SLI Simulcast Commissioning Statement

Hi ladies! Mom just sent me the commissioning statement to post on the blog. She also wanted me to tell you that you’re the teachers pets. We love you! -Amanda

My Dear Sister

If Christ is Your Savior

You are the dwelling place

Of His own Spirit

You have it IN YOU

to be secure.

Every day of your life

You have a choice to make

You can live in your old defeat

Or you can turn from your unbelief

And choose life

Make up your mind

To put off the old you

And put on the new you.

Never, ever, ever forget

That the Lord is your security.

He will keep your foot

From being caught in a trap.

He will take care of you

To your very last breath.

Now, leave this place

And go out into the world

And act like a person

Who knows she’s dearly loved.

You were born to be exceptional.

So, Girlfriend, go forth

And walk worthy of your calling.

You are clothed in strength and dignity!

Now unto Him

Who can keep you from falling

Be glory and majesty

Power and authority

Through Jesus Christ our Lord

Now and forever more


So Long, Insecurity!


576 Responses to “SLI Simulcast Commissioning Statement”

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  1. 301
    Joanne says:

    Hi, Siesta Beth! Just got home to Castle Rock, WA from attending today’s simulcast at Brookwood Baptist Church in Hillsboro, OR (near Portland). The program was so awesome and so-o-o-o-o inspiring, and you looked so adorable. Thanks to you and Travis (and all who assist in making it happen) for your faithful God-ordained ministry.

    I’m crying as I ask you this. Could you please pray for my daughter who is still (after 3 years) reeling from an ugly unwanted divorce (four of my grandkids are innocent victims in this onslaught). She was scheduled to be there with us at the simulcast today, but Satan was successful in derailing those plans. Believe me when I say that she suffers from some serious insecurities after experiencing the rejection of divorce where her husband has told her multiple times how she disgusts him, he’d rather have terminal cancer than be with her, etc. (Direct quotes!)

    All of their children are suffering, but the two eldest are teenagers (boys, 15 & 17) who are so horribly confused & hurt and are acting out in some very frightening ways (marijuana, cigarettes, sex, expulsion from school after only completing 9th grade, shoplifting and other brushes with the law, and a complete disregard for authority or any rules or attempts to redirect them, referring to themselves as anarchists, etc.). Our poor daughter is beside herself with grief and concern, but her (ex)husband refuses to “be a part of the drama” and will NOT partner with her on any level to co-parent their children. He won’t talk to her AT ALL, but communicates with her exclusively via email or text message, which is how it’s been for the past 3 years. She now must work full-time an hour’s drive from home (the only job she could find).

    Our poor sweet girl was a strong Christian, but has grown tired and has lost her grip on her relationship with Jesus, and in fact wonders where God could possibly be in all of this, after she begged Him for months to help her husband develop a willingness to repair their family. She is willing to forgive him for his sexual involvement with her best friend, which precipitated their separation. So… not only has she lost her life partner, the love of her life, she lost her best friend. I get those midnight phone calls where she is bawling so hard she can barely catch her breath. All I can do is listen and pray.

    I struggle (not always successfully) with anger and bitterness toward my son-in-law and even toward my precious grandsons who are so mean, insolent and disrespectful to their grieving mother. She has begged them, to no avail, to partner with her to keep the tattered remains of their broken family intact with what they have left.

    She has looked in vain for resources to assist her in finding help for her hurting children. There’s little or nothing out there unless you’re wealthy – even the youth pastor of the church she was attending failed to return her phone calls as she begged for help with her kids. I am at a place where I don’t know how to help her, but something must be done before there is complete and irreparable disaster in these young lives.

    Beth, I know you are powerless to fix this, and may be far too busy to even find the time to read this message, but I do humbly ask if you and your prayer partners could lift up my precious baby girl and her family in prayer, if you can find room on your lengthy prayer list. My daughter’s name is Sandi (age 43) and she is flailing in a sea of darkness and desperation, struggling to so much as get out of bed every morning.

    Thanks for your love and your devotion to your life as His faithful servant. It IS definitely making a difference!

