New Staff Member

Living Proof joyfully welcomes Curtis Jones to our staff!

My Dear Siestas, please join us as we welcome my dear son-in-law, Curtis, to our ministry staff. We are beside ourselves with joy! I know I’ve set myself up to be teased for announcing his arrival this soon after Melissa moved to Atlanta, but you’ll have to trust me when I tell you that you can’t talk Curtis Jones into a danged thing that he’s not convinced is God’s will. And I say that to his credit. Last fall we began to sense God opening a door for him here in Houston at LPM and have since worked on developing the position as he finished his responsibilities at the church he, Amanda, and Jackson loved so dearly. Curtis will be a wonderful addition to our team and you’ll be hearing from him through various avenues on the website. Please click onto his LPM page to learn lots more about it. We’re crazy about you guys around here and hope so much that this will be another way God will empower us to serve His Son to you. Blessings!



201 Responses to “New Staff Member”

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  1. 51
    Abby says:

    mama beth
    that is so sweet of Jesus to let you have one girl come home when the other moved away. welcome mr. curtis!

    …and the miestas become 1 stronger in siestaville 🙂

  2. 52
    Michelle Bentham says:

    Congratulations Moores and Joneses! I imagined you would be beside yourself about their return to Houston but an insider well that is another story and what a glorious one at that! God so loves you and your family and we do, too! Cannot wait to see what Curt “brings” to the table for us to devour about our God and Lord Jesus Christ! GLORY! How very EXCITING! Blessings sweet Siestas and Miestas! Love Ya’ll

  3. 53
    Lisa says:

    Oh WOW! Isn’t our God sweet and so very awesome in the way He works? Many, many of His richest blessings on this new phase of your ministry.

  4. 54
    Hadassah says:

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!

    How could we not be crazy thrilled!!

    (Even though we secretly think that Beth would do just about anything for some more Bibby time, we are pretty sure that God wants you exactly where you have landed!)

  5. 55
    kellyr says:

    Well I do declare Curtis Jones the first “official” Miesta! Travis, hate to tell you, since you coined the term, but the one living in Houston wins the designation. Welcome Curtis–you are a brave warrior–keep checking that your estrogen levels don’t go up!

  6. 56
    Anonymous says:

    Congrats. LPM. We are a family run Business and I believe in the merits of famlies working together, especially when it is working for the benifit of everyone, we have daughters sons cousins son-in-laws and daughter in-laws and so far it is working. We too are a Christian Company and maybe that makes the difference.
    Be Blessed Beth and your staff.

  7. 57
    LeighAnne says:

    Sweetest Beth,
    I am so excited about Curtis’ addition to the LPM Staff. I know that he will make a wonderful addition to the team. I think you have made a wonderful decision to move into a position to minister not only to women, but to men also. Your message is relevant to the body as a whole. Our entire Wednesday night congregation, men and women, young and old, have gone through several of your bible studies. There is no prejudice at Gadsden Christian Fellowship about it being a “women’s bible study!” 🙂 Praise God for staying current and with the times. Blessings to you and your entire family.


  8. 58
    hislifeformine says:

    Welcome Curtis!
    What a blessing, for your team and for us as well.
    Looking forward to hearing and seeing what is on the horizon.

  9. 59
    Vicki Sandifer says:

    Beth, I just listened to Curtis’s sermon on your main page. You are right about that child! Man, what a blessing to get to hear him preach. I thank you for putting that on the site so we could get a taste of who Curtis is in God. I was challenged in my area of worship for sure. Amanda I know you are just so proud of hi. Jackson is a blessed child – his family all in love with Jesus. Good stuff. Thanks again and Bless you all, Vicki

  10. 60
    Anonymous says:

    Here Here!!

    Very cool! I know men who have just used a “Timothy card” to listen to Beth’s messages before!

    It will be awesome to see what is in store for LPM with Cutis on board! May God’s hands continue to be upon you all! We look forward to more! 🙂 Oh Praise Him!


  11. 61
    Anonymous says:

    To God be the glory! I loved and needed the Isaiah message from Curtis. I’ve already been blessed. So excited for everyone there at LPM and all of us here in Siestaville. We serve THE MOST HIGH GOD! Hallelujah!

  12. 62
    Jayanna says:

    Congratulations to both families! I love to see the handiwork of God….now all those men out there…Hang On! I can’t wait to see how God uses Curtis in your ministry.

    And being of the same age group that Curtis and Amanda are in…I’m so thankful to see a GODLY husband and father take a stand, love the LORD and their families. That’s what real men are made of!

    Looking forward to see what’s to come…


  13. 63
    Susan B. says:

    What a WONDERFUL surprise! I am so excited for you all! What a blessing to have such a gifted son-in-law working with you. God is good!

