Glancing Back Before We Gaze Forward

Hey, most beloved blog community! As I finished my quiet time this morning, God moved you sweet things on my heart so strongly. I felt like the Lord was impressing on me to invite you along into a time of reflection before our faithful God today. If you’re like me, you take new beginnings pretty seriously. I’ve always needed them so badly. January 1st rarely rolls around that I am not sober before God about the next year and, because of His unfathomable grace, also hopeful. But as I closed up my journal for 2011 this morning, I thought about the profound significance of the final day of any given year. I turned back to the beginning of it and read the letter I wrote Him last January 1st and reflected on my state of mind and circumstances on that day. I sat with Jesus this morning for the next little while and deliberately looked back over 2011 and recalled the ups and downs of it and, oh Lord in Heaven, the CHANGES. Saying goodbye to my church of nearly 30 years and hello to a brand new church plant. Saying goodbye to my home of 27 years and embracing a new life out on a country road 6 miles from a town (and I don’t mean a city). And those are just the big things. Those are just the things I can tell in public. Grin.

I thought about how He had led me to accept something this year that, for years, I’d just found totally unacceptable. And how some strange measure of peace had come as a result. I hate to admit that this sanguine has, in her heart of hearts, always thought earthly peace was a little overrated. I was an idiot. I sometimes get tempted to negativity over that area of acceptance again (in human terms, it is worthy of negativity) but I sense the Lord saying something like this to my heart: “Do you really want to go back there?? Do you really want to have that particular thing then all that goes with it?” And the answer is no. It’s odd to me how God can use something that is so contrary to our desires to supply a different desire of our heart that maybe – just maybe – we wanted or needed even more. His ways are so far beyond ours. He is always right, however. And always faithful.

If any of you would like to participate, spend a little while today with Jesus being very intentional about your last year. The changes. The ups. The downs. The hopes. The disappointments. The inconceivable grace of God. Something He brought you through that you were sure you couldn’t survive. Or something that has yet to come to resolution and what He has done even in the midst of the wait. Philippians 1:6 says that God will complete the work He started in us when He first saved us. That means for our whole lives long, change will be part of the agenda. Are we still changing? Are we still growing? Is there any evidence of growth over our last year? These are important questions to ask ourselves before we get up tomorrow morning, put 2011 behind us (which is appropriate!) and embrace God’s goodness and grace toward 2012.

If you’re game, after spending those moments with God in reflection, write a comment to this post today using 3 words that have characterized 2011 for you. Tell us something that happened in your heart this year. I know that some of you have had a grueling 12 months and I don’t want you to have to fake it for our sakes but please consider and express ways God has also shown His faithfulness to you. He’s good even when a season has been anything but. Let’s be honest and authentic but let’s also try not to put a pall over the comments. There is so much to be depressed about out there. Let’s not let this community become just another place to feel discouraged. Our God has blessed us all in one way or another if we were willing to receive.

SO, this is an invitation to reflection. I’m going to let you go a little longer this time around in your comments because expression can be so incredibly therapeutic but still try to limit your writing to, let’s say, a maximum of three average-length paragraphs. Since you’re choosing three words that describe your year, maybe a paragraph a word is the best way to approach it. And don’t get too distracted in offering your 3 words in order of importance. Just throw them out there. If you get too fastidious and analytical, you probably won’t end up writing it.

I’ve already expressed most of the reasons for these choices, but in summation, I’ll go ahead and give my three words:

1. CHANGE. (I’m convinced to some degree that change is necessary to keep us from growing old and brittle inside. Flexibility and adaptability are subtle elements of youthfulness – not to the body that ages day by day  but – to the soul that’s being transformed from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3)

2. Acceptance. (Just in one basic area but it was a big one to me. I have a long way to go in acceptance as a general life rule!)

3. Surprise. (I just flat-out can’t figure Him out. And, most of the time, I’m glad.)

And what about you, my beloved Sister? What are three words that have characterized your year?

As we close 2011, please allow me to tell you again how deeply grateful I am for your faithful companionship. I love Jesus more as a direct result of this community. I am more in touch with people – astonishingly so! – because of this blog. And there is no doubt that I memorize Scripture more. You, ladies, are a GOOD FORCE in my pursuit of the Lord Jesus Christ. You bear fruit in my personal walk with Him and that is the highest measure of an earthly relationship. Thank you.

I love you dearly.



364 Responses to “Glancing Back Before We Gaze Forward”

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  1. 1
    Renee Cordell says:

    I have been very disappointed this year in Christians!! However, I am reminded that I have surely disappointed others as well.The difference is, there is hope . God seems to still be working with me and for that I am grateful.

