A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway

#2067  Edie Jones!
I think you will all so appreciate the first sentence of her comment:

“My husband is in Afghanistan and a few ‘favorite things’ would brighten my day!”

How about that, Sisters?!? OK, Edie, please contact Living Proof Ministries at toll free (888) 700-1999 and give us an address. Please ask for Kimberly or Susan. Knowing what we now know, all of us here would want so much to send you to the beach…but, instead, we’re sending the beach to you. ENJOY!!!

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: this post will embody most everything you anticipate and perhaps even despise about women’s ministry. There will even be pink nail polish. As the great Professor Thornbury said a few weeks ago on the Twitterverse “something is not a stumbling block if you can see it coming.” So, consider yourself warned.

Colin and I just returned from a week at the beach in Mexico. It was crazy fantastic. I slept. I read classic literature. I also swam with a dolphin named Duey. And on the day I returned home I was greeted abrasively by a stomach bug and a crick in my neck so bad I could barely move my head. Oh, and then my 100 lb puppy Winston ate my over-priced prescription eye-glasses. But how can I really be frustrated with this bad boy?

Anyway, since this weekend was the Memorial Day holiday I scrolled through numerous tweets from people who were somewhere fabulous while I was at home with a bag of frozen corn under my neck. And I began to weep for the serenity of the ocean and my dolphin Duey.

But enough about me.

I want to talk about you.

I got to thinking that there may be some of you who won’t get a break this summer. While nearly everyone you know is off to some fabulous island, you won’t get a moment’s rest. For whatever reason, you won’t be able to retreat to the beach or the mountains or to wherever else makes your heart happy. We want to send a little fun and lots of love your direction so we’re doing a random give-away. And it will not include commentaries, concordances, or anything super useful or meaningful.

This giveaway is simply full of some of my personal favorite summer things including: Bobbi Brown Beach parfum (seriously smells exactly like the beach!), classic Ray-Ban aviators, Votivo Candle in White Ocean Sands, a pair of bright yellow Moleskine notebooks, Tea Forte’ Pomegranate Blackberry Iced Tea, and America’s Test Kitchen Best Summer Dessert recipes. See the contents below:




There are really no conditions for this giveaway. My hope, of course, is that this gift makes it into the hands of someone who simply can’t get a break this year and not someone who is heading to the Maldives or Bora Bora next week to stay in one of those little huts with glass floors sprawled across sparkling turquoise waters. But truly, if this gift brings a big smile to a single one of your faces that is quite enough for me.

So, please enter your name in the comments section if you could use a little sunshine in your world. We’ll do a random drawing and announce the winner at noon on this Thursday the 31st.


You are loved.



3,748 Responses to “A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway”

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  1. 651
    Stephanie Townsend says:

    Hey random pick a Person thingy,pick me!! 🙂

  2. 652
    Michelle says:

    No beach for me me this summer, but this would allow me too bring the beach to me 🙂

  3. 653
    Ruth says:

    I dreamed a dream of owning ray bans someday, lol, I’m just kidding. (sort of) I promise I’m not going to Bora Bora any time in the near (or distant) future. What a great giveaway!

  4. 654
    Judy Booth says:

    No far away exotic vacays for me, but I am not complaining!

  5. 655
    Chrissy Jones says:

    What a great summer treat! Count me in!
    Chrissy Jones

  6. 656
    Jenn says:

    This looks amazing! I’d love to be entered into the giveaway; thank you!

  7. 657
    Beth Madison says:

    Please and thank you!and this goes for my sweet and very pregnant friend who has a due date at the end of summer and 3 young children already with whom I would share these goodies!

  8. 658

    Due to the high cost of nursing school and the finish line in sight, I shall be resting in Nashville this summer.

  9. 659
    jennifer borders says:

    Would love to win this beautiful give away!! So sweet to offer this special gift!

  10. 660
    Debi Johnson says:

    While facing a very difficult situation on Memorial Day…..I quoted your Mom…..”My tongue is currently stuck to the roof of my mouth…..and I’m not letting the Devil get any mileage off these lips”! Thank you for who you are….and what your family does for others<3 Debi Johnson

  11. 661
    Mandie Triplett says:

    Wow lots of fun stuff. I could totally use a pick me vaca in a box. My hubby and I are going through fertility treatments right now. I feel like I live in the dr office. I doubt a vaca will be happening for us this year. Love, Mandie Triplett

  12. 662
    Trae Kendrixk says:

    Oh my! What fun and how very thoughtful!

  13. 663
    Ashley Howell says:

    Thanks so much!

  14. 664

    I’m so sorry about the sore neck, stomach bug, and loss of your eyeglasses. Apparently your puppy thinks you have good taste in eyewear. (Groan. I know. And yet I couldn’t help myself.) May God grant a speedy recovery and new glasses so you can read some more of that classic literature.

