Siesta Summer Bible Study 3 Launch

Hey, Siestas! It’s time for summer Bible study! For the sake of rich fellowship and vital accountability, we hope as many of you as possible are meeting with small groups and on every other Tuesday or as close to Tuesdays as possible. You are absolutely welcome to join us solo but try to stay as involved as possible in the discussions so that you’ll feel plugged in. This is what you’ll do every other Tuesday:

1. Watch the video so you’ll have your instructions for your gathering or for your solo experience. I will always put the bare bones of the instructions in writing on the post just in case there is a video malfunction.

2. (You will find these instructions reiterated in this post because it’s fundamental to the experience.) If you are in a small group, designate one person who will write a comment to this post briefly telling us about your group and your discussion. It can be a different person each week or the same. START THE COMMENT WITH THE CITY, THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND LOCATION THEN DESCRIBE YOUR GROUP AND ADD SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR DISCUSSION. For instance, I am meeting with my Monday staff members so my comment will begin with:

Houston, Texas; 8 of us; Meeting at Living Proof Ministries. Our group is primarily made up of…The main part of our discussion was about…(And so forth).

3. If you are going solo, your comment will become the way you complete the assignments. In other words, you’ll see that I ask you to describe this season of your life in one word. In your comment, tell us what that one word would be.

Make the length of it one good, descriptive paragraph. Try not to write too much or readers will tend to skip over it.

This clip is to give instructions for your first gathering – the one you are hopefully having today or in next 24 hours. You can watch this together or your leader can watch it and pass on your instructions.

Summer Bible Study – Week 1 from LPV on Vimeo.

I so hope that makes sense! Now, here are the written instructions for your gathering just in case you can’t get the video to work. Welcome aboard! May God take us on a journey that we’ll treasure for many years. Let’s find the Ruth in us, Siestas!

Today in your small group, here’s what I am asking you to do:

1. If you don’t know each other, spend a few minutes finding out some basic biographical information about one another.  (Single, married, still in school, or in a career. Children, no children. The regular stuff. Keep in mind that everybody fits in Bible study. You don’t need to all be alike. In fact, the more alike you all are, the less you may sharpen one another.)

2. Each of you in your small group characterize your life in this present season in ONE WORD.  Have the leader record these.

3. Each of you in your small group share one specific goal you have this summer for being in Bible study. Have the leader record these, too.

4. Look at the very last verse of the Book of Judges (Judges 21:25) because of its placement just prior to the book we’ll study together this summer. Discuss several specific reasons why doing what each of us sees fit at any given time could be dangerous. After several minutes of discussion, read Jeremiah 17:7-14 and talk about how this segment relates or contrasts to Judges 21:25.

Leader: this is very important. You get back on within 24 hours of meeting and write a brief summation of your group time as a comment to this post. Tell us how many came, your city, and something about your group or your group discussion.

Here’s a link to the first chapter of Ruth in case you don’t have your workbook yet.


2,273 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study 3 Launch”

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  1. 1251
    Tia says:

    1) We had a group of 12 people last night (Sunday) from Pierre, SD ages 15-mid 50’s!! We had a few that were missing also. They range from HS/College students, working moms, stay at home moms, etc.
    2)satisfied, frustrated, challenged, calm, content, joyful, confused, distracted, happy, stressed, tired, blessed, irritated. As you see, we are all at various different stages in our lives and many different things going on.
    3)The majority of our groups goals were to keep and STAY in The Word and to grow and see what Gods plan is for us. Establish consistency wtih God and forcing to make time for me.

  2. 1252
    Pattygarv says:

    I would just like to leave a comment; maybe this is actually my goal for this study. Every time I take or lead a study, I end up getting a clear message from God about what He wants me to learn. This time, with Ruth, I wasn’t so sure.
    As it turns out, just this past week I have become “miffed” with my mother-in-law, who I really LOVE!!
    And it’s not about anythig she’s done toward me.
    And I’m really feeling slighted on my husband’s behalf, while he’s not bothered at all!! So I’m also struggling with not trying to talk him into being upset! Isn’t that rediculous?!!
    I’ve already had a good laugh with Jesus over this, but I reminded Him (as IF!!) that I was still a little ticked off.
    It will be interesting to see how He sets me straight through this study!

