Just in a Visiting Mood

Hey, Siestas! I just printed out Day 1 of Week 5 of the James manuscript (ultimately, there will be seven weeks of homework, God willing) and decided to take a few minutes before I dive into the next thing. Actually, I wish we could just sit and talk for a little while. I’m in a chatty mood. One day soon we’re going to figure out how we can do some informal live streaming video and skype some of you guys on here. Wouldn’t that be fun? I have one of my trusty coworkers looking into that right now and I’ll keep you posted.

I’m working from home today because Keith is out for the day and two dogs are WAY too many to take to the office. Talk about mass pandemonium. Geli (Keith’s bird dog) is big enough to jump the back fence at the office and, when I bring her inside, she decides that any toy Star picks up is exactly the one she’s always wanted and barks her head off with that really jealous kind of yelp. So, I’m home today and getting to take a break right at my very own breakfast room table. (And dining room table and all-purpose visiting table and our only table.)

I wish you were sitting right across from me and, while we were taking our Bible study break, I’d fix you some of this, too.

That’s one of my favorite afternoon snacks. It’s actually tea instead of coffee because it goes so well with the Milano Cookies. I dip them into the hot tea so the chocolate melts and then I hold it on my tongue until it disintegrates. Yum. That sounded so good that I’m stopping for another bite. Lord have mercy. I’m so glad He gave us tongues.

Amanda is the one who got me started on a spot of tea. (Just a small spot. Not a true devotee.) She never got into the coffee mania of renown with her sister, father, and me but we were ecstatic when she developed taste buds for hot tea while she and Curtis lived in northern England. She took to their very basic (cheap) variety and it’s a good thing because it’s easy to get here in the States. I keep a box of it in the cabinet at all times so she can have tea when she’s over while Lis and I have coffee.

As I sit here sipping tea, these are a few of the thoughts rolling around in my bleached blond head…

How much I loved what I got to see earlier on a stroll by myself:

I totally dig turtles. They’re such a mixture of hard and soft.

How I love looking at Star after she’s been to the groomer. I took her today for her second hot-weather cut. Once I realized she wasn’t going to be shamed by it (grin), I asked them to go a little shorter. She’s just darling. Looks just like a puppy. I wish you could see her tail because they left it really fluffy. It looks so odd that I can’t quit grinning at her. I keep telling her that I’m laughing with her and not at her but that’s what my girls say to me and I know better.

How fresh this verse is hitting me. It came up in my quiet time yesterday (out of the fifth week of “Brave”) and I thought how much that one half-a-verse answers. Just think about it! Revel in a pure-dee NEVER, EVER! In a life of grays, give me some black and white! I took it to staff prayer time yesterday and we worked on memorizing it together.

One by one we coworkers mentioned various concerns we had, all the way from personal to global issues, then we followed each one up by saying the verse together in unison. We truly felt the power of God fall on us. Then we played a goofy word game. On rare occasion, I feel just devious enough to see if I can bring out the friendly spirit of competition in my very godly staff members. I was feeling it yesterday. I had printed multiple copies of the verse out in a big font and in as many different colors as I had coworkers. I then cut out each word, threw them all in a bag, shook them up then, after our lesson, poured them out on the table in a big mess and said, “GO!” They had to choose a color (some shades were gleefully similar) and arrange each word of the verse in order. As I explained the objective and was just about to pour them out, one of them said in a frenzy, “Are we trying to see who can do it the fastest?” No, I said. But I wouldn’t mind if you tried. And it was a free for all. Made me really laugh. It’s a wonder they didn’t draw blood. Love them so much.

Let’s see what else has been going through this head…

How I cannot BELIEVE that we are going to see THIS SIGHT TONIGHT:

TOO MUCH!!!!!! Amanda has cried two dozen times and I’ve cried one dozen. Curtis is so proud he can’t stand it but he’ll bite his lip bloody trying not to join Amanda and I in our sappiness. Our man-child! We’ll have a kindergarten student in three short months. Good grief. Somebody stop how fast this is going! He is one of the most wonderful things that has ever happened to this family. So full of life. So hilarious. So BIG in all his feelings and reactions. He left these by Melissa’s old bed last week when he went to sleep at our house and I can’t bring myself to move them one single inch.

And, lastly, BUT FAR FROM THE LEAST, I am thinking about hopping on that plane and heading to Eden Prairie, Minnesota this weekend for Living Proof Live.

