I’m Never More Like _____________

About three weeks ago I hosted “Girls Weeked” for three of my best friends. Now, before you correct me on spelling “weeked” wrong, I want to assure you I spelled it correctly. You see, the very first year we kicked off our annual girls weekend happened to be a special weekend where one of my best friends, Joanna, was getting engaged. Clearly, as her best friends, we became great deceivers and lied to her the entire weekend until the actual proposal, which was so much fun, yet incredibly hard. Anyway, in my excitement the night before she was to become betrothed, I felt the need to bake us a cake to kick off the weekend. I’m incredibly classy, to say the least, so I baked us none other than a funfetti cake. Fist pump for funfetti, y’all. You know you love it, too. Of course, baking and decorating go hand in hand, so in my attempt at decorating, I wrote “Girls Weeked 2006” and excitedly presented it to the girls when all was said and done. I was SO proud of myself! They nearly all died of hyperventilating right there on the spot when they realized I spelled it completely wrong. I tend to do that when I get excited about such things. From then on, Girls Weeked stuck.

That story is completely irrelevant to the post, but it was fun to re-live.

Moving on.

We actually missed a few years of intentionally planning our girls weekends, but that’s what happens when weddings and babies and moving across the country takes over!

So, needless to say, we were all a tad excited to be together again, and in our home city. Originally we had all planned to attend our ten year reunion together, but when all was said and done, we ended up not going. Don’t hate us. We had our own, and albeit, more exciting reunion. However, since I knew I’d be hosting them this time, my apartment needed a little tidying. Ironically, the week before they came I got into this purging mode and nearly threw or gave away every belonging I owned, and it felt good. That really helped when it came to cleaning. But, having a full time job and something social nearly every evening also put me in a bind, which means I found myself dusting, and um, vacuuming a little after midnight one night.

I’m pretty sure I scrubbed my entire bathroom as well.

BUT I WAS ON A ROLL. You know when you get in those modes and you feel invincible? That’s how I felt. Even my roommate thought I was crazy, but man, our apartment has never looked better.

However, as I was being crazy lady and on my rampage, I thought to myself, I’m never more like my mother than when I’m cleaning at midnight.

It’s true. My mother is the QUEEN of late night shenanigans. Vacuuming. Packing. Cleaning. You name it, she’s most likely been found practicing her craft at midnight. Although it’s not become a true habit of mine yet (we won’t discuss waiting until the last minute to pack), I definitely inherited the get it done at midnight trait from her.

We’ve all experienced something like that when we’re in the middle of accomplishing something and we immediately think of who we’re mimicking, which means, of course, I want to hear yours.

I’m never more like my daughter than when…

I’m never more like my mother than when…

I’m never more like my husband than when…

I’m never more like my grandma than when…

I’m never more like my teacher than when…

You get the point. This could be so funny. Or maybe not. But it’s worth a shot.

Oh, and for the record, the one thing I did NOT do for my friends this year was bake them a misspelled cake. But, to make up for my lack of baking skills, I took them to Tiny Boxwood’s and bought them a cookie. I’m certain they’ve never loved me more. And lest you think that’s lame, don’t judge until you’ve had their cookies. They’re change your life good.

And because we like pictures, here I am with my girls. You might be interested to know that I’ve known these girls since the womb. They’re truly the sister I never had. Only the Lord could weave such a sweet, strong friendship together. Only He could sustain that. I don’t take it for granted and am truly forever grateful!



68 Responses to “I’m Never More Like _____________”

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  1. 1
    Janet says:

    Sounds so fun with your girlfriend weeked. Love it!

    I can so relate with your misspelled cake. I once did it myself. I am not too proud to admit, it was on my son’s cake. I left a “T” out of his name. I was just so happy to get all the writing squished on the cake. Believe it or not I did not notice it until we were at the restaurant and someone pointed it out to me 🙂

  2. 2

    Oh, my dear, that was a FUN WEEKEND. Seriously. I wish you put that convertible pic in this post where we are all windblown and you just look glamorous and stunning. As usual.

