Laugh With Me

I loved my devotional this morning. It helped that I actually got to sleep in because I have the day off. Worked all weekend. And I do mean WORKED. I love the Deeper Still events but, because they last a half day longer than a regular LPL’s and the sessions are super long, you go home pretty wiped. Hence the day off. (I don’t take Monday’s off because of staff prayer time.) So, I was really rested when I was sitting propped up in my bed having my prayer time this morning. The Scripture hit me so tenderly that I nearly cried. You know the story. It’s about God’s fulfilled promise to Abraham’s wife, Sarah. Read the portion again and intentionally look at it as a woman because that’s sort of what this post is about. Be amazed and thankful that God has a long history of also making and keeping promises to women.

Genesis 21:1-7 (GW)
1 The Lord came to help Sarah and did for her what he had promised.
2 So she became pregnant, and at the exact time God had promised, she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age.
3 Abraham named his newborn son Isaac.
4 When Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him as God had commanded.
5 Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born.
6 Sarah said, โ€œGod has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.
7 Who would have predicted to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet, I have given him a son in his old age.โ€

I got stuck on that part that says, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” I sat in a carload of women in front of the hotel in Denver Saturday night. We’d just spent all evening together at a restaurant. You might reason that we’d spent all weekend together but we just kept talking a hundred miles an hour and didn’t want to get out of the car. It’s just a woman thing. Our ages ranged well over twenty years but for that moment, we were BFF. Kelly Minter and I were in the back seat and I looked straight at her and said, “Yep. This is what I love about women. I love being a woman.”

Cheesy. I know.

But I do.

I thought it was so cool that Sarah knew that many would laugh with her. If I were a betting woman, I’d wager that she was talking about other women. I can’t see the men really slapping their leg over it, then clapping, and then throwing up their hands and shouting, “Glory!” like me and my buddies would do. I’d bet they just slapped Abe on the back and said, “Way to go, man.” Most of the time, if God’s really done something cool in my life, I like to tell my girlfriends about it because I know they’ll laugh and clap their hands, too. In fact, I intentionally tell the ones that I know will most appreciate it.

It doesn’t have to be something really huge like Sarah’s miracle either. Women can find all sorts of things to laugh with one another over. Here are a few I’ve experienced just here lately:

Melissa: While we were in Israel, we went out in the parking lot to wave good bye to the first half of our group departing for the States. The rest of us would not be going till the next morning. There was a bit of a delay and they had to sit for a few minutes before taking off so I decided to start entertaining them (outside the bus on the pavement) with cheers, a few little dance moves, and kicking my feet to the side and clicking my heels (yes, in a dress. It is a move I do very well). To my great surprise, Melissa got into it with me and up and did two cartwheels for them. (Not in a dress.) It made me so happy that I laughed and laughed. My little budding scholar! I said to her while I bent over laughing, “You have what it takes for women’s ministry, Honey!”

Amanda: Melissa and I always say that AJ is the funniest one of the three of us. She’s just not the extrovert so it’s not as obvious. Here lately she hopped in the car with me on our way somewhere and I said, “What’s that in your hand?” She said, “My Weight Watchers charm. I got it for reaching my goal. I’m going to put it on Annabeth’s charm bracelet so she knows what I had to do to get over her.” I clapped and laughed, not only over AB’s well deserved charm but over AJ’s darling college-looking post-partum figure. A met goal is worth laughing and celebrating together.

Kelly Minter: You know what a big fan I am of Kelly’s. I love her. I love watching these young women teachers come and take their places. I cannot describe my joy or my peculiar feelings of elation over it. I sat on the front row at Deeper Still next to my beloved Priscilla when Kelly took the stage to share a devotional early Saturday morning. As she took that platform, she would speak to more people (by several thousand) than she’d ever addressed before…and she killed it. (I hope you realize that’s a good thing.) Honestly, I pumped my fist in the air and yelled, “Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!” Hawk looked around and said, “Did anybody hear her do that but me?” I couldn’t help myself.

A person I can’t name yet: A very dear loved one of mine is expecting her first baby and I am beside myself. I nearly hurt myself with joy when she told me over the phone. I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. I love God for what He’s done in her life. I will love this child next to my own blood grandchildren.

Another really close loved one: She’s the one whose 1-year chip from AA I showed you several weeks ago. God is so busy restoring the years the locusts have eaten in her life that, if He weren’t omnipotent, He’d honestly have no time for the rest of us. We have laughed and laughed over the wonders He has done in her behalf.

