Good Monday morning, ladies!
Anybody have a case of the Mondays today? Like this pup?
Seriously made me laugh. I hope you did, too.
I started writing a post late Friday morning then decided to press hold and wait until today. I knew better than to publish anything because seriously, on a Friday afternoon in the summer, who reads a blog? Weekends, though they seem to rush on by in real life, tend to be much slower on the blog. So here we are. Yet another weekend behind us. Yet another Monday ahead of us. Grin.
If you don’t have a case of the Mondays, maybe you feel like this…
Yes, yes, yes! I won’t admit how often I think we need three day weekends instead of just two days. Of course, I’m kidding. Maybe. A co-worker sent me an email forward last week with some hilarious “when dogs talk” pictures and I just couldn’t help but share. I NEVER send forwards to people, but even I had to forward it on to a handful of folks. Anyway, I hope some of us, or all of us, can relate.
I, for one, am happy to see last week go. You know how some weeks you just feel like the enemy is doing everything to make you quit and just feel alone? That’s how I felt. I’m only telling you that because I know for a fact I’m not alone in that, and sometimes, we need to hear someone else say it so that we don’t feel even more alone. Thankfully, His mercies are new not just every day, but every week. Can I get an amen?
However, as silly as it seemed, I was going to wish all of you an official “Happy Summer!” on Friday, as it was, according to the calendar, the first official day of summer. I’m not sure how June 21st rolls around every year having already felt like we’ve had two months of summer weather, but that’s how Houston rolls.
I kicked off the so-called official summer by enjoying my apartment pool for a little bit on Saturday. Otherwise known as my happy place.
That’s a perk of apartment living. (Which outweighs some of the non-perks. Grin.) You get to enjoy the pleasures of a pool you may not otherwise have in your backyard. Especially on a very hot day in Houston. It was good.
Despite last week not being my favorite week, there were some highlights worth sharing.
1) We celebrated our beloved Beth’s birthday!
As you can imagine, she’s easy to love and celebrate! It was a simple lunch celebration at the office, but it was delightful. Could Mexican food brought in be anything but delightful? One thing she’s taught me, besides the million other Jesus things, is the gift of receiving! Quite literally, I don’t know anyone that receives gifts as well as she does. She simply makes you believe the gift you gave her is her most favorite thing ever and receives it with much glee and thankfulness! That alone is a gift, y’all. I think it makes it fun for both the giver and the receiver. If someone gives you a gift, be glad! Receive it well! Shoot, let the giver bless you! We don’t need to feel greedy, just thankful. Needless to say, we laughed, celebrated, then nearly collapsed from a food overdose. Grin.
2) This didn’t actually happen last week, but y’all. I’d like you to meet our resident LPM lizard.
If it is unclear to you, this lizard, whom we’ve not named, is eating a roach in one picture and a butterfly in the other. I hope you’re not eating lunch while reading this post. If so, my deepest apologies. He went for a little sweet and a little salty, and dude can hunt. I’m almost afraid to come back to the office from lunch afraid for fear we’ll find him after his hunt. Anyway, I thought you might find it interesting. Or disgusting. Or both. But I felt it was good blog material. Don’t you? Laughing.
3) Girls Bible study!
I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it on the blog but as if Gideon wasn’t enough, we’re doing a small Girls Bible study this summer. In the words of our Siesta Mama, we’re afraid of boredom around here! That’s the truth! Last summer, I think I mentioned that I led some girls through So Long, Insecutiry. It was a lot, but so good. Girls ministry at LPM is still something we’re  working on and trying to figure out, so we’re taking it one sememster at a time. This summer, we’re just meeting four times together and each week someone different is joining us to share something unique with the group. It might just be my favorite summer yet. We met for the first time two week ago, we’ll meet again tomorrow, and two more evenings in July. If it comes to mind, we’d love your prayers! Oh, that this would not be in vain and would bear much fruit in the girls coming. They are the sweetest things ever. So timid. So outgoing. (I know, right?) So adorable. So loveable. So much room to grow. I’m excited for what’s ahead!
Well, I think that’s all for now. Just a little random, catch up since it’s been a week since I’ve said hi! Signing off for now. Much to do on this hot Monday in Houston!
Happy Monday!