A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway

#2067  Edie Jones!
I think you will all so appreciate the first sentence of her comment:

“My husband is in Afghanistan and a few ‘favorite things’ would brighten my day!”

How about that, Sisters?!? OK, Edie, please contact Living Proof Ministries at toll free (888) 700-1999 and give us an address. Please ask for Kimberly or Susan. Knowing what we now know, all of us here would want so much to send you to the beach…but, instead, we’re sending the beach to you. ENJOY!!!

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: this post will embody most everything you anticipate and perhaps even despise about women’s ministry. There will even be pink nail polish. As the great Professor Thornbury said a few weeks ago on the Twitterverse “something is not a stumbling block if you can see it coming.” So, consider yourself warned.

Colin and I just returned from a week at the beach in Mexico. It was crazy fantastic. I slept. I read classic literature. I also swam with a dolphin named Duey. And on the day I returned home I was greeted abrasively by a stomach bug and a crick in my neck so bad I could barely move my head. Oh, and then my 100 lb puppy Winston ate my over-priced prescription eye-glasses. But how can I really be frustrated with this bad boy?

Anyway, since this weekend was the Memorial Day holiday I scrolled through numerous tweets from people who were somewhere fabulous while I was at home with a bag of frozen corn under my neck. And I began to weep for the serenity of the ocean and my dolphin Duey.

But enough about me.

I want to talk about you.

I got to thinking that there may be some of you who won’t get a break this summer. While nearly everyone you know is off to some fabulous island, you won’t get a moment’s rest. For whatever reason, you won’t be able to retreat to the beach or the mountains or to wherever else makes your heart happy. We want to send a little fun and lots of love your direction so we’re doing a random give-away. And it will not include commentaries, concordances, or anything super useful or meaningful.

This giveaway is simply full of some of my personal favorite summer things including: Bobbi Brown Beach parfum (seriously smells exactly like the beach!), classic Ray-Ban aviators, Votivo Candle in White Ocean Sands, a pair of bright yellow Moleskine notebooks, Tea Forte’ Pomegranate Blackberry Iced Tea, and America’s Test Kitchen Best Summer Dessert recipes. See the contents below:




There are really no conditions for this giveaway. My hope, of course, is that this gift makes it into the hands of someone who simply can’t get a break this year and not someone who is heading to the Maldives or Bora Bora next week to stay in one of those little huts with glass floors sprawled across sparkling turquoise waters. But truly, if this gift brings a big smile to a single one of your faces that is quite enough for me.

So, please enter your name in the comments section if you could use a little sunshine in your world. We’ll do a random drawing and announce the winner at noon on this Thursday the 31st.


You are loved.



3,748 Responses to “A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway”

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  1. 1101
    Heidi says:

    How fun! Never hurts to put your name in the hat!

  2. 1102
    Ruth says:

    Oh My. What a luxurious give away–esp to some blessed gal who the Lord knows could use such sumptuous pampering delivered to her house. Praying for just the one 🙂 THANK YOU for thinking of us, Melissa and LPM, and SO generously offering this.

  3. 1103
    Lisa says:

    I would love some summer treats – no vacay this year though, changing jobs and will be budgeting over the summer.

  4. 1104
    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    Pick me! How fun this is.

  5. 1105
    Kareena says:

    I would love this!

  6. 1106
    Nicole *Nicki* Machen says:

    Thanks for the chance to win some treats! You have a beautiful heart!

  7. 1107
    Laura says:

    Whoever wins this feel the beach! So sweet!

  8. 1108
    Monica Jones says:

    please enter me in the drawing.

  9. 1109
    Jennifer Stymiest says:

    Love this giveaway! Enter me please 🙂

  10. 1110
    suzann benson says:

    Thank you in advance from the winner (Whomever). They will have to be overwhelmed by the unique content and the fabulous gesture of love! We will be getting away in Sept just to Myrtle Beach but with all of immediate family. Will certainly share gift with all if my name appears in the drawers hand. God Blessing to you and Colin!

  11. 1111
    jan cummings says:

    I have been going through a hard time with my 12 year old dog ~ she had her one eye removed because of cataract and glaucoma and now the other filmy eye has high pressure too. She is a sweet choco lab that someone threw out by my house 9 yrs ago. I can’t abandon her too. God made provisions for the animals on the ark.

  12. 1112
    Janice Lee says:

    Not going anywhere this summer – staycation I can afford, but happy to have a paid staycation at that! 🙂

  13. 1113
    Cheryl says:

    What a fun selection of thoughtfulness. No vacation plans so this would be a treat. Cheryl

  14. 1114
    Robyn Lawton says:

    Ohhhh…pick me, pick me!