  3. 1253
    Lisa says:

    Attended the Living Proof Live in St. Louis this weekend and discovered the Siestaville Bible Study. Little behind, but God is way ahead! Posted the link on my Facebook and invited friends to join me on my Notes page for comments and sharing.

    I’m excited! Thank you Beth, family, and co-workers for working so hard to help me stay grounded in the Word!

  4. 1254
    Lisa says:

    Oops! Adding to first post – Doing solo so far. We’ll see. Ste. Genevieve, MO; 50; 3 beautiful girls (30, 29, 18); married almost 24 years to the man God designed just for me; my mana job is currently part-time; and I love ministering to woman. We are such a hoot!

  5. 1255
    Amy says:

    Augusta, Kentucky……going solo. I am married to a wonderful man and am a mother to a 21 year old, 16 year old and a 9 year old whom I home school. My word for some reason is “searching.” I have been a christian and Bible scholar all of my life and I love Jesus….but I am searching for what I know not….what comes to mind is a more passionate in love with God….church…..does this exist…..I don’t know……I have done several of Beth’s studies and am looking forward to seeing her in person for the first time in Lexington, KY in August….<

  6. 1256
    Kristen says:

    We are a little late, but we just met this morning (Monday). There are 3 of here in Cedar Park, TX (Austin) and we are in our thirties. We are all stay at home moms and have kids 5 and under. During our time we had kids having a blast in the background and had to pause Beth several times because of “emergencies.”

    2. Our words – Mom, Mother, Mommy
    3. Goal – Actually do every piece of homework. Somehow it never gets done and if it did we would get SO MUCH more out of the study. Maybe we should do a gold star reward chart like we do for potty training…
    4.This question started a discussion of how we think that this is where the world is going today, and we wonder how to prepare our kids for ungodly influences because people who act like the Judges scripture are dangerous for our kids and could make them question their faith. Hopefully, we can instill a great foundation to combat this.

    Can’t wait for next week!

    • 1256.1
      Lauren says:

      Interesting point you made about preparing our kids! My seven year old is going on seventeen and it is so hard to answer his questions sometimes. Yet another reason to stay grounded in the Word!

  7. 1257
    Glenda says:

    Hey I keep getting lost in Cyber-Space but I keep trying.
    I will be doing this study solo this time.
    It seems to be a ” Waiting on the Lord” time in my life and that is hard for me as I have always been a very active and busy woman and now this gramma is learning to sit at Jesus feet and listen,learn and wait.
    I love the Book of Ruth and am excited about this study .
    Love in Christ, Glenda

  8. 1258
    Heather Joy says:

    Solo 🙂
    Birmingham, Alabama
    25 years old

    • 1258.1
      Julie Hodges says:

      Glad you are here this is my first time am already blessed to be apart of so many sisters in Christ

  9. 1259
    Tracy says:

    I’m sorry, I have no idea if I am doing this correctly. I would like to be a part of this study, but I’m not sure if I need to sign up or just start commenting or what and I am not sure if it is too late for me to participate or not. Just in case it’s not too late I will give my introduction. I will be doing this study by myself and am hoping to learn a lot from it and learn how this whole online bible study thing works. I have never posted anything on this site before, but I have been reading the posts for over a year and never had the guts to actually participate. I attended Beth Moore’s event this weekend for the first time and decided to give this a try.
    If I had to use one word to describe myself at this exact stage in my life it would be confused. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and am very blessed, but I am confused. I do not know if I am supposed to expand on this at all, so I guess I won’t. Just a quick question if anyone knows the answer…What do I do now? Do I start working on the book and then check the blog for questions to answer? Sorry…just not sure.

    • 1259.1
      Rene says:

      I’m kind of sure that someone will answer you but just in case – go to the top of the page and on the right hand side there is a link for the Summer Siesta Bible Study. Click on it and it will take you to the first one which explains what you need to do. Or just watch Beth’s video that’s embedded in this post and she’ll tell you what to do.