    This giveaway is too sweet of y’all. I know the Lord will honor your intention to give it the one He knows needs that particular blessing. Personally, just the whole idea brings sunshine to my life today. So thank you.

  15. 665
    Joanne says:

    Its my 33rd birthday today and this would be a great gift!

  16. 666
    Jill_in_al says:

    I’m getting away on a fun ship in a few hot weeks BUT if i should win, it would go to a siesta who we all love and who immediately comes to mind as most deserving. Here’s hoping I win for Patti in Tennessee =)

  17. 667
    Harmony says:

    Enter me please!

  18. 668

    Could I use a bit of sunshine? You betcha!! 🙂

  19. 669
    Leslie Bivens says:


  20. 670
    Krislyn Booth says:

    Looks wonderful!!!

  21. 671
    Emily B.T. says:

    I’d love those sunglasses!! (and all of it!)

  22. 672
    Holly Quinn says:

    Sounds as wonderful as u and your mom!!

  23. 673
    Kitty Yates says:

    After being unemployed for two years, I finally have a job (since September). But do not get vacation until next year. Could use a beach getaway.

  24. 674
    Megan Farley says:

    What an amazing idea! So fun! 🙂

    -Megan Farley

  25. 675
    Jo says:

    Florida here I come!

  26. 676
    Linda Webb says:

    I could some sunshine, an escape. My Mom is fading away before my eyes, she is my only family. Things are really hard financially, I myself on disability. I can’t afford the pretty things you have in this giveaway., much less a trip to anywhere. I think they are so nice, what the giveaway will be to someone a real blessing.
    God bless you all. Thank you Beth for being there on Wednesday, as like my sister, my friend, and my mentor. I love you, you can even hit those sore or convicting areas of my life, and it doesn’t hurt so bad, because you are gentle and kind, you do it with loving kindness. One happy lady for the chance to get to enter even.

  27. 677
    Brenda Clark says:


  28. 678
    Paula says:

    What a fun idea!

  29. 679
    Church Lady says:

    Pick me! Pick me!! 🙂

  30. 680
    Timi Saffell says:

    My mother deserves this!! She is amazing! AND it’s her birthday today!

    -Timi Saffell

  31. 681
    Kara says:

    Kara Vargo. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’d also share this with someone I know would like a few of the items. Thanks for this and I hope ya feel better.

  32. 682
    Marilyn says:

    Wow, thank you so much for offering this! How fun.

  33. 683
    Kari says:

    Would love a “touch of the beach”!!

  34. 684
    bigsis says:

    Not for me, but for a friend – pastor’s wife, foster mom, one who’s always putting her hand out to bless others… Peggy, this is for you!

  35. 685

    Yoo hoo! Over here! I’m open! Love you guys!

  36. 686
    Theresa Holland says:

    What a great way to start the summer! Thanks!

  37. 687
    Nicole says:

    I have tears over this post! What a wonderful gift of just things girls love! In a house full of boys sometimes it’s hard to remember to be girly even with simple things. No vacations for us for at least a few more years – I’m a full time student and mom to 3 boys and my hubs is the one keeping us afloat. God love him!

  38. 688
    Nicole Wolfe says:

    Would Love!! Love love, blessings abound!

  39. 689
    Beth says:

    This would certainly make a summer filled with work and craziness a bit more bearable.


  40. 690
    Shannon schultz says:

    Pick me! love this 🙂

  41. 691
    Dana Pratt says:

    Love everything in the picture! Not much getting away over the past 4 years. Using all of this around the home would create the perfect “staycation” this summer.

  42. 692
    Suzanne G. says:

    What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for always being a blessing to the Siestas 🙂

  43. 693
    Julie says:

    Gosh! That is a fun set of goodies. No, no vacation for us this year. My husband has been unemployed for 3 years and some days are just hard.

    Okay, done whining.

    Thanks for thinking of us.

  44. 694
    Misti Bodker says:

    Misti Bodker. Yes, a relaxing get away I dream of since I have a four year old and due with my 2nd in July. Thank you for thinking of us, and I love your taste!!

  45. 695
    Beth Atwell says:

    What a wonderful gift! Thank you for being so generous!

  46. 696

    Thanks for coming up with this idea! I love it. I also am a mother of four (as some other ladies have mentioned), and so summer vacations are a bit unrealistic…and if we manage to attempt one I doubt it’ll be relaxing. =) Either way, this summer will be great.

  47. 697
    sarah says:

    that is just the sweetest thing. i would love a little at home getaway. i usually get the variety that comes with a bathtub and a lock on the bathroom door.

  48. 698
    Miranda Arnold says:

    Thank you for this opportunity to win some summer goodness!

  49. 699
    Tracie says:

    Sounds Great!
    Thanks, Tracie

  50. 700
    Pam Eubank says:

    Help! Grandma needs an uplift!!

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