

Eeeeek! Can you believe it?!?!

I screamed like a little girl when I heard the news.

Mrs. Rivers will be signing copies of Her Mother’s Hope, which just released this week.

Here are the details in case you’re interested in coming to one of the book signings.

Friday, March 19

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
1430 Lake Plaza Place
Southlake, TX 76092
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Barnes & Noble
7700 West Northwest Highway
Dallas, Texas 75225
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

Saturday, March 20

10:00 AM โ€“ 12:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
12850 Memorial Drive
Houston, Texas 77024
*You won’t need a ticket, but the B&N employee I spoke to recommended getting there when the store opens at 9 AM.

2:00 PM โ€“ 4:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
The Woodlands Mall
1201 Lake Woodlands Drive, #3008
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
*You can either get a wristband at the store in advance or call them and have one reserved in your name. (You can pick it up tomorrow or in the store on Saturday.) The wristbands will have a group number that will indicate when you get in line.

Melissa and I will be at one of the book signings in Houston. (Probably the early one.) We hope to get to meet some of you!

And finally, what’s your favorite Francine Rivers book? Mine’s the Mark of the Lion series. I wish I could read it all over again for the first time.


312 Responses to “My Two Favorite Authors Together!”

If you'd like your own pic by your comment, go to Click the first button "Get your gravatar today ->", and it will walk you through a simple process to select a picture.


  1. 251
    Suzanne in RI says:

    I just love all of Francine Rivers fiction. And I totally agree with FuzzyTop, I was also frustrated with "Angel" in Redeeming Love. I think Leota's Garden was my favorite.

  2. 252
    Missy says:

    Jealous!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Two of my favorite people!!! So wish I could be there!

  3. 253
    Linda in Tenn. says:

    "Redeeming Love", hands down, is my favorite Francine Rivers book. It impacted my life in such a positive way that I gifted it to friends one Christmas.

  4. 254
    Barbra says:

    Eeeekkk! I would've screamed like a little girl too! Francine Rivers is one of my all time favs! And although, God used "Redeeming Love" to restore me to Himself after a traumatic time in my life, I'd have to say that my MOST favorite is the Mark of the Lion series. Really, I love them all!! I got to hear her speak at a nearby conference center several years ago. She's got such a neat testimony. I even wrote her an email one time, telling her that I think someone ought to write a Biblical fiction account of the life of Daniel and I think she is the perfect one to do it! (I'm pretty sure I wrote that when I was doing your mom's Daniel study!) So, maybe if you think its a good idea too, you could mention the idea to Francine again for me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have fun!

    Barb in Oxford, PA

  5. 255
    Julie says:

    Oh! How I wished I lived in Texas! My two absolute favorite authors together in the same place! What a beautiful thing! I pray God blesses both of you. Thank you for allowing God to use you and bless us with your studies and stories, they have both touched my life more than you'll ever know.

  6. 256
    sylvia says:

    My favorite is the Mark of the Lion series and I have loaned my copies out several times. Hope to re-read them one day.

  7. 257
    bigsis says:

    I LOVE…LOVE…LOVED! The Mark of the Lion Series!! I have to admit that I have not read "Redeeming Love"….yet. I just picked up "A Lineage of Grace" which I have read several ladies' comments on the various stories within (ie. Rahab and Bathsheba) so I can't wait to find time to pick it up and begin!!
    Sorry that I live more than a hop, skip and a jump away or you would find me in one of those lines! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Kathy in St.Louis, MO

  8. 258
    Marc and Charity says:

    Wish I'd known earlier i could have planned to go to Southlake! Oh well.

    My fav is Mark of the Lion seires. Loved it! I want to read Sin Eater as I've heard there is some Welsh history in it.

  9. 259
    Kristin says:

    Can they hop a on a plane and come to California's Central Valley?? I am even willing to pick them up at the airport! =)

    My favorite Francine Rivers is hands down, the Mark of the Lion Series as well. 'A Voice in the Wind' was my favorite. In trilogy work I always tend to love the first installments!!

