New Staff Member

Living Proof joyfully welcomes Curtis Jones to our staff!

My Dear Siestas, please join us as we welcome my dear son-in-law, Curtis, to our ministry staff. We are beside ourselves with joy! I know I’ve set myself up to be teased for announcing his arrival this soon after Melissa moved to Atlanta, but you’ll have to trust me when I tell you that you can’t talk Curtis Jones into a danged thing that he’s not convinced is God’s will. And I say that to his credit. Last fall we began to sense God opening a door for him here in Houston at LPM and have since worked on developing the position as he finished his responsibilities at the church he, Amanda, and Jackson loved so dearly. Curtis will be a wonderful addition to our team and you’ll be hearing from him through various avenues on the website. Please click onto his LPM page to learn lots more about it. We’re crazy about you guys around here and hope so much that this will be another way God will empower us to serve His Son to you. Blessings!



201 Responses to “New Staff Member”

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  1. 151
    Worshipping One says:

    I am so excited for our men, I’ve already told my husband, he said, “It’s about time!” Amen! I know the added bonus will be having Amanda and your sweet Jackson close by! WOOHOO!

  2. 152
    Bev says:

    Just returning from Jacksonville I have been drinking in the message and walking “facing forward” to apprehend what I was apprehended for. Thinking it just can’t get much better, I opened LPM to do my Romans lesson and read about Curtis’ joining the staff. THEN I listened to his message from Isaiah 58 and WOW!! What a blessing we are in for to have another such annointed teacher with the wonderful LPM ministry team. Welcome!! May God continue to bless through your mouth and teaching. (And can I say how beautiful your little Jackson is!!)
    Praying wisdom and strength over you as you step out with the truth of the Word of our God and King ~ go boldly with the meat of Scripture. Mercy, Grace and Peace to follow you as you serve in the Precious Name Above all names.

  3. 153
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Beth –

    Congratulations on having Curtis be apart of the LPM staff. May God bless LPM richly as you continue to serve Him.

    Much love,
    Sharon, NC

  4. 154
    melissa says:

    Welcome Curtis! I hate to ask for selfish prayers at a joyous time like this for you. But I need as much covering as I can get. I found out my husband is having an affair last night. My heart is breaking, especially for my kids. Please pray that I can conduct myself in a manor worthy of my Lord Jesus Christ and children to feel God’s love surrounding them. Thanks Siestas!

  5. 155
    Anonymous says:

    Hallelujah! Curtis, I am so glad you have joined LPM. I’m sure you will have a crash course in how women tick being surrounded by them all day.

    Beth and Amanda, I know you must miss Melissa…but I’m glad she has settled in my neck of the woods. Georgia is a wonderful place to live. I love it!

    Marietta, GA

  6. 156
    Anonymous says:

    Dearest Beth and family and staff! What wonderful news to hear about this. I just love how the Lord works! I love new additions, and to see this is awesome!! Please tell me Curt will be coming to San Diego next weekend for LPL…can’t wait to see you all, and the great message you have for us here in Calif!! God Bless!
    Look for my Siesta sign!! Can’t wait!! Loving Stepping Up…Week 4 on the Tabernacle! WOW!!
    love you all!

  7. 157
    Jan says:

    Welcome, Miesta Curtiesta!

    Give God glory for what He will do at LPM with you onboard!

    I am looking forward to it!


  8. 158
    Mom2ThreeAdoptedSibs says:

    Yeah Curtis!!! WHOO HOOO!!! We are SO glad you are coming on staff at LPM!

    It is really too bad that Beth doesn’t have more confidence in your abilities! *LOL!*


  9. 159
    Cindy says:

    CONGRATULATIONS CURTIS!! WELCOME You are a brave man. God is Good all the time all the time God is Good.

    I just wanted to tell you that what you had in store for us on week 4 Stepping up video. Ours Ladys did Sunday Night Bless You. All I could do was cry Awesome. ( I will not tell just in case someone has not done the study.) We (I) really needed to here that. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you. Yor are a Blessing!!!!!


