*To log onto livestream, just click this link. Or type: www.livestream.com/livingproofministries into your web browser. Reminder: If you log on too early, it may be password protected. We’ll lift that password in plenty of time for you to join in! See you tomorrow!
RED ALERT! PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TIME HAS CHANGED TO 10:30 AM RATHER THAN 11:00 AM SO THAT WE CAN CLOSE DOWN BEFORE THE NEHEMIAH FACEBOOK LAUNCH PARTY FOR KELLY MINTER’S NEW SERIES. It is so fabulous and I don’t want you to miss a single word about it if you can help it. I’m not going to miss it either.ย (I thought it began at 11:30 but I was mistaken!) Those of us who can make it will gather at 10:30 for our Siesta livestream then, as many as possible, jump on Kelly’s at 11:00. If you need to make an understandable choice between the two, attend Kelly’s! Mine is just a chat time and we’ll have many opportunities just like it. The launch party for Nehemiah is a one-time-only skype. Thank you for your cooperation! The following post has now been edited and corrected:
Hey, Sweet Things! Let’s get together live again! Want to?? I have a window of opportunity this coming Wednesday, February 1st at 10:30 AM Central Standard Time for half an hour. Would that work for any of you? I know many more would be available if we’d do the livestreams in the evenings and I hope to schedule some of them accordingly but our little studio and set up for streaming is here on campus at LPM. Since these tapings require a substantial amount of staff on hand, I hate to ask them to work after hours. As it is, they work every Tuesday night this time of year. I so appreciate your patience until we can schedule one after work hours. Until then, those of you who are pretty certain you’ll be able to tune in, consider doing something that might make our time together richer. In a comment to this post, please very succinctly (so that I can read many of them!) tell me ONE of your biggest cares or concerns right now. The devotional we’ll share has to do with that theme – unless God changes the direction – and I’d love to work in some of your own examples. Please, JUST ONE and within a few sentences please. Oh, man, I don’t ever want to play “tick tock, the game’s locked” but it would work most effectively if only the ones who plan to participate in the livestream leave comments to this particular post. If you’re unable to attend, please refrain from writing a reply BUT here’s how you can participate: let these comments morph into prayer requests and pray for some of your Siestas in their areas of greatest concern!
Since I’m posting this after closing and our hard-working Lindsee has already gone home for the day, don’t look for these comments to get moderated and published until well into the morning tomorrow (Tuesday). Thank you so much for contributing!
I hope to “see” many of you Wednesday at 10:30! Oh, and by the way, this one is open to any woman and not just our community so you’re welcome to get word out. As I promised, I’ll let you know when a gathering is really just intended for our active blog community.
You are huge to me.
May Jesus be blatant to you this week! He loves you so.
Yay!! I so look forward to Wednesday!! One of my biggest concerns right now is finding balance – or where and how much time – between my calling as wife and homeschooling mom to service and missions outside of the home. I struggle so with this. I know my children are only young once and I *try* to savor this time…but feel so strongly about helping the needy. I just got back from a mission trip to Belize and honestly feel caught between 2 worlds.
Faithfulness during a time of waiting–Watching my husband work so tirelessly to find a job that can better support our family, praying for a physical healing for my child, waiting until my children are ready for me to go back into teaching (I miss it so)
Meridith – right there with you in the employment situation, have been for two years, so I can pray with an understanding heart. (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
Hugs, Patti
One of my biggest concerns is trying to overcome my extreme fear and insecurity. If there was a pageant with a category of “Most Insecure” I would win it. I sing in front of thousands, but I sense God is calling me to speak which is my weakest area. I’m afraid I will miss my calling because I can’t get over this debilitating fear of not being good enough. I’m tired of it – and I’m determined to have victory over this area in 2012 in Jesus Mighty name!
Seeking the glorify the Lord in all that I do has been a big concern for me. I so want to honor Him with every part of my life, and be a light unto this dark world. Yet, life tends to be hard, and Satan always knows the perfect time to attack. I just want to be a woman who advances the kingdom of God daily.
I am excited that I should be able to participate this time! The biggest concern I have right now is for our church. Only a very small handful of people even have any idea that there are any problems, but there have been some very serious ones within leadership, which is just heartbreaking. And it’s looking as if some things have the potential to come to the forefront in a meeting this weekend. I am praying for God’s leading with all involved, for healing of relationships, and for the church to be united in vision, focus, and purpose to glorify the One and Only.
