Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Merry Christmas Giveaway!

Ladies, please forgive me for the delay in posting our winners! But, here we go…

The two winners of the commentaries are: (Drum roll pleaseā€¦)

1. Shannon Velasquez

2. Laura Hauser

And the 20 winners of Praying Godā€™s Word are…

1.Ā Dawn Kaser

2. Amy Sappington

3. JoAnn Janik

4. Beth Miller

5. Miranda Arnold

6. Andrie Baker

7. Teri Cowan

8. Becky Dixon

9. Chantell Lodge

10. Paulette Carson

11. Erica Rhodes

12. Maren Brandsma

13. Lezlie Steiner

14. Jennifer Dove

15. Corie Reynolds

16. Barb Touchette

17. Tania Larson

18. Michelle Killpack

19. Sarah Sykes

20. Holly Hackney

Congratulations, winners! We love you! You should get an email from me (Lindsee) with instructions on how to receive your book!



*Comments are now closed, ladies! We’ll let you know as soon as possible who the winners are. Happy Friday!

We have the ecstatic joy at Living Proof of serving a mighty wide and delightful demographic: W-O-M-E-N. Bless You, Lord! That leaves us gorgeously wide open to do all sorts of fun things around here like the Autumn giveaway with candles, eye shadows, and boot socks. I love that kind of thing! And you have certainly proved to be a tad fond of it as well. Did you see how many women entered that drawing?? Sister-friend, you know good and well that I’d send every one of you a pound cake for Christmas if I could! Don’t tell me that can’t minister. Lots of things can spice up the life of a God-pursuing woman and spread a grin across her darling face. But we exist to do one thing here at Living Proof that drives and pervades everything else. It’s the only reason our doors are open. We exist to invite women to come to love the Savior of the world more and more through the study of His Word. NOW WE’RE TALKING.

SO, drum-roll please! Here is our Christmas giveaway! Now, listen up carefully because I need you to let me put some conditions on these so that the people who will use them most get the best chances to win. That’s a win for all of us! First on the agenda of Living Proof Christmas giveaways are…

TWO 12-volume sets of The Expositor’s Bible Commentary.



Woooooohoooooooo! I’m so happy! Women often ask us what set of commentaries we’d recommend to someone starting to get serious about studying on her own and building a Bible-resource library. I especially keep an ear out for you young Bible teachers just beginning to fan the flame of God’s gift in you. We are serious about you around here and you stay on my radar. We want to be good big sisters in the faith to you, intentional and involved. I usually recommend this set of commentaries to someone beginning to get serious for several reasons: it’s obviously far more helpful and instructional than a 2-volume (Old Testament/New Testament) set but not as overwhelming or technical as the sets that have a commentary for almost every book of the Bible. You also don’t need any background in ancient languages with Expositor’s though they give pretty regular insights into original words. And they’re interesting! That, Sister, is a big plus…and one you might not want to take for granted. I write these words with a grin. Lastly, a 12-volume set will give you a really good taste of commentary-style research so you’ll know if you want to keep filling your plate. One huge way you’ll discover that you really want to go on and invest further into a wider (higher dollar!) set is that you’ll use these to no end.

SO, here’s the deal! If this sounds like something you know for a fact you’d put to good use and you promise that you wouldn’t let it collect dust on a shelf AND you also do not have this set on any Bible software (please check!), ENTER THIS DRAWING!!! Since we’re giving away another item as well, be sure and say that you’re entering the drawing for the commentaries. You can let us know with just one little extra word like this:

Beth, commentaries!

Well, you don’t exactly have to put an exclamation point after it but I’m liable to think you’re more enthused about it if you do…and you know that we’re big on enthusiasm around here. It’s a random drawing so I’m really just kidding.


Before I tell you the second item in the giveaway, I have to give you a little background information about why we’re including it, especially since it won’t be new to many of you. Last week two of my good friends from B&H Publishing Group in Nashville came to see us at Living Proof and surprised us with a stunning piece of artwork they’d had commissioned to capture the heart of the book Praying God’s Word. These pictures do not do it justice, especially because you can’t see the stick figures – for lack of a better term –Ā  of the women behind the overlay of life-jarring words, Freedom Comes Through Taking Thoughts Captive to Christ. This will be in my possession for the rest of my life. It represents so much to me. Well. It represents liberation. It’s a Physician’s prescription for anyone willing to go to the trouble of getting it filled. And it symbolizes to me the most intense process I’ve ever been through with Jesus beyond my salvation.

