Passion 2010

College-age Siestas, the Passion 2010 Live Link is tonight at 8:30 (EDT). Check it out at All you need is an internet connection and a computer or iPhone and you can link up with Louie Giglio and the Passion folks in Atlanta. Beth is going to be at Passion this January and we hope you will join us! I went to several Passion events when I was in college and they were life changing. Don’t let this pass you by.

Okay, back to Debra’s post!


298 Responses to “Passion 2010”

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  1. 51
    Patty says:

    I am praying for you and your family. for traveling mercies and safty and also strength for our siesta momma Beth

  2. 52
    Deanna Gott says:

    Praying for you guys. Thank You for your faithfulness to serve.

    Grace be to you this weekend!

    The Gott Family
    Lake Charles, Louisiana

  3. 53
    *Erica* says:

    Ahhhh, Amanda, you are only 2 1/2 hrs from us!! We are in Van Buren, MO and come to S'field often. Just thought that was neat;-)

    Praying for a safe and wonderful trip for you and the hubby and a great time for the grandparents and grandbabies! Have a blessed time!

  4. 54
    bethany says:

    Praying for it all Amanda! Enyoy your special time with your honey and your family πŸ™‚

  5. 55
    Shuggamom says:

    Like Kim it is my privilege to pray for the 2010 Passion Conference.
    My kids were blessed to attend for 3 yrs,and what an awesome experience it was for each of them!!
    I pray that everyone attending or working there will be blessed and bring glory and honor to our Heavenly Father!
    So glad Keith is there to keep on eye on Beth!!

    Excited for everyone attending Passion 2010!!

    Love and Blessings,

  6. 56
    Bullock Family says:

    I have been praying you guys up and just asking and asking God to give your mom tons of supernatural strength. I just keep having this vision of her being so filled with the Spririt when she speaks that even she is shocked by how awesome her words were! I just got a txt from a sweet senior this morning. She is "new" to the conference as well. I am excited for her to say the least! Clarksville, Tennesee will be there with bells on and this girl will be home praying you all through!!!!!!


  7. 57
    Rhonda says:

    What an awesome grown-up get-a-way! Will be praying.Have fun.

  8. 58
    Kay says:

    Amanda I just spoke on the phone with my best friend who is taking a mini bus full of college students for their first Passion 2010. They are so excited and I'm glad I can pass on to them that your mom will be there. We were wondering if she would still be able to make it. I'll be praying for the weekend.

    You enjoy your time away and with your guy!

    Blessings to you all!

  9. 59
    Anonymous says:

    O God, You called Abraham Your servant out of Ur and kept him safe and sound in all his wanderings. If it is Your will, protect Your servants. Be for us a support when setting out, friendship along the way, a little shade from the sun, a mantle against cold and rain, a crutch on slippery paths, and a haven in shipwreck. Bear us up in fatigue, and defend us under attack. Under Your protection, let us fulfill the purpose for our trip and return safe and sound to our home. Amen.

  10. 60
    bethany says:

    I just have to get on here again and say that I looked at the webise for Passion…oh, how I wish that I would have attended one of these events when I was college age! I did get the cd's in my early years as a Christian (my late teens and young 20's) so I was aware of the music but never knew that there was a conference!

    Have a wonderful time Amanda, Melissa, Beth, Keith, Collin, and Curtis! May God be glorified greatly through you all and the other speakers and worship leaders involved in this great endeavor!

  11. 61
    Miranda says:

    See y'all there!!! I'm super pumped!!!It's my very first Passion Conference, thanks to the Siesta Scholarship Fund!!

    Love y'all!!!

  12. 62
    Yvonne says:

    Praying for all of you!


  13. 63
    Anonymous says:

    What an awesome way to start the new year.
    I will be in prayer all of you.

  14. 64
    Anonymous says:

    YEah..2010…I am so looking forward to what the Lord will do this year. I like the eveness of it all too. I am still shocked to see a decade fly by (and fast too) from the year 2000.

    I pray that the Lord will light many hearts on fire and that Lord will pour out his annointing and his people will blaze a trail for Him in 2010.

    We will keep you lifted in prayer. Thanks for including us.

    Lord Bless you and May He preserve your comings and goings.

