Talk To Me Tuesday: Topic 7!

Good morning, Sweet Things! I’ve sure had you on my mind this morning. I just got back from a long brisk walk with Star and took in the wonder of God through stormy thick clouds and heavy winter winds. (Think South though. Everything’s relative here.) I had planned to work out on my equipment in the garage but once I saw the cool wind whipping the leaves off the trees, I couldn’t resist getting out in it. I thought I just might feel a hint of God in that great northern and I did. I told Him how mighty I think He is and how wonderful. How capable He is of doing utterly anything. How nothing is impossible for Him. Then I asked Him certain things and, even though I don’t know exactly how He will answer, I know that He will indeed answer.

Oh, Sisters, we are among the most blessed people on this planet. Do you know today how blessed you are?? We have the King of the universe to look to and to be loved by. He planned for each of us before the foundation of the world and even chose the works we would do in His great name. (Eph. 2:10) He intentionally set us in our generations and planted us with divine purpose in our parts of the earth. (Acts 17:24-27) I am amazed by Him this morning.I don’t want to take divine intervention for granted. We – you and me – are the stuff of miracles. Even to discern the living, breathing voice of God through His written Word is a wonder.

I am anxious to hear from you through today’s Talk To Me Tuesday topic! I’d like to know about a time when you were desperate for divine wisdom in a particular area (whether relational, work, ministry, or otherwise) and you had no idea what to do. You sought God and you received wisdom that you are certain only He could have given you. For all you women who have walked with God for ten or more years, one thing I’ve noticed on this blog is that we are actively mentoring our young women whether we realize it or not. We have many college-age women in this community as well as a number of high school girls that post comments often. Have you seen them on there? It blesses me every time! They are looking to us to help them learn how, among other things, to hear from God and discern direction. Share today (as succinctly as possible!!) how you received wisdom from God to do something that you know you wouldn’t have figured out any other way. This is not limited to all of us mentor types, however. Scripture proves through examples like Samuel and David and Timothy that God speaks to the young as well as the old.

Talk to me, Siestas! When have you lacked wisdom, petitioned God earnestly for it, and known without a doubt you received it?

PS. I almost forgot! If you used one of your Siesta’s recipes for Thanksgiving, tell her, too!


610 Responses to “Talk To Me Tuesday: Topic 7!”

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  1. 101

    God is SO good! He’s answered some of my most desperate prayers and sometimes I don’t even realize it until I’m on the other side. Lately, He’s been teaching me consistency in parenting as I study Isaiah and see His consistency regarding discipline. One thing that has stayed consistent in His speaking to me is that He ALWAYS does it through His Word. He may whisper in my heart or send others to love on me and speak Truth into my situation but it’s ALWAYS followed by some sort of confirmation through His Word. I’m amazed every single time how a book written so many years ago is still active and relevant to my daily life here in 2010. Only God can do that. Only God in His supreme wisdom and personal intimacy!

  2. 102

    Good Tuesday to everyone in Siestaville!

    This topic makes me smile because it concerns my romance with my husband. I love telling this part of our story.

    We met through an uncle of my husband’s whom I worked with at a Christian conference center in New Jersey. We actually met over the phone (Aug. 1995), dated long distance (NJ to Minnesota) for a year. August 1996 I moved to Minnesota and we were engaged in September. I began to plan our wedding and sometime in the late winter/early spring of 1997, I began to be unsure I was making the right decision. I remember being on a plane (coming from or going to either MN or NJ – we were married in NJ) and I was reading my Bible. I was in Psalm 139 and when I read the verse “If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” I don’t think I heard an audible voice, but it was almost like I did. The verse jumped off the page and I began to cry. God was giving me the assurance that even if I settled on the far side of the Mississippi River, He would be with me even there. It was like He addressed this fear that I didn’t even know I had. You must know that I had left everything and everyone I had ever known to move to Minnesota (at age 30)where I knew one person, my fiance. I don’t remember ever thinking that I was afraid to marry, afraid to begin a new life in a new place, but God must have seen something that He needed to address. His Words from Psalm 139 gave me instant peace and assurance that I was doing His will by marrying this man and that He would be with me and guide me in Minnesota just like He had on the East Coast. As I look back over the last 14 years of my life spent married in Minnesota I can see that He has been faithful in keeping that promise that He gave to me on an airplane.

    • 102.1
      LindsayA says:

      I loved reading this, becasue it’s so much like how I felt getting married. My husband and I dated long distance as well, and when we got married we lived 300 miles away from everything and everyone I knew. I am so blessed now to have friends who know me better than family, I recieve this word today- God is still with me ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 102.2
      Cheryl says:

      I too met my husband by phone, dated long distanced , married in New Jersey and moved several States..where I too knew no one. Big step in faith .God held my hand . and in the end a wonderful start to a rich 16yr experience. yeah for all of us

  3. 103
    TraciG says:

    A time when God gave me some wisdom I asked specifically for was back in my teaching days.

    As I was grading 7th grade essays (a painful process let me tell you!) I discovered that one of my girls had cheated (read copied verbatim, complete with incomplete sentences, and misspelled words like “the”) from the girl who used the same computer in a previous class period. She was really teetering on the edge of passing and failing, and a failing grade would have completely dropped her over the edge. I knew the girl was going through some tough stuff with her mom and dad (they were divorcing) and just some personal struggles of her own. My strict teacher heart wanted to give her a BIG FAT RED F on the top of her paper. I prayed all the way home, asking for wisdom in what to do, and how to handle it, and I talked to my husband and we prayed about it, but was still restless and undecided.

    The next morning as I was fixing my hair, I heard about 5 songs on the radio about God’s mercy, and it was a pretty loud and clear message. God had given me a reminder of all the mercy I have receieved, and that sometimes I need to be a “skin-on” example of what that means to other people. I had seen her and her mom coming to church and knew she was just learning about God.

    So I grabbed her, took her into the stairwell outside my room and explained that she had been caught cheating, and that I wanted to give her an F, but explained about how God had answered my prayer, and that I felt that she needed a little mercy, just like God had been and continues to be merciful to me in my sin. I did make her do the paper over again, and explain to her mom what had happened, but she always gave me her best work after that.

    I’m not sure if God used that in her life in any significant way, but it was certainly a great reminder about how I’m to see other people through his eyes, not just my human ones!!

    • 103.1
      TraciG says:

      After I sat down and wrote this, I remembered many different times when God communicated an answer to a question or a decision that at the time could have seemed coincidental, but in retrospect were in fact big time answers. Intrestingly, sometimes God uses scripture, prayer, a line in a book by a Christian author, a song on the radio, or another person to answer or confirm an answer to prayer. It’s very encouraging to look back and see how faithful God demonstrates himself to be!

    • 103.2
      Jill says:

      This is my favorite story. What compassion and mercy you showed that child! You did not let her off scott free, but helped her grow. Great, great story. I will remember this.