      • Tracy says:

        Thank you. I looked under the siesta bible study link you referred to and it gave me all of the answers I needed. I knew I had read it before, but then I forgot where I read it…I guess that wasn’t very smart:) Anyway, thank you for your help. Hopefully, I will get used to how all of this works.

    • 1259.2
      Nikki L' says:

      Welcome Tracy!

      So far we have just watched the introductory video and started our homework last Tuesday so today should be homework week one lesson 5 I believe. I’m new to all this too and struggle with the blog. We will have 2 weeks of homework and then meet in our small groups on Tuesday if possible. I don’t have a group either so either this can be your community or you can join another one by finding someone in your area or a blog group in your area. I’m sure the lesson will be discussed somewhat corporately. There are other links on this blog that describe all this in detail if your dig deep! Look on the blog homepage links at the right on Sieste summer study III or something like that and also the beginning of this blog entry with the video.

      Praying for you in Wichita Kansas! We could be email partners if you don’t find anything in your area.


      • Tracy says:

        Thank you! It’s nice to see other people are new to this also and that many others are without a group too. I look forward to getting to know you. I forgot to put that I live in Ozark, MO which is just outside of Springfield, MO.


        • Nikki L' says:

          Hi again Tracy,

          Do you live in the country? The picture looks like it. I live in the city of Wichita, KS and you can reach me at [email protected].

          You’ve got some catching up to do. My favorite trick is going to Bible Gateway or someother online bible site so that you can look the verses up that way, it makes the flow so much nicer.

          Have Fun!

          • Tracy says:

            This picture was actually taken last summer at Yellowstone Park, on vacation with my three kids ages 4, 5 and 8, but yes I do live in the country. We are able to have acreage and still only be five minutes from a Wal-Mart, so I guess it’s the best of both world’s. Thanks for the email address and the Bible website.
            My email is [email protected]

  10. 1260
    Rene says:

    We had 4 ladies from Claremore OK. We covered the teens, 20’s, 40’s and 50’s. The four words were lonely, busy, interesting and maturing. Lonely wants a Godly relationship, busy wants to know her purpose, interesting wants a better relationship with her mother-in-law and maturing is just excited to have a revelation of some kind. Our discussion ranged over a lot of things but mostly we discussed that someone always has to be the strongest and who the strongest one follows dictates how things will be from the nucleus of a family to a country.

    • 1260.1
      Rene says:

      I noticed we are up to 1,890 respondants (is that a word) and I figure since some women have 4 in their study and some have 20 we could do an honest round of 10 per study. So 1890 x 10 is 18,900 women doing the same study. And that’s not even all the women blogging. Wow. It reminds me of that staggering number of women attending the SLI simulcast. I don’t remember what it was now but I felt so blessed to be part of such a massive group of people who love the Lord.

  11. 1261
    Cara says:

    Euless, Texas…going solo on this first adventure into online Bible Study.

    One word to describe life right now…exhausted. My job gets very busy in the summer time…and though it is a blessing, it leaves me feeling just plain TIRED.

    My goal for the study is to purpose to inhale this scripture and really allow the Lord to work on my heart with it. I have gotten out of the practice of really being purposed in my study of scripture and, by golly, I can tell it in every area of my life!

    • 1261.1
      Lauren says:

      I know what you mean about being purposed… it makes such a difference. Sometimes it is everything I can do to pick up my Bible and read (I know, that is bad to admit) with everything else going on… but I find that when I do, I am so richly blessed, and everything else in my life goes much more smoothly!

  12. 1262
    Carolyn says:

    I am going solo….seeking what God has to show me each day. Very much enjoy this platform of fellowship and learning. (This is my third time)

  13. 1263
    sharon says:

    clinton ny I will be doing this solo

  14. 1264
    Wendy says:

    Finley, TN. Solo The very day that I began my workbook I had prayed for God to give an answer and He did on day one. Thank you for sharing this study with me. It has already brought me divine revelation and I can’t wait to see what God is goin to show me in the coming week. Love ya sisters.