I am so excited about this one! (I know you’re thinking “You say that every time,” but somehow God stirs up a unique brand of anticipation in my heart for almost every single one. Sometimes it comes from pain. Sometimes from joy. Sometimes it comes from passion for a Word burning a hole through me but it always comes with a feeling toward that event in particular. Only Jesus can do that.) God began speaking to me about the subject matter a week or so ago and I’ve been trying to listen hard and wide. I’m sad to say that we won’t have a ticket giveaway this week because this one blew our minds by selling out a while back. We’re in a church this time so there’s not the seating of an arena but it’s still a whopping forty-three hundred women. Make no mistake. That is a big group! Anything past 200 gives me a serious case of butterflies and, if there are any men in the less-than-200, that gives them to me worse. Give me girls, Lord.) We are thrilled to be in a sanctuary and cannot wait to meet the group God is drawing. Any time an event sells out, we think, “Wooooo-EEEEEE!” (Hear that like Jed Clampett) “If God has stirred up that kind of expectation, He must be up to something! We don’t want to miss Him for the world!” Well, OK. I’m probably the only one that actually says “woooo-eeeee” (well, Travis – AKA Jethro – does, too) but we all feel a blast of anticipation if that body of believers shows a heightened expectation of God in any discernible way. If they’re especially excited, so are we!

Well, look what’s gone and happened:

I guess break time is over but, man, you were good company while it lasted. I think of you everyday. I’m so proud of you guys for pursuing Jesus amid the train wrecks and derailments of life that I hardly know what to say. He is so worthy, Sisters. He is so worthy.

Keep turning your eyes to the skies…

“For You, Lord, have NEVER forsaken those who seek You.”


514 Responses to “Just in a Visiting Mood”

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  1. 1
    Kay Martin says:

    Beth, Just had a cup of French Vanilla Coffee for my afternoon break. Wish we could have shared a little time together. Love the easel – mine is red and has 1 Samuel 2:2 on it right now. Back to my computer – working on a study of Samson for Sunday School. Can’t wait for James!

  2. 2

    I enjoyed our little chat, too! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I just LOVE turtles. How wonderful that you saw one.

  3. 3
    Tess says:

    Thank you Beth for keeping me smiling thru some difficult times. Had to smile at your Milano’s. Who would have guessed that my 15 yr old manly athlete son is hooked on them? I told him that they are a “mom’s” cookie, but he disagrees. Your passion for Christ is contagious. Whenever I feel my passion start to fade, I know I can visit your site and be encouraged to explore a new verse in the Word and my excitement comes racing back. PS: Milk chocolate is our favorite variety.

  4. 4
    Cindy says:

    James 3:17 (NIV)
    But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

  5. 5
    Kim says:

    Was nice to visit with you. I just poured my coffee and thought I would check in for a minute before heading to the kitchen to finish dinner. I pretended I was at your house sharing this moment, since the temperature here in our part of Ohio only reached a whopping 42 degrees for the high. I promised God I wouldn’t complain though.

    LOVE THE VERSE. Going to get my bible and make sure that one is marked for future reference.

    Thanks for sharing your day with us. It’s always a treat.

    With much love and prayer

  6. 6
    Dawn King says:

    I love, love, love that verse. It speaks to right where I feel the most fear. That’s the next memory verse!

  7. 7
    Kristen says:

    I love that conversation! And I am sad that there will be no tickets this time! I was too late to try to get some for this MN date! I think we will have decent weather for you in MN this weekend. ENJOY!

  8. 8
    Shirleen says:

    I LOVE this verse! This will definitely be one of the next verses I memorize. Thanks Beth for sharing it with us!

  9. 9
    Joyce Watson says:

    You are such a blessing. I am still stuck on the Bible verse you wrote, sometimes we all need to hear that we are not forsaken, rejected, alone or forgotten and that God is right here with us. It is one thing to know it, but it is better when you hear it. We need to seek Him daily and sometimes desperately.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures of Jackson’s graduation. He looks so sweet and that front tooth missing, oh my goodness!
    Thought I would share this story of my boys that I wrote a while back:
    Having twin boys was a blessing! I remember the first time Gordon (my husband) and I took a trip to the PX with the boys. They were only a few weeks old at the time and I had Jonathan in one buggy and Gordon had Christopher in the other buggy. I came around the corner with Jonathan and this German man who worked at the PX, was so nice and he told me, “Oh, how sweet,” as he looked at Jonathan, but then Gordon came around the corner with Christopher and we told him he was twin.

    The German man, threw his hands up and down repeating himself, “God bless, God bless!”