    • 103.3
      Georgia Jan says:

      I LOVE this story and believe with all my heart that this young girl will NEVER forget your kindness to her and the lesson she learned will carry her in the days ahead. I pray she will grow in Christ.

      Thank you for sharing!

  4. 104
    Marjie Scheib says:

    Oh, Beth, you have touched my heart today! Back in 1997, we found that Judy,a very dear friend of my husband needed a kidney transplant. Immediately, I mean as soon as the words were out of my husbands mouth I knew I had Judy’s kidney. BUT I also knew that my nature is to jump in where there is need so I went to the Lord and asked Him to show me in his word, if this was of Him. Judy and I had become friends through my husband, she, being 20 years older than my husband and I, was like a second mother to my husband and had helped him through a very difficult time in our marriage.
    From the beginning Judy did not want to let me give her a kidney, she reasoned that I had 2 small children at home and if anything happened to me she could not forgive herself. I told her to do what she had told me for quite some time, seek God and He will answer. She called me one afternoon and told me that God had given her a verse and I told her that I wanted to share with her the verse He had given me. And our Father being so loving, gave us the same verse…….Ephesians 2:10…..and Beth, tomorrow is the anniversary date of our surgery, December 1, 1999. So Beth, just in your posting and in our verse and tomorrows date and in so many millions of little ways, I know that my Father watches and sees and plans and delights in all the littlest of details like me sitting at my desk at lunch thinking of my dear friend Judy, opening your message today and seeing my and Judy’s verse, and God giving me a chance to once again give the gift of Life to someone reading this and wondering if God hears and sees and if He really loves them.
    Missing my friend today but knowing I will see her again. Judith Marie Jacques 1942-2005. Thank you Beth and Thank you Jesus.

  5. 105
    Leah Adams says:

    I think there are only about a zillion that I could list, however, the one that stands out so clearly is my call to ministry. I fought it, I ran from it, I tried to convince God that it wouldn’t work. Then when He made it so clear that it really was not up to me, I asked Him to confirm what he was telling me. And do you know, He used that precious Priscilla Shirer to do just that. And then He used my pastor and several good friends.

    As I walk out this calling that He has placed on my life I am constantly begging Him for His wisdom and He is constantly faithful to give it. Praise Him!


  6. 106
    Melanie says:

    This story makes my heart beat fast every time I tell it: About a year ago I was deciding if I should move from Houston to Portland, Oregon because I felt God has put it in my heart to do so. One particular morning I was fervently praying, pretty much begging God to clearly answer me and tell me whether to move. At lunch time I went into the break room (even though I normally didn’t) and 2 coworkers were talking, one of them said, “that’s one of the cities I would want to live in most”. Of course that got my attention so I was nosey and asked him what city he was referring to…my heart started beating really fast and I suddenly KNEW what he was going to say: Portland! As soon as he said it, it was like God Himself had spoken to me and I felt like sobbing tears of gratefulness and joy. Now I live in Portland and even though it hasn’t been easy and I don’t really know why, I KNOW this is where the Lord wants me to be. And that’s is a good feeling. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. 107

    Beth, God used a blog post of yours to give me the direction I needed one time. I had been feeling the desire to give up a certain ministry activity and had been praying about it periodically for quite awhile, but God had not given me the go-ahead to give it up yet.

    I didn’t want to give it up if He didn’t want me to so I kept on. At one point I began to pray about it again and ask God to show me what He wanted me to do, and during those days as I was seeking His leading, I came to your blog and the basic message was “move on” — as I remember you had even capitalized the words “move out of the way” at one point! I knew I had my answer.

    So thankful for His leading — and for the messages you share here on your blog!

  8. 108
    Cindy Jones says:

    This month has stunk! The last year, in the words of the Grinch, “Stink, Stank, Stunk!”

    I wondered if God was listening to my whying. “Why did we have to lose our business? Why did we have to move? Why can’t I find a job? Why did my two children have to have three surgeries? Why is everything I’m writing lately being rejected? Why do I feel so alone, like a failure? Why is everyone I know having success? Why am I being left behind? Why did you ask me to give up so much? Why did I have to lose people I loved this year? Why, Why, Why?”

    Then out of the blue, God does something amazing. He let’s me know that He definitely hears my prayers, but just isn’t answering them the way I want him too. What more can I do but wait and pray, wait and pray. It’s not what I’m best at, in fact I’m pretty awful at waiting.

    I’m learning that it’s not the answer that is as important as the waiting. It’s not as important that I “feel” God listening as I know that His word says He is. It’s not what I accomplish that is as important as being still in His presence everyday that really matters.

    I know it’s human instinct to look for a means to an end, but it’s the getting there part that most interests God.

    I’ve learned a lot in this very dark, stinky month. I’ve learned that whether I ever accomplish writing another piece that is published, or if I lose everyone and everything, that my God is enough and fills every empty place that aches.

    I’ve learned that motives behind everything I do or think is probably the most important factor. I’ve learned that God sees into the heart, I cannot hide anything from Him and He wants to heal it. When I feel that I have been pressed until there is nothing left, He sends His Word and Spirit to fill me back up again.

    Why does God allow us to walk into the deep valleys? I believe it’s to train us to keep on walking even if we really can’t see what’s ahead. We just keep going forward, because we know sooner or later we will walk into the open arms of God.

    Thanks Beth for letting me get this off my chest. Hope it encourages someone today.

    • 108.1
      Beth says:

      Really powerful, Cindy. Even though you’ve been through the fire, you don’t stink, stank or stunk.

    • 108.2
      Melanie says:

      Thanks for sharing this. 2010 has been a really difficult year for me, but I agree with what you said. He wants us to keep walking in faith even when we don’t understand what’s going on or why.

      • Cindy Jones says:

        I’m a bit red after reading the many needs on this post. I am so thankful for my life and all of God’s blessings and sometimes forget just how blessed I am. I’ll be thinking of all of you and praying for you all this month. Many of you have and are facing great obstacles, but Our God is Greater.
        “Father of Light, give vision for those in darkness, Your joy to sustain their weakness, Your steady hand to calm the swinging bridge beneath their feet and Your peace to heal their wounds.”
        God Bless,

    • 108.3
      Kathie says:

      Hope you see this as I want you to know I am encouraged by your post. I have walked in the tunnel for so long and circumstances have not changed, I know God is the only one who can bring change, but my hope was fading. I am reminded by your message that He will send His Word and Spirit to fill me till I walk into His arms. Praying He will lift you from the valley.
      Love from a siesta

