I Can If I Want To

Remember? I said that I reserved the right to get on here and write if I wanted to and if what I wanted to write didn’t take away from the James study. I do and it won’t, so there.

It’s a Saturday off after several really hard weeks of work. I relish the Life Today tapings once I get there because the studio audience is always fantastic and the PERFECT size. (150 maybe?) I am close enough to them to hear them groan or chuckle and to see puzzlement on their faces so that I know whether or not to clarify. I am close enough to see if any one of them has tears in her eyes and if something I said hurt too much to leave alone. I am right there to see the work of the Spirit when He moves at His own discretion and I’m on occasion left with chills standing straight up on my arms, all because I’m standing close enough to feel it. And because He let’s me. I love all these things about the Life Today tapings BUT they are just about as much work over a 20 hour period of time as I ever do. Even the skin feels too heavy on my bones to take back home with me. It’s so worth it but 5 one-hour teaching sessions is a hard task.

All that to say, having the next Saturday off is a beautiful thing. I took Thursday, too, but I had a lot to do out and about that day. I had fun but not exactly rest. I’ll often opt for the former over the latter but not today. Keith left early this morning for a sporting clays tournament and just shut the bedroom door and let me sleep in. I opened my eyes about 8:45 and said good morning to the Lord. I then smiled really wide at the thought of a first cup of coffee. It never tastes better than that first sip. Then I had my quiet time and reflected back on the evening before. CJ took Jackson “camping” at a friend’s land where a handful of dads around the same age brought their young sons and did all but sleep outside. That is my kind of camping, too. As my grandmother would say, “I’m right outdoorsy till I’m sleepy.”

AJ and Annabeth came and spent the evening with my man and me. I’m just not sure little kids are ever any cuter or funnier than around 21 months. She talks constantly and, of course, had the undivided attention of three adults. Everything she wanted read to her got read to her. She ate spaghetti like she’d been starved for a month and with such enthusiasm that she had to be hastily swept to the tub lest all in her path receive a baptism by marinara. I did not say maranatha. I said marinara. Aunt Melissa then called us all on Face Time  (I-phone 4 – it’s one reason we got it) and she, AJ and I howled our heads off. I like to wear different hats when I talk to Melissa on Face Time because it makes her laugh and, because I can see myself in the little square in the corner of the screen, it makes me laugh, too. First I wore a stylish little straw hat with a thick green ribbon around it that Melissa bought several months ago then I put on one of Keith’s cowboy hats. I just hate to be predictable.

Annabeth was scared of Face Time at first and hid all but one eye in Amanda’s shirt but now she totally participates and loves to talk to Aunt Melissa and to wave to her. It’s almost more than Melissa can stand and she invariably laughs until she gets a lump in her throat and wants to cry because she’s so far from home. She loves Amanda’s babies so much. Annabeth blew numerous kisses to her last night and even told her she loved her. (“LUH- do”) She even said something to her about “Jedus.”And that’s part of what had me reflecting during my quiet time this morning.

Annabeth thinks that the greatest part of getting ready for bed is rocking with Mommy and singing about “Jedus.” I love how her little mouth looks when she says His Name. I want them to love Him so much. That’s the one thing. The one thing I ask over and over and over. I don’t mean it’s the only thing I ever ask but it’s the only thing I ask like a broken record. If they – Keith, Amanda, Curtis, Jackson, Annabeth, Colin, and Melissa and others of our family yet to come – and I love Jesus, and I mean really love Jesus, everything else will be okay. I am convinced of that. We can get through virtually anything on love. I often ask God to spare my dear family of tragedy but not to spare us of His glory. Tragedies do sometimes come but we must never think for a moment that they’ve come lightly. We must steady our reeling selves to the anchor beyond the veil and know, when we know nothing else, that somehow, some way, glory must have been at stake.

I hope your Saturday is, at least in some way, a sabbath to you. I finished yet another Wendell Berry novel this morning and let the time pass without much notice. I finished a book last week that simply said, “Stop hurrying so much.” And I’ve been trying to practice that. Even both dogs are sound asleep right now which is no small wonder, especially as I spy a squirrel at the bird feeder in our back yard. Shoot. I might go back to bed myself.