    When we first took the boys to church, we were excited and so were our friends.

    Gordon and I had tears in our eyes also.

    God had given us twin boys, something special in our lives. We were very thankful and surprised. When God does something so extra-ordinary the world recognizes that God had something to do with it, not just man. When God is part of your life others take notice. Even when things happen that are not good, people notice how Christians react, what we do or say. Thank God that He is apart of your life. He remembers us even when we are just coming around the corner, He takes notice to the little things in our lives. And we can shout, “God bless, God bless with tears in our eyes!”

    I love little chats! I found a little baby kitten in my yard yesterday, so I’m babysitting. Have a beautiful day.
    Look forward to the James Bible study. in Christ

  10. 10

    I’ve got a competitive streak, too, so would fit right in with the crazy games you guys play at the office ๐Ÿ™‚

    Enjoy graduation tonight. And don’t forget the kleenex! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. 11
    Shannon Pate says:

    I saw your verse on Twitter today and marked it as a favorite!! Thanks for all the sharing!! I am saying a prayer right now for your conference this weekend!!! Woo Hoo!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 12

    Really enjoyed that ๐Ÿ™‚ Especially the starting full cup and cookie picture and the final picture. Thank you for encouragement.

  13. 13
    Sarah Caldwell says:

    Oh, how I LOVED this post! And that verse spoke directly to my heart! I have a silly question: can you say where you got the dry erase/easel board with the verse written on it? I absolutely love it, and since I have just gotten married, am getting my study set up at home, and would love to find an easel such as that one…Thanks in advance, if you can tell me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am always blessed by your words, and humor, and most importantly, the Spirit of Christ in a fellow believeing Sister! God bless you and yours, I’m praying for the James study, and am so excited to go through it once it is complete.

    • 13.1
      Beth says:

      Several people have asked me that today and I would be so happy to tell you if I knew! It was a gift from a friend with that decorator flair. I’ve had it several years but if I get a chance to ask her, I’ll pass on where she got it. Blessings right back to you, Sweet Thing.

  14. 14
    Happy Heart says:

    Praise God that He never forsakes us! I don’t like being alone ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy tonight! Oh, be ready when you see him in that little cap and gown! Heart Hugs!

  15. 15
    Patty Anderson says:

    Our ladies bible study just finished doing Brave and I really enjoyed his one. I think I may read through it again this summer. Sure enjoy hearing from you on this blog.

  16. 16
    Shelly says:

    Sweet Beth, we CAN’T WAIT to hear what the Lord has to say to us though you in Eden Prairie this weekend! Counting down…

  17. 17
    Patti Hayes says:

    Hi Beth,
    Just this morning I was praying for you and the team. I’m delighted to be part of the ministry by partnering in prayer, especially for the Live events. You mentioned being in a church this weekend and that brought back sweet memories of when you were at our church. (Idlewild Baptist-Lutz, Florida) Because you brought such a close and personal word – as if the Holy Spirit whispered in your ear as you were preparing, ‘This message is for Patti Hayes’ – I still take out my notes and rehearse those truths.

    I would so dearly love to have the time and space to share of the healing and mercy God has wrought. He has indeed removed my heart of stone and has given me a heart of flesh and has put a new Spirit, His Spirit in me.

    This is already longer than I planned and a room full of company beckons me, but I have to tell you that at the end of August, my husband and I will welcome our first grandchild, a manchild whose name has already been chosen and I’m free to share it. Nathanael Rex (after my dad and Peter’s grandfather) Hayes is due to arrive August 27th and his grandmother has not stopped praying for him. On that note, know that I’ll be praying for you and the team this weekend.
    Much love,
    Patti Hayes

  18. 18
    Cara says:

    Hi Beth!

    Your posts are so fun to read! Thanks for sharing joy and making me smile so much ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m so happy you are coming to MN this weekend! Even though I won’t be able to see you (because the tics sold out so early!!)I’m praying that God will cause a powerful ripple effect from the event with His Spirit and blessings…that so much more will be impacted than just those who enter the doors of Grace Church. And that you Beth, and your team will be so blessed by your experience here too, so we just welcome you with BIG outstretched arms and thank you for coming! ๐Ÿ™‚ My friends and I were able to secure tickets for Lincoln in June, so we’re super excited to come see you then!

    God’s richest blessings!