  9. 109
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Thanks for the sweet post, Beth. Yes, God is full of goodness all the time and I dearly love Him for it. I guess to answer your question as succinctly as possible -without writing an epic post – is just to say that I constantly have an ongoing conversation with the Lord about various matters (not constantly as in I never say or think anything else, obviously; I’m not living in a monastery – as inviting a thought as that might sometimes be;) it’s just that questions I’m sorting through with Him or prayers I’m praying, or deep concerns I have; or wisdom I’m seeking, et al — all the stuff of relationship with Him – I turn into dialogue – whether it’s out loud in intentional prayer or whether it’s in journaling or specific study of Scripture, etc. It’s like having five or six “threads” of ongoing conversation with Him at any given time – then (and here’s where I’ve learned to grow over the years) PAYING ATTENTION at all times to hear and discern His voice and His “showing up.” What I’ve learned is that God will show up and address the things He and I are talking about in the most usual and unusual times and places. Sure, most of the time it’s when I’m in intentional prayer or study – and fully alert to His voice. But He’s just as likely to talk to me on the baking aisle of my favorite grocery store. (This has happened more times than I can recount. Why He has a proclivity to speak to me while I’m trying to remember which olive oil to buy (first cold pressed or extra virgin???) I have no idea. But I think it’s such fun that He’ll speak to me in the most normal and most abnormal spots). I’m going to stop now so I don’t just drone on – but here was a recent sweet thing. This past Saturday night as I crawled into bed and reached for my current book (Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris. And I will have you know I’m inching my way through this missive. Theodore and I have been stuck in 1901 and the darn Panama Canal deliberations for altogether too long. Build it already!) – I felt so inclined by the Spirit to read some of 1 Thess, and then, as I’m sure is the case for many or most of us, I started traipsing around in the Gospels and found myself in Mark 13:5 where Jesus tells four of His disciples, who came to Him privately, “Watch out that no one deceives you.”

    That sentence just popped off the page at me and “sat in my spirit,” so to speak. I woke up five hours later with it still “burning” almost (perhaps rather like Luke 24:32) in my heart – so much so that I got up and typed that one sentence in a separate document. I knew God wanted me to really take it soberly. A couple hours later while sitting in church, our pastor, who is preaching thru Col 3 this entire school year, announced that for the next five weeks we’re taking a break from Col 3 – and he had us turn to Matt 24. I thought to myself as I was turning to Matthew, “I can take a second and go back and read that sentence in Mark 13 real fast” – but, of course, I didn’t need to because once I got to Matthew 24, I discovered it is Matthew’s account of the very same conversation between Jesus and the D’s. I share this as just a simple illustration of God taking a lot of time to underscore for me the fact He wants me to focus on, meditate on, and really take to heart this verse. Is this an example of me seeking Him for wisdom, per se? Perhaps not. But it is an example of Him seeking me to try and pound some “pay attention to this” into my head and heart. If I’ll take it to heart it will be wisdom for me. Ciao, Siestas – see you next Tuesday!

  10. 110
    Betty M says:

    Yes! It can be difficult to know how the Lord is leading sometimes especially when you need wisdom that either way would not really be out of God’s direction in your life. It is easy in the big things like should I divorce him? Or should I cheat in some area, but there are the gray areas. In my life it was- should I work outside of the home again? The kids are grown and two sort of live at home but they don’t need me as much. It seems since I stopped working at my other job finances are always tight. I studied medical transcription thinking a job at home would be just right. well, I got my certificate but oddly no job. I then studied medical coding as another at home possibility. Again, no job when I finished. This spring I thought I found one at Christian Work at Home Moms. Well, I did not have the computer expertise for it so that fell through. My grown daughter told me one day”Mom I think God is trying to tell you not to get a job.” I had worked briefly at a receptionist job and that again feel through before I started the work at home ideas. It was great to not be working that winter because it was the snowy-est winter on record and I would have never made the 40 mile commute to and from work every day. Now I have tried to watch my spending, I am enjoying warm coffee while looking outside at a pristine world of white snow and knowing God wants me right here!!!

  11. 111
    christina says:

    This is so mundane, I almost hesitate to write it.

    I have a family member at a crossroads in life, and practically every time she phones me I feel “desperate for divine wisdom” in the conversation. Bringing the Lord in and making it a conference call, so to speak, makes such a difference. As she talks to me, I silently pray to Him, and then seek to speak as He leads.

    Sometimes I still don’t find any wise words to share with her and it turns out she just needed me to listen. Sometimes I give her tough words I fear will anger her, and she says it’s what she needed to hear. Sometimes she does respond badly, but if I asked for wisdom and spoke what He gave, I can leave that responsibility with Him.

  12. 112
    KansasGirl says:

    Five years into our marriage I was pregnant with our oldest child and both my husband and I were teachers. My whole life I knew I wanted to stay home with our children when we had them, but that would mean us living off just my husband’s teaching salary. We had worked to pay off all of our debt except our home, and while we knew what God wanted us to do, we didn’t know HOW to do it! We prayed, and we sought the council of a respected Christian financial planner in our church. He looked at our income, budget and then our assets. Our only real asset was a 1979 Corvette we had. We had left our wedding in it, and later purchased it from my dad. The financial planner looked at its valued and quickly said, “Sell it.” Selling it would allow us to have savings and cushion. So, we did. I will be forever grateful for someone speaking that hard truth to us, and to my husband for so generously giving up something he had always wanted. I’ve been a stay at home mom for six years now and have added another child to raise to our family. God has so faithfully met every financial need we have had, and blessed us beyond belief. I often say, “we are the richest poor people I know!” I love Him so!

  13. 113
    Gigi Brosh says:

    When is a time I have lacked wisdom and petitioned God…Every single day of my life lol! I can think of several times but the one that pops up immediately would have to do with a betrayal of trust from someone I was close with. I wasn’t sure how to handle the situation(I run from confrontation!) But the good news is God never runs from me. On one of my daily walks I tried to sort through what to do. As I searched our gorgeous Texas sky I felt Gods presence and I was blanketed with peace and comfort. How great is our Father, never failing to wrap his arms around me when I need it most, never failing to assure me if I follow my Holy Spirit I will make it through anything.

  14. 114

    My heart is encouraged to read how God is working in all our lives. My husband and I have been asking God about something and still have not received our answer, but like you said, I know He will answer either way. God is good and He does good. Blessings to you Beth!

  15. 115
    Moni says:

    For me, behind the big events and decisions that come in life is the steady journey with God and constantly seeking his wisdom. Iยดve had the big events & decisions come that drive my attention to God (like deciding to move countries, a family crisis, getting married, etc). And then there is that daily living with myself that, even though Iยดm just in my twenties, I know can self-destruct if I donยดt constantly seek God through hearing & reading the Word, reexamining my beliefs & asking God to show me where they might not line up with His truths, and let this filter through my perceptions and reactions on a daily basis. This has been a long, sweet journey for me and I am so much farther than I was. So to sum it up, in my life God shares His wisdom to the degree that I thirst for it.

  16. 116
    April Mullen says:

    A life out of control. This is what doing it my way has gotten me. I need to seek God in health issues, work issues, church issues, family issues and financial issues.
    I need to seek God’s wisdom and guidance. Prayers needed!

    • 116.1
      Redeemed says:

      Consider it done – praying for you right now.

