Happy and Home From Birmingham

Hey, Darling Things! I have you on my mind because I’ve just seen 80+ of you this weekend backstage at Deeper Still. It made me wish for all of you. You really should see yourselves as a group. You are so adorable that you can’t even believe it and you ranged from fourteen years old (yes, one of our active bloggers) to…well, old enough to be your Siesta Mama’s mama. Many of you also really like each other which makes a mama especially happy. Seeing so many of you in one place was an overload of joy. What made it even more fun was having Melissa and Amanda jump into one of the group pictures right before Rich clicked the shot. Both the girls were with me for the weekend in Birmingham and all three of us worked our happy heads off. Melissa assisted me in Michelle’s place so I don’t have to tell you she stayed busy. She was a delightful companion. (Melissa has new highlights, by the way, and is dang near blond right now. It looks beautiful! But don’t get used to it. Melissa gets bored easily and does something different every few months. About the time you start picturing her with light hair, she’ll be brunette again. I have so much respect for that. As for me, my hair just keeps coming in blonder and blonder the older I get. I hope you bought that. Lord knows I bought it.)

Amanda helped host a dozen or so of your very favorite women bloggers – like Big Mama, Boo Mama, and Kelly from Kelly’s Korner Blog – at the Deeper Still event who are connected through their participation with Compassion International on various blogger trips. Many of you will remember when Amanda and Melissa went on Compassion trips and blogged about their experiences and helped children find sponsors. They’ve each been in the last eighteen months. All the gifted bloggers gathering in Birmingham this weekend had done the same thing in recent years or months and some on the same trips with my girls. These kinds of trips make friends for life so it was a really happy reunion. We were so honored to have them at the event. Even our Compassion buddy, Shaun Groves, came to the last part of the conference. I bet he had an eye opener. Travis could have warned him. If a man needed to find a bathroom, he had to call upon the God of Moses to part the Sea of Estrogen. I’m pretty sure Shaun also endured the question and answer portion at the end which is notoriously unsuitable for mixed company. But that’s another story. Let me simply say that our friend Kay Arthur will say absolutely ANYTHING if it’s Biblical and, well, Priscilla and I can say a few things ourselves that we might not want our mama’s to hear. Kelly Minter behaves best of all (although she’s still really funny) and has a wisdom and way about her that I find almost irresistible. (Come to think of it, her mother actually was there. That’s why she behaved so much better than we did.) I am crazy about all my team members. Kay is utterly amazing and I love Priscilla Shirer to pieces. I am just so happy to say that I hardly ever have to work with a soul I can’t stand. Grin.

Oh, man, I soaked my daughters up like a thirsty sponge. I only get to bring them along on events a couple of times a year. The Living Proof Lives are way too all-consuming for me to be able to host family members properly but since there are multiple speakers at Deeper Still, it is not as demanding. I didn’t say it’s not as much work, mind you. Whew! We are beat-like-a-drum when it’s over. And so are you, I bet. I just mean it’s not as demanding on any one speaker. Not only were my girls there this weekend, tons of their buddies were at the event, too, and just about nothing makes me happier than to be with a whole batch of young women, especially if a few of them happen to belong to me. Melissa’s dear friend from Atlanta, Heather Whittaker (also a Compassion blogger), drove over with her and we laughed our heads off with her. She’s quirky like we are so we get along really well.

I also had another really special encounter. Finally, after all this time, I got to meet Angie Smith. So many of you love Angie and have followed her blog (one of my favorites ever) and read her fabulous book I Will Carry You. I feel like I’ve known her for years because I am so familiar with her and my daughters are so fond of her. (She and Melissa went to India together.) We’d just never come face to face.We found out she was in the same hotel and texted her to drop by and see us while we were getting ready. We’d have kept her all night if we could have. It was a really sweet time. And pretty funny – a plus for a woman who puts a high premium on funny. There were so many others I got to hug and chat with briefly and think how I wish I could know them well and hear all of their stories.ย  I keep thinking about two darling young women I met and took pictures with and loved instantly and as they waved goodbye, they said, “And, Beth, each of us weaned babies to be here this weekend!” They sort of patted their chests when they said it, grinning ear to ear, and I just died laughing. I could have flat-out (no pun intended) taken them home with me. Amanda and I got really tickled about it again on the airplane home. Only in women’s ministry. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I’m going to try not to get too sappy here but I just want to say again that I am glad to be a woman among women who want to be God’s women. I marveled this weekend over how He ties our lives together. How much richer He’s made our lives because we have each other. How we can laugh together, pray together, and cry together and sometimes without knowing each other’s last names. Just in case it’s been a while since you’ve heard it, you are valuable beyond human reasoning, you are gifted beyond mortal brilliance, and you are loved beyond replicating. No one can do for you what Jesus can. Let’s resolve to be the excellent women He has called us to be. Let’s stay in His Word. Let’s stick together. Refuse to turn on each other or compete. Die daily to our own insatiable flesh and live life in the Spirit. And leave some margin for laughter.