On second thought, I’m starving here. When on earth will somebody around this house go to the grocery store???


285 Responses to “I Can If I Want To”

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  1. 101
    Kim B. says:

    What’s the name of the book re: Stop hurrying so much?
    I might need that one!

  2. 102
    Diane says:

    Oh Beth, thank you for taking the time to get on here and make me laugh, smile, and nearly cry all in one post! You are truly my BFF, even though we’ve never been formally introduced.(God can do that, right?) Love you SO MUCH! May God bless you and your family richly!

  3. 103
    Julie says:

    What an awesome surprise to hear from you, Yeh!! I’m studying Esther now in a group her in ND. Your studies as usual are life-changing! Thank you so much for your transparency. Do you have any thoughts for helping one with issues of bondage concerning OCD? Do you have any insights to “7’th Day Adventists? I’m really struggling with the truth. Thanks so much! lvnpryrs, julie

  4. 104
    apurefire says:

    Beth, I’m just winding down from an amazing Women’s Retreat we had at our church this weekend. Billie Cash was our speaker and the topic was REST! Oh how the Lord ministered to us ladies. We had a wonderful time to fellowship with old friends and new ones. We got to pray, sing and just worship with complete abandon. I exhausted but it’s a “good tired”. 😮 And I can hardly wait ’til church tomorrow so I can share with my Sunday School class! Glad you had some extra down time. With the schedule you keep, you need all the Sabbath rest you can get!

  5. 105
    Joni says:

    Hi, Beth,
    Good to hear from you. Thank you for keeping the blog alive. I love to read about your grandchildren. One day I hope to have a couple. I just finished reading Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud. Very good stuff. There’s a study guide at the back that I intend to do. Yesterday I finished “Jimmy” by Robert Whitlow. The ending was a surprise. I get too involved with the characters, and I put the book down in a huff only to pick it back up again and, after thinking about it, I had to agree it was the only way to end it.

  6. 106
    WorthyofLove says:

    Thanks for writing. You made me smile. We are all sick here with a typical cold. We’ve been watching movies galore!! Hubby & I just finished watching The Blind Side. It was great. Heading to bed.

    Much love,

  7. 107
    WorthyofLove says:

    I was heading to bed and remembered we had a kitchen fire today!! Excitment! A word to the wise woman: Never leave a pot holder on top of your tea kettle if you have something else cooking on top of the stove. Pot holders are very flammable 🙂

    Extra tip: Baking Powder works just as well as Baking Soda to put out the flames!

    Goodnight All

  8. 108
    Lisa says:

    Thank You Beth! I needed to hear from you also! Hope you enjoyed your day off! I love you dearly 🙂

  9. 109
    Jill Wade says:

    Does anyone know if Melissa has a Bible study in the Atlanta area?!??!!?

    • 109.1
      Beth says:

      Not right now but maybe it won’t be all that long. She’s had the desire but her plate’s been too full to fit it in. In God’s timing!

      • The Capricious but Caring Cat Lady says:

        Have you and the girls ever thought of doing a mother/child discipleship Bible study? I know there are a ton of Moms that want to train their kids up in the Lord but could use a bit of help. Just a thought.

        It’s not like you aren’t already busy, but I think there is something you all could share as a real Mom with real kids with real problems struggling in the sea of life to keep it all afloat and to keep your eyes on the Lord–even when those in your life you love seemed determined to dunk you from time to time.

        I supposed I should just say, just ask Jesus. As you have often said “He’s the bossiest thing” and He will let you know whether or not you should give it serious consideration for a future endeavor.

  10. 110
    Kelly S. says:

    Thank you for sharing! I love you too.
    I’m just so full 🙂 I just returned from a Chris Tomlin concert with my youngest daughter (9). How I prayed the entire night for her to love Jesus, and for Him to show Himself to her tonight. I trust He did. Thank You, Lord.
    Im taking my oldest daughter (12) to see Travis in a couple weeks…..so thankful God has allowed this time with them.

    ps. I have LOVED looking at all my Siesta FB friends pictures of their adventures at the Life Today taping. How much fun you all must have had!!

