One of Your Very Creative, Valiant and Delightful Sisters in the Faith…and Her House

I am about to do something I have loved like crazy on other blogs but never done on this one. I am about to take you on a house tour. More importantly, I’m about to introduce you to one of my favorite people on the planet and a hero of the faith in every sense of the word. I met Janice Meyer about 10 years ago when I was on Life Today with James and Betty Robison for the first time. She has worked for them for 30 years and, when she’s not globetrotting for their missions’ ministry, she floor directs on the set during tapings. I liked her immediately because she was warm-hearted and a ton of fun and we shared a connection through several of the Bible studies she had done. Then, through all the years of serving with James and Betty, we truly became good friends and faith-sisters. You bond with the person who stands guard over you in the bush in Africa while you try to talk yourself into being able to tinkle under a tree in a part of Angola where old land mines are believed to still be buried. That was a lot of words in one sentence but it was about as succinctly as I could put it.


Here she is, so you can picture her before I escort you through the front door of her house:


Janice is the international photographer for Life Today. (James and Betty’s whole ministry is called Life Outreach International but, to keep from confusing you, I’ll stick with the name of their television broadcast because that’s what will be most familiar to you.)  She has been to 64 countries on behalf of their ministry and not to sight see. Two things drive her all over the globe: desperate need and full-on crisis. Because pictures say so much more than words, she goes to the most horrid conditions you can imagine so that viewers don’t have to take their word for it when they say that people are suffering terribly on this planet and, jointly, we can help.

Here’s the deal about Janice and one reason I want to introduce her to you. She has seen more suffering with her own eyes – more starvation, malnutrition, life-threatening thirst, sex trafficking, oppression, and corruption – than any person I have ever known in my life. And she has as much joy and delight and hope and faith and unwavering belief in the Scriptures as anyone you will ever encounter. At times, I don’t know how she does it. The grace of God splashing over her is the only explanation because she has never grown hard-hearted and desensitized. She doesn’t endure it because she’s gotten used to it. There is no getting used to what Janice sees. She endures it because she is called by God to do it. She compiled this book from the multitude of pictures she’s taken around the world and laced them with her very moving commentary. This sits in my den. (If you are interested in knowing more about this book, see


Here are two reasons why you who are active in this community can feel a particular connection to Janice. She’s an active reader on our blog and she participates in our Scripture memory team. In fact, when I was there last weekend, this was one of the first things I got to see.


I stay with Janice when I am in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for a Life Today taping. No hotel on earth I’d rather stay in. She has a tiny little guest house out in her backyard and one thing I particularly love about being there is the good company that comes to my door. She is one of the few people I know as obsessed with dogs as I am. That Golden’s name is Traveller. I have known him fur a long time.


OK!!!!!!!!!!! Now, on to the house tour! I’m taking you to some spots around her house because she is so incredibly creative you are not going to believe it. And I might add, she accomplishes every bit of this on a very tight budget. This is a small, modest home and just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Here are a few highlights:


Surely you can tell but, just in case you can’t, it is suspended from the ceiling. This Vespa was completely rusted and leaning up against the side of a building when she found it.  She sanded it down and put paint on it, fixed his lights and named him Rusty.

This tractor grille came from a farm equipment junkyard she could not pass up in Colorado. Who does this???


This is an old ski lift from Snowmass.


This wall was made from a stack of throw-away wood she happened on. She painted, cut, and arranged all the pieces herself.



This piece may be my very favorite. She also found this in a farm-equipment junkyard and turned it into a table that sits between her couch and a chair in her den. Come on now.photojanice9.JPG

These are the drawers in her bedroom. Yep. A chicken coop.


This is the bedroom in the tiny guest house. Please enlarge this picture and see that she hangs a chalkboard over the bed so that she can write welcome messages to her guests, complete with pictures of their loved ones she’s printed out. Unbelievable. I have never known anyone – on ANY budget – with more hospitality.



And lastly, a picture of Janice and me. Well. A close rendering. It really was taken at my house in the country. I so hope you guys enjoyed this! Now since I’m solo on the blog, I may be throwing all sorts of random posts at you. Every single one of them will come your way with a ton of love. Be encouraged today, my dear sisters! There are a whole lot of us out there who love Jesus! And we’re blood kin. Know this day and then again tomorrow that you are not cast out into these cultural elements alone. We have mighty good company among us. Janice included.



187 Responses to “One of Your Very Creative, Valiant and Delightful Sisters in the Faith…and Her House”

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  1. 51
    Elizabeth Van Rooy says:

    What a delight and comfort to read your notes and thoughts and encouragements all the way in France where it is so dark and cold right now. I’m thankful for your love that pours out from your blog. I’ve just memorized another verse last night to fight against the darkness…. Such power in those words. Loved the decoration ideas and the dogs…. Awwwh.
    Blessed day sistahs

  2. 52
    Donna says:

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this house tour! Thank you both so very much for letting us into your lives and homes.

