Just in a Visiting Mood

Hey, Siestas! I just printed out Day 1 of Week 5 of the James manuscript (ultimately, there will be seven weeks of homework, God willing) and decided to take a few minutes before I dive into the next thing. Actually, I wish we could just sit and talk for a little while. I’m in a chatty mood. One day soon we’re going to figure out how we can do some informal live streaming video and skype some of you guys on here. Wouldn’t that be fun? I have one of my trusty coworkers looking into that right now and I’ll keep you posted.

I’m working from home today because Keith is out for the day and two dogs are WAY too many to take to the office. Talk about mass pandemonium. Geli (Keith’s bird dog) is big enough to jump the back fence at the office and, when I bring her inside, she decides that any toy Star picks up is exactly the one she’s always wanted and barks her head off with that really jealous kind of yelp. So, I’m home today and getting to take a break right at my very own breakfast room table. (And dining room table and all-purpose visiting table and our only table.)

I wish you were sitting right across from me and, while we were taking our Bible study break, I’d fix you some of this, too.

That’s one of my favorite afternoon snacks. It’s actually tea instead of coffee because it goes so well with the Milano Cookies. I dip them into the hot tea so the chocolate melts and then I hold it on my tongue until it disintegrates. Yum. That sounded so good that I’m stopping for another bite. Lord have mercy. I’m so glad He gave us tongues.

Amanda is the one who got me started on a spot of tea. (Just a small spot. Not a true devotee.) She never got into the coffee mania of renown with her sister, father, and me but we were ecstatic when she developed taste buds for hot tea while she and Curtis lived in northern England. She took to their very basic (cheap) variety and it’s a good thing because it’s easy to get here in the States. I keep a box of it in the cabinet at all times so she can have tea when she’s over while Lis and I have coffee.

As I sit here sipping tea, these are a few of the thoughts rolling around in my bleached blond head…

How much I loved what I got to see earlier on a stroll by myself:

I totally dig turtles. They’re such a mixture of hard and soft.

How I love looking at Star after she’s been to the groomer. I took her today for her second hot-weather cut. Once I realized she wasn’t going to be shamed by it (grin), I asked them to go a little shorter. She’s just darling. Looks just like a puppy. I wish you could see her tail because they left it really fluffy. It looks so odd that I can’t quit grinning at her. I keep telling her that I’m laughing with her and not at her but that’s what my girls say to me and I know better.

How fresh this verse is hitting me. It came up in my quiet time yesterday (out of the fifth week of “Brave”) and I thought how much that one half-a-verse answers. Just think about it! Revel in a pure-dee NEVER, EVER! In a life of grays, give me some black and white! I took it to staff prayer time yesterday and we worked on memorizing it together.

One by one we coworkers mentioned various concerns we had, all the way from personal to global issues, then we followed each one up by saying the verse together in unison. We truly felt the power of God fall on us. Then we played a goofy word game. On rare occasion, I feel just devious enough to see if I can bring out the friendly spirit of competition in my very godly staff members. I was feeling it yesterday. I had printed multiple copies of the verse out in a big font and in as many different colors as I had coworkers. I then cut out each word, threw them all in a bag, shook them up then, after our lesson, poured them out on the table in a big mess and said, “GO!” They had to choose a color (some shades were gleefully similar) and arrange each word of the verse in order. As I explained the objective and was just about to pour them out, one of them said in a frenzy, “Are we trying to see who can do it the fastest?” No, I said. But I wouldn’t mind if you tried. And it was a free for all. Made me really laugh. It’s a wonder they didn’t draw blood. Love them so much.

Let’s see what else has been going through this head…

How I cannot BELIEVE that we are going to see THIS SIGHT TONIGHT:

TOO MUCH!!!!!! Amanda has cried two dozen times and I’ve cried one dozen. Curtis is so proud he can’t stand it but he’ll bite his lip bloody trying not to join Amanda and I in our sappiness. Our man-child! We’ll have a kindergarten student in three short months. Good grief. Somebody stop how fast this is going! He is one of the most wonderful things that has ever happened to this family. So full of life. So hilarious. So BIG in all his feelings and reactions. He left these by Melissa’s old bed last week when he went to sleep at our house and I can’t bring myself to move them one single inch.

