Hey, Sweet Things!
You know what I think would be such a blast? Let’s share ideas for gift giving! Reasonably priced. (Or the deal of the century???) Creative maybe. Or QUICK, definitely! Perhaps you could share your best “everybody/anybody” gift. In other words, have you stumbled on something this year (a CD, a book, a keepsake, etc.) that you’re giving lots of people on your list? Then, share the wealth! We could use some ideas around here. The thing I keep hearing from women is that they have a long list of loved ones and no earthly idea what to get them. I’m in that same boat with about a third of my list. Let’s get those creative juices flowing in Siestaville and help each other out over the next few weeks.
Let me give a little disclaimer as we get started. I’m not as up on all the Free Trade discussions and debates circling right now so I’ll need your mercy there and other Siestas might need it, too. Let’s trust each other’s hearts around here and assume that, if we suggest an item or a product that has a link to an unethical practice, we didn’t realize it. My thought this time around was just to give you an opportunity to share…
Girl, I do LOVE me some bargains. If I had more time, I’d honestly wear the stores out for the ultimate sale but, as it is, I just have to happen on it when I can. When I score a great buy, I leave the store as giddy as a bandit.
I’ll get us started with a bargain and I could almost get too tickled to type because I got it for my own self. Sometimes when I’m Christmas shopping, I am at a total loss what to get that person I’m browsing for. I’ll happen on something and think to myself, “I wonder if _______________ would like that?” And I’ll ponder it and ponder it and turn it this way and turn it that way. Then, I’ll answer my own self with, “I have no idea whether she’d like it or not but I know who would! Me!” I know. It’s terrible. Superficial. Almost unforgivable. I only do it about every five or six gifts though.
My most recent bout was about ten days ago at Burlington Coat Factory (where I did actually find a few real, live gifts that I’m giving to someone beside me). I snagged a pair of these:
Price tag? (Drum roll please)
And I’ve already worn them, let’s see, about 6 times and I’m not exaggerating. Before they tear up, they’ll be out of style so I call that a DEAL, Girlfriend. I call that a deal!
Okay, Siestas, tell us what you’re finding out there. And for decent prices! Remember, we have every age group represented here so maybe it’s the ultimate children’s gift or something great for in-laws. Maybe it’s food like a snack of some kind you can put in a cute Christmas tin. If someone’s told you, “Hey, that’s a great idea!” then we want to know about it! Help some Siestas out!
You’re so much fun to do community with, you guys. I can’t wait to look at your ideas! This will be a really fun one I think.
I love you like a mad woman.
Pinterest has been a huge help with gifts this year. I am repainting a small shutter to give to my best friend. It will hold all the letters I send her while I am on World Race next year. She can hang it on her wall, etc.
The other awesome gift idea I found involves a picture frame, pretty piece of paper, and dry erase markers. Put the pretty paper in the frame and hang it on the wall. It doubles as a dry-erase board! You could put a picture in the frame and still use it as a dry erase board, but with a darker image your writing may not show up. It also works best with a thin frame.
I’ve also seen people put the days of the week on the glass with a sticker or something like that and use it as a dinner planner on the fridge. 🙂
Friday at work one of my co workers in her 50’s had a birthday. She is a new member of our team so I didn’t really know what to get her. I went to Dollar Tree and loaded up on $1 toys and put them in a cute basket with a $1 birthday balloon tied to it and we all had a blast opening all those toys and playing with them!! We had so many good laughs!! She said that was one of the best gifts she had ever received and several of us said that we were going to duplicate that idea as Christmas gifts!!The whole thing cost me …..drum roll $12!!!The fun and laughter…priceless! 🙂
I know it is too late this year for these items but a good idea for next year…Bath and Body’s big sale (I think in June) on the lotions and shower gels…and Back to School supplies for the kids…craft kits, or just to resupply the stockings, etc…
I (unfortunately) don’t have anything to offer – but I AM going to go get me some of those boots!! Thanks for that, Beth!
Well – my awesome deal I found by accident was for the ladies in my women’s Bible study I lead. I had decided I was going to give each of them a years subscription to Lifeway’s “Journey” devotional. When I went to order them on cyberMonday here they were $10 off so that was AWESOME beings I ordered nearly 20!!!