Here are my friends Selma Wilson (president at B&H, standing to my right) and Jennifer Lyell (executive editor at B&H) and I holding the picture:


We learned from them that a staggering one million people have been impacted by the message and method of the book, whether in its original book form, day-by-day version, devotional journal, or Scripture cards. We are floored by the grace of God. We take no credit for it. It’s His Word put to prayers to demolish 14 different strongholds ranging from unbelief to food related issues. If you’re familiar with Praying God’s Word, you know it’s not a book you read. It’s a book you use. And, Girlfriend, I still get mine out.

About 18 months ago, I was nearly drowning in an assault that wouldn’t recede no matter what I did in my usual daily practices. If I’ve got half a brain working, that’s when I start stacking up Scriptures and turning them into very focused and faith-filled prayers. When we’re in a long-term battle, praying straight out of the Word can be the perfect answer because it puts the burden on the strong shoulders of Scripture rather than on the weary limbs of a bruised-up warrior. Because it’s God-breathed rather than man-breathed, the Bible has a way of rejuvenating the soul rather than depleting it. I looked all over my house for a copy of Praying God’s Word so that I could get serious and turn up the volume on some victory. I couldn’t find one anywhere because, every time I have one at home,Ā  I end up giving it away. I marched myself into work the next Monday and snagged me a new copy and the Scriptures became a loaded canon to me all over again. And, boy, did I take aim and SHOOT.

As I try to make clear in the introduction to the book, it’s not the only way to pray but when I really want both barrels loaded, whether I’m interceding for someone else or praying for my own aching soul, it’s the method God has taught me to take. It keeps me from wearing out in longer-term prayer demands or in a crisis where my emotions are stirred up and raw. The approach helps me keep my head on straighter when I’d otherwise probably lose it.

All that to say! To celebrate what God has done out of His grace and for His own purpose, we want to give away 20 copies of this resource to 20 women who have never before had any form of the book Praying God’s Word. We knew instantly that we wanted to give copies away to commemorate the occasion, but when we told B&H that we were going to do the giveaway, they beat us to the punch and insisted on providing the copies themselves. We love and appreciate them so much. I cannot begin to voice my gratitude enough to LifeWay and B&H (a division of LifeWay) for partnering with me on a number of themes that were pretty outside the box (OK, WAY outside the box) for all of us at the time. In so many ways, it’s just a new day.

A good day. We’re talking about some things these days that were basically off limits to people from my denominational background when my parent’s generation filled the pews. As Paul told the Thessalonians, we have to test what is good but open dialogue for testing the spirit is a beautiful thing.

So, how many of you do not own a copy of this book in any form and you know for a fact that you’d put it to good use? That means you wouldn’t just read it, you’d USE IT. Then, Girlfriend, ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE DRAWING, and this time just add the letters PGW to your comment line.

We are beside ourselves to provide these for you. Anything we have to give you is from the bounty of God’s grace to us. You do not know anyone who has lived in more defeat in the course of her life than I have. You do not know anyone who has loathed herself more or has suffered with deeper, nearly lethal regret. Jesus is the difference between the blackest, bleakest night and the wide-open, beaming sunshine to me. I inhale His mercy every single morning.

I am honored to serve you.

OK, Girls. Let’s have a giveaway! Drawing closes at noon on Friday and winners will be announced soon after! Look for instructional post for SSMT on Monday.


Christmastime Is Here

I donā€™t know about you, but Christmas parties are currently running through my mind.

It might be due to the fact that when I hopped on facebook Saturday morning, the first five items that popped up on my newsfeed were pictures of five different couples that had gotten all fancy the previous night to attend their company Christmas party. I am not even exaggerating. It was a very pretty sight!

A few nights ago I got together with some girlfriends and we were discussing all things Christmas parties when I told them that one year I attended seven, I repeat, seven, Christmas parties. Thatā€™s what happens when you work on staff for a student ministry.

That year the White Elephant gift exchange was in full swing and by party seven, I was plum out of ideas. And Iā€™ll admit, a little exhausted from the White Elephant. Why is he white anyway? Rabbit trails. I have become one with them.

And now this post is becoming more like the zoo. Rabitts and elephants. Gota love ā€˜em.