  15. 65
    Anonymous says:

    Bless you on your travels. I well remember sneaking away with hubby when the kids were little. We were blessed with wonderful grands(hubby's) that gave us some free time from time to time. Take good care of your Mom and I wish I were there. -17 in Iowa today :0

  16. 66
    Anonymous says:

    Es un genuino honor poder orar por una familia que a bendecido mi vida y la vida de muchas personas alrededor del mundo!. Recibid un fuerte abrazo repleto del amor de Dios. Estaremos orando-como siempre- para que el Señor use la vida de cada uno de ustedes para poner su nombre en alto atraves de vuestras vidas!. Muchas bendiciones del cielo!! πŸ™‚

    Ana (en Guatemala)

  17. 67
    Angela says:

    Sounds like fun ladies! Wish I was there. God Bless in 2010

  18. 68
    Lemonade Makin' Mama says:

    Girl. Time without children? Oh heavenly. Enjoy every scrap of every moment, cause the second you get back, you're right where ya left!! It's always good to miss them a little bit- makes us better mamas. πŸ™‚

    Happy New Year!

  19. 69
    Anna says:

    I'm so glad to know that all of you will be here! I will be in Beth's breakout session tomorrow. πŸ™‚ I am lifting up your family as you travel and your precious mom as she brings a word from the Lord!!
    God bless you!!


  20. 70
    Holly says:

    Praying for you all! And today is 01.02.2010 — such a cool date! Palindrome πŸ™‚

  21. 71
    Beth.. One Blessed Nana says:

    Good afternoon Amanda (and Beth)

    My daughter, Melissa, is at the Passion 2010 right now! I am praying for everyone attending and for all of the speakers, teachers, and praise leaders.

    Please pray for Melissa – this is her first outing in the 5 weeks since she was hospitalized with severe Malaria. (she got it in Africa on a mission trip). SHe is still very weak but wanted to attend so badly! She was not feeling well this morning when her group left Baton Rouge at 4:30 am. Please lift her up that the Lord can work mightily in her life this weekend.

    Love to you all!

  22. 72
    WendyBee says:

    God bless you and Curtis, Amanda!
    My prayers are yours simply for the asking!
    Safe travel,

  23. 73
    JottinMama says:

    I hope that everyone is having very safe and problem-free travels! I've never heard of the Passion Conferences…I'm gonna check it out. God bless your in-laws for watching your babies – what a blessing! Enjoy your time with your hubby – with a 3 year old and a 5 month old of my own – I am learning that my man and I should have more time together….ALONE πŸ™‚ It's healthy for everyone πŸ™‚

    Have a GREAT weekend, girl!

    -Kate πŸ™‚

    I'm praying for your Mama as she travels for the first time after surgery πŸ™‚

  24. 74
    michellemabell says:

    I will definately be praying!

    Love and blessings to you all,
    Michelle in VT

  25. 75
    Fran says:

    Praying for y'all! God bless every moment.

  26. 76
    Donna says:

    Amanda, I am praying for God's blessings on your trip, family (especially your Mom) and conference and praying for His hedge of protection around you all. Thanks for letting us hear from you, sweet one. Love to all..

  27. 77
    Megan says:

    I love Passion! It is the best conference I have ever been to. I hope you guys have a blast praising Jesus and seeing all of those awesome college students!

  28. 78
    Anonymous says:

    Oh Amanda
    Girl I am so jealous πŸ™‚ but so glad you guys are getting to go. God changed my life as a leader at Passion in Nashville. My husband is a minister and we had the BLESSING of our lives by taking our college kids and even at the time wasnt to far removed from the college scene. Im afraid now I would defintley be known as a leader. Anyways, It was unbelievable! And I also met your mom after a breakout session I was blubbering mess, God had moved in me in such a way that I thought I was going to explode. I know she thought this poor child needs help. Will not ever forget the things God put in my heart there.
    Anyways would love to hear more of how passion is going. Will be praying for the whole gang. You and Curtis have a great time and don't let the enemy rob you of anything over the next few days!
    Lots of love , Terrie

  29. 79
    Anonymous says:

    I'll definately be praying for ALL of you this weekend (Beth is speaking already?!) and that God will be glorified in all of it. Thanks so much for keeping us in the loop – love all of you and am honored to pray for you continually.