    Siesta Joanne
    Castle Rock, WA

    • 301.1
      Cathy Davis says:

      Father God, This family needs a fresh revelation of You. I know there is nothing that you can’t do and you have a storehouse of blessings waiting for us, if we’ll just ask. I can hear this family crying out Emmanuel! Emmanuel! Let them know that You are there with them. This situation, as bleak as it seems right now, is part of Your plan. I pray Sandi will take this time to lean into You and draw her strength and comfort in You and from You. Please give her mom, Joanne, the wisdom to minister to her daughter and her children. Let them know, God, that You have them. You got their backs. You know the plans You have for them…and they are GOOD plans. On their behalf, I pray for Your blessings to be poured on this family so they will be reassured of Your presence and know that You have not and will not forsake them or leave them. Praise You Father that You have given us the ability to reach out to other believers and storm the Kingdom on their behalf. It is in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  2. 302
    Joelle says:

    Today was so moving. Our God is Awesome!

  3. 303
    Heather says:

    Beth Moore, I can’t even tell you how much I needed you and your word in my life. I attended a September simulcast of LPL at the very beginning of what has been the most trying season of my life. Today’s message concluded my journey. In those last songs of worship with Travis I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. And it felt good. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your heart for God and for women.

    Chino Hills, CA

  4. 304
    Angela says:

    Thank you for the truth that you allowed the Holy Spirit to spill from you today. I realized that I was hung up on unforgiveness. I have not forgiven myself for my past. I wake in the morning with it and go to bed with it. No more! Behold, I am a new creation! I choose life! I choose to intentionally put on Jesus everyday. I began a journal tonight for my new walk and the first letter is a letter to myself-telling the woman that God ordained and clothed with strength and dignity that I forgive her.

  5. 305
    Amber Dawn says:

    OH MY! What an anointed day! Thanks for posting this Amanda! Check out my pics from the day on my blog if ya like!

  6. 306
    mk says:

    Today was so awesome! Thank you so much! God answered so many prayers for today and indeed ‘spoke’ today. I came home and immediately got on webcam with my two daughters who attended in So. Oregon, while I attended in Washington! It was so hard not to share looks and smiles and took everything I had not to text them during the simulcast and vice a versa! (Although I did sneak in a quick smiley face to my middle daughter when Beth was talking about Melissa!) My oh my! Such a work of God! Although I know that God is at work in each of the simulcasts and events, I can’t help but think that this one was special somehow. Or maybe it was just special to my daughters and me because we needed it so much! Thank you for all your hard work!
    Beth, you become dearer to me every time, if that is possible!
    May The Holy Spirit seal His work that was done today in all of us!

  7. 307
    Maryann says:

    There are no words to tell you how much the day meant to me. Thank you Beth and all who helped her in her work; I was so truly blest. The Lord is my Savior and I WILL GO OUT remember that I am HIS and I am worthy of his love and forgiveness. Thank you so much! God Bless you all and I look forward to the days when we will all be praising the worthy Lord in Heaven together. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

  8. 308
    Kim Beechem says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful day! I’ve learned so many things and I am ready to change for good…to truly apply them to my life!

    I like the idea of printing out the commissioning statement & putting it in the back of my book!

  9. 309
    Kristin says:

    What an awesome day! I love you so much and just kept praying for you as you brought us God’s truth. Thank you for not just going on this journey with God, but for bringing us along, too. Thank you for putting it all out there because we are worth it.
    “Insecurity isn’t a weakness, it is UNBELIEF!” One of the first things you said, but it continues to impact me. Have a much needed restful weekend!


  10. 310
    Kelly says:

    Beth and Siesta’s,
    I love you so much.
    Kels, Redding, CA

  11. 311
    living in eygpt says:

    I am an excptional child! Praise God. I am so glad to have been blessed to be ONE of the 300,000 women today.

    Now as I live that out and watch God do a new thing with this wonderful life. He has given me, 3 blessings (8,10,& 12)and I just realized today their father moving us and leaving us 8 years ago is part of MY PAST. It is a fact and it has shaped who me and my children have been; but, bless God He has more. I have been in “Eygpt” and blamming that on my no longer husband. It just may be my own inability to trust God’s love and ability in my life. (that has kept me in Eygpt)

    I am exceptional.

  12. 312
    Mary Helen says:

    Today was a wonderful day! I attended at First Baptist Church in Irving, TX and was blessed by the worship and words from Beth. I love that I feel like I know you, even though we have never met in person. God shines through you and speaks to me so clearly. Thank you for starting me on this journey to be a SECURE woman of God! I am clothed in strength & dignity and I am a dearly loved child of God!!!