    I am never more like my best friend Lindsee than when I am taking a really long time to apply mascara 🙂

  3. 3
    lynda rickey says:

    Lindsee, What a wonderful post! I love it when something memorable happens and then everyone adopts the practice and every time you talk about it you remember and feel connected. Our little rememberance is calling the one and only Mickey Mouse… Rickey Mouse. My sister and I used to stand in front of the tv watching the Mickey Mouse Club which we loved. But by far, our favorite part was the opening which we sang at the top of our lungs as “RIC KEY MOUSE Rickey Mouse, Rickey Mouse..” – you get the idea. And…
    I am never more like my mother when something sparkly catches my eye and before I can stop myself I’m standing in front of it saying “oooo”. Love my momma! Have a great day.

  4. 4
    Corley says:

    I’m never more like my momma than when I drive past an antique store and must. Go. Inside.
    I’m never more like my bestie Mary Margaret than when I wear neutral colored nail polish.

  5. 5
    Tanya says:

    I was fostered. My last foster home was when I was 16. My foster mom would enthusiastically greet the dogs. Probably stupid but for me I am pretty quiet so the first time I playfully and loudly and enthusiastically greeted my dog–I was kind of taken back. Like–woah! that was totally just a Jeri moment (foster mom’s name is Jeri). LOL…think I’m weird if you want. I thought she was weird at first too. But its friendly and fun and I’m proud to be both if I ever really am. My dog knows I am hahaha!

  6. 6
    Michelle Baylerian says:

    I LOVE that you & your friends make a point of it to get together on an almost yearly basis. I use Living proof conferences as a way to have quality time with my friend(s) each year. Love it!! I’m never more like my sister than when I have to have cute containers, plates or other functional things. My motto is if I’m going to use it I want it to look cute (I.e., snack containers, paper clips, iced tea container). You get the picture, CUTE 🙂

  7. 7
    Toni Daniels says:

    Lindsee! Loved this one! I was rolling laughing at the cleaning! You and my Mom! I can remember when I was young and my grandparents were coming (my Daddy’s parents) Mom would stay up all night! Thus when we all had to clean my brother and I would say “Who’s coming over?” We STILL laugh at that! Here goes with your list!

    I’m never more like my daughter than when…I put things off! She is 28 now and I laugh when she tells me that she is putting things off and tell her “That’s ok baby, you get that from your Momma!”

    I’m never more like my mother than when…I tell friends “This too shall pass” I literally thought I would run my head through a wall when I was a teenager if my Mom said that ONE more time! And guess what! I do it all the time! And I actually told my children “Because I said so when they were young.” Glad I didn’t bet my LIFE that I would never say that one!

    I’m never more like my husband than when…I give someone forgiveness and grace. I could spend a lot of time on his story, but suffice it to say, he is a wonderful man. We married 4 years ago. I met him in a college class a couple of months after a good Christian friend told me to “wait for a man who will pray for you.” I never told a soul about that conversation with her. And on our second date my husband said “Can I pray for you”. He had the same last name as the woman that gave me the advice, and no,they are not related and he has still never met her. Still gives me chills. To use Beth’s word, he is PRECIOUS!

    I’m never more like my grandma than when…I make homemade biscuits, (my daddy’s Mom)My mother’s mom popped a can open when we went to her house so you should have seen the look on my daddy’s Momma’s face when she asked if I wanted to help her make the biscuits one morning and I said “YES! Can I open the can?” You’d have thought I had 2 heads!

    Love your Blogs! Thanks for being an inspiration!

  8. 8
    Hannah says:

    Aw, what beauties you all are!! Girlfriends are so essential.

    I really can’t think of an example for myself of “I’m never more like…” ! But this will be food for thought in consideration of whether I am really related to any of my family or not – haha

    Thanks for sharing the hilarity and sweetness, Lindsee

  9. 9
    Bethany says:

    I absolutely love that you have a sweet group of girlfriends to do life with even if your lives are all going in different directions. Love that you all make a priority to meet up. My neighbor who is like a mother to me just met up with 3 other ladies who stood in her wedding with her. One of them she had not seen for over 20 years. It just blessed me so to hear of their time of bonding and fellowship! I hope to form a group of friends like that someday.
    As for your question about who I am most like I would have to say:
    I am never more like my mentor than when I cry with the Lord during my quiet time.
    I am never more like my mother than when I peruse a thrift shop for hours.
    I am never more like my grandmother than when I have greater enjoyment over a hot cup of tea than a cup of coffee.
    I am never more like my father than when I get lost in a book and cannot put it down.

  10. 10
    theresa says:

    I am never more like my Mother than when I’m shopping for a bargain. Oh, how the woman would have loved TJ Maxx. (Miss her so!)

