A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway

#2067  Edie Jones!
I think you will all so appreciate the first sentence of her comment:

“My husband is in Afghanistan and a few ‘favorite things’ would brighten my day!”

How about that, Sisters?!? OK, Edie, please contact Living Proof Ministries at toll free (888) 700-1999 and give us an address. Please ask for Kimberly or Susan. Knowing what we now know, all of us here would want so much to send you to the beach…but, instead, we’re sending the beach to you. ENJOY!!!

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: this post will embody most everything you anticipate and perhaps even despise about women’s ministry. There will even be pink nail polish. As the great Professor Thornbury said a few weeks ago on the Twitterverse “something is not a stumbling block if you can see it coming.” So, consider yourself warned.

Colin and I just returned from a week at the beach in Mexico. It was crazy fantastic. I slept. I read classic literature. I also swam with a dolphin named Duey. And on the day I returned home I was greeted abrasively by a stomach bug and a crick in my neck so bad I could barely move my head. Oh, and then my 100 lb puppy Winston ate my over-priced prescription eye-glasses. But how can I really be frustrated with this bad boy?

Anyway, since this weekend was the Memorial Day holiday I scrolled through numerous tweets from people who were somewhere fabulous while I was at home with a bag of frozen corn under my neck. And I began to weep for the serenity of the ocean and my dolphin Duey.

But enough about me.

I want to talk about you.

I got to thinking that there may be some of you who won’t get a break this summer. While nearly everyone you know is off to some fabulous island, you won’t get a moment’s rest. For whatever reason, you won’t be able to retreat to the beach or the mountains or to wherever else makes your heart happy. We want to send a little fun and lots of love your direction so we’re doing a random give-away. And it will not include commentaries, concordances, or anything super useful or meaningful.

This giveaway is simply full of some of my personal favorite summer things including: Bobbi Brown Beach parfum (seriously smells exactly like the beach!), classic Ray-Ban aviators, Votivo Candle in White Ocean Sands, a pair of bright yellow Moleskine notebooks, Tea Forte’ Pomegranate Blackberry Iced Tea, and America’s Test Kitchen Best Summer Dessert recipes. See the contents below:




There are really no conditions for this giveaway. My hope, of course, is that this gift makes it into the hands of someone who simply can’t get a break this year and not someone who is heading to the Maldives or Bora Bora next week to stay in one of those little huts with glass floors sprawled across sparkling turquoise waters. But truly, if this gift brings a big smile to a single one of your faces that is quite enough for me.

So, please enter your name in the comments section if you could use a little sunshine in your world. We’ll do a random drawing and announce the winner at noon on this Thursday the 31st.


You are loved.



3,748 Responses to “A Few of my Favorite Summer-ish Things: A Random Giveaway”

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  1. 2501
    Harriette says:

    After a wonderful Memorial weekend with our sons & grand baby & other family, I find myself extremely thankful but can’t shake the blues! Thanks for the reminder that there are others who don’t know if they’ll get a vacation either & probably some who would think my life IS a vacation compared to theirs!

  2. 2502
    Diana Breaux says:

    ooh how i would LLoooovvvveee this!! (:

  3. 2503
    Kimmi Hayes says:

    What a wonderful gift! Such a great way to relax, even if you are at home and not at the beach!

  4. 2504
    Shalyn Hamlin says:


  5. 2505
    Tammy Shatto says:

    Thanks for thinking of us Melissa! 🙂

  6. 2506
    Kelli says:

    Sounds great! We are not able to get away but will enjoy the warm weather at home!

  7. 2507
    susan says:

    I would love this! Susan Farmer

  8. 2508
    Danielle says:

    Yay for random giveaways! No summer vacation for me this year but hopefully some very intentional time with family.

  9. 2509
    Sarah Edwards says:

    Love this idea!!! I won’t be vacationing anytime soon but God is always good! I want to do this at church, so I will be borrowing your idea! As much as I would love this, if picked please pick someone else. I know God will pick the one who really, really needs this. I just wanted to tell you I love this idea!
    God Bless You and your family!!!
    In Christ,

  10. 2510
    Brittany McMahon says:

    Brittany McMahon- such an awesome idea!

  11. 2511
    Dana S. says:

    Alas no beach in store for this girl, just a quick roadtrip out of state for a nephews graduation…..sigh

  12. 2512
    Kimmi Hayes says:

    It is so thoughtful of you to give this collection of gifts away. There is nothing like a break in the day to day, same old same old routine!

  13. 2513
    Jolene says:

    You siestas never cease to amaze me with your wonderful creativity and geniune care for all of us woman out there! I always look forward to new words of wisdom! Blessings.

