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LPL Cincinnati Recap Video

Good morning, y’all!
Well, mercy. This recap video makes me wish I’d flown to Ohio this weekend! We have heard from a few of you already and are so grateful to God for His Word, and for His Spirit to move and give life. Does anyone want to share their particular word they received?

Praying you have a strong and victorious week!


LPL Cincinnati, OH – Tickets for you and a friend!

Happy Monday to you all!

If you live in the Cincinnati area, we would sure love to see you at this weekend’s Living Proof Live. Beth is praying and studying for what the Lord has specifically for this group.

Are you planning to join us? We have heard from a handful of you already but I have the pleasure of reminding you (or maybe telling you for the first time), that we would like to help you go if you are in the area.

Here’s the deal: If you are thinking you would like to attend this weekend, and have wanted to invite a friend to join you but couldn’t quite swing it, we want to offer scholarship tickets for both of you!  Beth’s joy would be to make a way for you to bring a friend you’ve been wanting to introduce to Jesus, or maybe that friend is new to the Word, or just less-discipled in the Scriptures.  If this sounds like you, just give Kimberly a call at our office and she will set you up.  Toll-free 1-888-700-1999 (NOT 800).

We sure love Jesus and His Word, and want you to fall more in love with Him, too!  He is our great hope and joy!

We sure hope to see you this weekend in Cincinnati!  For tickets and detailed information, visit here.


LPL Tampa Recap Video!

Thankful to God to see the manifestation of His presence on these faces! Remembering today that He has poured out His abundant grace on us who believe, and has given us a new identity with the free gift of righteousness. Rom 5:17

For those of you who were at the Tampa LPL, do you remember when Beth said that she wasn’t sure if the journal that she patterned her prayer-approach after was still available or in print? It turns out that it is!  Here is the link: Prayers Of My Heart by Debbie Williams


Tampa Living Proof Live 2015 from LifeWay Women on Vimeo.


LPL Tampa, FL – Tickets for you and a friend!

**UPDATE** You guys must be ready for Tampa!  All our scholarship tickets have been shared. Joining your prayers for all 7,000 attending!

Well, good morning to you all!
It is time for Living Proof Live this weekend.  Tampa, FL here we come!

Are you planning to join us? We have heard from a handful of you already but I have the pleasure of reminding you (or maybe telling you for the first time), that we would like to help you go if you are in the area.

Here’s the deal: If you are thinking you would like to attend this weekend, and have wanted to invite a friend to join you but couldn’t quite swing it, we want to offer tickets for both of you!  Beth’s joy would be to make a way for you to bring a friend you’ve been wanting to introduce to Jesus, or maybe that friend is new to the Word, or just less-discipled in the Scriptures.  If this sounds like you, just give Kimberly a call at our office and she will set you up.  Toll-free 1-888-700-1999 (NOT 800).

We sure love Jesus and His Word, and want you to fall more in love with Him, too!  He is our great hope and joy!

We sure hope to see you this weekend in Tampa!  For tickets and detailed information, visit here.


LPL Albuquerque Recap!

These recap videos always make me tender to know how God moved!  Do any of you that were able to be at the conference this weekend want to testify to what God did?  Tell your story!

Albuquerque Living Proof Live 2015 from LifeWay Women on Vimeo.


LPL Albuquerque, NM – Tickets for you and a friend!

*UPDATE: We are so happy to tell you that all of our scholarship tickets have been gifted for this weekend! We would honor your prayers on behalf of all in attendance. Glory be to God!


Good Monday morning to you all!

The focus around LPM this morning is laser-sighted on the upcoming Living Proof Live conference this weekend in Albuquerque, NM.  Are you planning to join us? We have heard from a handful of you already but I have the pleasure of reminding you (or maybe telling you for the first time), that we would like to help you go if you are in the area.

Here’s the deal: If you are thinking you would like to attend this weekend, and have wanted to invite a friend to join you but couldn’t quite swing it, we want to offer tickets for both of you!  Beth’s joy would be to make a way for you to bring a friend you’ve been wanting to introduce to Jesus, or maybe that friend is new to the Word, or just less-discipled in the Scriptures.  If this sounds like you, just give Kimberly a call at our office and she will set you up. She is usually the one who answers our phone:  Toll-free 1-888-700-1999 (NOT 800).