As a military wife, I am just entering (as of yesterday) 1.5 years of being mostly separated from my husband. (big yuck!!). Though I feel certain he’s being called to serve i Afghanistan and has a rigorous 9 months of pre-planning before he even goes, I need prayer and guidance for how to sustain and maintain normalcy with our two little ones, keeping my focus on Jesus and not all the ‘what ifs’ and just growing closer and closer to Him. Thank you Beth for asking about our needs ๐ Love, Cindy
My adult children … I find myself worrying and being frustrated with what seems to me to be God’s “slowness” in working in their lives, rather than waiting patiently and expectantly and joyfully for His plans to be revealed
Continuing to believing that God is going to come through in a big way. The road has been long and I am very tired and cannot see how this mess is every going to be good.
My biggest concern is my husband. He doesn’t want to do anything but lay on the couch and sleep. It is especially bad on cold, rainy days. Our little grandchildren can’t even get him up to play anymore. He frequently says he is sick, but I wonder if he really is sick as much as he claims. Yes he is on medication for depression. I don’t think it is working, but he tells the doctor that he is doing just fine. I don’t know what to do or how to keep a sweet spirit with him.
My biggest concern…..I know, in my head, that I’ve been forgiven. But my heart just won’t let it go. I keep asking God to forgive me, begging for the burden of knowing what I did to leave my mind. It plays over and over in my head, especially as I try to fall sleep. How do I really really give it to God? I DO believe him…why won’t my heart believe?
Elizabeth- read Psalm 103
Praying, praying, praying for several loved ones to seek after God.
Two big concerns: 1) I’m leading my very first women’s conf next weekend and fear is more than creeping in more than ever this week or a sense of being in over my head (which I’m looking at in a positive light as this is the place where it is totally God in it all) 2) my son’s father has not been involved in our lives since he was 1 & he is now 12 and his father has popped up with a bit of drama. I’m praying for our safety as I’m not sure how stable he is these days and about when the right time is to share with my son or if I should at all.
Praising God through it all!
My biggest concern is hearing from God about where He wants my family. Letting my husband lead as we make some hard decisions and STRAINING PATIENTLY to hear Gods voice in the matter. I’m getting a tad bit impatient , but for the LOVE! Keeping my big mouth shut. SO HARD FOR ME! Can’t wait to be a part of the chat time. I’ll have to set an alarm to remind me to set my paint brush down!
My biggest concern right now is trying to learn how to overcome my chronic worry/fear. It’s just simply time to conquer this but it’s so hard to know what to do and how to retrain my brain!
My heart is so heavy lately. I’m pretty certain my husband’s cancer has returned (his symptoms are similar to what they were 11 years ago). He fights me when I say he needs to see a doctor. He just lost his dad suddenly and they were in business together, so he is left with the stress of caring for his widowed mom and our family of five kids under 10. I feel so alone without support from my family and changes in friendships over the past five years, as well as a pastor who chooses not to comfort his flock:( Additionally, my family expects me to care for my ailing grandma. I long to be a spiritual comfort for my kids, but feel so empty after dealing with all of my “stuff.”
I am trying to overcome fear in my life. I feel paralyzed sometimes. It seems like I know the right things to do….I recognize truth when I read & study the word, when I listen to teaching, when I am reading books by Godly Christians….I know what to do, but then when I face each day with all that it brings, my thoughts almost seem empty or I feel like all the truth can’t be recalled. I know that is the enemy. I just need to claim victory. This fear is paralyzing me from healing from hurts, from stepping out to do what God is calling me to and I feel like I am not hearing God speak to me during my daily prayer time and devotion…what I mean by that is I am praying about some very specific, time-sensitive issues and fear is keeping me from being sure its the Holy Spirit speaking.
My biggest concern is my health. My doctors don’t know what’s wrong & it’s been 13 years (I’m only 33) I have 10 seizures a day & constant head pain. It’s getting worse & no one can figure it out. Thanks!