What about you? Is there anything wonderful God has done in your life – big or small – that this community of women could laugh with you about? Look back at those Scriptures. Has God done anything for you about which you could say, “God has brought me laughter” or “Who would have predicted…?” Give us the chance to clap our hands and laugh with you.

I’ll close this post with the devotional that accompanied those Scriptures this morning. It’s Charles Spurgeon. It about killed me in the Spirit. I loved it so much. Enjoy, Siestas. Your Mama loves you.

It was far above the power of nature, and even contrary to its laws, that the aged Sarah should be honoured with a son; and even so it is beyond all ordinary rules that I, a poor, helpless, undone sinner, should find grace to bear about in my soul the indwelling Spirit of the Lord Jesus. I, who once despaired, as well I might, for my nature was as dry, and withered, and barren, and accursed as a howling wilderness, even I have been made to bring forth fruit unto holiness. Well may my mouth be filled with joyous laughter, because of the singular, surprising grace which I have received of the Lord, for I have found Jesus, the promised seed, and He is mine for ever. This day will I lift up psalms of triumph unto the Lord who has remembered my low estate, for “my heart rejoiceth in the Lord; mine horn is exalted in the Lord; my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies, because I rejoice in Thy salvation.” I would have all those that hear of my great deliverance from hell, and my most blessed visitation from on high, laugh for joy with me.
Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening.

PS. Speaking of things fairly peculiar to women, I thought I might go ahead and tell you that I typed this whole thing standing up in my wrap-around terry cloth robe so my self tanner could dry. I want to be tan on my birthday.


575 Responses to “Laugh With Me”

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  1. 251
    His Jules says:

    Happy Birthday mama Beth! I hope your day is filled with God’s blessings showered over you like the summer rains! I am so thankful that you were born, in a day where life is taken for granted and not treated as special, the lives you have touched for the kingdom are just a testimony to the awesomness of our God and the value of a single life! God bless you!

  2. 252
    Jan says:

    Thank you, Beth, for being real and highlighting the joy and fun in life. Happy Birthday wishes for a year of laughter and praise and continued effective ministry!

  3. 253
    Tanya says:

    I purposefully left the house with my 2 year old and 7 week old to get lunch and visit my husband at the fire station across town. After the visit I knew both kids would fall asleep once I started driving and my favorite nail salon was nearby. So, I got brave and drove around until they fell asleep and pulled into the parking lot at the nail salon to get a MUCH needed pedicure. I walked in with a baby carrier and a stroller. Every woman gave me a sympathy/you’re crazy smile. I smiled back agreeing with them. I was seated and put both the carrier and stroller in the tiny aisle between two chairs. I prayed the person who filled the empty chair would have compassion and understanding. And HE did! A 70 ish gray haired MAN was seated next to me. Oh my word. Complete grace!

  4. 254
    Tracy Leary says:

    As for the laughter, this weekend my little family went to the beach just to get away. We invited my sister who is still single and loves my children like her own.

    Sunday morning, we had “church’ which included turning on praise music as loud as we could and dancing around the kitchen like Jesus crazies. We laughed and laughed. (even threw in a few air guitars!) It was awesome!

    Tracy Leary
    Richlands, NC

  5. 255
    lori coronado says:

    Oh I laughed about the self tanner! The devotional was awesome as well and expressed exactly how I feel. I have celebrated 8 and 1/2 years of freedom from Satan’s trap, the lifelong downward spiral of drug use, crime, prostitution, and violence. I started on that path at a very young age in response to physical,emotional, and sexual abuse. But the amazing changes Jesus has wrought in my life cause tears of joy to course down my face whenever I share my story!
    Today He has fulfilled every dream I had as a young child! I got to graduate from a 4 yr college with highest honors! I have a wonderful job at an exceptional company! I have the perfect apartment, my windows look out on woods and creek and teem with birds and wildlife! Yet I live in a city, my mother (my abuser) and I have a good relationship today. Forgivness on my part, growth and repentance and healing on both of our hearts. Only Jesus could do that! I a kitten I adore, I have an awesome church and a deep hunger for the Word and for study. Oh Glory to You Lord! Joy does come in the morning! As a child all I wanted was a job to support myself and a safe home to live in. Jesus has granted me both with so much more! Laugh with me!!

  6. 256
    lori coronado says:

    Happy Birthday Beth!!