  14. 64
    wells says:


    Just wondering if your contract says you are required to participate in the front office praise dancing sessions?

    We will miss y’all here in Dallas, not that we ever saw you, but there was always a chance. Congrats,and God Bless you all at LPM.

  15. 65
    Honea Household says:

    Wow, how awesome is that?! Congratulations, Curt!

  16. 66
    Tealady Tammy says:

    oh this is a blessing. Welcome Curtis. You do know you are surrounded by the siestas…and that is something…

    I wish you all blessings in this. God is so amazing.

  17. 67
    Anonymous says:

    I just listened to Curtis sermon that is posted on his page and just wanted to ask you guys to keep ’em coming. I was convicted and blessed and so thankful he has joined the team !!!!

    A grateful Siesta in Utah

  18. 68
    Tara says:

    Praise the Lord! It is so neat to see when God’s plans come to fruition! I can’t wait to see all that God does through him at Living Proof!

    Congratulations, Curtis, Amanda, and Beth!


  19. 69
    ForHisGlory says:

    I am swelling with anticipation for that which the Lord is doing in and through your ministry!

  20. 70
    HIS daughter says:

    Beth, Curtis, Amanda and LPM!

    This is so awesome and so GOD! I’m listening to Curtis right now and he is “bringing it”! He makes you think deeply and he also makes you laugh and he teaches as well.

    Seriously, he sounds like a guy I listen to online that’s a pastor at a huge church somewhere out west.

    But, of course he is his unique self, gifted by GOD for the ministry of teaching/preaching to bless us all in the body!

    I know he’s great…after Beth talked about him washing Amanda’s feet before he ever kissed her in The Beloved Disciple Bible study – He had my vote too!

    Love and many prayers to all of you!

  21. 71
    Deidre says:

    Congratulations, Curtis and Congratulations, LPM!! I listened to the message – incredible! Thank you so much for sharing. May God continue to bless LPM!!

  22. 72
    densgirl96 says:

    Yahoo-jah!!! Aren’t God’s plans always exciting?!! Welcome aboard, Curtis. We look forward to seeing what God has in store for LPM and all those miestas out there!


  23. 73
    beckyjomama says:

    YAY!! Welcome Curtis!!!

    My man will be glad to know that there is another “miesta” in the group (or “possee” as he likes to call the siestas!!)

    Curtis, we already love your sweet wife and your little man … can’t wait to get to know you!
    God Bless you all!!!!

    (So, how excited are YOU Mama Beth?!?!?!)

  24. 74
    Rebecca says:

    YAY! Im so happy to hear that Curtis joined the team!! what an amazing answer to prayer!

  25. 75
    Anonymous says:

    I love when we have the beauty of hindsight. This is one of those awesome, holy moments when we can clearly see what God was cookin’ up all along. I am excited to see how Curtis is woven into the LPM ministry, and I thank God for creating something so wonderful for all the men in our lives. Blesssings to all of you!


  26. 76
    Kate says:

    Sweet! Welcome.

  27. 77
    Kristin says:

    Yay! Welcome Curtis! I loved reading your bio on the LPM site and hearing how God orchestrated your meeting with Amanda! I’m excited for you and will pray for you as you began this new journey!


  28. 78
    Dana says:

    How cool! A man at LPM! Oh I can’t wait to see what God does with this…Blessings to all!

  29. 79
    dna says:

    How privileged and blessed you are to be able to do ministry together as a family!
    A big congratulations to all of you!
    To God be the glory!

  30. 80
    Anonymous says:

    Hey Beth and Amanda,

    I just want to congratulate you on having Curtis join the staff. I was touched when I read about his faithfulness to God on your home page.I LOVE to hear this kind of thing!!! After I get done with writing a bunch of papers for my English classes, I am looking forward to listening to the message posted. P.S. I will have to post as anonymous because I do not know how to blog and I rarely post because of that. Oh and I know what a blessing it will be to have them close. I am in a predicament myself because I am moving down your way from West Virginia and leaving my beautiful, precious baby niece and it is devastating. Also, I am a country girl from WV and I don’t know what I am going to do in a big city like Houston. I have to trust God, please pray for me. Beth, I am as crazy about my niece as you are over Jackson and it took me by surprise. It is like a new form of mental illness (you said that one time). Thanks!! You and the late Ruth Bell Graham are the only Christian authors I really read, respect and just love because y’all know how to keep it real and that is what truly helps people.


  31. 81
    VillageSister says:

    I wondered if there’d be a post about this today. I was listening to Curtis’ message on worship at 5:15 this morning with my 1st cup of coffee. Man! What a way to start this Monday! Great news and a great message!

