Good Saturday Morning, wonderful blog community. I’ve thought of you so many times this week and knew that some of you really active ones were wondering where on earth the Mama was. Sabrina told me a few weeks ago that I had a week off coming up and I knew in that moment what I wanted to do with it. I did not take it off but I did stay home each day this week – out here in the country – and gave my full attention to a personal project. I normally still would have blogged at least once but, for the life of me, I could not think of anything to say. I’ve just had a quiet of sorts fall on me. Have you had times like that? Times when a stab of pain was personal enough and stunning enough to somehow cause you to put your hand over your mouth and keep it there a while? Times when you want to scream, “What is going on here? What is this madness? How did this happen??”
If you’re like me, you find it much easier to talk about a storm in its wake. In the middle of it, you’re just trying to hold on tight to the edges of the boat and keep from throwing up while it rocks to and fro. I’m still in it so I’d rather not even speak to it directly and once again ask you to resist conjecture as well. This is such a public format. I don’t want anyone involved in the challenge hurt by any words here. There’s enough hurt. But I want to be able to minister here and serve here and share with you even in the middle of a hard situation. Please let me leave it at that. Staying general invites more people to relate anyway.
One reason I have a quiet come over me in a season like this is the pure length of time that can be involved. Yesterday someone I’m crazy about shot me a very loving text that included, “How is it all going?” and I never answered it because it’s going the same as it went last week. Anybody understand what I’m saying? This dyed in the wool sanguine likes to say, “SO MUCH BETTER!” I don’t like to burden people long term. Oh heck, I don’t like to be burdened long term either. Who does?? In our humanity, we all wear out eventually. But sometimes the fact is, we’re not quite at the point of so much better yet. We will be. Make no mistake. Those of us who are willing to let Jesus minister to us in the deepest parts of our souls and knead the crushed grain of brokenness into break will indeed be so much better. It’s just a matter of time. Satan will indeed be defeated. And God will make sure he’s sorry.
I decided I had the words to write to you this morning – not because I felt talky all the sudden but – because Charles Spurgeon supplied them to me. They landed on a sore spot in my soul and brought some comfort and insight. I thought I’d just share the whole thing with you then make a closing comment or two. From Morning and Evening, today’s date…
“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.”
— Psalm 55:22
Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin. The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Saviour, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression: for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. We attempt to think of that which we fancy he will forget; we labour to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if he were unable or unwilling to take it for us. Now this disobedience to his plain precept, this unbelief in his Word, this presumption in intruding upon his province, is all sinful. Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin. He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God’s hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself. This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counsellor, and resorting instead to human wisdom. This is going to the “broken cistern” instead of to the “fountain;” a sin which was laid against Israel of old. Anxiety makes us doubt God’s lovingkindness, and thus our love to him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking. Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from him; but if through simple faith in his promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon him, and are “careful for nothing” because he undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to him, and strengthen us against much temptation. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.”
Spurgeon, C. H. (2006). Morning and evening : Daily readings (Complete and unabridged; New modern edition.). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
I think I’ve told you before that I like to do my early morning reading out of a different translation than the one I use the rest of the time. Different wording often has a way of stirring up a different response in me. So, a couple of translations sit on my desk where I have my quiet time. One is always The NET Bible because Melissa gave it to me several years ago and it has (literally) “60,932 Translators’ Notes.” If I’m not presently doing a Bible study in my quiet time like the one I just finished of Kelly Minter’s, then often I’ll open up a devotional reading like Spurgeon’s. Because many of the daily devotionals don’t have longer Bible readings assigned with them, I check the verse they’re using then turn to that chapter in my Bible and read it. (True to form, I’m making this explanation harder than it has to be. I’ll try to cut to the chase.)
SO, this morning I opened up The NET Bible and read a large portion of Psalm 55. When I got to verse 22 – the verse captioned in the Spurgeon devotional – I sat tight on the NET translation:
“Throw your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never allow the godly to be upended.”
Maybe you’re visual, too, and right about now you’re picturing throwing. Like hauling off and throwing something as hard as you can. And maybe getting a little frustration and madness out of your soul while you’re at it. Maybe crying while you’re doing it. Even out loud.