  11. 111
    Joanne Beasley says:

    Way to go, Beth! Slowing down with the LORD 🙂 Isn’t life wonderful when we acknowledge Him in everything?

  12. 112
    Aunt Rhody says:

    I love you, Beth! Thanks for loving Jedus most of all. That’s what I ask for my family-husband, four daughters, three sons in love, four grands and all those to come. Love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbors as ourselves, for the greatest of these is L-O-V-E. Enjoy your Sunday and all the coffee you want.

  13. 113

    Well, it’s 11:30 p.m. before I’m reading this, Beth, so as you can imagine, this has day has not held much sabbath rest for me! So glad you had a slower day, though. Sounds wonderful. Thanks for popping in to share life with us!

  14. 114
    Marlinda says:

    Beth our group prays for you every time we meets that God would meet your needs physically and spiritually as you follow His directions. Thanks for being obedient to Him for Us!! (I am a ! too) I always end my prayers for each child (5) every day, with arms around them ” But above all things Lord let them love You all the days of their life” (tears!)I love Life Today, everyone of the sessions has been so profound to encourage and teach us to “fall forward” I especially loved you and Keith. Watching the four of you cut up together. Of course Keith and Betty had to raise their hands to speak. lol but the point of the book is brought forth (ordered two one for me and my unsaved spouse) pray for my John. It was so beautiful what James shared about not every wanting to hurt Betty. Before i close my large paragraph loved the story of how you called Keith to pray peace over you before you got on the plane, turning that car on a dime and racing back to his beloved, diving through the door and then you positioning under him (lol) Lord i want that, give me that God. Thank you Beth for your such a example of what God wants for us. may peace and rest renew your body, mind and soul. In Christ

  15. 115
    Jeanie says:

    It’s great to hear from you! Like you, I love that first sip of coffee in the morning! I enjoyed a relaxing day myself, and it was such a treat! I’m glad you had a chance to rest and enjoy some quiet time! Thanks for sharing your life with us. We love you dearly!

  16. 116
    Cindy says:

    So fun to read your blog today Beth. I have four daughters and four granddaughters (the 4th one should make her appearance any day now!) Two of my grandbabies, ages 23 and 11 months live with me along with their momma while their daddy is deployed to afghanistan. The sweetest way in the world to wake up is with a baby voice calling “Nana” from down the hall 🙂 They won’t live with us forever, but while they are here we want to just flood their lives with Jesus.

    Colorado Springs

  17. 117
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Beth ~ Thanks for the newsy note! I most surely did not have a Sabbath today; but whipped around my kitchen making dinner for a house full of friends and all of our kids, in celebration of my husband turning 50 this past Thursday. Fifty sounds so absolutely old, I can hardly stand it. (And dear Siestas who have already reached this milestone, please do not be offended; but half a century is half a century). When I was in my early 20’s most of my close girlfriends were all 36 and in my head I called them, “My 36 year old friends” – but as the years passed and they started turning 50, I decided to change my name for them and simply call them my “Sage Girls” (like Spice Girls – except my friends were wise and love Jesus and thus, the term “Sage”).

    So, I’ve had years and aging and the #50 on my brain the past couple days. I keep thinking of the verse (Psalms, yes?) that says, “Teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (Paraphrase here. My concordance is in a room with a sleeping 50 year old and I don’t want to wake him).

    Blessings Siestaville Sage Girls Near and Far ~

  18. 118

    🙂 Ha, I just love you mama beth. Without giving the reason,
    God is really working on this girl’s heart much this week.
    He’s opening a door to something about myself that I never wanted to “go there,” but now realizing it isn’t as bad as I thought…praise Him so much for that:)


  19. 119
    joni says:

    beth, about 12 years ago i was in your sunday school class at first baptist sitting in one of the last few rows. a crowd of about 150 as you describe in this post. you made the comment about what a privilge it is to see the “lightbulb light up” on someone’s face as you were teaching God’s word. i believe at that time you were going through hebrews. i knew without a doubt that lightbulb you saw was my heart and our Lord had just lit up the place.