And, you know what occurs to me as I reflect over the weekend? I didn’t just get to be around some excellent women. I got to be around some of their excellent men. Men like Jerry Shirer. (You are such a good sport, Brother. Thank you for loving our girl so much. She is wild about you.) Men like David Platt (pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham and author of Radical). I cannot tell you what it meant to me to spend a few minutes with him and Heather between sessions. He commissioned the entire group at the end of the conference and prayed for us. He and others like him were especially grateful for Kay’s special charges to the wives during the Q&A.

And, yes, men like Jon Acuff (Stuff Christians Like) but, Lord have mercy, there is no telling what he’s going to say in his blog about nearly drowning in that tidal wave of Bible toting women. That man has three of the cutest girls in his life that I’ve just about ever seen. Jenny, I loved finally meeting you!

And I loved meeting Michelle. A hair stylist by trade. A Christ-seeker by heart. She was on our plane to Birmingham on Friday, determined to get a word from God all by herself at Deeper Still. Didn’t know a soul going. Oh, Michelle, wherever you are out there, I so hope you got your word. I take that back. I know you did. He did not invite you there all by yourself on a date with Him then stand you up. He never leaves us at the altar. Whether you got your word in that huge auditorium of 14,000 or in your hotel room all by yourself, I know your God sought you out. He’s just faithful that way.

He loves you so much and wants you to know it.

PS. I do not know how I managed to get home from that event without a picture of Melissa on my I-phone! We were glued together the whole time! She’s going to be getting back on here really soon. The Moore/Fitz/Jones girls love you guys.


223 Responses to “Happy and Home From Birmingham”

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  1. 51
    Georgia Jan says:

    Beth – This Deeper Still was absolutely the most special ever. The love in that room was thick. I met so many siestas face-to-face. (It sort of felt like when Elf sees Santa and says, “I know him, I know him!”) Also because I brought my youngest sister, Jo. She was only 12 when I got married, so we’ve grown way closer as adults. A definite treasure for me. We had a good conversation about our Dad after hearing you share from your heart about your father. Our Dad is a gruff former Marine…so many similarities there. He is mellowing and I am going to TREASURE him way more than I have been. Tears flowing here.

    Truth be told, if I had not been a distraction to others, I would been on the floor on my face after your message on treasuring and pondering. Oh I love you woman!

    Hey – post the beautiful picture of Melissa you sent me Sunday morning!!! She was glowing. Melissa and Amanda are precious – I love watching you with them.

    You mean so much to me.

    GJ – from your travelling team (I loved that). You can really tell that y’all love one another.

    • 51.1
      Volleyball Ginger says:

      Georgia Jan…..it was SO great to see you and have a few minutes to chat with you! Beth talking about her dad made me wish I could have had a chance to hold my daddy’s hand too! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

      Ginger/Silver Sass/Volleyball Ginger
      Wetumpka, AL

    • 51.2
      Victoria says:

      Hey Georgia Jan! My friend Cara and I sat right behind you on Saturday! I agree with you completely, it was just fabulous! It was great to meet you and maybe I will see you again at another event some day!
      With love in Christ!

      • NikkiPoppins says:

        Hey Cara! I was sitting right next to you I think! I was behind Mrs Jan. I’m the one that unhooked all of our chairs so our time together didn’t have us sitting in each other’s laps! Lol!

        It was nice to meet you!

    • 51.3
      Heather says:

      It was good to meet you!

    • 51.4

      That is so funny that you used the picture of Elf shouting “I know him” because I just used that description in my Bible study on Isaiah. We were talking about Isaiah 24:14-16a and I said, “It’s like in the movie…we’ll all shout, “JESUS! I know Him!” For some reason, I think it got lost in translation or something because I got some odd looks. Maybe it just took some time to sink in because afterwards, I had a few come up to me and we giggled. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad I’m not the only “weird” one around! Ha! (And I mean that in the most loving, Siesta way!)

  2. 52
    Susan says:

    It feels like home hearing from you about the weekend. I was at the Deeper Still in Oklahoma City last December. It took me back. I love the body of Christ and women! Thanks for the encouragement. It helped me so much today to remember to “Press On!”!

    You girls are loved!

  3. 53
    Kimberly says:

    Thanks Mama Beth for the beautiful post. I’ve learned what it means to feast at the table of our Lord from you. It’s the thing about coming to LPL events…I KNOW I’m gonna get a word from the Lord and there is nothing like fellowshiping with women who are also seeking Christ! Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

    On another note…can someone let me know where we can find the pictures that were taken after the LPL events? I was in Lexington this year and in the bustle of moving forgot to go look for the Siesta pictures we took after the event. Would love to see those! Heck, I may put it on my Christmas card. ;o)

    Thanks and blessings!