Before you’re tempted to hold it to your chest and suffocate yourself nearly to death with it.
Then something else spoke to me. It was one of those 60, 932 scholars’ notes. The comment footnotes the word “you” at the end of the phrase “Throw your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.” I’ll just cut and paste the note from my Bible software so you can see it for yourself.
“The pronoun is singular; the psalmist addresses each member of his audience individually.”
Biblical Studies Press. (2006; 2006). The NET Bible First Edition Notes (Ps 55:22). Biblical Studies Press.
Individually. We EACH have the invitation to throw our burdens upon the Lord and let Him sustain us. Not the “we” of us. The “you” and “me” of us. We also each have the responsibility. In other words, no one can throw our burden on the Lord for us. We can’t call in a relief pitcher. Don’t misunderstand. We can certainly call upon people to pray for us and with us and the New Testament adamantly tells us to carry one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) but listen. There is a difference between a burden that is entrusted for us in a season that we are to partner in sharing and carrying. Say, for instance, a long term illness or thorn in the flesh. But the part of the burden that we are inadvertently – even accidentally – playing God over needs to be THROWN, Girlfriend. The part we’re suffocating under because we’re no longer walking, we’re laying down with it on top of us, needs to be…
When we keep trying to figure out what would fix it, then we try that, and it doesn’t work so we wring our hands and go to the next fix, we need to throw it. We cannot be Savior. We know that because, Lord help us, we cannot even save ourselves.
I so don’t want to be depressing this morning. Forgive me. See? That’s why I’m not as anxious to write while I’m right in the middle of something. But, after this morning’s reading, I don’t feel as depressed about it. I feel a little lighter. A little less weight on my chest. My hope is that you do, too. And if you do, it won’t be this post. It will be Jesus.
Oh, you guys. I love you so much. I care so much. Don’t grow weary. God is working. Jesus IS Savior. HE WILL SAVE.
Yep I totally understand where you are coming from!! And I continue to throw it back to Him and completely trust that He has everything under control!! Thanks for the reminder tho!! And yes! We WiLL have the victory!!
Dear Beth my first reaction before reading the entire post, was to think of someway to make you feel better. As I got to the end I realized how I’m not able to make you feel better. This is a time for a one on one with The One and Only.
The last time I went through such a time I did just as written in the devotional. I threw it to him! It just happened to be at the 2008 Living Proof conference in San Antonio. I left it there picked my inheritance back up and chose to be healed.
Praying for you and I love you.
Dear Mama Beth,
You are so loved. We don’t need the details. But we sure can throw our hearts and hands up in prayer for you. Thank you for sharing. The devotion was a blessing. I have been doing your Living Beyond Yourself. God slowed me down this week after a very busy month finishing up in the classroom with my second and third graders. I found myself seeing things a bit differently and your bible study is showing me how God is still happening and He is a “now” God. I am seeing beyond myself and getting back on track with my quiet time and I have been so loved by God. I don’t know why I thought you needed to hear that, except that God loves you so very much and He is a “now” God for you as well.
love you
Siesta Mama, thank you for sharing this morning. It was so encouraging and such a strong reminder. We are sending you hugs and kisses!!! And, we are praying for you.
And would you and all the Siestas pray for my husband’s Aunt Barbie. She fell this morning and has a bleeder on the brain. She is in critical condition and I am assuming is in (or going into) emergency surgery. She knows Jesus.
Praying for Aunt Barbie right now!!![🙂](
You are so precious! I needed this today. Prayers for you and your cares and thank you for yours for me.
Just praying for you, sweet Beth, with so much love.
Thanks for sharing so openly Beth. I have been walking through a storm of my own recently, and this really spoke to my heart. It is so hard for me to let go of my burdens, and to truly surrender them to God. Thanks for the encouragement! I pray that God brings encouragement and healing to you in this tough time as well.
Just keep throwing,Just keep throwing, throwing, throwing, throwing!! I will too!! The long arm of The Lord will catch for us!