Two things I must share here….I got a dbl light up stars wars sword thing for my 8 yr old son, from Target, $34….got a chance to go by TJMaxx for the 1st time in years and the same toy $19….awesome savings I think. Then with so much wonderful “free” stuff available online, this video on you tube is awesome if you haven’t seen it….truly a gift to me…the song, “Where’s the Line to See Jesus?”….must watch…
Merry Christmas!
I got a pack of 6 mini LED flashlights for about $7.50 at Bass Pro. They are perfect for the neices and nephews or stocking stuffers. Assorted colors – one is camo(!)- AND they came with batteries already in them!
A phenomenal book that I read this year was “Radical” by David Platt. In my humble opinion, it’s one of those must-reads.
Another idea would be to support a ministry by making a donation or buying something from their gift catalog and telling your loved one that you purchased it in their honor. Maybe even include a special letter explaining why. Here are a few ideas…
GOSPEL FOR ASIA: http://www.gfa.org/gift/home/
AS OUR OWN: http://asourown.org/take-action/donate
INDIA TRANFORMED: https://app.etapestry.com/hosted/UnitedEvangelicalMissionInt/OnlineDonation.html
The teachers at the school where I teach exchange small gifts before Christmas vacation. Last year I put together bags of “Bean Bag Soup Mix.” It has 13 different kinds of beans. I put 2 cups of beans in a baggie along with the recipe, and tied the baggie with some ribbon. It was a hit!
This Christmas will be different for my family. My husband passed away 2 weeks ago as the result of a work-related accident. He was 51 years old and a great Godly man! The kids and I miss him so much, but we have the assurance that he is with Jesus. I could go on and on, but I will end this by asking my siestas to pray for us. Thanks.
Oh, M.J., my heart breaks for you. And I will be praying for you. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a spouse, but I 20 years ago did lose a child in a car accident. The holidays can be so difficult, and I pray God gives you a special sister or group of friends to walk with you along the grief journey. And I will pray for your children as well. The Lord IS near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
MJ – You have my sympathy and I have said a prayer for you and your family. May your Christmas be blessed.
Oh, my heart goes out to you! Praying right now for you and your kids!
Oh, precious lady, so sorry to hear this. Praying for you and your family. May you know Jesus is near.
I just said a prayer for you, too. How hard these times can be.
You and your children are in HIS hands.
I am really sorry about the accident, M.J. Thanks for letting us know so we can pray/think/intercede for you and your family.
I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. Just please know that I’m lifting you up and praying that our Father will comfort you as only He can and He knows your hurt.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband, M.J. Thank you for sharing your life with us and please know I am praying for you.
dear M.J.
Your post on Dec. 11th was the 27th anniversary of my husband’s “homegoing ” to heaven, also as a result of a work related accident. My husband was also a godly man and I had and have a very strong relationship with the Lord! Through all these years He has been more than faithful…I know it is hard…but keep faithful and believe God! I promise all of heaven is watching to see if you will continue to be faithful when you have been dealt such a loss. Don’t give the enemy a chance to trip you! Stay pure, and godly, and if you do fall RUN back to Jesus real fast…He loves you and knows your heartache. I’m praying for you sweet sister.
Dear MJ,
This will be our family’s first Christmas without my husband of 35 years who died suddenly in March. We grieve with you in this loss. I can tell you from experience that God is faithful to His word and He will comfort and carry you and your children through each new day. Cling to Him. As we contemplated the Christmas season and what to do with it this year, I told my girls that we still have a reason to celebrate, even in our grief. If Jesus had not come as a baby and gone on to die for our sins and conquer death we would not have the assurance that we have of my husband being in heaven and the knowledge we’ll see him again.And that’s worth celebrating. We know there will be sad and hard times, but trust our gracious Lord to be right here with us. Praying for you!
Praying, Indeed, MJ. I am the wife of a widower who lost his first wife young, like your husband. I know something of the pain–not least around the holidays. May the Lord comfort you and your children in very recognizable ways!
