Happiness Is…

Happiness is wearing a long sleeve t-shirt.

Happiness is watching magical reunions happen in baggage claim.

Happiness is holding a newborn baby.

Happiness is a new coat of nail polish.

Happiness is an encouraging text message in the middle of the day.

Happiness is snail mail.

Happiness is an empty email inbox at the end of a workday.

Happiness is laughing so hard you can’t breathe.

Happiness is the blank pages of a new journal.

Happiness is an unlikely friendship.

Happiness is zero humidity in Houston.

Happiness is hearing your name from someone you didn’t think knew your name.

Happiness is my mom’s chocolate chip banana bread mini-muffins.

Happiness is the straight lines on the carpet left over from vacuuming.

Happiness is an empty laundry basket, even if it only lasts for a day.

Happiness is your favorite song getting played on the radio when you’re driving.

Sometimes it’s just the little things in life.

Your turn.

Happiness is…


378 Responses to “Happiness Is…”

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  1. 51
    Joy says:

    …your husband bringing you home your fav chocolate bar just because he can…and he knew.

    …not finding the empty container of milk in the refrigerator or the empty toilet paper roll on the holder.

    …the aroma and taste of gingerbread coffee.

    …answering the phone and hearing, “Hi mom!”.

    …arriving at church early enough to sit and enjoy His presence before the service begins.

    …a good book, a cozy blanket, a fireplace, a hot drink and nothing to do for an hour but enjoy.

    …hearing the words at your 6 month cancer check-up, “All looks well.”

    …is knowing the Lord and letting Him be Lord.

  2. 52
    Kristen says:

    Happiness is a clean kitchen. With 3 little kids this is also called a miracle! ha

    • 52.1
      amybhill says:

      lol πŸ™‚

    • 52.2
      Jeanie says:

      Hang in there! Jesus knows what you need. Without Him we are nothing…His will, not ours be done.

      Happiness for me is knowing Jesus’ invitation…

      “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give rest.” Matthew 11:28

      Happiness…”for me is knowing now, after raising a child as a single adult, that my child was “lent” to me by my Lord and Savior and every moment with my son is a great blessing (It seemed better for me to just sit down and play with him – to join in the fun with him for awhile than to worry)”

      “And whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” Matthew 18:5

      Happiness is…”that I am a mother of one of God’s children, a 20-year-old son now, and even though currently feeling the loneliness of his just moving out on his own, I know the Lord is there all the time for me… Your presence Lord is precious…I praise and thank you Jesus.”

      Happiness is prayer…”Thank You God for giving Your miraculous promise, Your Son’s birth. May you give us each peace, love, hope and joy this season.”

  3. 53
    Michelle says:

    Happiness is listening to my 8 year old laugh at cartoons.

    Happiness is thanking the Lord!

    Happiness is coming home after a day at the office.

  4. 54
    Jan says:

    memories of loved ones who are in heaven

    my family

    fresh sheets

    clean home

    Christian employers (for me and my hubs)


  5. 55
    Stephanie says:

    Happiness is…
    When every kid is my classroom is actually ready to listen!

    The light in their eyes when they have an “Aha!” moment

    Fall leaves everywhere

    Feeling like a celebrity when I walk into the cafeteria during their lunch time, and enjoying their hugs.

    Seeing them step up in courage.

    Listening to children’s voices raised in song all day long!

  6. 56
    Ashley says:

    Happiness is family devotional time.
    Happiness is my husband’s embrace.
    Happiness is hearing my son pray for our Compassion child.
    Happiness is my daughter cupping my face and whispering, “I love you, Mommy.”

    Happiness is being aware of Christ’s abundant blessings….and happiness is the opportunity to thank Him for them.

  7. 57
    Melissa says:

    The first smells of a new season beginning outside.

    Laying in bed with my husband and talking for hours.

    Finishing a good book.

    Eating outside.

    Exhaustion from a great workout

    Laughing with girlfriends.

    • 57.1
      Michele says:

      Finishing a good book with the next good book you’re excited to read waiting for you on the night stand!

  8. 58

    happiness is…

    …Another term for “Blessed.”

    …All my kids at home at the same time.

    …My sweet dogs curled up in my lap for a nap.

    …Cold milk and warm chocolate chip cookies.

    …Snowman Soup! It’s a Wonderful Life & Our Christmas Trees providing the only other light in the room.

    …Taking Communion.

    …hearts surrendered in worship.

    …watching someone else’s life transform before your very eyes.

    …the smell of a newborn baby’s skin.

    …the sound of a newborn’s cry.

    …hearing the words I Love You.

    …dancing with “Daddy God” in worship.

    …My hand to the brush and my brush to the canvas and my canvas to the easel.

    …living your wildest dreams.

    • 58.1

      …ending the day next to my Scott.