  15. 1265
    Patti says:

    Marietta, GA – mother of 3 daughters; grandmother to 2 granddaughters; married to my high school sweetheart 35 years.
    Semi-solo; taking study with 3 friends who are living in different cities. We will try and meet once or twice, but will discuss phone/email study.

    One Word – Open

    Goal – Just to listen and obey

  16. 1266
    Julia says:

    Good Afternoon-
    Informally: 2 Siestas.
    I am so excited about this study. This is my first experience with you and I will be doing the study with, and thanks to, my friend Tina. Tina has done several Beth Moore studies and she can’t say enough. I have been inspired watching her grow into a very spiritual/beautiful woman. We are in Reading, PA. Tina is 41 and I am 46. Tina has 2 children in they’re late teens (one just completed her freshman year at college). I have a 5 year old daughter who is home with me fulltime at the moment. I am currently unemployed and have had a very long year that I am glad to be coming out of! She and I have not had our official first meeting and are awaiting our books. Looking forward to this experience-thank you for being here.

  17. 1267
    Jen says:

    Tulsa, Ok going solo on this one. Our bible study group is going in all directions this summer, but I don’t want to miss a structured lesson in the word. I would describe my season right now as dry. I have allowed my 3 children and family busyness take over my life and have not spent time in the word that I needed to. I am so tired and burdened with always having to be in control and just recently gave that all to Jesus. I am so excited to be a part of this community as this is my first study with you all. Can’t wait to see what the LORD is going to do!

  18. 1268
    Lorrie Orr says:

    From Parksville on Vancouver Island, BC

    I’m doing this solo as we moved three months ago and I haven’t found anyone to study with yet. This season of my life is just HARD. Lots of changes, good and bad, combined with bewilderment and trusting Jesus. Married to a wonderful man for almost 33 years, recently empty nest.

    Goal: to be close to Jesus.

  19. 1269
    Lorrie Orr says:

    I just went to Kelly Minter’s site to try and order the book and it won’t ship to Canada. Does anyone know where I can get a copy? Nor could I find it on Amazon.


  20. 1270
    Chris in PA says:

    Like any good foxhunter I’m gonna be following “hilltop”. Goin solo, Will dig in as I can! Wouldn’t miss it!

    • 1270.1
      Barbara says:

      Hey Chris! I foxhunt as well! I’m with Wolf Creek Hounds in southern Illinois. With whom do you hunt? I’m going solo myself, but prefer to think of it as whipping-in – LOL!

      Tally ho! Let’s see what God shows us; I doubt we will have a blank day.

      Email me at [email protected] if you want to chat sometime.

  21. 1271
    Carmen :o) says:

    Carmen, Jamie & Karon from Calvary Church in Dunwoody, GA. Excited to be studying the WORD with all our Siestas this summer! As Beth would probably say “lets to this thing”!!

  22. 1272
    Debbie says:

    Elon, NC. Solo but will meet with 5 others to discuss workbook. My one word is:change. I have never done an on-line Bible Study before and I’m very excited about this. There seems to be so much change in my life this year, I want to stay focused on Jesus and see Him in all the details. I am so thankful we can study together and I get to be a small part of this HUGE BLESSING.

  23. 1273
    Sherry says:

    My friend Lisa and I will be doing the siesta bible study this summer. We are new to Siestaville, and loving it!! We are so excited to be apart of this study. Through this study we are praying that the Lord will speak to us in an amazing way, and draw us closer to Him. Excited to start this new journey of digging into His word with all of our new ‘Siestas’.

  24. 1274
    Jolinda says:

    Jolinda & Amy Drake (Mother & Daughter) Kearney, NE

    We are thrilled to be a part of the Siesta Summer Bible Study 3! I have had the awesome privilege of being a part of the last two summer studies and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the pages of Ruth this summer! Amy is the oldest of my three lovely daughters. She has just graduated from college in May and is recently engaged! One word to describe our season in life is “Blessed!”
    We have just finished week one & totally enjoyed every minute of it!
    May God bless each of you with happiness, togetherness, love and laughter this summer!