  11. 11
    Connie Salmen says:

    “Forever Friends” are the best! Thanks for sharing this. It brings back great memories!

  12. 12
    WendyBrz says:

    I’m never more like my mom than when I’m yelling at the tv during a Steelers game!

  13. 13
    Melinda Hambrick says:

    I am never more like my mother than when I start crying at church. Because the sermon moves me. Or the music moves me. Or hormones. I remember being so put out with my mother when I was in my teens because she seemed to cry every Sunday. Well,I’m there now. 🙂

    • 13.1
      Genevieve Garrison says:

      Me too. I cried today in church for the same reason. We are so blessed! God is so good!

  14. 14
    Mindy says:

    Loved hearing about y’all’s fun weekend:)
    I am never more like my sister than when get emotionally
    attached to people and then remember they are just characters
    in a book/movie. Lol.

    • 14.1
      Lindsee says:

      Mindy, I can so relate! I love me a good fiction book that gets me emotionally attached. Don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing. Laughing.

  15. 15
    Mary Shang-Lou says:

    LOL this is too funny. Yes, the Lord does give us that kind of bond we would not have enjoyed with other women on our own – not because we are bad or anything but just because our human female selves 🙂 I read this right after coming back home from a dinner with a girlfriend whom I got to know through a Beth Moore study in Beijing (and yes, we both moved to Houston when that study ended, only one month apart from each other time-wise). I still can’t get over it. Following Jesus is never an ordinary thing!
    So I feel you! Thanks for the funny story – loved your telling of it.
    I’m never more like my father than when I try to memorize passages off a beloved book. Since now I follow Jesus, I started doing it with my bible and I thank my father for growing in me that habit.

  16. 16
    Karen, Lincoln, NE says:

    A friend was e-mailing another friend and I about what a crazy day she was having…except she misspelled it CRAXY. So, ever since, when we’re having an especially crazy day we have to call it craxy!!!

  17. 17
    suey says:

    hi lindsee you funny!
    like my mom when i ask to many questions and like
    her when i pray for the whole city state nation and world
    and she has been in heaven for 15 yrs

    like awesome hubby jim speak the right thing

    like my sons when i talk sports
    like my sisters in law when i shut my mouth about
    stuff and mom in law when i laugh alot

  18. 18
    Dori Cook says:

    What a fun post, Lindsee!

    I’m never more like my Daddy than when I see an office supply store. I can’t help but go in. I look over the paper and pens and sharpies and planners and anything else in the store like it is sparkly, gold and full of diamonds! I walked through the school supply section of Target the other day and nearly burst into tears — true story, every word!

    Daddy passed away in March and when I was cleaning out some of his things for Mom, I found a filing cabinet drawer FULL of brand new, unopened office supplies. I packed those babies up in my car and acted like I had just inherited a million dollars!!!

    • 18.1
      Lindsee says:

      That’s sweet, Dori. I feel like those who do not love office supplies may not be human! 😉

  19. 19
    Amber says:

    I’m never more like my mom when I go to the grocery store and the first thing I do is wrap the child safetly belt from the front of the shopping cart, around my purse strap. Multiple times. 🙂
    She has done this all my life and always right in front of ALL the other shopping carts therefore making it impossible for other people to get their cart until she is done making it complete impossible for anyone to steal, or even attempt, to steal her purse while shopping. So now that I’m an adult with children, I humiliate my children and give them the ‘crazy people will steal your stuff’ talk everytime we enter a store. 🙂
    I am attempting to become my mother in many other ways too. She is the most amazing prayer warrior you will ever meet. Some day I want to be just like her.

  20. 20
    Tab says:

    I am never more like my mom than when I hear a set of words that reminds me of a song and start singing… anywhere. I embarrass myself!Cute post:)

  21. 21
    Christine says:

    Love your post..so cute spelling the word wrong and so like me to do it, too!
    By the way…I am never more like my mama than when I make sausage and pepper grinders or bake an apple pie with the family favorite recipes…miss you, Mom!

  22. 22
    Laurie says:

    I’m never more like my mother than when I stand in the grocery store and take each and every egg out of the carton to make sure they’re not cracked anywhere!

  23. 23
    Judy Rinkenberger says:

    I will give You thanks with all my heart; I will sing Your praise before the heavenly beings. I will bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to Your name. Psalm 138:1-2 (HCSB)

  24. 24
    Brenda Trafton says:

    Thank you Abba that you knew we need girlfriends!