I am truly sorry for your unspeakable loss. praying for your famiy at this moment.
MJ, may God’s Peace fill your hearts this Christmas. (Isa. 26:3) you and your family have been prayed for this morning.
MJ, I’m praying for you this morning, praying God will use this blog to give you the extra encouragement you need to get you through the holidays. He is always enough.
Praying for you and your family MJ. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord and he will carry you through these tough days 🙁
May God overwhelm you with His love and comfort. I am so sorry beyond words and I will keep you steeped in prayer. Love and prayers.
If you ARE going to buy something, buy something made in the USA. The cheap prices you get from Walmart and Costco all come at a price to our economy. A very nice way to do this is to buy products from a local artisan shop or orchard/gift shop or pottery, or something which supports women who want to work from home to be there for their kids. I know we have it great here compared to other situations overseas, but it is really getting bad here for most folks. Three years ago, my husband convinced me (a tough sell!) that we were going to stop buying into the consumerism and actually not buy presents at all; we could give a card that says what we feel, or we could make something. Every dollar you put on the credit card is more time working instead of time spent with your family. If Jesus really is the reason, make HIM the reason for real. Not a scrooge–I truly care!
Dear Jill (not a scrooge!),
Thank you for your timely post. I agree with everything you said in your post, but I had not managed to avoid the intense pressure of consumerism until now. You’ve inspired my solution to an upcoming “Favorite Things” gift exchange/Christmas Party; I’m going to make copies of Melissa’s awe-inspiring post from today and put it in a hand-painted frame. That, and some homemade chocolate-chip cookies to go with it, are indeed a few of my favorite things!
Merry Christmas,
I am the ultimate internet shopper. I start in the summer and wait for free shipping days and shop the the clearance. I hit all the places for the kids. Also my ultimate gift this year was unexpected but hope it turns out to be the best. My mother passed earlier in the year and I found boxes of the most priced possessions to me, pictures. I have spent hours copying pictures and using frames and scrapbooks discounted at Michaels to give to family members I have not seen in years because of the miles. Pictures mean so much as memories are some of our greatest gifts to each other. Merry Christmas Beth, so enjoying the James study our church is doing this holiday season.
Hey Girls!
I found the cutest Michael Kors down jacket (hits low to mid thigh) for only $19.97 at Costco! I was so excited! I got one for me and one for my Mom. They come in black, charcoal gray or brown. No hood. Super cute! And the best thing is that we have no sales tax here in Oregon so it’s TRULY $19.97!
Happy shopping, Siestas! xo
I feel that gift cards are the most practical choice for Christmas. One size fits all, and the recipient can enjoy the anticipation of a shopping trip to brighten a dreary winter day. Many people don’t like what they receive for Christmas, as evidenced by the long lines at the return counter on December 26th.
I don’t buy gifts for anyone but my daughter and my father. Our family is very small; I am an only child and so is my daughter.
Dad is in assisted living and doesn’t need more “things”. He likes to receive a box of Godiva chocolates. My young-adult daughter wants a gift card to the big box store.
I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.
This season seems to be game night related — I have picked up a lot of board games this year — I forgot how fun it is to play Monopoly and they have come out with new themes that are a fun twist.
Bath & Body Works and Kohl’s are a good place to shop …. they have sales all the time.
Also, I love to shop online at http://www.dayspring.com/ Sign up for their newsletter and you will get all kinds of notices for clearance sales that are sometimes a real deal…especially if you get items in bulk for Bible study peeps!
We wanted to do something different for the grandparents this year so we made a photo book on snapfish.com. You can upload photos from your facebook, computer, cell phone etc. They have a special right now where you buy one book you get 2 free! It is amazing. It is bound, you put the photos in, with captions and it comes to your house completly printed. I am not a scrapbooker so this was an amazing deal for us. We paid 40$ and we get to give a priceless gift to both parents and we get to keep one for our family as well! Best bargain out there by far! 🙂
I did that too!! On Shutterfly and I was so pleased with the quality of the final product! It is a priceless book of a special family vacation.
Great idea!