  13. 313
    Karina says:

    Together with all the women that have already added their appreciation, I have to put in mine as well! Thank you SO much for a wonderful and powerful message today. After a year in Japan, and coming back to Victoria BC only a few weeks ago, it was such a treat to find out about the Simulcast and be able to attend!!! (Mind you, this blog has been very valuable to me in feeling connected in some way!) It is GOOD to be able to confess and praise the Lord in one heart! I SO needed all that happened there today. I’m praying that all the 300,000 of us will be taking God at His Word, take this commissioning to our hearts, and walk each step with Him in Victory. Lord, I can’t wait to see what You’ll do with this!!! Thank you Beth for being YOU. If it wasn’t for you living your faith out loud like you do and encouraging others like me, this journey will be so stale. With your big heart and big hair and all, I love you!

  14. 314
    CJLiving says:

    Thank you Beth for bringing God’s word loud and clear to me today. Bye Bye insecurity – hello graceful living in the abundance of love God gives me daily. Waking up each morning declaring that “I am the beloved child of God… the one whom Jesus loves” and letting that set my day. Life changing!! Thank you dear sister!

  15. 315
    Denise says:

    The SLI simulcast was wonderful and I can not tell you how the Lord spoke to me through the commissioning statement- it took all I had not to sob through it although some tears did make it through! Thank you, Lord, for speaking to my heart! I do feel free and hopeful and wish that more women had heard this message. The prayer in the book spoke to me, too- I did it Friday and spent two hours digging deep. Thank you, Beth, for allowing God to use you to minister to us!

  16. 316
    Kay says:

    Beth, what an amazing day and incredible message you & God brought to us today! I was praying that the Lord would “invigorate our souls so we could praise Him well” He definitely did that, (thanks, Travis for your part in that too) plus He definitely put some iron in your soul today as well! I spotted another member of the Tuesday night prayer group across the sanctuary in Clear Lake during Praise & Worship – we so missed praying over your sweet self in person today, but be assured we were praying from way back here.
    Love you dearly,

  17. 317

    SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! 300,000 women removing our old clothes of insecurity and clothing ourselves with strength and dignity!!! I am so blessed to have been a part of this! i can’t wait until I have daughters someday and get to tell them about today! Definitely one of the best days of my life!!! Thank you so, so much Siesta Mama, for allowing God to use you for this great work! I love you!

    P.S. I felt that the animal noises enhanced it. And made me love you even more. 🙂

  18. 318
    BJ says:

    Oh what a wonderful day in the Lord…. Can’t sleep tonight as God is dealing with my insecurities…. Beth, Thank you for leading us to HIS word. God is good, all the time.
    Crossroads, Raleigh, NC

  19. 319
    Megan says:

    I was really blessed by reading your book this last week in preparation for your speaking yesterday. I have been going through a tough season of insecurity but I was in denial about it. As I read your book I realized how often I was doubting that God would take care of me. Your book section talked about how we fear that the worse will happen and that God says “so what if it does” and I realized that I can look back on the last two years of my life which have been really tough and I find hundreds of ways that God is already using this situations to grow me and the people around me.
    I was especially hit when you talked about teachers being secure influences. I have been a teacher for three years. I was blessed to teach in a private catholic school for my first year and it was amazing. But I was laid off due to budget cuts and so for the last two years I have been subbing and searching for another full time position. As the time for hiring is coming around again, I found my self filled with insecurity. Did I not have a job because I was a bad teacher? Was I mistaken about my calling? And a thousand other doubts have been filling my mind, until I read the book. And today I realized that all my worries are really me not trusting God. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reminding me that God indeed has a plan for all phases of our life and any fear that I have is unfounded with God. He is using this time in a very powerful way for me and now I have a chance to grow further in God and to see that even if everything I am afraid of comes to pass, I will pass through it and come out on the other side a stronger child of God.
    Thank you for starting this movement with women around the country. I pray that I can become a secure woman and that I can pass that on to the young girls that I am blessed to work with.

