Graduates Anyone?

It’s that time of year when hard-working students – AND those making it by the skin of their teeth – walk across platforms and get their diplomas.ย  Anybody besides us have a graduate this year? If so, tell us about him/her! No matter what the age or kind of graduation – from kindergarten to tech schools to doctorates – if an official ceremony is involved, let’s celebrate!ย  If you ARE the graduate, that’s even better. We love any opportunity to celebrate a Siesta. Tell us what God has enabled you to accomplish and what your plans are now.ย  This is what community is for.

While we join you in your celebration, please join us in ours. Here’s a huge Siesta shout-out to Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick for earning her second Master’s degree, a Th.M from Columbia Theological Seminary. Child, you have worked your fingers to the bone. You’ve done what it takes and at no small cost. Your Dad, Amanda, Curtis and I are so proud of you and amazed by you. THIS from the high school athlete dash prom queen with the blue and white 69 Camaro Z28 who mostly studied for a test on the way to school that morning…while driving. You are a stud, young lady.ย  Just like your sister. I celebrate the different directions Jesus has taken the two of you and I am so proud of the young women both of you have become. Make no mistake. You both need Jesus equally to make it through the lives He’s entrusted to you.

Colin, Melissa was so right to say that this graduation was just as much about you as it was her. Thank you for so often gazing at your new bride over a sky-high stack of books and papers and for listening to Hebrew lingo and doctrinal debates you never cared to know about. I have a feeling you didn’t see this coming when that young woman passed you in the halls of Langham Creek High School ten years ago. Keith, Amanda, and I will love you forever for how you love our girl and for how much you support her continued theological education. She’s so worth it, isn’t she? I speak this blessing as much over you as over her:

May God sanctify you, anoint you richly and shine His light brightly on your next steps. “May He remember all your sacrifices…May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy…and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.” Psalm 20:3-5

OK, Siestas! Let’s hear it for your graduates!


562 Responses to “Graduates Anyone?”

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  1. 51
    Kim says:

    Congratulations Melissa!! That is such an accomplishment. And one to be very proud of! May the Lord bless you as you continue to move forward.

    Well, mine is not a Masters, but this Saturday I will be graduating with 100 other ladies from the “Womens School of Ministry Leadership”.

    My heart is just full of blessings in how the Lord has revealed so much to me during this time. I love Him and am very excited to continue serving Him along side the awesome women in my church!
    Thank you Jesus!

    • 51.1
      Warm in Alaska says:

      How wonderful to see the Lord use what He’s just invested in you through this school in the lives of others. Good job! Blessings!

  2. 52
    Indy says:

    Congratulations to your daughter, Melissa! What an awesome sense of accomplishment and I am sure that she will continue to use her gift to bless others as she has been doing until now (I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the Esther Bible Study).

    I just graduated from Florida International University with a Masters in Reading Education. I dream of going to seminary one day. =)

  3. 53
    shelli littleton says:

    Congratulations, Melissa!!! Yahoo!!

  4. 54
    KB says:

    My little sister is graduating from High School in less than a month!
    She is about 9 years younger than me and I am in denial!
    She’s beautiful, driven, smart and funny and I know God has big plans for her!
    She’s the baby so this is a BIG deal!!! I refused to open the graduation announcement for a good 10 minutes! HAHA!

    Congrats to Melissa and all of you! What a big accomplishment!

  5. 55
    Tara G. says:

    Congratulations, Melissa! Our graduation took place in December- kind of a rush as we were also preparing for an overseas move. My husband graduated with honors from the Naval Postgraduate School with a masters degree in Homeland Security and Defense {because that’s what the AF chose for him}. He also had an “outstanding thesis” designation. We’re so proud of him! And now our boy has changed his prayers from “please help Daddy to get his papers done” to “please help Daddy get his paperwork done.”