  20. 120

    I don’t know when or where I first heard you say, “God, deliver us from everything but your glory,” but it stuck. I pray it constantly and share it with anyone who will listen anytime I get a chance. That kind of prayer just changes everything. So thank you.

  21. 121
    Becca says:

    I prefer to be “on the go” myself, but sometimes I just need an empty day to make room to fill myself up with the right stuff tomorrow. *bliss*

  22. 122
    Barbara Schwarz says:

    You always touch my heart so! You are so down to earth with such a hectic schedule. The first coffee sip is THE best! but then I enjoy the rest with a white chocolate Lindor Truffle and my quiet time with the Lord-he’s blessed me that way!! 🙂 I look forward to Wednesdays with Beth and loved the segments with you and your man! (how fun that must have been! and the Robisons are a hoot!!)
    May God bless you and keep you (and yours).
    Barb Schwarz

  23. 123
    Missy says:

    So good to hear from you! And so glad you got a day to rest. You are loved and missed! 🙂

  24. 124
    Anonymous says:

    Just got on here now because I enjoy Sabbath every Saturday. I cannot tell you the blessing and freedom it brings. Yes its a discipline, but the blessing of obedience is so worth it. I encourage everyone to ask God if His eternal Sabbath is for you. I’m glad you finally got to enjoy one yourself Mama.

  25. 125
    Sabrina says:

    My little 4 year old granddaughter goes to preschool. Last week her teacher had their class pray for the trapped Chillean miners. Later that day my daughter turned on the TV to witness a portion of the rescue. My little granddaugher saw one of the men coming out of the mine and exclaimed, “Hey, I prayed for him! Oh to have such a faith!

  26. 126
    Joybreaks says:

    You know, the coolest part of watching kids eat spaghetti is appreciating the art of sucking the noodle and letting it hit their nose, while all (and I mean ALL) of the sauce hangs outside on that reservoir, affectionately known as lips. Lady and the Tramp ain’t got nuttin’ on dem!

    Btw, I knew you couldn’t do it. You’re such a Sanguine! 🙂

    Gotta luv ya! (and I do!)

    In Christ,

  27. 127
    Carolyn says:

    Beth, I recall hearing Tony Evans once say that after he preaches he feels the Holy Spirit pressing so heavy on him that he literally hurts. Could be that is why your skin hurts. Glad you had a peaceful, restful, and rejuvenating day. Love ya muches.

  28. 128
    liz says:

    Thank you for the update. Sometimes I feel like your are a friend (personal!) then I remember that you don’t know me! I figure we will meet in heaven someday. Anyway I want to tell your Thank You for Wednesday with Beth. I don’t know how many times I’ve been struggling with something and the Lord will speak to me through you. You are a huge blessing that I thank the Lord for. So thank you for those 20 hrs. You,sweet thing are a beautiful blessing to all of us:)!!

  29. 129

    Bethy. I’ve prayed a number of years for my entire family to come to a place where we just all love Jesus together as one.

    Your line about sparing of tragedy left no small note here. In the last few years we have bid my oldest son a heart-breaking “See ya’ soon.” as he slipped off to heaven wit Jesus in 2005. Other more and less serious things have transpired including the death of several of my uncles and one aunt. My father’s twin brother made an abrupt change of address to heaven in May of 2009 which left us all reeling in spite of the fact that they were both approaching 70. This year has left us no less touched.

    My parents have been nursing wounds from an estranged relationship with my youngest sibling and his family, and I’ve been able to minister to and comfort them in the meantime. A very healing opportunity given my difficult past and childhood. And, after some 10 years of constant prayer on their behalf, my parents have for the first time since I was 12 years old found a home church and begun attending regularly. My father is right now in Mexico caring for one of our ailing cousins who suffers from Liver Cancer while my mom refuses to be anywhere but church on Sunday morning. God be praised! 🙂

    My middle brother is going through a marital crisis with his wife and two children that has turned him fully and brokenly toward our heavenly Father. We cry together almost every time we talk two or three days a week over the goodness of our God. He has even been heard to say that nothing matters to him more than his relationship with God and helping his kids and wife discover these truths for themselves.