Anywho, I was in a bind for that last party and feeling kind of snarky, so I decided to create my own white elephant gift in the form of a homemade ornament.

You bet I did.

Later that night, this ornament ended up on my friendā€™s tree.

I know. It was a treasure. Truly a keepsake.

You wouldnā€™t be shocked to know that that was the last White Elephant gift exchange I participated in. I retired after that. (At any moment the elephant could resurface in my life, but for now Iā€™m content without it.)

All of that got me thinking about some gifts you all could give that arenā€™t as high dollar. Who doesnā€™t love a good, affordable gift idea?

These are off the top of my head, but just go with me.

Need a gift? Look no further.

1. Nail polish. I donā€™t know about you, but I am a polish freak. I typically have a color on my nails at all times. Just ask my co-workers. You can even get some great nail polish brands and colors for under $10. OPI and Essie are my personal favorites. Plus, who doesn’t love getting a nail polish color with a name like “The Spy Who Loved Me” or “Chick Flick Cherry”? So fun.

2. Scarves. Let’s just say I may own a few or fifty. But y’all, you can find scarves for CHEAP. I love places like TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall’s and Target for scarves. They come in plenty and they’re adorable.

3. I was about to say a potted plant, but Iā€™m not so sure thatā€™s very fun or cool, so Iā€™m just going to leave it at that because who knows, one of your love languages might be the potted plant. And if so, you are my hero.

4. A Relaxation Basket: This might include foot scrub, bubble bath, maybe some fuzzy socks. Whatever makes you feel relaxed.

5. A coffee or tea mug. You know where Iā€™m going with this. Add a bag of tea or coffee and voilia, you have a gift!

6. A journal and a good pen. Clearly thereā€™s a difference between a good pen and a bad pen. Go for the good!

7. Big earrings. Yes. I love my pearl studs, but every now and then to throw a big earring set in the mix makes me feel extra girly all over again. You can find big, cheap earrings anywhere these days! And I do mean anywhere. I think I saw some at HEB, our grocery store, the other day.

8. A board game. My current favorite is a game called Quelf. However, if you lean more towards the shy side, this is not the game for you unless youā€™re in a group you can be 100% yourself around. But itā€™s so fun and you will laugh your head off at all the ridiculous things they make you do!

9. An iTunes gift card attached with a hand written note. You can buy pretty much any album on iTunes for $10, so you really canā€™t go wrong with this. And who doesn’t love a new CD? Did you also know that you can purchase an album on iTunes and have it sent to your friend? It’s magical and easy.

10. Of course, for those of you with a crafty side, anything homemade is so special. Much like my homemade ornament. But seriously, even a homemade loaf of banana bread, a homemade picture frame, a homemade wreath, etc. This is where Pinterest becomes your best friend. I like to think Iā€™m crafty by simply pinning creating ideas. Itā€™s pitiful!

If thatā€™s not the bear minimum list Iā€™m not sure what is. How about yā€™all spice it up a bit and add some of your ideas! Iā€™d love to hear your creative gift giving ideas.

And by all means, if you feel led, please share a hilarious White Elephant gift youā€™ve received. This might just bless us more than we know.

Lastly, and only because itā€™s so fresh on my mind, I went to my first Christmas party of the season last night. It was with the team of people I get to serve with on a weekly basis at my church, Bayou City Fellowhip. They have become like family to me and getting to lead worship with them this past year has been one of the sweetest gifts! Thatā€™s the best kind of party, isnā€™t it? Stellar people, hot fajitas and no mention of the White Elephant. Grin.

I know this may not mean much to you, but we snapped this picture before we all scattered last night and it makes me so happy to look at. Some of the most genuine, sincere, humble people to serve with. I know some of you ladies feel the same way about teams you serve on. You get it. Thank you, Lord!


A Loquacious Hello

A Loquacious Hello from LPV on Vimeo.


It’s Spiral Time, Sisters! Let’s Spiral Up!

Hey, you wonderful Siestas! GUESS WHAT I’M HOLDING IN MY HAND???

Need to see it closer up? Come on, now! Is this darling or what??

You ready to get busy on some Scripture memory in 2013? I AM! I AM! I can hardly wait! Our instructional post for our Siesta Scripture Memory Team (SSMT) will be published in mid December but, in order for most of you to have your spiral in your hands by the time we launch on January 1st, we need to start taking orders right away. Mind you, the official Siesta spirals are completely optional. You can easily pick up a generic spiral at any office supply or virtually any drug store chain. But having the same one is a ton of fun for those of us who like this kind thing! We use them all year to record our 2 verses a month then we bring them with us to the celebration in Houston in mid-January 2014 (egad!) as our ticket into the (free) event. And yes, any well-used Scripture memory spiral will serve the same purpose.