  2. 2
    Monica says:

    I feel like my three words lean toward the negative – not because it was a bad year by any means…but because of my own reactions to the year:

    1) BUSY. This year was chaotic – including moving into a new house, going to Bolivia on a mission trip, running a half marathon and much more. It was good stuff – all great stuff, actually – but in busyness of doing, I was never being.

    2) DISTANT. Because I didn’t make my time with the Lord a priority, I felt like I had Him at arms length this year. Sure, I prayed and even fasted and was faithfully in church, worshipping in choir – but I didn’t allow my heart to get near to Him. I’m still not sure why.

    3) PROVISION. Bless the Lord, He provided in every way possible anyway, despite my walls. Every single need, and many, many wants were fulfilled. I don’t get how He loves me so.

    Thanks for the opportunity to sit and reflect on these things before looking forward. May god bless you a hundred fold this year, Beth!

  3. 3

    My three words…

    Waiting ~ just in a place of waiting on Lord.

    Grief ~ been a year of coping with loss. A one day at a time kind of year, sometimes an hour at a time but God is so good and kind and somehow He got me through it.

    Thankful ~ in the midst of everything I am so thankful for the kindness of God and all the blessings in my life.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful blessed New Year!

    In His love,
    michelle in VT

  4. 4
    Amy says:

    1) Grace-I think I am finally starting to understand that I cannot mess up His will for me.

    2) New- New city, new roommate, new hospital, new friends, new outlook

    3) Courage- Your Esther session 4 (I think) message on Fear cut me in half. I cried for 50 minutes straight. I long to live my life with a spirit of courage rather than fear.

    Amy-Savannah, GA

  5. 5
    Andrea says:

    I’ve reflected a lot this past week on my year. It can be summed up with:
    1.. Trial – health and anxiety issues for my husband, coupled with a birth defect and uncertainty for the future for our little on on the way
    2. Trust – learning to trust God amidst the storms has led to much…
    3. JOY! Despite not knowing what is ahead, the joy He has filled me with is unspeakable. God is so amazing. And I’m not just saying that. 🙂

  6. 6

    2012 in a nutshell:

    Tough – life is never predictable, often abrasive, and relentlessly threatening to my comfort.

    Cleansed – when life takes tough and unexpected turns my heart is cleansed, inevitably drawing me nearer to God.

    Hopeful – I haven’t a clue what lies ahead in 2012 but I know God will guide and provide for He loves us (me) with an everlasting love. (He hasn’t let us down once, bless His heart.)

    P.S. I look forward to focusing scripture memory verses this year on Proverbs alone. My heart aches for more heavenly wisdom. (smiley)

    Blessings to everyonne!

  7. 7
    Vanessa says:


    I am sure there are other words that could be used but this is the one that sticks out the most for me in this past year. In 2011 (actually the end of 2010 but it seeped in to this yr) I broke off my engagement/marriage plans four months prior to the wedding date (I have mentioned this before on the blog but it obviously was hard for me). It was one of the hardest things I have ever done up until this point in my life (I was with him for 7 yrs.). It was extremely painful (I really didn’t think I would make it) but I KNOW the Lord protected me from making a VERY big mistake. I would have settled if I married him and I would have been in a very bad situation. There were also some “highs” within 2011… I got a new job and bought my first home as well!… Now let me say I do NOT like change but the Lord has been showing me it’s not about what I like but what is best for me (His plan for me NOT mine). 2011 was filled with many ups and downs but the best thing about it was that I am seeking the Lord again after a long time of not wanting to listen to Him or really even seek Him. I am now seeking Him in all areas of my life. I started going back to church, I go to Bible study now (starting James Mercy Triumphs in Jan.!), I even went to my first LPM event too!!…..Through all the pain I have seen the Lord’s immense grace and mercy… I am so grateful for all He has done for me. I am looking forward to 2012 and all that the Lord has for me.
    God Bless!
    **Thank you Beth for all you do..I hope you know how much you affect each one of our lives.**

  8. 8
    Bekah says:

    I’m a huge fan of closure/new beginnings, too! New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite days for that reason!

    1. “Come Undone.” During a trip to Florida last March, I heard FFH’s song “Undone” playing in a Chick Fil A and God impressed on my heart that my Lent theme was to “come undone” and surrender to His ways over mine. It turned out to carry through the rest of the year.

    2. Redemption. After the heartbreak I lived through in 2010, I noticed so many ways God brought redemption to what I never thought could be fixed. I drank it up.