    • 116.2
      Billie January says:

      I will pray for you April…
      Father April has acknowledged to us that she recognizes her need to seek You in all areas of her life. Thank You for bringing her to this place and for what You are going to show her. Help her ears be tuned to You and You alone Lord. Help her recognize You. Make it ever so clear to her what Your plan is for her life. Through it all, allow others to see You and be drawn closer to You. Thank You Jesus!
      In Your name we pray,

  17. 117
    Sandee says:

    This summer, I was totally overwhelmed and at the end of myself with the challenges of my four children. I had just added my daughter, 11 years old, from Ethiopia, to our family, and the dynamics between all of us was very hard, and painful, and stressful. It was beyond what I knew how to handle. Over several months of praying and seeking, God led me to a Christian family counselor, who I had heard wonderful things about. But how could a single momma with four kids afford that??? Well, He provided that too. I found it, surprise to me, that it is included in my medical benefits from work! She has come alongside our family offering support, insight and help. Her prayer, at our very first session, that God move and create order and light from chaos and darkness…brought me to tears. We are not out of the woods yet, but I do not feel the totally hopelessness of not knowing what to do and not knowing where to turn.

    This is totally God in His wisdom revealing truth.

    …on THanksgiving, my family LOVED the maple syrup in the whip cream on our pumpkin pie!

  18. 118
    Nancy says:

    We were living a very comfortable life in Ft. Worth, TX and my husband came home one day and asked what I thought about moving to California(He is in the ministry and was offered a staff position at a church). At first I was devastated at the thought of leaving Texas, but I thought, if the Lord wants us to move, everything will fall into place. (I prayed He didn’t want us to!) During that time I was in a Bible study and we were studying about when the Lord was telling Abraham to leave his home and go to a strange, new place. I know this wasn’t a coincidence! Well, we sold our house in month, and found a rental house the perfectly fit our needs (little did I know that was a very difficult thing to do in that part of CA). I look back at that time of my life as a spiritual turning point where the Lord taught me how to truly worship Him and gave me more hunger for His Word. He is faithful to show us thru many different ways what His desires are for His children. Just keep praying, listening, and watching!! Love you, Siestas and Mama Beth!!

  19. 119
    Moni says:

    Oh – and on moving countries, I knew I recieved Godยดs wisdom to come in a small way when I flew here to Mexico on 7-7-07, gate 7, seat 7!!

  20. 120
    Ellen Chapman says:

    How marvelously our God answers when we seek Him earnestly with nothing held back! I am still amazed – 30 years later – how God took my desire to be married and helped me realize that, unless I wanted Him more than I wanted marriage, marriage in and of itself would be a huge disappointment. The New Year’s Eve before my 29th birthday, I sat on the floor at a New Year’s eve service and poured my heart out to God to show me who He was and that He was worth MORE than any man! At a little while after midnight on Jan. 1, 1980, He broke through. Through tears, I was able to say “Lord, You ARE enough.” Even more remarkably, a scant 6 weeks later I met my husband, and on August 23, 1980 we were married. It hasn’t always been easy, but my husband takes 2nd place to Jesus – and he’s not jealous of my first love! Peace to all who wait patiently for the Lord!

  21. 121
    Sara says:

    I had just recommitted my life to Christ because I realized how much I had run my life into a ditch. I had been engaged to be married to a man who by now would have left me for another woman. I felt betrayed and heartbroken. From that moment on, I vowed to let God make the decisions regarding my future spouse because I had no idea what I was doing. For the next two years I prayed for my future spouse. I prayed specifics like, he had to tell me I was beautiful everyday, he had to love God and always stay commmited to me no matter what. Well for two years I prayed every guy that came my way out of my life. Literally, I told God if this isn’t the one, please take him out of my life. And He did. Until this one. When I had met him, I told him I was praying guys out of my life and to be honest I was praying about him too. He told me to keep praying because he wasn’t going anywhere. He eventually asked me to marry him and I said yes. To be honest with you though, I was so used to being treated poorly by men that it felt wierd being with a man who treated me like a princess. God had chosen this man for me because He knew the choice I would have made. So I guess God gave me wisdom along with faith. We will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in July and I can’t tell you how perfect he has been for me. Everything God knew I needed, but could have never picked using my own wisdom.

  22. 122
    Chesney says:

    I am in the middle of a dark season, crying out to God to fight for me. What He keeps reminding me of, which I know is from Him, is to “keep resting in Him, clinging to Him, and to stand firm and see the deliverance He will give me.” He is my answer, and I am thankful for my other siesta’s testimonies of how God has given wisdom and answered in times of need.

    • 122.1
      jackie says:


      “in my anguish i cried to the Lord and He answered by setting me free”. PS 118.5.

      memory verse #8 from 2009 (in my little spiral). so meaningful to me. hope it speaks to you as well. I pray that in this dark season, you will know Jesus like you’ve never known Him before.


      • Chesney says:

        My eyes filled with tears as i read this. Thank you for letting Jesus speak to me through you! What a blessing, I am thankful He hears my cries, and I know He will set me free…my prayer all along has been that I will know Him better through this. Thanks again Jackie!

  23. 123
    jar of clay says:

    I can’t pinpoint just one thing, but I will say that I know when the Lord has given me wisdom on how to handle a situation with one of my children. It’s so not what I would have done, and I usually say it with calmness in my voice and it is received easily. I usually say to myself right afterward that God gave me that. I would have never done that. Over and over again He has given me just the word or right consequence or response to give, and I am sure it’s not from me.

  24. 124
    Carla says:

    About 8 to 10 years ago I was struggling in my marriage, really wondering if this was where God wanted me. My husband was moody at times and we were not communicating well. I was feeling like we were worlds apart in our beliefs and goals in life, spiritually mismatched. I was seeking God and I heard him speak to my heart that I was to “get rid of the bitterness.” I felt the Lord really wanted me to focus on my relationship with him and leave my husband’s “problems” to the Lord. We have now been married almost 20 years – PRAISE THE LORD – and it’s been an awesome testimony to the trustworthiness of the Lord. I’ve been doing Beth’s Bible studies and have grown so much. The Lord continues to work in us both!

    I made Peanut Butter Cup pie for Thanksgiving from Kristina. It was a big hit! Also the Blue Cheese Green Beans from Lyli Dunbar and I ate every last bean myself – great!

  25. 125
    Leann says:

    I sruggled with infertility for years–each and every month that went by I continued to trust God through my relationship with him and the study of His Word. When I was told that I had to have a hysterectomy for health reasons, I had a strong peace about it. I definitely grieved, but still had a sense of peace. I never felt “hopeless”. I believe that God truly imparted wisdom and understanding about life to me during this painful “refining” process. Throughout the years, I prayed to God for either child, but if it wasn’t His will I prayed for understanding and peace. That’s exactly what He gave to me! Currently, my husband and I are waiting to be selected by our birthmother.There still are some days (during the waiting process) that I get a bit anxious, but it’s just a constant reminder of why I need God every day of my life. We know God has ‘our perfect child’ already “handpicked”. God’s words are just that…only words unless we apply them. He’s made a believer out of me, and continues to make me believe.