  7. 257
    Brenda says:

    Happy Birthday siesta Mama!! Hope it is great!! I couldn’t help but think about the ‘knee slappin.’ And what came to mind? A story last year when you were on the airplane, and reached your hand back to move the seat, and grabbed a guys knee instead!! lol
    I am SO thankful that God gave my husband and I a beautiful baby girl, Abigail!! We too had infertility, and my heart aches for those fellow siestas. But let me tell you, she was so worth the wait! Blessings to y’all this beautiful-God-given Wednesday mornin’. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. 258
    Dana says:

    Thanks for the post! So lifted my spirit. It’s already on high, though. For my God is faithful. Oh, there is not enough space to tell how good our God is. He has brought me out of 23 years of physical and emotional abuse. He also gave me the verse about restoring the years the locusts have eaten. I am in Celebrate Recovery for codependency and am rejoicing over the fullness and joy I feel as I see other sisters in this journey also healing – only God can move these mountains! I also see healing in the lives of my two children. I have been praying that for them for so long. Siesta mama, thanks so much for being open to be used by God to teach. I suppose I’ll never meet you as we walk this earth, but in heaven I would like to sit and share with you ALL of the wonderful things God has revealed to me through your teachings. To think this journey began while in a bookstore looking for a Bible study…had never heard of Beth Moore. A girlfriend was with me and she said she had done some of your studies and all of them were great! The shelves were piled high with “Jesus The One and Only” so I got the book and didn’t have the money to buy the tapes….I started this study with five women in my home and we were just going to review homework since we had no tapes. A friend of one of the ladies in the group tapped on my front door WITH THE TAPES IN HER HANDS!!!!! and said “Is this the house where you’re teaching the Beth Moore Bible study?” I said “Yes! Come on it and join us!” I fell more in love with Jesus than I knew possible. Since that time I have done all of your studies and am so thrilled when I am listening to someone preach or teach on topics we have studied and I can think “oh yeah, I know that and even more” and it thrills my soul to continue to go deeper and deeper with God through your studies. (I told you it was too long! – sorry about that. the whole mageelah maybe?) I thank each and every one of you at Living Proof Ministries for all that you do. I pray for you so much and am so thankful for you. May God Bless Your Day!

  9. 259
    Stacy says:

    Who would have predicted that…
    I have rather unexpectedly come across two joys.
    The first was in discovering that there would be another simulcast in September! Yeah!! I quickly emailed the local church which hosted the SLI simulcast to ask if they would please host this LPL event as well! The thought of being able to see you via simulcast again brought such joy to my heart! (I’m longing for your return to the Florida area–so that I may attend in person!)
    The second unexpected joy involves finding contact information for a half-brother. Growing up as an only child, I longed for siblings. My father had a previous marriage and had two children–whom he financially supported but did not have relationship with over the years. It was not a subject he cared to discuss with me, and, as the obedient daughter, I didn’t ask when he was alive. Now, I have found an address, and I would love to send a note in the mail. I am curious to know about my half-brother and half-sister. I would love to see pictures of them and hear about their lives. Although I was happy to find this address, I also feel uneasy about writing. Would they welcome hearing from me? Do they know I exist? Would it be dangerous? Realistically, I am a middle-aged stranger to them. What do I want from them–just a small connection to a part of me that I’ve never known. I would love to speak with them, and I would not expect a family relationship to develop. But I lack confidence in making the decision to go ahead and send a letter. (Even though I finished SLI, I still have trust and rejection issues.) Since I found the address, it has been constantly on my mind. Was I meant to find this contact information so that I could connect with them? Or, should I just forget about all of it? Any siesta thoughts would be appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. 260
    Church Lady says:

    Let me tell you something funny!! As I read this post about Sarah having a child in her old age. The post being “Laugh With Me”. I was gobbling every word expecting you to tell us that you were EXPECTING (not that you are in old age)!!! I wonder if I was the only one who had a racing mind. That is my laughter for the day!

  11. 261
    Mel says:

    I know you probably hear this 1000 times a dayโ€ฆ.but thank you for letting the Holy Spirit work through you to minister to others. I never have โ€˜commentedโ€™ but felt very strongly that I needed to for the sole purpose to acknowledge God hearing me. Last couple of days Iโ€™ve been pretty discourage about the fact God has not brought me and my (future) husband together yetโ€ฆthough I know He has promised this to me. Iโ€™m getting older (38) and also afraid I wonโ€™t be able to conceive once I do get married. I know God has put the burning desire to be a mother in my heart. So this morning driving to work, I was ONCE again crying out to God. I asked Him for confirmation that itโ€™s just not me hoping to get married and become a mother. And in His marvelous grace He has given me a clear confirmation through your blog this morning. Now I must stop because Iโ€™m work and I need to stop crying because people will be showing up soon. Standing firm on His promises!

