Love is as Strong as Death: A Valentine’s Day Post

Dearest Blogworld,
It’s Melissa over here on the other side of the World Wide Web.
Do you even remember me?

It has been FOREVER.

I’ve missed you.

So, what have you been up to?

I’ve been translating Hebrew. And Greek. And more Hebrew. And then even more Greek. And so on and back again. For now, since it is LOVE weekend, I want to tell you about my Song of Songs class that I recently completed. Without a doubt, my Song of Songs class was one of the most fascinating courses I have ever taken. I spent the bulk of the second half of last semester preparing for this class alone. Why the bulk of my time? Well, because the Song is composed of 9.2% Hapax Legomena. Hapax Legomena are words that are only used one time in a given corpus. This means that about one in every ten words used in the Song have never been used anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible. This makes translating the Song of Songs, well,

__Fill ___in___the_blank__with__your__own__Adjective__.

By the way, Hapax Legomena would be a really fun phrase for you to throw around on a date. Super dorky and dorky can be super attractive, right? I wouldn’t leave you without some dating advice on Valentine’s Day! Grin. Anyway, since several of you have been asking me to share some of what I am learning, I thought I would take the chance to walk you through a segment of the text I translated for my final paper.

So let’s just get right to it. If someone hasn’t broken the news to you yet, the Song of Songs is what most Scholars call “erotic poetry”. For some of you this is quite a thrilling thought, for others it is crude and crass. For those of you in either camp, what do you make of your own personal reaction to the Song’s place in the Canon? Or maybe this is a better question: do you think there are any significant theological implications that could be derived from the inclusion of erotic poetry in the Bible?

Rumor has it that ancient Israelites were forbidden to read the Song unless they were thirty years old or married. Oh and by the way, if you are either offended or irritated by me right now, will you please do yourself a favor and close out this blog immediately? I don’t want to upset anyone on Valentine’s Eve.

Now that I am dealing with the remnant, let me tell you, when you slow down enough to really dwell on the metaphors in the Song, things get super heated. I once had a Professor at Moody Bible Institute teach the Song of Songs with a garbage bag over his head the entire class period. He had cut out little holes for his eyes and mouth. Now I know why. Anyway, as I’ve been translating the Hebrew through this class I’ve literally had to fan myself on several occasions. I wrote my paper on the intersection between the erotic poetry in Song 8.1-7 and wisdom literature, like Proverbs or Ecclesiastes, for instance. I won’t bore you with all the technicalities but I do want to share with you part of the message of the passage I worked on. Here is my own English translation of a segment of the text from the Hebrew (vv. 3-7)

3 His left hand is under my head,
and his right hand embraces me.
4 I charge you daughters of Jerusalem,
Do not awaken or arouse love,
until it desires
5 Who is this coming up from the wilderness,
leaning on her lover?
Under the apple tree I aroused you,
there your mother conceived you,
there she conceived you, she gave birth to you.
6 Place me like a seal on your heart,
like a seal on your arm,
For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as severe as Sheol.
Its flames are flames of fire,
An almighty flame.
7 Floods are not able to extinguish love,
nor can rivers sweep it away.

The passage begins as the main female character, the Shulammite, describes her lover’s embrace in v. 3. She says, “His left hand is under my head, and his right hand embraces me” and then out of nowhere she gives the daughters of Jerusalem (and us, the reader!) a warning:

I charge you daughters of Jerusalem,
Do not awaken or arouse love,
until it desires.

There is a timeliness to love, she says. A right time and a wrong time. We must not prematurely awaken love. We don’t know what the consequences entail but we get the feeling there are indeed consequences. As the woman and her lover are walking away from the countryside from their private rendezvous toward the city they pass by a tree and the woman says, “Under the apple tree I aroused you; there your mother conceived you, there she conceived you, she gave birth to you.” That the woman has awakened her lover’s desire at the same place he was born hints that she has been bound to him all along, ever since he was born.