  10. 160
    Anonymous says:

    Congrats, Curtis Jones! That is awesome!
    Where is that beautiful Bride, anyway? I feel like she got married and fell off the earth. We miss hearing about her and seeing her beautiful photos. How was the Honeymoon, Melissa?!

  11. 161
    Anonymous says:

    Is there a rule that young pastors must wear little beards? 😉


  12. 162
    honeyash says:

    this comment is not in regard to your posting, amanda, but i wasn’t sure what forum to make this request: something is very deeply weighing on my heart and i wondered if beth had thoughts on it or was willing to weigh in, i am so disillusioned and upset (used to be a fan of, not anymore) oprah, have you seen this youtube video?
    not a shock because she’s been alluding to these beliefs for a while, but here it is spoken straight from her mouth. it scares me because she is so powerful and influential, but i guess we can only pray those with a deeply rooted relationship with Christ could not be swayed.

  13. 163
    Beth says:

    Welcome Curtis- It does my heart good to see genuine, transparent man of God. I can’t wait to see the contributions you will make to the ministry. It takes a very secure man to enter the presence of that many hormonal(or lack thereof) women. May God richly bless you and your sweet family.

  14. 164
    Pam B from SC says:

    What a glorious answer to prayer! I believe we will see God glorified, magnified, and His kingdom multiplied by this wonderful addition to LPM. Yes, it’s living proof that our God is a BIG God indeed!

    Praise His holy name- Jesus!

  15. 165
    Anonymous says:

    I just “Tuned in Today” and listened to Curtis teaching–by the time he was finished–I was in tears..Thank you, Curtis for your servants heart–you are certainly called of God and blessed beyond measure…Amanda has emailed me in response to my email about our son who is battling brain cancer with so much compasion and praying earnestly for his complete healing. We are so grateful for so many who are standing in prayer with us for complete victory…the Word tells us: “Whatever you desire when you pray; Believe that you have received and you shall have what-so-ever you ask In My Name”. I know God is moving us to another level of believing–God will give us the desires of our heart IF we are living according to His Word….Thank you, Beth for adding Curtis to the staff…He is going to be a welcome blessing to all of us….

  16. 166
    Kim Safina says:

    The Journey Continues~

    Does this mean that Jackson will be PRAISE DANCING WITH GRANNY everyday at the LivingProofMinistry office with banners????

    I want photos!

  17. 167
    JILLIAN says:


  18. 168
    salli says:

    How wonderfully exciting! I think it’s great that the Joneses can move back home! I know that my hubby would love some more men’s studies and resources out there!

  19. 169
    Anonymous says:

    Welcome Curtis! As I have thanked God for Beth and her studies, I have often asked Him to raise up a man who my man could learn from. At our WHGDP study a few weeks ago all the women said the same thing. I can’t wait to see where God leads you and to see you bring all your God given gifts as a whole new dimension to this ministry. Welcome!

  20. 170
    Shannon Pate says:

    Congratulations!!! That is so terrific!! I am happy for all of you!!!!

  21. 171
    Sooz says:

    This is fantastic news! Congratulations to Curtis for moving where God has called. And of course congratulations to the family for having them closer!

  22. 172
    Anonymous says:


  23. 173
    Busyx3 says:

    Congratulations. I am so excited for all of you. I pray God will overflow you all with His blessings.

  24. 174
    Anonymous says:

    please be in prayer for a baby named aiden who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer over the weekend. it is moving into his bones and he is undergoing treatment…this little guy is only 8 months old. we just finished ‘Believing God’ as a group and now his family is truly believing God.

  25. 175
    Joanne (The Simple Wife) says:

    Hooray! There’s nothing like living and working with the ones you love.

