A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway

#2067  Edie Jones!
I think you will all so appreciate the first sentence of her comment:

“My husband is in Afghanistan and a few ‘favorite things’ would brighten my day!”

How about that, Sisters?!? OK, Edie, please contact Living Proof Ministries at toll free (888) 700-1999 and give us an address. Please ask for Kimberly or Susan. Knowing what we now know, all of us here would want so much to send you to the beach…but, instead, we’re sending the beach to you. ENJOY!!!

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: this post will embody most everything you anticipate and perhaps even despise about women’s ministry. There will even be pink nail polish. As the great Professor Thornbury said a few weeks ago on the Twitterverse “something is not a stumbling block if you can see it coming.” So, consider yourself warned.

Colin and I just returned from a week at the beach in Mexico. It was crazy fantastic. I slept. I read classic literature. I also swam with a dolphin named Duey. And on the day I returned home I was greeted abrasively by a stomach bug and a crick in my neck so bad I could barely move my head. Oh, and then my 100 lb puppy Winston ate my over-priced prescription eye-glasses. But how can I really be frustrated with this bad boy?

Anyway, since this weekend was the Memorial Day holiday I scrolled through numerous tweets from people who were somewhere fabulous while I was at home with a bag of frozen corn under my neck. And I began to weep for the serenity of the ocean and my dolphin Duey.

But enough about me.

I want to talk about you.

I got to thinking that there may be some of you who won’t get a break this summer. While nearly everyone you know is off to some fabulous island, you won’t get a moment’s rest. For whatever reason, you won’t be able to retreat to the beach or the mountains or to wherever else makes your heart happy. We want to send a little fun and lots of love your direction so we’re doing a random give-away. And it will not include commentaries, concordances, or anything super useful or meaningful.

This giveaway is simply full of some of my personal favorite summer things including: Bobbi Brown Beach parfum (seriously smells exactly like the beach!), classic Ray-Ban aviators, Votivo Candle in White Ocean Sands, a pair of bright yellow Moleskine notebooks, Tea Forte’ Pomegranate Blackberry Iced Tea, and America’s Test Kitchen Best Summer Dessert recipes. See the contents below:




There are really no conditions for this giveaway. My hope, of course, is that this gift makes it into the hands of someone who simply can’t get a break this year and not someone who is heading to the Maldives or Bora Bora next week to stay in one of those little huts with glass floors sprawled across sparkling turquoise waters. But truly, if this gift brings a big smile to a single one of your faces that is quite enough for me.

So, please enter your name in the comments section if you could use a little sunshine in your world. We’ll do a random drawing and announce the winner at noon on this Thursday the 31st.


You are loved.



3,748 Responses to “A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway”

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  1. 801
    tracy elizabeth duncan says:

    Love how everything sounds!

  2. 802
    Dara Cox says:

    Fabulous!! I love the beach!

  3. 803
    Shelly McCormick says:

    Enjoying the heat after a long, cold winter is my getaway 🙂

  4. 804
    Amy H. says:

    Looks like all the makings for a “staycation”!

  5. 805
    ONealya Gronstal says:

    Oh how fun you are! O’Nealya Gronstal

  6. 806
    Susan Thomas says:

    Just came through a desert season- with some continuing dry spots predicted. This would be a fantastic boost. Thanks for the chance!

  7. 807
    Kristie Wooten says:

    We moved to Kentucky from the Georgia-Florida line last July. Kentucky is NOWHERE near an ocean, people! This is taking a lot of getting used to! Maybe if I win this giveaway, I can at least pretend to be at the beach. 🙂 Blessings to you all!

  8. 808
    kylie says:

    one of my best friends is at the beach right now. i am so jealous and wish i could go this summer, but with college it just is not an option. this is such a sweet, lovely giveaway! 🙂

  9. 809
    Mechelle McGuire says:

    What a great collection of summer items -Mechelle McGuire

  10. 810
    Liz says:

    This is so girly and great!

  11. 811
    Julianne says:

    What fun! I feel blessed already!

  12. 812
    linde says:

    This looks so great!! Thank you:)

  13. 813
    theresa bradford says:

    I’m writing this for my older sister. She just has it tough. Lots of stuff for lots of years. Truly works so hard for not much and won’t be going anywhere this summer. I would love for her to be surprised. Her heart has broken a million times for a million reasons and truly she just keeps keeping on. She loves Jesus and she could so use a blessing. Thanks Melissa…for shining a bright light into some dim places.

  14. 814

    Wow! How sweet! Everything is so thoughtful. Thanks for having this giveaway. 🙂

  15. 815
    Renee Farmer says:

    How fun! (And generous 🙂 I must admit, I’m very intrigued by the beach-scented parfum…

    (I hope you’re feeling better!)