  12. 262
    Kim says:

    Thank you for sharing this devotional! I am so grateful for you and all that God has done through your life as you pour it out as a sweet sacrifice of praise at His feet. My testimony is very similar to yours – those who should have protected and nurtured me in childhood were the very ones who allowed Satan to use them to inflict hideous wounds of abuse. When the Lord decided it was time to begin making things right, He brought the wall down in my mind where those memories were hidden and brought them into the light. It was excruciating but like you, they were the missing puzzle pieces and suddenly so many things finally made sense. The betrayal and rage almost consumed me but my God is bigger! I have a few lovely friends who have held me, cried with me, and dare I say, LAUGHED with me as Jesus, my Prince has rescued me and set my feet on solid ground! The truly lovely part is that as Jesus healed me and set me free, and as I forgave, then the others in my life who also desperately needed His healing, have been able to get closer to Him. There is a ripple effect of sin but there is a bigger and stronger ripple effect of righteousness!

    My three daughters (10, 12, 14) are growing up free because their momma got free and there’s nothing like being free – that’s pure joy! And yes, we laugh about that in my home…we also dance and sing too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Found wholly in Him, Kim

  13. 263
    Sheryl says:

    Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday!

  14. 264
    Shannan says:

    Miss Beth— YOUmake me laugh!!! Such joy!! Are you reading a particular devo book now or simply “The Word?” just things I need to know!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    what makes me laugh–God using my sweet husband to pick my heart up!! ;). Thank you Lord!

  15. 265
    Amy says:

    The simple, yet profound, fact that I have a relationship with Jesus Christ is cause for joyous laughter. I wasnโ€™t raised with godly parents and I attempted to go all manner of opposite directions, running from God. But He did His work in my life through the Holy Spiritโ€™s devotion and I have a thriving, personal relationship with my Savior. To God be the glory and praise!

  16. 266
    Mary Ann says:

    God has done amazing things in my life this past year and used many people to get through to me, beginning with you and the simulcast last August. I praise Him for that. He has led me to this time in my life to accomplish His purpose which He had given me a glimpse of over 25 years ago. Thank you, Beth for being our friend and committing yourself to obedience. Happy Birthday!

  17. 267

    Happy Birthday Siesta Mama,
    I pray that your special day is filled with God’s love and joy. That He shows you how very special you are, and this birthday is wrote down in the memory books. You are loved Siesta Mama <3 <3

  18. 268
    Shelley says:

    I can completely relate to the fellowship with those sisters. I dearly love my Sunday School class of about six girls. We have laughed until our sides hurt, we’ve cried together over lost children, the passing of loved ones, and broken marriages. We’ve traveled together and worshipped with our Beth (we call you by first name, btw). I love my sisters in Christ and am so thankful for the gift of friendship and thankful for this blog by my “virtual bff” Beth! I read it from work almost daily and it always brings a smile and alot of times brings an out loud guffaw!

  19. 269
    B.B says:

    13 years ago, God blessed me to be a mom to a wonderful son, I named Brandon. I was 30 years old at the time and for years had been told I would never have children due to a chronic illness, I had suffered with since childhood. I laughed out loud when I discovered I was pregnant with Brandon. Today my son is a straight A student and a well behaved child, who loves the Lord with all his heart. To the God I serve, may He be praised forever and ever for the gift of motherhood He has blessed me with!

  20. 270
    Lisa Burt says:

    Happy Birthday to a woman you has taught me how to study the Bible and come to love it and to Love my God even more each day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. 271
    Mary Watkins says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth!

  22. 272
    alison says:

    Last week I laughed with a friend, or maybe I should say howled with a friend, when she told me about how she drove off in her husband’s company car from the gas station with the gas pump and long hose still stuck in her gas tank and didn’t realize it till several miles down the road. Then laughed really hard when the gas station called her husband’s office to report the “stolen” gas pump and hose. Didn’t blame her when she went back to the station the next day to pay for the gas pump and hose and gave them a made up name.

  23. 273
    Kimberly Danyelle says:

    Thank you so much for this encouraging post. I NEEDED it!!
    It is very hard sometimes to be joyful and find laughter when you are still in a “holding pattern” for many years of prayers and desires.