    I am like my momma when I just hug and love on people. I hope I grow up to be just like her (and I am 58)! She was the most loving, friendly and sweet lady you will ever meet. Thank you, sweet momma, for a lifetime of love, hugs and teaching me the love of Jesus. I can still feel your arms around me this very day.

  25. 25
    Mindy Rogers says:

    This post really made me smile! I’m in that stage of life where all of my friends are mommas of little ones and that has made it hard to get together when we can really share our hearts. I’ve been looking forward to meeting up for a weekend with all of them at the women’s retreat with my church…and this post made me even more excited!
    I love the challenge and reading all of the others…I’ve had a hard time thinking of mine!
    I am never more like my momma than when I mix up my appliances in a sentence:
    “Can you help me put the dishes in the washing machine?” or “Can you take the dry towels out of the blender?” hahaaa! Our brains overload easily, I guess! 🙂

  26. 26
    Leslie Crawley says:

    I am never more like my dad than when I get up and roam at night – doing like Lindsee was – cleaning, reading, Bible study, etc. 🙂

  27. 27
    Joyce watson says:

    I’m never more like Grandmother than when I am cooking up a good Southern meal with fried chicken and biscuits.

  28. 28
    Diana A. says:

    Well sweet Lindsee, the unfortunate thing is, that as you age, you will turn more & more into your mother. And it is best to come to terms with it, for it is a comin’!

    At first I was bemused to have a moment or two of that is what my mother would say or do, and now it is oh come on, do I have to mimick her? So I can easily say there is too much to list, to say that is like my mother, she stares back at me in my mirror daily, and it is a new experience for sure.

    Mom is laughing with our Lord as I remember her having the same surprise of one day looking in the mirror and seeing her mother there!

  29. 29

    I have never been more like my Siesta Mama than when I published my first book! Ahhhhh!!!

    It just came out on Amazon/ Barnes & Noble! I don’t even have my first copy in my hands yet! This little work on surviving hardships would not exist without Beth’s Bible studies helping me draw close to God and cope through infertility, the adoption process, and my youngest baby girl surviving kidney cancer/chemo, the works at only 13 months old. Siesta Mama, thank you for risking your all for God … for people like me. Thank you too, Lindsee. I love you.



    (ebook should be out shortly!)

  30. 30
    Debbie Rhodus says:

    I find it hard to believe but I have SIX girlfriends with whom I gather once a year and we are celebrating our 40th year of friendship this year! We all met in 1973 as college freshmen at Erskine College in SC. We gather the last weekend in September every year at either one friend’s mountain house in Flat Rock, NC or another friend’s home on Lake Murray in SC. We now reside in three states (SC, NC and FL) . We have experienced weddings, funerals, the birth of our children and now grandchildren together! We now are supporting one in our group who is fighting breast cancer. There’s nothing like having seven praying women bombarding heaven for one another!

  31. 31
    Vicki luu says:

    I’m never more like my dad when I lose my temper

    I’m never more like my husband when I enforce a rule with my kids the first time.

    I’m never more like mom when I’m giving my teenage daughter advice.

  32. 32
    Elisabeth says:

    Ha. Love this!

    I’m never more like my teacher than when I’M teaching and I catch myself stop to say “Anybody?! Anybody?!” and it comes out with an Arkansas accent. (B/C I’m a Californian to the marrow.)
    Not sure this is a good thing:)

  33. 33
    DigiNee says:

    Love Tiny Boxwood’s!

  34. 34
    Genevieve Garrison says:

    I am like my mother in that I hate to waste things. I am not a pack rat by any means but I don’t like throwing perfectly good items away. I would rather give it to someone else or put it to good use.

  35. 35
    Joelle says:

    I am never more like my mom than when… I am watching a show or movie and the character says some sort of inappropriate word or phrase and I whisper to whoever is in the room. “thats not nice”. My daughters say it to me too now when they hear something on tv, and to each other too. And sometimes for a laugh we even say it to my Mom. 😉

  36. 36
    Jan Koehler says:

    I really enjoyed this one! I can relate to the late night cleaning. When I need to get something done, at work, I go in realllllly early! Like 2 or 3AM. I run a group home and there is always a staff there. I great them and go to my office and hop to it. I am never more like my daughter when I mis-hear something. She is blind in one eye and I am profoundly deaf, but wear a cochlear implant. I hear at about 95% with the implant, she sees on one side. She runs in to things and I give the most amazing answers to questions falling under the other 5%. We laugh at and with each other all the time:)

  37. 37
    Emily McAnear says:

    I’m never more like my mom when I sneeze! Sometimes when I sneeze I even look over my shoulder for her because it sounds so much like her! hahaha!