But having been bound to him from the past is not enough, for she commands him next, “Place me like a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arm”. In the ancient world seals were pressed down or rolled across soft clay to make an impression and that impression signified an association with or even an ownership of the object being sealed (Tremper Longman, Song of Songs in New International Commentary of the Old Testament, 209). When the woman commands the man to place her like a seal over his heart she is seeking to possess the man, or as Longman says, “to allow her to own him, but not in any cheap kind of commercial sense; she wants him to willingly give himself to her” (210). The seal imagery also suggests finality, for once her seal is placed on his arm and his heart, the impression is for good. She is seeking an everlasting love, one that has encompassed the past and promises the future as well. She gives the reason for her command in the next verses which are arguably the most famous in the Song:

For love is as strong as death,

Jealousy as severe as Sheol.
Its flames are flames of fire,
An almighty flame.
Floods are not able to extinguish love,
nor can rivers sweep it away.

Notice that she is not saying that love is a victor over death but that love and death are equals. She is not saying love is stronger than death but that love is as strong as death. Moreover, love and jealousy are allies in this verse, not enemies. This is strange, right? Not a line you would expect in a Hallmark greeting card. Love is compared to some dark images here. Indeed, some of the darkest images that the Ancient Israelite could have imagined: death, Sheol (the abode of the dead), flames, and even chaotic waters. The mightiest waters, the most chaotic cosmic forces, cannot extinguish love’s flames. What do you make of these kind of images and metaphors?

I don’t know about you but I can truly resonate with the woman’s desire to possess her man with a seal. When I was engaged I remember having this fear about what would happen when all the desire and anticipation started fading. It made me sick to my stomach to even think about. I would hear married women speaking about how it was an “act of worship” to be intimate with their husbands and I would literally feel ill. I would think to myself, is it really going to be that hard?! I had such a fear of the intensity of our desire fading that it made me dread marriage in a sense. I wished that I could have pushed some kind of imaginary hold button and frozen the intensity of our yearning for one another for the rest of time. Love is not only powerful in its budding but it is powerful in its fading or even the fear of its fading. To feel love and passion at such extreme heights is like being on a drug and to sense it fading even a notch is like a crash. Human love, like death, is mortal to its core and mortality is fickle. Colin might wear a wedding ring but my name isn’t inscribed on his heart and I have no promises that I will be the object of his desire for the rest of my life. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, I have his promise that he will remain married to me for the rest of time. I hear you. But I don’t have the security of knowing that I will forever be his one and only desire. And let’s face it, we’re just human beings. We’re human beings who are surrounded by a whole lot of men and women who have broken these same promises. It’s frightening stuff we’re talking about here. But, like the poet says, love is like death. And death is scary. Sexual love is one of the greatest triumphs of the human experience. Yet you and I both know (*or ourselves are*) people who have been scarred and marred by the tragedy of sexual love as well.

On Valentine’s Day, a “holiday” some of us love and some of us pass off as a silly day driven by Greeting card companies, we are supposed to celebrate the gift of human love, especially romantic love. And I ain’t gonna lie, I am a sucker for romance. Have I mentioned that Colin’s and my two year anniversary is on Tuesday?! You know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Romance is an incredible gift from God. Its power is true mystery. I’ll spend some serious time thanking God for the love of my life tomorrow.
But above all else, I’ll thank God for Jesus Christ because I know of only one feeling that is greater than being wanted and loved by my man and that is the rest and peace I have found in Christ’s scandalous love for me. The flame of his love for me can never be quenched. His desire for me is never dependent upon my youth or my (fading!) sexual allure. I don’t feel threatened but thrilled that He loves my beautiful female neighbor as much as He loves me. I don’t sense the panic to mark Him with any sort of seal because at last, He sealed me first. This isn’t about Colin’s love falling short in any way, shape, or form. This is about needing something more than any human being on this earth could offer me. Some folks call it a divine romance. I don’t have words for it. All I know is His refrain has been reverberating since He came in the flesh several thousand years ago to save this world He loved:
“You are my beloved, and I am yours.”

The mystery is great-

But I am actually speaking with reference to Christ and the Church (Eph. 5.32)

And although you have not seen Him, you love Him. (1 Peter 1.8)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

You are so loved.


P.S. Here are some semi-recent photos of Colin and me!
Remaining Photo Credit goes to Leigh Germy Photography…


267 Responses to “Love is as Strong as Death: A Valentine’s Day Post”

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  1. 51
    Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife says:

    Good stuff, Melissa.