    3. WELCOMED Change. New job, new friends, a whole new life. Grateful.

  9. 9
    Michele says:

    I have actually been reviewing this year by my SSMT verses. Writing about each one, what was going on or what God spoke through it.

    1. Painful – These last 14 months have been the hardest of my entire life by far.

    2. Nebulous – Complete lack of direction, vision, and motivation.

    3. Sufficient – Elijah’s jug. Somehow, there is still enough. I am not in debt and I have food in the kitchen. And although it is difficult to see right now, I bet God’s grace has been just as sufficient for my soul.

    Happy New Year, Beth and Siestas

    • 9.1
      Redeemed says:

      I was experiencing the same thing – my Scriptures over the past year have been markers for what was happening at the time! I can remember things by what I was memorizing!
      Your choice of ‘nebulous’ is spot on. Good word for me, too.

    • 9.2
      Susan Clark says:

      Michele, I will be praying that you will find the direction you need

    • 9.3
      Susan Clark says:

      I am sorry my comment to you was posted under the next entry

    • 9.4
      Jodee says:

      Your not alone sister. I have had the same year. I am encouraged to know I’m not alone…which is how I often feel. My heart is with you.

  10. 10
    Heather G says:

    Wow. God’s timing. I JUST had my eve-of-the-new-year quiet time as if I was doing it while you were typing this post. It was spent on the Life Today website. I’ve felt lead for several weeks to give up the cost of a year’s worth of manicures to save a nameless and faceless sister (to me, not to God) from the horrors of sexual slavery and make that my donation. As I did, I prayed for this girl and wept for her and praised God for her salvation that is coming. But the blessing I received was just as precious to me…God’s presence in my little bonus room as He lead me back to Siestaville after several weeks without a computer. I’ve ached to read what’s going on with Mama Beth,the Moores, LPM staff and you Siestas.

    I reflected on the losses of the year…3 early miscarriages and most recently my husband’s job (as a pastor at our church home of several years).

    Then I couldn’t help myself to reflect on our BLESSINGS that have come as a result: people have blessed us with their finanaces, their love, their time, their prayers, their friendship, their texts and their tears. In a matter of 3 weeks, we have been turned upside down by God’s faithfulness and grace through our friends and family. I don’t like change like this. We are potentially having to consider leaving our church home and starting new relationships. But I do like how closely I feel God with me.

    Ok, I could go on and on so I’ll close and let somebody else go…. 🙂 Praise You Abba, and I pray your Grace Abounds for all the Moores, the staff at LPM and each Siesta here in 2012.

    Love u all so much!
    Heather G
    Charlotte NC

  11. 11
    Sande says:

    Trust- trust that the Lord needs my son’s family (my sweet grndchildren) where they are now for His noble purposes. My son serves in the US military in a position that protects us and Israel from its ememies. But oh I miss them so much. But I know the Lord gives back so much more than He takes, and only for good reasons will he take from us.

  12. 12
    Debbie Scherrer says:

    Debbie, Sevierville
    Flexibility-allowing Him to bring new adventures and people into my life without digging in my heels and clinging to my comfort zone..

    Protection – recognizing that He is my only protection and refuge. Allowing Him to be God.

    Joy – amazed that I have more of it. Looking forward and expecting more.

  13. 13
    AmandaJo says:

    2011 was a year where God made it very clear to me that he is in control. That sentence may seem a little like he was being “bossy” or “controling”. In fact, a year ago if I read that sentence those are the exact things I would have thought.
    To the contrary, he taught me that when I yield and when I trust, the change is so much easier. Not without tears or pain but that in those tears and in that pain…there is a purpose…his purpose.
    I think for the first time in my born again life, I started to let him TEACH me how to get to know him. I started writing my prayers and although I only filled the journal half way….I feel so much closer to him than I have EVER.

  14. 14
    Tammy says:

    1. Time….came home after working several years as a teacher. Stay at home mom (have 2 teen boys). Less stressful!

    2. Reflect…. Have had more opportunity to do this this year.

    3. Peace….thanking Him for His peaceful Presence, regardless of my feelings.

  15. 15
    Jan Dean says:

    Happy new Year Sweet Beth,
    1) LOSS My father and only remaining parent died. So I lost not only him but our family home of 40 years. My sister left her family of 25 years as soon as the funeral was over. Didn’t even go back to the house to get her things. So I lost all that family as well.