Love to you,
I so needed this. From first “bolded word.” You don’t even know what a blessing you are Beth (and not saying this to flatter at all). God shines through you and opens scriptures through you. Thank you for raw truths- to God be the glory. Oh, now I am gonna go cry….
Sweet Siesta Mama,
It makes me smile just to get to address you that way. Thank you for allowing, maybe even encouraging that. I’m nearly your age, but sometimes could sorely use a little mothering. Perhaps we all could.
I believe that many of us here simply took your silence as evidence of the greatness of your burden, and prayed all the more for it. And as usual, Spurgeon said it well, didn’t he? Believe it or not, I stumbled on an old copy of that devo while cleaning out the closet of a precious extended family member that had gone Home. Real Home. I need to make sure it doesn’t end up in the top of my closet, and open it more![🙂](
Good mamas know when to just listen a bit and rub our backs, don’t they? Offer some hot coffee or iced tea (depending on the season and time of day). And pray, and then pray some more.
Well, Siesta Mama, my youngest just graduated hs so I have some extra helpings of mothering on board. I hope you felt that slight rub to your shoulders and heard the ice tinkle in your glass (it is in the 90’s here, after all). You just call me, “Siesta GRANDmama”. It seems fittin’
Praying. God’ll help us know what to say. Rom 8:26
My youngest just graduated too!!! Congratulations!! Now is when we really need to press into prayer and trust God with our adult children! And we thought it was challenging when they were little!!!![🙂](
Thank you, Colette
Congratulations to you, too! And you’re completely right about prayer. God has certainly “up-ed the game”, or more accurately, asked me to.
Mrs. Beth,
This wasn’t too depressing – it was just what i need to hear, right now. I love Charles Spurgeon! He always has a way of making things crystal clear.
That said, i know that i have to give a couple of what i might have called “frets” (but i now see as “threats” to the very strength of my faith) the old heave-ho.
In imagining the heavy load i’d like to toss, I can just see myself swinging it, “one… two… three…” (trying to gain momentum) and letting it fly.
The funny thing is, no matter how heavy it may be, i don’t have to worry about how far i can throw it — He will meet me there. (It was already in His hands… I really just need to LET GO.)
It reminds me of when i play catch with my young nieces & nephews.
No matter where they toss it, i’m always impressed, and tell them what a good job they did. :] My guess is that my heavenly Father is even better at that with His little ones, than i am. {happy sigh}
That’s such a lovely thought, realizing that our Father is just as delighted with our throws as we would be with a much-loved child. I’m not good at throwing, figuratively or otherwise, but this gives me courage to do it anyway and know He will not let me be “upended” as the NET puts it. Thanks for sharing, ya’ll–such blessings in the Word.
Oh Dear Beth how I understand!! When things aren’t going well I too tend to shut down and shut out. I do not want to talk or share for many reasons.
This blog is so wonderful because we can “share” in general and know that our Siesta(s) are praying and we don’t have to “talk” any further. No questions, no judgment.
Praying for you
Thanks so much, Beth. This morning before reading this I was suffocating under a tremendous burden. I needed this. Please pray for me.
– Michelle
Oh,Beth needed this so badly this morning–and yet–right after i read it earlier fear and torrment just consummed me abt my daughter–I feel like I have NO stenghth to throw this terrible burden–it has literally buried me. I will try reading this again–but I sure don’t like that panic that overtook me the first time. But it’s true what Sprurgeon said abt carrying this to the extent that I have.
Just wanted to say–last nite I prayed,begged,cried,even started “making deals w/God(as if..hahaha…) anyway despite all that God answered–He blocked something that looked like was going to happen-but it didn’t-don’t want to be too specific here but this has gianven me a breath of hope I haven’t had in months–if someone prayed-thank-you and please continue. Praise God for this post yesterday,Beth–I am so sorry for this trial of yours–but just know this post broke something here in my life.
Thank you more than I can say. This is exactly what I need today. You were wise and kind to pass on the comfort God gave you. May He show Himself strong in your behalf and your loved ones’. I love you back!
Praying for you and all of us in Siestaville!