    • 55.1
      Warm in Alaska says:

      Wow. Just wow. So glad that wherever the Lord takes you and your family, you’ll always be part of Siestaville! Congrats to your husband – and you, too. I’m sure you were a huge support to him while he finished his studies ~

  6. 56
    Abby says:

    I graduated with my Master of Arts in Family Ministy last weekend! I’ve worked long and hard on the degree while maintaining a full time job. It was an emotional moment when I walked across the stage to receive my hood, as less than 7 weeks before my graduation I had open heart surgery! We are celebrating much this month, but specifically praising the Lord for His protection and healing this year!

    • 56.1
      Candace says:

      Abby, I am amazed at what you have done! Reading stories like yours inpsires me to try and finish that college degree started so many years ago!

  7. 57
    Misty says:

    Congratulations, Melissa! What a wonderful accomplishment – and to have the support and encouragement of an amazing man, too…you just have the world! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mama Beth, how exciting for you to share another amazing milestone with one of your beautiful girls – how proud you must be!

    Right now I have a ten-year-old boy that I have homeschooled for the last three years and I am pregnant (about 5 months) with a precious baby girl. Graduations are not truly that far away for me – we know how the time flies – but I am still learning to enjoy every moment. My son is an absolute treasure and he adores his wonderful Dad. And I cannot wait to see what this little girl can accomplish! What wonders are these miracles from God!

    Be blessed!

  8. 58
    Lauren says:

    My husband, Nathan, successfully defended his dissertation last week and will be graduating on the 27th with his Ph.D. in Geology from Harvard! He has worked very hard, and I am super proud of him. We have been here for six years, and though we love Boston, we are excited to move home to Houston next week! God has truly been pouring out his blessings on us. It’s amazing how much he does for us when we don’t deserve it.

  9. 59
    Amanda says:

    Congrats to Melissa! What an accomplishment. I recently had a graduation of my own! I am 22 and just graduated from Trinity Western University (in British Columbia, Canada) with a Bachelor of Arts degree. My entire family, including my in-laws flew out from Ontario to celebrate with me and support me. It was a wonderful day! Now, I am currently in the midst of working towards my teaching degree. At the end of this year I will have a bachelor of education. My practicum is with a sweet kindergarten class and I couldn’t be more excited! God has blessed me in so many ways and has truly been the one who has given me the drive and strength to continue on. Praise Him!

    • 59.1
      MelissaFitzpatrick says:

      Congratulations, Amanda! So fun that your whole family was able to make it to Ontario! Blessings to you!!!

    • 59.2
      Candace says:

      Amanda, my daughter and son-in-law are TWU grads too! They loved their time there, met the first week they arived, and have now been married 12 years!

  10. 60

    Congratulations Melissa!

    My husband graduated last weekend with his Masters Degree in Teaching (Special Education), exacting 17 years to the day that he graduated with his bachelors degree. I am so proud of him!

  11. 61
    Julie says:

    Congratulations Melissa!

    We graduate our oldest son “Cole” on June 5th from our home school. He is an awesome young man who seeks to do God’s will in all things. We are so excited for his big day and the privilege of giving him his diploma.

  12. 62
    carla says:

    No one graduating this time but thanks for sharing. You must be one proud siesta mama today!!!!!Congrats to your whole family.

  13. 63
    Dana says:

    My youngest, Carrie, is graduating from Kindergarten this Friday night! Boy does time go by fast ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to see where God will lead her. The verse she picked to say at graduation is Psalm 34:14 Depart from Evil and do good.

  14. 64
    gayle scott says:

    Congratulations Melissa, what an amazing legacy your Moore women are leaving on this place. I have to give a shout out to my darlin’ nephew, Robert, who graduated from Law School yesterday Magna Cum Laude. He had a disease that was never diagnosed which almost took him home last year, but even with that he kept his grades up, even allowing his mom to drive him to class and carry his backpack because his muscles wouldn’t work. God was so good and we are trusting He will bless his life in this profession of laws. We’ve known since he was 5 he would be a lawyer. May God be praised for the remarkable generation He is raising up!