And, lastly, BUT FAR FROM THE LEAST, I am thinking about hopping on that plane and heading to Eden Prairie, Minnesota this weekend for Living Proof Live.

I am so excited about this one! (I know you’re thinking “You say that every time,” but somehow God stirs up a unique brand of anticipation in my heart for almost every single one. Sometimes it comes from pain. Sometimes from joy. Sometimes it comes from passion for a Word burning a hole through me but it always comes with a feeling toward that event in particular. Only Jesus can do that.) God began speaking to me about the subject matter a week or so ago and I’ve been trying to listen hard and wide. I’m sad to say that we won’t have a ticket giveaway this week because this one blew our minds by selling out a while back. We’re in a church this time so there’s not the seating of an arena but it’s still a whopping forty-three hundred women. Make no mistake. That is a big group! Anything past 200 gives me a serious case of butterflies and, if there are any men in the less-than-200, that gives them to me worse. Give me girls, Lord.) We are thrilled to be in a sanctuary and cannot wait to meet the group God is drawing. Any time an event sells out, we think, “Wooooo-EEEEEE!” (Hear that like Jed Clampett) “If God has stirred up that kind of expectation, He must be up to something! We don’t want to miss Him for the world!” Well, OK. I’m probably the only one that actually says “woooo-eeeee” (well, Travis – AKA Jethro – does, too) but we all feel a blast of anticipation if that body of believers shows a heightened expectation of God in any discernible way. If they’re especially excited, so are we!

Well, look what’s gone and happened:

I guess break time is over but, man, you were good company while it lasted. I think of you everyday. I’m so proud of you guys for pursuing Jesus amid the train wrecks and derailments of life that I hardly know what to say. He is so worthy, Sisters. He is so worthy.

Keep turning your eyes to the skies…

“For You, Lord, have NEVER forsaken those who seek You.”


514 Responses to “Just in a Visiting Mood”

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  1. 151
    Crimeanmsnry says:

    tears rolling down my cheeks….He is so worthy!
    Praise him.

  2. 152
    Joanne says:

    Dear Beth,

    I’m sobbing after seeing the picture of Jackson’s hot-wheels. My 18 year old loved those little cars!He always had at least one in his hand at all times. How I miss those days. He grew up so fast.


  3. 153

    Thank you Beth for that verse. My dad is having surgery today to remove his gallbladder. 24 years ago he had a heartattck and his heart actually stopped beating. 11 years later a quadruple bypass.. He is a deacon,a Gideon, and has taken several mission trips after his bypass…one to Russia! Most importantly I know how much he loves the Lord. Never will He leave us….AMEN

  4. 154
    Linda Dwyer says:

    I have a VERY IMPORTANT REQUEST:) Where can I get one of those beautiful dry erase message boards? I have been looking for something like that for my kitchen to write verses on for my family!!

  5. 155
    Laray says:

    My precious little boy is graduating pre-k tomorrow night. It is definitely bitter sweet to know he will eventually stop crawling up in my lap and needing me to kiss his boo-boos. But I am so thankful that God has given him to me “for such a time as this.” He took his cap and gown picture and the photographer had his give the thumbs up sign. It is priceless.

  6. 156
    Anna Mitchell says:

    Sweet Beth – I’ve missed these kinda talks with you. I’m not a tea or coffee drinker- so I grabbed my crystal light orange juice and sipped it while I read. I love to hear the ramblings of my favorite bleached blonde Bible study teacher. You always make me smile. Have a super great day today.

  7. 157
    Laura S says:

    What a great break time! At my oldest child’s kindergarten graduation she burst into tears singing “A Friend is a friend forever when the Lord is the Lord of them…” causing everyone to do the same. Even the daddy’s who were holding it in couldn’t any more!