    • 58.2
      Tatia Cook says:

      I wanna know what Snowman Soup is πŸ™‚

      • Snowman Soup is Rich Hot Chocolate… we have it every year on Christmas Eve after Christmas Communion and watch Christmas movies. πŸ™‚

        Snowman Soup:

        1 Pkg of your favorite Hot Chocolate Mix
        2-3 Hershey’s Kisses or 6 mini-Kisses
        1 Peppermint stick or Candy Cane
        A Handful of Marshmallows

        Make Hot Chocolate according to package directions substituting milk for water. (TIP: I put the powder in the bottom of the cup and add a small amount of milk to pre-mix the powder – no clumps of powder to disperse this way,) You can heat milk in microwave or in pan on stove. I use the stove… Just old fashioned I guess.

        Put the powder and Kisses in the coffee mug, add hot milk and stir with your peppermint stick. Then Add marshmallows and sip — enjoy.

        Family favorite. My 23 year old daughter says this is her favorite family holiday tradition – I drink it all winter.


  9. 59
    Becky says:

    having a prayer answered that you know only God could perform!!

    Being involved in my grand kids lives and cherishing every moment

    sitting beside a fireplace

    Just the wonderful feeling you get this time of year Merry CHRISTMAS everyone

  10. 60
    Kelli Cox says:

    …a cup of hot tea, a favorite book and a quiet house


    ….the sound of all 4 of my girls giggling, laughing and talking all at once and realizing deep down in my heart how much they all love each other and overflowing with thankfulness

  11. 61

    Happiness is gathering with Christian women once a week at Bible study!

  12. 62
    Grandma Jane says:

    Playing duck duck goose with my two wonderful granddaughters and listening to them laugh. Knowing that all of my children have accepted Christ. Knowing that Jesus loves me. Forgiveness.

  13. 63

    Leaves falling like snow on a windy autumn day

    Lights twinkling on the Christmas tree

    Cookies just from the oven

    Lunch with a friend

  14. 64
    Kelli Cox says:

    leaving my 4 girls home alone for the first time at night to go out to dinner with my man and coming home to chores done, homework done, baby in bed, squeaky clean house and advent devotion done together- so thankful!

  15. 65
    Cheryl Hinerman says:

    the assurance of your children’s salvation = D

  16. 66
    Shannon says:

    A hug and kiss and snuggles from my boys….

  17. 67
    Molly says:

    Watching GOD’S GLORY unwind in a story that you don’t know the ending to…but you know its something better than you could hope for.

    • 67.1
      LInda - LPM says:

      Yes Molly!! And when come to the end of a chapter and you look back in awe at His Glory! And wonder can it get better? And it does. This is happiness!!

  18. 68
    Diane says:

    Hearing a flattering rumor about yourself.

  19. 69
    Gail says:

    Hearing my 7 year old Grandson pray for Jerusalem, and for Jesus to come back soon. His hugs mean so much to me, and the love of all my Grandchildren is a pure gift from God!

  20. 70
    Mary Lou says:

    * a cup of PG Tips made by hubby just for me
    * a hot shower
    * clear, blue skies and crisp, cold air
    * a house decorated for Christmas
    * the opportunity to homeschool my 5 girls even on hard days
    * having a hard-working husband
    * a new kitchen faucet
    * a Christmas episode of my favorite TV show
    * laundry washed, dried, folded and put away all in the same 48 hours
    * making banana bread with bananas that were on sale for only 19 cents a pound
    * having all that we need and some of our wants
    * Christmas music
    * an endless list of things to be thankful for and happy about

  21. 71
    vanessa says:

    Happiness is…

    My beautiful family I am bless to have..

    My dog Chico πŸ™‚

    Sunsets on the beach..

    Fishing in the Bay..

    My Bible Study ladies..

    Soo much more but those are just a few

  22. 72
    Molly says:

    Feeling like your on the edge of full out faith, and jumping

    Ice cold milk and peanut butter cookies

    kids and their hilarious words/phrases

    Yellow labs. Period

    Bagels and cream cheese

    Sleeping in

    Finances in order

    Savings in the bank

    Growing Tomatoes

    Pine trees in Oregon. Oregon all by itself.

    Good Bible teaching


    Living out your purpose

    Questionaires, being interviewed.

    Long drives in the country


    Thinking of things that would classify as happy…

  23. 73
    Megan M. says:

    Happiness is…hiking deep in the woods and savoring the sweet, complete silence of nothing but nature and God’s mighty presence uninterrupted!

    Happiness is…a warm latte on a brisk, cold morning

    Happiness is…smiling at a stranger and seeing it light up their day

    Happiness is…Watching my cats play and stalk

    Happiness is….watching/listening to birds eating and chirping.

    Happiness is…seeing my husband happy with his new job/promotion. πŸ˜€

    Joy is….knowing Jesus.