  15. 65
    Melissa Sue says:

    My baby sister and her fiance are graduating from Calvin College on Saturday. And then getting married on Sunday! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 65.1
      Warm in Alaska says:

      What a big weekend ahead you have! Aren’t younger sisters fun to celebrate??!! Have a blast ~

  16. 66
    Debbie McCown says:

    Congratulations to you and Melissa! That’s really great. Hey girl, know where you were 27 years ago today?

  17. 67
    Michele says:

    Yay Melissa!! Congratulations! I’d love to read your thesis sometime.

    I graduated Saturday with a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Northeastern Seminary in what can only be called a MIRACLE OF GOD.

    God has brought me so far in just a few short years, and he did wonders recently. I was so far behind this semster, there was no possible way I could have finished my papers on time, yet God did it – and we got A’s!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Next?? I have absolutely no idea. In my second semester of school, Sept ’08, I lost my electrical engineering dream job. Still looking for a new technical job, not engaged in any kind of ministry, I have no idea what the next step is.

    My concern about finding a new job or looking for a PhD program is that I can’t leave my sweet OLD (16yr) dog alone very long.
    I have no clue what is next, but I hold on to the fact that God has a plan and he has promised to provide.

    God used this season of unemployment to allow me to work through many very painful, diffucult issues that I would have never had the time or energy to address if I had been working on top of school.

    MamaBeth, thank you so much for the opportunity to share this and for all you do. You have been a big part of this. I love Bible study and you are my favorite teacher. God has used so much of your teachings to cleanse very deep wounds, start the healing process, and transform my mind.

    I love you.
    Liverpool, NY

  18. 68
    tracy says:

    YAY, Melissa!! What an accomplishment!! Our first born, amazing son is graduating from high school in a few weeks! So surreal when it’s your first child…how did we get here so fast? He just made us parents a few years ago, it seems! Timothy is wonderful, fun-loving, a joy to be around, loves the Lord, cares deeply for his family and 2 younger sisters and he makes me laugh everyday!! I thank God for our sweet “surprise, college baby”

    • 68.1
      Warm in Alaska says:

      He sounds wonderful! This almost made me cry – time does fly. Sounds like you’ve relished it, though!

  19. 69
    Debra says:

    My wonderful granddaughter graduates from the 8th grade this year. After having two great sons (but I always wanted a daughter) Paige was and is the most precious thing to this MiMi. But I also enjoy and love my three grandsons. I just love the way Paige still wants me to be a part of her life and everything she does. I just pray she doesn’t ever “out grow” this grandmother.

  20. 70
    Pat in Olathe says:

    My twin grandsons, Christian and Alexander, will graduate next Wed. from preschool!! Kindergarten next year — whew. Where has the time gone? These precious boys lost their daddy when they were 3 months old, so they have never known him. Their daddy was our prodigal son, and though he struggled, and asked Jesus to heal him, he succumbed to an overdose of drugs at the age of 33. We trust he is free now from that terrible addiction, and at home with the Lord! Glory!! In the meantime, my husband is being grandpa/dad to those little boys and their big sister, who is 9. They couldn’t have a finer role model! We praise God for their wonderful Christian preschool, where they have learned so much about the Lord, and now insist upon praying before every meal (each one has to take a turn)–our food is twice blessed, and so are we!!

  21. 71
    sepik-meri katie says:

    congrats melissa!!!! way to go woman!!! :)) we’re happy to share the celebration with you ~ all that hard work!!!

  22. 72

    Hey Siestas!

    I love that I get to celebrate with you! I graduated this semester and received my Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Accounting. Where is a young, Atlanta business graduate to go? Well, to seminary of course! I recently was accepted at Moody Theological Seminary, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I’ll begin with some online classes and eventually make my way to that beautiful city of Chicago to complete my Biblical Studies degree!

    Right now, I’m thankful that God orders our steps because I never would have picked this as the next point on my journey. But He did!