  4. 54
    Siesta Susan says:

    WOW!!! That is all I can say about DEEPER STILL. It lived up to its name and beyond. The icing on the cake was the picture with you and the siestas.

    Yesterday, at church I had such a warm afterglow from this weekend that I could hardly sit still. Every hymn, every prayer, every verse of scripture was precious to me. I will “treasure” this weekend for the rest of my life because it really changed me and CHARGED ME UP. I needed that. Thank you!

  5. 55
    B says:

    Hi Beth,

    As I was reading your post and looking at the pics, I thought you guys were having way too much fun!: ) The Holy Spirit whispered to me ‘it could have been so different’ If you had not said yes and walked in God’s path for you this would not be happening. None of it. This kind of leaves me stunned. I pray many of us today will stop and see if we really said YES to whatever God wants to do in our life. I may not have been at Deeper Still but I still got a word this morning. God’s talking to me in this. Thanks Beth for saying Yes. love u, B

  6. 56
    Dionna says:

    Sounds like a nice cold drink to a parched soul. Really. The event, meet and greets, and outside “bonding” time really sounds special.

  7. 57
    Miquela says:

    I can not even begin to describe how exciting this weekend was for me! I got a WORD from my Father! That is for sure!
    I will never ever forget it!

    Has anyone been able to find our group picture with Beth online? I was in the first group of Siestas. I’ve been going to http://www.flickr.com/photos/siestas Has anyone found it elsewhere?


  8. 58

    I just love reading the recaps from an event even if I wasn’t there…. It is such a blessing! And I just love that if you seek Him, you will find Him, no matter where!
    God is so good. I love Him so.
    I love this place called Siestaville!

    In His love,
    michelle in VT

  9. 59
    April Smith says:


    This is completely off subject, but yesterday morning, my husband had a hunting show on the Versus channel and low and behold I saw your husband, Keith. The host of the show was hunting on y’alls ranch. I had to share b/c I thought that was so neat!!!

  10. 60
    Linda Peel says:

    Thanks for sharing SO VIVIDLY. LOVED the comment about the bathrooms…you can make anything BIBLICAL Beth! Haha
    So blessed to be in Siestaville.
    Love, Linda

  11. 61

    It was the best weekend. Thanks for letting be one of your girls this weekend! I loved it! love ya H

  12. 62
    Kate says:

    Sounds like a fabulous time. I heard such wonderful things about this weekend…warmed my heart.

  13. 63
    Kate says:

    Awwweee man…turkey is not supposed to be my pic anymore. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. 64
    Darlene Johnson says:

    This was my very first Deeperstill. (Birmingham). I have been following you for a few years now and truly love you dearly. You have been so very helpful to myself and friends as we have learned to talk as a friend to Jesus and open our ears to hear and our hearts to feel what his message is for us. We were a group of 5 this weekend and what a wonderful, awesome good time we had. That Kay had us laughting our heads off. Boy I love how she tells it like it is. We all have our own problems what we are dealing with, but it was so nice to beable to take them to GOD while we were with so very many wonderful sisters in Christ. Travis and his team really gave us a wonderful worship and the ending with the prayer boards was out of this world. Just wanted to say Thank You to you and everone else that worked so very hard for this. It was truly a blessing to myself and my friends.

    GOD Bless and we can’t wait to see you next year in Pensacola.


  15. 65
    moosemama says:

    These events are SO important for the body! Yes, they are fun and The Siesta’s and some Miesta’s (moose that is) get to see each other. But we ALWAYS leave these things knowing that we have NOT BEEN STOOD UP by HIM! Reading the fb updates from my peeps and on here…just brings me to tears.

    Thank-you for being obedient to His call, Beth, Kay and Priscilla!

    Melana ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. 66
    kate says:

    To say I was blessed by this weekend just does not do it justice. More like, I was broken by this weekend. I was one who raised my hand when you said “where are my under 30’s??” I’m 23 and have been to as many conferences as I could since I could go. (Along with Passion 2010) But never have I been to one quite like this. Jesus has been beckoning me to live like the woman He sees in me, and I have run from Him each time I’ve heard His voice. I am no longer running from Him but to Him with everything I have. My quiver is empty… I will fix my eyes upon the One who called me. There is victory in Him. I will shoot my arrows to the ground, because “there are treasures out there” ! There are treasures out there!
    I will forever remember this weekend…As I will forever remember you, Mrs.Kay and Mrs.Priscilla.
    Thank you, from the bottom of my broken & alive heart!

    • 66.1
      Yanna says:

      Awe Kate, what a beautiful touching post. I am thankful to God for bringing Beth, Kay and Priscilla to Birmingham for you!