Snapfish is excellent. I usually make calendars for my husband and in-laws, but with a period of umemployment this year, I was trying to make cutbacks. My husband even suggested not buying each other gifts. BTW, my love language is gifts, so that is way too hard for me to even consider, but I was trying to be financially sound. Anyhow, when I mentioned last week that I did not do the calendars this year, my husband said that was the one gift he really enjoys and I could still do that. Yea for me!
I found the best gift item: It is from May Books. You can google May books. They sell planners and notebooks that you can personalize. You pick the cover and anything you want on the front. I got them for teachers and our niece. I picked the cover background, the font and shapes that I put their names in the center of. You can choose the inside as well: lines, dots or different calendar/planning choices. Just love them. Got myself one as well. I think they are $15. The covers are canvas material. Love em’
Good morning! This is my first post on the lpm blog. Beth – You are a delight & it has been a joy to study God’s Word w/ you over the last 10 years. A group of us at church just completed the Esther study & it couldn’t have been more timely in a season where my eyes needed to be wide open to God’s providence & timing. Thank you, dear sister!
I saw this post & couldn’t help but share a few of my favorites this year:
We have extended family living in Indiana (we live in Waco) & we won’t get to see them for Christmas this year. We got them a set of mixing bowls, a fun Christmas pancake mix, a snowflake dishtowel, & a snowflake pancake mold. We put on the card – Hope you make a fun snowy morning memory w/ the goodies in the box. Crate & Barrel has the snowflake pancake mold for just a few dollars.
One of my absolute favorites was a ornament given to us of our old Tennessee home painted on it. I love decorating our tree w/ ornaments that tell a story of our life – places we have visited, something the kids were into that year, favorite memories…. I’ve see a few places (think it was on etsy) that people could paint ornaments from a photograph. If painted ornaments are not an option – think through places your loved ones have been or something meaningful that will be a fun reminder in the Christmas’ to come.
Etsy has some fun inexpensive gifts – my favorite this year was personalized bookmarks. I got bookmarks personalized w/ my kid’s names for a total of $4 each.
Last year – we had family make each of us (we are a family of 6) individual hot chocolate mugs. They gave us a big tin of yummy hot chocolate to go along w/ it. Toss in some fun marshmallows & you’re set w/ a fun gift. I’ve seen lots of fun mugs around town that you could use if painting your own wasn’t an option. YAY! to Hobby Lobby’s 40% off coupons.
My favorite deal blog is: http://www.hip2save.com She posts daily deals & how to go about finding & purchasing them.
My absolute favorite Christmas present this year was an answer to a prayer I have prayed for many years. For so many Christmas’ it is so easy to get distracted and caught up in the busyness that for our family we look up, its Christmas eve, and somehow the meaning has been missed – even though we desired to worship Jesus throughout the season – somehow we arrive to Christmas day exhausted & feel like the meaning had somehow fallen through the cracks. We began the tradition of the advent candles & that helped so much to have a tool to remind our hearts each night of our sweet Savior’s birth. Our kids made a Jesse tree a few years ago at school & I really didn’t pay much attention to all the details that it entailed. This year I was talking to a dear friend about their family Christmas traditions. She shared that each night beginning on November 29th – they walk through the line of Jesse up until the birth of Christ. She spent a day with me creating a Jesse tree. She is a graphic designer & had created designs to represent each of the people discussed in the line. She said they hide one of the “seeds” each night & the kids run around the house trying to find it. Then they discuss the seed – the seed represents each person in the line of jesse. Their family also incorporates the advent candles into part of their time. I felt giddy at how this would bring intentiality to our celebration of Jesus’ birth! Our family has been reading a story from the Jesse tree each night from the the Child’s Story Bible (Catherine Voss). One other fun resource is – Ruth Bell Graham’s – One Wintry Night. It isn’t as exhaustive as the Jesse Tree my friend showed us – but same idea of seeing & teaching our children God’s redemptive line & providence throughout the whole entire Bible!
As a side note – One year for our neighbors – we gave each of them One Wintry Night & another year the Ring the Bells cd from Fellowship Bible Nashville. I highly recommend both!