Our SSMT spirals are $4 each, plus a fairly nominal shipping and handling fee. You’ll see that on the order form. We try to keep the price as low as we can and still cover costs. To order your SSMT spiral, visit the LPM website by clicking here. Please, please try to make your order before or by December 19th for delivery by January 1st. For those of you who don’t get word about the spirals in time for January 1st, no worries. You’ll still sign in on all the posts like everyone else and just fill in your verses the moment you get yours. Even if you don’t make your order until January, you’ll have it in your sweet hands before you’ve had time to get to your 3rd verse out of 24. No big deal!

If for some reason you have problems with the link, go to:, then click on “Store” and under store click on “New Products”. It is the third to last item under “New Products”.

Here are a few questions I’m anticipating:

*Can I still get one of those cute spirals if I don’t necessarily want to sign up for the accountability twice a month on the blog team? Yes, you certainly may. You are welcome to use it for anything you want but we so hope you’ll write some Scriptures in it! That’s what it’s begging for. Smile.

*May I order more than one spiral? Yes. A number of you have already told me in advance that you’ve got daughters or sisters who are joining you this year on our Scripture memory team. You are welcome to order yours together if you live in the same town.I also like to use them for Christmas stocking stuffers for my daughters and special loves but shhhhhhh. I don’t want them to know.

I am beside myself! It is everything I can do not to go ahead and start writing verses in mine. Now, to find the perfect pen! Just think what awaits us on this page right here…

I love you guys so much. I am so blessed to journey with you in our pursuit of Christ. Nothing we’ve ever done on the blog has produced more fruit or seemed to incite more obvious favor from God than Siesta Scripture Memory Team. May it please Him more than ever in 2013!



Happiness Is…

Happiness is wearing a long sleeve t-shirt.

Happiness is watching magical reunions happen in baggage claim.

Happiness is holding a newborn baby.

Happiness is a new coat of nail polish.

Happiness is an encouraging text message in the middle of the day.

Happiness is snail mail.

Happiness is an empty email inbox at the end of a workday.

Happiness is laughing so hard you canā€™t breathe.

Happiness is the blank pages of a new journal.

Happiness is an unlikely friendship.

Happiness is zero humidity in Houston.

Happiness is hearing your name from someone you didnā€™t think knew your name.

Happiness is my momā€™s chocolate chip banana bread mini-muffins.

Happiness is the straight lines on the carpet left over from vacuuming.

Happiness is an empty laundry basket, even if it only lasts for a day.

Happiness is your favorite song getting played on the radio when youā€™re driving.

Sometimes itā€™s just the little things in life.

Your turn.

Happiness isā€¦


Your Most Bizarre Fear

The other day after returning from lunch, we were all walking (read: very slowly) back to our offices to resume our normal workday, when somehow (the rabbit trails we chase are impressive), the topic of getting sick came up.

It probably came up because currently there is all manner of viruses floating around and weā€™re all terrified of being the next victim, but anyway, I readily admitted to the fact that vomiting is one of my biggest fears.

The rule here at LPM is if you are sick: STAY HOME. Thank you very much. We love you, but we donā€™t love your germs.

I wonā€™t go into detail on here out of respect for the fact that some of you might be catching up on the blog during your lunch break, but needless to say, there is nothing worse in my book than getting a stomach virus that produces this kind of reaction.

Lord help me if I end up being one of those that suffers from you-know-what during pregnancy. Speaking of that, Iā€™m going to start asking the Lord to have a little grace on me in that area when that time comes. Iā€™m believing God.

Anyway, once I admitted to that bizarre fear, she who will remain nameless, admitted another strange fear that may or may not have involved a parking lot.

I let she who will remain nameless expand on that if she wants.

We go so tickled that I immediately thought of how quirky we all were and then I thought of yā€™all. For some reason I have this feeling that if I asked you what your most bizarre fear was, you would deliver.

So, spill it.

Now, I realize we all have legitimate fears, but if you have something out of this world weird, we want to know.

You are in good company.