  25. 1275
    Amanda says:

    Just me – Glendale, AZ
    Hello Ladies 🙂
    I am just joining in and I am really in need of some Siesta love. I am not apart of a group for this one – my schedule changes from week to week. I have not been in the same town for more than a year or two so it has been extremely difficult to get close with other females. My husband is my best friend and a great one!! but I also crave female fellowship.
    I cant wait to get going on this amazing journey. One word to describe me & my current season would be: dehydrated.

    • 1275.1
      Gabriela says:

      Hi, Amanda!! I’m actually two months away from getting married and so all of my focus and attention has been on that and I feel you on the dehydration. Every time I try to meet up with some female compainionship, other plans come up and I have to cancel, or when I do my fiance is with us. I would love to exchange emails and keep in touch over the summer and exchange thoughts on what God is doing in our lives! You can email me or find me on facebook or both! at [email protected]

      hope to hear from you soon! 🙂

      • Amanda says:

        Thanks Gabriela,
        yeah, getting ready to get married can be very hectic and exciting. Congratulations!
        I have emailed you as well. I would also love to stay in touch….
        Thanks for reaching out:)

  26. 1276
    Gretchen says:

    Hi. I’m Gretchen. I know I’m late in getting this post in… by about one week.. but my BFF (Heather) and I are doing it together. She is in northern VA, and I am in SE VA. We are both stay at home homeschooling moms. Both married in our 30 somethings. She has 4 kids, I have 2 with one on the way.

    Our one word to describe our situations right now: overwhelmed. I chose chaotic, but after chatting with Heather also chose overwhelmed because it fit the bill a little better. 🙂

    Heather’s goal is to stay in the WORD everyday this summer. Mine is to do that, and come into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

    After discussing the two verses, we noted specifically verse 13 of Jeremiah 17 and how it described how, in Judges 21:25, Israel had come to turn away from God. The Lord was forsaken by Israel and in turn He allowed them turmoil in the form of unrighteous kings, famine, and the like.

    We are looking forward to opening our mouths and being filled with the Word of the LORD this summer. It’s great studying with all of you. This will be interesting as it is our first online study. Have a great week. (i’ll try to be more prompt next week. 🙂

  27. 1277

    Hi Beth!
    We are a group of women from Mobile, Alabama. There were 6 of us in attendance at our first meeting last night, though there will be 2 more ladies jumping on board next week, too. I think we all need this study & need each other so very much during this season of our lives. We are a group with married, single, moms, nanas, working moms, stay at home moms, single moms, from different churches & denominations…

    6 of us came together last summer as we went through Esther together…a life changing study with truths that I will carry with me forever. One Sunday evening, Sept. 14, as I was waiting for the group to arrive…one of our ladies didn’t show up & we couldn’t reach her by phone. She had been in a terrible wreck on the way to choir in which her 6 year old son went to be with the Lord. Shortly after that, I’m sad to say that we went our separate ways…though, I still work with this amazing woman. I am glad to say that the 6 of us are back together this summer, changed women. Women needing the Lord. When I read from the intro of the book last night about how we can all relate to Ruth’s plight & her journey’s challenges…”maybe you’ve been completely shattered by a recent loss, or one far removed that has left a wound still bleeding”…oh, how this hits home. We are praying big prayers for this season for God to heal those wounds; it has affected me in ways I couldn’t have imagined just a year ago. We need this…

  28. 1278
    Amy says:

    Fuquay-Varina, NC-Group of 12-meeting in my home.
    Tonight was our first meeting–we are a week behind due to Vacation Bible School at our church last week. Everyone is so excited about this Bible study! Many of us expressed that we had not participated in a Bible study in some time because we usually find ourselves teaching the children when Bible studies are available. I am thankful for this opportunity, and thankful for the group of women at my home tonight. Some I just met, some I know well and talk with practically every day, some I have known for years but never gotten to know well.