    2) PEACE/FREEDOM In the last conversation I had with my father (and he died suddenly so we had no idea it would be the last), he freed me from a burden I had carried my entire life; he told me things about my childhood that he knew when I thought he never knew I was even in the same house so I now know he was much more present than I ever thought; I told him I was seeing a Psychiatrist which I expected him to frown upon, but he told me he was so glad I was getting help and this was his blessing to me; he told me he wasn’t
    disappointed in me; he told me he loved me; and then he told me goodbye. We had a troubled relationship from day one and to have it end on the most positive note possible was healing only God could send. The conversation was no longer than 15 minutes long but it allowed me to live in peace after his death. I can only remember the verse that paraphrased says ” none of us will die before we have completed the tasks God has prepared in advance for us to do.” Now I know it is true. Amen

    3)BLESSED When all the families around me were crumbling, mine (husband and kids) remained in tact and even closer at the end of the year than the beginning. My son with ADHD and Dyslexia has managed to get through Pre-AP and AP classes with nothing less than a B at a very competitive college prep high school. He had to work SO VERY HARD. My college grad daughter finally landed a job. We were blessed financially by my husbands employer. And last but not least, I’m blessed to have many keepsakes of my parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents. Even a photo of my great-great-grandparents and their family. Even a bit of inheritance so I don’t feel totally like a leech on my husband. LOL. SO SO BLESSED.

    Thank you for asking Beth. May you have many more beautiful memories than painful ones in your new home. And if God wills it, Michael can find you no matter where you live. Story in the Houston paper just a few days ago about a family dog that made her way home after nearly 10 years. If a dog can do it, so can a child. I couldn’t help but know the sorrow you must have felt at leaving Sonny and Beannie behind. The best to you and your family this year and always Jan

  16. 16
    Danielle says:

    1) Debt-free: After a long and difficult journey that required the learning of many lessons, I am debt-free!

    2) Healed: A devastating break-up resulted in deep heart break. After much tough spiritual work and the Lord’s work on my behalf, I am closer to my Very Great Reward. 🙂

    3) Challenged: I have been challenged to press on and into the Lord, applying all I’ve learned to new trials with varying degrees of success. ;D

  17. 17
    Beth says:

    These are so rich, Sisters. So good. Thank you for taking the time to reflect with me today. Others of you, keep them coming and may these moments be healing in some way. Our God loves us so.

  18. 18
    Lisa says:

    1 – FAITHFUL – Oh how my God has been faithful, even when I have not been.

    2 – HOLDING – Life seems to be in a holding pattern waiting for the next journey, and I’m so thankful that God has been holding it all together, waiting for His timing.

    3 – AWAKENING – I see the beginnings of what God is doing and am excited to see where He is taking us.

    Happy New Year to you Beth and each of the Siesta’s. Praying God’s blessings on each of your lives.

  19. 19
    Leah Adams says:

    Hmmm, three words that describe 2011.

    EXCITING: The Lord sent me about 10-11 opportunities to speak to/minister to ladies groups across the southeast. Each group was unique and fun and responded in a variety of ways to my topic: the Legacy we are leaving for the generations that come behind us. Speaking about God’s love and grace lights my fire in huge ways

    STRETCHING: The Lord led me to a few books (unChristian, Crazy Love, Apologetics for a New Generation) that opened my eyes to the needs (huge needs) of young men and women who have either never been in church or have walked away from church. This is a group and mindset that is totally foreign to me, yet one for which I have a huge heart. So, my ministry is beginning to encompass these young people and especially international students studying in the US.

    HUMBLING: As I have had opportunity to sit back and watch the Lord use the Bible study I wrote on creating a godly legacy, I have been sooooo, sooooo humbled at how it has touched lives and hearts and really made people think intentionally about the legacy they are leaving for those who come behind. Really, God wrote the study and it is a total face-to-the-floor experience to watch Him use it.

    Thanks for giving us to space to think this out. Blessings to you and your family in 2012.

  20. 20
    Michele says:

    1 Challenged. To join a blog community that memorized scripture How God blessed me over and over this year as I struggled to hide his word in my heart so I could have His word ever on my mind.
    2. Loss. A dear friend, a family member & a job
    3. Dependent. On Him to carry me when I needed to be carried, to fill me when I felt empty, to rejoice with me when His grace overwhelmed me and to worship Him and Him alone.”My soul wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” Ps.62:5

  21. 21
    Deb Owen says:

    1) Grace – in innumerable ways; as I took whatever steps I could, God accomplished awesome things I did not expect and that I could not have accomplished on my own. He saw me through some times when I felt like I was in a whirlwind and when I did not see (and didn’t accept once I did) what was truly going on.

    2) Faithfulness – There were circumstances and events that I was pretty much dead set against happening. (As though I were calling the shots. 😉 ) They turned out to be some of God’s greatest gifts and protection for me, already in place before I knew I needed them. Even as I balked at His will, He was faithful and had my back before I knew I needed it.