    Leann (Alabama)

    • 125.1
      Andrea S. says:

      Oh Leann I can so relate. I was diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age and was told that I would never have children without fertility treatment. But God blessed me with a ready-made family. I married my husband in 2007 and became the mother to his three beautiful children. We made the decision early on in our marriage that we were not going to attempt fertility treatments and that this was God’s plan for my life all along. But even in that surrender of my dreams I had for my life, God has given me great joy! Praying for that special hand-picked bundle, knowing that His timing is PERFECT!

      In Him,

  26. 126
    Diana Wilt says:

    I’ve been a Christian since 1975, although growing up in church. Anyway about 2 years ago God “seriously popped” me (like in your pop quiz analogy). For about the previous 5 years I was doing my Christian life on old fumes, thinking I had arrived and just waiting for the Rapture. Well, I work as a nurse in a prison (and let me tell you it is Satan’s playground). Santan tried to suck me into a very unholy relationship with a co-worker. I was so stunned that I could be so tempted to do what I know is against God’s laws. After a few weeks of pure turmoil and anguish, just reeling from the situation, I was trying everything I knew to do to get back into a close relationship with Jesus (even though I felt close to Him during the previous “limbo” years).
    What I am trying to say is that He is so faithful, and He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to handle. Through alot of prayer and getting back into the Bible and with the help of several of your bible studies (particularly Breaking Free and When Godly People Do Ungodly Things), I can honestly say that He brought me through a very dangerous time and I am in a much closer relationship with Him and He is able to use me much more, especially at the prison in proclaiming His “Good News”.
    You are so right in that we are so blessed to have the very King of the universe to look to and be loved by! All we have to do is to Trust and Obey Him. And I know it will be totally Worth It.

  27. 127
    Becky Brown says:

    When my youngest, a boy, after 2 girls, was born, he struggled at 3 months old with a breathing disorder which was puzzling to all of the medical staff at our local Children’s hospital. He would stop breathing randomly and then turn blue and pass out-frightening to say the least! After having 2 healthy girls this was a new experience, one I didn’t want! Day after Day I would ask God “What is wrong”? “Who can help?” One night, actually about 2 AM while standing by his hospital bed he began to have an episode which brought the medical staff running in and trying to help him breathe. I leaned against the cold brick wall and said “God I can’t do this, he’s yours” and then he began to breathe again. He is now 18 and I would love to say that that was the end of the struggle, however, it has been a long journey of continually giving him back to God. “He’s His” has been the answer, the truth, that God showed me that night. I have learned the truth that “all things are possible with God” and sometimes that includes the challenges of life. But He is able! That has been the answer I definitely heard and have been reminded of God’s faithfulness to give strength when we recognize our weakness-that even as a mom we can’t prevent the struggles of life that our children will face. “They are His!”

  28. 128
    Pam says:

    I was desperate to know what to do about my children’s schooling as they were enrolled in Christian School and some undesirable things happened in the Leadership there, but the teachers my children had were wonderful and I didn’t really want to move them. I prayed with my husband, fasted, waited and listened for God to lead me, then while on the phone with a friend, I clearly heard God speak to me about this situation.
    My friend was talking and had to stop for a moment to help her pre-school daughter with an apple she was eating, and she said “You can eat around it” (the middle of the apple) but for me it was direction to wait and stay put and we did.

  29. 129
    Karolyn says:

    Last year, there were some things going on at work that were beginning to make it a moral conviction to come to work anymore. I decided to commit to a three week Daniel Fast and remember going on a run during one of the days. My big conflict was that most of the people at work knew I was a Christian – my thoughts were, what are the going to say about You if I quit in the middle of the achool year (I am a teacher)?! And, He quickly reframed my thoughts and spoke to me saying, ‘What will they say about me if you DON’T quit?’. Wow – that quickly put things into perspective. I tend to be very people pleasing in my ways – and the Lord just spoke to me about desiring to please HIM! He desires for us to take a stand for righteousness!

    The amazing thing was, that in taking a step of faith by putting in my letter of resignation, I was offered a new position. One in which I was able to help in hiring five additional people to provide services to students in a way that benefits them greatly. And I’m no longer morally conflicted by coming to work ๐Ÿ™‚

    (Sidenote – another focus of the fast was my family’s salvation and a husband. During that time, I met the man that I married six months later! So I’m waiting patiently for my family to accept the Lord’s salvation! He is FAITHFUL!)

  30. 130
    Jenni says:

    My 4th son was just 2 months old, and I had a raging breast infection–however, the usual antibiotics were not helping; in fact, they were making it worse. The pain every time he nursed was excruciating; it was torture to nurse him yet I just didn’t feel like I was supposed to give up. I called La Leche and was told it was probably a yeast infection in my milk ducts (sorry, maybe TMI, but maybe it will help a sister!), to which my doctor said, never heard of it! :-/ I sat on my couch one afternoon sobbing out to God to please show me what to do as the doctor could offer me nothing but more antibiotics and cutting out the sugar, etc. recommended by LL was seemingly slow in bringing changes. I researched herbal/holistic stuff on the internet, but there was so much info it was overwhelming. I went to sleep and IN THE NIGHT the Lord told me, “grapefruit seed extract.” Serious! I went right to the health store as soon as I woke and the woman said, sure enough, grapefruit seed is a natural antibiotic and will kill the yeast. I remembered seeing it in my internet search but it just hadn’t stood out in the sea of information. TWENTY FOUR HOURS LATER I felt hugely better, and it just continued to improve, although I had to take it (tastes awful) for a month or so. Our LORD is Jehovah-Rapha, Healer! He gets all the glory!

  31. 131
    WorthyofLove says:

    Hello Sweet Mama, ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A)Parenting…is the are where I have not known what to do. I have three little boys. I was in a dark time of constant anger. Even the littlest things would set me off screaming. One morning I was in a rage and I walked around the corner leaving my boys at the table. With my head in my hands I cried out to God, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME????”. A still small voice clearly said, “Pride”.

    Wow??? Really?? I knew it was the truth, but would not have seen it for the source of all my anger with out God telling me so gently and lovingly. I began to memorize scriptures dealing with humility and love. We came out out that dark time.

    B)Being the snack queen, I tried the Siesta recipe with 1 Block of Cream Cheese, and 1 Jar of Orange Marmalade…let me tell you it was my Favorite thing!! I kept eating it and eating it until I was almost sick ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the recipe. Who knew Orange Marmalade was sooo good.

  32. 132
    Leslie says:

    My Father fell ill unexpectedly and was put on a ventillator without my knowledge and his consent. Knowing he would not recover, I prayed and prayed over how to remove it. I told God that I could not do it; “someone” else would have to make that decision. Late one night, my Dad pulled it out himself. I was called back to the hospital and he told me not to put it back in. He asked if we were caring for my Mother; I said yes. He told me War Eagle! (Only Auburn University fans will understand that!) and he said he was ready to go. He left this earth several hours later. Praise God, my earthly Father and my Heavenly Father made that decision for me!