  29. 1279

    Flowood, Mississippi; 3 of us; Meeting in various locations…each other’s homes, the park with the kids, etc.; We are all 3 teachers and became good friends at school.; The main part of our discussion was about the one word that describes our lives at the present moment, and boy, were the responses all over the map. 🙂

  30. 1280
    Blair Edgar says:

    We are a group of 9 women from Pensacola,FL that describe our present seasons as transitions, disorganized, busy, and chaotic. We all are hungry for the Word of God, recognized our need for daily bible study and prayer time with the Lord, and wanting to live daily for God in our life “transitions” or through the busy demands of life. We range from late twenties to our sixties (I assume Mrs. Polly 🙂 We are married, single, as well as facing an unwanted divorce. We are all mothers with children ranging from 2 years old to 43 years old. We are all BUSY. We all love the Lord deeply and are excited about getting in His Word this summer! EXCITED to see how diverse our group is and how the Lord is going to show Himself to us!

  31. 1281
    Laura Taylor says:

    Took me getting through two trips to finally settle in to the study and get to this post.

    Study Group: Me! (although a girlfriend is also doing the study and we’ll be sharing via email)

    1) Inner City Pastor’s Wife, Senior VP for an intl. firm, Mom to a teenager…passionate follower of Jesus (Psalms 16 is all me and one of my favorites)
    2) Challenged
    3) Stay connected in the Word over a very very intense summer season…”My hope is built on nothing less…”
    4) Still chewing on this one….

  32. 1282
    Kelly says:

    Omaha, NE; 12 gals; We are meeting at my house! Full living room! 🙂 We are a unique group in that only a couple of us know each other. I was trying to send a Facebook message to a couple girls who wanted to do a study this summer and I pressed ‘Send’ 3 times and it wasn’t doing anything. I rewrote my message and tried again but still nothing. So finally I posted on my status about this Siesta study that I’d found and if anyone wanted to do it they could let me know! I had 13 ladies contact me & I truly feel that we are a God ordained group because I wasn’t allowed to only ‘pick’ who I knew & was comfortable with to come. So cool how God works sometimes! So excited to see how we all grow together!

  33. 1283
    Tiffany says:

    Tiffany, canyon, tx. one of me, but so anxious to be in God’s word. Married for almost 13 years with 2 kids (6 and 1) and full time job. One word to describe me right now is – hungry (for God and His word) My goal through this study is to know God and to truly forgive someone I desparatly need to forgive…have been struggling to do this for 9 years and is turning into bitterness, and bitterness turning into an idol…not pretty…Judges 21:25 reminds me of our “if it feels good, do it” culture. We cannot lead ourselves, we will self destruct. We were never meant to be left to ourselves, it is part of the curse sin has brought into our lives. And we can only be free when we give up “what is right in our own eyes” to follow our Savior.

  34. 1284
    Lauren says:

    So, I’m a week late because I have been out of town with no internet access but I plan to double up and catch back up by next week. I am flying solo on this one and have been very excited to get started. I am from Jackson, a small town in Kentucky, and am looking forward to reading what other people have to say. Ruth has always been one of my favorite books in the Bible, even as a small child before I really started studying the Word. If I had to use one word to describe this season of my life. I would have to simply say blessed. I know that is somewhat of a cliche, but I really feel this way. I have a great job, a good husband, an awesome son, and a great family. We have our share of ups and downs, but God has always seen us through. I know that to stay blessed, though, means to continue to seek His way, and that is my goal for this summer’s Bible study. The more I delve into the scripture, the better I will know Him.
    When I read Judges, I thought about today’s society… it seems that even with laws, rules, and regulations, people still go by what they feel is right. This means little to no accountability and disregard for others. Kind of scary. While the scripture in Jeremiah did show a better way,standing firm in God’s way, it did point out that if left to one’s own devices, unrighteousness is sure to surface… that is just the way of man!
    Again, sorry to post so late… Looking forward to starting this journey with each of you… God bless!

  35. 1285
    Cheryl Ann says:

    I am doing the study solo as I don’t know anyone to study with but that is ok because I love the idea of all of us studying God’s word together. I am in my 50’s, work 4 days a week, have a wonderful husband who shares my love for Jesus. We have one adult daughter who is 28 and lives 2 hours from us, she is a college professor and our great joy. The word for my life right now would be renewed, as God is renewing my health and my heart, spirit and mind. This is a time of great happiness for us and our daughter and her High School sweeheart just became engaged. I have prayed for him since she was in my womb. I am thirsty for all this study will bring us.