    Love you guys!

  23. 73
    Cheryl says:

    My son, David, will be graduating this year from 8th grade homeschool. We are very proud of him and hope that his high school years will be wonderful and memorable. We pray that he will continue to grow in God and share his faith with his friends. Thanks you Lord for giving me the privilege of being his teacher and mother!!!

  24. 74
    texatheart says:

    Mine is my oldest of two sons I adopted 14 years ago. It has been a mighty bummpy road over the past couple of years, bumps I don’t want to go over again with anyone. Zach had always been a great student, very much a kinesthetic learner who could drive a visual learner like myself totally crazy. After making some very poor choices, he choice to stick school out. He could have taken the wider drop out route, but he chose to stay in there and fight to the end. So though the weekend wasn’t the way I had dreamed it would be at his preschool, kindergarten, 5th grade and 8th grade promotions, it was a great thing for him. He has been clean 5 months now and is employed and is almost done with his diploma (he has 2 classes to finish in summer school), I am proud and prayerful that God will see him through.

  25. 75
    fuzzytop says:

    Congrats Melissa!!! We benefit so much from your studies here too. And congrats also all the other siestas with graduates…

    My son, James, graduates from 5th grade next week. They have a real ceremony, with speeches by a few of the students, and hand out diplomas. He even has to wear a dress shirt and a tie, which he has declared to be “…awful, simply awful”.

    Gotta love these events!

    Love and hugs,

  26. 76
    Donna Jo says:

    My daughter, Rissa, graduated from California Baptist University. YAY! She sang in the University Choir and Orchestra led by Dr. Gary Bonner and will get to sing with him after graduation in his group, the Bonner Singers. She has a beautiful voice and is my favorite singer in the whole world! (Her dream is to be like Travis, using her voice, leading worship!) I have cried and prayed over this daughter SO MUCH so this graduation was extra special for me.

    • 76.1
      Amanda says:

      Was Rissa in the group that just performed at Houston’s First Baptist?

      • Donna Jo says:

        Yes she was!! Did you see her? I cry through every performance I’ve ever watched them sing! It is so worshipful!

  27. 77
    Kristin Takemoto says:

    Congrats on your huge accomplishment, Melissa. My sister in law, Nicole, is graduating this Friday with a Masters Degree in Communication. I cannot wait to celebrate her and the fact that she can rejoin the social world without a dealine looming over her head!! I have missed spending time with her. I actually don’t know what its going to be like spending time with a ‘non-school’ Nicole and I CAN’T WAIT!

  28. 78
    Michele says:

    Oh and can I add…

    I actually poofed my hair up a bit in dressing up for graduation, but those hats – not good for your hairdo at all!!

    Can I get a witness?

    • 78.1
      Kathy B says:

      That’s hilarious! Congratulations, and a big “Whoop, whoop!” I actually bought a set of those Bumpits. You won’t tell anyone, will you?

  29. 79
    Marcia says:

    Congratulations Melissa!

    My oldest will be graduating from 8th grade in a couple of weeks. He is such a fine young man. I am so proud of him. Somehow getting through middle school feels like an amazing accomplishment for me instead of him. I just can’t believe I will have a child in high school next year. WOW.

  30. 80
    Tiffany M says:

    We are all so thankful to you for allowing your stories to be shared. For all of us who wonder how we’re ever going to raise our children in a way fitting to our Lord, I applaud you knowing YES-it can be done!

    I’m giving a big hearty Hallelujah to my son Michael who is graduating from elementary school!! I can’t believe he’ll be in middle school this fall. This has been a rough year all the way around. To top it off, we’re ending the year dealing with flood damage here in Nashville, ourselves included. He has really worked hard especially the second part of this year and I am so very proud that God chose me to be his Mom. Congratulations Michael!!

  31. 81
    Teresa says:

    Our son Max is graduating 8th grade from a small K – 8 school. He is our baby so it is so bittersweet. We are sooo proud of him. God bless him!