    You guys are a blessing to me.

    Deer Park, TX

  30. 80
    texatheart says:

    Will be praying! Started my new scripture book yesterday.It was 1 degree at 9 AM in Topeka. (Feels like -2 right now! That's cold.) As my mom says go south young lady! Go south! It is
    so cold here and snow on the ground with more coming tonight.

    Know your kids are in good hands. Will pray they handle your absence okay. Take care, enjoy and minister and be ministered to.

    Topeka, KS

  31. 81
    Bonnie/Momof3inAtlanta says:

    Dear Amanda,

    I'm so excited that you and Curtis are on your way to our hometown of Atlanta. I've been to Springfield many times as my kids are long time campers at Kanakuk Kamps and have flown in there. It's cold tonight, but we've had beautiful blue skies today and hopefully through the weekend as well. I'll say a prayer for your little ones too. I remember how hard it is to leave them, but so refreshing for you and Curtis and your time together. I'm hoping that my college boys can get tickets to Passion at this late hour. I know that it will be amazing and a true spiritual awakening in many ways. Please pray for our family as we begin this new year. God bless your time in Atlanta. I'm praying for Beth and your Dad too. I'd LOVE for my boys to meet Curtis and your Mom. They've certainly heard me talk about her teaching and what it has meant to me. They are talk and handsome πŸ™‚ … so if you see such a 20 and 23 year old introduce them to your mom and Curtis.

    Love to you and yours.

  32. 82
    Teri says:

    Dearest Amanda~ You ALL are in my prayers! Also, thinking of you and little Annabeth's 1'st Birthday TOMORROW!!! God Bless you all!

    Siesta love your way~
    Teri in Corpus Christi

  33. 83
    Tammy says:

    I have only been to one Passion conference and it was Passion '98 as well! It was a life-changing event for me because, although I was already saved, it was the first time I truly accepted Jesus for myself and made my decision my own…so Passion holds a special place in my heart! Enjoy the time and know you are all in my prayers.

  34. 84
    bigdogmom says:

    Happy New Year, Amanda! I so pray that you and Curtis do get to do something special in your time together.
    Thank you for telling us how God changed your life. It is so awesome to go back to that moment that you recognised that Jesus is really REAL. I remember the moment it happened with me. It was not even carefully thought out either. In fact it was in the midst of a plan to be completely rebellious when my grandparents left for a three week vacation and I had their house to myself!
    I am praying for your all of you as you travel. I pray for the protective healing power of Christ over your mom.I am glad your dad is going to be there to help her.
    BETH, TAKE CARE of yourself and rest whenever you can. ok?

  35. 85
    Beth says:

    This is the first year I haven't been able to take a group to the Passion conference. I miss it terribly! I will be in prayer that God will do His beautiful Thing again in the hearts of the students and leaders there! You all are in my heart!

  36. 86
    Redeemed By His Love says:

    I pray in agreement with you. Most of all that the Lord Jesus be glorified!

  37. 87
    Selena DeRossett says:

    Beth and Family,

    I attended Passion 2007 in Atlanta. This was the first time that I had ever heard you speak live, Beth. You spoke about humility and the Biblical truths that you addressed moved me beyond measure. This past April, I purchased tickets for Passion 2010 for my wonderful boyfriend for his birthday. I was beyond excited about participating in Passion 2010 with Dempsey (the boyfriend) and some of my wonderful friends. But, some things changed. I am in graduate school to become a high school/middle school English teacher. This semester I start my final semester of my Master of Arts in Teaching, which is student teaching. I was informed by my university supervisor that I had to begin student teaching on the 4th of January instead of the 6th. This meant that I would be unable to attend Passion. So, that's why I'm typing on your wonderful blog while thousands of other college students are worshiping together. BUT, I am not disappointed. Rather, I am so blessed beyond measure to be able to approach my wonderful Lord in prayer and to ask for an anointing on Atlanta. I pray that God will move in the hearts of college students and leaders like he's never moved before. I pray that this year, 2010, we can truly become the 268 generation and that we will be united for HIS renown. I have one last, prayer. My precious, future husband (yes, the once boyfriend Dempsey is now my husband-to-be!) can learn wonderful Biblical truths that he can bring into our marriage. I pray that God will stir in his heart a vision for our marriage and our future together.I love ya'll and am praying for your whole family as your participate in the Passion Movement this year!