  16. 816
    Amy Faine says:

    What a fun giveaway…how sweet of you all! Would love to be entered, thanks!

  17. 817
    Jodi Miller says:

    I just set my phone up last night with 10 alarms to ring me throughout the day to tell me what to do next with the kids to maintain peace. I even used my 3 yr old’s pretend teacher pointer to introduce everyone to the “summer school of LOVE”, told them the mommy rules, and taught them the summer cheer. Please, Jesus give me strength to be the best mommy You created me to be until Fall.

  18. 818
    GJ says:

    Melissa! WOW – and I thought you were super sweet to give your Mom those sassy shoes! This is amazingly generous! I love it! I’m going to be one of those “not going anywhere this summer” folks…except for a couple of trips to the Farmers Market. 🙂 I’m saving vacation days for the Fall when grandbaby #4 is due…a GIRL 🙂

    Much love,
    Georgia Jan

  19. 819
    marita says:

    This brings a huge smile to my face. 🙂

  20. 820
    Tammy Hutton says:

    Great idea! Thanks 🙂

  21. 821
    Jenn says:

    Such a fun giveaway!

  22. 822
    Deidre says:

    Great collection. Thanks!

  23. 823
    Christy says:

    This is a great idea! Someone will love you for it! And no, there are no vacation plans on the horizon here.

  24. 824
    Liz Howell says:

    Sounds marvelous. Thanks for all you ladies do!

  25. 825
    Kim says:

    Just reading the list of items to be given away makes me happy. Thank you so much for doing this!! What a delight.

  26. 826

    Such a lovely idea … thank you! 🙂

  27. 827
    Cheryl says:

    Great idea to inspire and encourage us landlocked souls! I dream of a beach every day!

  28. 828
    Laura says:

    Looks like a perfect bag of goodies…I’m pretty sure heaven is going to smell like Bobbi Brown Beach perfume!!

  29. 829
    Sheila Hodge says:

    What a lovely thing to do! Oklahoma has no beach and that’s where I’ll be.

  30. 830
    Michelle says:

    Wahoo! Sun and FUN! Y’all are a huge blessing!

  31. 831
    Candace says:

    Oh wow! I’m not headed to the beach this summer (boo!!) so this would be a lovely gift!! 🙂

  32. 832
    Jenifer Jenkinson says:

    I LOVE THE BEACH. the end . :D.

    Jenifer Jenkinson

  33. 833
    Sarah says:

    I am moving from one cloudy place to a cooler cloudy place. A little sunshine would feel great!

  34. 834
    Sarah Marion says:

    What a great idea! I felt refreshed just reading the post.
    Sarah Marion

  35. 835
    Linda Schaich says:

    Hi, Melissa, what a blessing this gift will be for those of us, who will not be able to go to the beach this summer. Our daughter is starting college in August and with the expensives of college, we are focusing on college and getting her ready for her dorm, etc. It is an exciting time!! Thank you 🙂

  36. 836
    Andi Wernke says:

    So sweet of you Melissa!! Looks like a great prize!

  37. 837
    Kelly in Carrollton says:

    summer fun!! thank you, thank you, thank you!! : )

  38. 838
    Amanda says:

    Amanda Godsey

  39. 839
    Leigh Ann Long says:

    AWESOME!!!! Thanks!

  40. 840
    Anita Williams says:

    Feeling super hopeful!

  41. 841
    Alison Weaver says:

    Wow!!! Way to much fun!!!! It’s like a vacation, birthday, and Christmas, all wrapped up in one great package!!!! This would be the perfect thing for this summer!

  42. 842
    Sally F says:

    So thoughtful of you!!!

  43. 843
    Susan says:

    Looks Fabulous!!!

  44. 844

    Cannot get away with three daughters in college….someday!

  45. 845
    Gayle says:

    oh i can smell the beach looking at all the stuff. but since i was downsized from my job in April and having a daughter getting married in Aug. this girl will not be going anywhere except to a friends pool. Blessins to you.

  46. 846
    Julie Ratcliff says:

    I would love to win this!

    Julie Ratcliff

  47. 847
    VHiggins says:

    Love, love, love! Yes, please! <3
    Touched my heart even if I don't win (and I never do :-P)

  48. 848
    Emily Rickard says:

    what a thoughtful idea, and a thoughtful ministry! Love y’all!!!! (ps those sunglasses are stunning ;))

  49. 849
    Mandy Monson says:

    What a blessing this would be! Thank you for offering such wonderful summertime goodies!!

  50. 850
    Michelle Glenn says:

    Awesome opportunity! No trips for me this summer, not even one to go home and see my family. 🙁 Maybe next year though.

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