  10. 260
    Kathy B says:

    Oh how we all wish we were Texans today. We'll get over it come summer ๐Ÿ™‚ Your mom is my favorite non-fiction author and Francine Rivers is my favorite fiction author. What a Team! My favorite book of all time (besides God's Word, of course) is The Last Sin Eater. I literally sobbed like a baby the first time I read it. Have purchased it more times than I can tell, because I keep giving it away. Profoundly spoke to my heart. Actually considered asking my husband for a quick ticket to Texas. Now, calm down, Kathy and quit acting like a groupie ๐Ÿ™‚
    Blessings to Texas today!

  11. 261
    Deb says:

    Deb, 50's Montezuma, NC
    Definitely "Redeeming Love" It was passed around to several ladies in the area.

  12. 262
    Beverly Parrish says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I could CRY! I am a Houstonian living in Mississippi and can NOT believe I won't be there for this! I LOVE the Mark of the Lion series! Actually, I love everything I have ever read by Francine Rivers–I think she is the finest fiction writer of our time.

  13. 263
    Missknitsalot says:

    A favorite Francine Rivers Book? Not possible. Each was my favorite for many different reasons.

    Thats like asking which was your favorite Beth Moore Bible study? Again… totally not possible. God used each and every one for different seasons of my life.

    I love both these ladies and their tremendous talent to share Gods character and his goodness through their books.

    Wish I lived in Houston!


  14. 264
    April says:

    I just got F.R.'s new book this week but haven't gotten to read it yet … I am so excited!!!! The Mark of the Lion series is my favorite – maybe fav. fiction of all… but all her books are so good!
    I wish I could be there!

  15. 265
    Lynn says:

    "Redemming Love" is my favorite. I haven't read "The Mark of the Lion", I will try that next.
    Have Fun.

  16. 266
    Amanda J says:

    Mark of the Lion was literally faith changing for me….she is THE BEST!!!

  17. 267
    Delta Dawn says:

    So hard to choose between "Redeeming Love" and "The Last Sin Eater."

    What a blessing those two are!

  18. 268
    Rachael says:

    That is very exciting! I'm beginning to wish I lived in Texas instead of Ohio! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Francine Rivers. The 'Mark of the Lion' trilogy is my absolute favorite. Once I read those books, I find myself constantly comparing all other books I read to them!!

  19. 269
    Mimeriffic Girl says:

    I just came from the book signing at the B & N in Southlake, TX! It was so precious! It was truly eye-opening to say that Ms. Beth really looked at people & saw them, not just past them among the crowd of people there – I didn't expect that! There truly was a genuine sense of her joy in being there, her love for people, and her burning commitment to Him. One really precious moment was when Beth stopped to hug a friend in the signing line, and then stooped down to hug the cutest little girl with a full bag of potatoe chips in one hand, & her arm around Beth with the other.
    That's called having your cake & eating too, knowing that pie is on the way! I was so blessed to meet Beth today after all the years of doing her Bible Studies, watching Life Today, and listening to the radio program when it was airing. available. As another lady in line said today, "I met Beth, and we've made a coffee date for when we get to Heaven to chat, and hang out with our God!" Count me in sister!

  20. 270
    Sheryl says:

    Definitely my two favorite authors. Can't be there, but I'd love to.
    My favorite Francine Rivers book is definitely "Redeeming Love"!!!
    Pray that I allow God to love people through me like He required and equipped Hosea to love. 'Cause if it wasn't for the Lord's love to me I'd be a broken mess.

  21. 271
    BillsGirl says:

    Hallejues! Hallejues! A new Francine Rivers book… My favorite is "Redeeming Love." I couldn't put it down. At the time I read it my girlfriends and I had cast it for a movie. I've changed my leading actors now, tho… I now propose Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin for the leads.

    Very exciting that these two wonderful ladies will be together. Bummed that I live all the way up in MSP.

  22. 272
    Faran says:

    Hands down Redeeming Love. I cried like a baby because I felt like Angel. I had just started a season of understanding Jesus' deep love for me and really feeling it for the first time. This book put powerful words and emotions to what Jesus had already started in my heart.

    Wish I was in Texas for the book signings!

  23. 273
    The Bucks; Joey, Katy, and Hayden says:

    Mine is "Redeeming Love." I wasn't a big ready but I challenged myself to read that book. I did and ever since then I love reading!!!

  24. 274
    Sandy says:

    I LOVED the Mark of the Lion Series and Redeeming Love. I too, wish that I could read them over for the first time. I have bought Redeeming Love and given it to a few friends.