  20. 320
    Adrienne says:

    WOW! Beth, this was the first time I had ever heard of you, and WOW! You blew me away. I may have been in Phoenix for this event, but I felt as though you were talking directly to me. I finally got it. I finally got that I am deeply loved. Not by my husband,(although today is our 7th anniversary), or my friends, or parents, or anyone else. But by my Father. The message HE gave you to teach was so profound and in perfect time for me. Just yesterday I was too insecure to leave an awful work place for fear of not being “qualified” for anything else. Today, I know that I am deeply loved and that even though I may not be “qualified” in a different field of work, I have the confidence to try ANYWAYS! (even if they tell me “no”) Soon my husband and 2 young kids will fly to Va without me while my husband works an internship for 3 months. I am almost 26, and have never lived on my own. Can you imagine all the insecurities I have been dealing with surrounding this huge change in my life? I’m ok now. I’m not 100% secure, but I know how to get there and have already had so much pressure relieved. God is using this time of seperation from my husband, to close the seperation I have with HIM. I have to be secure in the LORD, to continue my life the way I know it should go. I have been dreading this time apart like crazy. But HE is giving me an opportunity of a life time, to know him better. Thankyou a million times. You are so blessed, and loved. Thankyou for touching all of our lives.

  21. 321
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Oh yippee!! I just love being the teacher’s pet/s (I know it’s a title we all share!) even though I wasn’t able to be in class today (closest hosting church was an hour drive; next closest church was a FLIGHT away – and hubby was out of town so I had two of my kiddos with me).

    Don’t you just love how good a ‘teacher’s pet’ I’m being: giving an excuse for not making class?

    I’m sure if I had made it, whatever weird insecurity that is making me explain my absence would have been broken off. I’m so gonna have to plaster that commissioning to my fridge door (since it’s the door I open most in the course of a day!)

    Love, and I can’t wait to hear all about it~

    Warm (and excuse laden) in Alaska.

  22. 322
    Kim says:

    Beth, we had over 300 women in Milford, Ct. at Kingdom Life Christian Church and it felt like you were right there with us! What incredible technology! The praise and worship was outstanding, and your heart and passion are absolutely contagious! You had my attention the entire time (hard to do!) and I wish it didn’t end when it did! Felt like you had so much more, but what we did receive was deep and meaningful and very much appreciated! Thank you so much for all your hard work, this was sown with blood, sweat and tears and we do receive it in Jesus Name!
    Kim from Ct.

  23. 323
    cheryl says:

    Thank you so much! In my quiet time this morning, I was wishing I had the exact wording because I was so emotional saying it to my daughter yesterday that I don’t remember a word of it. Yesterday was a powerful day in my life and I thank all of you and pray for you Beth, that our Father continues to bless you and your ministry. I love all of you!

  24. 324
    Sherry5 says:

    What a blessing this was! I attended the event in Simpsonville, SC and we lost signal twice during the hight point of the last session…once for several minutes. Is there anyway to get a transcript of the last part? Also, I had already purchased the book, is there any way to buy the Promise book that was offered with the signed copy of So Long Insecurity?

    I wish so much that a mother and daughter that my husband and I are mentoring could have attended but it was senior prom day. We’ve informally adopted the whole family and are grandma and grandpa to the 3 girls and mommi and poppi to Maria. Valerie (the oldest daughter) and her sisters have just been in the US from Costa Rica for 2 years and they did not know a word of English when they arrived. Val had been living with family while her mom got set up in the US. She was sexually molested there. My husband and I teach ESL so we taught them English and helped them get adjusted to school and life in general here. Valerie is graduating from a charter school for excellent students and I am so proud of her. The 14 year old, is also going to the charger school and is an honor student. They are going through a REALLY rough time right now. Maria’s husband (their step father) just left her Christmas and she is trying to hold the family together and support them as a waitress. They are all strong Christians but all are in a pit right now. Maria just asked me Friday, “If I am following God why are all these bad things happening to me?” I tried my best to explain Christian trials and reassure her that God was not mad at her and that she and her girls were the “apple of His eye”. She could really benefit from the scriptures in Beth’s book of promises. I took copious notes that I am transcribing for her from the simulcast. God gave me this family…I lost a daughter at 3 days of life 40 years ago and had a hole for a girl in my heart that Maria and her daughters have filled. I have 2 wonderful sons but really wanted a daughter also. I now have a granddaughter but she lives in Florida and I only get to see her 2-3 times a year. This family is truly part of our own and I am hurting watching them hurt.

