Winners for “Feathers From My Nest” Giveaway!

OK, everybody! Here are the results of our random drawing for our book giveaways! I wish so much we could send one to each of you who entered. I so badly wanted some of the men to win! Bless them for posting on our blog today!

Carole Hunt

Addison Rothrock

Brandy Tucker

Gina Myers


Julie Meador

Kristin Funston

Allie Field

Sarah Bryant

Betsy Martin

Mykael Story

Stephanie Bandy

Cami Lang

Amy Harris

Patricia Hoskins

Brenda Prose

Heather Briggs

Robin Lamp

Jill Roberts

Amy Wilch

Dawn Reeves

Angie Osborne

Alison Vaughan

Please email LPM as soon as you can at [email protected] with the street address (no P.O. boxes please) where you want the personalized book sent and we will get right on it! Thank you! We are so blessed to serve you! Tons of love to you all.

Hey, Everybody! We would just love to do a drawing to give away 23 personalized copies of Feathers From My Nest for Mother’s Day. It’s the only official “Mom” book I’ve ever done. I wrote it with wet affection right after my youngest daughter went to college and it is still dear to me. The idea to do a random drawing for a giveaway occurred to me right at closing yesterday so I asked KMac and Evangeline to do a quick perusal and tell me how many copies we have on hand at the ministry. They looked on our resource shelf then around several tables and came up with exactly 23 copies. That’s the reason for the random number. If we find any more around the ministry, we’ll add those into the drawing and give them away, too! I wish I’d thought of it sooner and we would have placed an order for more but we’ll have fun with this many. I so hope some moms will enjoy it.


If you’re interested in winning one, here’s what you do: Leave a comment to this post with your own first and last name and then the first name of the person you want to receive it for Mother’s Day so that I can personalize it. 


We’re going to do a really fast turn-around because we want to get them into the mail in time for Mother’s Day. That means we need to close the post at 11:30 AM this morning. We will then post the 23 winners at 12 noon today in a second post and ask them to jot us a brief email as soon as possible to supply us with a mailing address for the book.


Sound easy enough? Let’s do it!




So much love to you guys today!


701 Responses to “Winners for “Feathers From My Nest” Giveaway!”

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  1. 51
    Missy Moore says:

    I want to give it to: Regina

  2. 52
    Kammie Savidge says:


  3. 53
    Suzie DeVaughn says:

    I truly feel my daughter-in-law would benefit fromthis book! She is a new stay at home mom. From experience I know how long and loaded days are at home. I want her to collect thise feathers before her nest is empty.

  4. 54
    Robin Bellerby says:

    Personalize to Robin

  5. 55
    Keri Lee Robbins says:

    My name is Keri Lee Robbins and my Mom’s name is Ernie Lee. Thank you for your amazing heart of giving Beth!! <3

  6. 56
    Heidi Griffith says:

    Heidi Griffith. I would love a personalized copy for my friend Janet Carman!

  7. 57
    Julie Reynolds says:

    Julie Reynolds~ Allison

  8. 58
    Candis L. Oswalt says:

    I would like to give this to my oldest sister Marlena Cano

  9. 59
    Lauren gross says:

    My name is Lauren Gross and I would like my mom, Judy to receive the book.


  10. 60
    Lisa Fodor says:

    Lisa Fodor. I would love to give a copy to my pastors wife, Rachel Brown as she is beginning the process of sending off her children into the world. Thank you

  11. 61
    Louann Lozowski says:


  12. 62
    Tiffany Hendrix says:

    Tiffany Hendrix

  13. 63
    Courtney Easterday says:

    The personalized copy would be for my mother, Terri Riddle.

  14. 64
    Susanna Held says:

    Carolyn Moore

  15. 65
    Cameron Ford says:

    Cameron Ford for my wife Melanie Ford.

    Thank you!

  16. 66
    Kathryn Steed says:

    For my mother, Linda.

    Thanks Beth! – Kathryn

  17. 67
    Kim Nadrowski says:


    Not to be selfish but I would like a copy for myself. Struggling right now with a son who’s not walking with The Lord and I’m hopeful that there will be encouraging words for me in the book!

  18. 68
    Karen Todd says:

    Karen Todd
    I would love for my daughter Amanda Todd Eubanks to win!
    Happy Morhers day to all you at LPM and to all ladies who read this. God bless

  19. 69

    Melissa Carpenter; my mom, Karen

  20. 70
    Paula Schrad says:

    Would LOVE a book for my mom, Joan!