We sure love Jesus and His Word, and want you to fall more in love with Him, too!  He is our great hope and joy!

We sure hope to see you this weekend in Albuquerque!  For tickets and detailed information, visit here.


A Giveaway! A new look for “Looking Up”!

You will be receiving a confirmation from LPM. Please reply back with your mailing address.

1. Cheryl Brownell
2. Jessica Lowe
3. Selina ? – #702
4. Chris Bradbury
5. Danielle Greenwald
6. Jenny Still
7. Felicia G.
8. Danielle Mower
9. Christina Moore
10. Linda Foust
11. Sheila (Myers?) – #3143
12. Elizabeth Schmidt
13. Olive Gaines
14. Kendra Stearman
15. Maureen (Buckley?) -#508
16. Stephanie ? – #600
17. Kim Joyce
18. Sharon (Stockham?) – #2753
19. Sharon Appel
20. Cindy Kelly

We had such a great response, we decided to pull some additional winners!!
21. Sarah Bumgardner
22. Hannah Bartlett
23. Jamie Blair
24. Josephine M. Kerley
25. Monica Hampton Cooper


It’s Spring Break time around here, so we thought it would be the perfect time for a giveaway!

Looking Up has an updated look, and we have 20 copies we would love to share with you.  Looking Up is a devotional book adapted from Beth’s book “Get Out Of That Pit”.


If you want a chance to win, just leave your comment: “Yes!” (One comment per person, please.)

Comments will close Monday, March 23rd at 9am (CST).  We’ll update the post soon after with winners’ names. We hope your name is drawn!




LPL Atlantic City Recap!

Oh, Atlantic City girls! It looks like you all had the best time in God’s Word together!  May God continue to speak His truth deep in you! #watermarked



You Asked For It, You Got It! SSMT App Launch (optional)

If you are one of the Siestas who asked for an SSMT app, we are so happy to announce it is launching today! Yay!   Although it has broader features that connect to the LPM website, today we will focus on the SSMT features of this app.   It is completely optional, but here’s how to get it, and what it does:

1.  DOWNLOAD THE APP: Whether you are on an Apple, Android, or Windows device, go to where you download apps and search for “SSMT 2015”, developed by Subsplash.  Once downloaded, this is the home screen you will see:

Notice the bottom icon tray that we are on the “SSMT 2015” portion, and the top 2 related tabs are: SSMT Post & SSMT Event.  SSMT Event is information about our Celebration on 1/16/16. (More details to come.)

* Bible – optional resource for searching scripture in many different translations.
* Save verses to the Notes section on Bible Gateway. [Many of your devices have a “Notes” app to which you also can save your verses.]


* Select date. (Verse 4 in the example below)
* Select “Link”. (Links you to the Blog.)
* Scroll to the very bottom of the page where you submit your verse in a comment.
Watch” – to view video
Notes”to just read the post


* Select “Connect” from the bottom icon tray
* Select “Facebook” and leave your comment

That’s it!  Feel free to click around and see other fun features on the app.  Enjoy!


LPL Atlantic City, NJ – Tickets for you and a friend!

Hi Ladies,
Happy Monday to each of you from LPM!  We hope you are beginning this new week refreshed and full of faith!

This weekend we are so thrilled to take Living Proof LIVE to Atlantic City, NJ!  Raise your hand if you are planning on going?!  Please know that all of us at Living Proof will be praying for you and we can’t wait to see and hear all that the Lord does!

Last year Beth shared a new initiative for LPL ticket giveaways.  (You can read about it here.) In keeping with this new initiative, we have some tickets set aside and available for you to give to some friends you might want to invite to an LPL event. Your friend might not even attend church, or know Jesus as Savior;  they might be new to faith, or simply less-discipled in the Word. Listen, if the Lord puts someone on your heart that might be interested and would be blessed by attending, by all means call them up and invite them. You never know what kind of investment you’re making in their life!

If you have someone that wants to attend with you, or if you stumbled across this blog and don’t know why, just call and ask for Kimberly here at the ministry and she will get you set up: 1-888-700-1999. (Not 800.)

Oh, that they would taste and see that Jesus is good; that they would be willing to enter in to hear that Jesus DOES exist, HE IS the Savior, and He is LIFE!  If while inviting a friend you need a ticket yourself, we want to gift a ticket to you, also.

You are dear to us.