    Beth has been such a blessing in my life. I only regret not having teaching like this when I was a young woman…just starting out. My children would be Christians (my biggest guilt) and I would have been able to help others more along the way. I have a heart for the lost. Jerry (dh) and I were chaplains for 7 years in a HUGE apartment complex in NJ. Most of the residents were internationals and not Christian. When we returned to SC we began teaching ESL and that’s how we found our new family. God is SO good…all the time!!!

    I pray for your family and your ministry daily. May God richly bless you all and those that you touch.

    Thank you for all that all of you do for and through us women!

    • 324.1
      Lisa says:


      I admire you for being a “spiritual mom” to these women. You can purchase the S.L.I. small promise book at the LifeWay store in Greenville.

  25. 325
    Catherine says:

    Yesterday was such a sweet time! God really showed up – now if I will truly wake up each day and remember that my old self is gone and I am a new creation! I think I may have to put up some notes around the house to remind me of this. Matter of fact, I might need to read this note before getting out of bed. It is hard to be positive and feel like a new creation before my coffee each morning, but I am going to try to truly LIVE this!!!!

  26. 326
    Leann Ford says:

    Beth, Travis, & Team:

    The simulcast was AWESOME! I need a different word to describe it because that word is used for everything, but it was so AWESOME:):) Thank you so much for all of your hard work and obedience.

    Leann (Alabama)

  27. 327
    Mandy says:

    What an amazing day! I love you Beth Moore, and I love our JESUS. So thankful for how God has used you in my life. You are real. You speak truth. You are an example to us all. Be blessed today with love, peace, rest, and security.

  28. 328
    Stacy says:

    It was great being with friends. We had an experience at our church during the simulcast. Once during the start of the first two worship sessions, the fire alarms went off. Needless to say it was in one of the men’s bathrooms we turned into a ladies room for the simulcast.
    I had read the book before the simulcast, and now want to take some time to reread my notes I took.
    I had a great time. Thanks for writing this book. That 300,000 women can change for those around us.

  29. 329
    Ginger says:

    Thanks for reposting the commission, I will print it off and place it where I can recite it until it is received and believed. I have told my friends that I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you, today was my first telecase I felt like had done just that…. This was a life changing moment but yet will be a day by decision until I get it. Thanks for an awesome day!!

  30. 330
  31. 331
    Barbara says:

    Praise the Lord for the work that was begun in me yesterday during the simulcast. Thank you Beth for undertaking the journey to write this book and thank you Lord for giving her the strength to do it. All praise and glory to Him. Amen.

    (And Beth, I love your top! Thank you for showing us how to be fashionable and cute but not demeaning to ourselves!)

  32. 332
    Cathy Davis says:

    I had the joy of sharing the simulcast with my two teenage daughters (who now LOVE Beth Moore, think she is beautiful and funny and sorta understand now why I love her teaching so much), my mom and my best friend, with whom I work (and, of course, my precious church family). I was able to talk to my oldest daughter about things that she heard and go into more depth about things. I’m glad I have read the book!

    We had a couple of feed problems, but considering the weather, Praise God for technology which came through!

    The top Mama Beth wore was most precious. She looked too precious for words!

    Praise You, Father, for such a strong and mighty woman of faith who takes her trials and tribulations and turns them into YOUR glory and shares them with those of us who might possibly be traveling the same road or about to travel that road. Her teaching has helped me learn so much about You that words don’t seem adequate enough to thank You or her. Thank you for clothing us in STRENGTH and DIGNITY and for the ability to laugh without fear at the future (even though right now my future is so uncertain, I know You have me and whatever You have planned will be more than I can ever have imagined). In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

  33. 333
    Leelota says:

    I have been so blessed..This message of God’s “New Anointing” is covering the world..Catch on to it..Believe in your heart and you will be set free from the bondage that is keeping you down..Run with this new word my children of God and share it with everyone you know. All things have become new! God is a God of grace and mercy…

  34. 334
    kendal says:

    Thanks! After the simulcast in Greensboro, NC, I went straight to Starbucks and then the Casting Crowns concert!!!! What a day and what a night. I am blessed.

  35. 335
    Kristin says:

    The friend I met up with at the simulcast had to leave after lunch, so I was blessed to do this with a stranger! To prove how powerfully the Spirit anointed this commissioning, we both were brought to tears. How is it that you can love a stranger and want something for her so badly it brings you to tears? Only through the Spirit, only through the Spirit. Blessings to you, Beth!