    Thanks Curtis & WELCOME! 😀

  32. 82
    Anonymous says:

    Oh the Lord is soooo good!!!!! My husband and I were talking just the other day that we wish he could find a good men’s bible study to do. I pray that the Lord will move Curtis in this way for our beloved men.

    Does this mean the nest isn’t so “empty”? I hope the Jones’ are moving back to Houston and Jackson can see his Bibby more.

    Praise be to God for showing me his glory today through LPM.

    May God continue to Bless all of you.

  33. 83
    Barr Family says:

    Curt: Yay! I listened to your “worship” sermon, and wow, it was awesome! My husband listened to it too and thought it was great. I went to Willard with you and really enjoyed listening to you today. Congratulations on the new job! My husband and I both are looking forward to your part on Beth’s staff.

  34. 84
    Mariel says:

    Congratulations to LPM! I know one particular mama hen who is happy as a flea on a dawg to have a couple of her chickens so close by!! God speed to dear Curtis as he begins this journey in the world of women!! Oh, God bless him!! haha

    Looking forward to all the good manly leadership he will contribute to LPM!! 🙂

  35. 85
    sammie says:

    Hey Beth, do you have any of his sermons on tape??

  36. 86
    Kate says:

    ps…enjoyed the message. 🙂

  37. 87
    Anonymous says:

    Wow! All I keep thinking about is your blog about a good sign for 2008 and where you would be walking with God. Here it is only March 31st and so many blessed steps. Congratulations to you, your family, and to Living Proof Ministries. We are blessed because of your obedience and walk with our Father. Much love.

  38. 88
    twinkle says:

    Oh man! Oh Man! He’s going to be the one God uses to reach our men! I just know it! This is the best news and I am just so excited…

    Welcome, Curtis!

  39. 89
    Donna says:

    Welcome Curtis! (Do you know how crazy all of us siestas are!?! Are you sure you’re ready!?!)

    Ladies…I don’t mind saying that I know God is doing something here! The last year has been one of intense change for me and mine…I know others are going through it too! What is our wonderful God up to! I wish I knew…but I know He will reveal it in His time and that it will be wonderful!

    Happy Monday Blessings to All!

    P.S. I just registered my twin boys for kindergarten today…came home and cried! How does it go by so fast! Talk about change!

  40. 90
    Alyson says:

    What a wonderful addition Curtis will make — welcome, Curtis! And Amanda — you’re coming back to Houston, aren’t you? And I imagine Bibby is over the moon! What fun!

    May the Lord’s blessings continue to be with you, Beth, and your family as you move ahead in His work and His will…

    (Curtis, you are undoubtedly a very brave man!)

  41. 91
    Jolinda says:

    What a wonderful blessing! Congratulations to all! Thank-you for your humble service and dedication to precious Jesus! To God be the glory forever! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for this awesome ministry. Blessings forever! Get ready siesta’s and brothers! God is going to move in powerful ways!

  42. 92
    Keri says:

    Congratulations!! I know that with Curtis comes Amanda….and with Amanda comes Jackson! Love how God works!

  43. 93
    Fran says:

    The words you spoke over your son-in-law were just beautiful Beth!
    I know you must be so proud.

    God has blessed you all indeed. I know that he will be a huge asset to LPM. It’s an honor to pray for him too as so many of us pray for your ministry.

    Thrilled for everyone!!

    And..let us know how the newlyweds are doing. 🙂


  44. 94
    cindy g says:

    WOW! What great news!

    Congratulations and Welcome Curtis!!

  45. 95
    Amy@Life Breaths Photography says:

    How exciting! I know this makes for a very happy Bibby and Papa. 🙂

  46. 96
    valerie says:

    How exciting! You are going to be a great addition to the LPM.
    I can’t wait to see what all God has in store.
    Bless you all,

  47. 97
    su says:

    Glory!! I was wondering where he was going to minister.

    I’m pleased for all of you. Welcome aboard, Curtis. We’re going to love you.

  48. 98
    Kathy In Arkansas says:


    Beth how exciting to have Jackson with you!

    Amanda, what about your new red door?

    Welcome Curtis.

  49. 99
    Anonymous says:

    I’m so excited to hear this news! Our ladies are always saying, “I wish the men in our church could do a Bible Study like this!” There ARE great studies out there for the guys, just not quite the same format-and yours is a GREAT format. I cannot wait to see what God does through Curtis at Living Proof!

  50. 100
    Knittin Kudzu says:

    GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! What welcome news! Congratulation Curtis! How exciting to have you join a vibrant ministry. My husband as moaned and groaned many times about the need for Men’s Division of Living Proof! May God continue to bless you, your sweet family, and your ministry!


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