  8. 158
    Beth Davis says:

    Thanks for sharing Beth! It really lifted my spirits this morning, just hearing someone else who is excited. It’s been a long month or more for my family, but we laid Granny to rest on Friday…and know for a fact she is in Heaven. What a blessing!! One of my unsaved cousins is really thinking about going to church – that him and his girlfriend need to start going to church. They want to find a middle between Catholic and Missionary Baptist…which would be my parents church which teaches the gospel for what it is (also the women do your bible studies and just loooove them πŸ™‚ ) and God is really moving in his life…all because of the death of my granny…what a blessing in disguise! Can I please have prayer for him? His name is Jeremy…through him, the whole family can be changed, I’m sure you have a person like him in your family that is very influential. God is sooo big!! Thank you Siesta’s and thank you mama!

  9. 159
    Shelley G says:

    That tea and those cookies look like a perfect break time snack πŸ™‚

    I am on vacation this week so it has been so nice to be able to spend extra time with God and catch up on some much needed reading. Beth thank you so much for sharing you life with all of us, you are the real thing.

    Much love to you and your family

  10. 160
    Letha says:

    Amen and Amen.

  11. 161
    Tanya Hoffman says:


    The picture of Jackson in his little graduation outfit is adorable. I can sympathize with you and Amanda because my little guy is graduating kindergarten next week. Where did the time go?

    Praying for you this week at your event.

    Our church is excited and preparing to host the simulcast in September!

    Thank you for being His servant,

    Tanya Hoffman

  12. 162

    SO cute and fun! Love that you take the time to talk to us just like we’re your BFFs! πŸ™‚

  13. 163
    Eleanor says:

    Thanks for sharing!
    I needed a reminder of this verse and promise today!

  14. 164
    Tina Harrell says:

    I’m sitting here at my desk wondering how my weary body will make it to bed time. Why you ask? TWO DOGS!! Yep, we have two also. Weimaraners. So, the puppy (Daphne)starts throwing up at 2am. In her crate, in our bed. By 2:15 we were changing sheets, bathing a 60 lb. puppy and cleaning out a crate. I think I drifted back to sleep around 3. She woke me at 6 to start it all over again. Wonder what crazy thing she has eaten to wreak this much havoc! Apparently, I was paying way too much attention to her…so the older one (Talullah) decided to hunt up a squirrel and bring it to me for a gift. Good grief! Enjoy your two dog day and thanks for taking a break with us!

  15. 165
    Janell Taylor says:

    Frisco, TX~Hi Beth! I just love YOU and so glad you felt like chatting! I cannot wait to do James and our lady’s group is actually doing Brave in the fall πŸ™‚ Today we are going to the Dallas Museum of Bilbical Art….excited!
    Have a great day!
    Seeking Him,

  16. 166
    JudyLynn says:

    Beth: I thought I was the only one who couldn’t move my granddaughters toys after she left. She doesn’t live nearby (3 hrs away) and when she leaves my house is so empty. I even leave her fingerprints on the mirror!! Isn’t that funny how we want to feel them close by?

  17. 167
    Missy S says:

    That was so fun, Beth! Wish I could have you across from my table, too! I’d probably opt for Pepperidge Farm Brussels cookies, instead of Milanos and a regular Coke, instead of tea, but we’d have a grand ole time!

    How it thrills me to think of that first day of the manuscript coming out of the printer! That printer has no idea what a mighty work of God it’s participating in – or maybe it does and that’s why it opted for magenta. Because if there ever was a divine color, it must be hot pink!

    Anyway, love you & praying for LPL this weekend!

  18. 168
    Emmy says:

    I LOVE that verse… definitely next memory verse!

    My first born son graduated from high school Sunday… I was walking in Staples the day before and a 4 year old boy came walking out with his Mom with a car and truck balled up in his fists. OH I immediately burst into tears and thought where does the time go… makes me cry just typing this! πŸ™

    Fun post… thanks πŸ™‚

  19. 169
    Laura says:

    Hi Siesta Mama!

    I was so blessed by this post today! Tea (or coffee for me), a good word from the Lord from Psalm 9 and adorable pictures – can life get sweeter?