The cd is a delight – we have played the track Ring the Bells on Christmas Morning & rang bells to wake the kids that Jesus was born…followed by my husband & boys having a nerf battle 🙂 My other favorite track on the cd is The Gladdest Noel by Evelyn Brush. Stirs my heart to Praise Jesus for coming to save you & me.
Merry Christmas – dear sisters! May you enjoy the coffee, treats, lights & fun shopping trips. But may we also all quiet our hearts & find our greatest delight in our Emmanuel!
Amanda 🙂
Ladies – I have come across 2 special gifts this year that I am SO excited to give. The first is found at
http://www.papersunday.com – where you can buy personalized journals that have a different personalized scripture on each page – and they are beautiful!
The second gift is found at http://www.grainsofsense.com where you can get the BEST coffee I have EVER had! This is a small Christian business, run from their home and it is truly wonderful coffee.
Thanks for the tip! I just ordered two packages of coffee from Grains of Sense. One for a gift, one for me!
Polly – I know you will love it! Merry Christmas
I saw these in a magazine, checked out the website, and ordered them for several people on my gift list. They’re minimergency kits at http://www.msandmrs.com. You can choose from among several kits, and prices begin at about $12. There are specific kits for men, women, moms, college students, cheerleaders. Adorable!!! Each kit contains many of those little things you need in “emergencies”…items like a safety pin, clear nail polish, a tampon, stain remover, emery board, etc.
Monopoly Deal the card game!! Best card game in a long time. It’s like the original game but doesn’t take nearly as long. Cost: 5:77 at Wal-Mart
The book Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge. By far best book I’ve read this year!
I agree. It is the fastest way to play a fun game.
This year I bought everyone 8×10 of these http://www.shutterfly.com/home-decor/desktop-plaque that had a pic of hubby and I on a rock in Eleven Mile Canyon, CO. Got us one too and its a very high quality product!
When I first read this post, I hadn’t shopped enough to have something fabulous to share but on Saturday I hit pay dirt!
American Eagle has earmuff headphones for girls (with fur) and earmuff hats for guys. They are less than $20 and online are BOGO 1/2 price.
http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?productId=1227_4039_400&catId=cat5180082&bundleCatId=cat5200010 and http://www.ae.com/web/browse/category.jsp?catId=cat5180104
I bought three on Saturday and am heading back the mall for more because this is my go-to gift for the under 30 peeps on my list!
merry, merry, J
My favorite gift this year is the book by Amy Voskamp- 1,000 gifts. It has been a huge blessing to me, and I want to pass it on.
I was going to put 1000 Gifts too! It is an AMAZING book and so well written! I have given it to a couple people and just ordered a few more to give as Christmas gifts! Quick tip… it is on sale at christianbooks.com! Merry Christmas!
It’s on my Amazon wish list, hope it comes for Christmas!
So funny — I pressed the comment button with every intention of telling everyone that I am giving everyone I love 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and I see that Erin beat me to it! Seriously, a LIFE CHANGING book! I cherish every word, and hope all those who receive it this Christmas will allow God’s power to take hold through Ann’s precious words.
Beth — I LOVE the boots, and see that you were wearing them in Pensacola! I do love a deal! 😉
Hey ladies!
This is a frugal year for us this year (hmm…last year was a frugal year for us, too….as was the year before….I think I’m starting to see a pattern! heehee). I decided to go completely homemade this year. I’ve been having such a great time making caramel corn, homemade caramel sauce and homemade caramel bites wrapped in wax paper, homemade hot fudge sauce, applesauce, apple pie filling, canned jams and jellies. Also, cute little ornaments just using paper and glue or fabric wrapped around cinnamon sticks to make little Christmas trees. For our ladies Bunco group gift exchange, I found little glass ice cream cups at the thrift store and put them in a basket with the caramel and hot fudge sauce, some sprinkles, hand-chopped nuts and a handmade knit dishcloth for an ice-cream sundae basket for two…price?…less than $5!!! The kids will be getting hand knit socks and hats, along with new aprons for the girls and everyone gets a felt colored pencil roll…you guessed it…handmade!