I plan to watch too. My biggest concern right now, is learning not to be anxious. I have dealt with depression and panic disorder for awhile. I watched your series Pressing Past Our Fears this past Saturday night. It was challenging and encouraging. I really couldn’t believe that you had dealt with fear. I know that probably sounds silly to you. It is so helpful for me to hear from those in the faith that I admire how they have gotten through different things. I enjoyed the stream on prayer. I especially enjoyed hearing you talk about your formal time with the Lord and the prayer journal. You are a mentor to so many ladies. Thanks for sharing yourself.
Obedience. Obedience. Obedience. I’m asking God for the gift of repentance in several areas. I want to move on, walking in obedience instead of returning to old habits. Unbelief is killing me. My head knows better, but my heart is rebellious.
CanNOT WAIT!!!..to participate in this one!!! My biggest concern right now..is just finding my joy again after a tumultuous divorce. We started the Bible Study on James last week and at the end of the second session…hearing, “This is not to beat you up…but to GIVE YOU YOUR JOY BACK!”…really resonated with me. God is so good!
I’m in love with Him but I am concerned that the legacy I am leaving behind is not pointing my family to God. I want more of Him and less of me so that there is no question as to who I lived for!
my biggest concern right now is for my husband, Steve. he is not a believer and he is an alcoholic.
Jackie – praying with you for your husband’s salvation!
Depression, lack of faith, fear, authenticity
I’m due with our 1st baby in 6 weeks (actually we have one with Jesus), leading a small group in the James study right now, and trusting the Lord to keep my practice and patients going strong while I am gone with our little guy, as that is our only income. I need some WISDOM! And He promises to give it (James 1:5-8) and I want to keep my faith in Him alone, unwavering!
My main concern is letting Him fill me. I have been far too caught up in expecting my husband,children,friends fill me up. To the point He has removed those friendships from my life and is only now starting to renew some of them. I am learning, but it is hard!
*Oh! And also finding a good moisturizer. Sorry just had to throw that in. huge grin!
My concern is that I don’t have the skills and self-discipline needed to be the steward of the ministry God has called me to plant. Building has been acquired, DONATED, I might add, but I am frozen because I know I can’t do it and I doubt my ability to allow the Spirit to do it though me.
One of my biggest concerns has been trusting God for the future.
My husband is in the military and I waited to finish up my undergrad degree until we had settled somewhere with a college. Now, I’m back in school and really wanting to go on to graduate work, but my husband and I aren’t sure how long after my undergrad degree is finished to start a family. It’s so hard to leave those things in God’s hands when all I want to do is over think it and plan. It makes it even harder knowing that we won’t have any idea for quite awhile where we would even be when all those changes and decisions would happen.
My biggest concern is my adult child living at home and not having a direction in her life. She doesn’t seem to want to change and it creates stress in our home.
I can’t wait til Wed, love being a part of your live streams! Have many concerns, however, my unequally yoked marriage affects all the others. My man’s godliness is what stole my heart almost 28 years ago, however, the world (he is an attorney) has ever so gradually transformed him into such carnality (is that a word?) it angers, repulses, saddens, frightens, and grieves me to persevere in this marriage. We have 4 sons (twins, 16; 20; and 23) who do not have a spirit-filled dad. I have strong faith, I am in for the long haul, but would love me some Beth talk on this subject!
My family seems to be in a waiting game right now but I get concerned that we/I have missed the Lord somewhere or thwarted His plan? Will my oldest find a paramedic job? Will my middle find the missional opportunity she is looking for? Will my youngest find friends that are like minded? Will I ever be strong/healed again? Fitting that my word for this year was hope but its hard.
Be there on Wednesday.
love you, siesta!
My biggest concern right now is whether I am truly living out Gods will for my life. I feel that God has something more for my life but I am not sure what it is. I continue to pray that God will reveal the plans that he has for me.
My biggest concern(s) is to be wise in doing the right thing with some weighty decisions that need to be made.
I also am concerned for mine and my two daughter’s future and feel foolish for worrying as I know God will provide all we need.
Needing wisdom regarding schooling for my middle child with special needs while also caring for a baby and older child. I want to make the decision that’s best for him and for our family as a whole.
Biggest concern – staying strong and out of the pit of depression. This time of year it is always on my mind. I do not want to go back there!
I will see you Wednesday Mama Beth ๐
Balancing my corporate world, while seeking to live for Christ.