  24. 74
    Katie Bandelin says:

    Happiness is hearing my 2 year old talking about eating “Wollypops”.
    Happiness is having my 4 year old come home from AWANA store night, eyes glistening because she bought a princess crown, wand and (wait for it) CLIP ON EARINGS!!
    Happiness is pulling out Christmas decorations that feel like old friends! The army may move us from place to place but the Christmas decorations stay the same πŸ™‚
    Happiness is Pandora’s “Classical Christmas” radio station.
    Happiness is being a child of God, bought at a price, loved beyond measure and thrilled to have a sisterhood who loves Him too πŸ™‚ MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!

  25. 75
    Blaire says:

    Happiness is…seeing my 3 month old precious nephew visit Santa Claus this morning:)

  26. 76
    Jenn says:

    -grace bestowed when anger is appropriate.
    -all the laundry, folded and put away.
    -a toddler boy who is too busy all day to give me a kiss, but falls asleep in my arms.
    -“me wuv eww, mommy…you’re Dora, me boots…your my bess friend.” from a 2 year old.
    -when all 5 littles nap at the same time.
    -openning the dishwasher, and it’s already been unloaded.

  27. 77
    Karen says:

    hearing that sweet little voice say “Gigi, I love you thissssss much!”

  28. 78
    Denise says:

    Happiness is hearing my son laugh….

    Happiness is a big glass of sweet tea….

  29. 79
    GJ says:

    Knowing that it is well with my soul.

    A good marriage – priceless.

    Grandchildren – pure JOY.

    Celebrating my best friend being free from ovarian cancer for 3 years.

    A single redbird in the weeping willow tree.

    A falling star.

    Greens in my garden this time of year.

    Surprise delivery of pink roses at work.

    A good night’s sleep.

    Good popcorn and a movie.

    New fabric for a quilt.

    My elderly parents living next door.

    Christmas music.

    A real special quiet time with the Lord and you just can’t explain the preciousness of that.

    Friendship with your adult sons – worth all the time you spent raising them up…when you weren’t considered their friend. πŸ™‚

    A card in the mail that just touches you way down deep.

    A good cup of coffee early in the morning quiet.

    Front porch rockers (and back porches too).

    A fire in the firepit outside.

    A walk in the woods.

    Laughing so hard you just can’t breathe and then getting tickled all over again.

    Inside jokes and the silliness of all that.

    Cornbread hot out of the oven.

    Siestaville… πŸ™‚

  30. 80
    amybhill says:

    the first lick of a soft-serve ice cream cone with rainbow jimmies…

    the sound of my girls playing happily together…

    sitting outside with a book…

    the sound of my husband coming in the door from work…

    getting completely alone with the Lord…

    listening to my daughters say their prayers…

    feeling loved…

  31. 81
    Sharon J. says:

    What a good thing to do!
    Happiness is: flannel sheets on a cold night!
    Happiness is an unexpected date night with my man :o)
    Happiness is camillas blooming in winter
    Happiness is the two dogs Trinity and dally meeting me after work tails wagging
    Happiness is the kiss coming by foe dinner unexpectedly and bringing dinner with them!
    Happiness is hearing my son belt out a tune on the piano
    Happiness is seeing my daughter work with animals
    happiness is my God being so amazing in my life!

  32. 82
    Claire says:

    …Christmas tree lights twinkling

    ….an early morning walk just you, your dog, and God

    …bright sunrises and sunsets

    …bike rides with your mom and sister

    ….a room full of special needs adults praising the Lord with their full hearts

  33. 83
    Marsha says:

    Seeing my daughter turn into the driveway for a visit…even if it’s just a few days. (All grown up, but she’s still my *little girl*)

  34. 84
    Kristin S says:

    …. a just poured HOT cup of coffee

    …. someone saying ‘thank you’

    …. a hand-written letter in the mailbox

    …. someone taking out my trash (or this week, taking mice out of traps at my house)

    …. being thought of or considered

    I could go on and on…

  35. 85
    SherriD says:

    Happiness is having your husband home at night. You may take it for granted, but if you ever have him get a job that takes him away for days, weeks and sometimes months at a time, you sure are thankful when he has a job in town!

  36. 86
    Christy Yates says:

    Happiness is…
    cuddles from a kitty
    hearing my brothers’ laugh
    my dad big bear hugs
    a positive conversation with mom
    1st grade Sunday Schoolers
    letters from my Compassion child in Indonesia
    when a favorite hymn is sung in church(I am here Lord…)
    first and last days of a new Bible study
    being underwater
    a bowl of Tom Ka Gai
    having all the bills paid
    reuniting with a dear friend
    using spiritual gifts in a creative way
    clean sheets on the bed…

  37. 87
    Ashley Moshell says:

    Happiness is when my chunk of love 5 month old smiles with his whole body when he sees me!