Thank you for sharing, this touches me in my own storm. Praying for you and yours. Love you so.
Thank you so much for sharing this today. I too have some anxious thoughts that need to be “thrown!” God helping me, that is exactly what I shall do.
I also wanted to thank you for the amazing conference in Boise. I can not begin to tell you how perfectly timed it was for me in a situation I am dealing with. As a Pastor’s wife, it’s easy to allow yourself to become “hindered” by so many good things. Your challenge to live unhindered and to focus on the passion God has called us to hit so close to home. Thank you!
dear siesta mama,
as i have been recovering from surgery these past 2 weeks, i decided to FINALLY scrapbook my pics from the 2010 SSMTC. i was overwhelmed once again at how God can and has and is still working through you and all those at LPM.
He lovingly blessed me this morning as i read this post. thank You Jesus for Beth Moore and the way You use her to speak comfort, encouragement and exhortation into my life.
Praying for you and your family right now, siesta mama.
Such comforting words Mama Beth. Been wondering how you are and praying for you!
How awesome it was to know there are other sisters out there that struggle with wanting to fix what should have been “thrown” instead. Thank you.
dearest beth ~
you are such a blessing… i wasn’t even going to check the blog this morning ‘cuz it’s saturday – but i got the nudge thing – and then god spoke to me through you. isn’t it funny how that works? when we need it most, there it is! your words hit me like a brick to the chest – so real and necessary, for i totally understand and relate to what you’re expressing; realizing that i, too, need to throw some things so i will no longer suffocate in my need for jesus. thank you, beth, for words to chew on – that come from scripture. this was not depressing – it was life giving for me… exactly what i needed today which the lord knew because he nudged me to come read it – a lovely way to begin the weekend focusing on him, learning to throw some burdens, gaining victory. sending big cyber hugs your way, girlfriend…
Hey Siesta Mama:
I immediately got the mental picture of a pitcher throwing a 100 mph fast ball. Hurling the ball towards home plate. Using all the energy, emotion, hurt and ache to just heave it towards the catcher.
Oh how we need to heave our burdens towards our ultimate “Catcher”…just heaving it there. He’s big enough, wise enough, in shape enough to catch that ball of burden no matter how hard we heave it.
Thank you.
That brings the word the Lord gave me for 2012. Abandoned – I guess one can not fully live abandoned to Christ until she throws off all the stuff that keeps her bound. I am not sure this is encouraging or not, but I am praying for you and thank you for praying for all of us. I want desperately to live a life abandoned to Christ, but am still caught up in doing, not being.
Thank you Jesus! How I needed this word today as I have been wallowing in a pit of fear and discouragement all the while beating myself up because I am here, knowing better than this…. Thinking (wrongly)that if I figure it all out on my own, know the reasons, the whys, then I can fix it. I don’t need to fix it, I need to throw it and completely trust God. I am wrung out with trying to be in control, but know He will give me strength to throw it. Thank you Beth for sharing your heart today.
Love you Beth. Throw your burdens to God then hug your dogs and go to Chic-Fil-A. I know it’s not spiritual and certainly won’t change anything. But funny how it just helps, in particular the dog part. Helps me immensely to hug and talk (picture 2 basset hounds) to them when I’m sad.
Think of you often.
Oh, Beth. You are ALWAYS able to put into words what I’m feeling. Thank you for sharing yourself with us even in the midst of your storm. I am joining you in THROWING. Ready, aim, THROW. I love you — healing WILL come.
Beth, You are so loved ! Praying for you and so thankful to you for sharing. This week I was listening to Chuck Swindoll on the radio and he said the one thing that all believers need to hear and be reminded of is that God is for us and that he loves us. Such a simple truth that I have heard so many times and yet I sobbed when he said it. Life is hard right now and I have constantly had to say all week,sometimes in a low, tembling voice with a mustered up seed of faith, GOD IS FOR ME ! …and indeed He is. Blessings and peace to you !
Beth- Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Praying for you now. This was just what I needed to read this morning- so thank you for so clearly stepping out of your comfort this morning and obeying God so He could speak directly to a deep place in my heart. Heart is beyond heavy and I’m ready to throw it all away. Thank you! Praying God turns our mess always into His message.
