Winners for “Feathers From My Nest” Giveaway!

OK, everybody! Here are the results of our random drawing for our book giveaways! I wish so much we could send one to each of you who entered. I so badly wanted some of the men to win! Bless them for posting on our blog today!

Carole Hunt

Addison Rothrock

Brandy Tucker

Gina Myers


Julie Meador

Kristin Funston

Allie Field

Sarah Bryant

Betsy Martin

Mykael Story

Stephanie Bandy

Cami Lang

Amy Harris

Patricia Hoskins

Brenda Prose

Heather Briggs

Robin Lamp

Jill Roberts

Amy Wilch

Dawn Reeves

Angie Osborne

Alison Vaughan

Please email LPM as soon as you can at [email protected] with the street address (no P.O. boxes please) where you want the personalized book sent and we will get right on it! Thank you! We are so blessed to serve you! Tons of love to you all.

Hey, Everybody! We would just love to do a drawing to give away 23 personalized copies of Feathers From My Nest for Mother’s Day. It’s the only official “Mom” book I’ve ever done. I wrote it with wet affection right after my youngest daughter went to college and it is still dear to me. The idea to do a random drawing for a giveaway occurred to me right at closing yesterday so I asked KMac and Evangeline to do a quick perusal and tell me how many copies we have on hand at the ministry. They looked on our resource shelf then around several tables and came up with exactly 23 copies. That’s the reason for the random number. If we find any more around the ministry, we’ll add those into the drawing and give them away, too! I wish I’d thought of it sooner and we would have placed an order for more but we’ll have fun with this many. I so hope some moms will enjoy it.


If you’re interested in winning one, here’s what you do: Leave a comment to this post with your own first and last name and then the first name of the person you want to receive it for Mother’s Day so that I can personalize it.ย 


We’re going to do a really fast turn-around because we want to get them into the mail in time for Mother’s Day. That means we need to close the post at 11:30 AM this morning. We will then post the 23 winners at 12 noon today in a second post and ask them to jot us a brief email as soon as possible to supply us with a mailing address for the book.


Sound easy enough? Let’s do it!




So much love to you guys today!


701 Responses to “Winners for “Feathers From My Nest” Giveaway!”

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  1. 501
    Danica says:

    My best friend Altimisha (Misha). She is a single mom of 5. Her oldest is preparing to leave the nest this time next year. She is such an inspiration and a blessing to me. I am a single mom as well, but with much less little ones. I have watched this brave and determined mamma stomp down road blocks that were meant to stumble & crush her spirit. With God’s blessing, we have learned to carry each others’ burdens, because there was trully no one else around but God. She is a prayer warrior in training, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for her when He lets her loose in ministry. D

  2. 502
    Lisa Powell says:

    Honestly, I would love to give this book to myself for Mother’s Day! I am recently divorced and my firstborn son is leaving for college in August. I could really use the encouragement right now ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. 503
    Carole Hunt says:

    My name is Carole Hunt and I would love to have my mom receive it. She is a wonderful woman of God. Her name is also Carole Hunt! Thanks!

  4. 504
    Kerianne bourne says:

    I would love to be able to give my mom, dawn bourne, this book.

  5. 505
    Kelly Pietrus says:

    Would love to give this to my mom, Nancy.

  6. 506
    Heather Briggs says:

    My name is Heather Briggs and I would give it to my sweet sister in law. Her name is Molly Rohrer.

  7. 507
    Vanesa says:

    Hi my name is Vanesa Zayas-Dorta and I would love to give a copy to my mother Amparo, who has encouraged and been a source of strength through the most difficult of times.

  8. 508
    Joy French says:

    Joy French – I would love a copy for myself:)

  9. 509
    Kim walker says:

    What a lovely gift for friend and Bible study partner Colleen!

  10. 510

    My name is Christie Ray Harrison and I would love for my sweet mama Susan to receive this for Mother’s Day!