  33. 133

    About three years ago I entered a time of mental and health related issues. For the following two years I did not sleep thru the night once (basically I was not sleeping at all). My doctor walked me thru multiple tests, medications, etc… It was during this two year period that I began to have flashbacks to a childhood abuse. During that period of time I was able to work through those issues and come to a point of complete forgiveness. That to me was not the miracle of this time in my life, though I do know that it is only through the power of God that I can forgive my abuser and move on. I continued to function on little to no sleep and as a wife and mother of four as well as a full time employee this became too much. I began to lose the ability to carry on a conversation, I started to feel that I was losing my mind. My doctor was out of options and I was miserably tired. I went to a pastor on staff at the church I worked at and asked for prayer. He and another pastor prayed over me, asking God to completely heal me. Two weeks later I went to the doctor to get the results of a blood test. He said there was nothing abnormal. I wept. I was so discouraged. I spent the hour drive home crying out to God asking for wisdom, clarity, hope, anything. After I vented and was still for a moment, I heard Him say “You asked me to heal you, when will you truly believe that I can and will do what you asked of Me?” Within two weeks I was sleeping better. Within a month I was off all medications and was sleeping thru the night (about 8 hours). Praise the Lord!!! (I beleive that God healed me and that while on the spiritual realm I was healed it took my physical body a few weeks to catch up.) God is faithful!!! He increased my faith during those times.

  34. 134
    Pamela says:

    There have been so many times when I would be struggling over an issue and a verse of devotional would be right on time to lead me to the answer God had for me. Most recently there has been a dark coud looming over me from a serious situation that has happen earlier this year. Most would have fallen into a deep depression and there were days I thought about it or even step one foot towards it. I have to tell you my saving grace has been my spiral scripture memory cards. Morning and evening I would review these verses, even my verses from the previous year, and it was amazing how much strength and enlightment I would receive for that moment from a verse I had chosen months ago. God speaks to me daily through these verses He laid on my heart to memorize. It’s a love story of mercy and grace and I am forever grateful that you and your team started me on this journey.

    Next year I am memorizing a verse a week! Look out 2011!!

    There was another time I was prompted bt the Holy Spirit to act by blessing someone. I mentioned it to my husband and he had felt the same prompting. It was pure joy to do this and know we were acting on God’s behalf!!

    Believing Him~Pamela

  35. 135
    Deborah says:

    I pray for wisdom for a very big thing in my life. My husband essentially “left me” a year ago – although we still live in the same house. I receive (Godly) counsel from many to stay somewhere else. I have a place to go, but I am leaving so much behind. I tell myself, “Ok, I will leave”, then I just cannot do it. We pray everyday that my husband will do what God wants Him to do (whatever that is). I am very conflicted between two very deep values: 1)That marriage is a wonderful thing – not just about tolerating each other (which BTW, I don’t do very well) and 2)That marriage is for life – through the good and the bad. So, I feel no peace either way, to leave or to stay. I admit this to you today so that others who are reading this may know that sometimes it is not easy. Sometimes there’s anguish, some perseverance-building before the Word comes. I have prayed and prayed. Others as well. The prayer brigade around this situation is staggering. The tears would fill an ocean. We seek God’s will above all else – I know He KNOWS, I know He CARES.

    • 135.1
      Andrea S. says:

      Oh sweet Deborah,
      Indeed He know, He sees, He care, He answers. His timing is perfect. Surrender it wholely to Him. I know how hard that can be. I have seen the enemy attack families and marriages so much over the last year that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. Praying for God’s hand upon you as you journey through this, for his healing upon you and for guidance and direction. I will be praying daily for you and your marriage

      In Him,

  36. 136
    Earlene says:

    This is for someone besides me, I just know! You know how the holidays can be difficult for families to get together! We haven’t had a family Thanksgiving for 6 yrs. We see each other for other things, such as birthday and fun days! But I was feeling left out, so I decided to work, but feeling bad about not trying to be with family! So on Friday after, I made up my mind that I would talk to all of the them about being together every ohter year and just talked with “the hub”, when I got an email from my daughter which said that my son-in-law(her husband), made a comment that we should do every other year with our families! What a God send that it’s not just me and I waited( and didn’t have a fit) about this holiday! For me this was from God!!

  37. 137
    mercy4Drew says:

    One stands out in my mind today regarding my youngest daughter. She had been desperately ill for sometime and was finally diagnosed with Crohns’ disease in June of 1999. Even with all the medications and treatments she was not improving. Many prayers were said but during an alter time at church I remember praying these words, “Lord..I just can’t help worrying about her…” and precious Jesus spoke in my spirit, “well my mother worried about me too.”

    • 137.1
      LindsayN84 says:

      My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s 11 years ago, and I was also very sick for awhile. My poor mother was just as upset as you. God is amazing – He loves us so much. I love to hear his voice in moments like that!

  38. 138
    Reese says:

    Hi All! 5 years ago I accepted a job opportunity and moved to Dallas, from Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the 5 years, God has stretched me, pursued me, and loved me thru. I have been in the banking industry for 13 1/2 years. I have always felt I needed to work with chldren in some capacity, particularly in the pediatric oncology sector. I volunteer weekly at Childrens hospital, here in Dallas; however, it only spurred my desire to work with them daily.

    A couple months ago my 4 year old nephew was involved in a highly traumatic situation. I was with him (and his family)the entire time. It cemented my calling. I am moving home (Tulsa, Oklahoma) in Feb/March 2011 to attend nursing school- My goal is to take care of cancer kiddo’s. God’s Peace pushes me onward & upward.

    [My nephew’s traumatic experience involved his finger; his finger is healing nicely!! Praise God]

    • 138.1

      I want to encourage you…three years ago I became a non-traditionally aged student in a traditional program! I couldn’t be more thrilled at how God has grown me in the midst of running after His call! Be blessed as you start your program, and when it gets hard, (it definitely will) keep your eye on the prize!


  39. 139
    AnielasMommy says:

    It is no mistake I read this blog this morning. I was just stepping on to update mine, when I saw there was a new post on yours. My husband and I are experiencing some non-physical battles right now; for lack of better words God has big plans for us and the enemy is trying to prevent those plans.

    You asked for a response in regards to “receiving divine intervention” I found myself asking if I should really be typing this… I am there Ms. Beth. I am there… I am in the middle of asking God; I am on my knees. And I am so desperate for God to intervene here. I know He will, because He is faithful to me, and I to Him. But I have yet to see the fruit of this labor. I have yet to feel God offer me peace in such a time of restlessness.

    I need wisdom… I need to know how I can be the spiritual leader in my marriage as my husband has yet to grasp my craving for his initiative.

    Love a faithful, but hurting wife, from Colorado.