Oh, and for the record, the fear of vomiting has a term. (Could this post be any less girly? Laughing. Sorry, y’all. Just being real.)

Itā€™s called Emetophobia.


Youā€™re welcome.


The Power of With

If you were to ask me what my favorite part about working in ministry is, it wouldnā€™t take me two seconds to tell you that meeting up with girls one-on-one is easily at the top of my list and is such a delightful privilege. I am a naturally relational person, so I can never get enough face time. These meet ups donā€™t happen near as often as Iā€™d like, but sweet mercy these girls are busy!

A few weeks ago I got together with one of my regulars (I sound like a barista greeting a customer) and it happened to be just a couple weeks after she and her boyfriend broke up. Typically we start out by shooting the breeze, but I didnā€™t let one minute pass before I made her spill the every last bean. It goes without saying that sheā€™d been having a hard time and I wanted her to know I was all ears, but I was also hoping I could bring some encouragement to her.

Listen, I may not have an expert advice when it comes to dating relationships, but Iā€™ve lived vicariously through enough of them that I feel like I could write a book.

Ironically, two close friends of mine had also been through recent break-ups, so this topic was very fresh to me.

After she lamented the details of the break-up and the sadness she felt along with the negative thoughts towards him (donā€™t judge, weā€™ve all done it), I made her tell me the one thing she missed most about him.

I know, why in the world would I make her rehash such a fresh wound? But, I had a goal in mind.

It took her a minute to come up with the one thing (I only wanted her to tell me one so as to not throw her back into a tizzy), but when she did, she admitted to the fact that she missed being adored by him.

Oh, I so get that. Donā€™t we all?

What girl doesnā€™t long to be adored? Chosen? Known? Cherished? Loved? Valued?

When we know what weā€™re missing, it has the potential to hurt even worse.

After she was able to express what she missed most, I challenged her to get a journal and tell the Lord all these things.Ā Ā I know journaling may come natural to some of us, but if it isnā€™t routine for you, then this discipline wouldnā€™t be your first instinct.

If being adored is what she missed most, then why canā€™t she ask the Lord to reveal to her ways He adores her? And then receive that. Ā And so on and so forth.

I realize it sounds like Iā€™m preaching to the single girls of the blog, but I want you to know first and foremost, Iā€™m preaching to myself. After challenging her to do this, I had to get honest with myself and what I was lacking and ask the Lord to fill that longing with Himself. However, this isnā€™t just a post for the single, this is a post for you, the reader.

This past Sunday we had a guest preacher and he talked about Immanuel, God with us. It goes without saying that this was appropriate for the Christmas season that is now upon us, whether weā€™re ready or not. One thing he said that I havenā€™t stopped thinking about is, ā€œWe know the power of ā€œwithā€ because we know what it feels like to be ā€œwithoutā€. Amen and amen.

A week ago I sat at a funeral of a man Iā€™ve known since I was little, two days before Thanksgiving. Talk about hard. Although that family has the hope of Christ, it doesnā€™t take away the sting of moving on in life without him. We know the power of with because we know the power of without.

If Iā€™m being honest, and well, Iā€™ve never learned anything from anybody that had it all together, so I donā€™t want to pretend that I do, I can tell you that whenever Thanksgiving hits, everything in my flesh wants to have a pity party. It all stems from my selfish desires of not having what I want. Yā€™all, Iā€™m weak.

However, as I was getting ready the morning of Thanksgiving, and Iā€™m almost certain it was while I was applying my mascara, I heard the Lord whisper in my heart, Lindsee, be thankful for this day. You donā€™t know what future Thanksgivings hold. Simply put, be thankful for that day, this Thanksgiving and donā€™t complain about one thing Iā€™m without.

Why? Because I donā€™t know what the rest of my Thanksgivings will hold. And quite frankly, throwing a fit isnā€™t going to change anything. I learned that as a little girl when I wanted to rent a movie in the worst way. I threw the biggest fit right there in the middle of Randallā€™s and walked out empty handed.Ā  How am I supposed to enjoy the future if I canā€™t delight in the present? It may seem like the silliest, most elementary revelation to you, but it did wonders for me. I enjoyed every minute of that day. And it was good.

What do you find yourself lacking? What do you find yourself most longing for? What is something that you miss? I could be wrong, but I think itā€™s safe to say that the holidays can be some of the most painful days for some, and some of the most joyful days for some.