  11. 511
    miriam fisk says:

    I would give the book to my mom, BJ Bonner.

  12. 512
    Elizabeth Baehr says:

    My sister, Becky Myers. She has had a tough year and I think it would make her day.

  13. 513
    Gail Morris says:

    My best friend, best roommate and best mom, Carolyn!

  14. 514
    Kim Chleborad says:

    I would love to win this & give it to my mother in law, Nadine.

  15. 515

    Mama’s name: Becky <3 ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. 516
    Rebecca Crocker says:

    I’d love to give a copy to my sweet mother, Marcia. She raised five children and at 60 years old has just been diagnosed with Early Alzheimer’s. Her greatest desire is to still be a good mom despite the disease. She is the best!

    Thanks for all you do, LPM! – Rebecca Crocker

  17. 517
    Jill Roberts says:

    I would love to give this book to my mother in law, Mary Roberts. She’s been through a lot in the last year (losing her middle son, youngest son going off to college) and is still such a faithful and wonderful woman of God. Thanks for the chance to bless her. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. 518
    Celeste says:

    Would love this book for my sister- in- law–Laury.

    I do have my own copy and LOVE it!

  19. 519
    Jennifer Pittz says:

    Would like to give this to my mom, Debbie. She has always been there for me.

  20. 520
    Robin Lamp says:

    I am a single mother of 2 teenage daughters. My oldest is graduating from High school in a few weeks and then off to college in the fall. I am struggling with this big change in our lives right now. I would love to have this book to read for myself.

  21. 521
    Rachel Allison says:

    I would LOVE to give this book to my mom (of seven!) for Mother’s Day! Her name is Carol and she would so appreciate the encouragement from another mama’s heart!!!

  22. 522
    Theresa Sheahan says:

    Honestly, the book is for me. My Mom passed away 6 years ago just after Mother’s Day and since then it is a very difficult holiday for me. Even though I have kids, I have never considered this holiday for me. It was always about my Mom. Now Mother’s Day just makes me sad. I know your book would lift me up! Thank you.

  23. 523
    April Jones says:

    Hello – my name is April Jones and I would like this book to go to Sheila Hohimer (my momma).


  24. 524
    Teresa Wells says:

    My mother and I love doing your Bible studies together, almost as much as we love you! I would love for her to receive this gift from you. I believe she is the world’s best Momma and Mimi and the glue of our entire family. So very blessed that. God choose me to be her daughter. Her name is Juanita Storey. Hopefully, if she wins, she will let me borrow it when she is done.
    Thank you, Beth, for your wonderful ministry for women! Love you!

  25. 525
    Jamey Strom says:

    My name is Jamey Strom, and I would love to give this to my mother in law, Dorothy Strom. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. 526
    Betsy P. says:

    My name is Betsy Poole, and I would love to give a copy to my mother, Carol Brooks! She is and has always been the clearest example of agape in my life ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. 527
    Anne says:

    My name is Anne Acker, and I would like to give this to my mother Barbara Acker.

  28. 528
    kenna says:

    Hi Beth,

    My name is Kenna Niles and I would love to give this book to my mom for Mother’s Day, her name is Gerene Avens.

  29. 529
    Michele says:

    Michele Lenhart ~ And I would love to give it to my Mom, Linda!

    Thanks for doing this Mama Beth! And Happy Mother’s Day to you! You are a Mom to many of us and a great friend ~ We love you! XO’s

  30. 530
    Sandra Petrin says:

    A gift for Jordan, who will be having her first child, a girl this July.