  15. 1115

    We are foregoing a vacation this year to build the ministry dream and business God has planted in my heart. Please enter me in your give-away drawing. Thank you. M

  16. 1116
    Shelly says:

    This would be a nice gift.I am going to be busy with Kid’s camp,wedding,Youth camp,VBS and Daughter turning 15.Plus trying to do doctor and dentist appt.But I know GOD will t me though it

  17. 1117
    Ronda says:

    Put my name in!! Ronda Ferguson, you are my sunshine!!

  18. 1118
    Aly says:

    Aly McConal!

  19. 1119
    Emily says:

    How fun! I’m finishing up graduate school, beginning an internship and getting married on Saturday. A beach in a bag is just what I need!

  20. 1120
    Lindsay says:

    what a sweet thing!

  21. 1121
    Tammy says:

    Oh sweet Melissa,
    I am so sorry you have been under the weather. I do hope you feel better today. Thanks for thinking of us that is so sweet. I can’t imagine going to a beach…so a bit sunshine and thinking I am on the beach would be lovely.

  22. 1122
    Martha Salters says:

    How very wonderful and sweet!! Would love to win!

  23. 1123
    Beth says:

    This would make my summer.

  24. 1124
    Christy Youngblood says:

    I’m taking care of my dad who is terminally ill but God has provided more than I could have ever imagined. Not one single item would be wasted if I were to win! Thanks for thinking of us!

  25. 1125
    Elisabeth says:

    Great idea for us who cant get out, so sweet!

  26. 1126
    Natalie McGary says:


  27. 1127

    How very generous of you. I can assure you I won’t be traveling to any exotic places this summer. Well, we will be in Babylon for VBS, but I don’t think that counts.

  28. 1128
    Cincotta says:

    Would love this sand and sun gift pack!!! LIVE IT, LOVE IT!!


  29. 1129
    Michelle says:

    I’m a tired teacher!!

  30. 1130
    Jane Baltisberger says:

    Ohhhhhhhh this would be so nice!

  31. 1131
    em says:

    i love the little item with the words “i’m building sandcastles in my dreams”… pretty much sums it up 🙂

  32. 1132
    Andrea Porter says:

    Siesta Melissa,
    How incredibly sweet, generous, wonderful, thoughtful and so much fun! 🙂 Bless your sweet heart.

    Much Love,

  33. 1133
    carla says:

    Sunshine please!

  34. 1134
    Terri Jones says:

    Using vaca to chaperone youth choir trip. That will bring a smile to my face. So looking forward to hearing them sing and reach out to others!

  35. 1135
    Michelle Thomas says:

    God Bless you!!!

    • 1135.1
      Michelle Thomas says:

      *Not sure if i am entered in the drawing in that i forgot to leave my name in the comments section, so here it is: Michelle Thomas Thank you for your generosity!

  36. 1136
    Paula says:

    What a fun mix of goodies!

  37. 1137
    Sherry Askew says:

    Please enter me!

  38. 1138
    Amanda says:

    So glad summer is finally here! Thank you 🙂

  39. 1139
    Ingrid says:

    What a fun giveaway that will certainly be such a day/week/month brightener for someone- maybe even me!

  40. 1140
    Karen says:

    I’m relaxed just looking at that!!
    What a nice thought…

  41. 1141
    Marianne Pitchford says:

    This would be such a blessing! My husband is finally gonna have a job again after 18 months! God has shown himself so faithful the WHOLE time! Yay!

  42. 1142
    Lyndsey says:

    What a lovely thing to do! Thanks! – Lyndsey Eshelman:)

  43. 1143
    Gayle Elledge says:

    Would actually love to win this for my daughter Alicia, she is a med student with a family and no money for vacations.
    Blessings to your thoughtfulness

  44. 1144
    Courtney Molony says:

    Would love to win! [email protected]

  45. 1145
    Karen says:

    My life could use some sunshine today … pick me! 🙂

  46. 1146
    Emily says:

    Considering I got cut from summer school teaching (low student numbers), I could use a happy present:)

  47. 1147
    Sarah Crisp says:

    No beach this summer. Visiting my hubby’s Nene (grandma) instead. I could sport the ray bans while we fish! Ha! Thanks for thinking of this! Hope you are feeling better!

  48. 1148
    Jen Potter says:

    Fun! I love summer and everything with it. Jen Potter.

  49. 1149
    Megan says:

    Wow, how thoughtful! I’m having my 4th baby (in fact my due date is tomorrow!) so no big travel plans this summer for us. I’d love to win!

  50. 1150
    Michelle Thomas says:

    Michelle Thomas p.s. I am SO not trying to enter twice I simply forgot to put my name in the comment section the first time like the directions said and wasn’t sure if that meant I didnt “enter” hehe leave it to me to complicate the simply – one more reason ‘a girly beach in a bag’ would do me some good! God Bless you and your generosity!

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