    Thanks much!

  21. 71
    Reneé Kelley says:

    Well, since my own mom has passed away! I would like to enter the contest to enter for a copy of the book for a friend of mine. She lost a Child a year and a half ago and this past Saturday would have been her little girls 1st birthday. She has a son, but Mother’s Day is kinda a difficult day for her. I would love if she could be blessed with this book!

    My name:
    Reneé Kelley

    My friend’s name:


  22. 72
    Christy Fordham says:

    Christy Wilson

  23. 73
    Chrissy carrell says:

    Betsy morgenroth

  24. 74
    Michelle Howe says:

    Hi Beth I’d love to give a signed copy of your book to my mother. Her name is Kathey Woodard. Thanks for considering us!! 🙂

  25. 75
    Doreen says:

    My name: Doreen Torseth
    I would like to give this book to my daughter, Kara.

  26. 76
    Fran Thomas says:

    Hi sweet Beth…I would love to win one for a dear momma to my soul. My own. We call her Mimi. You could address it to MiMi. 🙂

    Much love to you always!
    Fran Thomas

  27. 77
    Kristin says:

    I would love a copy myself! Kristin Funston

  28. 78
    Katie Bivens says:

    Katie Bivens

    Mother: Jan

  29. 79
    Toni Alltus says:

    I would love to receive a copy and pass it along after I read it. I have a 20 yr old son, and a 16 yr old. I got married at 18 gave birth to my first child at 19 and a stay home mom soley for 12 yrs and in and out of the work force the last 6. Im really struggling to figure out who I am as an adult without my kids needing me for everything. Im sure I can relate. Excited about he book whether I win or not, I will get one because I need it 🙂 God Bless

  30. 80
    Kyra Hawkins says:

    Kyra Hawkins
    Mindi Eustace

  31. 81
    Angela Lockman says:

    Chris Caldwell

  32. 82
    Matthew says:

    My name is Matthew Durham and my beautiful bride is Melissa. With three teen daughters this would be especially great.

  33. 83
    Robyn Ford says:

    I would LOVE this for my own mom, Cindy, who has a beautiful spirit in The Lord and could use some great encouragement … & she (we) absolutely love you!! 🙂

  34. 84
    Paula Richardson says:

    My name is Paula Richardson and I would love to have a copy for Pat Priest.

  35. 85
    Dustin Ashmore says:

    My wife Amanda is an amazing mother raising our 16 month old son while I am in the USAF and on a year long tour in South Korea. She is a huge fan of your writing and this would be a huge boost for her this Mother’s Day.

  36. 86
    Beth Gibbs says:

    Would love to have a copy for my sister-in-law, Melissa. Thanks for your graciousness.

  37. 87
    Kristi Hodnefield says:

    Pat Suter

  38. 88
    Patti Knick says:

    I would like a this! I need this 🙂 Patti Knick
    And my dear friend Denise Craymer who is always encouraging me along life’s way, who loves loves loves Beth Moore books & studies! She needs one too 🙂

  39. 89
    Janice Brooks says:

    Frances Graham

  40. 90
    Susan says:

    I’d be delighted to give one to Liz for Mother’s Day.

    She lost her Mother last year and is a single mother of 3 little ones.

    Susan Ochs

  41. 91
    Chrisitine J Cochran says:

    My mom Glenda Reed

  42. 92
    Tawana Riddle says:

    Tawana Riddle

  43. 93
    Chrisitine J Cochran says:

    My grandma Betty Cochran

  44. 94
    Lindsay Ranew says:

    Lindsay Ranew

    For my mommy, Traci 🙂

  45. 95
    Kendra Schinkel says:

    Kendra Schinkel and I would love to give a copy to my mom Laurel Silenzi and my Mother in Law Georgina Schinkel. Both are such dear women who have played an amazing role in my walk with Christ!

  46. 96
    Britni Adkins says:

    For my mommies, Angela Jones and Patty Adkins.

  47. 97
    Marie says:

    To Tanya Jensen

    What a amazing great gift this would be

  48. 98
    Cara Parrish says:

    My name is Cara Parrish and I would love to win a copy of this book for my mother B. Smith Stox!

  49. 99
    Melissa Cox says:

    I would give the book to my mom, Kathie. Thank you for the fun opportunity at a awesome mothers Day gift!
    Melissa Cox

  50. 100
    Lindsey says:

    Lindsey McLain-Stacy