  19. 19
    Amanda says:

    That would be so cool if we could Skype!!! I would totally feel honored and privileged if I got the chance to chat it up with you!
    I love the pic of yoour man-child grandson! My boy is finishing up first grade and I can’t hardly stand it! Ya’ll will be a wreck when you take him to the first day of Kindergarden! what a joyous and painful occassion to watch our children grwo!

  20. 20
    ForeverHis says:

    I so enjoy hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time. Just wanted to share something cute. I bought the parable of the king app. I was sharing it with my grandchildren & showing them how I could record my voice and my 7 year old granddaughter wanted to record. We are now working on her reading/recording the book. What a priceless treasure. We spend a few minutes each day as she records a page or two. I love this app and the breaking free app. Hope to see many more in the future.

    Phil 4:8

  21. 21
    Jill says:

    Loved our visit! I too love turtles…..especially sea turtles…..But when I was 8 yrs old, my fist cousin Greg and I, tried to make a neclace (like a sharks tooth neclace) out of turtle toenails!!! I know it’s gross and horrible…but you make up your own entertainment out in the country!!! No, we did not succeed! LOL!!!! I love tea…..can’t stand coffee!!! Although I love the smell of it…so I always try it again….Blach!!! I think after 41 years…I just plain don’t like it!! My babies are 16 and 15!!! Where does the time go??!! Loved the verse and our God!!! Love you too!!! xo

  22. 22
    Becky W. says:

    Oh, I wish so much I was coming to the LPLive! My heart is with you!

  23. 23
    Andrea says:

    As a preschool teacher, I cannot tell you how excited I am for you and your man-child! He looks so sweet in his grad cap and gown. We had our graduation last week and it was all I could do to not cry over my 45 little ones leaving my little nest. (Of course, I am totally bawling now!) I hope you all enjoy the celebration of this next chapter in his life! (and I love that he is missing a tooth! How sweet it he?!)

  24. 24
    christina says:

    That was fun. PG Tips was my favorite, too, until I discovered Punjana (just a touch stronger, an Irish-style tea). The dark chocolate mint Milanos are perfect for dipping in dark (decaf) coffee in the afternoon. Just in case you need to know.

    Thanks for reminding us of that blessed verse. God is so true, always, no matter appearances. May He delight you with his care on the weekend in Minnesota.

  25. 25
    Cassandra says:

    I will gladly have a cup of tea with you any day! Next time you need a break let’s pour us some tea, place a Bible between us and we can chat it up! I just love what the Spirit does over a nice coffee/tea break. It’s what my spiritual mentor and I do best ๐Ÿ™‚

    You and every person at the event will be in my prayers! I will be praying God shows up in a big way to everyone there!

  26. 26
    Michele says:

    Oh Beth, I so wish I could be sitting there with you, the dogs, and the cookies. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve often wondered how you hear from God as to what messages to give when, and how you keep them separate (or not) when you have so many projects/tapings/conferences going on.

    I used to cut my cat’s hair and sometimes I’d give him a mohawk – then I would be constantly laughing at him. ๐Ÿ™‚ So glad to see Star recovered all back to normal, she looks adorable!

    Your word puzzle game sounds like Survivor – hope no one got voted out of LPM! haha

    I’ve been encouraged about what God has been doing this week – we have a group of Siestas that want to do online Bible study this summer, and I got my ticket to Deeper Still!! Don’t know how I’m getting there or where I’m staying yet, but soooooo excited to go!!

    Thanks for sharing with us, Beth. We love you tons!

    • 26.1
      Kathy B says:

      Voted off the LPM island. Funny! My husband cuts our dog and cat’s hair. Yes, cat. I’m always so embarrassed for him. He looks like the pink panther.

      • Michele says:

        Hahaha. Yes I used to trim Cindy’s hair just a little, especially around her ears, feet, and back legs. But I started shaving the cat when he was young (he stayed indoors). He was long-haired and shaving him got rid of his hairball problems and kept my house cleaner – win-win. He actually didn’t mind it too much. He’d meow a bit, but didn’t fight.

        One of the last times I trimmed Cindy, she was falling asleep during it. I’d roll her over to do the other side & she’d go back to sleep, haha. I loved taking care of her. I still miss her so much.

  27. 27
    Jennifer says:

    I loved sharing your tea break with you! I love a cup of Sleepytime Tea each night while I unwind with my man after the girls are in bed.

    Blessings to you, sweet Beth!