    Bethie… Faith as small as a mustard seed can bring a harvest that busts the barn doors wide open and I’m thinking — I’ve come too far to stop praying now. We are breaking chains and loving God in ways I could not have imagined as a young, confused and broken girl who thought no one would ever love me enough. God always has and always will and He delights in bringing our families closer to Himself. The whole world wide.

    Love you.

    • 129.1
      Beth says:

      It’s so good to hear from you, Michelle. Oh, Sister, I so understand all those complexities of family but I do not know the pain of having lost a son as you have. You are powerfully sustained and used by our Lord Jesus.

  30. 130
    Pam says:

    Hope you had a blessed day. Grandchildren are so sweet.
    Thanks for sharing. And Yes you can if you want to 🙂
    Love you and your family.

    Campbellsburg, IN.

  31. 131
    Yanna says:

    I feel like everyone on here is my bff. Such a nice surprise to hear from you Beth. I miss your photo of Keith bending you over in a dance, maybe a Beth hat is in order? I may try to find my favorite in the attic and post a pic of me with it on after my Sunday nap….zzzzzz
    Jedus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so!

  32. 132
    Janice Pitchford says:

    I’m reading your post on Sunday as I sit by my dad’s bedside at the hospital. I so identify with your thought that no matter what comes our way we can face it as a family if we all love Jesus. My father though very average in stature is such a giant of a man in my life. He has been such an unfailing example of the love of Christ all of my life, church leader, deacon, generous to a fault. His teaching us to love God has taken us through some rough places. When our daughter died from leukemia his heart was broken and he had to walk through some days of questioning that faith but in the end he and The Father worked it out. Today he is no longer physically or mentally strong as his 88 years take their toll on his mind and body but his legacy of faith and courage will take our family through yet another trial. As I watch this frail and often confused man sleeping I can see that young,frightened solider who hit Utah Beach with the first wave of infantry on D day and fought on for 4 more years to keep us free. I can still hear his strong voice praying the most heartfelt, simple yet beautiful prayers in our church and in our home. I refuse to just see someone struggling to remember who and where he is and will always see the man who taught me to be who I am today by his example. For the last few years everytime we are together(which is often since we live 2 miles apart) he tells me how much he loves me and that he has the best family in the world. His farewell statement on every visit is “I wouldn’t take a million dollars for you.” And he means it. So today I pray begging God to be merciful to this man who has loved Jesus since young adulthood and served Him everyday in simple ways. Thank you for letting me just share my heart with my Siestas.

    • 132.1
      Julie says:

      God Bless you & your sweet Daddy! I lost my Mom 3 years ago(tomorrow)she was only 69. She’s free at last, in the arms of her(our)Savior. It was hard but harder yet seeing her in pain & slowly slipping away. What a Blessing and legacy he’ll leave you & your family. Thanks for sharing Janice.

      • Janice Pitchford says:

        Thanks, Julie. It means so much that sisters that I don’t even know are praying for us. I’m sorry about your loss but it is such a great comfort to know that our loved ones are at rest in HIM!

    • 132.2
      Kelly S. says:

      Janice, what a sweet tribute to your father! Thank you for sharing his legacy with us.

    • 132.3

      I am weeping as I read about your wonderful, godly father. Thank you for sharing. And I join you in praying for mercy for him as he prepares to become one of the many making up ‘so great a cloud of witnesses’ that have stood faithful to the ONE who is FAITHFUL!
      God Bless You, sister!
      Pat Schuessler

      • Janice Pitchford says:

        Thanks, Pat. He is so precious! It is a comfort to know that when he leaves us he’ll be with our Heavenly Father.

    • 132.4
      Anonymous for this one.... says:

      Your words about your father are beautiful… You are blessed to have him, and he is blessed to have you!


  33. 133
    Emily D says:

    I liked this post when you talked about wanting your grandbabies to love Jesus. I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Today in Sunday School they were learning about the prodigal son and repentance whereby my five year old proceeded to tell the whole class about something I had done, and she had witnessed, that I am very ashamed off – and how I had had to go to Jesus on my knees and say sorry and that he forgave me. The Lord is good and it was my best friend teaching the class so she already knew about the incident and said it was all she could do to keep a straight face!!