Maybe it is your singleness. Maybe youā€™ve just lost a loved one. Maybe your marriage isnā€™t all roses and sunshine. Maybe your family is falling apart. Maybe you find yourself unemployed. Maybe you feel lost in a big crowd. Maybe youā€™re lonely. Maybe your health is spiraling out of control.

This I know: He sees you. He hears you. What do you need Him to be? Tell Him. Cry out to Him. Be honest with Him. He knows your longings, as they are never hidden from Him. Ask Him to delight in you along the way, then receive it, however big or small it may seem. He is always mindful of you. You are dearly loved.

How do I know you are loved? Because as I recently heard a gifted teacher say, love sends and comes for you, love initiates, love stays and love sacrifices. God did all of that by sending His one and only son for you. He sent. He came. He sacrificed. And friend, Heā€™s not going anywhere. Itā€™s a promise.

ā€œGod showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real loveā€”not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.ā€ 1 John 4:9-10

ā€œWhen I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,Ā the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,ā€Ø and the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8:3-4

ā€œLord, my every desire is known to You; my sighing is not hidden from You.ā€ Psalm 38:9Ā 


A Snapshot From Your World

Hey, Girls!

I’m sitting on the back porch on a lovely Sunday afternoon. Queen Esther is a few feet from me hugging a yellow tennis ball with her front paws and huffing and puffing with a wide, toothy grin in the afterglow of about 30 good cross-yard throws. I use one of these thing…

…for two really good reasons:

1) I wear out long before Star does and I don’t mind saying I don’t wear out all that easy. She never gets enough ball time. Never. I’m no math wizard but hurling that thing twice as far means I only have to throw it half as often.

2) In a word: dog spit. Well, that’s two words. Or let’s just make it a hyphenated word: dog-spit. She may be the Queen but spit is still spitty. I don’t care how lovely the original Queen Esther was, Xerxes wouldn’t have given her a second look with spit all over her chin. It’s just not ladylike. The whole story could have slipped and fallen on it.

Anyway, what I’m trying to get at is that I’ve gotten to have a few days mostly to myself. I hate to even mention those words to you moms of young children but it will happen for you someday, too, and sometimes you’ll be glad it did and other times you’ll pine for those babies like every fine day of your life is long behind you even though you know better than that. That’s when it’s a really good idea to have grandbabies but, unfortunately, it doesn’t always get to be your idea.

My man almost always heads to the ranch Thanksgiving afternoon after the meal.Ā  It was the deer lease before he got some hunting acreage of his own.Ā  I don’t pout about it because I don’t mind and it wouldn’t do much good anyway and it’s simply the way we’re accustomed to doing life. We were laughing at the table a few days ago when he admitted that, in the early years, he’d go to a little extra trouble to be a handful this time of year so that, the second he mentioned heading to the deer camp, I’d yell, “Gooooooo!” and kiss him goodbye in an anxious fury. Anyway, Keith’s idea of closeness has never been clinginess. Sometimes, if he’s been cooped up too long around here, he’ll retreat a tad into his own world like a lot of men do but 30 minutes after his truck tires hit I-10 West (or at least by the first Buccee’s) he’s often calling me and telling me why he ever fell in love with me in the first place. It makes me smile every time.

My man and I do better on this schedule: a lot of time together, a little time apart, a lot of time together, a little time apart, a lot of time together, a little time apart… And that’s how we’ve made it 34 years this coming December 30th.

Instead of getting my nose out of joint when he’s gone (it wouldn’t be a pretty sight anyway), I play like I own the place. I get up a bit later, read a little more, have longer quiet times, come and go as I please, and get with friends (and family, of course, but family is something we do on a regular basis anyway), walk in the woods all by myself (with Star) and I watch movies he’d probably hate.

Yesterday I decided to spend most of the day by myself doing this and that and, lo and behold, I got in the Christmas spirit. I tried to find where our Christmas decorations got stored in this new house last year when we made our monumental move to the country but, for the life of me, I couldn’t find a single box. I don’t know how to navigate the attics yet so I’m sure they’re up there. If they’re not, believe you me, you’ll hear about it. There will be heck to pay by somebody, especially if the stockings I handmade and tediously beaded from a kit for Keith, Amanda, Melissa and myself back in 1982 don’t show up. It was my last act of seamstressness and, without it, there is not the least whiff that I ever walked in craftiness. I’ll not have it.

