I Can If I Want To

Remember? I said that I reserved the right to get on here and write if I wanted to and if what I wanted to write didn’t take away from the James study. I do and it won’t, so there.

It’s a Saturday off after several really hard weeks of work. I relish the Life Today tapings once I get there because the studio audience is always fantastic and the PERFECT size. (150 maybe?) I am close enough to them to hear them groan or chuckle and to see puzzlement on their faces so that I know whether or not to clarify. I am close enough to see if any one of them has tears in her eyes and if something I said hurt too much to leave alone. I am right there to see the work of the Spirit when He moves at His own discretion and I’m on occasion left with chills standing straight up on my arms, all because I’m standing close enough to feel it. And because He let’s me. I love all these things about the Life Today tapings BUT they are just about as much work over a 20 hour period of time as I ever do. Even the skin feels too heavy on my bones to take back home with me. It’s so worth it but 5 one-hour teaching sessions is a hard task.

All that to say, having the next Saturday off is a beautiful thing. I took Thursday, too, but I had a lot to do out and about that day. I had fun but not exactly rest. I’ll often opt for the former over the latter but not today. Keith left early this morning for a sporting clays tournament and just shut the bedroom door and let me sleep in. I opened my eyes about 8:45 and said good morning to the Lord. I then smiled really wide at the thought of a first cup of coffee. It never tastes better than that first sip. Then I had my quiet time and reflected back on the evening before. CJ took Jackson “camping” at a friend’s land where a handful of dads around the same age brought their young sons and did all but sleep outside. That is my kind of camping, too. As my grandmother would say, “I’m right outdoorsy till I’m sleepy.”

AJ and Annabeth came and spent the evening with my man and me. I’m just not sure little kids are ever any cuter or funnier than around 21 months. She talks constantly and, of course, had the undivided attention of three adults. Everything she wanted read to her got read to her. She ate spaghetti like she’d been starved for a month and with such enthusiasm that she had to be hastily swept to the tub lest all in her path receive a baptism by marinara. I did not say maranatha. I said marinara. Aunt Melissa then called us all on Face TimeΒ  (I-phone 4 – it’s one reason we got it) and she, AJ and I howled our heads off. I like to wear different hats when I talk to Melissa on Face Time because it makes her laugh and, because I can see myself in the little square in the corner of the screen, it makes me laugh, too. First I wore a stylish little straw hat with a thick green ribbon around it that Melissa bought several months ago then I put on one of Keith’s cowboy hats. I just hate to be predictable.

Annabeth was scared of Face Time at first and hid all but one eye in Amanda’s shirt but now she totally participates and loves to talk to Aunt Melissa and to wave to her. It’s almost more than Melissa can stand and she invariably laughs until she gets a lump in her throat and wants to cry because she’s so far from home. She loves Amanda’s babies so much. Annabeth blew numerous kisses to her last night and even told her she loved her. (“LUH- do”) She even said something to her about “Jedus.”And that’s part of what had me reflecting during my quiet time this morning.

Annabeth thinks that the greatest part of getting ready for bed is rocking with Mommy and singing about “Jedus.” I love how her little mouth looks when she says His Name. I want them to love Him so much. That’s the one thing. The one thing I ask over and over and over. I don’t mean it’s the only thing I ever ask but it’s the only thing I ask like a broken record. If they – Keith, Amanda, Curtis, Jackson, Annabeth, Colin, and Melissa and others of our family yet to come – and I love Jesus, and I mean really love Jesus, everything else will be okay. I am convinced of that. We can get through virtually anything on love. I often ask God to spare my dear family of tragedy but not to spare us of His glory. Tragedies do sometimes come but we must never think for a moment that they’ve come lightly. We must steady our reeling selves to the anchor beyond the veil and know, when we know nothing else, that somehow, some way, glory must have been at stake.

I hope your Saturday is, at least in some way, a sabbath to you. I finished yet another Wendell Berry novel this morning and let the time pass without much notice. I finished a book last week that simply said, “Stop hurrying so much.” And I’ve been trying to practice that. Even both dogs are sound asleep right now which is no small wonder, especially as I spy a squirrel at the bird feeder in our back yard. Shoot. I might go back to bed myself.

On second thought, I’m starving here. When on earth will somebody around this house go to the grocery store???