    Isaiah 26:8

    Selena DeRossett
    Louisville, KY

    P.S. I hope that my mom and I will be able to attend Living Proof Live in Lexington, KY on August 13-14. Your ministry is such a blessing in our lives.

  38. 88
    Julie Elrod says:

    Wow! I have been wondering if Beth was going to speak. That's awesome that she will still be able to. I will be praying for her especially and all of your requests! So wish I was going to be there. Passion '99 changed my life too!!

  39. 89
    Kelli says:

    I was at Passion in Austin that year… I don't think I was old enough to be there by the rules, but I was old enough to have my heart changed! Lots of prayers your way!

  40. 90
    JD says:

    A Siesta in Germany (Should that be nap or sister – Nickerchen oder Schwester?!) has been so uplifted and comforted by the scripture memorization. As 2010 begins, I am grateful for the privilege to pray along with and for you all.

  41. 91
    Warm in Alaska says:

    How exciting – hope it's a wonderful time!

    Warm in Alaska.

  42. 92
    Susie from Bienvenue says:

    Lifting you up!

  43. 93
    Leslie says:

    Amanda! Please get your momma the message that I am a patient at MDACC as well. I am finishing 2 years of treatment…currently going through reconstructive surgery there. Funny thing…I'm from Spfld., MO! Been traveling to Houston weekly/monthly for 2 years and looking for you or your mom as I navigate the 610 loop! Anyhoo…I have a blog… It is a journal of my experience in Houston, and would you believe it but my nurses were Grace and Mercy, too! Wrote about it in 2008. Just thought your mom might enjoy reading about my experience with them…LOVED THEM! They were my nurses, and a certain Dr. Kueher (pronounced "Cure") was my surgeon! You need to read about that! Love you all, your hometown, and your ministry. Glad you have ties to my hometown! Blessings, Leslie

  44. 94
    puzzlepiecesista says:

    Happy New Year to you too Amanda!!

    I'm Believing God and lifting your requests before HIS throne.

    May God continue to cover you all under the shadow of his wings and may much fruit come from your witnss and testimony at Passion 2010!! Sometimes its good when mom's get a little pushy with us isn't it. Just keep paying it forward!!!

    Have a blessed time away and may you all return refreshed and recharged!!

  45. 95
    Connie says:

    The Lord changed my daughter's heart and life at Passion'05…she was a high school senior at the time who was struggling with her faith. On the very first night she gave her life to the Lord!!!

    She will turn 23 tomorrow and is still in love with Jesus and is serving Him with her life. She is called into ministry and will be attending Bible college next fall.

    We will be praying for you, your family and the conference…can't wait to hear all about it!

  46. 96
    Stacie Dichsen says:

    I followed your link to the 268 website – I wish I
    were in the age bracket to attend. Maybe I'll
    chaperone a group of seniors from our church
    next year – what a life changing opportunity!
    I love the 26:8 verse – I think it will be my first
    memory verse of 2010! Will pray for your trip and
    the conference!!

  47. 97
    happymcfamily says:

    The college-aged guys that my husband mentors (and they lead our youth worship) are there and are stoked about it.. and we are stoked for them. They need this… God has done an amazing transformation in their lives over the past few years and we know He's not finished! We're praying for big things for Jordan, Bradley, Zach and Andrew!

    So, if when gazing upon the crowd of however many thousand there are, if you happen to see a curly haired carrot-top-like red head wearing a pink crocheted beanie, smile and send up an extra prayer for the guys πŸ™‚

    Enjoy yourself!

  48. 98
    Wendy says:

    I love Passion! So excited for all of you. Will be praying. Thanks for sharing!

  49. 99
    Just Be Real says:

    Amen, praying dear one! Blessings!

  50. 100
    Becca says:

    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your time together and I will pray for the rest with the other seistas. Praying for your mom also.
    Love, Becca
    Pearl River, LA

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