    3) Pruning – There has been a LOT of letting go this year. From my grandfather’s death, to relationships that were long since draining and dead, to finally letting go of the day job to move into doing this work I feel called to do full time. Old ideas. Old places. Old things. Just…..let go. WIth new coming in, of course. 😉

    All of this lead to changes in me that I didn’t expect at all. If I look back at my New Year’s prayers or even many along the way this past year, if God had said ‘yes’ I would have sold myself so short. He’s done immeasurably more than I dare ask or imagine.

    Rooted & Grounded,

  22. 22
    Colette says:

    My 3 words are:
    Trust! I have learned to trust God more this past year and to fully rely on Him!!! The Scripture Memory Verses have definely been a huge part of it!!!
    Prayer! I have prayed more this past year than any other which has helped me to be able to trust Him!!
    And last but not least!!!
    Love!! I have felt His Love so much because I have talked to Him more than ever and trusted in Him more than ever before!!! It was a very rough year, but God has been with me through it ALL!! I am continuing to trust that He has a very exciting New Year in store for me!!!

    I have so many more words I could use!!! Thankful!!! Content! Even when the storm is all around me!!
    Thank You for this thought provoking post!!! I just love you so much!!! And I love Jesus!!!
    Happy New Year!!!

  23. 23
    Nicole says:

    This year has been characterized by
    I chose wrestling first because that seems to be my constant posture with the Lord. I fight, fight hard until he gets me subdued and surrendered. I stay there but find myself returning to a state of wrestling before him! This year, though, I found him to be faithful and true. I found life with Him to mean that joy comes despite and through my circumstances (not because them or around them!) and that trust means my life can sing his praises, no matter what season I’m in. So often I live with the knowledge of my belief but not my trust in his goodness. This year I’ve seen how true that is, and how much I need to be with him…in the most constant sense of the word. Thanks for the prompt, Beth.

  24. 24
    Nancy Duncan says:

    1. Sorrow–my beloved teacher and friend, fellow church musician is worshipping at the Throne right now. There is a big hole in my heart and life that will not be replaced.

    2. Busy–more work, more teaching, more paperwork

    3. Faithful—God is faithful. He keeps his promises to all those who love him.

  25. 25
    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    Attitude Health Acceptance

    It’s been a rough year in many ways. Health – five surgeries, the latest over Thanksgiving. My attitude is not the best and even though it’s just an excuse I blame it on not feeling well. God has got to get a hold of me, I beg Him to take over control of me.

    Have a great 2012! Enjoy your new home.

    • 25.1
      Beth says:

      Five surgeries, Kathy. Oh mercy, that’s a lot to handle with the best attitude. I fear I would have struggled to maintain my spiritual equilibrium, too. May Jesus make this a year of healing and restored vigor.

      • Kathy,
        I struggle with health problems as well. I am a young mother and I know it is so hard. I pray you will find peace and relief. It is difficult to not let all the pain win. I am praying you will find joy coming with the dawn of 2012. God bless you richly.

  26. 26
    Cheryl Hinerman says:

    Change, work, longing…

    • 26.1
      Beth says:

      Cheryl, I love Psalm 38:9. It is framed and sitting on my kitchen counter right this moment. I thought of it when I read your comment. You are so loved, Sister.

  27. 27
    Cheri-Beri says:

    My three words . . . . I said yes.

    God moved me into an area of women’s ministry that I had said no to for four years. Not verbally to anyone, but I had said no in my heart. In May, God knocked me upside the head with a 2 x 4 to get my attention. He got it. And He confirmed it over and over so that I wouldn’t be tempted to blame it on my overactive imagination.

    Looking back over the last 1/2 of 2011 I can’t believe the joy God has given me in this ministry. It’s not a cute and fluffy women’s group . . . these women have been devastated and betrayed in every way possible by their spouses. It’s hard, but the joy. Oh the joy.

    Love you, Beth!!!

  28. 28
    Patti says:

    Rich – The Word has been “rich” to me this year. I’ve been blessed to enjoy countless hours in His Word, on my IPod, portable DVD player, Bible Studies.

    Reconciled- This was beautiful beyond space to write it here. I was reconciled to my former daughter-in-law and two precious grandsons (my son died in 2007 after a very bad divorce) We stood together in embrace while at LPL in Casper! God is soooo good. Those sweet precious boys spent the night with us a few weeks ago at our home!

    Renewed & Restored – God is renewing relationships and restoring us. We let go of so many material things this year and He has given us a glimpse of restoration.