285 Responses to “I Can If I Want To”

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  1. 1
    Kristi says:

    Awww. This was a lovely Saturday morning post. My twenty-month-old said both “church” and “Jejus” for the first time last week. Melt my heart. This morning, when he realized that Mommy and Daddy were both home for an extended time in the morning, he said, “Time chuch?” No, baby. Today is Saturday, not Sunday.

  2. 2
    Radical Abandonment says:

    So nice to hear from you Beth. I am praying for the James study and looking forward to working through it when its published. Any chance it could be our summer siesta study? I already have my spiral for the scripture memory team! Have a blessed Lord’s Day!

  3. 3
    Sister Lynn says:

    Sweet Beth! Enjoy your sabbath rest. Sending love your way today.

    S. Lynn

  4. 4
    Jessica says:

    Love it, as usual…thanks for posting today on your day off! Just what I needed to hear!

  5. 5
    Stephanie W says:

    Blessing on your sweet restful head dear Siesta Momma! See you next week from the audience in Spokane. May the Lord bless you and us with His teaching by His Spirit! Love you!

  6. 6
    Karene says:

    Hi Beth, While this Saturday won’t be restful for me, I do regularly take time to rest and regroup. It’s so important! (I commented yesterday that I’m in the middle of working on a take-home mid-term. This is for a master’s that I’m starting at 53–30 years after I graduated!)

    The nice thing is that my wonderful husband said he will go grocery shopping and plan dinners for the next few days :).

    Enjoy your sabbath rest. You deserve it!

  7. 7
    Rhonda McClellan says:

    Dear Siesta Beth,

    What a delight to receive your post today! So glad you got an opportunity to rest in this morning. What’s up with the grocery shopping? πŸ™‚ My two sons were just giving me a hard time about the same thing last night. LOL! Sure do enjoy the precious moments you share with us and your thoughtfulness towards your “extended family”. πŸ™‚ I surely learned some cool things last week from “A Woman’s Heart” Bible study. I am simply in love with our Savior and His Word. Thank you for being a vessel, used to excite us and teach us about His wonderful Word. Praying blessings for you and yours. Love ya!!

  8. 8
    Jessie says:

    What a wonderful little blurb. After a week of running and trying to keep up, I’m enjoying a quiet Saturday as well! Thanks for sharing your heart Beth! It was what I needed to hear this morning!

  9. 9
    Jen H. says:


    So great to hear from you! You are missed and sometimes I forget how much until we hear from you again. What you said about loving “Jedus” really hit home for me today. We just buried my 98-year-old grandfather on Wednesday, and my mom, brother, and I spoke at his funeral about the legacy of faith he left us. He wasn’t Jesus, but as close as one can come to be on this earth, we felt he was like him. At the funeral I talked about how he completely exemplified the fruit of the spirit in every possible way and that I’m so thankful for the way his life mirrored my Christ! Because of him, I had a much better idea of who Jesus was. I’m getting all sentimental now, but I miss him and love him and want DESPERATELY to have my children and grandchildren say the same of me! Like that song “Legacy” by Natalie Grant (I think!)

    Anyway… thanks for helping the thoughts and memories speak again. Praying for you as you write your James study… I can’t wait to do it!

  10. 10
    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    Glad you are getting some rest! Isn’t it annoying when the answer to the grocery store question is usually,”me”? I am back from a wedding shower that my sisters-in-law and I threw for our sweet niece today. I got some baby holding time with my month old great nephew,the bride-to-be’s nephew! He is so sweet! I am sitting in my messy living room,a load of laundry going and a lot of info to log onto the computer, so rest isn’t in the forecast today.Beth, I hope you will be blessed to know that as one of her presents, my niece got matching pet beds,a couple mitts to wipe off wet paws and a drying towel! They even coordinate with the bedroom colors that they will share after they’re married. It is a hoot! They both have little dogs and the dogs’ names are both Izzy! Enjoy your weekend! Praying Keith does well in the tournament today! Love you! joan

  11. 11
    Jamison says:

    Hi Beth,

    Lazy Saturday mornings are the best! Enjoy the rest of your day! πŸ™‚


  12. 12
    Bobbie says:

    I’m so glad you wanted to check in with us this morning! What a wonderful Saturday morning you’ve had! My man & I went to our high school homecoming last night–a real blast from the past! It had been 40 years since we were in the stadium with so many of our friends! It seemed so big ‘back then’ and we tho’t we were ‘so grown up’…! Last night, not so much! The stadium was tiny (compared to Kyle Field!) and the kids were babies. Fun times.