    On my recent trip (several weeks ago)to France with my Mom, God helped me to see again the joy in life and gave me many moments of laughter. I had forgotten what it was like to “just enjoy” life and laugh. Some of the things that I thought were impossible for the trip, he showed me just how POSSIBLE they were to him. I ended up laughing and giggling so much from his goodness, his love for us and his provisions! He is soo good and faithful to those who love him!

    When I want to give up on those things that haven’t come to pass, I have to remember that God has NOT given up on them, and this always somehow gives me hope to continue on.

    God Bless!

  24. 274
    Marcella says:

    Mine is similar to Sarah’s. My husband and I faced infertility for 5 long years. The emotional pain and physical pain was unrelenting. Then one day I took yet another pregnancy test. GLORY to God, it was POSITIVE!!! My pregancy was uneventfully normal. On May 15, 2006, I delivered a healthy happy baby girl. Alyson just turned 4 years old and we are having a blast with God’s gift. I tell her often that her Daddy & I wanted a kid and we prayed and prayed and God gave HER to us.

    We are so blessed! Everyone laugh with me ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. 275
    Kim Gannon says:

    Let me try to keep this short. My step-son got married over memorial weekend in Maryland. I talked to my future daughter-in-law about her mom’s dress and my step-son’s mom’s dress. I had bought two dresses but one sounded similar to mother of bride so I took both. The night before rehearsal dinner we were at bride’s family house for a cook-out. I asked mother of bride to see her dress to make sure my “fav” wasn’t too close to hers. THE EXACT DRESS but in a different color. Did

  26. 276
    Kim Gannon says:

    Let me try to keep this short. My step-son got married over the memorial weekend in Maryland. I had talked to my future daughter-in-law about her mom’s dress. I had bought 2 dresses. I decided to take both because one sounded similar to mother of brides. The night before rehearsal dinner we were at bride’s family home for a cook-out and I asked mother of bride to show me her dress. It was the EXACT DRESS but a different color as my “fav”. Did I say EXACT DRESS? Yes, I did. So I decided I would wear my back up but then thought I better check with mother of the groom on hers. You won’t believe this but I promise it is true. Hers was the EXACT DRESS as my backup but a different color. Yes, again, I said EXACT DRESS. So, the next day I found myself at a mall in Germantown, MD buying a brand new dress. I can really laugh about it NOW!!!!

  27. 277
    Tanya says:

    So loved the post. I to am a hand clapper/knee slapper but I live in a house full of the male species and some times they just stare and shake their head. Sometimes I call my neighbor so I can get the appropriate laughter response. BUT, I am not the only one in my house who finds humor in inappropriate situations (funerals, etc…)

  28. 278
    Pam Mundy says:

    Look what I read this morning made me clap and laugh
    Isaiah 55;12 nkjv
    For you shall go out with joy,
    And be led out with peace;
    The mountains and the hills
    Shall break forth with singing before you.
    And all the trees of the field shall CLAP THEIR HANDS !!!!!

    I am so clapping my hands and laughing Praise God

    Love you all

  29. 279
    Karen says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth! Hope you are nice and tan:)

  30. 280
    Dede says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth!!! My SS class has just started your updated “Breaking Free” and we are all so excited about doing this Bible study (Again!). My Sweet Friend, even though I have not met you face to face, I have enjoyed knowing you thru all the Bible studies I have had the joy of doing and the Living Proof seminars I have attended. You are a complete joy and I thank our God each day we have ministries like yours. To Him be the Glory! Enjoy your day — hope the self-tanning worked (it never does on me — too impatient!)

  31. 281
    Karene says:

    Happy Birthday today, Beth! My precious daughter Amy also has her birthday today–she’s 15. So as we celebrate her, I will also be praying for you on your special day.

    I am rejoicing because she and I have such a close relationship, even though we have our issues at times. I’m so grateful for the sensitive woman of God she is becoming.

    Love, Karene

  32. 282
    Iris says:

    K cause we are seista’s I need to know what self tanner do you use Beth that looks natural and not freaky, they all make me well “freaky colored orangy.” This is a girl thing right so I am open to suggestions, but my curious mind wants to know what Mamma Beth uses.

    On a serious note please pray for a biopsy I just had, Icing my poor Girl…… and Tylenol.