But I did indeed know exactly where my Christmas dishes were. They were a gift from my “Other.” You know. We girls have a mother then many of us who live in a wide enough circle of women also have an “Other.” I mean, who really gets enough nurturing in this life from one older woman? Spread the love around. She doesn’t take the place of the one who raised you but sometimes you can tell her things you can’t exactly tell your M-Other. That was Miss Mary Helen to me. I have many things from her and most are beyond a retail price but these dishes are the most beautiful ones I’ve ever owned and I have 12 whole place settings. I bet a number of you have this same Spode pattern or one similar. It was the ultimate in Christmas dinnerware to our mothers and grandmothers and, to traditionalists, it can hardly be outdone.

It’s too big a waste to set them aside only for Christmas Eve or Day so I try to get them out nice and early and put some of them on this stand Miss Mary Helen gave me so we’ll use them everyday through the season. It’s a happiness to me.

And that’s all it took. Next thing I knew, I’d downloaded a new Christmas album on my iPhone. I don’t like it yet but I will before long. You know how we are about Christmas music. It’s the memories that surround them that make them our favorites but I’m ripe for some new memories anyway. Bring them on!

Actually, I got on here today just to say that I’d love to hear about one of your favorite moments from your Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Any of the four days will do. It doesn’t have to be life altering. Our community here also appreciates a snippet of simplicity. Just capture something you keep picturing from the weekend. An expression. A taste. A conversation. A sight. Write us up a little snapshot of it so that we can picture it through your words and through your beautiful eyes. Not too long, remember. We bloggers are notorious for ADD, myself included. It’s rare that we really read a long one. I’m so mindful when I write a long post that, by the end of it, I’ve lost most people. Sometimes it’s worth it because I’m working something through but, most of the time, I’d have been the wiser to have been the briefer.

Oh, Amanda snapped this picture of her Daddy and me on Thanksgiving afternoon so I might as well throw it in, too. He’s wheels are heading East and I’ll be mighty glad to see that handsome face. We Moores love you guys. Christmas will be here in exactly one month whether we’re ready for it or not. You may as well not fight it. Tie that house of yours up in red and green and slam the door on your Scrooginess. Don’t be a fossil. Make some wassail. Tis the season, Sweet Thing. Let’s celebrate us some Jesus.


Broccoli Rice Casserole or Else

Hey, my most beloved blog community! I TOTALLY LOVE THANKSGIVING WEEK. Anybody else? It’s big on celebration and gratitude and small on peripheral stress. (i.e. gift-hunting, buying, wrapping) I dearly love Christmas, too, because of God’s incomparable gift to us in Christ Jesus but, man oh man, do I ever have a ton to do before then. SO, let’s stick to right now. I thought it would be fun and easy to share our biggest crowd-pleaser dishes over the next 24-hours. I started to wait until tomorrow but, by then, it’s almost too late to go to the grocery store for the extra ingredients. Let’s try to stick to recipes on the simple side so that we can fit some in at the last minute.

For my family, next to cornbread dressing and mashed potatoes and gravy, their must-have-on-that-table-or-else dish is the retro (circa 70’s) version of broccoli rice casserole. It’s the one thing both my daughters will ask me about in advance because, if I’m not going to make it, they’ll need to prepare themselves so they don’t go into shock and awe in front of the relatives.

Here is the recipe which I have to double into a Moore-der. Of course, a lot of you already have it or have moved on away from it but we also have lots of young cooks among us here in our blog community. You guys might want to throw this together and watch it disappear. It’s not sophisticated or trendy, but, Girlfriends, it is comfort food at its finest.

Broccoli-Rice Casserole:

1/4 cup of butter

1 medium onion, chopped

10 ounces of chopped broccoli (I always get the frozen version)

1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup

8 ounces of Cheese Whiz

2 cups cooked white rice

1 8-ounce jar of sliced mushrooms, drained

1 8-ounce can of water chestnuts, drained and sliced (You’ll usually find this in the section for Asian foods in your grocery store)

Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the chopped onion and saute it. Add the broccoli and cook it until tender. Usually five minutes is sufficient if it’s chopped in small enough pieces. You don’t want small trees in this dish but you also don’t want the broccoli to totally disintegrate. Add soup and Cheese Whiz and stir until smooth then stir all of this into your cooked rice. Add the mushrooms and water chestnuts. Pour into a prepared (buttered or Pam-sprayed) casserole dish then bake at 350 degrees for half an hour or until it is heated through and through and bubbly on the edges.