  17. 67
    Ash says:

    I HATE that I missed the Bham event. I have been trying to go for three years, but kept having babies! I had my ticket to this one, but had to cancel so I could stay home with the kids. I just heard that there’s only one more of these…is that true? BUMMER – this makes me so sad! I just love all of you ladies and can’t believe I never made it. On another note, I have an odd question and don’t know if you will ever see it. Maybe someone else will have an answer. I have friends there at MD Anderson for radiaion treatments and I would love to send a gift card to a nice/fun restaurant just to give them a diversion…any suggestions?

    • 67.1
      Beth says:

      Ash, any of the “Pappas Brothers” restaurants are fantastic and fun: Pappadeaux, Pappasito’s, Pappa’s BBQ. Pappa’s Brother’s Steakhouse, too, but it is really pricey. A gift card to any of those would be a hit and they’re all over Houston. Listen, I may be going over to MD Anderson tomorrow. Are either of your friends there women? And do they have any connection to women’s Bible study?

      • lavonda says:

        Beth, we have a young girl from our extended family at MD Anderson in Houston right now. She’s 17 and has stage 4 liver cancer (it’s an adult form of cancer that is very rare in young people) . They’ve given her just a few months to live, but are trying radical treatment in hopes of extending her time, while her family and friends pray for a miracle. She lives in Florida, but is there with her parents for the next few weeks for this experimental treatment. If you (or someone from your office) would like information on her, please email me at [email protected] and I can get it for you.

        • Erin says:

          I have just watched a documentary on cancer and it was about the Gerson diet that actually has been proven to cure cancer. It shows many testimonials of people that have been cured by what they eat. One woman was in stage 4 and there had never been anyone who survived with her type of cancer. They had only given her 2 weeks to live and now it has been years and she is still alive! Praise God!! I just thought I would share this with you and perhaps you will find it helpful. I will be praying for her. May God bless you beyond measure.

      • Ash says:

        YES!!! It’s a couple and my friend actually leads a Bible study that I have done for several years. We’ve switched back and forth between Precept and your studies. Her husband is the one undergoing radiation. They are there for about 5 more weeks and have gotten themselves a little apartment. I think they are at the hospital 5 days a week.

        • Ash says:

          And…thank you so much for those suggestions! Are you thinking you might want to pop in and say Hey?

        • Ash says:

          I’ve looked at the restaurants’ websites and I think I’ll go with the BBQ or the steak…I’ll have to figure out what’s most convenient to where they are. Thank you, Beth…and if you were thinking of trying to connect with her while you are there (which would bless my socks right off – and hers, too ๐Ÿ˜‰ you can shoot me an email and I can try to get/give some info. [email protected]

          • Roxanne Worsham says:

            Lavonda and Ash,

            Please send me some information on your friends. I can get some pastors and lay leaders from Lakewood Church and First Methodist Church to go over there and visit and pray for these precious people. I would love to go as well. I will be praying for them and you!
            [email protected]
            God bless you!!

  18. 68

    WOW! What other word can I say to describe this weekend? Beth, you have NO idea how much I needed this. Just last week when I decided to deactivate my facebook account in attempts to eliminate some distractions in my life, I emailed my closest friends to let them know and stated that my husband and I are running on fumes and the rhythm of our life is not going to slow down and allow us to catch our breath. Moments before Deeper Still began, I confessed to a friend that I don’t think we even have fumes left. You can imagine how I felt when you displayed the graph regarding our need for margin. The word, “collaspe” reverberated in my head over and over because that is where I was heading…FAST! The past 2 years have produced an equal about of babies for us to go along with our 7 year old. While we praise the Lord for these little souls, we have had quite the year adjusting to all their constant needs. This weekend was the refueling that I needed and I thank you, Priscilla and Kay so very much! I came with the Women’s Ministry team from Travis’ church and I can tell you for certain that the WHOOSH of the Holy Spirit hit ALL of us smack dap in the head and in our hearts. We were spilled out and had the I’ve-cried-too-much headache all day afterwards to prove it. But, in God’s goodness, He replaced it that night with an I-haven’t-laughed-this-hard-in-years dinner and set our spirits soaring. He made me realize that the women in our Women’s Ministry team are the mustard seed friends that I’ve been searching high and low for. And, they’ve been right in front of me this whole time. WOW…He is good, isn’t He? Thank you for being so sensitive to His calling and for allowing His word to flow through you straight to me. See you in Louisville!