  28. 28
    carla says:

    Oh, Miss Beth, those cars on the bedside table made me cry. My son always had those matchbox cars as a little boy. He and his grandpa went to a garage sale once and the older couple there were selling this huge box of little cars and of course grandpa bought them. For years, my shoes were full of cars, he would line them up all across the house, I miss that little boy who is now a man.
    Thanks for sharing your day and letting me share a memory. Enjoy that little man tonight!

  29. 29

    Oh Beth…that was a great visit. Wish I’d had some coffee and especially a Milano. Now I have you to thank for a wild hankerin’. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love turtles too. I wrote a little blog post about how we are like turtles a while back and it turned out to be a popular favorite. Here it is if you EVER have time.


    Praying for your next event and the sweet graduation tonight. Blessings on you and all of your family (blood and other). Ha.

  30. 30
    theharbormom says:

    Thanks for taking your afternoon break with us. I have a preschooler-turning kindergartener myself (my 3rd and last). It’s such a delight to watch her grow. What a gift.

  31. 31
    Bridget (Strong Butterfly) says:

    What a fun break – to get back from lunch on a quiet day and have a Siesta Mama post. Blessings to your daughter who enjoys tea – I’m of the “full-blown” tea nut variety, and my husband and I also fell in love with the good English black tea with milk and sugar. Your family is a blessing to all of us, and we giggle and grin along with you Mama!
    Joy and grace for your weekend teachin’ – May the Spirit just pour down in buckets to fill all the hearts in attendance.

  32. 32
    traci says:

    Hi beth!!
    Thanks for chatting a bit ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I am so excited to say that i am one of those minnesotans that is waiting with great anticipation and expectation for your time here this weekend! My sister and i have traveled as far as nebraska to meet up with LPL, and here it is in our state and we missed getting tickets before it sold out…BUT…BUT!!…last week your sweet kimberly found us 2 tickets, and after a few phone calls, WE ARE COMING!!! I wanted to make sure to tell you how much i love kimberly cuz i fogot to tell her how much YOU love her…(you tell us to do that when we call, right ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Praying so much for you as you prepare for us…we thank you for coming way up north and actually are gonna have warm th and sunshine for ya!! …its been a long time comin’ ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Love you!! Traci

  33. 33
    Gina says:

    Thanks for the chat sweet lady ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a perfect time together.

  34. 34
    Ruth says:

    I can’t begin to tell you what a blessing this post with this timing was to me! It’s such a sweet thing from God to allow us to really just feel like friends catching up when we’ve only connected across big spaces in arenas and through video screens, CD players, computers, and lots and lots of pages in books and workbooks with the Word of God. What a sweet gift from Him! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us as you keep serving the Lord as He calls you. I’m looking forward to the James study and praying for you with the event this weekend as well.

  35. 35
    ULCARDSFAN says:

    I feel like I just had a “tea” break with you Beth! And I needed something to warm me up. It is 50 degrees, rainy and gloomy in Kentucky. Usually we are sunny and warm by this time in May. Spent yesterday at the funeral of my uncle and I cannot imagine how non believers get through death…or life for that matter. Thank you for ALWAYS keeping the focus on our magnificent GOD and His Holy Word. I love the fact that you share so much of your life with us…just like REAL friends do. Precious picture of Jackson. Enjoy graduation tonight. Love, Linda

  36. 36
    DigiNee says:

    That was so nice Beth – thanks!

  37. 37
    Gayle says:

    Well, that was lovely, even if I had a Sonic Cherry Limeade rather that tea (which I love!). I’ll have to look for that brand here in Backwoods, Mississippi. I do love some English Breakfast, though.

  38. 38
    Donna Benjamin says:

    Oh I’m so glad I decided to plop down here for a few minutes. I could almost hear the crunching and munching as you shared those cookies on here!

    And the verse, Ps 9:106 “…for you Lord, have NEVER forsaken those who seek you” couldn’t be more fitting for me right now! We are coming to the end of day 20 of the long road to recovery, following the 4/27 tornadoes here in Tuscaloosa. With God’s help we’ll come back stronger, it is only because of Him that we have made it thus far! So many people need help and to truly make a difference we need sustenance that only comes from our heavenly Father to reach as many as possible. I never dreamed when we moved here last summer, that God was planting me right smack dab in the middle of a mission field, but here I am! Lord. Have. Mercy.
    Thanks for listening. Love you through Jesus!