My son, his heart shattered by an unfaithful fiance’ 10 years ago, walked away from the Lord, and the church ( where the two of them attended with us). Has been in and out of potentially serious relationships with 6 women in the years since. Now in his thirties. My heart’s desire is for him to know his true identity and value in Christ. To realize how beloved he is, and to let THAT relationship grow and deepen before he attempts to begin any others.
My biggest concern right now is finding where God wants me next. My leadership position is coming to an end in a few months and I am seeking His will for my next step. Is it simply to step back and focus on my family or does He having something else for me too?
Am I good enough? (Since I know that yes, I am good enough… I’m just having one of those insecure days, I’m going to put another one down…) And I am doing what He wants me to do? His will for my life???
Looking forward to Wednesday!
I so wish I could participate in these, but I work all day. Would you ever consider one at night for those of us who work during the day?
And just how exactly do we participate in the Livestream, for us technically challenged Siestas =)
My biggest concern right now is twofold. One is balancing my time between child of God, wife, mama, homeschooler and ministry worker. Second, would be not missing my calling and being ready to step boldly for what God has called me to do. But with all the other responsibilities I am trying to figure out how and when to follow that calling. Can’t wait for Wednesday!
My biggest overall concern right now is will we ever achieve world peace and where our country and world is going with such narcissism. Where are the values?
What kind of world did I bring my kids into and what will we leave this generation with?
On a smaller scale, 2012 is the year to battle insecurity and MOVE ON! Thanks Beth for being such a role model for so many of us women!
GREAT concern–my daughter–18-NEVER showed much rebellion at all-now-college-BIBLE College at that–wrong people–struggling BIG time w/people who are hypocrites–disobeying rules-angry-exhausted-VERY sad. I never saw this coming. MY faith weak–PLEASE pray.
I have not posted many times at all–but–I took this as an opportunity for prayer.
Looking forward to Wed. morning. I knew I cleared my schedule this week for a reason ๐
My biggest concern right now is discernment. Knowing how to KNOW when it is God leading me a certain way and when I just want God to lead me in a certain way. When and how do you ask others for help in confirming.
My heart is absolutely broken over a situation with my nephew who is currently sitting in jail right now. He is being accused of domestic violence from a severely mentally mother. I raised this young man, and it is heart wrenching to see him so scared amidst gang members. I can hardly breathe at times.
Since I’ve lost my job I spend my days basically doing nothing. Becoming lazy and staying home a lot. Of course losing my job also has played a part in our finances. I will be going to bible study again starting tomorrow (James) praying this will help me not feel so disconnected.
Today my biggest fear is that I will never fully lay my past hurts and all the sick, embarrassing and learned behaviors at my Lord’s feet. Choosing to go around the same mountain and lessening the sacrifice that Jesus did for me on the cross because of my pride, insecurity and lack of trust.
One of my biggest concerns is listening to God as I write these bible studies. I want His word to land on the pages and not my own. I am scared that my life does not match my writings. I want to make them one in the same.
My biggest concern right now is how to care for my mom and my 14 yr old son both with terminal illnesses. How to reasure them without become emotionally drained, how to care for them without becoming physically worn out and overwhelmed, trying to stay strong and positive for them when i feel so weak and tired , trying to hold tight to God when i feel so alone and confused
My heart breaks for the situation you are in dear sister. I care and will pray for you.
I am excited about the livestream on Wed. I have a lot of concerns right now but I am just going to be honest about what is concerning me right this minute even though it seems really vain and small, especially compared to so many other concerns that are much more important. SO, here goes…….I have to be weighed tomorrow at the doctor’s office and I don’t want to see the number and sure don’t want the nurses to see the number and because of that, all I want do do is eat! My love of food and trying to be thin seem to be in an almost constant battle and it can sometimes be consuming. If I am at my goal weight, I am consumed with keeping it that way and if I gain weight, I am consumed with losing it. I feel guilty even writing this because it seems so selfish (and is!) next to the bigger issues in life and I know there are very many!
Anne – speak the truth over yourself and this issue in your life every time it comes up, and the truth is “I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. (Psalm 139:14) I can’t tell you how this verse has and continues to help me. I’m praying for you, dear sister.