  19. 69
    amybhill says:

    so siestas, i just endured my first trip as a mommy to the emergency room. 5 stitches on the forehead of my sweet little two year old girl’s face. my heart is literally broken (made worse and better by the fact that SHE keeps patting ME saying, “it’s okay mommy”). it has made me appreciate even more what it must have felt like for God the Father to see Jesus on that cross. my love doesn’t even compare… love you girls. sorry to be a downer. just so broken today ๐Ÿ™

    • 69.1
      Pam Houston says:

      We just endured the same thing with our darling 4 year old granddaughter! She fell on an offending protruding nut and bolt on a ferris wheel at Irvine Spectrum, and it was such a horrible gash on her head that blood was everywhere. 911 was called and the ferris wheel stopped! Our little brave doll behaved much like your darling girl, and she worked to comfort us. Do you know she was rushed to the hospital (the famous Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach) and guess what they used to fix her? Super Glue…just that, and closed the wound as neat as a pin. We were even able to take our family Christmas pic’s just 4 days later and you could barely detect the wound. I have to say, we adults suffered the greatest trauma, as we saw amazing grace in action through a 4 year old. Praying for your little doll and her perfect healing, and also the healing of your traumatized heart!
      Pam H.
      Buena Park, CA

      • amybhill says:

        thank you so much pam. i am so glad to hear your granddaughter is okay too. it is true it seems like the adults suffer the greater trauma. my little miss seems practically oblivious to what happened – hopping around the house as usual. i am feeling so much better today – thanking God for His love and comfort and thanking Him for people like you <3 have a merry christmas! -amy from nj

  20. 70
    Ashley A says:

    I was not planning on attending the Deeper Still Conference but my Mom urged me to call LPM when she noticed they were giving away tickets from the blog. This was no coincidence. Every talk touched so many areas of my life. The Lord knew what He was doing and He definitely showed up! Thank you so much for your energy and eagerness to minister to women! This weekend was wonderful and it was by God’s grace I was able to be there. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. 71
    Victoria says:

    It was an absolute TREASURE attending Deeper Still in Birmingham. My friend Cara and I praised and worshipped our hearts out with you, Kay, Priscilla, Kelly, Travis and the Praise Team! And all of the 14,000 women gathered with us! Honestly, I have never experienced God the way I did Saturday…that altar call was unlike any other and I have never prayed so hard in all my life!
    I thank God for speaking through you all! Can’t wait to see you in Little Rock in April. I’m hoping to get my two sisters, who are not saved, to come with me. Please pray for them.

    Thanks and love ya siesta!

  22. 72
    Lisa says:

    I so wanted to be there this weekend. Birmingham is my home town. My husband is in the Navy. We recently moved from Pensacola where God gave me the best friends and a fabulous church. We now live in San Diego and just couldn’t swing the trip. I was there in my heart. But it’s so nice to read about it and just feel the excitement and love for God. If God allows, I will be in Pensacola for LPL next December. I love reading your blog and sometimes commenting.

  23. 73
    His Jules says:

    My heart is so full right now that it is hard to express in words all that I want to say about this weekend. I had the privilege of bringing over 20 ladies from my own church to experience Deeper Still and for over half of these, this was there very first event of this type EVER!!! As I sat and took in the beauty of holy hands lifted in worship(thanks to the AMAZING Travis Cottrell who outdid himself as usual) and I saw the tears of gratitude, repentance, and just reverent awe of my sisters(those known & unknown to me)I could only voice my inadequacy and complete gratitude to our Father.
    I had hoped that this weekend would be a bit of a refreshing after a bit of a dry season…WOW, does our God ever just BLOW ME AWAY – not a refreshing – a typhoon of overwhelming WORD and revelation, not to mention just a WHOOSH* of our precious Savior loving on me. It was amazing and I am overwhelmed with Him and our three amazing servants! You ladies outdid yourselves!
    To my amazing siestas, some of whom I got to actually meet and love on (Kristie,Ginger,Lu)it was so wonderful to spend those precious moments with you. Georgia Jan, I spotted you across the room and sent you love from afar, and Boo Mama you are as pretty as your little cartoon picture on twitter!
    His grace to me is overwhelming and I praise Him for this weekend and His gift to me, but most of all I thank Him for showing off for the ladies in my women’s ministry ~they will forever be digging to go Deeper Still.

    Love doesnt begin to cover it,
    His Jules (Julie)

  24. 74
    Vickie Barbee says:

    I wish I could have been at this event, along with all the others that have the same wish. God loves us soooo much. Just reading this post and all the comments is such a blessing. Thanks for sharing everyone and please keep sharing.

  25. 75
    Amy says:

    I attended Deeper Still in Denver, CO back in June. They announced a secret that you would be doing an LPLive there but the location had not been given. Just that it was in Colorado. The schedule is out and CO isn’t on it. We were going to sign our church up for a simulcast, but didn’t want to go through that if you were coming to Colorado. A lady at Lifeway didn’t know what I was talking about and told me the schedule had been made up. All of my friends agreed they heard the announcement as well who attended. What do you know? Since you will be speaking that is…

    • 75.1
      KMac says:

      I’m not sure what may happened regarding this announcement, but the events and locations are planned by Lifeway. Feel free to contact their Events Department for more information: 1-800-254-2022. Blessings, Amy!