  36. 1286
    Cheryl Ann says:

    Sorry, I forgot to add that I live outside Bellingham WA in the foothills of the Cascade mountains. But born and raised in California, having lived here 5 years.

  37. 1287
    Karene says:

    Praise God, I was praying my sister would join me and we began today! So we’ll be a week behind. I commented once already as a solo but I can’t find my comment to piggyback on it. She is newly divorced, has two children in college, is going through a really tough time with her ex-husband, so her life is Chaos right now. (Plus, her middle name is Ruth, like some other siestas.) I’m married with a husband who just became self-employed, a high school daughter, a son who will enter college in the fall, and I will start a master’s program this fall–so my life is Transitioning. We both are excited to see what God has to say to us through this study.

  38. 1288

    Spencer, Indiana. There were 8 of us that met on Thursday, June 24, 2010 (4 were unable to meet for vcarious reasons that evening) and we met in my home. Our group is primarily made up of women in their 40s & 50s, however our actual age range is 16-66 years young. We spend our time getting to know a little about each other and what our goals are. We watched the video ate chips & salsa & watermelon, we also had iced tea, lemonade and water for drinks. We will continue meeting on Thursday evenings as that is the best night for all the women attending.

  39. 1289
    Julie Hodges says:

    OK here we go I know that I am doing the right hting at the right time, I am a Pastor’s wife in a new church that at this time does not realy have a woman’s ministry I love the Lord so much and I have a heart for woman! I have invited 10 woman to my home for this study and we will meet tonight for the first time. I covet your Prayers the devil is doing a number on me and I am standing in the need of prayer. we will meet tonight @6:00 Eden Texas

  40. 1290
    Jenn says:

    I’m Jenn, 32, in Frederick, MD. I have a sweet friend in Atlanta, and we are doing the study together. We never get to see each other, so we think this will be a great “excuse” for more regular phone chats. I am married to my college sweetheart, and we have a 4-year old son and a daughter who will be 2 on July 7. I used to work for a pro-life organization, but now I stay home with the kids.

    And totally as an aside, my daughter’s middle name is Ruth. We chose the name after we found out she was going to be born with a severe heart defect, and we wanted to give her the name of a very courageous woman.

    The word for me right now is “new.” We moved to Frederick a little over 6 months ago from Raleigh, NC. So we have a new home, a new church, new friends and a new school for my 4-year old.

    My goal is to have some sweet fellowship with my friend, and also to just see what the Holy Spirit wants to reveal to me. I did a short group study on Ruth about 8 years ago, and at the time I was struggling with some deep-seated bitterness. God used Ruth to convict me of that sin, and I have never forgotten the lesson. So I’m excited to see what “new” thing will be revealed this time.

    My son is in that place where he doesn’t understand why he can’t just do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. His regular excuse for disobeying is that “I just wanted to do…” So he is a short example of why doing what we see fit is not a good idea. Making choices that are informed by our desires rather than the Holy Spirit is always a bad idea. The verses in Jeremiah explain why: the heart is deceitful! Jeremiah also illustrates the beauty that comes from obedience. Life won’t be perfect and care-free, but we can rest in knowing that God’s will is being accomplished, and that we are a part of the story.

  41. 1291
    Rebekah Davis says:

    -Jacksonville, Fl
    -15 Ladies
    -Meeting in 4 differant homes every other Monday night
    -from early 20s to late 30s. Single, Engaged, Married, Divorced.
    -Used a list of questions to pair up and interview one another at the end of our meal. Moved to the living room and introduced our partner to the group
    -Word characterizing our lives: Unexpected, Happy, Chrysalis, Joy, Content, Redundant, Hopeful, Struggle, Prioritizing, Wating, Chaotic, Growing.
    -Judges 21:25 discussion. Result of us doing as we see fit: chaos, strife, ruined relationships, selfing living, destruction. Very dangerous as emotional women to do what we feel like… could be anything at any given time =/
    -Jeremiah 17:7-14 discussion. Contrast following our finicky hearts to choosing to trust and rest in the Lord. We all feel a longing to be like the tree in verse 8- free of fear and worry, satisfied and bearing fruit.

