Happy Monday, friends!
Beth is so happy to have kicked off the 18th season of Living Proof LIVE this weekend in the Seattle suburb of Redmond! Thank you David Lowe for the recap.
Happy Monday, friends!
Beth is so happy to have kicked off the 18th season of Living Proof LIVE this weekend in the Seattle suburb of Redmond! Thank you David Lowe for the recap.
Happy Monday morning, dear friends! With this Living Proof Live Billings recap, 2014 is a wrap! Thanks to Photos by David Lowe (aka DLo, Dingo Dave)
If you were there, tell us why you think God had you there this weekend.
Hey Siestas! Happy Monday to you all!
I can hardly believe it, but Beth’s final 2014 Living Proof Live is this weekend in Billings, Montana! Who is going?
We have such a heart and a call to share the Gospel truth with women who might be new to the scriptures, or might not even know our Jesus yet. Do you have a friend that is new to faith, or less-seasoned in the Word that you want to invite to join you this weekend? In keeping with our new initiative this year, we would be so honored to scholarship a ticket for your friend, and for you if you need one.
If you have someone that can attend with you, just call and ask for Kimberly here at the ministry and she will get you set up with a scholarship: 1-888-700-1999. (Not 800.)
Our prayer is that people would taste and see that Jesus is good! He is our joy, and our peace.
We love y’all.
Happy Monday to you all! And thank you, Rich Kalonick, for this excellent recap. Let us hear from you if you were in San Diego this weekend. It looks like it was not only a powerful weekend, but a fun one as well! Glory to God! (P.S. Watch to the very end!)
Beth is so excited to see you at the Living Proof Live in San Diego this weekend! Who is going?
In keeping with our new initiative, we have some tickets set aside and available for you to give to some friends you might want to invite to an LPL event. They might not even attend church, or know Jesus as Savior; they might be new to faith, or simply less discipled in the Word. If the Lord puts someone on your heart that might be interested (or maybe not yet interested), by all means call them up and invite them. You never know what kind of investment you’re making in their life!
If you have someone in mind that can attend with you, or if someone told you about free tickets and pointed you to our blog, or if you stumbled across this blog and don’t know why, just call and ask for Kimberly here at the ministry and she will get you set up: 1-888-700-1999. (Not 800.)
Oh, that our people would taste and see that Jesus is good; that they would be willing to enter in even if just for 24 hours to hear that Jesus DOES exist, HE IS the Savior, and He is LIFE! If while inviting a friend you need a ticket yourself, we want to gift you a ticket also.
We love y’all.
Good Monday morning, Ladies!
It is a big week here at LPM! As if our kick-off tomorrow of the Siesta Summer Bible Study isn’t enough, we are also so very excited about this weekend’s Living Proof Live in Stockton, CA! Beth is hard at her studies, but we want to remind you about our new ticket giveaway initiative. We are still experimenting how best to do our giveaways, so we thank you for your patience during this transition. Our desire and ongoing emphasis this year is toward those who may not know Christ at all, or maybe have never been discipled in His Word. Young, old, friend, or family, we welcome them. If while inviting them to attend, you yourself also need a ticket, then we by all means want to help you go.
Personal invitations are huge! Do not be discouraged if the friend or family member you asked declines your invite. No discouragement! Keep looking for open doors and open hearts and keep pressing on in prayer. As Believer’s, pointing others to Jesus is our job, and our joy; to tell those who don’t know about Jesus, or simply get them somewhere they will undoubtedly hear about Him. We are praying and believing for salvations this year!
With five days until the event, we still have some tickets for Stockton we would love to give away. And we will do so until the last one is accounted for. If you aren’t near Stockton, keep in mind upcoming LPL’s near you: 2014 Schedule Just call and ask for Kimberly here at the ministry, and she will get you set up: 1-888-700-1999
If you need a refresher on our new emphasis this year, or for some reason you missed it, just click here.
We love y’all so much!
Hi Siestas! Many of you may have read Beth’s post from Monday about how she feels God directing our ticket giveaway for Living Proof Live. Thank you for your great feedback and encouragement as we seek to hear Him and follow His lead!
We still have leftover giveaway tickets for Hershey from our Monday post. Our initiative remains the same but 24-hours out, if we still have tickets, we want to give them away!
Call and ask for Kimberly here at the ministry, and we will get you set up: 1-888-700-1999
LPM loves you!
A huge thanks to our friend Rich for another great recap!
Living Proof Live | Sioux Falls from LifeWay Women on Vimeo.