#984-Tammy Disch
#958-Tammie Kovacs
#327-Jill Joe
#507-Denise Fiducia
#287-Valerie Deib
#867-Diane Lopez
#510-Karen Helms
#183-Tensie Palmer
Congrautaltions!! Watch for an email from Lproof.org to arrange shipment of your gift!
Hey blog friends!
Do you ever have one of those days so full of celebration that the joy doubles to an overflow? I like to call this a swirl day, because it is fast with a lot of movement, a lot of fellowship, a lot of laughs, a lot of love, it is full – complete joy.
I am pretty sure LPM is set to have this kind of day today and we would love for you to join in!
Happy Happy Birthday Beth Moore!
We are so glad you were born!
I seldom call her Beth, usually I call her Gp, sometimes sister, and occasionally Beth-le’-ham. smile. One of Gp’s favorite birthday gifts is giving gifts. So, the LPM team would like to invite you to join some of the celebration swirl today. Your comment on this post enters you in the drawing for these gifts.
Anywhere you have an Internet connection, visit mywsb.com, and you can access Bibles, commentaries, study Bibles, reference works, and more online. Once you’ve added a book to your library, not only is it available on myWSB.com, but it will sync to the WORDsearch® mobile apps. Save your work in either of these places, and you’ll be able to access it no matter what device you happen to be using.
We will receive comments until Friday morning at 10am CST. Once the names have been randomly drawn, the post will be updated with the winners’ names. If you are a winner, watch for an email from Living Proof to arrange shipping (or emailing) of your prize!
Wherever you are today, whatever your plans are for this day, we pray for His joy to fill you, to strengthen you, and to delight you in His unending love for you!
with love,
sabrina and the LPM Team
Happy Birthday Beth! Thank you for sharing your love of Christ with us!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Thank you for your faithful and joy-filled obedience to the Lord!
Happy Birthday, Beth, you have the same birthday as my sister. Cool. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us, especially the maps.
Because of your gifts shared, my Bible is marked up, pages worn, able to find a verse easily, and my heart overflowing with His grace. May your day be more special than you are to all of us.
Happy happy birthday, Beth! I record your weekly programs, but hope to join a group soon! I love all you do! You have come into my life at a couple of opportune times! You’re staying there this time! Thank you. ❤️
Happy Birthday, Beth!! God has used you so much in my life to teach me, encourage me and sanctify me! I’m so thankful for you!!
Happy Birthday, Beth! Thank you for helping this 19-year-old love God’s Word and crave gone presence of Jesus! Love you!
Happiest of birthdays to you! I am so thankful for you. I have grown a lot in my walk with the Lord and knowledge of His Word because of your teaching.
Our gang of gal pals are heading out today for our annual weekend away. Lots of laughter, sharing, prayers, and of course… snacking!
hApPy bIrThDaY Beth‼️
Have a fabulous day!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Blessed Birthday- Love me some bible maps!
Happy Birthday, Beth! Thank you for helping this 19-year-old love God’s Word and crave the presence of Jesus! Love you!
Happy Happy Birthday Beth!!
Happy birthday, Beth!!
Happy birthday Beth! May God bless you as much as you have been a blessing to me and my daugther!!!
So fun, Sabrina! Happy birthday, Beth! May the joy and love you pour out to others come back on you a thousand fold!
Happy Birthday Beth! Thank you for using your gifts as a gift to so many. Short for me – 11 years ago I came back from the mission field – reverse culture shock, other huge difficulties, hit rock bottom for several years. You spoke in Nairobi when I was there, so I continued to read your blog and some of your books alone. You often encourage the blog community to be involved in a local church, and I finally listened. Since joining a sound church, and their Women’s Bible Study (they’ve done Daniel and 1&2 Thess), I have grown tremendously. This semester I even led a small discussion group, God stretching. Others I met during the dark time have started growing too. My family and other families are benefitting. I wanted to give you thanks and share pieces of my story today
To clarify, I listened to God through you and started going back to church 4-5 years ago, steady growth and healing since. Now my child will grow up in church too, and hearing about God at home! Thank you Beth and LPM staff! I’m one of many lives you have helped, and now I am back to helping others!