There are still two weeks left, ladies, and all kinds of ideas that are simple but sweet out there on the internet! If you need any gift ideas, I’d be happy to help out with the ideas I’ve mentioned or some others I’ll be doing that I didn’t mention. Just e-mail me at tulip567_at_hotmail_dot_com.
Love you all, ladies and a blessed Merry Christmas!
tulip in Idaho
It probably sounds overdone to give a Christmas ornament, but I am enjoying the Willow Tree series of Christmas figurine ornaments, there are many to pick from, and I find them to work for many gift giving opportunities.
I also enjoy receiving them – 🙂
As a teacher and an aunt of an amazing 7 year old little girl, I HIGHLY recommend giving the gift of The Body Safety Box to every child in your life.
The Body Safety Box is an educational kit for kids and parents to talk through and complete together that teaches child abuse prevention skills. It includes hands-on activities with child-appropriate language that provide you and your child with the understanding of the importance of his/her self-worth as well as language to prevent/stop abuse.
You can order the Body Safety Box at http://www.bodysafetybox.com and you can choose to have it shipped right to the kids on your list. A portion of the proceeds benefit abuse prevention lessons in elementary schools.
I bought my niece one last summer when I visited her in Michigan and we spent a week together doing the important and FUN interactive activities together. She loved them all and a year later still has all of the project activities hanging in her bedroom. She and her mom use the language from the kit as a way to communication about feelings and needs. It is a gift that gives back for a lifetime, I promise!
i bought my closest girlfriends bibles, and chocolate!
I’m so relieved to hear that someone else can’t resist the urge to snag a gift for herself whilst gathering the Christmas bundles.
Several years ago I was purposefully wandering around Best Buy when I found a softward program for Russian language study. For reasons that I couldn’t completely explain, my heart raced and I added it to my pile. Then overcome with guilt at what seemed like selfishness, I put it back, only to “wander” back by and pick it up again. No kidding.
After quickly paying, exiting the premises and hurrying home, I wrapped that sucker up and tagged it: To Mama From Santa (I’m no big Santa fan, but I didn’t have the nerve to write: From Me To Me!).
My group gave me plenty of grief Christmas morning, but I was still excited. It wasn’t until after New Year’s that I even had time to open it and begin. About two weeks later, I had just managed to learn the Russian alphabet and bubbled my excitment to my husband. He gave me a puzzled look and asked, “Now tell me again, why exactly are you learning Russian?” I had no coherent answer other than a passion for spy novels. Yes, I’m that corny.
Less than 12hrs later in Sunday school, a gentleman announced that our church would be sponsoring ten Russian orphans who had won an art contest and would anyone be interested in housing them for two weeks. Oh, and by the way, they don’t speak English. As I live and breath.
With the hair on my neck standing at attention and my heart in my throat I told the Lord that I would let Him convince my husband that this was obviously Him at work. I waited an entire three seconds before blurting in my husband’s ear, “So what do you think?” He answered, “Well, I guess we’d better do that!”
For the next three consecutive years, it was our great privilege to host three Russian orphans, who, as you can guess spoke not a word of English.
So what may look like curiosity or even smack of our dreaded self, may just possibly be the guiding hand of the Almighty! And to think He went Christmas shopping with me 🙂
I loved reading your story! Thanks for sharing!
Something special I love to give in this season and people always love are the frankincense and myrrh scented candles from abbaoil.com…they have pillar candles and tealights….they have lots of other biblical scents, too, but I love to light the frankincense and myrrh around my nativity scene.
I actually just did a post of 10 Favorite Things under $50 for gift ideas. I, too, was stumped as could be so I did it to kick-start my own gift buying!
Hey Beth! What I’ve found to be a fairly good buy is an l.l. bean monogrammed thermos. I bought a bunch of them online this year, and shipping is free:) Love it when shipping is free. I think certain colors are on sale right now too.
For tea drinkers–Harney & Sons Classic Christmas Gift–4 white and red tins of four different flavors–Hot Cinnamon Spice, Paris, Earl Grey Supreme, and Chamomile. All for $23! The tins are beautiful. http://www.harney.com/Details.cfm?ProdID=4291&category=0&secondary=0&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Direct|Connect&utm_campaign=1210A
I found olivewood holding crosses for $9.99 on the internet!!! Oh what a buy, what a buy!!!