  25. 275
    Maggie says:

    Isn't it wonderful how God uses both Beth and Francine to minister to women through their writing? Different genres but the same message of the redemptive love of Christ. Powerful women, powerful stories.

    So glad you posted this, Amanda!

  26. 276
    Anonymous says:

    Redeeming Love!

  27. 277
    Constance says:

    Thank you for the heads up! I got to meet Siesta Mama this morning at Southlake. Ever gracious, I thought I was going to squeal when she gave me a hug!

    Connie Hopkins (denim duster and pink paisley shirt)
    Denton Texas

  28. 278
    Constance says:

    Mimeriffic girl! I was standing right behind that darlin little girl you talked about! What aprecious moment!
    Connie Hopkins
    Denton texas

  29. 279
    Anonymous says:

    Redeeming Love. I have never heard of Mark of the Lion. I really need to get out more…


    Mpls, MN

  30. 280
    Anonymous says:

    "Mark of the Lion" series DEFINATELY. I so relate to your comment about wishing you could read them all again "for the first time." As I was reading, I'd find myself praying for a heart like Hadasah's ๐Ÿ™‚ "Redeeming Love" would have to be next. That book made its rounds to almost all the women in my life.

    Won't be able to make the book signing – rats! I'll be out of town.

    love you guys,
    Deer Park, TX

  31. 281
    ForHisGlory says:

    Hello sweet living proof peeps, I had a tough day! I was supposed to get up to the B&N with my kids to see ya and do the signing thing, but kid issues have kept me from the fun! I just want you to know how much I love you guys! I also thought some JD Chippery Sugar cookies would have been a fun treat, but alas….life happened! I hope your day was wonderful and you got some one on one time with some amazing people that encouraged you and anyone you were with!

    Tiffany Morse

  32. 282
    cara joy says:

    My two very favorite authors too!! How exciting!! I've been waiting and waiting for Francine to come out with a new book.

    I can't decide between the two, Redeeming Love and the Mark of the Lion Series are my top two novels ever. I bawled the first time I read Redeeming Love and of course at the end of Echo in the Darkness. Hadassah IS so inspiring, how real and humble she is, her amazing obdedience. I want to be like her! I want to go reread these books right now! How I could sense God's Presence and character between the lines on the pages of each book..AMAZING. God used her writing, along with Beth's to touch so many.

    Hope everyone has a blast! And Beth, I'll pray your hand, I can imagine mine would want to break off after signing so much! I don't know how you do it!


  33. 283
    Anonymous says:

    Aaahhh that will be sooo fun for you and Melissa. Enjoy honey. I have had 2 books signed by authours I truly love, your momma being one of them.
    I am an author myself, and believe me, It is fun to not only do a book signing, but to have one signed by the author.
    Have fun with your sister.

  34. 284
    robin says:

    Mark of the Lion Series for sure!!!


  35. 285
    partialemptynester says:

    I just arrived home from meeting Beth and Francine Rivers at B&N! Too fun! I hope they are having as much fun hanging out together as the rest of us had hanging out in line…so many siestas in one room, it was like some kind of reunion, seriously! All of us sharing which Francine Rivers books are our favorites, which Beth Moore Bible studies have been our favorites…all too, too fun! The rule was supposed to be that we could not walk around to the back of the table to take pictures with Beth…well, that precious Beth came around to our side of the table to take pictures with us! Love that sweet sister!!! She is even more precious in person than she is on tape, if you can even imagine that being possible! One siesta in line said that she just wanted to pick Beth up and give her a great, big hug! Sweet sentiment, but I'm so glad she was able to restrain herself! Can't wait to give out one of my signed copies of SLI and Her Mother's Hope as a 1st prize at pokeeno Tuesday night, the girls are going to squeal in delight!!

  36. 286
    Sarah says:

    I wanted to tell everyone reading SLI that there is a great podcast of Christy Nockels speaking at Breakaway Ministries in College Station. The audience was college age women, but I'm not in that catagory and it was water for my soul. I recommend anyone listen to it and especially those reading SLI.

    You can find it on iTunes>podcasts>Breakaway Ministires>Women's Breakaway. It's from Feb. 2007…so good AND it's FREEEE. And there is even a shout-out to Siesta Mama on it!