    I pray the same love of Jesus for my kids/grandgirls! It makes my heart skip a coupla beats when I hear them refer to Him in their daily talk and walk!

    BTW, do you read Karen Kingsbury? I just read her new “Unlocked”! Do you remember when one of our Siestas asked for prayer for little Kate McCrae. I began praying for her and getting her CaringBridge e-mails. Kate is Karen’s Forever in Fiction character in this new book. It was wonderful. While following Kate’s progress I’ve heard lots of stories about her and Karen does a great job with her character in the book. It really opened my eyes to the lives of Autistic children and things high school kids face each day! Highly recommend it!

    Does Keith eradicate armadillos???? πŸ™‚

    • 12.1
      Beth says:

      Yes, I’ve read Karen Kingsbury and have also prayed for precious little Kate. That is so cool about the character in the new book! I will watch for that.

    • 12.2
      Joyce Watson says:

      Really like Karen Kingsbury’s books, I thought I would see the movie “Unlocked”, before I read the book and knew how the story ended. She does have a down-to-earth writing that just speaks to the heart.
      Thanks Bobbie for your post.

    • 12.3
      Tammy says:

      I love Karen Kingsbury! About to go get in the bed and hopefully finish “Unlocked” before I go to sleep. It’s so good!

  13. 13
    Robyn Q says:

    Oh, how I can relate to your words. Thanks so much for sharing. It’s a treat!

  14. 14
    Joyce Watson says:

    Wonderful to just to hear from you and how the Lord is blessing!
    About Life Today_really enjoy watching the show and how you are sharing about marriage. I get so tickled at how your husband sometimes raises his hand to speak. My husband I am sure feels like doing the same sometimes. James Robinson is a good preacher/speaker. I still have a cassette tape of him years ago. He told of going camping outside with another kid. He said, “My Father made the moon.” the other kid said, “My Father did too.” James replied back, “Well, I guess we both have the same Dad.” Sweet story, I never forgot it.
    Enjoying my day with family and watching it rain.

    The book I have been reading is “Life Lessons from the Hiding Place” by Pam Rosewell Moore about Corrie Ten Boom.
    It has a wonderful story about when Corrie was saved.
    Corrie was only 5 years old. Her mother was watching her play house and she was pretending to call on a neighbor. Her mother said, “I know Someone who is standing at your door and knocking right now. Jesus said that He is standing and if you will invite Him in He will come into your heart. Would you like to invite Jesus in? Corrie said, “Yes,Mama, I want Jesus in my heart.” Her mother took her little hand then prayed with her. It was a beautiful. Corrie said she never forgot that moment.

    One part I really enjoyed in this book was when she said,
    “I must learn to hold earthly things lightly because if I do not the Lord might have to pry away my fingers, and that hurts.”
    There so many lessons in this book.
    I like facebook, but I just put most devotions, poems and anything I can share. Have a good day in the Lord! Will be prayer! in Christ

  15. 15
    Rachel says:

    I got tears in my eyes reading about Annabeth and her “Jedus”. That is my prayer for my own girls and future grandchildren. Sometimes I feel like such a failure but I hope they can see through my faults and find Him.

    We are having a perfectly lovely Saturday here. The rain is hitting the windowpanes, baby is peacefully sleeping and my husband and three year old are in a “fort” of blankets playing “house” in the living room as I type. Sweet Daddy…I can hear her bossing him around…”No, Daddy, you have to lay your head on the pillow to go to sleep!” We don’t often make time for a sabbath but I’m so glad we are today! Bless you Mama Beth!

  16. 16
    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    sounds great to me. i’m having as much as a lazy day as possible. going to watch the revelation video i missed. tonight i am helping with the mercy me concert. counting the days, after 3.5long weeks so far, until i get this shoulder immoblizer off. then rehab and another shoulder surgery.

    a beautiful day in the ozarks!

  17. 17
    Luanne says:

    just got home from spending the morning with my 4 day old grandson (my first)!! i’ve been praying the same thing for him since i found out my daughter-in-law was pregnant, that their sweet little one would not just believe in God but love Him with all his heart. i have another one on the way and i’m constantly praying that for both grandsons. what else could a grandma want than for her grandkids to know and love Christ with all their hearts and to glorify Him! <3

  18. 18
    Joan says:

    What a surprise to log on and see a post from you! I had just finished raking leaves and burning them(love the smell) all morning and was going to enjoy a cup of fresh brewed coffee. May I just say that I am starting week 6 of Daniel and have never enjoyed a study more! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the format of session first and study second. I feel like I gain so much more insight. I can feel the Holy Spirit talking up a storm to me…I HEAR Him telling me to start making changes in my life…and I will obey although I know it won’ be easy for some of the changes.