  26. 76

    Welove you to seista mama and Jones/ Fitzpatrick you women are awesome and you all rock our world and help on our journey with Jesus and keep pointing us to the Lord thank you so much for this blog. Glad you had a good time a Deeper Still and that you your daughters with you. Can’t wait to see a pic of Melissa. I love the part where you wrote ( You Are Valauable Beyond Human Reasoning) and the rest of it I copied it all down I needed that today because have been kinda down and the Lord has lifted me up thru this blog I love seistaville And I love you thank you for following Jesus call on your life.
    Love Carol

  27. 77
    Michelle says:

    What an INCREDIBLE weekend at Deeper Still!!!!!!! I cannot stop thanking God for all of you ladies who are so diligent in the studying of scriptures and then so willing to share with all the rest of us! I was moved beyond measure by everything that God revealed to me. I was able to be there with my mom…and it was just the 2 of us which was so special. I think our relationship is a lot like you and your daughters…there is really not much I love more than my mom and our time together. I am so blessed that way!

    And, to be honest, I was a little overcome with giddiness about seeing you and Amanda (I read her blog and am CONTINUALLY encouraged by her transparency and devotion to her family….she even inspired my stay at the end of this week at Wilderness Lodge in DisneyWorld) and Melissa….I wasn’t close to y’all….not even remotely, but I could look down from my seat and see y’all standing there worshipping…and it was ALMOST like meeting you! How exciting!!! I will say, I did Kelly Minter’s Ruth bible study through this blog this past summer and I DID get to meet her….she is so precious! I think I said something really goofy, but it was incredible to meet her in person and tell her how much God used her to speak to me….

    Thank you so much for being faithful to the call…I am ready to empty out my quiver and move forward in the abundance of the Lord!

  28. 78
    Kelly S. says:

    So glad it was an awesome time for so many!! I really missed not being there. Thank you Beth for sharing!!
    Love you

  29. 79
    Kelly Stamps says:

    It was probably the highlight of my life to get to meet you and for you to say such sweet words about Harper to me! But I’ll be honest – getting to spend time with Amanda who I have adored like a friend for so long was the BEST!
    I told Amanda I pray to love on my girls and be the kind of mother to them that you are to her and Melissa. More than a Bible teacher to me – you are an example of a Godly mother to me!
    Thank you SO much for having all of us this weekend!

  30. 80
    Cara McKaskle says:

    Beth!! Deeper Still was definately a “treasure”! It’s so incredibly awesome how God weaves each message together. I returned to Arkansas Sunday morning at around 1am, and I just want you to know that our Sunday morning message was from Matthew 1. Our preacher discussed Immanuel, God with us!!!! How AWESOME is our God!!! I love Him so much. Thank you for showing me a glimpse of His infinite love this past weekend!! I’ve already inquired how I can be a volunteer in LR! Can’t wait to see you there!!! And Mrs. Jan, it was a pleasure to hug your neck and sit behind you! Thanks for helping me with verse info, because I don’t think I stopped writing this weekend!! I just about had to go into the devotional pages!! I pray that it’s not our last meeting!!! I’ll see you in your blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. 81

    Just curious…how did you all know to meet at Deeper Still? I was there and totally missed the blogger meet and greet.

    • 81.1
      Jamie B says:

      so did i! wished i would have known. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 81.2

      Aw, man! My husband came with me and I told him to be on the look out for anything that popped up on the screen that said “Siesta”. He looked at me with the weirdest face and said, “Like Mexican for nap?” I told him I’d explain later. There was a slide that popped up but I think it was only once right before the Q & A. Maybe we’ll get another chance one day.

  32. 82
    Kim says:

    My friend and I drove to Alabama from Illinois to see Deeper Still…boy was it worth it! We have been to several of your LPL’s and I follow the blog…I just dont comment much.
    Before the Q&A section on Saturday I was sitting in my seat watching everyone down on stage. Watching the joy of the Lord shine in everyone’s faces when I felt this urge, this still voice in my head tell me to go down and have you pray over me about this fear over my trip to Haiti. So, I took off down the stairs, thru the crowd and was so thankful you were still there so I could speak to you. I want to thank you for praying for me, and ask that you will continue to pray. I would love to have all the siesta’s covering me in prayer when I go to Haiti the 2nd week in Jan. For I know the spirit of fear doesn’t come from our Father, and I will not give into the theifs and doubt that he is trying to instill in me. I just know if Satan is this busy trying to scare me..God must have great plans for me while in Haiti. Definetly going to take me out of my comfort zone, but that is where I rely on my God to strengthen me and show me where I can shine the light of Jesus over in St. Marc. Enough chatter, I just wanted to say thank you and that I follow your blog and have been blessed through you being faithful in your calling to Jesus Christ!