    After a little while wondering if my reputation would survive with the other adults in the class I was encouraged to learn a great lesson. My babies may have a mom that makes huge mistakes sometimes, but she sure does love Jesus – and Jesus is sure worth loving. I praise God that it is all about him ,and not about me.

  34. 134
    Amanda says:

    Dear Beth:
    God really used you to encourage REST in my life. I usually hate sitting still, but recently I got a herniated disc in my lower back and I have had to be on bedrest for 2 weeks. I tried going back to work and fainted – hitting my hard head and tailbone again, so now I am on bedrest another 2-3 weeks. I HATE it, but I think God is trying to knock some sense into me and I tuned into your blog for the first time to hear the Oct 23rd encouragement. I am also a 31 year old mother of a sweet 2 year old girl (similar to your daughter, Amanda, we even have the same name) – your blog related straight to my heart. THANKS!

  35. 135

    My Saturday was a Sabbath rest indeed! I took photos of autumn leaves and considered the “glorious death” of our Savior! http://livewithflair.blogspot.com/2010/10/glorious-death.html

  36. 136
    Linda says:

    Thank you for your Wednesdays with Beth. I sometimes print the transcripts to read later, or download the MP3’s just to listen to when traveling and no internet is avaiable. Thank you for all you do.

  37. 137
    Melody Reid says:

    Like everyone else on here, I was so happy to see a post from you. I didn’t really get a Sabbath day this weekend but am taking one tomorrow. Yeah!! May God continue to bless you as you seek to serve Him in everything you do. Can’t wait to study James with you!

  38. 138
    Minda says:

    Hi Beth…

    I was at the LIFE Today taping earlier this month and I was one of those girls with tears in my eyes….Ok, who are we kidding. They weren’t in my eyes- they kept spilling over and onto my cheeks. Saturday morning as you shared from Luke 1 about Elizabeth, from the moment you opened your mouth until you prayed I had tears flowing. It was a word that my heart needed.

    Even as I sit here and type this out to you, my eyes are filling with tears again thinking how timely that message was that EXACT hour for me.

    Our God is greater.

    Thank you for hearing His voice.

  39. 139
    Georgia Boone says:

    I had a very relaxing Saturday…..stayed in my “jammies” most of the day…..it was cool here in NO MI and rainy so it seemed like the right thing to do. Watched some movies and did some laundry. Can’t ruin a relaxing day.

    So glad to hear from all the Siestas….so many to pray for.
    Praying for others is so much more fun than praying for myself and my family. Our problems are small in comparison to so many.

    Blessings to all the Moores!!! Have a great week!!

  40. 140
    Beverly says:

    I always enjoy and look forward to your posts! What a joy to look over and see you in church worshipping our precious Jesus. As I walked out of Tuesday night’s Fall Forward session – your words stuck with me so deeply as I am walking through some things. I praise God that I am still under construction and that through you, His servant, I am not alone. Thank you Beth. I count myself blessed to be touched by your words and your example.

    PS. I’m going to think of you with my first sip of coffee – enjoying that first taste with my sister in Christ!

  41. 141
    Lindsey Pond says:

    There is nothin’ sweeter than a quiet house with the Lord. Certainly, I prefer my loved ones to be in the next room, but there is something so sweet about sitting in the still and quiet (with coffee in hand, of course) and saying, “Good morning, Lord.” Thank you for reminding me of that always. I’m speaking at church tonight, and your countless words of wisdom keep popping into my mind. Thank you for being a vessel of His light to so many. You get it. You get it that it’s not you, and all Him. And, it’s refreshing.

  42. 142
    Sandee says:

    we had a lovely lazy day on Saturday too. It rained. I made homemade noodles and chicken (aka chicken and dumplings)…lit candles, made pumpkin and fall leaf sugar cookies, did a little embroidery….and relaxed…even the four kids read and colored and did playdough and decorated cookies….all ended with a family movie….a wonderful day.

    glad you are getting a restful one as well.