Happy Birthday, Beth!!!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Beth! You are truly a blessing to the body of Christ!
Happy Birthday, Beth!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Beth! Your studies are so inspiring. So thankful that you have followed your calling. I wish you a very happy birthday.
Happy Birthday – Thank you for serving the Lord boldly.
Happy Birthday Beth Moore!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Dear Beth! You are a gift from God! <3 Jesus bless you <3
Happy Birthday Beth! My birthday is in 3 days and am so very very thankful that i don’t have to announce that to the world. Though you didn’t announce did you…Sabrina did!
Happy Birthday Beth! Although I too am grateful for your birth, I am even more grateful that you answered in obedience to the call Toe Lord placed on your life! My hope for you this day is that you celebrate with the joy that comes from above! Hugs 🙂
Happy Birthday Beth! I took my 12-year-old daughter to LPL in Springfield last weekend. We had an amazing time. Thanks for helping create a special memory.
I love MAPS! And love to celebrate birthdays!! again…
Happiest of birthdays, Beth! I appreciate YOU! ❤️
Happy Birthday! What a blessing you are! Praying that God continues to bless you in the coming year!
Happy Birthday Beth!
I am so blessed that we share the same birthday ❤ I hope this is your best year yet, many blessings to you and thank you for sharing your heart
Happy Birthday Beth! I am so grateful for you and your life’s ministry and the beautiful way you live. May today be full of blessings and you be surrounded by those you love.
Oh darlin, you have been such a huge godly impact on my life! Thank you for your diligence in all things!
I am sooooo happy that God puts great and wonderful things into tiny packages!!
God bless you more daily!! Have the HAPPIEST Birthday EVER!!!
Love, hugs and prayers,
Thank you for your kindness and Happy Birthday ! You continue to be a blessing to many!
(This may get posted twice!)
Keep have a fabulous day all day and all month, Beth! (I love maps too)
Love Allison
Happy Birthday Beth! May your day be filled with joy and celebration!
Happy Birthday Beth! I used to live in Houston but did not start listening to you until I moved to TN. The first study I attended was Believing God. After one lecture, I sat out in my car and shook. I knew God was getting my attention when you recited His words to Moses at the foot of the Red Sea: “Move forward!” From that time on I have been taking steps of faith and moving forward. Thank you for being so obedient and diligent over the years and sticking to the scriptures! Oh, we need someone, anyone, to stick to what God’s word says. I look forward to hearing you at Living Proof Live in Nashville!
Many blessings and healing to you!
Happy day!
Happy Happy Birthday dearest Beth!! I hope your day is filled with bkessings!! You have been and are a huge blessing in my life!! You are so very loved!!!
Happy Birthday to you, Beth!! I hope your day is AWESOME!!
PS – did you see Jane Chu accept a Tony Award for the work her organization does for the arts!! She did a beautiful job accepting the award!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH,,,,,my son’s bday is also today….ENJOY
Happy Birthday, Beth! Thank you for all you do! Reading So Long Insecurity right now and LOVING it!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, sweet Sis! Love you so much and thank the Lord for all He is doing in AND through you.
Happy Birthday Beth! You have been a blessing to me and to many others.
Celebrating this day for a woman who has been an inspiration, encouragement and “iron sharpening iron!”
Happy Birthday!!
(Your love for Him IS contagious and infectious and a blessing!)
Happy Birthday Beth! And many many more!!!!
Happy Birthday Beth!!! You are an inspiration to me. Your love for the word has spurred me on this past year and now I have the pleasure of teaching ladies at my church. Thank you. I pray for you at times, especially that the evil one will leave you alone! God bless. Enjoy your special day.
Happiest of birthdays to you! May it be filled and shared with all those you love most!!
Happy birthday Beth!! May God keep you in his care and may you keep being a blessing to us all.