    Bittersweet though is the imminent loss of my sister. She was diagnosed with cancer in October. I thank God for each and every day He gives me with her.

    Prayers and Blessings to each of you for 2012.

  29. 29
    Redeemed says:

    We were in full time ministry at the beginning of the year, and we left it about 4 weeks ago. To be honest, at this moment I don’t know if I ever want to go back to church again. I want to serve, I want to worship, and someday I am sure I will feel differently about the church. Just not right now.
    (Sorry, I don’t mean to be negative. It’s just been very, very painful.)

    Several months before our leaving ministry, I was presented with an opportunity to serve children with special needs, something I had never done before. It has been an experience I will never regret jumping into – to sit and hold a small child with special needs in my lap, look into their eyes and sing “Jesus loves me” has been one of the sweetest things God has ever given me. “They are weak but He is strong” has never hit me quite so profoundly. I am weak, but He is strong. We are all weak, but He is strong.

    I can see now that God has been leading me/us to a different place with Him. We left ministry, but we didn’t leave Jesus’ side. We were persecuted for Him (in theory I always thought that would be such an honor if I were to go through it – but the reality is that it HURTS. AND IT’S HARD.)Here I sit, with no church home (that part of the SSMT registration hit me…I have no church home! Wow.)but I feel closer to the Lord than ever. He has heard me cry, He has given me an attitude adjustment when I needed it (which lately has been pretty often), He has walked through this painful, scary year with us and He has never once left us. He has given us new things to do for Him. New people to love. He has assured us that we may be down, but we’re not out. His call is irrevocable.
    (OK, so it sounds like maybe I’m not so turned off by church as I thought.)

  30. 30
    Tracy says:

    The Lord gave me the word CELEBRATE for 2011, and for the first two weeks of the year, we did. Then tragedy struck, and all year, it just seemed so hard. My three words:

    1) Perseverance – we worked through grief, we worked through (and continue to work through) trials. God has never left our side.

    2) Diligence – I’m a full-time college student (at 48!) and I stayed focused and diligent this year. Going over my transcript last week, I realized I’d taken 10 courses this year, and wonder of wonders – and all thanks, praise and glory to God – my grades are good.

    3) Celebrate – yes, it was a difficult year, but looking back, even knowing the pain and hard work that went into the year, we do have cause to celebrate. We celebrate accomplishments, but primarily, and more importantly, we celebrate GOD – our Father, Creator of all, Giver of all good things. He has blessed us in many ways this year, and touched our hearts even more with healing and restoration of relationships, reaching out to others in new ways, rejuvenation of our hearts and minds. He never left our sides, and we can view 2011 as a victory for Him.

    His new word for me for 2012 is HOPE – not that I hope for something, as a recipient of whatever, but that I give HOPE this year. So many are without hope – it’s truly heartbreaking. May He use all of us to give hope to the world around us.

    • 30.1
      Beth says:

      All of these comments are so powerful. Yours really speaks, Sister. He is very obviously at work through you. Hold onto that Hope, knowing the gorgeous truth that it is not just a thing but a Person. (Titus 2:13)

  31. 31
    Mrs. W says:

    Trials, Sustained, Growth!

    He is faithful to accomplish His purpose, and His timing is always perfect!

  32. 32

    I can think of two words which create one phrase to describe this year for me:
    “Just Enough”- the older I get, the more trials I endure, the more I see how God’s hand moves. And it is not my way, let me tell you!! I desire the BIG, the BOLD the UNMISTAKEABLE. But instead He gives “just enough” for that day….small sustaining graces that let me know that He is here and that He sees. It is rarely ALL, but it is ENOUGH.

  33. 33
    Diane Bailey says:

    TESTING ( my faith has been tested this year and will continue on into the New Year, but I am fully expeting to see Him more clearly than ever before!)

    SECLUDED ( I was pressed by God to take a stand on a situation, and not to explain myself to anyone. My friends do not know the whole situation and do not understand…they are not associating with me. Trusting God in loneliness…)

    REJOICING ( my book came out in August STRING OF PEARLS and seems to be doing very well) and we have a new grandbaby, born on the day of prayer, fulfilling the word spoken over her that she would be a woman of Prayer!

  34. 34
    Priscilla says:


  35. 35
    marilyn says:

    My three words are




    Our Christian daughter is involved in a same-sex relationship and moved out of our house as a result of our family differences. We live in faith that the Holy Spirit will get through to her, although we can’t seem to.