    I have to admit I'm one of those girls who has always avoided the Songs. My mother raised a prude so all that melon talk is just too much for me. 🙂

  2. 52
    moongirl says:

    Beautiful. Thank you for your insight. I loved your words on how love is AS STRONG as death, not stronger. And how jealousy and love are allies. And that Christ sealed me FIRST. This entry was very fitting for our Valentines weekend. Love the black and white photo of you two. Your eyes are stunning. And the ones of you two kissing are very romantic and show your deep love.

  3. 53
    Mary Lou says:

    Great post, Melissa.

    When my hubby and I got married, it was my wish to read the Song of Songs before we consumated our relationship. It is one of the most precious memories I have from those first few hours of marriage. We will be celebrating 13 years together on June 7.

    I love that this book has been included in the canon. It gives such a beautiful picture of human love, and at the same time, an amazing picture of God's love for us.

    When I was in Bible college, our chorale sang a song based on the passage you quoted called "Set Me As A Seal." It was hauntingly beautiful. I can still sing it.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Mary Lou
    Young America, MN

  4. 54
    OCP says:

    Thank you for sharing so eloquently. Your blogs always so exciting and insightful.
    Your description of God's love for us is deeply moving.
    You have a very special gift…like your Mom. Continue sharing your gift with the Body.
    Happy Anniversary!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. 55
    Johnnie says:

    Hi Melissa,
    Thank you for your insightful comments. We do miss you!
    What's up with me? Interestingly, I have just read the first chapter of your Mom's book on Insecurity and logged in to the blog site to re-read her instructions for the study. How it tugged at my heart to read your fears about desire waning, etc. — ironically, some of the issues your Mom is addressing in Chapter 1. I loved your pics — you are a lovely young woman and your hubby is a fortunate fellow!

  6. 56
    Linda LaFrombois says:

    I most certainly remember you, Melissa, and have missed you as well. I love your posts. (I love your Mom's posts and Amanda's posts, too. I love that each carries your unique perspectives and personalities and insights. I think I must be inspired by the word "love!")

    I'm still trying/praying to grasp Jesus' love for me. A young couple in our church lost their precious 9-month-old boy, their only child, tragically last summer. They are sharing pieces of their journey of grief in a very moving and beautiful blog. They are shattered by the loss of someone they still love so deeply. (Please pray for them.) What keeps striking me as I read their posts is that this is human love – so deep, so great, so full…so broken. How much greater is God's perfect love for us?! How can that be?! Could it be true that if we were lost to Him like that precious little baby, He would/could grieve as much for us? For me? It seems impossible to grasp so deep a love from One so pure and holy and majestic and eternal.

    And on the heels of praying for them and considering their deep parent love for Micah and God's immense Father love for us, comes your post that adds a Lover's love to that Perfect love. It's too much to take in. But I so want to and need to.

    I let out an audible gasp when I first caught sight of that black and white photo of you and Colin – those eyes of yours! God did a fabulous job when He fashioned you in your mother's womb.

    When I saw the silhoutte of you and Colin, him leaning back laughing, it first struck me as a perfect photo for your post – a sweet, intimate moment that we got to catch just a glimpse of – and then it reminded me of Isaac and Rebekah, when Abimelech caught a glimpse of them laughing together. I love that image in Genesis – the relationship it portrays – just like those pictures do of you and Colin. You are blessed.

    Thank you for all you shared.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. 57
    50s Housewife says:

    What a great post! You've really set my "wheels turning" thinking about it. I am so working Hapax Legomena into a conversation this week. 😉

    Stephanie, congratulations on your baptism! What a perfect day for it!

  8. 58
    Jill_in_AL says:

    What a fantastic post, Melissa the scholar! You write well, think deeply and say much worth hearing(reading). Keep studying hard and teaching much.

    The pictures are wonderful….you are a beautiful couple. Celebrate LOVE on Tuesday ~~ blessings, J

    PS at my little boys house we do a lot of Haphazard Lego-mania LOL

  9. 59
    Deanna Bartlett says:

    That was great! I got that! Thank you for taking the time to explain that to us. I love when something is shown to me that I have never seen.

  10. 60
    Shelly says:

    Our 1 year anniversary is tomorrow…I'm speechless over how fast our first year has gone by.

    May the steadfast love of our 'I AM' flood over all of you ladies today, married, widowed, singled, or engaged.

    He loved us first….What a thought!

  11. 61
    Kelly S. says:

    Thank you Melissa. Very insightful and well written post, and so interesting!!!!!