  36. 336
    Donna says:

    How awesome! I was coming to have you put the commission statement on site and you beat me to it. I attended the simulcast with my daughter yesterday. We spoke this commission statement to each other in tears. She has had a very difficult journey and is now hopefully coming up out of the pit. God is awesome, you siad that he would do a work that day and He did. Thank you Beth, Thank you God.

  37. 337
    Theresa Clark says:

    Thank you, thank you and a million more for yesterday’s simulcast opportunity. I was with a group of five friends at the location in Franklin, KY yesterday participating. What struck me most was your call to share this with the generations to come…..that has been on my heart for a while as well…how to help my twenty-something daughters, who are just beginning their lives “on their own” and who love Jesus, how to live secure in Him instead of having to battle so much through life, like me, so they can live His plan and purpose without fear and persecution because they know WITHOUT A DOUBT that their security comes from the Lord, not the world. I have also felt the burden for my younger sisters in Christ at our church, who I see struggling, and then the young girls in our church who face it in their own ways at school and in the world. I know this is a purpose for my life to get this message across at work, too….so now, with God as the light leading us….we will follow on this great adventure to true security. Thank you so much again!

  38. 338
    Susan Plahitko says:

    My girlfriend a I commissioned eachother weeping then realized later it was 7 yrs ago that we met at a Christian bookstore we worked at, so it was a amazing was to celebrate friendship! We were in priority seating and wish we had went to the overflow room now since Beth and Melissa
    greeted them, oh well we’ll have eternity I guess! God spoke to me so much about so many areas, I’m not 40 yet and in full menopause on hormone replacement but now praise God I AM SECURE in that ! Thanks Beth, your frazzled week helped me realize I’m not alone .

  39. 339
    Fran McCurry says:

    Hallelujah! I jumped out of bed this morning and before any old thoughts could take hold, I put off the old and put on the new! I am going to be a secure woman today!!
    Love and thanks to you, Beth!

  40. 340
    April Nicole says:

    You killed it last night! Thank you for letting God move through you in such a way. I was blessed beyond imagination. What makes it even better is that I was able to share this commissioning with my mom. Wow, God never ceases to amaze me with His timing and placing in my life. I actually do feel different going through this process. Today is kind of like walking on a cloud :O)

    I hope everybody had safe trip home! Blessings to all my siesta’s out there.

  41. 341
    celeste says:

    Dear Beth,
    I was so thrilled to be in Atlanta with you! What a blessing you and Travis are! It was simply powerful! Beth, I was so full of emotion by the time of commissioning and had the biggest lump in my throat, I could hardly say those words to my 17 year old daughter! Renewed thanks for caring about us so much! You are truly loved! Absolutely loved the phrase: “stick out like a healthy thumb”!! :0)

  42. 342
    fuzzytop says:

    Thank-you Beth and Amanda. I was so happy to speak these commissioning words to two dear ladies. I am so richly blessed.

    Love and hugs,

    P.S. Amanda – Thanks again for arranging for Darlene’s ticket to be ready at will call. You are awesome!

  43. 343

    Dear Beth,

    I am the girl with the black headband that yelled “I LOVE YOUR HAIR” when I saw you beside me in the hallway. Would it have been a prime time to tell you how much I love your writing? Or maybe your speaking? Of course, it would have been. That would have been the sane thing to do.

    But no, I took my once chance to speak to you to say “I LOVE YOUR HAIR.” And if that does not prove my dedication to big hair, then I give up.

    amy beth

  44. 344

    I am still floating on freedom today….

    What I can’t believe is the amount of time you spent on Addiction… who would have thought… Esther? for such a time as this?

    I’m stunned.

    God Bless you and your ministry Beth and all those behind the scenes

  45. 345
    Heather Self says:

    I just want to take a second to give God some public praise for working something very cool out in my life. This book has been an enormous tool in my new found FREEDOM. And, the weekly posts have been a great way of slowing me down in the reading and really chewing on it. So, I was sad to miss the simulcast this weekend (baby Heath is due anytime). However, my husband and I worked out a plan for my own experience. We went to a hotel a couple hours away. He took our daughter to the pool and to the nearby McDonalds playplace for the majority of Friday night and Saturday morning. I spent hours typing my hightlights and underlines from the book, praying, and praising God. It was an awesome time. I was pumped to get on the website and read the commissioning statement… as if I was there. I have printed the words out and will read them regularly. I praise God for allowing me to “apart” of it in someway. Now, I’m praying God “makes us the kind of women a little girl could follow to strength and dignity.”