  36. 36
    NancyMon says:

    Change- moved from 17 years condo living with little maintanence duties into a new house that we built and have more responsibility. My mom passed away this year but in this season there has been renewed connection with family,

    Wake Up- message to the church in Sardis spoke to me; “I know the things you do and that you have a reputation for being alive-but you are dead. WAKE UP! Strengthen what little remains for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to me again. If you don’t WAKE UP I will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief.” Rev 3:1-3

    Wait-finding new strength, soar like on the wings of an eagle, run, not grow weary, walk and not faint.Is 40:31

  37. 37
    shannon Costanzo says:

    Healed: After being told that I would need to have a Colostomy bag.. I cried, prayed and prayed some more. I got anointed by the elders of my church. After a laporoscopy the doctor could not find anything wrong!
    God Healed me!

    Trusting: I have learned to be more trusting in my Lord. There is always room to grow in this area. I learned God’s ways are not my ways. His way is always the best.

    Patience: I learned to have some patience. I am still learning haha.. but glad to be growing in this area.

    Happy New Year Siestas
    Shannon Costanzo, Kissimmee, Florida

  38. 38
    sherry says:

    1. Victory: After a grueling years of pruning, God has blessed me with seeing progress and victory over some deep seeded sins…It’s ALL HIM, but I get to be thankful and joyful for it…SO THANKFUL

    2. Contentment: God has so blessed me with rest and contentment and enjoyment of HIm and the Body…and that’s so NOT me in the flesh…again, SO THANKFUL

    3. Growth: Still having to learn and practise some new ways or thinking and behaving. The VICTORY has been encouraging, but boy have I failed too, now I just see it coming sometimes sooner and sometimes can count on the Holy Spirit to help me make a different choice…thank GOD for His grace, when I still don’t get it and mess up!

    Scripture Memory has been a HUGE part of all of three this year…SO THANKFUL!!!

  39. 39
    Ola says:

    Anxiety & Depression – The enemy tried to convince me to take my life but failed. Thank you God for your mercy over my very frazzled and confused soul…You will continue to peel off the darkness until only Christ is left. I will be unshackled, unfettered. Jesus is Lord of my life.

    Unconditional love – I am learning that God loves me regardless of where I am currently. He doesn’t vacillate in his love. I cannot earn God’s love by trying harder.

    Trust – I am learning that God saved me based solely on Christ Jesus’ redemptive work. He is true to his word that those who trust in Christ have eternal life and will not face condemnation. Lord God I take you at your word. Amen

    • 39.1
      Beth says:

      I am so thankful you had the courage and faith to make a blatant liar out of the enemy of your soul. Your life is of inestimable value, Sweet Thing.

  40. 40
    JILL_in_AL says:

    Blessings to our country momma siesta! Happy New Year!

    Three words…..

    1. CHALLENGED – this year I changed to a new role in work (one I never imagined) and absolutely have worked hard, learned much already and LOVE IT!

    2. FOCUSED – this year I did a good job at making the important things important. I’ve guarded my time better and not thrown my self or my family behind other things.

    3. 13.1 – well, this isn’t exactly a word but I was able to run a half marathon this November and that is something I NEVER thought I’d ever do in a million years. To be completely honest I ran with Jesus help for 10 miles then was carried on angels’ wings for the reminder but my friend and I ran every stinkin’ step to His glory!

    I absolutely have no clue what 2012 holds because if as many wonderful curve balls come as did in 2011 I may be slackjawwed for 12 months. Praying for immeasurably more of His grace and goodness ~~ love to all the siestas, J

  41. 41
    Betsy Roberts says:

    I was just reflecting on 2011 myself …

    TRUST – God has challenged me to trust Him through so many different situations this year. In some situations, I had no choice but to lean on Him completely. But through these hardships, He has brought me to where I am today, for which I am thankful …

    DEPENDENCE – It has been a year of learning how to be less dependent on the approval of others and more dependent on God. He has taken the “quantity” of people in my life and replaced them with “quality” ones to help me focus on my relationship with Him instead.

    VISION – I am starting to believe that God does have a plan for me, that He can use me in the lives of others. I have reaped so much from the Siesta Scripture Memory this past year that my first challenge for 2012 is to head up a similar blog for the ladies in and around my church through our women’s ministry. I’m hoping that ‘captivating the mind to Christ’ will prove to be as exciting to them as it has been to me this past year!

  42. 42

    Beth, seriously just three words? I have so much more, but I will try to keep it short…okay at least I will try.

    Last fall I participated in Believing God Bible Study, the message compelled me to dig deeper.

    The 5 point statement of faith as the premise of the entire study. Was a loud wake up call to my spirit. I will reiterate it here:

    *God is who He says He is
    *God can do what He says He can do
    *I am who God says I am
    *I can do all things through Christ
    *The Word of God is alive & active in me

    The questions that persist because of these statements are

    Exactly, specifically who does God say that He is – and what does it mean to me?

