Author Archive

Siesta Scripture Memory Team Posts

Here are links to all of the Siesta Scripture Memory Team posts from 2009. We plan to do another round of SSMT in 2011.

Introductory post
Tutorial videos

Verse one
Verse two
Verse three
Verse four
Verse five
Verse six
Verse seven
Verse eight
Verse nine
Verse ten
Verse eleven
Verse twelve
Verse thirteen
Verse fourteen
Verse fifteen
Verse sixteen
Verse seventeen
Verse eighteen
Verse nineteen
Verse twenty
Verse twenty-one
Verse twenty-two
Verse twenty-three
Verse twenty-four

Siesta Scripture Memory Team Celebration recaps

Siesta Scripture Memory Team messages


NDP, Summer Study, and Melissa’s Home!

Hi Siestas! It’s AJ checking in on this beautiful Monday. I have lots of things to share today.

A) Right now my parents are on an airplane flying to Washington, D.C. My mom has the incredible privilege of being this year’s honorary chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. The NDP Task Force has a very informative and helpful web site that you can check out here if you’d like to get involved. The National Day of Prayer is actually this Thursday.

My parents could really use your prayers this week. In addition to attending a number of dinners and meetings, Beth will speak at a women’s breakfast on Tuesday and participate in multiple radio interviews on Wednesday. On Thursday she will give the NDP Task Force address in the Cannon Building with Chairman Shirley Dobson, address a group at the Pentagon, and then fly to Lancaster, PA, to address a large gathering there.

Please pray for my parents to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything they say and do and bring glory to God. Pray for perfect health, restorative sleep, energy, endurance, joy, peace, and protection. Please pray that they will sense God’s presence with them. Pray that they will be able to focus fully on what they are doing and not be distracted by anything going on at home. Thank you so much, ladies.

B) We have chosen the book for our Summer Siesta Bible Study! We will be doing Me Myself & Lies by Jennifer Rothschild. Our poll in late March showed that half of you had already done Esther, so we decided to do a study that more of you would be able to participate in. We will post all the details you need to know very soon, but you can go ahead and get your workbooks (aka “member books”) now. The Summer Siesta Bible Study is something you can do with a group in your home, by yourself, with your BFF, or with a group online. Like I said, we will have many more details to come, but you can be thinking of how you want to do it in the meantime. The study will take place from late June to early August.

C) Melissa is home, safe and sound! She got home yesterday and it was so hard for me not to call her right away and ask a ton of questions about the trip. We did talk this morning for about an hour. I think we could have gone on another 5 hours without any shortage of things to talk about. The only reason we ever got off the phone was because my parents wanted me to bring the kids by their house before they left! I missed my sis so much and I’m really proud of her.

D) My little family of four is going on vacation tomorrow, hence today’s blog post overflowing with information. The blog may be pretty quiet this week with Mom and me out of town and Melissa recovering from her India trip. Melissa is going to check in tomorrow morning though.

Thank you, Siestas, for loving and supporting our family. Your prayers make such a huge difference in our lives. May we all love and serve Jesus well this week. See you soon!
Much love,


Podcast from Curtis

Diginee, you are my hero today! Thanks for letting us know about the Compassion Blogger Photostream on Flickr!

Y’all, I keep refreshing the page over and over to see if Melissa has posted yet. I’m just dying! I need a distraction, so here you go…

I’ve been nagging Curtis to make a podcast out of his Wednesday night Bible study lessons. Nagging rarely bears fruit and none of us should do it, but this time it worked!

The podcast is on iTunes, so if you don’t have iTunes already downloaded on your computer, get it here first. (It’s free.)

This link will bring up Curtis’ iTunes page. Here’s where you’ll find the three lessons available. (Also free.)

I hope your Monday is blessed! I’m off to the park with my kids. Wish me luck.


New Design on the Way

I absolutely love it! Thank you so much, Fabulous K!

Our new blog design is on its way! I think it’s safe to say that it’ll be up by morning. Yeah! So if you stop by tonight and every time you click things look a little different, that’s why. Our designer may be in the middle of installing it.

This design will be somewhat temporary since we are switching over to a new blog platform soon and we won’t get to keep this design (since it has been particularly designed for Blogger), but we want to get something fresh and fun on here in the meantime. (No worries. When we make the switch, all the old posts and comments will still be with us.)

Also, Melissa is getting packed and running all her last-minute errands. She leaves for India tomorrow!


Saved from the Drafts

This morning I noticed that our blog dashboard said we had 500 posts. 500 posts? A lot has been said on this here blog, y’all! I felt that we needed to celebrate this momentous occasion, but then I realized that the number included a bunch drafts that were never published. So we’re really on post 479. I started going through the drafts and deleting them when I found a few that were almost finished but were never used for whatever reason. Here’s one I wrote in October of 2007. We got to go back and visit our old church last weekend, so it’s only fitting for me to post this today in honor of our friends at First Baptist Church of Irving.

Twenty-eight. Twenty years past 8. Ten years past 18. Two years before 30. This Sunday I will turn 28. It’s a nice number. I like round ones. It’s nicely divisible by 7, which is the Lord’s number. I can deal with that.

I’m very aware that this body of mine is also turning 28. Maybe it’s all in my head, but it seems like things are suddenly not working as well as they should. I’m having to take my workouts up a notch. Last week I had a bad crick in my neck. And this week I have my first toothache. I will be sitting in a dentist’s chair in about two hours. Dern. Happy birthday, 28-year-old self!

The thing is, I’m trying real hard not to say and think, “I’m getting so old!” “Old” is relative. I know I’m still young. If I see myself as old now, then I will always feel old! It’s sort of like how most of us wish we could go back and tell our teenage selves to quit thinking they’re fat. Because now we would be thrilled to have those bodies back!