  38. 38
    Cindy C. says:

    Well, my cake was SUPPOSED to say “Happy Tuesday!”, but the T ended up caddywompus, so it looked like “Happy Uesday!” Yes, it has stuck as well. lol

    I am never more like my mother than when I’m doing logic problems.

  39. 39

    You know, it’s funny, because I know I’ve had about a trillion moments where I thought, “Great, I’ve turned into my mother” and now I can’t think of a single one. I do know that recently I had a realization when I was at camp listening to my husband doing one of his trainings with the staff before camp season started (He’s a Camp Director)and he said that he wanted to meet up with them at 8:30ish, and then he said they would find that he likes ish. They’re going to find him saying that a lot. 10ish, 8ish, whatever. He’s not a guy of absolutes. He’d be a terrible mathematician, and it really challenges this black and white thinker by the way, but I thought to myself, “Wait, I say that a lot.” I’ll ask my AA sponsor, you want to meet at 9:30ish on Tuesday, and then I thought, wait…did I ever say that before I met Josh, and you know what I think I did. It’s funny how, without even realizing it after you’ve lived with someone or been in a relationship with someone for a few years they start to rub off on you. Even little things like “ish.”

  40. 40
    Pamela McDonald says:

    I am never more like my mom than when I start giggling inappropriately if I am really nervous. This can be so embarrassing!!

  41. 41
    Stephanie Volkmer says:

    I am never more like my mom until I stand in the grocery store and reorganize my list so that I can go around and hit everything from the furthest to the closest.
    I am never more like my dad then when I go up to a complete stranger and start talking
    I am never more like one of my spiritual sista’s then when I weep and soak up the worship of the Father.

  42. 42
    Barbara Head says:

    I also have a group of friends that still get together after 30 years. We call ourselves “The Girls” and we range in age from 79 years all the way down to the baby of 55 years. I am never more like “The Girls” than when I am doubled over in laughter and bawling tears of joy!

  43. 43
    Heather says:

    I catch myself ALL THE TIME when I am teaching! But my sweet students do not realize the words I am echoing of precious violin teachers from my past. I want to go back to each one of those teachers & let them know the huge impact their words had on my life (and my violin playing!).

    Because I’ll use a phrase, or demonstrate in a way that makes me think… “I am never more like my favorite violin teacher than when I get down on the floor with the 5 year old & bring out the stickers!”

    Lord, thank you for the lives we imitate! May we reflect YOUR image more & more each day.

  44. 44
    Rebecca Rush says:

    O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. Psalm 34:9

  45. 45
    Brianna says:

    I’m never more like my grandma than when I try to feed anyone and everyone who is at my house longer than 5 minutes.

    I’m never more like my best friend than when I’m yelling at a football game on tv between 2 teams that I have no attachement to at all, just because I love football.

  46. 46
    Pam says:

    “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways”, says the Lord.
    Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

  47. 47
    Natashajk says:

    I’m never more like my mom when I am in my yard working among my flowers! I am never more like my grandma when I leave someone (or sign an e-mail/letter) saying, “Love and Prayers go with you always.” I love that phrase of hers.

  48. 48
    katiegfromtennessee says:

    I’m never more like my older sister than when I’m told I sound just like her and even look like her sometimes even though we live states apart.

  49. 49
    BethPAtl says:

    The packing? If it’s a plane trip, I usually throw it in 15 minutes before departure and sort it out when I get there, hoping something matches.

    If it’s a car trip, I’m never more like my Mother when I throw in everything from the fridge and the pantry so that we can’t see out the back window – and usually never use it!

    Loved this post! Thanks for giving me a giggle!

  50. 50
    Jason says:

    I’m never more like my grandma than when I stumble for minutes trying to think of which of my kid’s names I wanted to call out. And we only have two. Need to get that checked out. Lindsee, don’t know how many guys follow your blog, but I happened upon it, and enjoy your wacky, random sense of humor. Thanks!

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