  40. 140
    Rachel J says:

    My husband and I got married in April and decided to start building a house on our own. NO help from the bank just our savings (which wasn’t much!). Thru the summer months we started looking at places to rent as staying with parents became challenging and we so desperately wanted a place of our own. We even got an offer to join a church several hours away as the youth pastor (my husband) and they would provide housing. However it just didn’t feel right. We were getting really frustrated and literally had NO idea what to do. All the rentals we had looked at were not up to par and we just didn’t find anything we liked enough to live in. When we had first gotten married we looked at a little house and even went to the bank for financing. Long story short that didnt work out either. Out of nowhere and after much prayer for our situation, we got an email from that homeowner saying he was able to work a deal. A week later we were in the house and fixing it up with love and comfort! God was SO in that situation, he cuddled us and loved us all thru the summer and let us look at all sorts of options, then out of the blue he showed us HIS plan! ANd I don’t know about you, but HIS plan is ALWAYS the best! HE is SO good!

  41. 141
    Nancy says:

    I work at a University where faith and intellect are not considered compatible. ‘Political correctness’ is the name of the game and when my boss was making a somewhat snide remark about how anybody could possibly believe the earth wasn’t millions of years old was idiocy (or something like that) I said something like ‘Well, we weren’t there so we really can’t know can we?’.
    To his credit he quickly responded with ‘I hope I didn’t offend you’ and asked me into his office to assure me of his desire to be sensitive to ‘religious beliefs’. And I sat there wondering, praying about how to respond. I wanted to be clear and not wishy washy, but I didn’t want to get ‘into’ issues that aren’t THE Issue. I opened my mouth and out came something like ‘I am not offended or intimidated by the impact of science on my faith. To the contrary, the amazing discoveries of science only cause me to be more amazed at how God works.’
    He looked at me a little unsure of this response and said something like ‘Okay, well I’m glad then.’
    It was not anything I was even thinking about, and it was just odd to hear the words come out of my mouth. I continue to pray for my boss and for wisdom in whatever witness I might have here.

    • 141.1
      Cindy Jones says:

      Nancy, I just wanted to say thank you for your comment last week. I looked up your blog and enjoyed it very much. Thanks again for taking the time to encourage me. Cindy Jones

  42. 142
    Julianna says:

    About 2 years agp, I was at an interview weekend with my company and began to really doubt my decision to move overseas. I began to have flash backs to a really hard summer I spent in China, as well as doubt whether I was “called” to go. I also began to think about all the things I would miss and how maybe now wasn’t a good time to leave the states. I was so confused and just sick to my stomach for days. I mean I had been going through this process of going oversears for months and now that I was finally at the interview weekend I started to freak out.

    I remember very distinctly one evening in my hotel room. I was laying face down on the floor with the Word in front of me, opened up to Isaiah 30. It talks about the Lord giving us the “bread of adversity and the water of afflication” – yet also showing us the way to go. I was reminded that the God I serve would be there with me, if I turned to the right or to the left, if I moved overseas or not. I was able to confidently accept the job and here I am 2 years later serving overseas. I’ve have never since doubted my decision to be here.

  43. 143
    Janet says:

    I’ll have to think on the wisdom moment–I know there have been so many! And God always fills me with awe at such times. But I’m just a bit befuddled today.

    I must, must, must thank “OhLookADuck” for her turkey recipe, though. I’d totally given up all hope, surrendered to ham for this holiday. When I saw her recipe, I decided to give it a try–and it worked! Our family enjoyed the best turkey ever served in this house. So thank you, Ms. Duck, oh so much!

  44. 144

    My husband and I were married about seven years and still hadn’t bought our first home. We saved some money and felt that it was time to start looking. Our friend’s dad was a relator and was showing us the houses we wanted to see. It seemed as if every house that was in our price range really needed a ton of work, and my husband wasn’t a very good handyman at the time, so we were getting frustrated in our search. We put an offer in on a house and asked the Lord for His will to be done. Our offer was rejected. We continued to look, and found a few other prospects, but each time we prayed for wisdom, we never had a peace about making another offer. I was pregnant and after yet another prayer asking God for wisdom, my husband decided to call off the search and wait until after our baby was born to resume looking for a house. Our lives were turned upside down shortly after we made that decision, as we found out my husbands father had cancer, it didn’t look good. Shortly after, my father, who was relatively healthy, had a massive stroke during a routine operation and passed away two weeks later. Six weeks (to the day) later my baby girl was born. Six weeks (to the day) following the birth of my daughter, my father in law passed away. About six months later, after settling both of our dad’s estates, we were able to purchase our first home, and God made it completely clear that it was HIS house for us. His faithfulness is overwhelming, and nine years later we are still in the same house. We look at it as a gift from all of our Dads! (Our earthly fathers helped with the financial aspect, and our heavenly Father, in all of His wisdom, led us down the roads we needed to be on.)

  45. 145
    Bobbie says:

    I know that God has intervened in my life more times than I have given him credit for! The one time that comes to mind is when we were getting ready to retire from my husband’s second career and moving home to Texas. We weren’t sure it was the right time and turned it all over to Him, including the sale of our condo. When we retired from the Air Force 15 years prior we went to a job that lasted about 2 years when he realized this was NOT the job for him. He sought other employement and got a job in the Seattle area! Perfect, we had always wanted to live there, but our home in San Antonio took over 6 months to sell (me staying behind alone) and when this decision came to retire again, home to Texas I was petrified that the condo wouldn’t sell. On a Friday morning as I finished my Bible Study I turned the entire retirement and it’s schedule over to our awesome God and asked Him to take care of us in His time. That evening I arrived home from errands, getting ready to leave town the following week for several Texas weddings to a neighbor enquiring about our condo. (We had yet to even mention that we were going to be selling!) Long story into a “God story”–we had a cash sell and contract, no realtor involved, by Sunday afternoon!! They wanted the condo in two weeks–my husband hadn’t even told his company he was leaving yet! Only God could’ve done this-our divine realtor!

    I used an ‘apple cake’ recipe from the Thanksgiving post and it was a huge hit. I’ll definitely keep that one for years to come! I also tried the can of pumpkin/spice cake mix bread that turned out yummy too! I’m curious about what all you cooks think about adding ‘nuts’ to this one? Any ideas since there’s not much moisture? There are some I plan to copy and add to my Siesta cookbook!

    Thanks Beth, I love that you encourage us to think! Hugs coming your way.

  46. 146
    Becca says:

    I’ll do my best to give the summed-up version:
    Early in the year I had been going through some intense spiritual warfare that was physically manifesting itself. Now, I’m not trying to give the enemy credit for every little physical inconvenience or illness that has ever happened to me…sometimes the rain just falls on the just and the unjust. But with this situation, there was something more. I was having a difficult time discerning what was just “rain” and what was “warfare”. I had no further clarity of thought to try to work through it on my own. Physically speaking, things had gotten so bad that any time I would try to read scripture, things would get so blurry and dizzy that I couldn’t continue. So I tried listening to scripture online just to get it in me somehow. And I had such intense ringing in my ears that it made me cry. When I would try to pray I was completely restless and scatterbrained. I finally called my mentor. There really is too much good meaty “word” that God spoke through her for me to include in this format, but there are 2 main things that made a world of difference:
    -She prayed that I would have spiritual strategy… that when I am attacked from one direction, I would be able to find creative ways to make my time with God meaningful
    -She made the point that scripture is so essential to our walk, and when our ability to study scripture is effected, regardless of the “rain”, that aspect of things is NOT of God.
    Those two things led me to the “aha” moment that my anxiety at that point in time wasn’t just “stress” based on life circumstances, but was directly fed into by my lack of quality time with God. And no matter what, I needed to press on through and trust God to help me find a way to get that quality time.