    Happy Anniversary…(ours is 15 years this month 🙂 and thanks for sharing the pictures, Beautiful.

  12. 62
    joyce says:

    Thank you for having the "courage" to even touch on the Songs. Beautifully done and like Alisha said, we need a study on it and since you have done such a great introduction to it on your blog ????
    The photos of you and Colin are simply beautiful. I pray that as the years pass and bring challenges that your faith and obedience to Christ will bring you and Colin even closer to one another even as you grow and change. My husband and I have been married almost 29yrs and with Christ's love and mercy guiding us every step of the way, our marriage and commitment to one another just gets better and better.
    God Bless you and Colin. Happy Anniversary and keep these posts coming Melissa, they are wonderfully insightful.

  13. 63
    Tara says:

    I love it when you post, especially when it involves some Hebrew translation. This was a great one. Your photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.

  14. 64
    Fran says:

    Thank you for sharing your studies- I always enjoy your new insights! Yes, it IS amazing and more than I can take in to know how much I am (and you all are, too) loved by Jesus.

    I am so grateful to keep such wonderful company with you, Amanda, Beth, and the Siestas on this blog.

    Love you all,

  15. 65
    Marla Taviano says:

    Very cool, Melissa. I'm kind of passionate about helping married couples keep the flame burning.

    Happy Anniversary!!

  16. 66
    BeckyB says:

    I love hearing from each of the Moore women! It's a blessing to read every perspective – honest and real and from the heart. Just love this blog community! Happy heart day and THANK YOU for the really excellent post. Now I'm going to figure out a way to casually use 'Hapax Legomena' in a conversation with my husband.

  17. 67
    TOTEally Posh! says:

    Thank you Melissa for a beautiful post! Even those who are happily married need to be reminded that Christ loved us first and that he is passionate for us.

    I'm new to this blog, but not to Beth studies. I'm looking forward to experiencing the Insecurities study with all of you!

  18. 68
    Kristy Gonzalez says:

    Thank you for this post Melissa. I am a 33 year old woman who will be spending her first Valentine's Day WITH a boyfriend tomorrow! And I feel so blessed. The other night, he said to me that one of the things that made me attractive to him in the beginning is that he knew he would never be number one in my life, that Jesus would always come first. So that has become our goal, love Jesus more so that we can begin to love each other too. We know that this only comes from Him, and I think we are both grateful.

    I'm doing the scripture memory on my own this year, and I am currently memorizing 1 John 4:19, which isn't a long verse, but I recently saw your mom speak about it on Life Today, and I loved the idea of telling God, I love you too. To know that I only love because He first loved me. It makes tomorrow way more special – actually every day.

    Thanks again for posting! Your pictures are amazing. I need to convince my man that we need to take some self-portraits!

  19. 69
    Kelly Jo says:

    So, when is your book coming out?? You are amazing and that was some very beautiful pictures. 🙂

  20. 70
    Michele - didasko says:

    Oh Melissa, so nice to hear from you! I love to hear details of what you are studying, especially in the original languages. I think it's fascinating to dig into Scripture, the deeper, the better. If you have another blog or venue where you share more of what you are studying, let us know.

    I usually hate Valentines Day, mostly because I’ve been alone for so many years. That’s also the reason I don’t spend much time in Song of Solomon, even though I try to see it in reference to God and us.

    I have such a hard time accepting God’s love. Right now I am working on an exegesis paper on Eph 3:14-21. I specifically chose that text because I was hoping that soaking in that passage would help. I remember your mom teaching that if we don’t grasp God’s love for us we will never feel worthy of getting out of the pit.

    At the SSMTC, I got a pic with MamaBeth on Saturday, and every time I see that picture and her outfit, I think “chicken nugget.” Lol

    If you are insecure about your marriage, I hear there is a new book out on insecurity. 
    Happy Anniversary to you and Colin! May God continue to bless your marriage.

    Thanks for sharing. Great pics!

    Michele M
    Liverpool, NY

  21. 71
    Teri~Facedown says:

    Beautiful pictures Melissa!

    I love this post. I'm not offended at all! 🙂

    Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your wisdom, I look forward to reading your insightful and thought provoking posts!

    Blessings to you and Colin and congratulations on your second anniversary! Yay!

  22. 72
    Pattie says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, and thank you. You have given me much to think about. (PS: You two are a gorgeous couple!)