  42. 1292
    Sheila Johnson says:

    Beckley, WV; 9 of us; meeting at Calloway Heights Baptist Church. We discovered our group is very diversified in age. The main part of our discussion was about the world’s way versus God’s way. We are all in different places in our lives and have different goals in doing this Bible study. There is a lot of excitement! God is good – All the time!

  43. 1293
    Leslie says:

    I’m posting late, because I thought, “Who really would care that you are soooo into this? Just follow along and be quiet….” Well, now that I’ve completed a little more than half of the homework, I’m overwhelmed with how cool this study is, and by how much I am enjoying it! Thank you Kelly for writing it, and thank you Beth for making it our summer study! It is so stinkin’ good!!!

    I am going solo from Atlanta, GA….in my 40’s….married for 24 years…. three gorgeous teenage sons . My life in one word is “ANXIOUS.” I’ve had moments when I have been free from it, but I find myself literally drowning in it again…. My goal would be to accept the ministry this study provides and find my peaceful place with Him again. I’ve lived most of my life “doing as I saw fit,” and the lack of rules and direction was disasterous! I just need HIM….plain and simple. I Love Him so……

  44. 1294
    Beth says:

    Alabama. Solo. My season…waiting. I desperately need to be in God’s word. I find that when I am, I process life differently.

  45. 1295
    Marie says:

    Dear Sweet Ladies! 🙂 I am doing this bible study solo and it’s my first one. I often find myself doing things alone these days. I long to have some girl talk and realize that I miss my mother, sisters and friends so much. I went from constantly being around others and having girl time/talk to hardly any. I miss it so much. God has asked me to be patient and learn to find Him first and foremost as a friend. It took me years to realize this or to hear Him. So here I am, in this bible study flying it solo in the flesh but lifted up through God’s presence. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this! With Love, In Him, Marie

  46. 1296
    Lisa says:

    Willimantic, CT

    We have 11 in our group, ranging from 22 to 52. We spent the first night getting to know each other over enchiladas (the recipe suggested in the book…yum!)

    As a whole, our goal is to have fellowship, to stay in the Word and to grow closer to God. We are all very excited!

  47. 1297
    Michelle says:

    Brooklyn Park, MN; 5 of us met at Michelle’s house. We are all 1st time Siesta Summer Bible Study doers whose ages range from mid-twenties to early forties.

    We are moms and wives with a heart to learn, grow, fellowship, and establish consistency in the Word over this 2010 summer.

  48. 1298
    flip flops says:

    Dear Siestas, I so wish that I was doing this study with you all. Actually, I am doing this study with a friend of mine who lost her husband two months ago. We are not doing it with you all because we do it when we can. This is the first time I won’t be joining you all but I will watch the videos and glean from them.
    I love you all so much. Please if you think of it pray for my friend that her family heals from this tragedy and that they would find their salvation in Jesus Christ.

  49. 1299
    Gabriela says:

    San Antonio, Texas, solo (still waiting to meet with 2 other friends, I just got back from working a youth camp a couple of days ago, so I wasn’t here for the starting Tuesday)

    One word descrption-growing!

    Goal-to continue learning how to trust in God and live in the Spirit, not in the flesh

    Judges/Jeremiah thoughts-Psalm 1! I love it! These passages so greatly describe the season of my life I’m in right now. I’m 2 months away from getting married and the stress of getting everything together is finally setting in. I’ve been taking my frustrations out on everyone instead of taking them to God and asking Him to heal my heart and guard my tounge. I’m so excited to dive into this study with all of you wonderful siestas!!!!!

  50. 1300
    Bridgette Jencks says:

    Better late than never, right? Just bought my book yesterday 🙂
    Bridgette Jencks – going solo
    Married, 30 years old (until July 16)
    2 little girls
    Panama City Beach
    My season of life – trying to simplify (sorry – that’s 3 words)

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