  32. 82
    Sarah says:

    Congrats to ALL the grads!!!

    My wonderful Naomi is graduating from Kindergarten this week.

  33. 83
    Roseanna Dubinski says:

    Our baby,(3rd child), 21 year old, Amanda Rose graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington, last Saturday with a B.A. in Art History. Please pray for her as she looks to the future uncertain of what’s next. Our biggest concern is that she fully commit her life to Jesus and lead her boyfriend to the Lord. Thanks Siestas. xoxo

  34. 84
    Terry says:

    Congratulations Melissa!

    We are celebrating our daughter Melissa receiving her Master’s Degree from Indiana University in Speech and Language Pathology. We went last weekend to her department banquet and were surprised by her receiving the award for Outstanding Preschool Clinician. Her mama and daddy are so very proud of all the hard work and sacrifice it has required. Our sweet Melissa’s husband Jason finished his course work for his Master’s in Latin at the same time. They have been busy and broke for so long they won’t know what to do with jobs where they make money (instead of spend it)!

  35. 85
    patty says:

    Congratulations Melissa!!!

  36. 86
    Donna B. says:

    Congrats to Melissa!

    We have several graduates in our family this year who I’m also very proud of.

    First, our nephew, Brian, who is married and the father of 3 beautiful children, AND active duty in the Navy, earned his B.S., with a Magna Cum Laude, from Embry Riddle University, 2 wkds ago.

    Then there’s our niece, Katie, who earned an Associates in Business and Economics, from St. Phillip’s College, in San Antonio, on the same weekend as Brian.

    Last but certainly not least, after following her Air Force daddy around the country which resulted in attending 8 different schools in Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, and living in 10 different homes, our oldest daughter, Holly, will be graduating, with honors, from high school on June 1st! She is planning to attend the University of Alabama this fall and majoring in Education. We couldn’t be more proud of the beautiful woman of God our daughter has become. We very much look forward to all God has in store for Holly.

    Speaking of Holly, she just came home for lunch and brought with her, the cap and gown that she’ll be wearing on graduation day! Where has the time gone???

  37. 87
    Kate Hawk says:

    Congratulations Melissa!!! Let loose and go take some days poolside with a good book and several cat naps!!!

    My sweet Allie is “graduating” from Elementary School and off to HOME SCHOOL, PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so looking forward to this new journey in our family’s life. I’m super proud of you sweetheart!

    Thanks Mama Beth for this opportunity to share our excitement with Siestaville!

    On a side note: Do you have a target start date for the Summer Siestaville Bible Study?

    Blessings and Joy Siestas!

    kate in charlottesville

  38. 88
    Kristen says:

    My husband graduates next week! I’m just so. proud. He finished up his degree after getting out of the Navy last year. Radiology Tech.


    We’re going on a little vacation to celebrate.

  39. 89
    Cynthia says:

    My first born graduates from High School this Friday night with honors. We are so proud of him. His name is Joshua and he lives up to the Bibical name of Joshua as he has been a leader. I think one of the proudest I have been lately is when our middle school minister called him last week and asked him to be the guest in the middle school service. The reason was because my son was an example of walking the faith, staying true to his passions/convictions and leaning into God in tough times. That spoke more than what I expect walking across the stage will mean…ok I am sure I will shed a lot of tears Friday night as well.

    So proud of my young man! What and who he stands for is a treasure this momma will cherish in her heart. May God bless his next steps down this journey of life.

  40. 90
    Amanda says:

    Congrats Melissa!! What a huge accomplishment. I just had a graduation of my own. I am 22 and just graded from Trinity Western University (B.C., Canada) with a Bachelor of Arts degree. My parents and in-laws came all the way out from Ontario to celebrate with us! I am now in the midst of working towards my teaching degree and hopefully by the end of this year will have my bachelor of education! My practicum is with a sweet kindergarten class and I couldn’t be more excited! God has been so faithful and has given me the drive and motivation that I need to continue on! Praise Him!