  33. 283
    conwaymom says:

    I am rejoicing today over my precious daughter! Having been given a generational spirit of fear passed down to us through the ages – I grieved over seeing and sensing that same sense of fear in my 15 year old daughter. I’ve spent much of my life trying to overcome it by renewing my mind. But for her to go out of town, on a mission trip with her youth group – she went out even though she was afraid. Numerous text and phone calls, 4 days later – and she is still there! She has stayed even though she was afraid. She has witnessed and worked for Jesus even though she was afraid. She didn’t let her fears stop her. Praise the Lord – I know many of you won’t understand this but it’s a huge thing. I want this bondage of fear broken in both of us and I am laughing with joy over the courage my daughter has shown. I am so proud of her. And I want to be like her… Thank you Jesus. Please bring her home safely this weekend.

  34. 284
    Kelly says:

    I love that God created laughter! Really!

    My 17 year old daughter and I are in a very stressful season in our relationship. Yet last night we played Super mario together. We laughed and giggled for an hour while jumping on each others heads. First time laughing with her in a long long time!

    Just those little times of simple fun seem to heal some really big wounds! Thank God!


  35. 285
    Siesta OC says:

    I just want to let you know that, yes Beth I saw you ‘whoot whooting’ Kelly Minter! I looked across the room and saw this blonde in Hot Pink pumping her fist…that would be my Bible study teacher! Priceless!

  36. 286
    Donna Sava says:

    Beth…what a blessing you are to me this morning! We have been going through a time…but girlfriend…we are FINALLY by God’s amazing grace seeing the light at the end of the tunnel…it is coming slowly…but I know that’s because He has little bit more to do before we can praise Him for it all! Laugh and Praise with me girlfriends! HE IS SO GOOD!!!!
    Donna (The mom-of-twin-boys!)

  37. 287
    Rebecca says:

    Happy Birthday Beth!!
    I’m having a hard time lately finding anything to laugh about. Getting out of bed is now a daily struggle, but it does my heart good that someone is laughing….Rebecca

  38. 288
    Debbie says:

    Just loved your devotion this morning about sisterhood. I have a “red hat” group called the Red-hatted Sisterchicks. We read a series of books by Robin Gunn about traveling sisterchicks and it fit for our group!

    By the way, when is Beth’s birthday?

  39. 289
    Sheri Cryderman - Ontario says:

    God is so gracious and keeps His promises! I am so thankful that even when I have run from Him in the past… He is so eager for me to return, and as soon as I turn my face towards Him… He sprints towards me without a second thought of “how it looks or appears”…. I mean really… I ran away from Him… I hurt Him… I rejected Him… and yet as soon as I turn towards “home” like the prodical son… my Abba Father doesn’t care how it appears to those watching, doesn’t care that the rejected one is now… once again… running without distraction to His child… to the one who went astray… to the foolish one… to the one who hurt Him… He is running towards me… to hug me… to pick me up in His arms and hold me…. and to laugh with me… because the past no longer matters… what matters is… I am back in His arms and we are laughing together… Ahhh what joy…

  40. 290
    Natalie says:

    Back in April, I knew it was time to get my weight under control. I think that’s when I truly realized my weight was a spiritual stronghold for me. I found a program I went through several years ago which, sadly, is a little bit wonky when it comes to doctrine (it wasn’t back then … but it definitely is now). However, I believe the core of the program: learning to wait for hunger, eating only when I’m hungry, stopping before I feel like the button on my jeans is about to pop off and put an eye out … that was all sound. And the program’s big emphasis is on running to God’s Word (not my chocolate stash) when I’m sad, happy, etc. So I started doing Breaking Free the same day I applied those principals. I did BFree in the morning, and started digging into my Bible all day long – whenever I had a snack craving that wasn’t physical hunger. (All along, I think that’s what my heart was craving ๐Ÿ™‚ I put my weight chart in the back of my BFree book and went after it. I never, ever, could have imagined how my life would change when I became obedient to God in that area. I’m in week 7 of BFree and so far I’ve lost 20 lbs. I have at least 20 more to go … but honestly, the best part is the way God’s Word feels so new to me. I’ve heard people say that it’s “alive.” I’ve read that it’s “alive” ALL my life but through this journey, it became truly alive to me. I’m in “hard” and “hardest” now … but I’m confident that through the HS, this thing will be under my feet someday. Sometimes I get teary when I think about this journey so far. Even through the hardest part, I haven’t felt alone. And sometimes I get weirdly tickled over it – I laugh a LOT (and don’t even feel anything jiggle now when I laugh ;). Any other sisters out there who are struggling with weight (to the point where food is an actual stronghold) – please accept my very long distance hug. I’m fist-pumping the air for you guys b/c I know it is possible to have victory here. I fed on ashes for years (and I’m only 29!). But now I know what freedom tastes like. Freedom is straight up better than chocolate. I know I’ll mess up, but I’m holding onto Him as tight as I can. Yay God : )