Last weekend I joined the ladies of my church at our women’s retreat. Our theme for the weekend was renewal. We were incredibly blessed to have our pastor’s mother, V. Beth Durham, speak to us. I was blown away by her wisdom, her knowledge of the Word, and her inner and outer beauty. She is a jewel. During one of the sessions I sat a few rows behind a wonderful senior lady in our church, Mrs. Shirley Brady. I could write a whole post on how much Curt and I love her and look up to her in Christ. With both of these precious saints in sight, I was deeply moved by their beauty. By their lifetime of faith and perseverance. Oh, to be found in Christ in my seasoned years! To have walked with Him for a lifetime. To have been changed from glory to glory. To have journeyed with Him through sixty, seventy, or eighty years of refining. To know Christ that much more intimately. Lord, I want to be that beautiful to You! I want to keep growing.

You know what? I have to walk forward to get there. I can’t stay in my twenties. Obviously, I don’t know how long God has given me to live on this earth. But as long as I’m here, I want to walk forward with joy.

I got a glimpse of how beautiful my older sisters are to Christ, and I want Him to find that in me, too. What if, instead of desperately wanting to figure out how I can make Katie Holmes’ haircut work on my hair (which is like a horse’s mane), I eagerly asked God to develop in me the gentle spirit and wisdom of V. Beth Durham, and the joy and kindness of Mrs. Shirley Brady? Forget about Katie Holmes. When those sisters come walking down the hall, they make Jesus’ head turn!

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful” (1 Peter 3:3-5a).

This was our verse for the weekend: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16).

(Here you can see why that post sat in the drafts folder so long. It didn’t have a good ending!)


Living Proof Live – Portland

Living Proof Live – Portland Oregon from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


Prayer Update

Hi ladies! I’m checking in to let you know that you prayed our Beth to Portland. Thank you, thank you, thank you for talking to our Father about it. He heard you and answered your prayers. I got a text from her a little while ago and she had just been picked up from the airport. We’re having some awful weather here in Houston today. I think the whole area is under a tornado watch until 5 p.m. She is so blessed that she didn’t have awful delays.

Could you pray now for her sleep? My mom often has a hard time sleeping after her Friday night sessions. I know she would be incredibly thankful to wake up refreshed tomorrow morning.

Thanks, y’all! Your intercession is priceless to us. May God be greatly glorified in Portland!



When I was a little girl, I used to love looking through my Raggedy Ann baby book. My mom had recorded every last detail of my infancy and early childhood in its pages. My favorite thing about the book was a small pouch inside where she had tucked away little keepsakes like our hospital bracelets.

Both of my kids have keepsake boxes where I’ve stored all kinds of little things. By the time Annabeth was 6 weeks old, hers was already almost full!

There are a few things that won’t fit in the boxes that I’m safeguarding for them. For instance, here’s a letter from President George W. Bush that welcomed Jackson to the world shortly after his birth.

(That’s no longer our address.)

And Annabeth just received this autographed book by former First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter Jenna.

I have a close friend who worked for President Bush during his administration, which is how both of these gifts came about. (I think these are really special keepsakes that my children will one day enjoy having, but I need to emphasize that I’m not trying to make a political statement by sharing these pictures.)

A couple of Christmases ago, Mom gave me a big box of my baby clothes that she had saved for me. I’ve had so much fun going through them!

I love this itty bitty t-shirt.

Annabeth wasn’t even a twinkle in our eyes when Mom gave me all these clothes. It never occurred to me that I would play dress up with my own daughter in these clothes one day. Mark it down – April 16, 2009 was the day!

Here’s my sweetie in a tiny pink dress that my grandmother bought me almost – gulp – 30 years ago. Isn’t she sweet?

What keepsakes are you saving for your children or future children? Or what keepsakes were saved for you?

*Bethie asked me to add a quick prayer request to my post. Tomorrow morning she is heading Portland, Oregon, for this weekend’s Living Proof Live event. Houston is supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow, so will you please pray that her flight will be on time? Thanks, Siestas!


He is Risen!

Happy Easter, everyone! What a joyous day!

It’s AJ just stopping in to share some pictures with our Blog Peeps.

And by some pictures I mean many more pictures than you’d ever want to see.

On Saturday my cousin Joe, who’s in school to be a fireman, was in town participating in a fundraiser with a local fire department.
Cousin + access to a fire truck + three-year-old boy = no brainer.
We rolled out of bed and headed that way. In fact, Annabeth was still in her pajamas.

I got some fun stuff for my kids from the Target dollar section. Jackson was thrilled that Annabeth “wanted to share” all her goodies.

Those Cadbury mini-eggs were calling my name late last night and – gasp! – I opened them. My excuse is that I’ve been sick and that’s all that sounded good. They were delish.

After attending a wonderful worship service at our church, we went to Mom and Dad’s house for lunch. We were joined by my grandparents, my cousin Joe, and our friends Roger, Lynn, and Michelle. Mom was the hostess with the mostest. We were only missing Melissa and Colin and boy did we miss them!

You never know what will entertain a child. Here Jackson was rolling pieces of Trix cereal down his race car ramp.

It rained and stormed all morning, but then the sun came out and we had a beautiful day. We were excited to have the chance to do the Easter egg hunt outside.

Here’s the Easter Bibby hiding eggs.

All done!

Lynn was helping Jackson go through his Easter eggs when his sugar high kicked in. I now present a photographic series called “Progression of a Mess.” Please hear my child laughing, squealing, and yelling “Surprise!”

To top off an already great day, Curt’s mom just called and said our young nephew, Gavin, prayed to receive Christ last night. Praise the Lord!

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend celebrating Christ our King. He is risen indeed!


LPL New Orleans

Living Proof Live – New Orleans 2009 from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.