I found Take Out Menu organizers at ThinkGeek.com for my twenty-something children. You could also make this for the families on your list.
Chrsitianbook.com and Christiandollarstore.com have some amazing finds. I found several little gifts for the women in my bible study and people such as my son’s teachers etc. They have cute little pins, little Beth books for about $1, and even lots of bracelets and fun verse cards for the teens. There are also many pretty magnets etc. Great sites! Nothing too expensive, so I am able to get people a little variety instead of one things
I am going to visit my friend that lost her husband last year to a heart attack today, because of your blog. She has children around age 10. My husband got his ankle crushed in the mill in May. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you and your family are surrounded by caring and loving friends and family especially at this time of year. sending lots of hugs your way. an I hope someone brings you the most exquisite awesome chocolates in the world!!
I’m giving several “laptrays” from Bed Bath & Beyond; they have 4 places to insert pictures, which personalizes them nicely. Naturally, my 2 daughters’ trays will have pix of gorgeous kids (my grands)! They are only $9.99; now, I call that a BARGAIN~
Hilda in Pearland
I love the great ideas! At least seven people on my list are getting “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman. It’s a must read! It’s changing my life!
This is a little late because we’ve been out of the country, but my close girlfriends, my sister and myself always get one another personalized ornaments. We try really hard to find ones that mean something specifically to that person. For example, last year my sister found one that was a family of 6 in a VW van with a big ‘ole Christmas tree on top. My man LOVES Volkswagons. She had our family name and the year put on the side of it. We’ve been doing this for years and almost every single ornament on my tree is personal and has meaning. They usually run anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars, so just about everyone can get in on the fun! All these years later they are my favorite gifts to open. 🙂
My favorite book to give is The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans. I think its also fun to give scarves, hats, gloves, fuzzy socks, and especially disposable hand warmers. You can usually find these items at a low cost and anything that warms you up during the cold winter months cannot be a bad thing!
Sorry I’m a little late posting but I haven’t had a chance until tonight to check my e-mail. I have enjoyed reading all the suggestions and hearing about the great finds… I love a good deal…I always feel like the Lord has saved the bargin just for me. When I read Beth’s post I felt led to share something that has become very special to me. About 10 years ago I was leading one of Beth’s studies….can’t remember which one exactly but I remember my heart being stirred when Beth talked about how God’s Word was personal and that when we opened it to read it we could insert our name into each promise. Well, I decided to do just that. I made a set of personalized scripture cards for myself, inserting my name into the precious promises of God’s Word. I placed them in a card holder by my kitchen sink so that I could see them when I washed dishes. One day a girlfriend came to visit and she noticed the cards and asked me to make her a set. Little did I know that God was forming a small business with a BIG ministry attached. I don’t have a clue how many sets of cards have been made over the years but I’m amazed that they have been sent to just about every state and even overseas all without me ever advertising or promoting them. This has all happened by someone receiveing them and then ordering them for someone else. I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I have received an e-mail or call where the person whould share a sweet testimony of how the personalized scripture for that day was just what they needed to hear. I’m so thankful that God’s Word will not return void and that He meets us as the point of our personal need. I’m sharing this story because people who order the cards tell me all the time how they are a great gift for $12.00. They come wrapped in a cellophane bag tied with bright colored Wraphia ready to be given as a gift or tucked in a stocking.
Hope you have a very Merry CHRISTmas and remember that the best gift came wrapped in swaddling clothes….JESUS!!
These sound so lovely. I love personlized gifts. How would I order a set from you? I know I am posting this very late but would love to know for future gift giving.
If you have coffee drinkers on your list, the mission I have worked for the past 12 years–South America Mission–now sells coffee from the countries we work in!
The bags are $10 each and 100% of the profits ($5/bag) goes to fund ministries in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru. So, you can drink your coffee and fund ministry, too. 🙂
Right now, they are offering the Brazilian coffee to fund CONPLEI–a gathering of thousands of tribal church leaders in Brazil. Government regulations are very strict about foreign missionaries working in the 340 tribes there. So, it is important to train godly pastors like these to minister to their own villages and towns.