  41. 91
    Colleen Delbridge says:

    Congratulations Melissa, and also to all your family. Beth, I get goosebumps when I read/hear you praise/pay tribute to your girls. They are so blessed to have you for their mother!
    Here in South Africa we are in the middle of mid year exams. (Early this year so school can be over before the World Cup Football competition begins). Very stressful when you have a 17 year old son who is just not into studying. I’ll be sure & let you all know when he graduates from high school – hopefully at the end of next year.
    Congratulations to all of you who are graduating & also to family members who are graduating. So proud of you all!


    • 91.1
      shannon says:

      Good luck with the matric year, Colleen! I hear it’s a bruiser. (I have a friend in SA whose third child is in her matric year so I’ve seen her go through it with all of them!)

      • Colleen Delbridge says:

        Thanks, Shannon. I reckon I’ll have to pray Philip through the year. I feel so blessed that you responded to me – the first one I’ve had. Now I really feel part of Siestaville.

  42. 92

    Here’s just another shout out to Melissa and all the graduates out there. So excited for each and every one of you…preschool to college!


  43. 93

    So happy for you Melissa:) WOW. I have 5 courses left to AA degree…not that far away:)

  44. 94
    Bobbie says:

    Congratulations, Melissa! That’s awesome…you continue to be a blessing to all of us on this blog! I know your family is very proud of your accomplishments. You’re blessed to have Colin who is as supportive as your Moore family–the love they show him is beautiful!

    Our son (Aggie’98) just completed his Masters in Leadership Management in Co. Springs-we’re very proud of him!

    Congrats to ALL our Siestas that have received their degrees this year OR are working on one now. And to those parents who have children receiving degrees–and to the biggest ‘pay raise’ they’ve had since the beginning of their children’s college years!!!

  45. 95
    Katie says:

    I’ve got two graduates; Cara and Phillip. I’ve known Cara since she was seven years old well before her hair turned curley I tell her. The wisdom God gave her in her youth spoke not only to me but to many. The innocense of her youth took what was complicated to us as adults and simplified it just the way God intended. That she turns 21 this month and graduates from Southwestern Bible College, makes my heart swell with love and thankfulness God allowed me to be a part of her life. Phillip is a man among men, with the heart of tenderness and conviction with the passion and gentleness I swear I would find if I were in the presence of Jesus. He gets married next month and I am thankful that for a season I was his college Sunday School leader. What an incredible blessing these two siblings in Christ have been to me and what forces to be reckoned with are these two soldiers for Christ.

  46. 96
    Katie says:

    I would love to know what is next for Melissa. I also love studying Hebrew and Greek. I would also love to read the post she WANTED to write about Song of Solomon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. 97
    Kelly S. says:

    Congratulations Melissa, and all the other graduates too!

  48. 98
    Linda LaFrombois says:

    Congratulations, Melissa!

    We are celebrating the baptism of our 11-year-old son, Nicolas(very soon to be 12) this past Wednesday evening. It’s not a graduation, but preparation took place over a five-month period and boy was he relieved to be “approved” to be baptized and to make it through his public testimony in front of a large church body. The desire to be baptized was placed in his heart by God alone – and we are filled with joy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. 99
    Church Lady says:

    I don’t have a graduate but I am very proud to say that our relatively small church of 150-200 had 8 youth graduate from high school. They are awesome godly kids. I pray God’s blessing upon them.

  50. 100
    Cathy Brittain says:

    My firstborn daughter, Renee, will graduate high school on Friday, June 4th! It’s so surreal for me as her mother, because she sat in the audience as an 8 month old baby with her daddy (and grandparents) as I graduated high school. She is everything I ever wanted to be and more! She is beautiful, talented, and an amazing God-fearing young woman! She has done and will continue to do things big and small to change this world one person or heart at a time! Please pray for her as she makes the decisions about her future and that she continues to listen to God’s call…wherever He may lead!

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