  14. 2514
    Pam Fread says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Ahhhh! Your trip sounded fantastic where you could bask in the artistry of God’s beautiful creation!!! I just love the smell of the beach, ocean and following the footprints in the sand when I have the opportunity to go to the beach.:):) This Summer our Bible Study finished “Jesus The One and Only which we all LOVED!! I am thrilled to be taking off a week of work this summer and having my 3 yr. and 7yr. old Grandchildren stay for a week. We will do fun activities, swim and finish up each day with vacation bible school. Missing the beach but, much more joy with the Grandbabies!!! I follow your blog as well as your moms and you both reach the heart of many women! Keep up your great works, passion and mission for our GREAT Jesus!! Set the sail and let the wind move you! Blessings to you and the family! Pam

  15. 2515
    Emily Ferris says:


  16. 2516
    Kathy says:

    What a sweet idea! Thank you for thinking of us. All of those gifts look wonderful. That will be such a great blessing for some dear sisters.

  17. 2517
    Jodi says:

    Ahhhh! Would love to win!! I hope y’all have a wonderful summer!

  18. 2518
    Jodi S says:

    Looks like a great bag of goodies! Would love to win it. 🙂

  19. 2519
    Larci says:

    How I wish I were getting away this summer, but here I am stuck in Iowa of all places. Instead of vacation I am following the Lord’s call to lead the James study with a precious group of women.
    All for His glory!

  20. 2520
    Sherry Payne says:

    FUN! Would love an opportunity to win! Thanks for all you do!!

  21. 2521
    Marilyn says:

    What a blessing! My husband and I won’t be going on a vaca. I’m looking for a job and his work has been slow. Our kids are scattered all over the country, so it’s just us and it gets a little lonely at times. But, God is in control! Looks like a wonderful gift bag of smiles! 🙂

  22. 2522
    Donna Hess says:

    Thanks for your kindness and generosity. You are a blessing.

  23. 2523
    Melissa A. says:


  24. 2524
    Beverly says:

    oh pick me pick me!!! LOL!

  25. 2525
    Angela Spruill says:

    What a thoughtful thing to do. How wonderful for someone to receive a “random” blessing! Lord, may whomever receives this gift be richly blessed by your goodness!

  26. 2526
    Beth Kinsey says:

    Wow! What an awesome “Retreat in a bag”
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  27. 2527
    Alethia Hauffman says:

    Boy, could I use some beach in my life right now! :o)

  28. 2528
    Rebecca says:

    Ohh…I little bit of summer packed in a bag! 🙂

  29. 2529
    Jennifer Hornback says:

    I could use some sunshine! 🙂

  30. 2530
    Sylvia Goree says:

    No vacation planned. I generally use my vacation days to spend time with my grandson. Alas, I take too many days off to spend with him so I’m working to build my vacation days back up to take him on a trip hopefully next spring.

  31. 2531
    Mickey Carlson says:

    You always bring a little sunshine to my days!! Thank you for your willingness to serve and teach!! You have given me so much to ponder! Throw my name in!:)

  32. 2532
    Karmen Wade says:

    Ill be spending the summer planning for my daughters freshman year of high school (homeschooled). Scary and exciting. Please enter me in the contest.

  33. 2533
    Lynn Koch says:

    This would be truly a blessing from the Lord. After a most stressful spring, it would be another way that my heart and spirit would be lifted. One thing I have learned through all of this is that God is tremendously in control, and when I submit to His will and ways, I am lead to peace…wherever I might be….at the beach to enjoy God’s creation, or in my Midwest situation continuing to serve Him!

  34. 2534
    Andrea says:

    This is such a neat giveaway! I won’t be going anywhere, don’t have the funds or the time off from work either.

  35. 2535
    Molly C says:

    I have a big puppy myself. I totally understand getting your stuff chewed up!

  36. 2536
    Carol S. says:

    How fun! We paid off the car instead of a vacation this summer!

  37. 2537
    Christy Potter says:

    This is such a sweet offer. Thanks for thinking about those of us that are not financially able to enjoy a beach vacation. And of course I am addicted to pink polish!

  38. 2538
    Marilyn says:

    We don’t have plans right now. Home Sweet Home sounds nice right now!

  39. 2539
    Beth says:

    Looks like an awesome bag of goodies. Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. 2540
    Emma DaShiell says:

    What a thoughtful idea! 🙂

  41. 2541
    Megan P says:

    What a fun goodie bag!!! Love it!

  42. 2542
    Babs Brooks says:

    What fun! Love everything about it. Add me to the drawing!

  43. 2543
    Ida Mae says:

    Wishing for a beach trip, but alas, it is not for me this summer. 🙁 What a special treat you are bringing into someone’s life.

  44. 2544
    Kim Zerbe says:

    I’m responding for my daughter Laura as she is slaving away in grad school this summer with no break. It would just make her day/summer to receive these goodies that you’ve collected!
    PS She is studying to be a speech pathologist. I’m so crazy proud of her!:)

  45. 2545
    Cameron says:

    Thanks for offering such a nice basket.

  46. 2546
    Harriett says:

    Would be so delighted to win!

  47. 2547
    Cathy says:

    That would be a perfect start to summer. What a neat idea!

  48. 2548
    Teri Smith says:

    Enter me. Love all the goodies, Love the dog!

  49. 2549
    Wendy says:

    I am vacationing vicariously this year through everyone elses pictures and stories. Awesome giveaway – thanks for thinking of all of us stuck at home!

  50. 2550
    gretchen says:

    Ahh, all of the goodness of summer…without finding sand in your swimming suit!

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