  41. 291
    Kathy Gerlach says:

    Happy Birthday, Beth! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
    Hey, I have a good friend who lives in Rapid City, SD. I know you will be there in November. She lost her son in a motorcycle accident in Sept. of 2009. When we were stationed at Kincheloe AFB, Michigan in the early 1970’s we were so close and she helped me through some really tough times. I don’t think they even go to church, although she has mentioned needing God’s help.
    I am having a difficult time coming up with the right things to say, and my living close to Wichita, KS and her being in Rapid City doesn’t help. But, I love this gal, and would love to help her, and I would like to bring her closer to our Jesus, knowing He can help her much more than I ever could.
    I have been thinking about going up there in November and taking her to your conference. Weatherwise, I am not sure about driving up there.
    Any ideas you all could give me would be greatly appreciated. And please pray for her and her husband. I was visiting with my ex-husband about this. He said he emailed Dennis and did not even receive a response. They were close too. Her name is Sandy. And thanks a bunch! I look forward to every blog, and so enjoy your closness to your girls. I am so thankful to have a close relationship with my girls (2) and my 8 grandchildren, to be 9 in December.

  42. 292
    Sheri Cryderman - Ontario says:

    Hey Beth,

    Forgot to say… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You deserve a great day… Hope it was a good one!

    Also wanted to say that my brother and I own a home together and have been living together (in this house) for 4 and a half years now… I think our secret to not killing each other is the fact that we crack each other up… lol… Mutual friends of ours love having both of us over together because we just feed off of each other and it just gets rediculously silly… My brother and I both share the same humour… and it gets scary when you can finish each others sentences or know what the others thinking… It makes for a very entertaining night out for our friends.

    I am also very blessed because not only do we share a lot of laughs but we also share tender moments as well. He is my best friend… even if he does put the toilet paper over top of the roll… lol

    Take Care Beth and all you Siestas out there… May your day be filled with lots of laughter and may you know to your very core that the Father loves you and thinks you are amazing!

  43. 293
    Kristin Takemoto says:


    Can I PULLEEESSEEE know what type of self tanner you use? I have tried many, with not so happy results, and this ghostly body could some color!!

    As far as a heavenly laugh, my dog had to wear the cone of shame this week (she was fixed). I love, dearly, the movie UP, if you have not watched it, you MUST!! So everytime I look at her I want to quote the dog named Dug from the movie. She does not understand why she has the cone on and it is terribly sad. Her movement is restricted and she cannot nurse her wound. It made me think of the the times the Lord, in his all knowing-ness, has not allowed me to nurse my own wound. He knew I would do more harm then good. Just like my sweet dog, she needs me to help her get better and I need the Lord and only Him to be my healer. So when I look at that sad face, I smile and understand her confusion. The Lord did me such a favor when my dog came home with the cone of shame!! Praise Him!!

  44. 294
    Ann says:

    Happy birthday Beth!
    GOD has brought much laughter through my niece, Liddy Lou. ONE YEAR OLD TODAY 2009! She was born with major heart defects. Her chances of survival were minimal. But by God’s grace and his gift of amazing doctors and technology, Liddy Lou is thriving! Chubby and happy as can be. She still has a tough rough, with another surgery, but we look forward to more laughter!

  45. 295
    Shelly says:

    One of my memory verses this year is Isaiah 43:18-19 which says: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

    I have struggled for years with insecurity, especially with one family member. I had a trip planned to go to this person’s home, and I just did not have a peace about it. I worked on my verses and prayed. When I came to this one, I said, “OK, God, you are going to make a way. I’m just going to trust You.” Trip day arrived and my youngest son and I left the house at 7:30am. We drove 4 hours, and I dropped him off at my in-laws. Then I drove through torential rain to get to the airport. No planes were moving because of the weather. Flights started up again, but my flight was delayed because of rain in Houston where I was to make a connecting flight to my destination. They said the rain would blow over and we would get on the way. We waited…and waited…and waited…long story short…because it was raining all along my entire route half way across the country, I could not get there and my trip was canceled about 10:00pm. A long day to go no where, BUT…A few days later I was going over my verses again, and I just laughed…He sure “made steams in the wasteland.” I felt so loved and protected! I will have to be around this person, but for some reason, I just was not ready to face this particular situation. Thank You, Father!