    I am so thankful that the Lord has given you this ministry. In blessing you, I receive His blessings also, but with such understanding …

    Thank you Father God and thank you Beth for your faithfulness to Him.


  19. 19
    Kelli says:

    Thanks for sharing your day- praying it’s restful and wonderful! I’ve missed blog world as we’ve spent the last 6 weeks getting settled in the states for our 10 month stateside assignment. I am sitting in the kitchen at the mission house we’re staying in LOVING my Saturday. My girls just carved a pumpkin with their daddy and they’re now playing soccer outside with daddy in our FENCED IN BACKYARD (those are pretty hard to come by overseas and we are so thankful!!). I’m cooking Lebanese for my extended family in Memphis tonight- we are loving a beautiful fall day in the US!

  20. 20
    Darcie says:

    Humor is such a gift of God, and we take it so for granted. . .
    I am utterly blessed by your sense of humor, Beth. It’s my absolute favorite thing about you!

  21. 21
    Mary H says:

    It was really good to hear from you. Needed to remember that if we really love Jesus then we CAN get through anything. I’m enjoying a stay at home day after a very busy three weeks of going, going, and more going. I am trying to catch up on laundry, ironing, etc…my husband is sighting his guns in…so every time I think he is through shooting and I relax…he shoots again! I decided to just get on the internet and thought I would read a few of the “Talk to me Tuesday” responses…then I was so happy to see you had written. Have a wonderful day!

  22. 22
    Patricia says:

    Sounds like a wonderful week end at your house. Hope you get to take a nap—naps are essential to lazy days.

  23. 23
    Carla E. says:

    Our babies (your Annabeth & my son Collin) are 2 months apart. He turned 23 months on Thursday. He too can say “Jezus” and “chuch” for church where he loves to go. Thanks for sharing b/c you can. I’m looking forward to the James study as I’ve memorized the 1st chapter of James and remember it constantly. We love you Beth! Oh – BTW – thank you (& LPM) for being so generous in allowing my church – FBC Buna, TX to view September’s simulcast over again b/c of the tecnical dificulties we experienced that day. The inclusion of the study “The Inheritance” was a generous bonus too. Our women’s Bible study group greatly appreciates it as well.

  24. 24
    Kimberly says:

    A lazy day behind me and a fun sleepover with my niece and nephew in front of me… oh, it will be fun no less! There will be laughs, sugar, giggles, and some amount of sleep. I am excited! I am excited! just doing odds and ends right now….. it’s 66 degrees in Fort Wayne, Indiana which is absolutely AMAZING! Rest well today to each and every siesta out there in siestaville!

  25. 25
    Beth says:

    Hi Beth, even though I keep a close tab on the blog, this is my first comment. (I think) When I read your comment on wanting your family to love our Jesus, & if they, you, we all, do, then everything will be ok, it brought tears. You see, my first time to attend one of your events was @ Deeper Still in Nashville. I sat & watched you worship as Travis sang “Your word is life to me”, & I remember thinking to myself, I want my relationship to be like that. You were all but prostrate on that floor. Even though there were 20,000+ women there, it was as though it were just You & Your Jesus.

    My husband is a pastor, so yes, I was back in Nashivlle last March for the Ministers Wives, then again in Memphis in Ocotber, & all the way to Lexington, Ky this past August. You see, that weekend at Deeper Still, I was changed. I was set on “fire”. I teach the ladies S.S. class at church & your studies are our lesson. I have watched these ladies, fall in love with Jesus.