And, for whatever insane reason, many years ago my sister, Gay, and I started eating it with a tablespoon of our mom’s homemade blue cheese dressing right to the side of it. That will put you right over the edge so don’t try it the first year. Grin.

Oh, mercy. Surely you guys know how much I love you. The wonderful thing about being a community of women is that our relationship has all sorts of dimensions to it. We’re committed to women’s ministry around here and let’s face it. There are holiday occasions when food is your family’s favorite ministry.

I am so thankful for you guys. I wouldn’t trade you for anything. Let’s have a little 1 Peter 4:9 this week, Sisters! Let’s show hospitality without complaining! And that means even to our husbands under our breath. No kitchen martyrs. Happy attitudes make for happy holidays. Let’s not get ourselves all prepared for offenses. Overlook them and choose joy. Maybe even hilarity.

Happy Thanksgiving, Darlings. I’ll try to hop on here later in the week.



Girl A to Z: A Call Back to Faith

Oh, ladies! Before I say anything else, I just have to tell you that all of Houston is on cloud nine because our weather has been out of this world gorgeous. Coming from the high 80ā€™s last week to the low 40ā€™s this week has put a skip in our step and is undoubtedly preparing us for the upcoming holiday festivities. I donā€™t know about you, but I like the week of Thanksgiving to have a little bit of chill in the air. It just feels right.

Enough about the weather, though. Mercy, yā€™all hear more about our weather than anything else. Itā€™s just so fickle that we (and by we I mean me) get really caught up and obsessed with it.

Needless to say, I am thankful for our current temperatures.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I’m trying to imagine what we’ll all be doing about this time a week from TODAY. Whoa. I’m looking most forward to my post-turkey nap. It always delivers.

Moving on.

I spent last weekend with a handful of middle school girls and Iā€™d be lying if I said I wasnā€™t still in recovery mode. They are pure gold, but our energy levels donā€™t even compare. They are like the energizer bunny while I am more like a turtle. I like to take things slow and steady. Them? Not so much. I know those of you who work with young girls are laughing. You get me. Iā€™m still trying to decide if they are more concerned about One Directionā€™s newest single or the truths we talked about this weekend, but Iā€™m claiming the truth that Godā€™s word never returns void, so Iā€™m praying the Word sinks deep in them. Of course, you know Iā€™m kidding about One Direction. Kind of. But if I am going to get in with the young girls, I have to know what theyā€™re currently obsessing over, and well, One Direction has certainly hit a nerve.

(To chase one more rabbit trail, for those of you who have no idea who One Direction is, to put it very simply, it’s a pop boy band.)

Can I just encourage you for a minute? In a world where we hear more negative than positive regarding the younger generation, I want you to know that listening to these girls sing their hearts out during the most simple worship set, and watching them put pen to paper taking notes during each session was by far the biggest delight of my weekend.

Yā€™all, there are some jewels out there and it is our job to speak truth and invest in them. How are they supposed to be our future leaders if weā€™re not pouring into them now and showing them the Way now? Itā€™s not easy, but itā€™s necessary. And you can never start too early.

Oh, how my heart for these young girls beats fast. They need us. And we most definitely need them.

Anyway, Iā€™ll step off my soap box so I can share with you what I really got on here to say. (Sorry for the rabbit trails.)

What I really want to say is, we have something new in our product store that might spark some memory or interest for some of you.

And while Iā€™ve Ā now set this post up to make you believe itā€™s a resource about the weather or something for young girls, I want you to know that it has nothing to do with either of those things. I do apologize.

For those of you that have asked if you can get your hands on a copy of the LPL Simulcast message: ā€œGirl A to Z: A Call Back to Faithā€, today is your lucky day. Our desire on the blog is never to promote a certain this or that, but weā€™ve gotten so many calls and emails from those of you asking about it, that the easiest way for us to get the message out is through the blog.

The message from the simulcast about forsaking fear and gaining faith was so powerful that I’m still looking over my notes from that weekend, and I know many of you are, too.

If you are one of the ladies we’ve heard from about getting a copy of the message, you can get it by simply visiting our product store by clicking here. We have made it available as an audio MP3 download only. We hope and pray it speaks life into your bones.

We count it an absolute honor and privilege to serve y’all. Thank you for letting us do so. We love you!