    I didn’t want to leave a comment until I’d had a chance to listen to Curtis’s sermon on “Worship”–finished it yesterday morning while I was curling my hair! And loved it. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it and seeking more of what God wants to teach me about worship. Our pastor just started a six-week series on worship–and I just don’t believe in coincidences anymore.

    So welcome, Curtis, to Siestaville!


  26. 176
    elaine says:

    I have to tell you that last night’ session of the Psalms of Ascent (lesson #5)…where you had us all stand shoulder to shoulder was a powerfully moving moment for many of us. As Travis sang the closing song, I found a couple of friends, locked arms with them and wept.

    I sure do love my Bible study gals. They have been good to me. They have loved me, inspite of me. Interestingly enough, yesterday was one of those days when Satan began playing those tapes of my “unworthiness” to minister because of divorce. I had no idea about the topic of your video…it couldn’t have been more timely.

    Also, one of the most important things you offered me were your words about forgiveness…about remembering that when someone hurts us…it’s not them that’s doing the hurting…it’s the enemy.

    Now that’s something to chew on for a season. We prayed for you. We love you. Keep at the helm! Be blessed this day.

    peace for the journey~elaine

  27. 177
    Anonymous says:

    Beth, I’m loving your Alpah and Omega teaching on Life Today! You also look great in red. You should wear that color more often. Thanks for all you do in His name. Keep it up!

  28. 178
    Jeanne says:

    Hi Beth. I just attended your conference in Jacksonville, FL. I really enjoyed it and wanted to thank you for answering the calling that God placed on your life. I am a MK (missionary kid). I was born and raised in the jungles of Venezuela where my parents have been missionaries for over 30 years! I lived there until i met my husband who came down on a short term mission trip in 2002. We got married a year later and i now live in SC. It’s a lot different then what I am used to but God is faithful. I have been a bit discouraged at not being on the mission field, but God has really laid it on my husbands heart to start a hispanic ministry here, so i’m looking forward to that. I have a book that i would like to send you. It’s called “spirit of the rainforest” it a true story on the yanomamo indians( the tribe i grew up with) it’s a shamans testimony of how Christ saved him. i think you would really enjoy it. if it’s ok, could i mail it to you?

  29. 179
    Susan Dyess says:

    I was listening to Curtis’ sermon while I was getting ready yesterday morning and my husband asked who it was that I was listening to. I told him the exciting news not ever having it cross my mind that Curtis’ role may be as an outreach for men through LPM. I woke my husband up this morning and he asked where he could listen to that sermon. I pulled it up on the computer and left it for him and went on my way to get on the treadmill. As I was thanking God and praising him for all He has done in my life I prayed that what He has done in my life through Beth’s studies that God would do in my husband’s life through Curtis’ role at LPM. I am so excited! (I am also thanking God that our 3 year old slept extra late this morning!)

  30. 180
    Deanna says:

    WHAHOO!!! And Welcome Miesta Curtis. Can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store.

  31. 181
    BEBE says:

    Welcome Curtis!!!
    We are so excited for you to be on the LPM Staff. You will be a wonderful asset and prayer warrior. I am looking forward to your “man’s” ideas and influence for all our miesta’s out there!
    To God be the GLORY!!!

  32. 182
    Anonymous says:

    Amanda, Beth, and Curtis:
    Congratulations on Curtis joining the LPM team. I listened to his sermon and wow can he preach or what.

    Amanda I am sure you find it a blessing to have a husband who know the word well and applies it to his life. I have one like that and let me tell you I am very grateful to God for him. And I be tyou are excited about being closer to your Parents.

    Beth I bet you are loving the fact that they will be closer. How cool is that. Looks like praise dancing with your grandson will happen more often now. At least I am assuming that they are moving closer.

    Kim B. in AZ

  33. 183
    Edwards Family says:

    So Awesome!

    I am so excited to see what God has up his Holy sleeve!!!


  34. 184
    Jolinda says:

    Curtis, I loved your message it truly touched my heart. May God continue to richly bless your special gift. You are truly an anointed speaker. I’m positive God has awesome plans for you and your precious family! I will keep you in my prayers! God Bless!