  23. 73
    Melissa says:

    Michele, I am so happy to see your new screen name. Thinking of you as you work on your exegesis paper and trusting the Lord will meet you there. Love, Melis

  24. 74
    Maura Frankie says:

    My best friend and I just read this together as we cheer for the Volunteers- thanks for such a beautiful exposition of this text (relatively PG for SoS!!) and beautiful reminder that even us single gals have a lot to celebrate on the day of love.

  25. 75
    Tammy W. says:

    What a beautiful post! I am currently in a study of John and just last week we discussed How Much Jesus loves us. Oh the love of Jesus for His children. What a perfect love story, love reminder for Valentine's Day. I am so undeserving and definitely not worthy of His wonderful love. Thanks for posting this. I think I may have to go back and read it again.

  26. 76
    Cyndi says:

    Well written and thanks for the insight Melissa. I love learning about the Bible more in depth. It's great when people like you spend so much time studying it and then can share with the rest of us!

    I like the kissing picture! Very romantic!


  27. 77
    SweetlyBroken says:

    What more can I say that hasn't been said?! Incredible…beautiful post! Thank you! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing all that Hebrew/Greek translation stuff….it gets me so excited! A SONGS Bible Study would be amazing! Thank you again for sharing!!!

  28. 78
    ~A says:

    Wow. Thank you Melissa. Beautiful.

    I love it when you get a chance to post something here. We love you!

    The pictures are BEAUTIFUL!


  29. 79
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Melissa, I could be your grandmother, age 60- you are a delight and one of the amazing hopes for those of us (my age)to hand over the "baton"- I was a drill team captain, so I do like the idea of handing over the baton-Can't believe after all these years and more impressive accomplishments( I have graduate degrees for Pete's sake!)- I am sending this "baton" message- However, I know you are a brilliant woman who will change our world on behalf of our Lord. Thank you for following your heart and passion- Lots of love and appreciation, Kathy,An Aunt Siesta from Austin

  30. 80
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you. I never comment on this blog, but your message was so beatiful that I just had to thank you.I have been maried 20 years and I want and love him just as much now, (actually more) as the day our pastor married us. Our pastor and his wife just celebrated 47 years and they love each other more now than ever. Love is good, and God is so good!

  31. 81
    JottinMama says:

    You make me want to go back to school….and major in Theology or something. Hey I might be a stay at home mom of two right now – but never say never!

    Awesome, girl.

    I love it when you post.

    Beautiful pictures by the way!

    Blessings and love,
    Kate 🙂

  32. 82
    ~A says:

    Ha ha. Melissa… I'm laughing about you calling your mom a nugget. You guys cracked me up at the SSMTC event talking about the nugget outfit.

  33. 83
    The Bee says:


    You are going to find this I don't know weird, but I could never step foot in the book of Song of Solomon…until recently it would gross me out…I had issues you might say and was really surprised God made it a part of his Word…

    Melissa you did a fine job! I read the whole blog…my, well written

    And I love the pictures especially the one in Black and White!

    Happy Valentine's Day…My hubby surprised me with a very expensive gift…a laptop computer…I can't wear it on my finger or put is around my neck, but who cares :O)! I LOVE IT!!!

  34. 84
    lancelia says:

    Loved the pictures and the insight!!!

  35. 85
    jennyhope says:

    The Lord has allowed memories to flood my mind and all I can utter before Him is mercy/unfailing love. No one comes close to Him. No one holds a candle to Him. He has allowed me yet again to look over my life and see just how He tenaciously persued me in the midst of me being dead in sin. He is the uncontested love of my life. He is my life and the length of my days.
    I love my husband and my daughter fiercly as well. You are so right though about the false securities that can not be our bedrock.
    Also, I am so glad your title wasn't the Ed Hardy "Love kills slowly." Not a big fan of those shirts.
    I got lost in pride and prejudice last night and had to remember that in a sense we are all Mrs. Darcy in Christ…yet better.

    Happy Anniversary! your pics are stunning and totally romantic!

    This Valentines day I am saying "So Long Insecurity" and thrusting myself upon Jesus.

  36. 86
    Mercy Triumphs says:

    Thank you for your beautiful and thought provoking post. Happy anniversary! Beautiful pictures.. I am so happy for you in your love. Thank you again for sharing.