    So many creative ideas!

  3. 53
    Nicole says:

    Love!! God’s family is beautiful and unique.

  4. 54
    Katue says:

    The Love woven in and out of the sentences just brought me such joy! The love in the home, the love in the heart, the love between girlfriends… Priceless!

  5. 55
    Stacy says:

    Very cute! I love the idea of the chalkboard. Can’t wait to check out the book.

  6. 56
    Tracy Bradley says:

    I call this “clever”!!!! I absolutely adore it when folks think outside the box!!! Charm, Grace and Creativity abounds!! Smiles & Blessings Y’all!!!

  7. 57
    Kari Blackmore says:

    What a fun loving blog! So refreshing to see those wonderful, creative ideas for decorating! Very excited to go looking for some fun to add to my home! Love it all! And that Chalkboard over the bed? That is such a personal way to welcome someone into your house, especially the added personal touches of the photos! What a heart for God! Only a truly Spirit lead person could see so much and keep a soft, pliable heart that continues to love! Janice you inspire me and I thank God for you! Keeping you in my prayers and cannot wait to get a copy of your book! Thank you and thank you Beth for sharing her with us. God bless you both in a m mighty way!

  8. 58
    Sheila Bragg says:

    Wow! What an amazingly creative woman! I was stunned. Really enjoyed this post and was not expecting what was coming through that front door. ~grin~ Janice, you are an exceptional woman. Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. 59
    Joy French says:


    Thank you for sharing. My sister is like that, she has a modest home that she has made into a beautiful sanctuary!

    Please know you are welcome in my home anytime you are in the Austin area!

    joy french~

  10. 60
    Janice Parent says:

    This was so fun! Thank you for sharing janice with us, and in so doing, sharing another bit of yourself.

  11. 61
    Terri says:

    Simply wonderful!! Her heart and her home!! I will be ordering the book, and can’t wait to see it.

  12. 62
    Wendy Wallace says:

    What a house and what a lady!!! Thanks for sharing such beautiful and inspirational pictures about an absolutely Christ-loving woman! Wish I could meet her! Blessings!

  13. 63
    Diane White says:

    Thank You for sharing Beth, I really enjoyed reading this blog,humbling and inspirational, thank you.

  14. 64
    Holly Smith says:

    Janise was so kind and engaging when I met her at Life Today’s tapings. Precious, godly, Sister in Christ. I love her home, too! Thanks for sharing, Beth. Praying for you today.

  15. 65
    Holly Smith says:

    Oops sorry! I typed Janice and because I have a dear friend named Janise, spell check fixed it. 🙂

  16. 66
    Shelly Wilson says:

    Ahhh Janice Meyer! What a special lady! I’ve known her my whole life and just as blown away by her as you are. But that’s not why I have tears in my eyes. I have tears because this house that you are writing about was my grandparents’ house. She used to rent that guest house from them, and they loved her like their very own grandaughter, and her dogs were like their dogs!

    That guest house was used for every godly purpose you could imagine, but mostly, it was used for providing a safe harbour for family members who were in crisis. We always knew we had a place to live and be nurtured if hard times hit. I stayed there when I was a broke (and a very empty/miserable) college student. I can still see my Grandad coming to the guest house door to check on me and my Grandmom bringing home-cooked dinners and treats to the door. And the main house hosted more Cowboys watching parties and holidays than you could count. That property was our family’s headquarters. And no matter what the dysfunction was outside of that house, we were all loved and unified under that sweet roof. Thank you for taking me back there. I know my grandparents would be giddy to know that you stay in that guest house now. WIsh you could enjoy some of Grandmom’s homemade breakfasts.

    Love and miss you, Janice! Thanks for loving that house as much as we did, and for always honoring my grandparents’ memory.

    • 66.1
      Shelly Wilson says:

      Oh, and Janice, you must know that the entire family rejoiced when you bought the property! We knew you’d nurture it and use it for God’s business! I love, love, LOVE what you’ve done with it. You’re such an amazing woman.

      • Janice Meyer says:

        Shelly. Wow.
        I am so excited to here from you. Your remarks brought a friend of mine and me to tears. I have loved this house from the minute I moved into the guest house so many years ago. I told my Mom I wanted to own it some day. When it can on the market I told my realtor mom to bring a contract. God sold my house in 2 weeks so I could buy it. You grandparents were family to me. I remember having the honor to speak at your grandpa’s funeral. I miss them so. I have so many stories of their love. I would love to see you. The house is being taken care of and I am trying so hard to get the yard as beautiful as it was. I wish I had your grandpa’s touch in that area.