    Praying through your time this weekend and so look forward to hearing how Jesus shows up and anoints you, the team and the women and men attending.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to love us Siestas out here πŸ™‚

  20. 170
    Ashley says:

    Oh, how I’m developing such a heart for Siestaville! Sweet chat, sweet snacks, sweet pups and best of all, sweet little buddies. My little Mason will also be taking the momentous leap to kindergarten next fall…and I, joining you and Amanda, am having such an emotional trip there. It’s just happening much more quickly than I anticipated. Such sweetness. I hope all of you sweet Siestas have an abundantly blessed day. <3

  21. 171
    Kathy W. says:

    Hey Siestas,
    I am starting Beth’s Esther Bible study in my home next Tuesday. I have 7 very different women coming, some are just starting their walk with the Lord. Please cover me in prayer, I am excited about what God has planned.

  22. 172
    Kim S. says:

    Such a sweet graduation picture! As you embark on a first time kindergartner, I will embark on being the first time mom of a SENIOR! I too have already been weeping; it will be a long summer emotionally! Excited and sad at the same time.

  23. 173
    Candice says:

    I love PG Tips…I was turned on to it by a dear friend- we’ll be in Minnesota this weekend together tooo!!!

    Already praying for that time!

    I do have one extra ticket if anyone needs one- would like to go…feel free to email…[email protected]

  24. 174

    I enjoyed our visit this morning, Beth! Thanks for taking the time to share your heart and what is precious to you.
    Have a fabulous trip!
    In His grace,

  25. 175
    Kelly S says:

    Oh my, what a cute graduation picture!!! My little sweetie graduates from preschool tomorrow morning. In the fall, all my babies will be in school full time, and my oldest (Olivia) will be 13. Mercy.

    Have a great LPL this weekend πŸ™‚ I’ll pray for you.
    love you

    looking forward to Deeper Still!!!!

  26. 176
    fuzzytop says:

    Yay for Jackson’s graduation! And the tea and Milano’s look lovely too. Love PG Tips tea…

    I needed to hear that verse today, and I have copied it onto a post-it and pasted it on my computer monitor at work. It’s been a rough week.

    Love and hugs,

    P.S. Loved your Bible verse game! I’m going to borrow this idea to use with the kids I teach in Children’s Church.

  27. 177
    Laura Taylor says:

    Thank you Beth…needed a friend this morning and loved being chatted at. I plan on memorizing that verse today as well and leading my lovely “inner city” ladies through the exercise at our Saturday morning Bible Study. So glad you remember us pastor’s wives out here.

  28. 178
    Mary in VA says:

    Thanks for sharing the Bible verse. That fresh Word is exactly what I needed to hear today.
    I’m with you on the tears for graduation. My second born graduates from Kindergarten next week. I may very well make a fool of myself with all my blubbering.

  29. 179
    Marilyn...in Mississippi says:

    I just LOVE it when you write a post like this Beth! Makes me feel like I’ve sat at the table with you and had a visit right there in your home! And that’s a talent you have….making us feel a part of your life. THANK YOU!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  30. 180
    texatheart says:

    You remind me of my grandparents when I was Jackson’s age. We would come to visit and Grandpa would take us in the car. After we had left Grandma would tell him his car windows were filthy and he needed to clean them. He would always tell her, I’m not ready yet to wash their little prints off the windows.
    I reached down in my work bag and found my precious grandson’s little link circles in the bottom. So precious.

  31. 181
    Kat says:

    Loved the post!! Ps. 9:10 is one of my memory verses for this year. Love the whole verse…seems like God’s theme for my verses this year is “trust…trust Him and believe Him”. Oh what a ride it is. Praying for you and the team this weekend!!

  32. 182
    heather says:

    Oh mamma Beth….how I love it when I see a new post from you πŸ™‚ Missed it yesterday but is always so timely and delightful to get glimpses into your world and all that you are “thinking.” The live stream sounds so fun, can’t wait to see what comes of it. Milano’s are some of my most favorite cookies and can usually only bear to drink hot tea when I am sick with some honey in it. It’s hard to get used to. Thank you for sharing, as always and hope you enjoyed your day out of the office. That game sounds like a good one to try on my kiddos:)

  33. 183
    Jamie says:

    Thanks so much for taking time to chat with us Beth! I am loving that cup and saucer!! If not a rude question, who makes it? The saucer is just lovely!