  37. 87
    Holly says:

    The garbage bag made me laugh!

    It is truly a blessing 18 1/2 years later to say that I am my beloved's and he is mine. Amen.

    And you are just flat out beautiful (hear that in bold and with italics), Melissa–inside and out. That is all.

  38. 88
    Holly says:

    Shelly, this gave me chills : "May the steadfast love of our 'I AM' flood over all of you ladies today, married, widowed, singled, or engaged. " Woo!

  39. 89
    Leigh Ann says:

    Love the post and the pics! Thanks for sharing!

  40. 90
    NikkiPoppins says:

    Hi Melissa! So great to hear from you!! I've been wondering how you are and how all the studying is going…I feel so out of the loop these days because I felt like I was asked to take time away from Facebook and Twitter and spend more time on the things that I need to be doing. It's been interesting, finding out how much time I was just wasting while playing around on there.

    The part that stood out to me was this: I charge you daughters of Jerusalem,Do not awaken or arouse love,until it desires.
    There is a timeliness to love, she says. A right time and a wrong time. We must not prematurely awaken love… Being a single girl who longs to be married, it's hard to NOT jump into something for the sake of FINALLY having what I most desire. I have often said, and mean most sincerely, that I would rather be single than married to the wrong man. I have seen too many dear friends end up in awful marriages, or heartbroken when it ends in divorce, all because they jumped into something that they weren't ready for. It doesn't mean it's easy…heck, there are some days when I get to the point of being so lonely that I'm just like, forget this waiting for Mr Right, send in Mr Right Now. But those moments are fairly rare and often I can boil it all down to my lack of time with God and who I am spending time with.

    Thank you for your beautiful post…it was exactly what I needed to hear/read! And I didn't feel the least bit offended…although, I did think of some friends who I can't wait to call and bust out with, "Did you know the Bible has Erotic poetry in it?" Lol! I can just see their faces now! Thanks Melissa!

    You're pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I hope you and your Man have a wonderful anniversary on Tuesday! Can't believe it's already 2 years! Congratulations!

    Love to you and your family!

  41. 91
    PinkBoots says:

    OH MY! Power of theology, followed by the most amazing and beautiful photos – Melissa, thank you for this deeply honest and thought provoking post. Haven't seen my man in 2 weeks, he is literally expected in about 30 mins and I think I'll knock him down at the door!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. 92
    Shannon says:

    I do so want to encourage you Melissa as that was a wonderful post. I love to learn and any morsels you want to throw at us I for one am very eager to digest. I also want to know when your study of the Songs will be ready!

    Your pictures are beautiful,thank you for sharing.

  43. 93
    Suzanne says:

    I seriously enjoyed your blog, especially the part you expanded on about not awakening love early. I have yet to find my Valentine, and that section of scripture is very encouraging. All in God's time! Your photos are lovely.
    Suzanne 🙂

  44. 94
    Rhonda says:

    Great post. As one who is about to celebrate 12 years I needed the reminder. Beuatiful pictures.

  45. 95
    Julie Elrod says:

    Very deep! Love the beautiful pics!

  46. 96
    Danielle says:

    Dear Melissa,

    Thank you so much for being who you are! Growing up, I never really had a role model that I wanted to be like, but as I've learned about you through your mom's sweet anecdotes and now on the blog, I just think you’re the coolest thing. I feel completely lame sharing something like that, but I wanted to add to the voices letting you know how much you are appreciated and admired. You do have a gift, and we are all blessed for the sharing.

  47. 97
    Anonymous says:

    I really enjoyed being updated on the Word of God. Thank you for sharing. I have been married 28 1/2 yrs and never had the thought of my husband falling out of love with me. I have never had that fear. I can't explain why. I have never even had the thought of not loving him at some point in our marriage. Our marriage is definitely a work in progress each and every day. I have come to realize that over the last several years not to expect from my husband the love that only God has for me.

    Your photos are truely wonderful. Congratulations on 2 years of marriage and may you have many, many more.


  48. 98
    Moose Mama says:

    Just lovely. The words AND the pictures.


  49. 99
    Karen says:

    girl, you have some amazing hair

  50. 100
    Marlyn says:

    OMG!!! That coat in the first picture is sooooo cute!!!

    I know I should be saying how much I loved your deep insights, and I did, but the girl in me just has to tell you that you two are adorable!


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