  38. 88
    Patsy says:

    I used to say that happiness for me was a tank full of gas and a drawer full of clean underwear!

  39. 89
    Bev says:

    Happiness is waiting on my first grandchild to be born. It’s a girl!!!

  40. 90
    Diana A. says:

    …KNOWING God hears my prayers!

    …A cloudy day, and the sun peeks thru πŸ™‚

    …family home after a busy day!

    …gentle licks from my puppy girl πŸ˜€

    …chocolate :0

    …seeing a post from Living Proof!!!

  41. 91
    Shannan says:

    the first cup of coffee of the day

    watching & listening to my 16 year old & 14 year old become the best of friends

    friendships that are real, authentic and fun

    sitting in a quiet house early in the morning with nothing but the Christmas lights on, my cup of coffee, and my bible

    complete contentment in my Father has made me to be

  42. 92
    Lynne Jones says:

    Happiness is:

    …Greek salad from Tony’s NY Pizza (Manassas VA)

    …Starbucks Christmas Blend coffee

    …Seeing my grown children seek a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus

    …after venting fears, my husband says “don’t worry honey, I got your back”.

    …Christmas anything.

    …my little, blind 11 year-old Yorkie, Gus who dances around every time we come home

    …Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal outside on the bird feeder – they are always together

    …flannel sheets

    …knowing no matter what, my God is with me no matter what (I, too, am living proof).

  43. 93

    Love this!

    Happiness is…

    …seeing and holding my babies for the very first time.

    …Saturday morning snuggles in bed with my husband and kids.

    …sitting in a movie theater with my husband and a tub of popcorn.

    …a hot cup of coffee, a good book, and NO interruptions.

    …an unhurried lunch with friends you haven’t spent time with in a long time.

  44. 94
    Casey Springer says:

    *Picking up my cap and gown for my bachelors…long,long journey

    *clean laundry

    *good Mexican food

    *finishing a great book/buying a new book

    *turning the last page of a Bible Study

    *cuddling up on the couch with my husband on a rainy day

    *a new haircut with highlights

    *lunch with girls and a pedicure!

    Love this!!

    • 94.1
      Lindsee says:

      Girl, job well done on pushing through your long journey and finishing! That’s big! Blessings to you!

      • Casey says:

        thank you so much! It has been a faith walk each step of the way.

        Just hope my hair cooperates with the cap look that day πŸ˜‰

  45. 95
    april lopez says:

    Happiness is…

    Finally knowing and truly believing God loves me..

    my husband Antonio…

    my grandchildren Emmilianna and Aava…

    my group of prayer gals that meet on thursdays πŸ™‚

  46. 96
    Jennifer says:

    Having friends you never thought you would have!

    Hearing my Two year old and Four year old talk and play together… Even more special because the Four year old is just now speaking well.

    Getting to stay home with the boys and watch them grow up.

    Working on a Crochet blanket.

    BBC Sherlock


    Being able to tell God “everything is ok, thank you!”

  47. 97
    Sarah says:

    Happiness is

    …knowing that despite the tears of sadness and the difficult choice (having to return a WONDERFUL dog to the humane society after discovering baby is allergic to dogs!) the older children are supportive and understanding.

    …the arms of my beloved around me.

    …hearing peals of laughter from my children.

    …the Peace that passes all understanding

    …a completed to do list!

  48. 98
    Susan says:

    Happiness is spending uninterrupted time with the Lord.
    Happiness is the revelation power of the Holy Spirit.
    Happiness is when you receive a witness from the Holy Spirit that “It is done.”
    Happiness is the getting lost is God’s presence and in His Word.
    Happiness is laughing so hard you can’t stop!

  49. 99
    carla says:

    Happiness is being in God’s house on Sunday morning….Now that we are empty nesters(that is great too) we both look forward to seeing all the little children, the music, just hearing God’s word, that is the first thing that came to mind….
    then I thought a bit and
    Happiness is getting in our motorhome, just us too and not having to be anywhere in particular but going together…

  50. 100
    Rene says:

    I love all of yours, Lindsey! Especially someone calling you by name that you didn’t think knew it. Yes. I’ll add to yours…

    …. running into the ocean with your children on their first visit to the beach.

    ….a cool breeze on a warm day blowing through your open window.

    …your puppy dog meeting you at the door when you come home with a wagging tail/body and a toy in it’s mouth.

    …knowing God just used you when He could have used someone else.

    …fresh brewed sweet tea.

    …having your children accomplish something they thought they never could.

    …receiving a beautiful sweater from Anthropologie you thought you’d never own from a friend who found out and surprised you.

    …. and so many more…
    Reading all of these happinesses here and having tears of joy for so many thankful hearts all on one page. How fun!

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