  34. 184
    Elaine Peveto says:


    I praise God for how He uses you to touch lives. There is not one single time that you do not go right down to the pit of my being and touch that thirsty part of me with God’s word. I love how He does that with you!!! This verse is no different than all the others but has special meaning today. I am seeking God for His healing and He is doing a work in me. This verse gives me such encouragement to continue my pursuit of total healing. Talk about timing.

  35. 185
    Kathy Devall says:

    It was laughter, then tears, then laughter, again reading your blog! Thanks for taking the time to chat. I love the verse! I’m soooooo gonna use that game duing our prayer meetings at work. Yes, I SAID AT WORK! Can you believe it? I love it! We pray on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and this game is perfect for stirring things up! It’s all men, though, and one other woman. We’ll see how it goes. I’ll keep you posted. We’re a get your hands dirty welding supply company in Houston that reads scripture and brings our petitions before our loving God who NEVER forsakes us. YAY! It’s awesome!
    Lord, pour Yourself over Beth and every single woman in Eden Prairie this weekend. In Jesus’ name, I ask.

  36. 186
    Katrina says:

    I like what you said at the end about “pursuing Jesus amid the train wrecks and derailments of life.” Train wrecks and derailments are perfect descriptions of where I’m at right now, I just need to make sure I keep up with the “pursuing Jesus” part through it all. Thanks for the encouragement! πŸ™‚

  37. 187
    Sandi in MN says:

    Hey Beth!
    I’m so excited for this weekend! I’m driving 3 hours and meeting a Milwaukee friend(she’s driving 6 hours) for LPL!

    My friend is now on a missions trip in Costa Rica(looking at opportunities to bring other to help at a home for women getting out of sex trafficking and prostitution)She gets home late Thurs night then drives 6 hours Friday to LPL. She had intense spiritual warfare before leaving. I have had a family of sick people, stomach flu, fever, etc. I’m SO praying I don’t get sick! God must be up to somethin’ good when we experience attacks like this!

    We’ve had this girls weekend planned for over 6 months, I even had my hair foiled(first time in 2 years) for the occasion! Hotels and girlfriend time can’t be traded for anything! Can’t wait to join in the fun and worship together!

  38. 188
    Deborah says:

    YES!! REALLY enjoyed your “tea post”!! With six daughters, tea time is one of the favorites around our house! There are AWESOME flavors out there – Cream Earl Grey, Pumpkin Spice, Rose Petal, English Caramel, Blueberry Lilac- just to name a few!! πŸ™‚ It’s also fun to find a tea house that includes a “dress up” room complete with hats, boas, and gloves!!

    LOVED the verse!! God NEVER, NEVER, NEVER forsakes those that seek Him!! He is 100% there and in control-ALWAYS! How blessed we are!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for this post! It really put a “spring” into my day!!!

  39. 189

    Oh for the day when we can all chat before the throne of our God! It is a picture I have been trying to wrap my small mind around, but I just don’t have enough mind to wrap around His glory and the wonderful things that await us.

    I am so glad that the living and wonder of Him and the fellowship we have with one another don’t have to wait until some far day in the future. To be sure the future will be beyond our wildest imagination, but we don’t have to wait to fellowship with Him or one another. I am so glad that we get a taste now. And when there is a cup of hot coffee or tea and chocolate cookies–that is even better.

    I continue to pray that my family will come to know the Lord. I so long for them to stand around the throne with us praising our Lord without end.

    • 189.1

      After all the struggles I have had in my life, I have come to the conclusion that if God could fit inside my head, He’s way too small for my problems. He HAS to be BIGGER than me or I’m toast!!!! After years of thinking I had to know EVERYTHING, I’m really okay with not understanding everything, but just trusting that God understands everything, and I can trust Him to take care of it. But I do admit it is fun to think about what it will be like. And to wonder! It is sooo much fun! I have to admit my imagination goes a little crazy πŸ™‚

  40. 190
    Michele says:

    I think I just found my new verse for June 1st!
    It was so nice to sit down this morning and have breakfast with you :0)Can’t get much better…treats, grandsons (or nephew, in my case), fur-babies, turtles, and last but NOT least, women who love God’s Word!