  47. 147
    Tree from South East Kansas says:

    I have a story that is a little layered but I will try to stay lazer so it won’t turn into a book!

    I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. My kids were all in school but I longed to be more availabe for them in their classrooms and after school, to help out more at church, to bless busy families in ways many have blessed me, to study more, etc. But it never seemed possible because we were just so far in debt there was no way we could survive on one income. We finally found Dave Ramsey and he showed us how stupid we were being with our money and 4 years later we had paid off enough debt that we realized I could stay home finally. SO after much prayer, this past March, I gave my work three month notice, that my last day would be June 15th. Everything was falling so perfectly into place, my husband even got a raise the day I gave my notice. I was for sure going to get everything I had ever desired.

    A week later, I was at work and received a phone call from my husband. He was just informed that his company was going to downsize his entire department and come June he would no longer have a job. We were shocked to say the least. I didn’t tell anyone that day, I just spent some time in prayer and asked God for wisdom… and God was very clear to me…. He told me this was my husbands journey and my part was to support him, reguardless of what that meant for me and my plans. I thought that meant I would be asking for my job back and for a little bit I questioned why God would allow me to taste what I desired the most to just take it back. I had a 45 min drive home and I prayed the whole way and God calmed my heart and truely gave me peace that he was in control, it would all be okay, and just reminded me so gently that this really was my husbands journey and my part was to support him. By the time I got home, my husband had prayed a ton, talked to our minister, and was waiting to comfort me. I saw a strength in him I had never seen before. I was so overwhelmed with his love that night. We decided that I would not ask for my job back and my husband really felt lead that a relocation was a part of this whole thing. Everyone thought we were crazy for me not to ask for my job back, the job market is so crazy and if we moved that meant we needed to sell our house, and the house market is crazy, and etc etc etc… But God is bigger than crazy.

    My husband sent out 5 resumes that next day in an area that was closer to his Dad and within a few days he had two interviews schedueld and within a few weeks he had a job just 45 mins from where his Dad lived. Our house didn’t sell but we found renters who are wonderful, we bought a 140 year old victorian house in the new little town we live in, we have found an amazing church that God is so alive in, and my heart is full.
    My life looks nothing like it did a year ago and nothing like I thought it would 6 months ago. If I had not listened to God that day my husband found out he was losing his job, we would probably not be where we are now. We are so at peace here and I feel more at home in this place than I ever have. We are seeing God bless our children here, we are seeing him use our talents here, we are seeing him answer prayers all over the place here. I am so thankful that God told me that this was Jeff’s journey and that I needed to support him. I have seen my husbands faith grow right in front of my eyes and I have seen him run to the Father in ways I never thought possible. My heart is sooo full and I am so grateful. Who knew that giving up control, and having life look nothing like what I wanted to, would be the greatest gift from God. Jeff and I are one and his journey of faith really has been my journey of faith too. Thank you God for giving us more than we could ever possibly dream of!

  48. 148
    Teri says:

    Years ago my toddler daughter was sick ALL the time, off and on for a year. I was worried and confused. I got on my knees and prayed for wisdom. Within a few days, no less than four people asked me if she was allergic to milk! I thought it strange, but took it as an answer from God… I had asked hadn’t I? I took her off all dairy, and within a week, she was all better, and stayed that way! Now she’s a healthy as a horse 16 yr. old. God is so faithful to answer prayer!

  49. 149
    Ellie says:

    I had been praying and following God’s will about a certain situation in my life for many months. He had provided and had continued to sustain me through the trial. But just to be sure I was still on the right “path” after a difficult day, I cried out to him in prayer. I wanted to know if he was still asking me to continue in the way I had been going. I rarely ask in prayer for a sign but this day without even thinking before I prayed I did. I asked him for a rainbow. The minute I prayed it I started to regret it. What if I did not get the rainbow? That would mean I am about to be heading down another path, which could prove scary. Immediately I started looking for a rainbow. As I drove down the road I looked everywhere in the sky. Not a hint of a rainbow anywhere. I even started looking for rainbow bumper stickers and when I picked my child up at school I thought surely there will be a rainbow on a child’s shirt or art work hanging on a wall somewhere, but nope. No rainbow. Once we got home the routine of homework, dinner and other activities set in. I forgot about my request temporarily. My mother called to check on us and told me she was just making sure we were all in safe for the night (yes, I am 40 years old and she still does that). Then it dawned on me, I was now inside for the rest of the day. Needless to say there is no rainbow decor in my home. I submitted in prayer and told God, I would accept whatever he has next for me. I then sat down on the couch and turned on the Atlanta Braves baseball game. As it turned out they were in the middle of a rain delay. They were showing the big blue tarps covering the field. After a few minutes the broadcasters announced that, “It looked like we were going to have baseball in Atlanta after all.” Then the TV camera panned outward from where they were rolling the tarps off the field and showed the beautiful downtown Atlanta skyline. There was not one but TWO huge rainbows that were shooting across the sky right behind the gleaming gold capitol dome. I could do nothing but hit my knees in awe. God was certainly answering my prayer in a way that I could have not imagined. I have since been on that same path that he set me on 3 years ago and will continue to follow it until he shows me another way.

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    J says:

    Haha, well since I’ve been a Christian for over 10 years, I guess it’s my time to share. I usually like to identify with the college-age and be the learner but I guess being out of college almost 5 years it’s time to grow up! I will always be a learner though.

    I can think of several times in my life when I have made big decisions where I have asked the Lord for wisdom to make the right one – from the topic of my high school graduation speech, figuring out where to go to college, whether to go on a mission trip to China against my parents will (my first Christmas in college), whether to work a year in ministry after college, whether to go to seminary and where and when… in these times where I have most earnestly sought the Lord’s direction he has ALWAYS been faithful to give me wisdom in making the right decision. The road isn’t always easy (especially the past 3 years), but I’ve learned that when I am patient, he will guide my heart and mind to do his will.

    So often we talk about doing God’s will for our lives, and I think that more than anything, we will know we are in God’s will if we are daily being renewed in our minds. As we daily spend time in prayer and in the Word, the Lord will always be faithful to lead and guide us. We may not understand it initially and may suffer (being in God’s will doesn’t necessarily mean things will be easy), but if we have sought him and made the decision we believe he has led us to, then we can be at peace.

    I would also say that there is wisdom in seeking godly counsel. When I am having a difficult time knowing what to do, I usually seek the wisdom of someone I know walks closely with the Lord. Usually I sense a sort of confirmation through the advice of several counselors.

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