    I say all of this, to say this, as I mentioned, my husband is a pastor & we are raising two teenage boys. I want them to love Jesus too. And I believe as much as they can, they do. But right now, the oldest is struggling with decisions. Peer pressure, some “persecution”, just junk of a teenage boy life.
    I’m asking for some prayers to be lifted by siesta’s here. That we, as parents, not be too quick to offer our anwers or opinions. That God will guide this young boy. I know the power of prayer. And believe me, this mama prays. But I need some intercessors right now.
    Thank you all so much for your time, & prayers.
    Beth, keep up your work for our Lord. It is paying off! He will wrap it up! Loved how you ask that at Lexington, Come Father & wrap this baby up. love it, love it, love it.
    Thanks again,
    sister in Christ,

  26. 26
    Julie says:

    I just read my first Wendell Berry book, Beth. “Jayber Crow” – have you read it? What others of his would you recommend? I love his writing, but kept wondering how the book was going to end and kept reserving judgment until that very last page, when I gasped and though, “Oh my gosh!” And then I had to let it all sink in. Amazing. Different. Redemptive. Anyway, if you haven’t read that one, you might like to. πŸ™‚

    God bless you for always encouraging us right when we need it.

  27. 27
    Tai says:

    **HUG** Thank you!

  28. 28
    Pam says:

    I just love slow Saturday mornings after a hard week! I awoke at 8:30 this morning (not normal – very late for me!) to dreams of a new friend and a heavy burden to pray for her and her family. About an hour later I texted her to let her know I had been praying for her. She responded that at 8:45am they were almost hit in a really bad accident on the interstate! She said she immediately began thanking and giving praise for their family to have been spared. I’m always humbled at how God works.

  29. 29
    Melinda says:

    I miss “Jedus.” Sometimes it seems like I get so wrapped up in the “doing” at church that I forget to take time to know Him. I want to fall back in love with Him again. Would you please pray for me?

    On the other hand, I’m headed to the grocery store in a few. What can I get for you? πŸ˜‰


  30. 30
    kristen says:

    After reading “So Long Insecurity”, I have been trying to be “ok” with a ‘not so perfectly clean’ house. So, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I am enjoying me some TVo’d episodes of “Sarah’s House”!

    • 30.1
      April Nicole says:

      Hey fellow siesta – I just discovered this show a couple of weeks ago- it’s so addicting eh? I wish I could do her type of “renos” she goes all out!

  31. 31

    Well, God bless your day off! πŸ™‚ Amen!

    (I’m sitting bed, smelling my homemade chicken pot pie cooking in the oven and just about ready to tackle some more algebra homework, which should effectively put me to sleep!)


  32. 32
    Tina says:

    Don’t you just love days like this! Blue sky, bright sun, crisp breeze and coffee. Thank you God for coffee! I hope you continue to have a great weekend resting. Looking forward to seeing you in Birmingham in December. Love and blessings to you!

  33. 33
    Tammie says:

    It IS a lovely Saturday Sabbath; I got to take my dog, Sasha, with me this morning a I had errands to run and we even stopped by PetSmart – she love that store mostly cause she gets to go inside and sniff all the huge bones and say hi to other doggies. Her tail about wags off… πŸ™‚ I got to get my yard cleaned up – that is therapy to me – and again, Sasha is so happy to have me home all day and to spend time together… love how a dog just loves to be with you. I think Jesus is the same… HE loves us to be WITH HIM. πŸ™‚ love it.

    Now… a few finishing touches to be ready for some good fellowship tonight w/ some gal friends…. it is a Gooood Saturday Sabbath.

    Can’t wait to see this James study…. been reading through it myself to get ready for it!!


  34. 34
    Heather B says:

    Mama Beth, It’s great to see your post today and I’m glad you got to sleep in! Its a reminder to me to pray for you and Melissa and the James study and rest. I’m in my early 30’s and I’m fairly certain you could work circles around me!! Yes, I agree… if we really love Jesus, then everything else will be okay.

  35. 35
    Becky G says:

    Beth,love that you wanted to stop by because you can! My day started working concessions for Upward football at our church. What a blessing it is for me to have a 6th grade young lady want to help me rather than watch her brothers football game-she was in my sunday school class when she was in first and second grade.To hear other children that I teach say Hi Miss Becky on a saturday morning is wondrous too! I thought about what you read,Stop hurrying so much,I have finished the afternoon watching my favorite football team Ohio State Buckeyes beat Purdue! Then off to a cookout with other believers!

  36. 36
    Michele says:

    I have never posted here before, but your post left me with tears in my eyes. I have two little girls and I desperately want Jesus to be real to them- the love of their lives. The greatest joy of my day is watching the 5 year old get on her knees with her daddy at the edge of her bed and pray before she goes to bed.

    Blessings to you as you work on James. I can’t wait!