    • 82.1
      Sharon Meekins says:

      Dear Kim,

      How wonderful that you are coming to Haiti. I’m currently working for Samaritan’s Purse here in Haiti. What will you be doing here? Medical volunteer? I will pray that the Lord will comfort you and cover you with His peace. He will be with you in this place. Our Lord is definitely doing some amazing things in Haiti! Much love and blessings to you. Safe travels…

      • Kim says:

        Thank you so much Sharon! Prayer is powerful and I thank you for it. Actually a group of us are traveling over for a mission trip to help in an orphanage and a local school in St. Marc. The church I belong to has a full time missionary that lives in Haiti, and we will be staying with him and his gang. I am looking forward to it, even with the challenges that I know I will face while being over there. One thing that was said last weekend at deeper still really struck a chord with me, it was about doing things that are out of your comfort zone and stepping out into that margin! The margin is where i’ll be while in Haiti, have never did anything like this before but I am going to love it! I love spreading His fragrance where ever I go and hope I can be a blessing while I am there. Are you in the Port Au Prince area?

    • 82.2
      Yanna says:

      Oh Kim! I will be so happy to pray for your trip to Haiti. My you shine the light of Jesus where ever you go and whenever you speak brighten another’s day in the Lord.

      • Kim says:

        Bless your heart! I am thankful for your prayers, and please continue to pray for me and my gang. I am so looking forward to shining His light and being an encouragement to others while I am there. This is totally out of my comfort zone, so I am trusting God will take over. Although I feel a little uncomfortable, theres a calmness there that is comforting. Thank you so much for your kindness!

  33. 83
    Dana S says:

    Wow! Wow! Wow! What a weekend! So many special words engraved in my heart from the weekend. When Saturday was over (sniff, sniff) it was back home to “treasure” the moments and people in my life. Thank you Beth for the reminder and challenge. Much Love!

  34. 84
    Sandy says:

    I wish I could have been there! Thank you for sharing!

  35. 85
    Hattonmom says:

    God was mighty at Deeper Still this past weekend. My first Deeper still event. The Lord spoke to me in many ways and I laughed and cried so many times. I sent my husband a text before I headed home to tell him I was coming home to “minister” to him ๐Ÿ™‚ He had his notebook ready when I got there. Imagine his delight when he found that a notebook wasn’t needed! He’s ready for me to go to another conference as soon as possible and sends Kay Arthur his best regards. Thanks Beth for all you have taught me and all you continue to teach as you are obedient to the Lord.

  36. 86
    Emily says:

    Deeper Still was just such a blessing! God spoke to many in so many ways…and convicted the mess outta me. It was such a pleasure to meet you(I was with the group studying James)! We went to David Platt’s church Sunday and were just overwhelmed by the word again, such an amazing weekend. Thank you so much for doing all that you do, your studies have changed so many women’s lives.

  37. 87
    Mary Watkins says:

    All I can say is God is so good. He moved heaven and earth to work in the hearts of our small party of four. My heart is about to explode as I reflect on everything our great Emannuel did. I am so thankful my friends had a chance to speak with you and your daughters face-to-face.

    A side note…about my blonde hair. My son said, “Mom, I think you should get your hair highlighted again. It makes you look so much younger.” That was all it took! From now on, Beth, I will be using your line, I am as blonde as I can pay to be.” LOL

    Love you!

  38. 88
    Siesta Stephanie says:

    I’m so glad you had a great weekend. I am going to Deeper Still in June in Louisville,Ky. I can’t wait. I have mine and my moms tickets and weekend blocked off at work. I must be patient.

  39. 89
    Faran says:

    Well, Beth. You’ve been Acuffed. You are now officially LL Cool Beth. (You have to go to his blog. I laughed out loud at his male perspective of a Christian woman’s conference and wished I could have been there!)

    Thanks for all you do!

  40. 90
    Dana G says:

    I literally had spiritual smoke coming out of my ears by the time I left the place Saturday afternoon! This Deeper Still blessed my socks off!!! I had read several tweets between you and Travis about his “Earl Grey tea” and your tweet about calling him Earl with a little bit of grey totally cracked me up. Well, as we were waiting on the elevator to go down to the convention center Friday night, Travis and his team stepped off when the doors opened! I was beside myself…so I chased him down the hallway hollering like any Alabama girl does “Earl Grey, Earl Grey, Earl Grey”. He finally stopped and looked at me like I was some crazy stalker woman. I asked if I could get a picture with him and while my friend snapped the picture, I explained why I was calling him Earl Grey (from the tweets). Bless his heart, I bet he sees all kinds of crazy nuts at these events! Also, I saw Amanda talking to some of the Siestas below where our group was sitting so I pointed her out to some of the other women. She glanced up and I’m sure felt like she was being stalked by the paparazzi because they snapped a couple pictures. I couldn’t help but think of the post she had a couple months ago about going out to eat with you and some other LPL gals and people at the nearby tables started snapping pictures with their cell phones. Bless your hearts, I’d bet you have to stay on the look out huh?!? Thank you all for being a willing vessel for our Father to use. You are such an inspiration to all of us to keep on digging deeper into His Word. I’m quite certain you will hear “Well done good and faithful servant”! We love you all to pieces!!!