Just an idea. . . if you have someone on your list that appreciates coffee and might want to try something new!
In the category of “nice idea for a variety of women” this year: a purse organizer. You know the kind that organize your cell phone, wallet, lipstick, etc, and lift out to easily transfer from one purse or bag to another? You can get them online from crafters, in stores, where ever. In plain, print, leather, canvas, cotton. At a variety of price points. The great thing is that even if you don’t end up choosing the ideal style for the receiver’s taste, it goes INside their own handbags anyway, which will obviously be in styles they love!
Love the boots & l o v e the price even more!
I read Ruth Graham’s book – Fear Not Tomorrow, God is Already There. It’s dog-earred, highlighted, and tear stained. I borrowed it from a friend and had to replace her copy! It laid on my dining room table for weeks before I’d ready it because I thought, what is up with the title? I don’t feel afraid so I am not sure I want to read this – little did I know, all the ways God has used it to speak to my heart. He’s already there, working out everything before I even know to fear it! Oh, how He loves me! That said, I’ve bought several to give to friends as well as On Every Pew Sits A Broken Heart (also Ruth Graham). The other item – our church put together a Lottie Moon cookbook of all of the international missionaries that have gone out of our church and the ones that we specifically support through our giving. There are recipes like Ukranian Christmas Cookies, Borscht, Samosas from Kenya,Baklava, etc. Those are my multi-finds this year! Merry Christmas!!
Ny Mom passed away in May. She was one of the most excellent cooks to have ever walked this earth. Each of her grandchildren (30, 21, 14 and 11) have memories of cooking with her. The two oldest are incredible cooks. My sister and I are compliling her recipes and some of her mother’s (my grandmother) into a book for each of the grandchildren. Each recipe is accompanied by a memory such as her Cherry Cheesecake: She made this every Thanksgiving and the one Thanksgiving that I spent at college and did not come home I called her and wrote this recipe down so I could make it to carry to the home where I was spending the day. I had written the recipe on a 4X6 card in red ink. After her death I found her copy of the recipe. It was written on a 4×6 card in red ink.
The holidays are a great time to start collecting family recipes to compile for a book. Get them while the cooks are still living. My Mom was not organized and it was work finding all of the ones that we did not already have written down. Fortunately she had published several in her local church cookbooks so we have been able to retrieve them.
Lands End has 40 % off anything and free shipping until Monday Dec. 19. Code DONNER
Pin 1585
I have ordered back packs or activity bags for my grandchildren in the past and they hold up very well. And if something does not work, you can return it to your local Sears and they will credit the sale back to your credit card.
Bath and Bodyworks often has inexpensive hand sanitizer…I love getting it for girlfriends to keep in their purses. Snagged a great bargain at Famous Footwear today-cute Rocket Dog flats for $25.00 for my daughter-in-law. They have lots of darling styles if you have daughters or daughter in laws that are in need of some cute shoes! Plus they have buy one get one half off right now! Appreciate all the great ideas and am off to search Amazon for Jesus Calling. Tons of Siestas can’t be wrong!
Thanks for sharing Mama Beth and all our awesome Siesta Nation-
Leah, Atlanta: “And Mary said, ‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is holy.'” Luke 1:46-47,49
Here are my suggestions:
1. Bangle bracelets from alex and ani
2. Headbands from sweaty bands.com. They actually stay on your head because they are lined in velvet. They come in about 350 different fabrics and several widths. Soooo cute!
3. Coach double ended, roller ball, purse size perfumes. They have two scents in the tube. One on each end
4. Marc Jacobs hair ties. These are not online. You have to call an individual store. They come in packs of three and have charms hanging off of them.
5. Williams Sonoma has wood trays that are round and look like the cross section of a tree trunk. There are two sizes. Darling for decorating with. I gave my girlfriend one with a pizza cookbook because she wants to learn how to make good pizzas for an activity to do with her grandkids.
Good luck shoppers:)
Dog collars from collierleeds.com
These collars are so gorgeous. They are seriously amazing!