    • 66.2
      Andrea Henley says:

      The blog post was cool, but the story behind the blog post…wow! We move frequently, and I sometimes catch myself praying over the next families that will occupy our homes when we leave. Guess those prayers are never wasted, huh? Thanks for sharing!

      • Shelly Wilson says:

        Andrea, So glad you loved the story! I fully believe that those prayers aren’t ever wasted! I believe that God captures every memory, everything done for Him within those walls, every prayer, etc. I would love to peel back the spiritual curtain and see what all of those prayers and memories do within that home. Love it!

  17. 67
    Kimmi Giglio says:

    Oh my, I just love this. I am a stranger and yet I feel completely at home. <3

  18. 68
    1gleaner says:

    Loved meeting Janice and touring her unique house and guest house! I could never look upon all the suffering she has seen but I am a kindred spirit in the hospitality realm. We love guests and making them feel special in our home. Folks call it “The Hand Hilton” we try to spoil them so.

  19. 69
    Judy Mullins says:

    Absolutely amazing and inspiring! Thank you for sharing her creativity and her heart to preserve things that still gave meaning! Love her dogs too!

  20. 70

    Way too fun!!! Loved this post in every way. For over twenty years I have overlooked the mass amount of “stuff” (equipment parts,farm equipment parts, extra wood, fencing, posts, old tools, etc) down in our shop and barn) as potential fun furnishings for our home. I’m heading down there today when some of the mud dries up! I also wanted to mention I can totally relate to your precarious episodes in the Angolan “outhouse.” I remember using the “facilities” in the dark behind a small Romanian church back in 2006. No light, no flashlight. Had to keep the outhouse “door” open, so the moonlight would help me avoid the whole in the ground. Thankfully, I had brought a package of tissues with me on my adventure. Gotta love the missionary experiences! The memory sure makes me happy with the indoor bathroom they have now built. Once again, thanks for such a fun, warm and inviting post! Please give Janice our love and greetings the next time you snuggle into that lovely guest house.
    In His grace,

  21. 71

    Oh my goodness! When I see such creativity I always wonder “What does she see that I don’t?” … apparently quite a bit! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more.

  22. 72
    Carol White says:

    You are so fun and witty in your writings. I loved this piece. Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us.

  23. 73
    Linda Cox says:

    Thank you for sharing!! Love the decorating ideas,
    very unique:) I’ll be looking/shopping with
    a different perspective. Love the black
    board above the bed, such a sweet way to
    welcome guests into your home.
    Thank you both!
    God Bless!

  24. 74
    Terri King says:

    Loved the tour and seeing creativity, thanks for sharing such a beautiful story of our sister in Christ. Janice, you are now on my prayer list. Beth, you are doing a wonderful job in handling the blog

  25. 75
    Phyllis Sills says:

    Thank you Janice for the ministry work that you do with James and Betty. And thank you Beth for introducing us to this wonderful and creative Sister in Christ.

    Love you both

  26. 76
    Jan says:

    Beth, if that last photo is Janiss and you, WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?????

  27. 77
    Linda McMorris says:

    Thanks for a quick pick me up and introducting me to Janice. What a cool friend to have!
    Dog pictures always welcome…

  28. 78

    Oh JANICE! I love her and I have only met her on the cursory side of attending Life Today tapings. She is terribly creative which connects right to my heart – cause I got a bit of the creative bug myself.

    On January 11th my friend, Ps. Tommy Briggs, from Gateway came and shared with our Biblical Counseling Team at church. I’d invited him and just adore him. I introduced him as genuine and generous and true to the word he gave away his own books to the audience.

    We visited a while after the class and then he left only to return and give me one of Janice’s beautiful books. I love the photos. She like a few other photo-bugs I shall not name at this point has a unique gift among photogs – she not only captures what is happening in the shot but she captures the essence of the human being standing in front of her. The way she sees people is reflected in her photography and it is simply beautiful. I am so blessed to have this book in my office at work where others can experience the glory of God expressed through her pictures. Thank you for writing this post. Dang sad I missed you at the taping, but Mighty Happy to read about Janice, her book and see her crazy fabulous home on this here virtual meeting place! So dang happy!

    Love you sweet sister,

    • 78.1
      janice Meyer says:


      Thank you for the kind words. I love Tommy Briggs. He is such a wonderful man of God. His son Tommy used to mow my grass over 20 years ago.

      • Janice, I love Ps. Tommy, too. I had the privilege of getting to know him while on staff at Gateway. He is a true blessing g as are you. I love your home!!! It “looks” like you. And the Scooter, Rusty, has to be my favorite. 🙂 be blessed.