    Totally Into Him,

  41. 91
    Maegan says:

    Beth! I know this comment is just one in a million, but I just wanted to say thank you. I’m a 28 year old momma who has been doing your Bible studies since I was 18 in my freshman year at college. You have been my mentor, momma, and best friend. Thanks so much for inviting the siestas back stage for a pic. I told my friend afterwards that it was near impossible to be so close to you and to not pull you into a huge bear hug!

    love you so dearly!

  42. 92
    Sharon Meekins says:

    Oh Beth,

    How I miss attending these events. Being in Haiti, I have not been able to attend any women’s conferences. I’m mighty sad about that! Oh well, at least I get to “be there” through the eyes of others. Thank you so much for loving our Lord Jesus and pouring that love over unto us.

    Much love,

  43. 93
    Melinda from Alabama says:

    Hi Beth,

    I was at the event this weekend and was one of the 80 that came back. I wanted to share a unique story of how this event connected with the Lexington event in August.

    I drove to Lexington from Alabama and met my best friend from South Dakota to attend the Living Proof Live event. In August I was very broken, wounded and worn out. I had just finished two years of Grad school, getting my Masters in Social Work and my boss passed away in April and I had just carried the business through a busy summer season. I was still grieving and very single at the time (I’m 28 and desire SO much to be married). Your message on God meeting us in the desert and plowing it up met me SO much where I was.

    Fast forward to this past weekend where you spoke on treasures (which I say come from plowed up desert). I am about to start the dream job that I’ve been in waiting and preparation for about 10 years (working with orphans). AND God has brought an amazing man into my life and we’ve been dating about 6 weeks (I wasn’t even looking for him). There are still challenges to come and I have to continue to treasure and step out in courage. However, I saw the two conferences VERY connected. I praise God for the way he works through you and am thankful for your ministry.


  44. 94
    Radical Abandonment says:

    How delightful to see two of my favorites together: Beth Moore and David Platt. His book Radical has changed my life and they way I view money and the Gospel! You have changed my life in the way of Bible study. Great combination. ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. 95
    Melinda from Alabama says:

    can someone give me the link for the pictures that were taken?

  46. 96
    Debbie from Mississippi says:


    My friend and I brought our young adult daughters with us to Birmingham. We had a great time. All of the speakers were wonderful and we got a special word from each of you. Kay gave us a deep message and she certainly does say whatever is on her mind — and backs it up with scripture! You all were truly amazing. I was in awe of what the Lord has done in each of your lives to bring you together to minister to us. Thank you for your diligent study of God’s Word. Thank you for being real and revealing that you deal with the same hard stuff we do. I thank God for each of you and am thankful to have been there this weekend.

  47. 97
    Sandra says:

    Beth, I just love reading your stories, so uplifting to me. For such a time as this, I love life because of the awesome saviour we serve. God Bless.:)

  48. 98
    KaRetha says:

    It was a wonderful weekend. Hearing God’s Word so powerfully delivered by 3 of God’s greatest messengers was priceless. It was also such a privilege to see all the siestas and get our pictures made. Thanks Beth for doing that for everyone.

  49. 99
    Sherri Williams says:

    Dear Beth,
    A few members of my WOG (Women of God) group attended Deeper Still in B’ham. We had the best time. On Saturday, during the break, my friend Gina and I gave Angela Cottrell one of our newly published books, Through It All…God was There. It is made up of the life stories and testimonies of some of the ladies in our WOG group. One story told of a retreat at Navarre Beach, FL in which we used your recipe to make your Texas Sheetcake…it even had a picture of it set against the backdrop of the Gulf of Mexico in the background. There was also a story in there about how God used Travis in 2005 to minister to my WOG sister Cindy by using his song You Changed My Name.
    Anyway, Angela was supposed to give you and Travis a book. She said it would be her joy to do so. Hope you got it.
    Much love and many blessings,
    Sherri Williams

  50. 100
    Sharon Daly says:

    WOW!!!!! What an awesome weekend!!!! There are just no words to express my heart!!! Thank you, Lord, for blessing me and so many with the teaching of the Word so powerfully!!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

    P.S. Please tell Beth that Buddy Walters’ brother and father are not doing well. Bill, his brother, has been put in an assisted living home. Mr. Bud, his father is alone at home. I go to FBC Grenada, MS where Buddy grew up and his family are still members.

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