Thank you so much for sharing this Beth! I called on Jesus this morning to help me trust Him and not be so anxious. What an answer to prayer your post is!
We have sold our house to move closer to my husband’s work, but have not found a new one! Please pray for us! I know He is going to blow our socks off, but even as I say that, I am a little short of breath. Escrow closes on Thursday, then our family will be on an adventure with Him—but aren’t we always! It is all about our Guide, our Great Deliverer. Thank you for reminding me.
Praying for you and all the Siestas
Thank you for your post. I love psalm 55:22. It gives me such encouragement as I am in the throws of a struggle right now. It all boils down to TRUST….are we going to cast our cares on the lord and trust him or not. Like we learned in the James study we need to count it all joy when we go through trials because god is developing perserverance. Easy to say….not so easy to do but all we can do is keep trying:)
I needed to read your comment. Can’t really explain it, but it touched something deep within me. I don’t usually take the time to read all of the comments because I don’t have time to, but after reading this post – I HAD to. I have never wanted to ‘throw’ something so much in my whole life. TRUST. That’s is really what it boils down to for me. Do I TRUST that God can do all that He says He can? Do I TRUST him in a situation that breaks my heart and that I have no control over? I have no choice but to trust him.
Thank you Beth and Thank you Vicki
Dear Siesta,
How I long for your insights and today like times past, God mOved in my heart! I have the same bible translations but because of your gift, God opens it up to you in such a deep and powerful way! I’ve even tOld God On YOU for getting more than I do! Grin thanks for being so open with your life and allowing your insights to be shared so that all of us can grow In our own walk as well as pray for you! YOur gifting has changed me and I will forever be grateful to God for having Our paths to cross!
Your siesta sista
Deb in Arkansas
Thank you so much. I appreciate your “wordiness” b/c you give me new insight into my walk w/ the Lord and my morning time…so don’t stop talking
I love how you said “the devil will be sorry”…have a wonderful weekend and I do pray that the Lord brings you peace when you sleep at night and peace throughout your day.
Hi Beth and Siestas!![🙂](
I haven’t commented on the blog for over 3 months!I have only been sporadically able to read it. My daughter who was widowed last July at the age of 23, only to find herself pregnant two weeks after the death of her husband…had that baby in February! So very much sorrow in the last year, but oh so much joy and redemption in that baby boy! I felt a little like what you said, Beth….I was in the middle of “it” and just couldn’t find words. Coming here today was good for my soul. Throwing…not away…but TO God….PERFECT image for me today.
SO looking forward to LPL, Colorado Springs, next month
Love you too, Miss Beth!
I have missed your comments on the blog. Good to have you back. I hope you are enjoying your new grandson.
Thank you for writing this today. I needed the reminder that I can throw my burdens onto God. I have been trying to carry one I shouldn’t and this was the reminder to stop doing that. Thanks.
Oh, Beth, thank you so much for this word. Psalms 55 is one of my favorite and you just gave a new meaning to favorite.
But the following that I am cut and pasting really spoke to me this morning because I am the mom of two young adult Christian children, each in rebellion, each with their own set of problems, emotional, spiritual and otherwise and I seem to keep allowing myself to be overthrown and not throwing it to God. Instead I do let it just about suffocate me.
“But the part of the burden that we are inadvertently – even accidentally – playing God over needs to be THROWN, Girlfriend. The part we’re suffocating under because we’re no longer walking, we’re laying down with it on top of us, needs to be…
When we keep trying to figure out what would fix it, then we try that, and it doesn’t work so we wring our hands and go to the next fix, we need to throw it. We cannot be Savior. We know that because, Lord help us, we cannot even save ourselves.”
Thank you for allowing God to use a situation that has affected you and I can only surmise your family deeply for the encouragement and edification of others. I will remember you all in my prayers and trust that perhaps this will cross the screen of someone on your team that would pray that this truth becomes ingrounded in my soul.