  39. 39
    Cindy says:

    Hi Beth,
    We met via Skype last fall when I met the group of City Coordinators for the 2011 events – what a wonderful group of ladies! I enjoy our conference calls each month with Betsy, Amy, et al … and now it becoming “real” as our event in Lincoln is a mere FIVE weeks away! Our steering team is amazing in Lincoln (as I’m sure they all are) and several of us enjoy following your blog in an effort to pick up any prayer requests you might have for an upcoming event. Definitely will be praying for you in Mnpls this weekend. I know in that huge crowd there will be dozens/hundreds/thousands of lives touched in different ways because of your willingness to lay out what God has placed on your heart. Have a wonderful weekend – some of the Nashville gals are going early to hit the Mall of the Americas – wish I were there <:)
    Blessings from Lincoln, Cindy (City Coordinator for June 24-25)

  40. 40
    Katie says:

    There are still a lot of us here in the upper midwest that wish we could buy a ticket to the MN event!!!
    I’ve seen many requests on craigslist of people looking for tickets. Is there any way you could stream it live on the internet or something? Probably not possible, but I thought I would ask!!!

  41. 41
    Ina says:

    Sweet Beth,
    I came here to post my verse (late, I know!) and was thrilled to get to catch up with you a bit. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us – love it!
    Enjoy the preschool graduation fun tonight. I had dinner with my oldest niece on Friday who just turned 15. As she was sharing how she sometimes wishes for time to slow down and return to the innocence and simpleness of her childhood (her words, not mine!), I was flashing back to what she looked like and how she was across the table from me at 4, and 7 and 10, etc. It took everything I had not to burst into tears! It just goes by in a flash, doesn’t it?
    Blessings to you!

  42. 42
    Stephanie says:

    Thanks so much for sharing Siesta Mama you are so good to us and such and encouragement to my walk with my Heavenly Father. Blessings

  43. 43
    Mary H says:

    I love everything about this post!!! You are too cute!!! Thanks for chatting with us! Have a wonderful evening.

  44. 44
    Cindy says:

    Hi Beth,

    Looking so forward to the James Study!! That verse was just the little lift I needed today. Feeling all bluesy and weepy for some dumb reason. Thank you, Lord!

  45. 45
    Krista, Minneapolis says:


    My cousins and I were really disappointed when I checked a month or two ago to buy tickets to your Eden Prairie, MN speaking event and it was sold out. Next time you come to the twin cities can you please do it at a bigger venue than Grace Church? Like the Target Center or Excel Center? Thanks!

  46. 46
    Jane Munoz says:

    Thank you, Beth! God is so good – He knew I needed that verse today. My sweet mother-in-law is battling cancer for the 3rd time in 2 years! When you ask her if she needs anything, she just answers, “Prayers, that is all is all I need – prayers!”. But after this last devasting diagnosis, she is wondering if all those prayers have been heard. She keeps thinking she did not pray hard enough. This verse is PERFECT and I am going to give it to her now. Thanks so much for being such a good messenger of the Word! God bless you!

  47. 47

    Thanks for stopping by, Beth. And for the tip about tea. I’ve been thinking about cultivating a taste for coffee as a way of “getting off” sodas. I’ll have to think about the tea possibilities.

  48. 48
    Diane says:

    In that picture of your calendar showing the dates for the MN event highlighted…what is the full scripture reference at the bottom? And also what version is it in?
    Thanks so much!

  49. 49

    Congrats on the graduate :). I was crying when my oldest graduated college in Richmond last weekend. I remember my nose pressed up against the library door trying to get him into 2 year old story hour. Now he’s 22. It does fly. One down, two more to graduate college.

    Your little one looks so sweet with that missing tooth and irrepressible smile.

    Oh, Beth, I’m so looking forward to your James study, it is a book that is special to me. When I first got saved, I had a dream about that book, and my pastor said that it is a book for those who really want to walk their faith out. I am putting on my walking shoes for that book.

    I’ve been writing my memoir and remembering all that foolish things I did as a non-believer, wishing life had do-overs. If I knew then what I know now, my life would have been so different.

    I pray for your trip, your book and your family. By the way, I’ve developed a passion for cinnamon tea.

    God bless you,

  50. 50
    Lynda Rickey says:

    Beth, Thanks so much, I needed that chat. I just finished writing my post, which I had to do at our local library because my computer decided to “geek” out on me and I’m minus my computer now. I’m already in withdrawls. I have been dieing to talk to a girlfriend because so much stuff is rattling around in this brain of mine. But, praise the Lord, it gave me something to write about. So, your chat break was just what I needed. I’m glad to know that there are others out there as hyper and chatty as me. I’ll be praying for Minnesota. I already know that Jesus is planning on showing up. Love you, Lynda

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