  46. 346
    Kiki says:

    So blessed to be at the Woodstock location! What a powerful day. It was extra special because I got to sit with Adrienne (Fuzzytop) and her friend Darlene, then meet some new siestas at the “connecting the dots” get together. Thanks for the post Amanda!

  47. 347

    Beth and simulcast crew ! Greetings from Ocean Grove, NJ. 8) We were privileged to have you all here with us via your ‘So Long Insecurities’ simulcast yesterday. Yet AGAIN you all delivered the Lord’s message to hearts and souls and HE touched each and everyone in such an amazing way. Thank you for your dedication to the Lords work and helping HIM to change lives. I have NO DOUBT that 300,000+ hearts were praising God for the message of HOPE delivered with your gift of service to Him. THANK YOU !!!

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    Mandi says:

    Thanks so much for providing the Commission. The book and yesterday’s simulcast were life changing! Thank you, Beth.

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    Grateful in KC says:

    Amanda, seems like this one cost your family a lot…THANK YOU for your faithfulness on the front lines so that we all could be encouraged, exhorted, taught and loved on. Praying that Jackson is healthy, Curtis can be blessed in his recovery, and that Jesus sends sweet refreshment over you and your household. U N B E L I E V A B L E things happened at our little site. And YES thank you for getting the commissioning up so quickly! I told my group, “I’m just sure she’ll put it on the blog” and was able to send it to all of them right away. We also LOVED Travis’ song DO IT LORD! And bought it on itunes right away.
    Love and Thanks to YOU!

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    Melissa says:

    Good Morning! (I say that because I just enjoyed a hot cup of coffee). I just wanted to come here and say, “Thank you for allowing the Grace of God shine through you and your daughters.”
    I attended the simulcast yesterday with my old bible study group. A group that has seen me through my best and worst days. We have now moved on to different groups but our bond remains strong. One of the ladies in this group bought us tickets (as Christmas gifts)to attend together. What a joy it was to all be together once again. I believe we have done about 6 or 7 of your studies together.
    Anyhow, I was torn on whether to attend or not because the date conflicted with a family matter. I have three children (8, 6 and 2). And my six year old was admitted to the hospital the day before the simulcast. This was prearranged…so it wasn’t sudden. Her name is Ella. We like to say she is our Extra Grace Required child. (God must have known that when we named her because he middle name is Grace.) She is the spunk in this family and is OVERLY honest in about every situation. She is only in Kindergarten and I swear she knows the entire school. She is as SOCIAL as they come. (my poor son has been in that school for three years and they can’t even get his name right.) It tickled me yesterday we you told the story about Melissa asking if you were going to be bossy. Because when my Ella was 3 she was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter and looked at me one morning and said, “I hope you are going to have a different attitude today.” (as she rolled her eyes)I tell you that child has pushed me beyond my limits but God has shown me so much through her. She makes me the woman I am today. And she loves the Lord and knows the Lord loves her. Anyway, sorry for getting side tracked but it comforted me to know Melissa was as spunky as her.
    Ella has been battling nighttime episodes since she was three. Something beyond nightterrors. She will wake up so exhausted in the morning that she is an emotional wreck. She cries when she gets on the bus. We have seen countless doctors and she has been through multiple tests (from EEGs to MRIs). Everyone kept pushing us off. Well finally by the grace of God we found a place that was invested in her. They admitted her to the hospital on Friday and have discovered she is having seizures while she is sleeping. She will be released today and we will decide how to treat the seizures but we finally have answers. My dear husband stayed with her so I could attend this simulcast (while other family members watched my other two). I felt drawn to attend. The worship overflooded my heart and the word of God filled me.
    Insecurity cuts you like a knife. My Ella will ask me, “what’s wrong with me? I want it to go away”. She’s only six and I can tell she is insecure on the days she gets on that bus crying. By the Grace of God I am going to do everything in my power to make her more secure. I am going to start doing scripture versus with her now that she can read. She will have her own set of index cards.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us and for your own personal stories.
    I will be in Richmond in August to hear you live. I will be with my Mom and her bestfriend (and her daughter). I can’t wait till the day I can do this with my Ella.

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