  37. 37

    Blessed!! That’s what I am. by you. And you are blessed! and choosing well. And for that, I love you. And I love how you make my heart want to love Jesus more, too. Keep recovering that life. May He come and continue to make all things new. He’s doing some new things around our home, as well. I hope to share soon–then again, it may be several months before I can. Love you! Holly PS Marinara/Maranatha is hilarious!

  38. 38
    Holly Smith says:

    Oops, it’s not Crown Laid Down anymore…another new (for me to remember)

  39. 39
    kendal says:

    so great to hear from you! i can’t relate to everything in your life, but enjoying a restful day, i can. and definitely the coffee. i needed to set up a place to meet a family this afternoon to retrieve my son, and the only place i KNEW existed at the exit between us is Starbucks! Enjoy the day.

  40. 40
    Kim says:

    So glad you updated today, and encouraged us to slow down and appreciate the most important things in life. Lifting you up, and you continue on the James Journey.

    Knoxville, Tenn.

  41. 41
    Melanie L. says:

    Beth, I really like grocery shopping. You fly me down to TX, I’ll do your shopping! ;=) It is my favorite errand to do. I like to cook & bake, and going to ShopRite just makes me think of all the endless possibilities. My prodigal husband & I could go to the mall & window shop, and not drop a dime. But get him in a Wegmans, and mercy, there goes the grocery budget! Have a good weekend.

  42. 42
    carla says:

    You deserve the free time. I can’t wait to see the sessions on Life Today-I always enjoy them. Have a great week end, Carla

  43. 43
    Delta Dawn says:

    I learned a new word the other day and couldn’t help but think of my sanguine friend. The new word was consanguinity, meaning being from the same kinship as another person. But what excited me so was that the context of the word was in covenant, specifically the consanguinity that we share first with Jesus and second with fellow believers. It sometimes is beyond by finite brain to imagine that I am in kinship with Jesus! May I love more and more everyday!

  44. 44
    April Nicole says:

    PTL for Saturday rest! I’m right there with you today! Hope it is a good one :O)

  45. 45
    Chesney says:

    been praying for my future husband so much lately, and i love this reminder to pray for him to JUST LOVE JESUS because then we can get through everything else : )
    Love you Beth!
    Chesney 17

  46. 46

    Beth~ Thank you for all the time you put into “Life Today… Wednesday’s with Beth”! In my busy schedule this past year, I love these bite sized teachings. I can take enough time to soak in the message and meditate on what God is saying without feeling overwhelmed. God is SO GOOD how He works through you. I even go in the archives (on the Life Today website)and watch some tapings a second time. I’ve purchased the different series that are available in hopes to start a Women’s Home Group this upcoming year… you got it~ a “Wednesday’s with Beth” group!

    Enjoy your weekend and it was a wonderful surprise getting your updates… very sweet!

    Corpus Christi, TX

  47. 47
    Dionna says:

    I understand what you’re saying. That is my deepest request to the Lord, too. That my children will serve Him, love Him with all their souls and be “sold out” for Him. I don’t want half-hearted “christian” kids. I want kids who pine for God and don’t feel right with themselves or the world until they are right with Him.

    And I will do what it takes to get them there. Whether it’s by my choices and actions while they’re still in my home or simply by my prayers.

  48. 48
    shelly says:

    It has been a sabath of sorts. God has really gotten my attention with 1 Peter 5:5-11 lately and today I had time to just dig in! I found that insecurities knock us off our feet and we are unbalanced and stumbling, trying to walk on marbles or being in sinking sand. Got the picture? But God promises that He, Himself, will “restore you, make you strong, firm and steadfast.” After years of being on sinking sand that Solid Rock looks mighty good! There are situations that I can not imagine walking into being strong, firm, and steadfast, but that is the promise, the hope, and the security I want. Praying for that theology to become my reality!

  49. 49
    Robin says:

    Oh…if we all really love Jesus, right? I don’t comment on here….um…ever I think…but I do read. You always inspire more love for Jesus…and for that I thank you. I think school, sports, “whoop-ins”, “scold-ins”, colleges, jobs and just about everything else are so overrated when it comes to “rear-in” these boys of mine. Oh…if they will just learn to love Jesus. AMEN!

  50. 50
    Robin says:

    Oops…I lied. Need to confess. Just remembered that I have commented on here before…just once, maybe…I think. Just need to be sure I keep myself honest! haha. (I need a “crazy hat” today, too!)

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