  43. 143
    Sara says:

    I am the Bible Study Coordinator for our church and God gave us the opportunity to study Breaking Free this year. I cannot tell you how much I love it! I have a daily quiet time but this study has me anticipating it with a renewed passion. Thank you for devoting your time and effort in studying His Word and sharing it’s Truth so that women can experience it and experience the Freedom that comes with it! I thank God for you often and pray His mighty blessings on you and your family. We are only on week 3 and I am very much looking forward to what lays ahead!


  44. 144
    Kathy B says:

    Oh I was hoping you might have an extra helping of visiting this weekend. Thanks so much.

    I got to spend most of yesterday with my firstborn, Emily. She’s home from college for the weekend and we had us a girly day. We started with pancakes at Cracker Barrel (I even used real butter) then off to antique stores. Nothing serious, just browsing enough to get the knees of our jeans dirty. One particular booth had lovely vintage photos we were admiring when Emily closed the threadbare velvet encased book she was admiring. She was trying to decipher what was left of the title on the cover when she mused, “Hmmm. I wonder what that means. It looks like bum.” I replied, “Darling, that would be Al-bum.” I nearly rolled in the floor laughing. Thank goodness, she was rolling along with me. She’s a good natured one, that blondie.

  45. 145
    WendyBee says:

    It’s been a few months since I’ve read this blog. Why, Oh, Why do I not take the time to come by and read? I am always blessed, usually by the humor, and always interested in what’s happening.
    Thank you for all you do, and above all, for blogging about it!

  46. 146
    Sheila says:

    What a nice treat to see you stopped by. 🙂 I could sure use a Mama today. 🙁 I know that my fate is in my Father’s hands but it’s also nice to have someone come along side and point me in the right direction. You always do that, Beth. Thanks.

  47. 147


    I didn’t want to disturb your time of preparation, but knew you would love to hear this and since you wrote…..I’ll share;) I listen to you so much that I feel my kids too know you personally. My Jackson, one of my 4 yr old twins, took my iPod the other day and I assumed he was listening to music…he loves to pretend to play the drums, but he looks at me with this confused and intense face and says, “mom, what is a stwonghoed??” my nine year old chimes in to say,”it’s a STRONG HOLD….mom he’s listening to Beth?” I was in stitches…..his face was priceless, but my daughter was almost protective like only she and I could share Beth;) priceless !!!



  48. 148
    Kelly says:

    my family is going through some tough stuff right now. So, coming on here brightened my day some. In a way, I have to admit, I am jealous of the relationship you have with your daughters. I long for that with mine. I am thinking that it wasn’t always that way.
    My heart is extremely heavy with the circumstances we are dealing with but I have been really trying to take it one day at a time. I am in tears-alot and am on the verge even trying to explain with out explaining what’s happening. Please pray for me. Things are probably going to get pretty ugly in the next few days.
    I am a grandma as well. You know what? I don’t feel about my grandkids the way you do. Mine live with me and that has definitely changed my role in their lives. I am in the role of care taker even though their mom lives here to.
    Once a child, always a child especially when as an adult, you still live with mom.
    Anyway, just pray.

  49. 149
    glenwood says:

    It sounds like you had a good day. It is good to take a break every now and again.
    Have you ever read The Athiest Christian? It is about people who say they know/believe in God but do not act like they do. Trial By Fire is about a couple whose future and marriage becomes entwined with WWII.
    Another book that sounds good but I have not gotten a chance to read it yet is The Priscilla Diary. It is by Gene Edwards and a fictionalized version of what Priscilla might written. It is part of the First Century Diaries Series

  50. 150
    Julie says:

    When nothing seems to make sense, and when I find myself all alone in the chaos, I continue to love God and know He wants me to spiritually succeed. His love for me knows no bounds, knows no height or depth. He is not out to destroy me but to make me more and more like His precious Son, Jesus, my big brother!

    My Saturday was gorgeous! We hiked up to Anna Ruby Falls in North Geogia and drank in God’s creation! Talk about rest! I hadn’t stopped in such a long time…it was great!


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