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**Siesta Celebration is January 20-21, 2012**
Hey Siestas!
The day you have been waiting for has finally arrived! It is officially time to register for the January SSMT Celebration! Woo hoo!!
What a joy to walk alongside you through this year as we memorize His Word. To see you encourage each other on, and to hear how the Scriptures have made a difference in your lives is such a joy. He’s so faithful, and so much better to us than He has to be.
Okay, a few details about January. Remember, we do not charge for the Celebration event, but save money for your transportation and hotel. Your entrance fee is your well-used spiral. (More travel information will be forthcoming…very soon.) We are so excited that Travis is planning to lead us again in worship.  The LPM staff is looking really forward to it!
Just to refresh your memories, below is a quick list how to qualify for the Celebration. (To see the complete Instruction post, click here: https://blog.lproof.org/2010/12/siesta-scripture-memory-instructions.html)
Here’s how you qualify:
*Clock in by first name and city at least 20 out of 24 times. (But please make your goal 24 out of 24!)
*Bring your spiral to the celebration. Again, that’s your ticket in.
*Be prepared to say any 10 of your 24 memory verses to another Siesta
*Register for the event when the time comes….which is TODAY!
Now, click here and let us know you’re coming! See you in January!