    Exactly, specifically what does God say that He can do – and…what does it mean to me?

    Exactly, specifically who does God say that I am – not who do I think I am?

    What does “I can do all things through Christ” REALLY mean?

    What evidence is there in my life that God’s Word is alive & active in my and my life – that it is more than just positive thinking?

    I must know the answer to these questions – The Almighty God through His Word has taken great effort to reveal Himself to me – yet what have I done to discover this grand revelation? And why, what benefit does knowing & understanding this revelation have to do with my life’s responsibilities?

    There are many mornings in my quiet time with the Lord I ponder on what a difference it would make to my day if I purposely chose to spend some time viewing my day with these statements in mind.

    Ah Lord Jehovah! behold, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and by thine outstretched arm; there is nothing too hard for thee, who showest lovingkindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them; the great, the mighty God, Jehovah of hosts is his name; great in counsel, and mighty in work; whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men, to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings: (Jeremiah 32:17-19)

  43. 43
    Sister Lynn says:

    1. TRANSITION – a lot of change – from Tucson back to Clyde, from living in our guest houses to moving back to our renovated monastery.

    2. HUMILITY – being the director of the women in formation has taught me more about my weak humanity than anything.

    3. GRATITUDE – I find my heart so often filled with the gratitude from all that I have learned, all the love that has been shown me, for the endless mercy of our good God.

  44. 44
    Jill says:

    HEALING-After the loss of my sister, June of 2010, God wanted me to be still in His presence, seeking Him for many months. March of 2011, I could feel God doing something amazing in my heart. ” The Lord is close to the broken hearted …”Psalms 34:18 “He heals the broken hearted and binds up there wounds” Psalms 147:3

    JOY-Through the healing of my heart, I found an undescribable JOY that I have never known before! It bubbled up and overflowed out of me. I couldnt stop talking about what God had done in my heart. ” Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.”
    Proverbs 3:13

    LOVE-Finally, from the healing and joy, I came to understand God’s love for me. Just His love for me! I can’t even describe the feeling! Only God! And then I began to express His love to others.
    ” We love because He loved us first.” 1 John 5:19

    Thanks for your studies Beth!

  45. 45
    Peggy says:

    Well it has been quite a year. Choosing just 3 words is difficult but I would say the year started with much UNCERTAINTY I chose to have FAITH in all situations and the Lord PROVIDED in a dramatic way that left absolutely no doubt about who did the providing! I am blessed in so many ways and am so thankful to the Lord, with out him I would be lost on so many levels. Thank you Beth for being authentic, your last post (even though I did not comment) left me with such a peace about my life, realizing that we all have struggles and difficult times in life ( even Beth Moore) but our God is faithful. Love ya!!

  46. 46
    joy French says:

    The three words that come to mind are graciousness, faithful and fun! Blessings to you Beth and to your sweet family!

    joy french~

  47. 47
    elaine says:

    Dependent – on God for everything.

    Gratitude – for the opportunities of growth and God’s faithful provision in all areas.

    Joy – in spite of circumstances, to the point of overflowing.

    Embracing 2012 – my new journal is waiting to record the journey. I feel I am at a crossroads and I am trusting God to light my path.

    Happy New Year Siestas!

  48. 48

    SETTLED…we have lived in Atlanta for over a year now and all praise to Jesus, my heart is settled. It actually feels like home. I can walk around in the middle of the night and not slam into the furniture:)

    USED…I mean this in a good way! I asked God to use me this year and He did! I am humbled that he would allow me to teach this group of 9th grade girls on Sunday mornings. They have a piece of my heart:) I love them so…

    FORGIVEN…This year the Lord brought a mentor into my life who helped me realize and remember that God has forgiven me of all past mistakes, and the only one holding on to that failure was me! I released myself and I feel free.

    Happy New Year Friends!

  49. 49
    Teresa says:

    Change, waiting, faithfulness….

  50. 50
    Cathy S. says:

    Three Words? I actually posted about this on my blog this week and had ten paragraphs! But, here is the condensed version.

    Guatemala-this year, two mission trips to a malnutrician there have turned my life upside down for the better. The children and their needs have really changed my priorities.

    EmptyNest (sorry, that’s two words)-1 child left home, 1 preparing to and both in public service careers putting their lives on the line for us every day. A policeman and a fireman. Who would have thought? Not I! But, I pray alot.

    Adventure-Trying new experiences, reconnecting as husband and wife, a new puppy, travel, medical issues. Life is a big adventure these days!

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