    I’ll be praying for the event this weekend

  41. 191
    Stacey says:

    I read your blogs all of the time but rarely comment…the size of this blog community overwhelms me πŸ™‚
    The verse you left is so timely as I am seeking Him with all of my heart concerning so many matters – thank you for being an example of Jesus.

  42. 192
    Susan Mansur says:

    How I love to sit and sip tea in the afternoon with a small bit of something sweet – to eat and to study like His precious words to me πŸ™‚ I too thank God for those moments to savor Him and small world of wonders! He indeed does not forsake us – thank you Lord!!

  43. 193
    Kim Moore says:

    Hi, I am new to you blog but felt that I got to know you during the Daniel Bible Study our church just completed. Your blog is a blessing to read, cant wait for our next Bible Study at Church of yours!

    I just want to say God is so good. This morning we were able to hear grandbaby number 4’s heartbeat. Nothing will steal your heart like your grand children. God bless you for all you do!

  44. 194
    crystalw says:

    I too have a Graduate…Christian Wright…From high school, with honors….I cried from the morning of during pictures… I have 4 boys.. and my oldest(18) grabbed the youngest(9)…and took a picture with him, my baby was holding his BIG brothers graduation cap while my oldest had his hands on his little brothers shoulders…..it was as if the last 18 years suddenly caught up with me and time stood still for a minute…..All the trials my family has overcame in the last 19 years overwhelmed me and it’s because of our Lord that this day was possible..Tears of joy flowed from eyes and continued to all that day…The Lord is Good…….

  45. 195
    Texas in the Mountains says:

    My ‘little man’ is graduating from High School next week. He has decided, against my will, to go to a school 1500 miles away. I’ve been bawling for 5 days. My hubby, not knowing what else to do, bought me some Milano cookies to cheer me up. πŸ™‚
    “Luscious strawberry, deep rich chocolate, exquisite cookies”
    β€œFor You, Lord, have NEVER forsaken those who seek You.”

  46. 196
    Lynn at Barksdale AFB says:

    Thank you Mama Siesta! That verse really picked me up today as we have military orders that will cause my husband and I to live apart for the next year. We’ve already had to do this SO many times before, I just really needed that verse. And what fun to see the PG Tips tea! When we were stationed in England, it became our absolute favorite, too, and I make sure to keep it stocked in our pantry, now need to go get those Milano cookies!!!

  47. 197
    Shanna says:

    All I can say about that is “woooo-eeeee”!!! πŸ˜‰

  48. 198
    Christy says:


    I also had a little one that graduated last night & she will also be attending kindergarten in the fall…going with her two “big sisters” to “big school.” My oldest had a birthday yesterday turning 12! My how the time flies, it doesn’t seem possible sometimes. This blog community is so blessed to be a part of your life, thank you for being so real! Your family is so precious & it is heart touching that you share so much with us! I share those tears and smiles with you every time! Praying for a mighty move of God this weekend, dear Lord I pray for your anointing on LPL, demonstrate your power o mighty God! Beth, you are loved!

    Summit, MS

  49. 199
    Leanne says:


    I am a stay at home mom with a rising kindergartener and 3rd grader. Life is just starting to level out a hair from newborn-toddlerhood…but I still have the moments of feeling all to lonely and left out from the outside world. I have been way to vulnerable and boundryless in the past, which led me into a deep season of betrayal and hurt. With all that said, it is very hard to trust anyone to be sincere and love Jesus at the same time. So I am enjoying this post at this moment b/c so many of the things you have shared are the very things that I enjoy too. A few posts back when you took a picture of your rain boots, I showed my hubs and said “she has my boots!” Maybe silly, but some how it brings me happiness. I prayed this morning for the Lord to help me not feel so alone…and HE did. I am so glad that there is this community of women who are all after the same thing, but can still feel the freedom to enjoy haircolor and scrumptious tea and cookies.

  50. 200
    Church Lady says:

    I just love post like these. I love getting the chance to catch up on what is going on in your busy life. I am so thankful for your ministry. Please be in prayer for me, I am asking God for direction in a situation in my life. This goes for you too Siestaville, please lift me up to the Lord in prayer. Thanks so much.

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