  46. 296
    Kim Ulkekul says:

    It would take up way too much space and time of those reading regarding the many miracles the Lord has used to show me favor in the last six months. Most of them having to do with my husband who is not a believer and although naturalized for over 30 years, is originally from Turkey and Muslim. The favor the Lord has allowed me with regard to the challenges that brings in my marriage and home have been astounding. However, the most recent response of laughter just happened this last week. My husband coaches my 16-year-old daughter’s soccer team going on four years now. It has been an interesting dynamic at times but overall very positive for all of us. With the age group becoming more competitive, he had made plans to hold a week-long camp for the team the same week as our church’s VBS, which was actually heart-breaking for Carina, since for the last six (?) years, all three of my daughter’s and I have participated in various leadership roles together for this week. It is always the highlight of every summer for all of us. They all bring friends that help as well and the last couple of years, my niece, whom we all adore, actually spends the whole week with us while she participates as well. That in and of itself is such a praise – that she has come to know the truth with my husband’s sister being her mom and having such a strong desire for her kids to know the truth – even though my sweet sister-in-law still struggles, not yet able to commit. Carina (my daughter) and I have been praying and recruiting others to pray like crazy that somehow this would work out and over the last few days, varying stages of less days of soccer camp being discussed has actually ended up with it being completely cancelled in deciding it would be best to just participate in an additional tournament rather than take on preparing 15 hours of training for one week. My husband told Carina part of the reason he decided to cancel was because she wanted to do VBS, which is also pretty awesome. That the Lord would choose to show my daughter such favor is so huge as her life is just a little to comfortable for her to be seeking after Him very hard. She readily admits this, but continues to welcome the truths her youth pastor continues to put completely up in the faces of these high schoolers and she loves to go – as convicted as she continues to feel. But this was so personal for her. Lord, I’m tearing up just writing this to all of you. Thanks to ALL of you who continue to take the time to share. I read your entries and they always bless me way beyond. Always. Beth, Amanda and Melissa – what a treasure your ministry is to so many. So blessed to be sharing this time in history with all of you.

  47. 297
    Hannah In Tennessee says:

    I have laughed so hard over my three-year-old’s antics here recently, like his joy over his first pair of “clip-clops”. He is so proud of his big-boys shoes and I think it’s so sweet that I don’t want to correct him. He is also learning how to swim this summer. He loves the pool so much and will jump up and down with joy and run around yelling, “I go swimming today all by myself!!!!” Of course I’m right there next to him, but he loves doing it without me touching him. What a sweet joy children are!

    Happy Birthday, Beth! Hope your tan’s just perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. 298
    Deana says:

    Ok so for the billionth time I get a nasty thought, draw my sword, and say “For the weapons of my warfare are not cardinal but mighty in God…” When it struck me that for years I have been saying cardinal (like the bird) and not carnal. I just laughed how funny that was and how many times had the Holy Spirit heard me say this and was just now bring it to my attention!!! I laughed and laughed with no one to share it with at the moment. I knew my sisters would get it!

  49. 299
    Amanda says:

    Beth, Amanda, Melissa and the amazing staff of LPM… I am writing just to ask for your prayer. I have been saved since 2006 and since that moment I was graced with an unwavering faith in God.

    Recent events have tested me farther then I am capable of going, and I am struggling… my faith wavering.. and I dont know how to stop the downward spiral.

    I am just desperate for prayers… please.. just pray for me… I love the Lord and its killing me that I am pushing Him farther and farther away with my sin….

    I dont know if you still approve comments before publishing, but if you do, feel free to not publish this… I just need prayer….

    Thank you so much-

    • 299.1
      Rebecca says:


      You are covered in prayer. This community is the best even if they don’t answer you personally. Please know I have sent your name to God first class, Amanda. Remember He is always with you….Rebecca

    • 299.2
      Laura in SD says:


      Praying for you!

      Laura in SD

  50. 300
    kim says:

    One of my greatest passions is to teach kids to pray in a fun,strategic,and memorable way.Someone actually e-mailed ME and asked ME to submit a workshop to the International Children’s Pastors Conference 2011!I do not care so much if I get selected,the invitation alone made me smile!

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