    God is on the throne! I am (you are) precious! I am (you are) not my own! I (You) have fullness in Christ! I am (You were) created by Him and for Him! I look to a God and receive from a God who is MORE than enough for me!!!!!!!!!!

    That sounds like so much fun! I can't make it…I live too far away…and, the inside of my book is covered with what I am expecting God to do…Beth that was such a cool challenge!

  37. 287
    Christine Murray says:

    My sister in law has been telling me for 2 years to read Redeeming Love. I haven't read any of Mrs. Rivers' books yet, but I plan to go out tomorrow and buy Redeeming Love to start with. From what everyone's saying, I expect to be "hooked." -and I'm looking forward to it!!!

  38. 288
    Christine Murray says:

    And thanks, Sarah, for the podcast info! I intend to do download it tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. 289
    Tammy says:

    I started with The Mark of the Lion Series and loved her writing so much, I had to read her other books too, Redeeming Love, and Scarlet Thread were excellent reads also! I will be reading her newest soon!!!

    I am planning on going to the simulcast on April 24th of your mom on So Long Insecurities…Can't Wait!!!

    Blessings to you Terrific Texas Ladies

    Tammy, in SD

  40. 290
    KaTie says:

    Just got to meet Beth and Francine at B&N in Dallas! What a treat! Beth looks so good even in person! I thought she just had good lighting and makeup and that is why she looks so good on TV but no, that's what she looks like in real life too! Beth was such a pro! And a real trooper. That was a LOT of people to give such personal attention to. Great job! It was a delightful experience.

  41. 291
    Karey says:

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! My daughter and I feel so blessed to be so close to the Woodlands location… we can't wait to be there!

  42. 292
    Tepi Warrior Princess says:

    Dear Siestas,
    It has been quite a while since I have been on. On March 1, God blessed us with the birth of our baby girl, Alicia Charis.She is perfect and the most beautiful person I have ever seen!I just wanted to ask you prayer warriors for prayers for our family. Please pray for our adjustment, our breastfeeding, and that the Holy Spirit will guide us in all things as we raise this little girl. Today I am feeling very weary and worn. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
    Abilene, TX

  43. 293
    Emmy says:

    Redeeming Love and The Atonement Child

    I haven't read The Mark of the Lion series… maybe I should go get it tonight! : )

  44. 294
    Julie says:

    Loved Mark of the Lion too!! If you love those you would also love The Chronicles of the Kings series by Lynn Austin!

  45. 295
    Georgia's blog says:

    Redeeming Love my ALLTIME favorite!!!

  46. 296
    Sandra says:

    I knew I didn't type the title right. Redeeming Love is the one I love. I knew it had something to do with love! That is my menopausal mind speaking! Forgive me. I will have to read the Mark of the Lion series now.
    Sandra Kearns

  47. 297
    The Hows says:

    beth moore and francine rivers are seriously my two favorite authors, too! crazy! AR is too far, but we're on spring break so maybe i can convince my husband to take a trip to TX! i seriously go to bookstores and go straight to the M section and the R section to look at their books even though i've read most of them! my favorite francine rivers books is the "lineage of grace" series. i read them one by one when they were novellas and now they've compiled them into one book!

  48. 298
    Cynthia says:

    I have to agree the Mark of the Lion series!

  49. 299
    W. says:

    Beth, may the Lord bless you deeply and richly today! I came to the B&N today in Dallas and just watched. I watched you hug every lady, look them in the eye, and somehow interacted with each of them as if you had been friends for years. You said yes to countless pictures, stood on your feet the whole time, and it wasn't even the first book signing of the day … you were in Houston just hours earlier. Thank you!
    Thank you for the way you choose to love and serve! The Lord is using you in countless lives! The old Ray Boltz song, Thank You, seems very fitting. May your heart be full tonight and may your sleep be refreshing as I know you will get up and do it all over again tomorrow.


  50. 300
    Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Tepi! You've probably heard this at least one hundred times if you've heard it once, but try to rest when Alicia Charis rests and cherish these moments because they are fleeting. I'll be happy to pray for your sweet family and if I didn't live in another state, I'd offer to babysit so you could get a good nap.

    Now, to answer your question, Amanda, The Scarlet Thread and Atonement Child are two of my favorites. I hope you Moore girls enjoy your visit this weekend.

    Blessings to all of you,
    Patti Hayes
    Lutz, Florida

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