I also appreciate the standard of confidentiality and respect that you are showing towards the person or persons involved…May He bring peace and resolution in His time…OK just a quick word from Andrew Murray that might encourage you….
First, He brought me here, it is by His will I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child. Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, In His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows.
Bless you, Beth and your God given ministry. You are loved by me and a special group of friends here in my community. We pray for you often.
Melinda Hohenberger
Dear Beth — I read this same Spurgeon devotional thought this morning. Oh, how he can minister to us. It struck me right in the heart as well and I was so excited to read your post about it.
Hang in there, girlfriend! You are so very, very loved by so very, very many. Will be seeing you in Cedar Park in July–can’t wait!
Jackie, Bandera, TX
Hi Beth,
I read the blog all the time but have been a reading Siesta only – not a participating one…
Anyway, I felt compelled to write and Thank You for you for writing what you did. It spoke to where I am today. Amazing how and what God uses to speak to us.
I needed this. I have exhausted my toolbox of “fixes”. None have worked. I am learning to “throw my burden” by default.
This slow learner is learning to pray.
I appreciate you and your willingness to be honest about your daily walk with God.
I will pray for you and ask that you pray for me.
Sweet Beth!
I needed this too today! Thank you for sharing with us so openly and without details! How we need each other in the body of Christ!
Much love from my heart to you
Oh Beth, my heart needed to hear these words today. Thank you for writing even in the midst of the storm. I know I am not the only one blessed by your faithfulness and by His message through you. I will begin this new week attempting to throw the burden of my own storm onto Him. I pray we all can learn how to really follow through with that need.
Needed to hear that. And twice in one week apparently. The “wringing of our hands” reference. Just finished up Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning the Voice of God, and in the bonus clip the group spoke of that too. So, I am about to go THROW it to the Lord and He WILL sustain me!
Written for ME….yes, this was ALL written just for me! And how in the world did you know???!!! I’m gonna keep this post for a few days and re-read it again and again. You (and God) are talking to me so big time that I think I’ll need to just chew on this for awhile. I love your clarity on THROW! That is making a lot of sense…Many thanks for being Siesta Momma. Blessings upon blessings come my way through this community, and I appreciate this beyond measure.
Praying for Gay and will continue…
thank you so much for sowing even in your sorrow!
you taught me this lesson long ago at one of your simulcast.
bringing you before the throne of grace and to the mercy seat. praying the Father comforts and keeps you as you go through this storm!!
love you so much as a sister in Jesus!
Dear Sister,
I read that same Spurgeon this morning… The climb has been so, so steep. Dearest daughter suffering from a brain injury 2 years ago when hit by a drunk driver…the whole family groaning under the weight of the fallout…and I will surely never be able to keep carrying this load. With you friend, with you.
Praying the love & revelation of our Lord continues to bring comfort and redeem this stormy season for you. Live you, sweet friend.
Great thoughts-I’m throwing it all on Jesus right now!
Oh, Beth – thank you for sharing in the middle of your hard time. Those words answered some questions I’ve been asking. I’m praying for you. Thank you for always pointing to Jesus.
Many sweet blessings to you and yours –
Beth, thanks. I just THREW!
My sweet Beth, During this past year the Lord has been teaching me this lesson that worry and anxiousness are just another way that I try to be my own savior. I know that we have all been there and I’m so grateful that Jesus supplies us with His infinite mercy and grace. I will continue to pray for you and your precious family. I know that Jesus will be with you every step of this journey and my prayer will be that you feel His loving arms around you for every step. In the meantime, I love you to pieces! Love, Lynda
I love you! I’m sorry that you are hurting. I am so glad that you had that moment with the Lord this morning reading in Spurgeons devotional. I read that devotional each morning too. So, I loved that God used it to speak to you this morning![🙂](
I am in a financial crisis right at this moment and in the midst of some unpleasant realizations related to a few familial relationships. I need to THROW those things that are stressing me off. The responsibility is mine and it is yours. We are certainly in this life thing together as sisters in the body (your more like a mama than a sister though!) and we pray for each other but there are moments when it is between us and Jesus alone.
I’m praying for you my sweet Bethie. I love you dear one.