  31. 531
    David Light says:

    My name is David Light and I would love to give this to my amazing wife and loving mother Kelsey Light

  32. 532
    Kelly Boldt says:

    My name is Madison Boldt and I would like it for my mom, Kelly Boldt. I am a freshman in college and am now appreciating many of the things she does that I took for granted

  33. 533

    The person I would like to receive this book is Allison

  34. 534
    Sharlee Forster says:

    2210 Rudolph Ct.
    Hayden, ID 83835

    Name for book: Betty

  35. 535
    Karen says:

    My name is Karen Fritz, I would like a copy for myself! My youngest is about to leave the nest, please personalize to me ๐Ÿ˜€

  36. 536
    Pam Collins says:

    My daughter, Candy, who just had her 2nd daughter 4 mos. ago and is a teacher and is just having a rough rest of the year at school and juggling motherhood.

  37. 537
    Jessica Pape says:

    Mine would go to my mom, who not only raised my little sister and me, she also helped raise over 140 teenage girls. She and my dad have worked for the Cal Farley’s organization since the early 90’s. During that time they not only raise me and my sister but also had anywhere for 10-15 teenage girls in out house as well. Her number one goal with all of us was showing us the love of Christ. A goal that brought hope to many who’s hope had been stripped away by a very cruel world.

  38. 538
    Betty M says:

    Over 500 comments alrerady and it is only 9:18 AM!! Muat be alotta gals watching this post!!
    My name is Betty Marschner and I would like a copy for myself!! Am I being selfish? I don’t think so! My mother has been home with the Lord now almost 20 yrs. My mother in law also is Home in Heaven, I have no daughter or any kid who has married presently however our son is marrying in June so I would happily pass it on in the future.
    There is not a snowballs chance as I do not do well in random drawings but I can hope and pray!!

  39. 539
    Donna Wallace says:

    My name is Donna Wallace and I would love to give this book to a dear friend of mine, Angel Wells…she truly is an Angel and has been such a support and blessing to me in my walk with the Lord. I value her Godly counsel and admire her witness before others. She has been such a blessing to me that I would LOVE to bless her with this book. Thank you for this opportunity.

  40. 540
    Sheri Tadlock says:

    What an awesome idea for Mother’s Day! I would love to share this book with my Mom, Jean Candler.

  41. 541
    Michelle Mitchell says:

    Hi Beth, My name is Michelle Mitchell and I’d love to have a copy for my stepmom, Pauline. She’s been a great Christian role model and a blessing to my Dad as well as a mom for my younger sister since our mom passed away. Thank you and I am praying for you and your ministry!

  42. 542
    Julie McFaddin says:

    Would love to add this to my Beth Moore collection! My name is Julie. I share with whoever needs encouragement! THANKS!!!

  43. 543
    Rebekah S says:

    Rebekah Siwy for Janet

  44. 544
    kim s. says:

    I am so grateful for the encouragement the Lord brings through Twitter messages throughout the day! I would like to give a copy of this book to my friend Julie.

  45. 545
    Deanne Middleton says:

    I would love this book as a gift to myself & my two beautiful daughters, Kelsey & Kailyn! Happy Mother’s Day!

  46. 546
    Martha Leeper says:

    Martha Leeper ~ I would treasure it for my mom, Janice; her first Mother’s Day without my dad. He went home to heaven on February 5 of this year.

    Blessings to all of you!

  47. 547
    Carin Kearns says:

    My name is Carin Kearns and it would be for my mom Lonna Custis. Having raised four kids in a loving home and now a wonderful Grandma, I’d love to share this with her!

  48. 548
    Susan C. says:

    I’m actually reading “Feathers” right now on my eReader. I would love for my mother, Amy Dillard, to receive it. She would be blessed by it. Thank you. Susan C. (Florida)

  49. 549
    Chris in Canada says:

    I’d love to give it to my dear friend, Melinda. She lost her 8-yr-old daughter to cancer this past year and she has been such an example to us of God’s Presence while she grieves and heals. Beth – she met up with you at an event in Calgary, Canada and you prayed over her and talked about her during your speaking. It meant the world to her!

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  50. 550
    Chris carey says:

    I would love to have a copy sent to my wife Angie who is a mom of 10 aged 6 mos. To 13. She is a Godly woman and deserves to be honored! Thank you! Chris (husband)