  35. 185
    Rose says:

    Curtis Congrats and welcome to the cyber family. This is a message of encouragement to siesta Melissa, My heart breaks for you, I will pray for you, don’t give up on your marriage just yet, believe God he can restore it, I pray forgiveness in your heart so that the enemy won’t use this situation to bring hate to you, I come from divorce parents and I know how devastating this is. Praying for you siesta!

  36. 186
    Anonymous says:

    I laughed as I read Curtis’s bio…my husband has been doing Beth Moore studies for years. At first he was very quiet about sharing it, but has long since given up his silence. He even convenced our couples small group of 12 to do the study on David. Awesome time with God and our husbands!

    Beth, thank you for bringing God’s Word alive for us!

  37. 187
    Anonymous says:

    Sounds like a great time for your family and the Living Proof Ministries. It is great that your girls and their husbands love the Lord so much and want to serve Him.
    Love,Melissa in NC

  38. 188
    Anonymous says:

    fighting backs tears of gratitude for all the men who will be reached…Thank you Jesus for this! You are amazing. May Curtis and his family be blessed as they serve you Lord.

  39. 189
    Missy says:

    How wonderful!!
    I read the announcement and your words about Curt and I am thrilled that he’ll be working with you and AJ and everyone at LPM! My mind is already imagining what all God has in store for him there…how exciting! Maybe he’ll write some indepth Bible studies for men!
    Congratulations Curt and LPM on this exciting news!

  40. 190
    cheryl says:

    Congrats Curtis!! Its wonderful to have family helping together in ministry! I love that you did Beths Bible studies before…
    my son is starting the Patriarchs this weekend and my husband will be starting it after april 15th.(he’s a cpa and cant think of anything right now except taxes )

  41. 191
    Kara says:

    Welcome Curtis! The message from Isaiah was convicting.

  42. 192
    Marti says:


  43. 193
    ncmama says:

    I know this seems silly from someone you’ve never officially met before, but words cannot express how thrilled I am for you(and the rest of us)about this news! God is just so good, isn’t He? Congratulations to the Moore, Jones, and LPM family!

  44. 194
    Lena says:

    Dear Beth,
    This is really off topic but I had to let you know. Tonight we started week 9 of Daniel. At the end of the video you asked if people said the pray with you to let you know. Well I am letting you know I said it as did my Siestes. Many of us were in tears. With a humble heart I thank you:)

    Congratulations Curtis! Welcome aboard.

    Love to all,

  45. 195
    babystepstoChina says:

    Congratulations Curtis. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for you and for LPM and for the crowds you will reach as God uses you as his instrument. My husband has a passion for men’s ministry and for men’s Bible Studies and is actively working to establish such in our church. I am excited about the possibilites of this that lay ahead!

  46. 196
    A New Creation says:

    I listened to Curtis’ sermon on Isaiah 58 yesterday and I was truly blessed.

    God had blessed him with the gift of teaching His word and I pray for God to continue to grow Him up in the faith and use Him to clearly explain God’s word

  47. 197
    Anonymous says:

    I love love love love love that you are wanting to go in the direction of gearing Living Proof Live to Women and Men! When I read that in beths letter about curtis my HEART jumped! Kudos to you GOD for leading them that direction

  48. 198
    Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Curtis. We’ve heard so much about You are truly a man of God.

    God Bless you and your family and I will be praying for Ya’ll !

    Your Sister in Christ

  49. 199
    Jan... says:

    Okay, this is such a long shot but… you’ve been tagged… any chance you’ll see my blog for details? Blessings.

  50. 200
    Mary Watkins says:

    I listened to your message on Isaiah 58 twice. The Lord truly blessed my heart by your words. I know the students you spoke to on that day were blessed as well.

    I am sure you are a huge asset to the LPM staff. Congratulations on your new position.


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