  29. 79
    Julie Reynolds says:

    Wow, that was so much fun! Janice, you are very talented and creative. I would love to know how you managed to make that table’s headlights stay on! Thank you for sharing your home with us. Thank you Beth for opening our eyes to such beauty.

    • 79.1
      janice Meyer says:

      Thank your for your comments. I took the jeep lights out and wired regular lights to them and put a switch on them. It was so fun.

      • Julie Reynolds says:

        that is so creative! Thanks again for sharing. I took a look at your website. God has truly blessed you with an eye and a heart for capturing His heart!

  30. 80
    Colleen says:

    Fun! What a great lady, with a great eye!

  31. 81
    Tina Hinson says:

    Thank you for sharing about Janice. My heart went out to her after seeing how she shares the needs of others around the world. I will be praying for her and looking for her book.
    Oh, and the dogs are too cute. I have a huge 110 lb Pit Bull “puppy” that thinks she is a lap dog.


  32. 82
    Pamela Smith says:

    Loved it! Just made my day! I want to put the chalkboard above bed in my guestroom! Thank you, Beth!

  33. 83
    Julie B says:

    Now she wins the Grand Prize for “repurposing”. Love peeking in ~ thanks for sharing… So good to hear from you! Is it not so cool that we from all over this earth get to come together to memorize scriptures together! Thanks for allowing this to happen 😉

  34. 84
    Kim B. in AZ says:

    Beth, I love and have missed the random posts. Don’t get me wrong I also love the ones that would not be considered random and I learn so much from them. It is just that sometimes fun and random teaches me as much as the other and well is just plain fun.

    Thanks for sharing Janice’s house. I looks like a fun, interesting and welcoming home.

  35. 85
    Carol says:

    You sure encourage me, Beth. Janice, it’s so Christ-like to repurpose something (someone) and breathe new life into it (her)!

  36. 86
    Joy Goley says:

    That was cool!

  37. 87
    liz says:

    Thank you for sharing, what an incredible woman and her wacky wonderful house: )

  38. 88
    Valerie says:

    How fun! Thank you Janice for letting us see inside your home! I particularly love the chicken coop drawers! You are a kick and I love your style! God bless you in the work you do!

    After i read this, I thought, man, are we going to have fun in heaven getting to know each other face to face! Beth, you will have to have a spot and hold a sign, “Siesta’s, meet here!” What a day that will be! The stories we will tell! Thank you, sweet Beth!

  39. 89
    Pam M. says:

    That was just the most fun.. Thanks to both you Beth and Janice for sharing.. One of my goals since I retired in Oct. is to make my little home company ready at any time complete with a meal at the ready in the fridge.. It may take me a while but going to do it… A little guest house would be fun too. But will do a guest room..
    Love ya .. Your a blessing..

  40. 90
    Debbie Maish says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE so creative… Thank you Beth for sharing your beautiful Jesus heart with us. I am going to write that we are not alone in my journal so I have it to remind me always. love you dear sister

  41. 91
    Angela says:

    Such a blessing to have a creative friend! Thanks for sharing!

  42. 92
    Karen - High Point, NC says:

    Oh My Goodness! I want to hug that sweet donkey too 🙂 And those beautiful pups of Janice’s…

  43. 93
    Marsha Householder says:

    This was a joy to see. Thank You So Much. Best House Tour Ever.

  44. 94
    Paula says:

    Tks Beth,
    This is a pleasant break from studying for my exam.

  45. 95
    Jennie spearin says:

    Thank you Janice for letting us see your beautiful,creative home. You can see your joy and your heart in all your work! Just loved that you would honor us in sharing your home! May God bless your home with his presence and purpose! Beth, keeping you in prayer in all your endeavors and travels, thank you for bringing us along, love you Siesta Sisters!

  46. 96
    Judy Acker says:

    Just precious. I love your blog And it is always a delight to read about you.

  47. 97

    Love, Love, Loved this! Thanks for sharing!

  48. 98
    Lynn Watson says:

    Beth, I loved reading this post about Janice! We attended church with Janice and her sweet parents for years and I remember how passionate she was about serving God. Janice is a close friend of my wonderful son-in-law, Kyle Rogers, and I pray for her right along with him as they travel in exciting but sometimes perilous situations, doing God’s assignments.

    I love her decor and can’t wait to get her book!


  49. 99
    Angela - Puzzlepiecesista says:

    That was ASTOUNDINGLY AWESOME!!!! Janice you have done exactly as the LORD JESUS has done for each one of us…

    “Taking TRASH and Turning it into TREASURE”

    Thank you so much for allowing Bethie to share your treasures with Siestaville!!!!

  50. 100
    Angela Larson says:


    Beth that is sooooooooo….NOT you in the photo with Janice….I could tell by the nose….yours is sooooooooo…much more petite! Lol!!! Love you to pieces

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